Danielle Dias Patrick Le Barz Configuration Spaces over Hilbert Schemes and Applications Springer Authors Danielle Dias Patrick Le Barz Laboratoire de Math~matiques Universit6 de Nice - Sophia Antipolis Parc Valrose F-06108 Nice, France e-mail: ddias @math.unice.fr [email protected] Cataloging-in-Publication Data applied for Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Dtas, Danielle: Configuration spaces over Hilbert schemes and applications / Danielle Dias ; Patrick LeBarz. - Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Barcelona ; Budapest ; I-long Kong ; London ; Milan ; Paris ; Santa Clara ; Singapore ; Tokyo (cid:12)9 Springer, 1996 (Leclure notes in mathematics ; 1647) ISBN 3-540-62050-8 NE: LeBarz, Patrick:; GT Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 14C05, 14C17 ISSN 0075- 8434 ISBN 3-540-62050-8 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. (cid:14)9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1996 Printed in Germany The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Typesetting: Camera-ready TEX output by the authors SPIN: 10520222 46/3142-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper Table of Contents Introduction 1 Part one : Double and triple points formula 9 Conventions and notation 11 1.1 Fundamental facts ............................. 11 1.2 Conventions ................................. 11 1.3 Notation ................................... 12 Double formula 13 2.1 The class of H2(X) in H2(Z) ....................... 13 2.2 Definition of the double class ........................ 16 2.3 Computation of the double class ...................... 18 2.3.1 Computation of 3//2 ......................... 18 2.3.2 .................................... 19 2.3.3 .................................... 20 3 Triple formula 22 3.1 The class of Ha(X) in H3(Z) ....................... 22 3.2 The triple formula ............................. 26 3.2.1 Some notation ............................ 26 3.2.2 Computation of M3 and r ................... 28 3.2.3 Computation of prl,Wll,Ul ..................... 31 3.2.4 Computation of {s(U) (cid:141) cW} m . ................. 32 3.2.5 Computation of prl,~,u2, first part ................ 35 3.2.6 Computation of prl,~,u2, second part .............. 38 3.2.7 Conclusion .............................. 42 Intermediate computations 44 4.1 ........................................ 44 4.2 Flatness of 7h and ~2 ............................ 44 vi 4.3 Proof of lemma 4.(iv) and of ~lg = 0 .................. 45 4.4 Proof of lemma 4.(iii) ........................... 46 4.5 Proof of lemma 4.(ii) and (v) ....................... 47 4.6 Proof of lemma 1 .............................. 48 4.7 Flatness of P12 and of P3 .......................... 49 4.8 Proof of lemma 4.(i) ............................ 51 4.9 Proof of lemma 3 .............................. 52 4.10 Transversality of~ and ~ .......................... 53 Application to the case where V is a surface and W a volume 55 5.1 Computation of c~(v) ............................ 56 5.2 Computation of cp(w)jl ........................... 59 5.3 Computation of the contribution of I ................... 63 Part two : Construction of a complete quadruples variety 65 6 Construction of the variety B(V) 67 6.1 Statement of the theorem ......................... 67 6.2 Definitions, drawing conventions ...................... 67 6.3 Irreducibility and dimension of B(V) ................... 68 6.3.1 General facts on Hilbert schemes : ................. 68 6.3.2 .................................... 69 6.4 Non-singularity of B(V) .......................... 77 6.4.0 Preliminaries ............................ 78 6.4.1 Non-singularity of B(V) at ~o where qo is a locally complete intersection quadruple point .................... 83 6.4.2 Non-singularity of B(V) at q'o where qo is a non-locally complete intersection quadruple point .................... 91 Construction of the variety H4(V) 102 7.1 Non-singularity of H4(V) at ~ where q is a locally complete intersection quadruplet .................................. 104 7.1.1 Case of the curvilinear quadruplet ................. 104 7.1.2 Case of the square quadruplet ................... 108 7.2 The variety H4(V) at ~ where q is a non locally complete intersection quadruplet .................................. 111 7.2.1 Case of the elongated quadruplet ................. 111 7.2.2 Case of the spherical quadruplet .................. 123 7.3 Irreducibility of H4(V) ........................... 127 vii Appendix A 129 A.1 Local chart of H3(V) at t', where t is a curvilinear triple point ..... 129 A.2 Local chart of H3(~V) at t', where t is amorphous ............. 130 Appendix B 132 B.1 Local chart of H4(V) at an elongated quadruplet ............ 133 Ha(v) B.2 Local equations of at a spherical quadruplet ........... 134 Bibliography 136 Index 139 Index of notation 141 Introduction 0.1 Let f : V > W be a morphism of non-singular varieties over C, with dimV < dimW. Let d = cod(f) = dimW - dimV. The locus (cid:1)88 of elements x E V such that there exists at least (k - 1) other points of V in the fiber f-if(x) is called k-uple locus of f. When it exists, a class m~: in the Chow ring CH'(V) of V, which represents V~:, is called k-uple class of f. Then a k-uple formula is a polynomial expression which gives m~: in terms of the Chern classes c, of the virtual normal bundle u(f) = f*TW - TV. 0.2 When one deals with the double formula, one is interested in the set of elements x E V such that the fiber f-if(x) contains at least one other point in addition to x. A typical example is the imbedding with normal crossings f : C ~ ~2 of a smooth curve, where one wishes to count the number of double points of f(C). The case k = 2 was treated thoroughly by Laksov ([La]). The double formula was also found by Ronga ([Ro]) in the C ~ case. The demonstration consists in looking at the blowing-up V x V of V x V along the diagonal and applying the residual intersection formula ([FU2], thm 9.2, pp 161-162) in order to remove the exceptional divisor which corresponds to the solutions xl = x2 of f(xl) = f(x2) (which we do not want) at the lifted double locus (see [FU2], pp 165-166). Then the double class m2 is given in the Chow ring of V by the double formula : ~ : f*L[v] - cd, where Ca is the d th Chern class of u(f), defined above. 0.3 When one deals with the triple formula, one is interested in the set of elements x C V such that f-if(x) contains at least two points in addition to x. A typical example 2 Introduction is the imbedding with normal crossings f : S ~ ~2 of a non-singular surface, where one wishes to count the number of triple points of f(S). One difficulty is to define a class m 3 E CH'(V) representing the set V3 and to compute this class so that one has the trzple formula : d m3 = f* f.m2 - 2cdm2 + ~ 2JCd_jCd+j , j=l where c~ is the ith Chern class of ,(f). This was done by Kleiman [KL1, KL2], modulo some general hypotheses on the mor- phism f. Kleiman even established a stronger formula [KL3]. So did Ronga [Ro] in the C ~ case. (These are "refined" formulas in the sense that if f(xl) = f(x2) = f(x3), they count the set of non ordered {xl, x2, x3} having the same image by f and not the set of ordered (Xl, x2, x3) ; therefore there is a gain of 3! in the formulas. The present work, despite the use of Hilbert schemes, will only deal with non refined formulas. However, all the demonstrations of triple formulas use general hypotheses on the morphism f, essentially the regularity of some "derivative" applications. See also the paper by Colley [Co]. 0.4 The goal of the first part of this book is to establish the triple formula without any hypotheses on the genericity of f. Of course, one must immediately : (i) make it clear that this requires to choose an ad hoc definition of m3, (ii) emphasize that in the degenerate case where the triple locus is too big, the formula does not mean much ! Looking for the triple locus of f means looking for the set of (xl, x2, x3) of V (cid:141) V x V such that f(xl) = f(x2) = f(x3). Once again, one wishes to eliminate the solutions with Xl = x2 or x2 = x3 or x3 = xl. One must find a "good" space of triples for V : a space where the locus to be eliminated is a Cartier's divisor. In [KL1], Kleiman uses the space 'gilb 2(V) x v'Hilb2(Y) where 'Hilb 2(V) denotes the universal two- sheeted cover of Hilb2(V). In [Ro], Ronga blows-up in gilb2(V) x Y the tautological ~Hilb2(V). Our suggestion here is to use the space H3(V) of completely ordered triples of V, introduced in [LB1], which is birational to V x V x V. Let us recall briefly the construction of H3(V) : An element t = (Pl,P2,P3, d12, d23, d31, t) in the product V 3 (cid:141) [Hilb2(V)] 3 (cid:141) Hilb3(V) is a complete triple if it verifies the relations : { p~ C dii C t ( scheme-theoretic inclusions ) Pi = Res(p~, dii) p~: = Res(d~i,t ) with {i, j, k} = {1, 2, 3} where Res(7 h ~) denotes the residual closed point of the (h - 1)-uplet U contained in the k-uplet ~. The motivation is that this space appears to be more natural, in view of the action of the symmetric group $3. However, one must realize that one ends up computing in ~Hilb2(V) x V in the process of the demonstration. In particular, the origin of the 2 j that one finds in the triple formula stems from the computation (see w 3.2.4) of the virtual normal bundle of the morphism 'Hilb2(V) --+ Hilb2(V), that one already finds in [KL1] and [Ro]. 0.5 Once the space of triples we work with has been chosen, we work along the same lines as Ran [Ra] and Gaffney [Ga]: (i) if X C Z is a non-singular subvariety of a non-singular variety Z, one gives the A fundamental class [H3(X)] in the Chow ring CH~ (theorem 3). (ii) if f : V --+ W is a morphism, one defines the triple class m 3 e CH~ as the direct image of the cycle M3 = [HA 3(rs)]. [HA 3(V) x W] e CH'(H3(AV W)) x where Ff is the graph of f. Tedious but straightforward computations lead to the triple formula (theorem 4). However, one must realize that in the case where the morphism f has S2-singularities, the scheme-theoretic intersection H3(r/)n (H3(V) x W) c H3(V (cid:141) W) has automat- ically excess components. This makes the interpretation of the formula tricky. In enumerative geometry, one often gives a formula which is valid in general, even if one must explain afterwards how many "improper" solutions must be removed in order to find the number of "proper" solutions. We have chosen to follow this approach, i.e. we provide a formula which is valid in general, but we are aware that the second half of our task would be to interpret this formula in the degenerate cases, which one cannot avoid. This is done in a preliminary way in chapter 5, where one considers the simplest case where f : V ~ W is a morphism from a surface to a volume with S2-singularity. 0.6 The second part of this book is devoted to the construction of a variety of complete quadruples in order to define a class m4 in the Chow ring CH~ The goal is to construct a "good" space of completely ordered quadruples of V, in which the locus to be eliminated is a Cartier's divisor. To do so, one wishes to generalize the 4 Introduction A construction of the variety Ha(V) of the complete triples. Therefore, the question is to construct naturally a variety H4(V) consisting of ordered quadruples of V, possessing a birational morphism : HA 4(V) --+ V (cid:141) V (cid:141) V (cid:141) V compatible with the action of the symmetric group $4, and an order-forgetting mor- phism : H4(V) --+ Hilb4(V) The construction of this variety must also be compatible with closed imbeddings : if V C W is a subvariety of W, then H4(V) can be identified with a subvariety of H4(W). 0.7 A naive generalization H~4Aa ~,,e(V) of the construction of HA 3(V) is not sufficient, as was already pointed out by Fulton ([FU1]). The variety H~4,, ,~,,,~(V) is defined as a subvariety of the product V 4 x [Hilb2(V)] 6 x [Hilba(V)] 4 x Hilb4(V). To do this, one introduces the following notation : Notation 1 : If ~ is a point in Hilbd(V), one will denote by Z~ the ideal sheaf of Ov which defines the corresponding subscheme. An element (PI, P2, P3, P4, d12, d13, d14, d23, d24, d34, tl, t2, t3, t4, q) in the above product is a complete nai've quadruple if it verifies the relationships : z,,, z,,, z<j z,,, z,,, c c n z,,~ Zt,, c z,, c z,,~ n z,t,, for{i,j,k,l}={1,2,3,4}, z,,, z,, c zq c zv, n ~, i<jandk<l Unfortunately, H,4,A, , ~,,~.(V) is reducible and singular. We will see below that the condi- tions (.) introduce excess components. Recall [I2, F] that (for dimV = 3) the Hilbert scheme Hilb4(V) is irreducible and singular at the quadruplets q of ideal A/I2, where 2~4v is the ideal of a closed point p of V. Consider the subvariety R(V) of Hilb2(V) (cid:141) Hilb4(V) (cid:141) HilbZ(V) consisting of elements (d, q, d') satisfying the relations : The variety R(V) possesses a projection onto Hilb4(V), which we denote by II. We will see (chapter 6) that R(V) is reducible : R(V) is the union of two irreducible