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Preview COMPETITION: Swine Chain Performance and Efficiency INTRODUCTION

80 BORGES, W. J.; SOUZA, J. P.; BANKUTI, S. M. S. COMPETITION: Swine Chain Performance and Efficiency William José Borges(1) Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina/IFSC, Jaraguá do Sul/SC José Paulo de Souza(2) Sandra Mara Schiavi Bankuti(3) Universidade Estadual de Maringá/UEM, Maringá/PR ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyze how the performance of agents integrating the pork system in western Paraná-Brazil is influenced by the presence of strictly coordinated systems. This research considers the interactions between agents integrating strictly coordinated structures in the swine production system of Paraná-Brazil. Based on the asymmetry of performance between pork producers and the processing segment, even under the guidance of the latter, this paper considered two complementary theoretical frameworks: Transaction Cost Economics and Industrial Organization. Results showed that certain elements constituting "structure-conduct-performance" paradigm are capable of influencing the survival and growth of producers. Thus, although different performance levels were obtained, producer performance appears to be sustainable, based on the diversification of properties and maintenance of links to processors. Key Words: Strictly coordinated system; Swine industry; Transaction costs. RESUMO O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar como arranjos estritamente coordenados localizados na região Oeste do Paraná-Brasil, influenciam no desempenho de agentes do segmento produtor de suínos que integram esses sistemas. Tomando como pressuposto a assimetria de desempenho entre os agentes produtores, a análise do desempenho se deu por intermédio do estudo complementar de duas correntes teóricas: a Economia dos Custos de Transação e a Teoria da Organização Industrial. Para isso, utilizou-se de trabalho empírico de natureza qualitativa e descritiva, que envolveu produtores e processadores de carne suína. Como resultado identificou-se que os elementos do campo "estrutura-conduta-desempenho" são capazes de influenciar a sobrevivência e o crescimento de produtores. Assim, embora apresentem níveis diferenciados, o desempenho do produtor se apresenta sustentável nos últimos cinco anos, pautado na diversificação produtiva e manutenção do vínculo com o processador. Palavras-chave: Subsistema Estritamente Coordenado; Produção de suínos; Custos de Transação. INTRODUCTION such scientific improvement, this research is directed to the comprehension of Market interactions involving performance in the pork chain, considering agrifood chain agents are a complex research the economic analysis of a phenomenon field, presenting wide possibilities for named performance. theoretical development. In order to promote Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas 81 COMPETITION: SWINE CHAIN PERFORMANCE AND... According to a report by the considering the firm’s behavior as a function Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and of transactions. Supply (MAPA), pork meat is considered the Structural changes in the pork chain world’s main source of animal protein, and their operational and competitive representing almost half of global meat consequences, as well as the importance of production and consumption. In Brazil, pork understanding their reflexes on coordination meat accounted for 15,25% of national meat among agents under IO and TCE approaches, consumption in 2012 while beef accounted support the following objective: to analyze for 37,22%, according to data by the Brazilian how the performance of swine producers Institute for Geography and Statistics (IBGE, integrating the pork system in western 2012). Paraná state is influenced, considering the Pork production has undergone presence of strictly coordinated systems. substantial changes in recent years, including chain reorganization and professionalization THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS of the production process. Those changes involve technological advances, increased This article is structured to create a exports and changes in consumption habits, logical and didactic sequence for leading producers to invest in handling, understanding the phenomenon, involving genetics, nutrition and animal health in order Industrial Organization (IO) and New to improve productivity (ABIPECS, 2011). Institutional Economics (NIE) approaches – Thus, new arrangements have emerged along the latter comprising TCE. They will be pork chain, such as strictly coordinated presented and analyzed for a deeper systems, in order to deal with process understanding of these theories, and the continuity and integration in the processing discussion will be complemented by segment. In that case, interdependency brings considerations on the Strictly Coordinated the need for efficient coordination and Subsystem, a model by which all agents in governance of production. Hence, the study this study are involved. of strictly coordinated systems considers the impact of specific governance structures on INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION producers, binding their actions and limiting negotiations with buyers. Changes in North American The aim of this work is to analyze regulatory agencies and antitrust policy in the functioning of swine producers in Paraná, the earlier 20th century generated a large considering monopolistic characteristics research agenda for IO (FARINA et al., 1997; involving strictly coordinated systems. SAES, 2009). Aiginger et al. (1998) stated that Theories supporting this study include IO was the first to consider the existence of Industrial Organization (IO) and Transaction product differentiation, economies of scale, Cost Economics (TCE). IO lends support to large companies transacting in the market, evaluate relationships among agents, among other aspects that did not concern considering markets, institutions and microeconomics. The scope of IO, as processes. TCE, on the other hand, brings a proposed by Scherer and Ross (1990), is to micro analytical perspective to the study, analyze market processes in order to identify Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas 82 BORGES, W. J.; SOUZA, J. P.; BANKUTI, S. M. S. how they can guide firms’ activities to meet mechanisms, markets, among other issues. consumer demand and, from that, What differentiates one from the other is the understand the reasons for failure and meaning used to treat competition – propose alternative corrections. Farina et al. performance for the former and efficiency for (1997, p. 20) observe that “the concern about the latter. In this perspective, the traditional market power consequences and its Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) determinants remains the central aim of IO”. paradigm falls in the traditional line of On the other hand, as pointed out by Industrial Organization. The primary model, Coase (1991), the real purpose of IO is to according to Tirole (1988), brings a sense of determine which forces are responsible for gradation in its concept; structure determines industrial organization, how such forces conduct, which influences performance. change over time and what changes can be Analyzing that paradigm, Farina et expected, considering this power in the al. (1997) highlighted that structure organization. Within the scope of IO, represents the essence of markets and considering competitive pressures, efficient industries in the economy, identifying their market settings minimize industry costs. life cycle, structure, patterns of competition Thus, the theory assumes the survival and consumption characteristics. To those hypothesis to justify its fundamental authors, conduct refers to individual assumption, which is to maximize profits behavior to market prices, pricing, (FARINA et al, 1997). segmentation, differentiation, internal Bain (1956) was responsible for first growth, among other factors. Lastly, schematizing a model to discuss firm performance evaluates company prosperity, performance considering industry or their growth and survival in the market. characteristics – a model named the Thus, the paradigm follows the Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm. development of the economy, analyzing Industrial organization literature has shown market agents, products being sold, that there is not a simple unidirectional investments influencing performance, causal relationship comprising market efficiency and profit distribution. Likewise, structure, conduct and performance of firms Azevedo (1998) states that the model seeks to in the market. This is because one must assess the extent to which imperfect market consider that the competitive environment is mechanisms limit the ability of the market shaped by the interaction between market itself to answer the social demands of society structure, competition patterns and demand for goods and services. characteristics (JANK et al, 1999). As pointed out by Scherer and Ross Kupfer and Hasenclever (2002) (1990, p. 6), “[…] not all influences flow from argue that there are two currents: the basic conditions to market structure towards traditional and the alternative approach. Both performance. There are also important seek answers to common questions related to feedback effects”. The new model, used in business operation, coordination this study, can be viewed in Figure 1. Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas 83 COMPETITION: SWINE CHAIN PERFORMANCE AND... Figure 1: New approach of the Structure-Conduct-Performance model Source: Adapted from Scherer and Ross (1990). From the new approach of the SCP market prices. A wealth of knowledge model, the research turns towards involving TCE was developed from the understanding the asymmetric performance studies by Williamson (1985), in which the of pork producers. To that end, we first need costs related to transactions receive evidence. to understand how transactions are modeled According to Prado and Souza (2009, p. 20), and what institutional forces can be based on Coase (1991) and Williamson (1985, established with regard to the new resources 1991), TCE “seeks to understand the origin of and markets to which the subsystem is firms and more efficient organizational forms subjected. of production”. As a priority, the identification of these costs associated with TRANSACTION COST ECONOMICS transactions highlights the need to create mechanisms (or, in this case, governance Contributions by Coase (1937) and structures) to promote the reduction of these North (1991) are identified from the New costs. Economic Institutions perspective and In TCE, transaction is the central considering the growing interest in the study unit of analysis, and seeks to identify the of institutions and its economic impacts. attributes related to these transactions and Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) arises the costs associated with trading practices from that approach emphasizing governance between principal-agent. It could involve structures and is especially concerned about marketing, trading or sharing resources the rules used to form governance structures based on property rights (WILLIAMSON, supporting transactions, as pointed out by 1981, 1985, 2013). According to Williamson Williamson (1985), Azevedo (2000) and (1981), analysis of the transaction cost Zylbersztain (2009). approach within the context of economic According to Zylbersztajn (2005) and organizations focuses on efficiency. The Williamson (2013), the study of the firm’s measurement costs associated with these TCE existence and the costs related to its internal characteristics considers the relationships organization was developed from the between different dealers, including insights found in the articles The Nature of The contractual arrangements for the protection Firm (1937) and The Problem of Social Cost of property rights, organizational (1960) by Coase. These insights presented the coordination as well as the choice of conceptual foundations to compose governance structures. These structures could governance structures as alternatives to Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas 84 BORGES, W. J.; SOUZA, J. P.; BANKUTI, S. M. S. involve market, long-term contracts or in this discussion is the perception of quasi- vertical integration (SAES, 2009). rent appropriation by the parties involved in The inclusion of opportunism and a transaction (post-contractual opportunistic the idea of bounded rationality as essential behavior). The possibility of quasi-rent for determining the appropriate governance appropriation arises when specialized structure for firms follows what Williamson investments are made and, given the (1985) indicates as behavioral assumptions. condition of dependency, real possibilities of Bounded rationality indicates that opportunistic behavior arise. According to individuals act in accordance with the Klein, Crawford and Alchian (1978), the intention rationally defined but limited to existence of opportunistic behavior is implicit some extent (WILLIAMSON, 2013). in many situations, observing dependence or Opportunism is identified as the advantages reciprocal relationship between the agents of from the effort of others, resulting in part a transaction. Even in conditions that are from bounded rationality condition in which established contractual relations, the knowledge of the information is unevenly imperfection of these instruments is often distributed among economic actors. reflected in opportunistic behavior in the Bounded rationality can somehow future, generating costs from litigation to encourage opportunistic behavior, whereas protect the right of ownership. the composition of contracts and transactions In Transaction Cost Economics is, in general, broad and complex, and almost approach, the long-term contractual solution impossible to foresee all future contingencies is indicated as a way to reduce the condition in negotiations (WILLIAMSON, 1981). of opportunistic behavior (MÉNARD, 2004; Opportunism in this sense arises from this MARTINO, 2010). The contractual solution perspective of asymmetric information consists of rules to ensure the because the agent has 'privileges' from implementation of the transaction under possessing relevant information, as well as agreements and prevent opportunistic the exploitation of imperfect contracts to gain initiatives, specifying the implications of hold an advantage and exploit the counterparty in up. In some situations, a contractual solution the transaction (KLEIN; CRAWFORD; establishes what Klein, Crawford and ALCHIAN, 1978). Accordingly, it is possible Alchian (1978) call premium, defined as a to say that the choice of appropriate value added to the transaction as a form of governance structure responds to the level of encouragement and assurance that the investment involved in a specific transaction, contract will be fulfilled in order to minimize which limits market structure and indicates opportunistic behavior. As variations in the the need to compose hierarchical or hybrid format of contracts, Ménard (2004) notes that contracts to protect against losses from hybrid forms can flow in a continuum from opportunistic behavior. forms with weak levels of integration, on one The condition of future uncertainty end, as trust and influence, to formal is another perspective that is closely linked to contracts, on the other end. the possibility of opportunism by agents. The Thus, from the alignment of the ability to predict future conditions of the transaction attributes with behavioral environment in which the negotiation assumptions, governance is designed as a process is also limited. Another central aspect function of minimizing transaction costs, so it Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas 85 COMPETITION: SWINE CHAIN PERFORMANCE AND... is possible to identify the most efficient way institutions and the strategic relationship of to operate. One of these ways, strictly agents in the formation of contracts. The coordinated subsystems, is the model by author then proposes in a comprehensive which the farmers interviewed in this study manner that strictly coordinated subsystems are involved and will be presented next. "[...] are complex organizational arrangements, involving many agents Strictly Coordinated Systems simultaneously." As a theoretical deployment, Considering the theories and Zylbersztajn and Farina (2003) proposed that propositions of the New Economics the governance called strictly coordinated Institutions (NEI), the entire research effort system is consolidated when a firm adopts focused on the development of effective certain strategies. However, as much as it coordination of productive activities. These depends on other firms to lower their activities are associated with immediate and transaction costs and become efficient, timely responses needed to maintain strategic choice can be unilateral, depending competitiveness in the market. Among other on the conditions under which firms are ways to be competitive, the strictly transacting. For the authors, what coordinated subsystem search efficiency by characterizes a strictly coordinated lowering transaction costs. Thus, from the subsystem is the adoption of a differentiation understanding of the firm as a nexus of strategy for a leading chain. This depends on contracts, as initially developed by Coase the vertical coordination of the leading (1937), a theoretical body supporting strategic companies, and emphasizes the relationship decision making in productive activity was between strategies, attributes of the shaped. transaction and governance structures. Thus, From the Contract theory a strictly coordinated subsystem implies the formulated by Williamson (1985), existence of strong vertical ties to deal with Zylbersztajn and Farina (1999), Zylbersztajn specific assets and clarify the strategic (2009) and Zylbersztajn and Caleman (2012) positioning of a leader along these vertical proposed a new theoretical framework, interactions (ZYLBERSZTAJN; FARINA, namely strictly coordinated subsystems, 1999) formatted as a governance mechanism able to Furthermore, the authors stress that coordinate a food chain. Faulin and Azevedo the concept of competitiveness is enhanced, (2003) complement this proposal stating that from the micro level (competition between subsystems coexist inside systems of greater firms) to the competition between different complexity, being composed of firms that subsystems. From a concept of chain serve various activities to suit a particular competitiveness, Faulin and Azevedo (2003, purpose. p. 3) understand the strictly coordinated Zylbersztajn (2009, p. 61) defines the subsystem as "[...] the chain of transactions strictly coordinated arrangements keeping that take place to produce a final product, in the transaction as the unit of analysis, and to which parties and counterparties are consider the contractual nature of identified and ensure continuity of the agribusiness systems, the importance of relationship by a particular governance Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas 86 BORGES, W. J.; SOUZA, J. P.; BANKUTI, S. M. S. structure”. Thus, the coordination involving competition becomes possible between different companies in systems and strictly different subsystems. As discussed above, coordinated subsystems discloses an aspect closely coordinated systems and subsystems, for the effectiveness of such an arrangement, given the relationship between the parties considering the flow of information as well as that compose them and the contractual the operability of such structure. relationship between them, became a Considering the basic attributes of structure that expanded the notion of firm transactions for TCE (frequency, uncertainty (ZYLBERSZTAJN; FARINA, 1999). If, on one and asset specificity) and the behavioral hand, subsystems monitor and create a assumptions (bounded rationality and pattern of production to compete in the opportunism), those structures can demand market, on the other hand one has to consider strong levels of coordination so that the limits and difficulties that arise from information flows quickly, covering the those practices (CUNHA; SAES, 2005). For entire production structure that reason, it is necessary to consider the (ZYLBERSZTAJN; FARINA, 1999). As the mobility barriers that hinder the input and authors pointed out, the motivation for firms output of agents in production. to establish strictly coordinated contracts is In that case, a leading company determined by transaction characteristics, but adopts a differentiation strategy, which also by competitive pressures imposed by results depend on the coordination of other coordinating agents. If, for firms taken vertically related firms, in order to guarantee individually, forming strategies is effective proper input supply and distribution only in the medium and long term, for the (ZYLBERSZTAJN; CALEMAN, 2012). This strictly coordinated subsystems the idea is to arrangement has been called strictly combine the speed of information flow coordinated system (SCS), emphasizing the between agents and their adjustment, alignment between strategies, transaction promoting competitiveness between different attributes and governance structures subsystems (ZYLBERSZTAJN; CALEMAN, (ZYLBERSZTAJN; FARINA, 1999). 2012). In that sense, considering Farina METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES (1999), the competitive aspect can be viewed both horizontally (from firm to firm) and In order to fulfill the proposed goal, vertically (from firm to industry). In that case, a qualitative and descriptive study was the competitive aspect is different for adopted. As suggested by Creswell (2007), different segments in relation to their density the intention is to interpret the phenomenon. and degree of engagement between firms and This understanding was achieved with the specific assets. That leads to a variation even use of semi-structured interviews with 26 within the same segments, considering the farmers involved in swine production in specific involvement and attributes handled western Paraná state and integrated into a by agents. strictly coordinated subsystem. The In that sense, strictly coordinated interviews directed to get empirical subsystems are regarded as individual evidences were conducted in December 2012. entities. As a separate entity, they may The analysis of reliability is compete with each other – that is, consolidated from the triangulation of data. Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas 87 COMPETITION: SWINE CHAIN PERFORMANCE AND... That is because there was interest in making Moreover, all agents are involved in the an intersection of multiple points of view production chain and compete with other through the joint work of several researchers, supply chains simultaneously, thus multiple informants and multiple data increasing the scope of competitiveness in the collection instruments. Thus, after industry. conducting interviews with farmers, As expected by Zylbersztajn (2009) interviews were conducted with key agents, and Zylbersztajn and Caleman (2012), the representatives of Paraná Institution of study of transactions is complex and Technical Assistance and Rural Extension therefore must be assessed in a structured (Emater) and of Farmers’ Association, way. Among the reasons that hinder analyses considering their knowledge about the are multiple integrated transactions, but also producers and contractual arrangements occurring in isolation, and the presence of between farmers and processors. Thus, multiple agents. In this context, the primary information obtained from these performance of producers was visualized by interviews was compared, as proposed by considering their permanence or continuity MINAYO (2001), to increase the internal in the activity, i.e. their survival, and also for validity of the study. their growth in terms of increasing The method chosen for result production, investments and acquisitions of interpretation was content analysis, due to other matrices. the need to produce inferences to its social As relationships are guided by an context, following Bauer and Gaskell (2008). interdependence of agents, the processor Therefore, content analysis was performed requires constant feedback in order to adjust with the support of interviews, the interest of buyers to the production transcriptions, data categorization, search for model and remain competitive in the market. convergence in the responses (content This competitiveness is desired through analysis) and comparative analysis of the efficiency that coordination, as Cunha and information with the relevant literature Saes (2005) proposed, the more efficient review. chains seek for perfect coordination. Among other functions, the swine production RESULTS AND DISCUSSION coordination observed seeks to convey adequately the information, incentives and Swine production consists of two absolute control over all agents connected by major production stages: the first is called integration contract. initialization (pig farming) and the second, Contracts were used by processors growing phase (hog farming). Although the due to the interdependence of agents and a second stage has a larger number of farmers possible need for continuous flow involved, the first is also important in the production. Thus, from the alignment of the chain and must be analyzed in conjunction transaction attributes with behavioral with the second, since the supply chain assumptions, strictly coordinated subsystems should be analyzed as a nexus of contracts, in were configured as a more efficient form to an interdependence condition operate governance, thus reducing (ZYLBERSZTAJN; FARINA, 1999). transaction costs. From the definitions of Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas 88 BORGES, W. J.; SOUZA, J. P.; BANKUTI, S. M. S. Klein, Crawford and Alchian (1978) and waste; transport; death of animals. These Williamson (1985, 1991) and subsequent uncertainties are related to the lack of clear expansion by Ménard (2004), Martino (2010) information for farmers. The uncertainty and Williamson (2013), the governance related to the factors identified above justifies structure used is a contractual form. Besides the statement by Williamson (1985) that that, the high level of specific assets could uncertainty in a transaction is associated with indicate hierarch as most suitable the contract the impossibility of predicting the future, form can reduce transaction and creating a volatile environment to hide management costs, and answer the market information and ramifications of the demand. transaction. Regarding frequency, it was The institutional regulations that observed that the tool used by the integrator drive transactions bring a sense of equality in to ensure the transaction was a contract, relationships, in which there is a supplier and because it is possible to ensure continuity of a buyer with interests. These interests are production and also make it impossible for intensified to the extent that the specificity of their client (producer) to negotiate with the assets increases. Among the specific assets competition (other processors). However, it devised by Williamson (1985), three were was realized that the producers did not want identified: human, physical and temporal to end contract with the processor, and the assets. Management, identified as human integrator has no interest in ending housing assets, was characterized by a specific asset as either. it is an activity that varies from producer to That sets up a position of bilateral producer. This confirms Farina’s (2000) interests to continue production. Producers position that the presence of skilled labor give up negotiating with other buyers to increases the incidence of specific assets. In integrate by contract. The contract, in this addition, the facilities used and the sense, is an instrument that rules the adjustments that occur throughout the relationship, preventing inappropriate production chain are considered physical behavior. Although this interest is on both assets, and increase transaction specificity. sides of the transaction, the sustainability of The temporal aspect was identified as these transactions is not guaranteed. There involving the transport and fattening of hogs. are reports of cancellations of contracts with Thus, the notion of return linked the farmer by the integrator, and other cases directly to human and physical assets is in which the termination occurred shared by farmers. The interests and concerns voluntarily. But in all cases, the reason for the turn to training, production diversification termination was agent performance. and constant learning, but it is extremely Considering uncertainty, as important to have a high reinvestment rate proposed by Williamson (1985), Farina et al. destined to owning property, thereby (1997) stresses that the emergence of increasing performance. However, the uncertainty is the fact that the parties existence of specific assets, in turn, is linked involved in the transaction do not know the directly to the assumption of opportunism by parameters of evaluation and monitoring of economic agents. Therefore, the choice of who performs the control. Thus uncertainties strictly coordinated governance is justified, identified and adopted in the analysis are: since the relationship is composed of specific Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas 89 COMPETITION: SWINE CHAIN PERFORMANCE AND... assets (hogs) that are closely linked to the end Like other elements of Transaction objective of the chain that is to produce pork. Cost Economics, opportunism and bounded However, we must emphasize that the rationality were also identified in the animals are specific assets from the point of analysis. The lack of rights and duties view of the processor, but this position is not entailed by the lack of information serve as observed when considering the justification for the discontent of farmers who producer/integrator relationship because the do not understand the methodology of the swine producer, in this structure, is only a system. Thus, bounded rationality, as Simon trustee. (1971) proposed, is presented by the lack of The opportunistic action, confirming information generated due to inability to the behavioral assumption of Transaction predict the second-order effects of actions Cost Economics, is observed in the and decisions taken in the subsystem. relationship involving producers and Just as bounded rationality, processor. That is because there is a contract opportunism has also emerged in the analysis underlain negotiating parties. However, there of two strands, producer and processor. are many agreed aspects, enabling the However, the opportunistic effect caused by exercise of opportunistic actions. The first processors was higher, generating financial major complaint regards the measurement of impact on producers. The reason is that, their production, because there is no clear while producers change handling to achieve and accurate information about what is more profit, processors set rules that must be valued. Furthermore, there is no information followed. As producers do not have clear about the impact of measured aspects for information about their rights, they simply setting prices, thus configuring the sign contracts and consent. A conceptual consideration of animals as specific assets in model is thus formed that determines the production. Coupled to this condition of formation of the governance structure used, production, and as Williamson (1985) which can be seen in Figure 2. suggests, one must consider the condition of When considering the market uncertainty arising from this particular asset. structure, it is observed that this favors the Conversely, the condition of future formation of this subsystem. The study starts uncertainty is a perspective that is connected with an acceptance that the agents involved to opportunistic agents. Thus, the proposition in SAG transact in an imperfect market. This for contracts by Azevedo (2000) was makes room for considering the relationships corroborated, since producers are of power between the agents while participating, albeit unintentionally, in the maintaining focus on the determinants of construction of governance, signing contracts market influence on their performance. Thus, with the processor. The asymmetry of through a cross-sectional analysis, but with a information, therefore, is an inducing agent longitudinal perspective, it was possible to of opportunism, given the inability of understand the forces present in the market, information processing by the relevant as well as the institutions and actors that producers, influenced by the competitive influenced the formation of the industry, environment. providing enough information for an understanding of the phenomenon. Revista Perspectivas Contemporâneas, v. 10, n. 3, p. 80-102, set./dez. 2015. http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas

http://revista.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/ constituting "structure-conduct-performance" paradigm are capable of influencing the Market interactions involving agrifood chain agents are a complex research Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and asymmetry is installed, which may result.
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