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Coll Positioning systems: a two-dimensional approach Joan Josep Ferrando Departamentd’AstronomiaiAstrofísica,UniversitatdeValència,46100Burjassot,València,Spain 6 0 Abstract. ThebasicelementsofCollpositioningsystems(nclocksbroadcastingelectromagnetic 0 signalsin a n-dimensionalspace-time)arepresentedin the two-dimensionalcase. This simplified 2 approachallows us to explain and to analyze the propertiesand interest of these relativistic posi- tioningsystems.Thepositioningsystemdefinedinflatmetricbytwogeodesicclocksisanalyzed. n a TheinterestoftheCollsystemsingravimetryispointedout. J Keywords: relativisticpositioningsystems 7 PACS: 04.20.-q,95.10.Jk 2 1 INTRODUCTION v 7 1 The relativistic positioning systems were introduced by B. Coll a few years ago at the 1 Spanish Relativity Meeting celebrated in Valladolid [1]. Remember that these systems 1 0 are defined by four clocks broadcasting their proper time. Here we will name them for 6 short ’Coll systems’. In a ’long contribution’ to these proceedings B. Coll explains 0 / the interest, characteristics and good qualities of these relativistic positioning systems c in the generic four-dimensional case. In this short communication we present a two- q - dimensionalapproach totheCollsystems. r g Thetwo-dimensionalapproachshouldhelpusunderstandbetterhowtheserelativistic : v systemsworkandtherichnessoftheelementsoftheCollsystems.Indeed,thesimplicity i ofthe2-dimensionalcaseallowsustousepreciseand explicitdiagramswhichimprove X the qualitative comprehension of the positioning systems. Moreover, two-dimensional r a examplesadmitsimpleandexplicitanalyticresults. Nevertheless, it is worth remarking that the two-dimensional case has particulari- ties and results that cannot be generalized to the generic four-dimensional case. Con- sequently, the two-dimensional approach is suitable for learning basic concepts about positioningsystems,butit does not allowusto studysomespecificpositioningfeatures thatnecessarilyneed a three-orafour-dimensionalapproach. In the second section we introduce the basic elements of a Coll system: emission coordinates and its other essential physical components. In the third section we explain theanalyticmethodtoobtaintheemissioncoordinatesfromanarbitrarynullcoordinate systemandweuseittodevelopthepositioningsystemdefinedinflatspace-timebytwo geodesic clocks. We finish with some comments about other positioning subjects that weareconsideringat present. BASIC CONCEPTS AND ESSENTIAL PHYSICAL COMPONENTS Inatwo-dimensionalspace-time,letg andg betheworldlinesoftwoclocksmeasuring 1 2 their proper times t 1 and t 2 respectively. Suppose they broadcast them by means of electromagnetic signals, and that these signals reach each other of the world lines. The future light cones (here reduced to pairs of ’light’ lines) cut in the region between both emitters and they are tangent outside. Thus, these proper times do not distinguish differenteventson theemissionnullgeodesicsoftheexteriorregion. Theinternalregion,boundedbytheemitterworldlines,definesacoordinatedomain, the emission coordinate domain W . Indeed, every event on this domain can be distin- guished by the times (t 1,t 2) received from the emitter clocks. In other words, the past light cone of every event on the emission domain cuts the emitter world lines at g (t 1) 1 and g (t 2) respectively: then {t 1,t 2} are the emission coordinates of this event. An 2 importantproperty of theemissioncoordinates we havedefined is that they are nullco- ordinates. The plane {t 1}×{t 2} in which the different data of the positioning system can betranscribedis calledthegridofthepositioningsystem. An observer g travelling throughout the emission coordinate domain and equipped with a receiver which allows to read the proper times (t 1,t 2) at each point of his trajectoryis auserofthispositioningsystem. In defining the emission coordinates we have introduced the first essential physical componentsofaColl system: - Theprincipalemittersg , g , which broadcasttheirpropertimet 1, t 2. 1 2 - Theusersg ,travellingintheemittercoordinatedomainW ,receivetheemittedtimes {t 1,t 2} (theiremittercoordinates). Theseelementsdefineageneric,freeandimmediatelocationsystem(itcanbedefined inagenericspace-time;itcanbedefined withoutknowingthegravitationalfield; auser knowshiscoordinateswithoutdelay). Any user receiving continuously the user’s positioning data {t 1,t 2} may extract his trajectory, t 2 = F(t 1), in the grid. Nevertheless, whatever the user be, these data are insufficientto constructbothofthetwo emittertrajectories. In order to give to any user the capability of knowing the emitter trajectories in the grid, the positioning system must be endowed with a device allowing every emitter to alsobroadcast thepropertimeit isreceivingfrom theotheremitter: - The emitters g , g are also transmitters: they receive the signals (such as a user) 1 2 and broadcastthem. - Theusersg also receivethetransmittedtimes{t¯1,t¯2}. Inotherwords,theclocksmustbeallowedtobroadcasttheiremissioncoordinatesand then,anyuserreceivingcontinuouslytheemitter’spositioningdata{t 1,t 2;t¯1,t¯2}may extractfromthemtheequationst¯2=j (t 1)andt¯1=j (t 2)oftheemittertrajectories. 1 2 Apositioningsystemso endowedwillbecalled an auto-locatedpositioningsystem. Eventually,thepositioningsystemcan beendowedwithcomplementarydevices.For example,in obtainingthedynamicpropertiesofthesystem: - Theemittersg , g can carry accelerometers and broadcast theiracceleration. 1 2 - Theusersg can alsoreceivetheemitteracceleration data{a ,a }. 1 2 In some cases, it can be useful that the users generate their own data: they can carry a clock that measures their proper time t and an accelerometer that measures their acceleration a . Thus, a Coll positioning system can be performed in such a way that any user can obtainasubsetoftheuserdata: {t 1,t 2;t¯1,t¯2;a ,a ;t ,a }. 1 2 POSITIONING WITH GEODESIC EMITTERS IN FLAT METRIC Let us assume the proper time history of two emitters to be known in a null coordinate system{u,v}: u=u (t 1) u=u (t 2) g ≡ 1 g ≡ 2 (1) 1 (cid:26)v=v1(t 1) 2 (cid:26)v=v2(t 2) Wecan introducethepropertimesascoordinates {t 1,t 2} as follows: u=u (t 1), v=v (t 2) (2) 1 2 This change defines emission null coordinates in the emission coordinate domain W ≡ (u,v) / F−1(v) ≤ u, F (u) ≤ v . In the region outside W this change also 2 1 determ(cid:8)ines null coordinates which are an ex(cid:9)tension of the emission coordinates. But in this region the coordinates are not physical, i.e. are not the emitted proper times of the principalemittersg , g . 1 2 Now we use this procedure for the case of two geodesic emitters g , g in flat space- 1 2 time. In inertial null coordinates {u,v} the proper time parametrization of the emitters are: u=l t 1 u=l t 2+u g1 ≡(cid:26)v= l11t 1+v0 g2 ≡(cid:26)v= l12t 2 0 (3) 1 2 Then,theemittercoordinates{t 1,t 2}are defined by thechange: 1 u=u (t 1)=l t 1, v=v (t 2)= t 2 (4) 1 1 2 l 2 From here we can obtain the metric tensor in emitter coordinates {t 1,t 2} and we obtain: ds2 = l dt 1dt 2,l ≡ l 1. On the other hand, in emission coordinates {t 1,t 2}, l 2 theequationsoftheemittertrajectoriesare: g ≡ t 1 =t 1 g ≡ t 1 =j 2(t 2)≡ l1t 2+t 01 (5) 1 (cid:26)t 2 =j 1(t 1)≡ l1t 1+t 02 2 (cid:26)t 2 =t 2 Let g be a user of this positioning system. What information can this user obtain from the public data? Evidently (t 1,t 2) place the user on the user grid, and (t¯1,t¯2), t¯i=j (t j),placetheemittersontheusergrid.Ontheotherhand,themetriccomponent j could be obtainedfrom theemitter’s positioningdata {t 1,t 2;t¯1,t¯2} at two events. The space-timeintervalis: D t 1D t 2 ds2 = dt 1dt 2 (6) rD t¯1D t¯2 DISCUSSION AND WORK IN PROGRESS Wefinishthistalkwithsomecommentsaboutotherpositioningsubjectswearestudying at present. Firstly, the interest of the Coll systems in gravimetry. If we suppose that the userhas nopreviousinformationonthegravitationalfield, whatmetricinformationcan a user obtain from the public and proper user data? Can a user do gravimetry by using ourpositioningsystem?We haveshownthat[2]: - The publicdata {t 1,t 2;t¯1,t¯2;a ,a } determinethe space-timemetricinterval and 1 2 itsgradientalongtheemittertrajectories. - The public-user data {t 1,t 2;t ,a } determine the space-time metric interval and its gradientalongtheusertrajectory. Thedevelopmentofageneralmethodthatofferagoodestimationofthegravitational field from this information is still an open problem, but some preliminary results show itsinterestindeterminingtheparameters in agiven(parameterized) model[3]. On the other hand, some circumstances can lead to take another point of view: the userknowsthespace-timeinwhichheisimmersed(Minkowski,Schwarzschild,...)and we want to study the information that the data received by the user offer. We have undertaken this problem for the flat case an we have obtained interesting preliminary results.In particular, wehaveshownthat[4]: - If a user receives the emitter positioning data {t 1,t 2;t¯1,t¯2} along his trajectory and the acceleration of one of the emitters during a sole echo interval (i.e., travel time of a two-way signal from an emitter to the other), then this user knows: his local unities of time and distance, the metric interval in emission coordinates everywhere, hisownaccelerationandtheaccelerationoftheprincipalemitters,thechangebetween emission and inertial coordinates, his trajectory and the emitter trajectories in inertial coordinates. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ThisworkhasbeensupportedbytheSpanishMinisteriodeEducaciónyCiencia,MEC- FEDERproject AYA2003-08739-C02-02. REFERENCES 1. B. Coll, "Elements for a theory of relativistic coordinate systems. Formal and physical aspects" in ReferenceFramesandGravitomagnetism(WorldScientific,Singapore,2000),p.53. 2. B.CollB.,J.J.Ferrando,andJ.Morales,(submittedPhys.Rev.D). 3. B.CollB.,J.J.Ferrando,andJ.Morales,(tobesubmittedPhys.Rev.D). 4. J. J. Ferrando,andJ. Morales„"Two-dimensionalconstructions",in Relativistic Coordinates,Refer- enceandPositioningSystems,NotesSchoolSalamanca2005.

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