Computational Gas-Solids Flows and Reacting Systems: Theory, Methods and Practice Sreekanth Pannala Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Madhava Syamlal National Energy Technology Laboratory, USA Thomas J. O'Brien National Energy Technology Laboratory, USA EnginEEring sciEncE rEfErEncE Hershey • New York Director of Editorial Content: Kristin Klinger Director of Book Publications: Julia Mosemann Acquisitions Editor: Lindsay Johnston Development Editor: Christine Bufton Typesetter: Michael Brehm Production Editor: Jamie Snavely Cover Design: Lisa Tosheff Published in the United States of America by Engineering Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global) 701 E. Chocolate Avenue Hershey PA 17033 Tel: 717-533-8845 Fax: 717-533-8661 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Copyright © 2011 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher. Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or com- panies does not indicate a claim of ownership by IGI Global of the trademark or registered trademark. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Computational gas-solids flows and reacting systems : theory, methods and practice / Sreekanth Pannala, Madhava Syamlal and Thomas J. O'Brien, editors. p. cm. Summary: "This book provides various approaches to computational gas-solids flow and will aid the researchers, graduate students and practicing engineers in this rapidly expanding area"--Provided by publisher. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-61520-651-3 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-61520-652-0 (ebook) 1. Two-phase flow. 2. Gas-solid interfaces. 3. Computational fluid dynamics. I. Pannala, Sreekanth, 1971- II. Syamlal, Madhava. III. O'Brien, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1941- TA357.5.M84C646 2010 620.1'064--dc22 2009053472 British Cataloguing in Publication Data A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library. All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in this book are those of the authors, but not necessarily of the publisher. List of Reviewers Aibing Yu, UNSW, Australia Aparna Baskaran, Syracuse, New York, USA Badri Velamur Asokan, ORNL, USA Berend van Wachem, Imperial College, UK Christine Hrenya, Boulder, Colorado, USA Dale Snider, CPFD, USA Dimitri Gidaspow, IIT, USA George Bergantz, Seattle, Washington, USA Janine Galvin, NETL, USA Jeff Dietiker, NETL, USA Jennifer Sinclair, Florida, USA Jim Dufty, Florida, USA Judith Hill, ORNL, USA Juray De Wilde, UCL, Belgium Kate Evans, ORNL, USA Lothar Reh, ETH, Switzerland Peter Witt, CSIRO, Australia Ray Cocco, PSRI, USA Richard Mills, ORNL, USA Rodney Fox, Iowa State, USA Ron Breault, NETL, USA Shankar Subramaniam, Iowa State, USA Sofiane Benyahia, NETL, USA Sourabh Apte, Oregon State, USA Sreekanth Pannala, ORNL, USA Stuart Daw, ORNL, USA Todd Pugsley, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Wei Ge, CAS, China Table of Contents Foreword ............................................................................................................................................xiv Preface ................................................................................................................................................xvi Section 1 Theory Chapter 1 Multiphase Continuum Formulation for Gas-Solids Reacting Flows .....................................................1 Madhava Syamlal, National Energy Technology Laboratory, USA Sreekanth Pannala, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Chapter 2 Hydrodynamic Equations from Kinetic Theory: Fundamental Considerations....................................66 James W. Dufty, University of Florida, USA Aparna Baskaran, Syracuse University, USA Chapter 3 Kinetic Theory for Granular Materials: Polydispersity ......................................................................102 Christine M. Hrenya, University of Colorado, USA Chapter 4 Interfacial Interactions: Drag ..............................................................................................................128 Wei Ge, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Ning Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Wei Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Jinghai Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Chapter 5 Mass and Heat Transfer Modeling ......................................................................................................178 Ronald W. Breault, National Energy Technology Laboratory, USA Section 2 Numerical Methods Chapter 6 Coupled Solvers for Gas-Solids Flows ...............................................................................................204 Berend van Wachem, Imperial College, UK Chapter 7 Quadrature-Based Moment Methods for Polydisperse Gas-Solids Flows .........................................221 Alberto Passalacqua, Iowa State University, USA Prakash Vedula, University of Oklahoma, USA Rodney O. Fox, Iowa State University, USA Chapter 8 Direct Numerical Simulation of Gas-Solids Flow Based on the Immersed Boundary Method .........245 Rahul Garg, Iowa State University, USA Sudheer Tenneti, Iowa State University, USA Jamaludin Mohd. Yusof, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Shankar Subramaniam, Iowa State University, USA Chapter 9 The Multiphase Particle-in-Cell (MP-PIC) Method for Dense Particle Flow ....................................277 Dale M. Snider, CPFD, USA Peter J. O’Rourke, CPFD, USA Section 3 Practice Chapter 10 Circulating Fluidized Beds .................................................................................................................316 Ray Cocco, PSRI, USA S.B. Reddy Karri, PSRI, USA Ted Knowlton, PSRI, USA Chapter 11 CFD Modeling of Bubbling Fluidized Beds of Geldart A Powders ...................................................357 T. Pugsley, The University of Saskatchewan, Canada S. Karimipour, The University of Saskatchewan, Canada Z. Wang, The University of Saskatchewan, Canada Chapter 12 Computational Modeling of Gas-Solids Fluidized-Bed Polymerization Reactors .............................373 Ram G. Rokkam, Iowa State University, USA Rodney O. Fox, Iowa State University, USA Michael E. Muhle, Univation Technologies, USA Chapter 13 Validation Approaches to Volcanic Explosive Phenomenology .........................................................398 Sébastien Dartevelle, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Compilation of References ..............................................................................................................430 About the Contributors ...................................................................................................................467 Index ...................................................................................................................................................471 Detailed Table of Contents Foreword ............................................................................................................................................xiv Preface ................................................................................................................................................xvi Section 1 Theory Chapter 1 Multiphase Continuum Formulation for Gas-Solids Reacting Flows .....................................................1 Madhava Syamlal, National Energy Technology Laboratory, USA Sreekanth Pannala, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA This chapter describes the formulation of multiphase continuum models for gas-solids flows with chemical reactions. A typical formulation of the equations is presented here, following the equations in the open-source software MFIX ( so that interested users may look up details of the numerical implementation, study the solutions, or experiment with the numerical implementation of alternative formulations. We will first provide a brief overview of the significance of gas-solids react- ing flows and the challenges in m odeling these systems along with various efforts undertaken by differ- ent groups over the last 2–3 decades. We will then summarize the methods used to derive multiphase continuum models and to formulate constitutive equations. We will later provide information on the formulation for mass, momentum, granular energy, energy, and species balance equations for gas and multiple solids phases. We will discuss the constitutive equations required in each of the balance equa- tions; a detailed discussion of certain constitutive equations, such as the gas-solids drag and granular stresses (derived from kinetic theory), will be presented by other authors in later chapters. We will point out the differences between different approaches and direct the reader to references that discuss those approaches in detail. We will end the chapter with the example problem of the simulation of a bubbling fluidized bed to illustrate some of the modeling options — physical models, numerical discretization schemes, and grid resolution – that need to be considered to accurately simulate gas-solids systems. Chapter 2 Hydrodynamic Equations from Kinetic Theory: Fundamental Considerations....................................66 James W. Dufty, University of Florida, USA Aparna Baskaran, Syracuse University, USA In this chapter, a theoretical description is provided for the solid (granular) phase of the gas-solids flows that are the focus of this book. Emphasis is placed on the fundamental concepts involved in de- riving a macroscopic hydrodynamic description for the granular material in terms of the hydrodynamic fields (species densities, flow velocity, and the granular temperature) from a prescribed “microscopic” interaction among the grains. To this end, the role of the interstitial gas phase, body forces such as gravity, and other coupling to the environment are suppressed and retained only via a possible non- conservative external force and implicit boundary conditions. The general notion of a kinetic equation is introduced to obtain macroscopic balance equations for the fields. Constitutive equations for the fluxes in these balance equations are obtained from special “normal” solutions to the kinetic equation, resulting in a closed set of hydrodynamic equations. This general constructive procedure is illustrated for the Boltzmann-Enskog kinetic equation describing a system of smooth, inelastic hard spheres. For weakly inhomogeneous fluid states the granular Navier-Stokes hydrodynamic equations are obtained, including exact integral equations for the transport coefficients. A method to obtain practical solutions to these integral equations is described. Finally, a brief discussion is given for hydrodynamics beyond the Navier-Stokes limitations. Chapter 3 Kinetic Theory for Granular Materials: Polydispersity ......................................................................102 Christine M. Hrenya, University of Colorado, USA Kinetic-theory-based models of rapid, polydisperse, solids flows are essential for the prediction of a wide range of practical flows found in both nature and industry. In this work, existing models for granular flows are critically compared by considering the techniques used for their derivation and the expected implications of those techniques. The driving forces for species segregation, as predicted by kinetic theory models, are then reviewed. Although the rigor associated with the development of such models has improved considerably in the recent past, a systematic assessment of model validity and computational efficiency is still needed. Finally, a rigorous extension of such models to gas-solids flows is discussed. Chapter 4 Interfacial Interactions: Drag ..............................................................................................................128 Wei Ge, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Ning Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Wei Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Jinghai Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China The drag interaction between gas and solids not only acts as a driving force for solids in gas-solids flows but also plays as a major role in the dissipation of the energy due to drag losses. This leads to enormous complexities as these drag terms are highly non-linear and multiscale in nature because of the variations in solids spatio-temporal distribution. This chapter provides an overview of this important aspect of the hydrodynamic interactions between the gas and solids and the role of spatio-temporal het- erogeneities on the quantification of this drag force. In particular, a model is presented which introduces a mesoscale description into two-fluid models for gas-solids flows. This description is formulated in terms of the stability of gas-solids suspension. The stability condition is, in turn, posed as a minimiza- tion problem where the competing factors are the energy consumption required to suspend and trans- port the solids and their gravitational potential energy. However, the lack of scale-separation leads to many uncertainties in quantifying mesoscale structures. The authors have incorporated this model into computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations which have shown improvements over traditional drag models. Fully resolved simulations, such as those mentioned in this chapter and the subject of a later chapter on Immersed Boundary Methods, can be used to obtain additional information about these mesoscale structures. This can be used to formulate better constitutive equations for continuum models. Chapter 5 Mass and Heat Transfer Modeling ......................................................................................................178 Ronald W. Breault, National Energy Technology Laboratory, USA This chapter focuses on the important topic of mass and heat transfer models and closures for con- tinuum gas-solids reacting flows. The previous three chapters have primarily focused on the hydrody- namics of gas-solids flows, However, in addition, accurate models for heat and mass transfer must be constructed to allow predictive simulations of reacting gas-solids flows. As mentioned before, the goal of an ideal reactor is to establish the best temperature, reactant species distribution and residence time conditions for reactions. This, obviously, requires an accurate understanding the heat and mass transfer within the gas and also across the gas-solids interface. This chapter provides an overview of this topic for dilute and dense gas-solids systems. Specifically, it covers diffusional mass transfer, turbulent dis- persion, and convective heat transfer between the different phases and, also, at the boundaries. Again in this case, there is a lack of scale-separation. Thus, there are large uncertainties in the models available in the literature. Fully resolved simulations can lead to a reduction of this uncertainty. Section 2 Numerical Methods Chapter 6 Coupled Solvers for Gas-Solids Flows ...............................................................................................204 Berend van Wachem, Imperial College, UK In recent years, the application of coupled solver techniques to solve the Navier-Stokes equations has become increasingly popular. The main reason for this, is the increased robustness originating from the implicit and global treatment of the pressure-velocity coupling. The drawback of a coupled solver are the increase in memory requirement and the increased complexity of implementation. However, fully coupled methods are reported to have an overall favorable computational cost when a suitable pre-conditioner and algorithm for solving the resulting set of linear equations are employed. In solving multi-phase flow problems, the coupled solver approach is even more advantageous than in single- phase, due to the presence of large source terms arising from the coupling of the phases. In this chapter, various strategies for the fully coupled approach are discussed. These strategies include employing ar- tificial compressibility, applying physically consistent cell face interpolation, and applying momentum weighted cell face interpolation. The idea behind the strategies is outlined and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The treatment of source terms and volume fraction in coupled methods is also shown. Finally, a number of examples of implementations and calculations are presented. Chapter 7 Quadrature-Based Moment Methods for Polydisperse Gas-Solids Flows .........................................221 Alberto Passalacqua, Iowa State University, USA Prakash Vedula, University of Oklahoma, USA Rodney O. Fox, Iowa State University, USA Classical Euler-Euler two-fluid models based on the kinetic theory of granular flows assume the particle phase to be dominated by collisions, even when the particle volume fraction is low and hence collisions are negligible. This leads to erroneous predictions of the particle-phase flow patterns and to the inabil- ity of such models to capture phenomena like particle trajectory crossing for finite Stokes numbers. To correctly predict the behavior of dilute gas-particle flows a more fundamental approach based on solv- ing the Boltzmann kinetic equation is necessary to treat non-zero Knudsen-number and finite Stokes- number conditions. In this chapter an Eulerian quadrature-based moment method for the direct solution of the Boltzmann equation is adopted to describe the particle phase, and it is fully coupled with an Eulerian fluid solver to account for the two-way coupling between the phases. The solution algorithm for the moment transport equations derived in the quadrature-based moment method and the coupling procedure with a fluid solver are illustrated. The predictive capabilities of the method are shown con- sidering a lid-driven cavity flow with particles at finite Stokes and Knudsen numbers, and comparing the results with both Euler-Euler two-fluid model predictions and with Euler-Lagrange simulations. Chapter 8 Direct Numerical Simulation of Gas-Solids Flow Based on the Immersed Boundary Method .........245 Rahul Garg, Iowa State University, USA Sudheer Tenneti, Iowa State University, USA Jamaludin Mohd. Yusof, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Shankar Subramaniam, Iowa State University, USA In this chapter, the Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of flow past particles is described. DNS is a first-principles approach for modeling interphase momentum transfer in gas-solids flows that does not require any further closure as the flow around the particles is fully resolved. In this chapter, immersed boundary method (IBM) is described where the governing Navier-Stokes equations are modeled with exact boundary conditions imposed at each particle surface using IBM and the resulting three dimen- sional time-dependent velocity and pressure fields are solved. Since this model has complete descrip- tion of the gas-solids hydrodynamic behavior, one could extract all the Eulerian and Lagrangian statis- tics for validation and development of more accurate closures which could be used at coarse-grained simulations described in other chapters.