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Conditional implementation of asymmetrical universal quantum cloning machine Radim Filip Department of Optics, Palack´y University, 17. listopadu 50, 772 07 Olomouc, Czech Republic (Dated: February 1, 2008) Weproposetwofeasibleexperimentalimplementationsofanoptimalasymmetric1→2quantum cloningofapolarization stateofphoton. Bothimplementations arebased onapartial andoptimal reverse of recent conditional symmetrical quantum cloning experiments. The reversion procedure is performed only by a local measurement of one from the clones and ancilla followed by a local operation on the other clone. The local measurement consists only of a single unbalanced beam splitter followed in one output by a single photon detector and the asymmetry of fidelities in the cloning is controlled bya reflectivity of thebeam splitter. 4 0 PACSnumbers: 03.67.-a 0 2 Copying the quantum states is apparently dissimilar To build quantum cloners, quantum networks using n a to classical information processing since it is impossible CNOT gates for both optimal SUQCM and AUQCM J to precisely duplicate an unknown quantum state as a were proposed [10]. However, a strength of the state- 8 consequence of a linearity of quantum mechanics [1]. To of-the-art nonlinear interaction at a single photon level cloneanunknownquantumstateatleastapproximately, is unfortunately too weak to produce a deterministic 1 universal quantum cloning machines (UQCM) were de- and efficient CNOT operation only by a direct interac- v veloped [2]. The UQCM is a device that universally and tion between photons. For this reason,the deterministic 6 3 optimally produces a copy ρS′ from an unknown quan- SUQCMandAUQCMstillhavenotbeenexperimentally tum state Ψ of the original. Specifically, an optimal implemented in quantum optics. Netherless, stimulated 0 S | i 1 symmetrical 1 2 UQCM (SUQCM) for qubits cre- or spontaneous parametric down-conversions were used → 0 atesacopyρS′ withamaximalstate-independentfidelity to realize a conditional implementation of the SUQCM 4 FS′ =S ΨρS′ Ψ S = 5/6. Simultaneously, a pure state for a polarization state of photon [11, 12, 13]. However, 0 of originhal|cha|ngies to mixed state ρ exhibiting maxi- to the best of our knowledge, no feasible experimental S / h mally the same fidelity FS =S ΨρS Ψ S = 5/6 as the setup for an optimal 1 2 AUQCM has been presented h | | i → p clone. To optimally control the fidelities FS and FS′, yet. On the other hand, an experimental realization of - a concept of asymmetrical UQCM (AUQCM) has been optimal asymmetrical cloning machine has already been t n theoretically developed [4, 5, 6]. The optimal 1 2 proposed for coherent states [15]. a AUQCM produces the copies having state-indepen→dent u In this paper, we propose optimal 1 2 AUQCM fidelities controlledby a parameterR in sucha waythat → q which is a simple and experimentally feasible extension : foragivenfidelityofthe copyFS′(R),the fidelity FS(R) of the recent experiments on the conditional symmetri- v of the originalis maximal. More specifically, assuming a cal cloning of the polarization state of a photon. Our i X qubit in an unknown state Ψ then the original S and method is basedon a partial optimal reverseof SUQCM | i clone S leaving 1 2 AUQCM can be represented by r ′ → byaspecificcontrollablejointmeasurementononeofthe a the following density matrices [4, 5, 6] copies and an auxiliary photon leaving the cloning pro- cess. By this partial reverse the quantum information ρS,S′ =FS,S′ Ψ Ψ +(1 FS,S′)Ψ Ψ (1) | ih | − | ⊥ih ⊥| between the disturbed original and copy can be redis- where the fidelities 5/6 FS 1 and 1/2 FS′ 5/6 tributed posteriori only using the local operations and ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ satisfy the cloning relation classical communication. It can be experimentally ac- complishedaddingonlyasingleunbalancedbeamsplitter (1 FS)(1 FS′) (1/2 (1 FS) (1 FS′))2, (2) followedbyasingle-photondetectorintherecentcloning − − ≥ − − − − experiments [11, 12, 13]. where the equality corresponds to an optimal AUQCM, inthesensethatforaalargerF cannotbe obtainedfor An experimental realization of the conditional 1 2 S → given FS′. The Eq. (2) is the tightest no-cloning bound SUQCM [11, 12] was based on a nonlinear parametric for the fidelities of the 1 2 cloner which copies an un- down-conversion stimulated in a signal beam by a sin- → knownqubitstatetotheanotherwithanisotropicnoise. gle photon prepared in an unknown polarization state Therecentexperimentalefforttobuilddifferentquantum Ψ = aV +bH , where V and H denote the ver- S S S | i | i | i clonersismainlystimulatedbytheiruseasindividualat- tical and horizontal polarizations. The experimental ar- tacks in quantum communication and cryptography [8]. rangementisdepictedinFig.1. Theinput singlephoton More information about this practical application of the extractedfromalaserpulseispreparedinthe state Ψ S | i asymmetrical universal cloning as optimal attack for a inapreparationdeviceusingλ/2andλ/4waveplates. A cryptographic protocol can be found in Ref. [9]. moreintensivepartofthelaserpulseisfrequencydoubled 2 State preparation λ/2λ/4 S’ I Asymmetrizer S’ Asymmetrizer I R BBO L BS1 2ω PtyBpBeO II BS2 S’S BS3 D1 L BS4 2ω Ptype II D1 BS3 R BS1 D2 D3 S’ clone λ/2λ/4 S’ BS2 S anti−clone PBS D4 λ/2 λ/4 State analyzer State preparation clone anti−clone FIG. 1: Setup for conditional AUQCM based on stimulated FIG. 2: Setup of conditional AUQCM based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion: L – laser, BS1-BS3 beam split- parametric down-conversion: L – laser, BS1-BS3 beam split- ters, PBS – polarization beam splitter, 2ω – frequency dou- ters, PBS – polarization beam splitter, 2ω – frequency dou- bler, BBB – nonlinear BBO type II crystal, λ/2,λ/4 – wave bler, BBB – nonlinear BBO type II crystal, λ/2,λ/4 – wave plates, D1– single photon detector. plates, D1-D2 – single-photon detectors. and used to pump a BBO non-linear crystal. An action 1 of a non-degenerate type II parametric down-conversion 0,1 S 0,1 S′, (4) √2| i | i process in the crystal can be described by the Hamilto- nian HI = i¯hχ(a†Hb†V −a†Vb†H)+ h.c., where χ is pro- where S and S′ are the signal modes. In the next pro- portionalto a nonlinearsusceptibility ofthe crystal,and cedure only such cases when a single photon is present h.c. denotes the hermitian conjugation. Here the anni- inthe mode S areconsidered. Returningto the previous hilation operators a,b are assumed to be acting on the notation 1,0 = H and 0,1 = V , the SUQCM i i i i selected signal mode S and idler mode I, respectively. | i | i | i | i transformation A short-time approximation of the evolution operator Uma=tioenxpis(−coirHreIctt/¯hfo)r≈th1is−kiinh¯tdHoIfitshueseexdp.erTimhiesnatsp,psrionxcie- |ΨiS →r23|ΨΨΨ⊥iSS′I − √13|Ψ+iSS′|ΨIi, (5) the gain g = χt is usually very small (g 1). Within | | ≪ tHhe short1-t,i0me aapnpdroVximation0,,1polaorifzathtieoninbpaustispshtoattoens where |Ψ+i = √12(|ΨΨ⊥iSS′ +|Ψ⊥ΨiSS′) and |Ψ⊥i = | iS ≡ | iS | iS ≡ | iS a∗ H b∗ V is the orthogonal state to Ψ , is actually evolve according to the following rules | i− | i | i performed. This SUQCM is optimal and transforms an U 1,0 0,0 1,0 0,0 +g(√22,0 0,1 unknown state Ψ S of the original to the disturbed one S I S I S I | i | i | i ≈ | i | i | i | i and a copy, with the fidelities F =F =5/6. Both the 1,1 1,0 , S S′ −| iS| iI output states of photons S and S′ have to be measured U 0,1 0,0 0,1 0,0 g(√20,2 1,0 using the state analyzer composed from the λ/2-wave S I S I S I | i | i ≈ | i | i − | i | i 1,1 0,1 . (3) plate and λ/4-waveplate, the polarizationbeam splitter S I −| i | i PBS and a pair of single photon detectors D3,D4, as Here,theproducedstates 2,0 and 0,2 representanef- depicted in Fig. 1. Note, in the cloning experiment [12], | i | i fectofastimulatedemissionwhichisusedtopreparethe the fidelities were approximately FS,FS′ 0.81 which ≈ clone, and the state 1,1 corresponds to an unavoidable are really close to the optimal value of 5/6=0.833. | i effectofaspontaneousemission. Aftertheamplification, Recently, a different implementation of the 1 2 → a balanced polarization-insensitive beam splitter BS2 in SUQCM was experimentally performed [13]. It is based thesignalmodeseparatestwophotonsinthestates 2,0 on the following joint projection | i or 0,2 totwodistinguishablespatialmodescorrespond- | i ingtothedisturbedphotonS andcloneS′. Anactionof ΠS =(1SS′ Ψ SS′ Ψ ) 1I (6) −| −i h −| ⊗ the beam splitter BS2 on a pair of photons is as follows ofanunknownpolarizationstate Ψ S′ =aV +B H of 1 | i | i | i 1,1 S 0,0 S′ (1,1 S 0,0 S′ + 0,0 S 1,1 S′ + theinputphotonandtheantisymmetricpolarizationBell | i | i → 2 | i | i | i | i state Ψ = 1 (VH HV ) of two photons pro- |1,0iS|0,1iS′ +|0,1iS|1,0iS′), duced|by−itShIe sp√on2ta|neouis−p|aramietric down-conversion 1 from the same BBO nonlinear crystal as in the previous 2,0 S 0,0 S′ (2,0 S 0,0 S′ + 0,0 S 2,0 S′)+ | i | i → 2 | i | i | i | i experiment. Thecorrespondingexperimentalsetupisde- 1 1,0 S 1,0 S′, pictedinFig.2. Theinitialstate|ΨiS′ =a|ViS′+b|HiS′ √2| i | i is prepared by the same method. The projection ΠS to 1 the symmetric subspace [14] on the state Ψ S′ Ψ SI 0,2 S 0,0 S′ (0,2 S 0,0 S′ + 0,0 S 0,2 S′)+ canbe accomplishedby asequenceoftwobe|ami sp|li−ttiers | i | i → 2 | i | i | i | i 3 BS1,BS2andasingle-photondetectorD1. Iftwoinput HV S′I T HV S′I RVH S′I, | i → | i − | i cpohnosttornusctinivethlyeisnatmerefesrteatoen|0th,1eifiSr|0st,1biaSl′aonrce|d1,b0eiSam|1,s0pilSit′)- |VHiS′I → T|VHiS′I −R|HViS′I, (8) ter BS1 and no photon is detected by the detector D1, where T + R = 1. It can be simply proved that this then a twin of photons in the state 0,2 S or 2,0 S is transformation can be expressed in a covariant way | i | i produced in the mode S with a success probability 1/2. The twins are further divided on the second balanced ΨΨ S′I (T R)ΨΨ S′I, | i → − | i beam splitter BS2 to separate the photons to the differ- ΨΨ S′I T ΨΨ S′I RΨ Ψ S′I. (9) entspatialmodesandifweselectedonlysuchcaseswhen | ⊥i → | ⊥i − | ⊥ i exactlyansinglephotonisineverymodeS,S ,I thesym- Itisanasymmetricalprojectioncontrolledbytheparam- ′ metric states 0,1 S 0,1 S′ or 1,0 S 1,0 S′ with proba- eter R, in a contrastto the symmetrizing projection (7). bility 1/4 are|obtaiin|ed ait a re|sult.i O| n tihe other hand, If an output state is selected only when there is an sin- iftwoorthogonalbasisstates 0,1 S 1,0 S′, 1,0 S 0,1 S′ gle photonineachmode S,S′,I,we obtainthe following are mixed at the beam splitte|r BiS1|, thiey d|o niot|mutiu- transformation for the polarization states of the photon ally interfere and in addition, if no photon is registered 1 onthedetectorD1,thenthestate 1,1 S withthesuccess H ((2 R)HHV SS′I probability 1/2 is within the mod|e S.i Thus after split- | i → N(R) − | i − ting the photons by BS2 to separate spatial modes, a (p1+R)HVH SS′I (1 2R)VHH SS′I), tsayimnemdewtriitchstthateeto√1t2a(l|s1u,c0cieSs|s0,p1rioSb′a+bi|l0it,y1i1S/|21.,0TihSu′)s,iswoitbh- |Vi → N1(R)|((2−iR)|VV−HiS−S′I −| i the probability 1/4 the following transformation (p1+R)VHV SS′I (1 2R)HVV SS′I) | i − − | i ΨΨ SS′ √2ΨΨ SS′, (10) | i → | i 1 |ΨΨ⊥iSS′ → √2(|ΨΨ⊥iSS′ +|Ψ⊥iSS′), (7) wdehteercetiNon(Rof)t=he6p(1ho−toRn(1in−thRe))m.oIdneaIrceaanl ebxeppereirmfoernmt,eda destructivelybyasingle-photondetectorD2whereasthe of the states of the photons S,S is in fact conditionally ′ signal photons from total cloning operation are detected implemented. Assuming that a state of the idler photon in the state analyzers. It can be simply proved that the I is selectedonly ifthis procedureis successful,the total transformation(11) is covariantand it can be written in p(5r)o.jeTcthiouns (t6h)etorapntismfoarlmSsUtQheCiMnpuistcsotantdeit|iΨoniSa′l|lΨy−aicScIomto- a form plished however now a spontaneous emission of maxi- 1 Ψ ((2 R)ΨΨΨ SS′I mally entangled pairs is used rather than a stimulated | i → N(R) − | ⊥i − emission in the previous experiment. In the experiment (p1+R)ΨΨ Ψ SS′I (1 2R)Ψ ΨΨ SS′I) basedonthis idea[13],the fidelities ofthe cloneanddis- | ⊥ i − − | ⊥ i (11) turbed original are FS,FS′ 0.826 which are even more ≈ closer to the theoretical value 5/6 = 0.833 than it has which corresponds to the following projection been in the previous case. An extension of both setups to achieve the optimal ΠA(R)=((1 2R)1S′ 1I +2RΨ S′I Ψ ) 1S, AUQCM can be presented. It is known that the sym- − ⊗ | −i h −| ⊗ (12) metrical quantum cloning is LOCC reversible [16]. If a on the state (5) produced by the SUQCM. An interpre- projective measurement Π = Ψ Ψ on one clone tationofthis projectivemeasurementis straightforward: and ancilla is performed, th−e oth|er−cliohne−r|eturns back to theasymmetricalcloningisobtainedasapartialoptimal the initial state Ψ . Thus we can guess that if an ap- reverse of the symmetrical one. For R = 0 the SUQCM | i propriate projection in a form α1+βΠ is applied on is obtained and for R = 1/2 the SQUCM is reversed the one clone and the ancilla, an interm−ediate case cor- and an initial state of the original is precisely restored. respondingtotheoptimalasymmetricalcloningmachine Anoptimaltotalreverseofthe state after the symmetri- could be obtained. calcloningwaspreviouslytheoreticallyalreadyanalyzed Nowweshowthatthis projectioncanbeconditionally [16]. After the total reversion, any input state is deter- implemented if one mixes a pair of photons in the idler ministicallyrevealedbythecompleteBell-statemeasure- I and signalS′ modes on unbalancedbeam splitter BS3 ment on the clone and ancilla. Thus this obtainedresult havingavariablereflectivity0 R 1/2andselectonly also representsa solution of the problem of a partial but ≤ ≤ the cases when both photons leaving the beam splitter still optimal reversion of the symmetrical cloning. Fur- are separated. Then the beam splitter can be simply ther, this reversion is also obtained only using the local described by transformation operationsontheclonesandclassicalcommunicationbe- tweenthem. Itenablestheredistributionofthequantum VV S′I (T R)VV S′I, information encoded in symmetric clones at a distance | i → − | i HH S′I (T R)HH S′I, without an additional quantum channel. | i → − | i 4 selected sub-ensemble have the following fidelities F (2 R)2+(1+R)2 F = − , S R 6(1 R(1 R)) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 − − (2 R)2+(1 2R)2 0.9 FS′ = − − , (15) 6(1 R(1 R)) − − 0.8 with an initial state Ψ which vary with increasing | i R 0,1/2 from a perfect SUQCM (R=0) to the triv- 0.7 ∈h i ialnon-cloningcase(R=1/2),asdepictedinFig.3. The 0.6 output states of the original and clone can be measured bythestateanalyzersanalogicallyasitwasdiscussedfor 0.5 the experiments with the SUQCMs. Inserting the fideli- ties (15) to the cloning inequality (2) which restricts all the possible AUQCM,the equalityis obtainedinEq.(2) FIG. 3: Fidelity of original and clone after AUCQM in de- as can be straightforwardlyproved. pendenceon beamsplitter BS3reflectivity. Theuppercurve In this paper an extension of the recent conditional corresponds to FS and thelower curveto FS′ cloning experiment for a polarizationstate of photon to- ward the optimal asymmetrical 1 2 quantum cloning → Since the photon in the idler mode is detected in such machine is proposed. Our method is based on a condi- a way that no information about its polarization is ac- tional partial optimal reverse of the SUQCM controlled quired, we traceoverthe idler mode andobtain the final by an experimental parameter R. We have applied this output states of the modes S and S method in the recent symmetrical cloning experiments ′ [11, 12, 13] to obtain the optimal asymmetrical cloning. ρSS′ = 1 (2 R)2 ΨΨ SS′ ΨΨ+ In summary, the AUQCM can be described as the pro- N(R) − | i h | jection Π(R)=ΠA(R)ΠS, given explicitly by (cid:2) ((1+R)ΨΨ SS′ +(1 2R)Ψ Ψ SS′) ((1+R)|hΨΨ⊥⊥i|SS′ +(1−−2R)|hΨ⊥⊥Ψi|SS′)]×. Π(R)=((2−R)1S′ ⊗1S −2(1−2R)|Ψ−iS′ShΨ−|)⊗(11I6,) (13) onthestate Ψ S′ Ψ SI composedfromaninitialun- known state|anid t⊗he| a−ntiisymmetric Bell state produced This state carries both the disturbed original and clone fromthespontaneousparametricdown-conversion. Since 1 thefidelitiesobtainedintheseexperimentsareveryclose ρ = (((2 R)2+(1+R)2)Ψ Ψ + S to the optimal value 5/6 and the proposed modification N(R) − | ih | is rather simple, this asymmetrical cloning machine is (1 2R)2 Ψ Ψ ), − | ⊥ih ⊥| feasible and it could be straightforwardlyrealized. 1 ρS′ = (((2 R)2+(1 2R)2)Ψ Ψ + N(R) − − | ih | Acknowledgments The work was supported by the (1+R)2 Ψ Ψ ) (14) Post-Docproject202/03/D239ofGrantagencyofCzech | ⊥ih ⊥| RepublicandprojectsLN00A015andCEZ:J14/98ofthe and is conditioned by a simultaneous detection of a sin- Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. I would gle photon in each of the output modes S,S ,I. 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