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An International Journal computers & mathematics with applications Editor-in-Chief: Ervin Y. Rodin List of Contents and Author Index Volume 21, 1991 less. pergamon press - oxford - new york B/ frankfurt - seoul - sydney - tokyo An International Journal computers & mathematics with serucations Editor-in-Chief: Ervin Y. Rodin Editorial Assistant: Florence A. Schick Department of Systems Science and Mathematics Campus Box 1040, Washington University 1 Brookings Drive, St Louis MO 63130, U.S.A. Tel.: 314-889-6007 or 889-5806 Fax: 314-726-4434 E.mail: rodin @ rodin.wustl.edu uunet!wuarchivelrodin.wustl.edu!rodin rodin%rodin.wustl.edu @ wugate.wustl.edu Publishing Office may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or trans- Pergamon Press pic, Pergamon House, Bampfylde Street, mitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, Exeter EX1 2AH, England [Tel. 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No part of this publication 0097-4943/91 $3.00 + 0.00 @©™ The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. List of Contents NUMBER 1 HUNGARIAN APPLIED MATHEMATICS SELECTIONS M. Arat6 and T. Szantai Preface A. Benczur, A. Kiss, and On a general class of data dependencies in the relational model T. Markus and its implication problems J. Demetrovics and Closed sets and translations of relation schemes N. X. Huy J. Demetrovics, L. Rényai Dependency types and N.S. Hua E. Egert The model RAS and its sensitivity analysis I. Farago Finite element method for solving "onlinear parabolic systems I. Farago Finite element method for solving nonlinear parabolic equations Cs. J. Hegediis Generating conjugate directions for arbitrary matrices by matrix equations I. Cs. J. Hegediis Generating conjugate directions for arbitrary matrices by matrix equations II. V. Kertész Partial stability investigations of differential equations of second order T. Illés Optimality criteria for general unconstrained geometric programming problems V. Kertész Conditions for the existence of solutions converging to zero in the case of homogeneous linear differential equations A. Kiss The application of the separation principle for the linear continuous systems with coloured noise J. Kormos Hypothesis testing for nearly nonstationary AR(1) model with Gaussian autoregressive innovation A. Sebo A particular timetable problem: Terminal scheduling L. Telegdi Investigation of the structure of binary variables Softstrip® data strip containing the table of contents of this issue NUMBER 2/3 Softstrip® data strip containing the table of contents of this issue S.S. Lin and F. C. Lin 1 An O(log n) algorithm for computing periodic continued fraction and its applications P.A. Ramachandran 7 Boundary integral solution method for diffusion-reaction problems with both material and rate nonlinearities K. Coolsaet and V. Fack 15 Classifying strongly regular graphs using lexical ordering of adjacency matrices ; M.M. Mohie EI-Din 23 Estimation of the mean and standard deviation of Burr distribution by order statistics P. Glaister 29 An efficient finite difference scheme for three-dimensional, non- equilibrium flows using operator splitting J. van der Jeugt and 39 The Pragacz identity and a new algorithm for Litthewood- V. Fack Richardson coefficients M. Sniedovich 49 Solution strategies for variance minimization problems W. Chai, K. Gu, and 57 Transforming time-varying multivariable systems into block N.K. Loh companion canonical forms N.I. Ioakimidis 69 The location of discontinuity intervals of sectionally analytic functions: Application to the interface crack problem Q. Zou and A.G. Ramm 75 Numerical solution of some inverse scattering problems of geophysics H.H. Kagiwada, 81 Associative memories for third-generation passive ranging J.K. Kagiwada and R.E. Kalaba F. Feuillebois 87 Numerical calculation of singular integrals related to Hankel transform S. Ruan 95 Oscillations of n-th order functional differential equations C.J. Lin Generating subsets of a systolic array N. Hashimoto 111 Numerical algebraic surfaces E.H. Doha 115 The coefficients of differentiated expansions and derivatives ofultraspherical polynomials M.D. Gunzburger, L. Hou Finite element approximations of an optimal control problem and T.P. Svobodny associated with scalar Ginzburg-Landau equation P.M. Binder Machine iteration of a linear function: local behaviour J.C. Misra and S. Roy Mathernatical analysis of a specimen of tubular bone subjected to torsional loading M. Rouff and W.L. Zhang An application of REDUCE: the elimination process for bilinear or linear systems M. Sniedovich A machine executable generalized inner product and its applications O. Egecioglu, C.K. Koc and Fast computation of continued fractions J.R. Coma H. deMeyer, Modified backward differentiation methods of the Adams-type G. vanden Berghe based on exponential interpolation and J. Vanthournout M.S. Petkovic and A hybrid method for a polynomial complex zero L.J. Cvetkovic K.-L. Chung, F.-C. Lin, and A three-phase parallel algorithm for solving linear recurrences Y.-N. Yeh N. Mauser, A. Arnold, and The self-consistent Bloch-equation in one dimension P.A. Markowich NUMBER 4 S. Ganesan, L. S. Shieh and Sequential design of linear quadratic state regulators with M. M. Mehio prescribed eigenvalues and specified relative stability K. J. Bunch and A technique to shift an eigenvalue of a complex matrix to R. W. Grow accelerate convergence of the power and inverse power method B. N. Mandal and A note on the transmission of oblique waves through small P. K. Kundu apertures G. D. Tsiotras Exact analysis of the joint production quantity-quality of a two- station stable tandem manufacturing system with restricted capacity M. M. Mohie El-Din Maximum likelihood weights of the location of the Burr distribution A non-uniform mesh scheme for compressible flow Semi-discrete Fourier spectral approximations of infinte dimensional Hamiltonian systems and conservation laws . J. Tait, K. Abdella and Approximate Riemann solvers and waves on a nonlinear elastic . B. Duncan string Book Reports NUMBER 5 HYPERBOLIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS VI M. Witten Vii Preface T. V. Kostova and 1 A model of the dynamics of intramolluscan trematode pop- N. H. Chipev ulations: Some problems concerning oscillatory behavior T. H. Barr 17 Approximation for age-structured population models using projection methods F. Bloom 41 Long time existence of solutions for J. E. Castillo 57 An adaptive direct variational grid generation method L. Haws 65 Symmetric Green's functions for certain hyperbolic problems C. S. R. Murthy 79 Solving hyperbolic PDEs on hypercubes M. Santiago and 83 Using cyclic reduction on a parallel computer to improve D. R. Kincaid performance of an underwater sound implicit finite difference model B. A. Kuperschmidt For-variance upon relativisation of the Hamiltonian structures of fluids in not universal G. Adomian A review of the decomposition method and some recent results for nonlinear equations K. Kreith 129 A selfadjoint problem for the wave equation in higher dimensions G. Adomian 133 The Sine-Gordon, Klein-Gordon, and Korteweg-De Vries equations J. Scroggs 137 An iterative method for systems of nonlinear hyperbolic equations NUMBER 6/7 GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION, CONTROL AND GAMES E. A. Galperin Vii Preface E. A. Galperin Problem-method classification in optimization and control V. K. Chichinadze Solution of nonlinear nonconvex optimization problems by w- transformation method Q. Zheng Robust analysis and global optimization R. E. Moore 25 Global optimization to prescribed accuracy H. Ratschek and J. Rokne 41 Interval tools for global optimization S. G. Mentzer LP-form inclusion functions for global optimization H. P. Benson and R. Horst A branch and bound-outer approximation algorithm for concave minimization over a convex set B. Benchekroun and A nonconvex, piecewise linear optimization problem J. E. Falk P. M. Pardalos Global optimization algorithms for linearly constrained indefinite quadratic problems S. S. Erenguc and An algorithm for indefinite integer quadratic programming H. P. Benson y. M. Pardalos and Graph separation techniques for quadratic zero-one S. Jha programming 3 Yavin Optimal launch conditions: An optimal stochastic control problem B. Betro and F. Schoen A stochastic technique for global optimization M. M. Kostreva and A differential homotopy approach for solving polynomial L. A. Kinard optimization problems and noncooperative games E. A. Galperin and Integral global optimization method for nonlinear games Q. Zheng G. R. Wood Multidimensional bisection applied to global optimization M. Piccioni A combined multistart-annealing algorithm for continuous global optimization The application of generalized Benders decomposition to certain nonconvex programs An implicit enumeration method for global optimization problems C. Deissenberg Interactive search for a global optimum in macroeconomic policy-making E. A. Galperin The integer cubic algorithm NUMBER 8 D. Sculli and Y. W. Shum An approximate solution to the PERT problem S. B. Pomeranz Computational methods for nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems R. P. Agarwal and Optimal error bounds for the derivatives of two point hermite P. J. Y. Wong interpolation C.-K. Chen and T.-H. Hsu Heat transfer of a thermomicropolar fluid past a porous stretching sheet J. F. Andrus 47 Formulas for modular integration of systems of ODE's P. Diamond 57 Iterated maps on discretized meshes of the unit interval G. Neumann 65 _Interpretational abstraction J.-C. Luo and 79 Astudy on decomposition methods M. B. Friedman A. G. Ramm 85 Finding conductivity from surface measurements A. A. Tsonis 93 The effect of truncation and round-off on computer simulated chaotic trajectories 95 Book Reports NUMBER 9 P. Fjelstad 1 Extending Pascal's triangle P. Fjelstad 5 Pascal's triangle on a torus and on a binary tree P. Fjelstad 11 The binomial theorem and the extended Pascal's triangle R. B. Adeniyi and 19 Error estimation in the numerical solution of ODE with the Tau P. Onumanyi Method R. E. Carlson and 29 The parameter R? in multiquadric interpolation T. A. Foley A. Lu and 43 Solution of Lyapunov equations by alternating direction implicit E. L. Wachspress iteration R. P. Srivastav and 59 Solving Cauchy singluar integral equations by using general F. Zhang quadrature collocation nodes 73 Book Reports I Software Survey Section NUMBER 10 J. M. Wolff and S. Fleeter 1 Analysis of the viscous aerodynamics of a thin airfoil cascade by a locally analytic method J. R. Mika and 13. Asymptotic analysis of singularly perturbed systems of ordinary A. Palczewski differential equations K. A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar 33 The number of convolutional codes of span one R. S. Berry Symmetry in atomic and molecular systems W.R. Thissell and 53 Some applications of computerized symbolic manipulation in P. L. Mills the analysis of chemical engineering systems M. B. Barnett 79 Summing P»(cos @)/p(n) for certain polynomials p(n) Vili NUMBER 11/12 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP OF THE BELLMAN CONTINUUM E. S. Lee vii Foreword W. Ueno and A. P. Wang 1 Invariant imbedding and searchlight problem in turbid slab S. K. Srinivasan and 7 Abstract—Particle multiplicity distribution a la invariant R. Vasudevan imbedding and natural scaling G. Naadimuthu and 9 Invariant imbedding filter in the modeling of water resources E. S. Lee S. Iwamoto 23 Iterative integral versus dynamic programming A. Lew 41 Reduction of dimensionality of an optimal decision table conversion algorithm D. Li and Y. Y. Haimes 51 Extension of dynamic programming to nonseparable dynamic optimization problems M. Kurano 57 Functional characterization for average cost Markov decision processes with Doeblin's conditions T. Odanaka 65 Control chart and stochastic control process T. Ojika, T. Hashimoto 79 Nonlinear time optimal control of rotating rigid body and Y. Izumoto D. Jacobs and 85 Asymptotically reliable serial production lines with a quality S. M. Meerkov control system W. Rosa-Hatko and 91 Some models of queuing control with switchover E. Gunn A. Lew 111 Fuzzy decision tables for expert systems A. O. Esogbue 117 Computational aspects and applications of a branch and bound algorithm for fuzzy multistage decision processes A. Melton and S. Shenoi 129 Fuzzy relations and fuzzy relational database A. Repaci 139 A nonlinear inverse heat transfer problem E. D. Denman 145 Projectors, solvents, interpolating polynomials and lambda matrices G. Naadimuthu, . 153 Air pollution modeling by quasilinearization K. W. Wang and E. S. Lee L.-J. Lin 165 Duality theorems of vector-valued n-set functions ix Author Index Lew A. 21(11/12),41,111 ASsi¢ M. D. 21(7),191 Fleeter S. 21(10),1 Li D. 21(11/12),51 Abdel-Ghaffar K. A. S. Foley T. A. 21(9), 29 Lin C. J. 21(2/3),103 21(10),33 Friedman M. B. 21(8),79 Lin F. C. 21(2/3),1,187 Abdella K. 21(4),77 Lin L.-J. 21(11/12),165 Adeniyi R. B. 21(9),19 Galperin E. A. Lin S. S. 21(2/3),1 Adomian G. 21(5),101,133 21(7),vii,1,145,215 Loh N. K. 21(2/3),57 Agarwal R. P. 21(8),21 Ganesan §. 21(4),1 Lu A. 21(9),43 Andrus J. F. 21(8),47 Glaister P. 21(2/3),29,(4),39 Luo J.-C. 21(8),79 Araté M. 21(1),vii Grow R. W. 21(4),11 Arnold A. 21(2/3),197 Gu K. 21(2/3),57 Gunn E. 21(11/12),91 Mandal B. N. 21(4),17 Barnett M. B. 21(10),79 Gunzburger M. D. Markowich P. A. Barr T. H. 21(5),17 21(2/3),123 21(2/3),197 Benchekroun B. 21(7),77 Mauser N. 21(2/3),197 Benczur A. 21(1),1 Haimes Y. Y. 21(11/12),51 Markus T. 21(1),1 Benson H. P. 21(7),67,99 Hashimoto N. Meerkov S. M. 21(11/12),85 Berry R. S. 21(10), 39 21(2/3),111,(11/12),79 Mehio M. M. 21(4)1 Betro B. 21(7),127 Haws L. 21(5),65 Melton A. 21(11/12),129 Binder P. M. 21(2/3),133 Hegediis Cs. J. 21(1),71,87 Mentzer S. G. 21(7),51 Bloom F. 21(5),41 Horst R. 21(7),67 Mika J. R. 21(10),13 Bunch K., J. 21(4),11 Hou L. 21(2/3),123 Mills P. L. 21(10),53 Hsu T.-H. 21(8),37 Misra J. C. 21(2/3),141 Cabot A. V. 21(7),181 Hua N. S. 21(1),25 Mohie El-Din M. M. Carlson R.E. 21(9), 29 Huy N. X. 21(1),13 21(2/3),23,(4),33 Castillo J. E. 21(5),57 Moore R. E. 21(7),25 Chai W. 21(2/3),57 Illés T. 21(1),103 Murthy C. S. R. 21(5),79 Chen C.-K. 21(8),37 Ieakimidis N. I. 21(2/3),69 Chichinadze V. K. 21(7),7 Iwamoto S. 21(11/12),23 Naadimuthu G. Chipev N. H. 21(5),1 Izumoto Y. 21(11/12),79 21(11/12),51,153 Chung K.-L. 21(2/3),187 Neumann G, 21(8),47 Coma J. R. 21(2/3),167 Jacobs D. 21(11/12),85 Coolsaet K. 21(2/3),15 Jha S. 21(7),107 Odanaka T. 21(11/12),65 Cvetkovic L. J. 21(2/3),181 Ojika T. 21(11/12),79 Kagiwada H. H. 21(2/3),81 Onumanyi P. 21(9),19 Deissenberg C. 21(7),203 Kagiwada J. K. 21(2/3),81 Demetrovics J. 21(1),13,25 Kalaba R. E. 21(2/3),81 Palczewski A. 21(10),13 deMeyer H. 21(2/3),171 Kertész V. 21(1),95,111 Pardalos P. M. 21(7),87,107 Denman E. D. 21(11/12),145 Kinard L. A. 21(7),135 Petkovic M. S. 21(2/3),181 Diamond P. 21(8),47 Kincaid D. R. 21(5),83 Piccioni M. 21(7),173 Doha E. H. 21(2/3),115 Kiss A. 21(1),1,119 Pomeranz S. B. 21(8),9 Duncan D. B. 21(4),77 Koc C. K. 21(2/3),167 Kormos J. 21(1),129 Ramachandran P. A. Egecioglu O. 21(2/3),167 Kostova T. V. 21(5),1 21(2/3),7 Egert E. 21(1),35 Kostreva M. M. 21(7),135 Ramm A. G. Erenguc S. S. 21(7),99 Kovatevic-Vujac V. V. 21(2/3),75,(8),85 Esogbue A. O. 21(7),191 Ratschek H. 21(7),41 21(11/12),117 Kreith K. 21(5),129 Repaci A. 21(11/12),139 Kundu P. K. 21(4),17 Rokne J. 21(7),41 Fack V. 21(2/3),15,39 Kuperschmidt B. A. Rosa-Hatko W. Falk J. E. 21(7),77 21(5),95 21(11/12),91 Farago I. 21(1),49,59 Kurano M. 21(11/12),57 Rouff M. 21(2/3),149 Feuillebois F. 21(2/3),87 Roy S. 21(2/3),141 Fjelstad P. 21(9),1,5,11 Lee E. S. 21(11/12),vii,9,153 Ronyai L. 21(1),25 X

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