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Communities in Neuronal Complex Networks Revealed by Activation Patterns Luciano da Fontoura Costa Institute of Physics at S˜ao Carlos, University of S˜ao Paulo, PO Box 369, S˜ao Carlos, S˜ao Paulo, 13560-970 Brazil (Dated: 29th Jan 2008) Recently, it has been shown that the communities in neuronal networks of the integrate-and- fire type can be identified by considering patterns containing the beginning times for each cell to receive the first non-zero activation. The received activity was integrated in order to facilitate the spiking of each neuron and to constrain the activation inside the communities, but no time decay of such activation was considered. The present article shows that, by taking into account exponential decays of thestored activation, it is possible to identify the communities also in terms 8 of thepatternsof activation along theinitial stepsof the transient dynamics. The potential of this 0 method is illustrated with respect to complex neuronal networks involving four communities, each 0 of a different type (Erd˝os-R´eny, Barab´asi-Albert, Watts-Strogatz as well as a simple geographical 2 model). Though the consideration of activation decay has been found to enhance the communities n separation, too intense decaystend to yield less discrimination. a J PACSnumbers: 87.18.Sn,05.40Fb,89.70.Hj,89.75.Hc,89.75.Kd 0 3 ‘Zora’s secret lies in the way your gaze runs over pat- sentedasanode)havebeenstudiedwithrespecttotheir ] terns following one another as in a musical score...’ (I. transient dynamics. Figure 1 illustrates the type of neu- C Calvino, Inivisible Cities) ronal cell adopted in those works. The incoming activa- N tion, received through the n(i) dendrites, is integrated . andaccumulatedinthe internalstateS(i)untilits value o exceeds the threshold T(i), in which case the cell fires, i I. INTRODUCTION b liberating the accumulated activation between the m(i) - outgoingedges(axons). Inthepreviousworks[32,33],in q Neuronal networks (e.g. [1, 2, 3]) and complex net- [ ordertomaintainthetotalreceivedactivation,whichwas works (e.g. [4, 5, 6, 7]) can be understood as sister re- fedthroughasingleselectedneuron,theaccumulatedac- 1 search areas. However, as the latter is much younger tivation S(i) was uniformly distributed among the m(i) v (especiallyregardingthe developmentsfrom1999),these outgoing connections, each therefore receiving a share of 4 two sisters have yet to get fully acquainted one an- S(i)/k (i), where k ut(i) = m(i) is the out-degree of 8 out o other. Such a natural integration has already begun 6 node i. (e.g. [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]) and is poised 4 . to continue to the point that these two areas become 1 not only close relatives, but also best friends. This in- 0 tegration is particularly interesting for both neuronal 8 0 networks and complex networks because of the comple- : mentation of the approaches which have been respec- v tively adopted. More specifically, while neuronal net- i X works have relied strongly on pattern recognition and r dynamicalsystems,complexnetworkshavebeenstrongly a focusing on structure, with a recent surge of interest on dynamics (e.g. [5, 17]). However, as special em- phasis has been placed on the important problem of FIG. 1: The integrate-and-fire neuronal cell adopted in the linear synchronization (e.g. [17]), few works have ad- previousworks[32,33]incorporatesthreestages: (i)integrat- ing of input activations; (ii) memory of activation S(i); and dressed non-linear or transient dynamics (e.g. [18, 19]). (iii) non-linear transfer function involving a threshold T(i) In complex networks, emphasis has been placed on the (a hard limitter). While those previous works adopted full modularity of the connections or community structure conservation of the activation (i.e. decay rate α=0), in the (e.g.[20,21,22,23, 24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31]),which presentworkthestoredactivationundergoesexponentialtime hasimportantimplicationsforboththestructureanddy- decay with rate α. namics of networks. The integration between neuronal networks and complex networks is henceforth referred to as complex neuronal networks, which has special im- portance for non-linear dynamical systems underlain by Several interesting dynamic features are implied by structured and complex connectivity. such a simple neuronal model. First, the accumulation Recently[32,33],complexneuronalnetworksinvolving of the received activity is related to the important phe- simple integrate-and-fire neurons (each neuron is repre- nomenon of facilitation of firing. Roughly speaking, the 2 income of a spike into a cell enhances the probability of tical method known as Principal Component Analysis its future spiking by occasion of subsequent activations. (PCA) is applied to the activation patterns in order to Second, the non-linear element implies the activation to reduce their dimensionality, which is optimally obtained remain stored until the threshold is reached, which con- by decorrelation of the activation. The original commu- tributes stronglytoconstrainingthe activationlocallyin nities could be properly detected in most cases, even for the networkalongtopologyandtime. As allneuronsare theBaraba´si-Albertandgeographicalmodels. Combined henceforthassumedto havethe samethresholdT =1 (a with the investigations reported previously [33], the re- biologicallyreasonablechoice),thedistributionofoutgo- sults obtained in the current work substantiate further ing activation implied by each spiking becomes impera- the importance of the transient regime for characteriza- tive in order not to yield one spike at every time step. tion of modularity regardingboth structure and dynam- Similar effects can be obtained by associating weights icsincomplexsystems. Withrespectto the specific area smaller or equal to one to each edge (synaptic weight). of neuronal networks, the relationships between struc- The combination of such non-linear effects has been ob- tured connectivity, in the form of communities, and the served[33]tocontributedecisivelyforconstraining,along activationandspikingdynamics provideseveralimplica- a transientperiodoftime, the activationinside the com- tions for synchronization, pattern recognition and mem- munity which contains the source of activation. Such an ory. The proposed methodologies may also prove useful effect allows the identification of neuronal communities as practicalmethods for identification of communities in by considering the transient non-linear dynamics in the more general types of networks. whole network while it is stimulated by sources of acti- The current article starts by presenting the basic con- vations placed at each of its neurons. It has been exper- cepts in complex neuronal networks, the four adopted imentally verified that the time it takes for each cell to theoretical models of complex networks, and the statis- receive non-zero activation in any of its dendrites, called tical method of Principal Component Analysis. The re- the beginning activation time of each cell, seems to be sults, discussion, and perspectives for future works are particularlyrelevantforthe identificationofthe commu- presented subsequently. nities. Promising results were obtained with respect to two synthetic (networks including 3 and 4 communities with uniform connectivity) as well as a real-world net- II. BASIC CONCEPTS work (C. elegans [20]). However, the previous investigations reported in [33] A directed, unweighted network Γ can be completely considered no time decay of the stored activation S(i), specified in terms of its adjacency matrix K. Each edge whichseemsto havebeenresponsiblefor makingthe be- extending from node i to node j is representedK(j,i)= ginningactivationtimesdecisivefortheproperidentifica- 1. The absence of connection between nodes i and j tionofthecommunities. Inthepresentworkweconsider implies K(j,i) = 0. The nodes which receive a direct the more biologically realistic situation involving expo- edgefroma node i arecalledthe immediate neighbors of nential decays of the activations. More specifically, at i. The out-degree of a node i is equal to the number of each time step each stored activation is decreased at a its immediate neighbors. constant rate α, i.e. Four theoretical models of complex networks (e.g. [4, 5, 6, 7]) have been used in order to construct the hy- St+1(i)=St(i)−αSt(i) (1) bridcommunitynetworksconsideredinthiswork: Erdo˝s- R´enyi(ER),Baraba´si-Albert(BA),Watts-Strogatz(WS) where t is the time step and 0≤α<1. as well as a simple geographical type of network (GG). The net effect of the decay is to generally delay the An Erdo˝-R´enyi network (see also [34]) can be obtained firing of cells. Interestingly, such an effect seems to al- by establishing connections between pairs of nodes with lowproperidentificationofthecommunitiesalsobycon- constant probability. The BA networks were obtained sidering the average activation of the network along an by starting with m0 nodes and progressivelyincorporat- intervalofthetransientdynamics,insteadofonlythebe- ing new nodes with m edges, which are attached to the ginningactivationtime. Thisispossiblyaconsequenceof remainder nodes with probability proportional to their thefactoftheenlargedperiodoftimerequiredtoconvey respective degrees. The WS structures were obtained the activation from one community to another, which is by starting with a linear regular network of suitable de- enhanced by the decays. This possibility is experimen- gree and subsequently rewiring 10% of its edges. The tally investigated in the current article by considering geographical structures are obtained by distributing N hybrid networks containing four communities of differ- nodes along a two-dimensional space and then connect- ent types (Erd˝o-R´enyi, Baraba´si-Albert, Watts-Strogatz ing each pair of nodes whose distance does not exceed as well as a simple geographical model). Several combi- a given threshold. Though all these networks are undi- nations of inter and intra-community intensities of con- rected,weobtainedtherespectivedirectedneuronalcom- nections are considered. The activation is averagedfrom plex networks by considering the incoming on outgoing the beginning of the source operation for a total of H directions of each edge as dendrites and axons, respec- steps along the transient dynamics. Then, the statis- tively. Therefore, the so-obtained networks are directed 3 and have in-degree identical to the out-degree. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Theintegrate-and-fireneuron adoptedinthisworkhas been described and discussed in the Introduction. The Figure 2 illustrates the 9 networks adopted in the activation and spiking of all neurons in the network can presentinvestigation. Eachoftheminvolves4 communi- berepresentedintermsofdiagramswhicharehenceforth ties,ofrespectiveER,BA,WSandGGtypes(seelegend called activogram and spikegram, respectively. These di- atthe bottomof the figure)andapproximately50nodes agrams are matrices storing the transient activation or each. The intra-community degrees, expressed in terms occurrence of spikes for every node. In this article, the ofthe BA parameterm,increase alongthe columns (top activationofthenetworkisalwaysperformedbyinjecting to bottom), and the inter-community degrees k increase external activation of intensity 1 at each of the neurons. along the rows (left to right). The considered values of Thetimeittakesforeachneuroni,fromtheonsetofthe intra- and inter-connectivity are shown in Figure 2. The external initiation, to receive the first non-zero input is same intra-connectivity degree, defined with respect to henceforthcalleditsrespective beginningactivation time the parameter m of the BA model, was adopted for all T (i,v). Thetimeittakesforthatneurontoproducethe a the 4 communities in each case. The consideration of first spike is the beginning spiking time T (i,v). s hybrid communities involving several network models is Because the activation patterns obtained with the particularly useful for investigating the community de- sourceineachoftheN neuronsinvolveN measurements, tectionmethodologywithrespecttovaryingconnectivity a highly dimensional space is implied. As a consequence patterns. of the intrinsic correlations between the activation pat- Each network was searched for community structure terns, it is possible to apply the PCA method to opti- by placing the activation source (with intensity 1) at mally decorrelated those patterns and yield meaningful each of its neurons and simulating the respective acti- 2D and 3D projections. Let each of the N observations vation and spiking along the initial H = 200 steps of v = {1,2,...,N} be characterized by the average acti- the transient dynamics. Three whole set of simulations vations of all nodes as a consequence of the activation whereperformedby consideringrespective decayratesα sourceplacedatnode v. These measurementscanbe or- equalto0.02and0.5. Figure3showstheactivogramand ganized into respective feature vectors f~ , with elements v spikegram, as well as the diagrams of beginning activa- f (i), i ∈ {1,2,...,N}. Let the covariance matrix be- v tion times and beginning spiking times for the network tween each pair of measurements i and j be defined as with m=3, k =0.2 and α=0.02. The constant activation fed through neuron 25 is 1 N clearly identified as the white column in the activogram C(i,j)= N −1X(fv(i)−µi)(fv(j)−µj) (2) and spikegram. Because of the more intense intercon- v=1 nectivity between the nodes in the community to which where µ is the average of f (i) considering all the N thisneuronbelongs(ER,inthiscase)thepropagationof i v observations (i.e. activations). The eigenvalues of C, activation and spikes tend to occur first inside this com- sorted in decreasing order, are henceforth represented munity, being propagatedto the other communities only as λ , i = 1,2,...,M, with respective eigenvectors v~. later. One exception are the neurons around node 125, i i The matrix G given in Equation 3, obtained from the which belong to the WS community. Because neuron eigenvectorsofthecovariancematrix,definesthestochas- 125 is connected to the ER community with particular tic linear transformation known as the Karhunen-Lo`eve intensity (more than one edge), it receives considerable Transform [7, 35]. activation sooner, leading to a progressive spreading of activation within the WS community. However, because this effect is not verified for most of the other nodes of ←− v~1 −→ theERcommunity,ittendstobecomelessrelevantinthe G=←− v~2 −→ (3) subsequent decorrelation projection implemented by the ... ... ...   PCA.In addition, exceptfor a few other cells, the nodes ←− v~ −→ m whichareinside the same community tend to receiveac- with m = N. Because such a transformation opti- tivation relatively soon, as illustrated in the respective mallydecorrelatesthe activationpatterns,concentrating diagram of beginning activation times. A less regularly the variance of the observations along the first axes (the simultaneous activation is obtained for the spikes in the so-calledprincipalaxesorvariables),itisfrequentlypos- respective beginning spiking times diagram. The incor- sible to reduce the dimensionality of the measurements porationofsuitable(nottoolarge)valuesofdecayseems withoutsubstantiallossofinformationbyconsideringthe topromotemorestableactivationpatternsforthesource abovematrixwithm≪N. Thenew,projectedmeasure- placedatneuronsofasamecommunityasaconsequence ments~g,withdimensionm,cannowbestraightforwardly offurtherconstraintsonthe dispersionofthe activation. obtained in terms of the following linear transformation In this work we consider for the community identifica- tion the patterns of activation obtained by integrating the activationfromtime 0to H =200. Observethatthe ~g =Gf~. (4) parameter H has important implications for the compu- 4 tational cost, in the sense that the larger its value, the identification of the topological communities as clusters larger the number of computations. appearing in scatterplots obtained by optimally decorre- Figure 4 depicts the clusters obtained in the two- lated PCA projections. dimensionalspacedefinedbythefirsttwoPCAvariables Such a phenomenon has been experimentally investi- considering the average activation patterns and decay gated by considering severalhybrid networks, with com- α = 0.02. Figure 5 shows the respective scatterplots munitiesofdifferenttypes,andvaryingratiosofintra-to obtained for the first and third PCA variables. There- intercommunity connectivity. In most cases the original fore, it is possible to have a clear idea of the 3D PCA communities were mapped onto adjacent sets of points space by considering these two images. In these figures, (clusters)which were often well-definedand delimitated. aswellasalltheothersubsequentones,theoriginalcom- As in [33], the nodes at the interfaces between the ob- munities are identified by respective colors: ER in blue; tained clusters tended to correspond to those nodes im- BA in green; WS in red and GG in magenta. In most plementing the intercommunity connectionsl. The ER cases,especially for low ratiosk/m, the originalcommu- and BA modules tended to produce more concentrated nities were mapped into well-defined respective clusters clusters, with the WS and GG communities often yield- in the PCA space. For instance, in the case m = 2 and ing scattered, but still separated, distributions in the k =0.1, we have dense clusters obtained for the ER and PCAdiagrams. Thediscriminationbetweenthecommu- BA communities. Because of their intrinsic nature, the nities was undermined when a substantially large decay WS andGG models tended to yield largerdispersionsin was considered. As observed previously [33], the tran- most of the cases considered in this work. Yet, they are sient confinement of the activation inside each commu- well-separated, as it can be verified by considering both nity seems to be related to an abrupt pattern of activa- the pca1×pca2 (Figure 4) and pca1×pca3 (Figure 5) tionobservedforseveralmodelsofcomplexnetworks[32]. diagrams. Except for the WS case, the other 3 com- As a matter of fact, the WS and GG models had indeed munities still tended to map to reasonably well-defined been observed [32] to produce less abrupt activations. local regions in the PCA projections for larger values of The situations involving higher values of α would also intercommunity connection (i.e. k = 0.5 and 1). The imply substantially higher computational cost required separationbetweenthecommunityclusterstendedtoin- for the simulation of the activation along longer tran- creasesubstantiallyfromtoptodownalongeachcolumn sient periods. Nevertheless, it seems to follow from the in Figures 4 and 5 as a consequence of the increase of currently reported results that relatively small non-zero the intra-community connectivity relatively to the inter- decay of the accumulatedactivation, to a certainextent, community density of connections. emphasizesthetransientconfinementofactivationinside The PCA scatterplots obtained by considering more the communities. intense decay(i.e. α=0.5)areshowninFigures6and7 Thesefindingssubstantiatetheimportanceoftransient respectively to the pca1×pca2 and pca1×pca3 projec- dynamics for the characterization and analysis of non- tions. Lessseparatedclustershavebeenobtainedinmost linear complex systems. Furthermore, the relationship cases, with intense overlap between communities. How- betweenmodularinterconnectivityandnearlysimultane- ever,thenodesbelongingtotheoriginalcommunitiesstill ousactivationofcommunitieshasseveralimplicationsfor tended to be mapped to nearby positions in the scatter- biologicalandcomputationalneuroscience. Inparticular, plots. Sucha decreaseinthe community identificationis such a relationship can be intrinsically related to recog- adirectconsequenceofthefactthatmoreintensedecays nition of patterns and associativememory. For instance, tended to produce less stable activation patterns for the the nearly simultaneous activation of the communities activation source placed at different nodes. In addition, could play an important role in reconstructing larger the consideration of more intense decay also would im- patterns (communities) from incomplete presentations. ply in averaging the activations along a longer period of Because of the temporal dynamics of nervous systems, time, demanding additional computations. where problems have to be solvedby functional modules of neurons along a given period of time (e.g. [36, 37]), it is possible that the phenomenon of simultaneous activa- IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS tion within communities plays an important generalrole inneuronalorganizationandfunctionality. Theneuronal In continuation to recent previous investigations [33], community identification methodology is also promising therelationshipbetweentopologicalanddynamicalmod- for the identification of functional modules in the cortex ularity during the transient period of activation of non- or neuronal subsystems because of its intrinsic compat- linear integrate-and-fire complex neuronal networks has ibility with the non-linear dynamics performed in those been explored further, with respect to the consideration systems. ofaverageactivationpatternsasresourcesforcommunity Several are the future works implied by the results identification. By increasing the latent period in which and methods reported in the current article. First, it the activation has to increase until firing is reached in wouldbe importanttoperformmoreobjectiveinvestiga- theneuronalcells,relativelysmallnon-zerodecaysofthe tions of the discriminability between the PCA clusters, accumulated activation tended to allow the subsequent forinstancebyusingtheintra-andinter-classscatterings 5 (e.g.[35])andcomparingtheresultsobtainedforthesyn- activations verified for several complex network models. thetic hybrid communities with those yielded by canon- This phenomenon, which is possibly associated to phase ical analysis (e.g. [7, 38]). It would also be necessary to transition and/or self-organized criticality, seems to lie consider larger ensemble of networks in order to reach at the heart of the confinement of the activation inside more generaland definitive conclusions regardingthe ef- the communities during the transient activation. fect of the few parameters involved (i.e. α and H), as wellasconceriningpossiblefinite-sizeandscalingeffects. 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