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Bonner zoologische Beiträge Band 53 (2004) Heft 1/2 Seiten 1-11 Bonn, Juni 2005 Clas M. Naumann (26.06.1939 - 15.02.2004)- in memoriam After several years of suffering from cancer, Professor wieg. Certainly through these contacts, Clas Naumann's Clas Michael Naumann zu Königsbrück died on Sun passion for butterflies and moths developed in those day, 151h of February, 2004. He was a füll professor of years. He even wrote as bis first publication a short re Systematic Zoology at the Rheinische Friedrich port on the Lepidoptera found in the sunoundings of Wilhelms-Universität and director of the Zoologisches Maria Taferl in Austria, where he had spent a summer Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, holiday with his parents (in 1958, no. 1). In 1959, he Bonn. passed the final secondary-school examinations. After three trimesters of "studium generale" at Leibniz Kol leg, Tübingen, he studied chemistry from 1960 to 1962, and biology from 1962 to 1966 at the Eberhard-Karls Universität in Tübingen. Here, his entomological inter ests focussed on Bumet Moths, especially of the genus Zygaena. During his time in Tübingen, he undertook his first en tomological trip through a country of the N ear East, and subsequently published bis first species description: Zy gaena problematica Naumann, 1966, from southem Turkey (no. 2). He also made first experiences as a businessman since he founded a trade of entomology supply. In his later days, he used to tel! about this era of bis life with great delight. In 1967, he switched to the Rheinische Friedrich Wil helms-Universität in Bonn. Here, he received his doc Fig. 1. Professor Clas Michael Naumann zu Königsbrück, toral degree in 1970 after doing bis doctoral dissertation June 12, 1995 (Photo M. Schmitt) at the Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig on the systematics and phylogeny of Clas Michael Naumann zu Königsbrück was bom the the holarctic Sesiidae - Insecta, Lepidoptera, under the 26th of June 1939, in Dresden as the only child of Dr. supervision of Günther Niethammer (published in 1971, Eberhard Naumann zu Königsbrück and Freda-Irene, no. 6). Subsequently, he took up an opportunity to work nee Hannemann. He spent the first years of his life at for three years as a university docent at Kabul Univer the family estate (Königsbrück, near Dresden) from sity (Afghanistan). Besides his teaching, he built up a where he could hear and see the bombing of Dresden zoological collection and a small university museum of (13th/14th of February 1945), an impression he pre zoology. The three years he sperrt in Afghanistan were served weil, as he recounted some fifty years later. He most influential upon his further life and scientific ca fled from the approaching Red Army with his family in reer. He took more than just a fancy for the nature, cul Spring 1945, another experience which left a lasting ture, history and people of that country. He leamed the 1. mpress1. 0n. language(s) ofthis country and did extensive field work, even in quite remote parts of the country, such as Nuris His family found a provisional home in the village of tan and Registan, the provinces ofBadakhshan and Pak Kirchohsen near Hameln, where Clas Naumann entered tia, as well the Wakhan Valley in the Afghan Pamirs primary school. From 1949, he went to high school in (Naumann 1974, nos. 11-14). His strong affection for Wilhelmshaven for two years, and finally in Braun Afghanistan and the whole region of the Middle East schweig, where his father, who had a doctoral degree in lasted for the rest of his life. agriculture, found a position with the Bundesforschungs anstalt für Landwirtschaft (Federal Research Institute of He retumed to Bonn in 1973 and received a two-year Agriculture). From his father, who was an ardent beetle post as an assistant at the Institute for Applied Zoology co!lector, he was guided into natural history. Already (Professor Dr. Werner J. Kloft) in Bonn, followed by during bis high school years, he made contact with local three years at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in entomologists, especially lepidopterists, e.g. Fritz Hart- München (Zoological Institute, Professor Dr. Jürgen Ja- 2 Bonner zoologische Beiträge 53 (2004) cobs ), where he received his habilitation in 1977. His the state ministries of Bavaria and Nordrhein-Westfalia, Habilitationsschrift (professorial dissertation) was on he managed to convince the govemment of the latter the phylogeny and zoogeographical relations of the Zy state to guarantee a new building, which would entice gaenini, published also in English in 1977 (no. 21). The him to remain in Bonn. He was intensively involved in same year he was appointed a professor at Bielefeld the detailed planning and invested a good deal of hope University, where he chaired the Department of Mor and energy in this enterprise. However, the construction phology and Systematics of Animals until 1989. He ofthis new building began only the day after he died. continued working on morphology, taxonomy, phylog As a director, Clas Naumann was always concemed eny and zoogeography of the Zygaenidae, but extended about the welfare of the museum's staff members, the his field of work into chemical ecology and sensory countless colleagues who worked at the museum on physiology. A quickly growing number of enthusiastic grants, and of the students doing their theses at the mu diploma and doctoral students soon formed a vivid and seum. And while he mostly did not show much of his prolific team of investigators and authors. emotions, he could be as merry as a lark when he man On July 1, 1989, he was appointed a füll professor at the aged to do something good to somebody, especially Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn, and when it came as a surprise. Possibly, these were the at the same time director of the Zoologisches For most rewarding moments in his daily work. schungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig. Under Clas Naumann was a dedicated academic teacher who his directorship, a corporate plan was elaborated that also stimulated younger scientists to give university provided the institution with an intemal structure, i.e. courses. In many cases, he announced these courses departments (vertebrates, entomology, exhibition and only formally, while in fact they were given by his doc public relations) and sections. He initiated monthly sci toral students. Thus, he not only provided these younger entists' meetings, weekly informal meetings of all staff colleagues the opportunity of gaining experience in members, and he made the regular meeting of the heads teaching, but also considerably enhanced the range of of the three departrnents an effectively working and courses for students of zoology at the Bonn University. well-accepted board of directors. His main goals were to In addition, he supervised numerous diploma- and doc increase the scientific output and to improve the interna toral theses (see !ist below), both at Bielefeld and Bonn. tional standing of Museum Koenig, and to enhance its attractiveness to the public. In all of these activities and Systematists in Central Europe, zoologists and espe throughout the whole of his decisions as Director, he cially museum entomologists, owe Clas Naumann a strove for a consensus among the parties involved. And great deal for his never ending efforts for a better lobby it caused literally anguish to him when he did not suc for our field of science within Germany's political and ceed in reaching consensus. general scientific frame. He was one of the promoters of the Gesellschaft für biologische Systematik (Society for Clas Naumann clearly saw that the museum's infra Biological Systematics) founded December 12, 1997, structure had to be improved drastically in order to and organised its first annual meeting at Museum reach his goals. So, he worked inconceivably hard to Koenig in 1998. He strove for more co-operation be acquire additional fünds, be it for additional technical tween the German museums with vast holdings of scien equipment such as a scanning electron microscope or a tific collections, was one of the founders of the DNFS bone-degreasing device, or for a total renovation of the (Direktorenkonferenz Naturwissenschaftlicher For museum's basement, or for the redesign of its public schungssammlungen in Deutschland), and he served for exhibition. Under his guidance, an entirely new concept several years as a referee for the Deutsche Forschungs for the exhibition was elaborated. With a considerable gemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). Through amount of "soft" money, the reorganisation of the exhibi his tireless lobbying, his own scientifi.c papers and tion was achieved, at least partially, before his untimely through the numerous diploma and doctoral theses he death. However, most tragically, he was already too feeble stimulated and supervised, Clas Naumann contributed to attend the opening ceremony for the first redesigned immensely to the revitalisation and the expansion of portion of the exhibition, on the 9th of October 2003. taxonomy and systematics in Germany. One of his most notable merits for Museum Koenig was Among Clas Naumann's super-regional scientific activi that he succeeded in reaching an administrative decision ties, his efforts for the joumal zoologischer Anzeiger from the state of Nordrhein-Westfalia and the German played an outstanding part. He was editor-in-chief since Federal Govemment for a new building. He would defi 1995. Without his energy and optimism, this joumal nitely not have succeeded without the recruitment to ac would certainly have ended in 1994, when Dr. Johanna cept a position of füll professor at the München Univer Schlüter from Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena (the publish sity and at the same time director of the Zoologische ers at that time) asked Professor Naumann to accept Staatssammlung München. When negotiating with both the task of saving the oldest German zoological jour- Clas M. NAUMANN: in memorian 3 nal. The present profile of the joumal and the boards of editors and advisors still bear Professor Naumann's mark. Also, Clas Naumann was very much interested in im proving the museum's own publication series. lt was his explicit desire that Bonner zoologische Beiträge should grow into an intemationally renowned, fully peer re viewed joumal of high standards in appearance and content. We, the team of editors and advisors since vol ume 51, are proud to say that Clas Naumann was highly satisfied when he saw the newly designed issues of vol. 51. Clas Naumann worked tremendously hard for the good of Museum Koenig, for all the persons working here, for a better standing of the science region of Bonn in a wider context, for taxonomy and systematics, and for science in general. He did so finally at the cost ofhis private life and even his health. Who ever knew him weil enough to be able to judge, and close enough to care, felt relieved Fig. 2. Clas Naumann on the Isle of Skye (Scotland), during an International Zygaenidae Symposium, September 11, 1996. when he informed us about his decision to retire ahead Left: Gerhard Tarmann (Innsbruck), right: Jean-Marie Desse of schedule in April 2004, and he and we hoped he had (Angers) (Photo C. Esch, Münster). some time to devote to his family and his hobbies. But regrettably, he passed away some two months before Scientists, technicians, other staff members and students that date. Thus, he could neither live to see the new of the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander building being completed nor could he introduce his Koenig are deeply indebted to Clas Naumann for his successor smoothly into his duties, as he wished. tireless efforts. The board of directors and scientific staff unanimously decided to dedicate the new building Two fields of interest absorbed Clas Naumann espe to the memory of their former director and to name it cially besides his scientific and administrative work: "Clas M. Naumann-Bau". Bumet Moths and Afghanistan (and adjacent countries). In his spare time and on several expeditions, he col Clas Michael Naumann zu Königsbrück is survived by lected and investigated Zygaenidae. lt was one of his bis wife Storni Naumann-Nawabi and his children Rox highest satisfactions to discover a new species or to re ana and Alexander, to whom we express our deep sym discover a lost one. He published numerous taxonomic, pathy. morphological and zoogeographical studies on that group of moths, and he enjoyed meeting other Zygaeni Acknowledgements. Storni Naumann-Nawabi (Wacht dae enthusiasts (Fig. 2). berg-Pech) read the manuscript of this obituary and relin quished a !ist of her husband's publications to me, Renate Until the last weeks of his life, he was very much con Feist (Bielefeld) compiled a !ist of Clas Naumann's di cemed about the political, social and scientific devel ploma and doctoral students in Bielefeld, Christoph Häuser opments in Afghanistan, especially at the University of (Stuttgart) provided me with a draft of an extensive necrol Kabul. While many of his public lectures were either ogy meant for a lepidopterists' joumal, Christoph Esch characterised by a certain scientific distance or by tacti (Münster) gave permission to use the photograph ofFigure cal considerations (e.g., in order to convince his audi 2, Axel Hofmann (Breisach) identified the persons showed ence of a certain goal), he gave an entirely different im on this photo, and Brad Sinclair (Bonn) improved the Eng pression when giving a talk on countryside, people, lish of my manuscript. culture and history of Afghanistan. His voice, his smile, bis gesture changed. No doubt was left that this was his true passion. He was significantly involved in the revitalisation of the partnership between the Rhei nische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and the Kabul University, and he invested not only just some thoughts in writing several proposals, but he travelled to Kabul and after returning organised campaigns for as sistance. 4 Bonner zoologische Beiträge 53 (2004) PUBLICATIONS OF CLAS M. NAUMANN 18 NAUMANN, C. M. (1977): Biologie, Verbreitung und (AS OF 01.02.2005, COMPILED BY MICHAEL Morphologie von Praezygaena (Epizygaenella) caschmirensis (Kollar, 1848) (Lepidoptera, Zygaeni SCHMITT) dae). Spixiana 1: 45-84. 1 NAUMANN, C. (1958): Schmetterlinge aus der Umge 19 NAUMANN, C. M. (1977): Stammesgeschichte und bung von Maria-Taferl (Niederösterreich). Zeitschrift tiergeographische Beziehungen der Zygaenini (Insecta, der Wiener entomologischen Gesellschaft 43: 33-36. Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Mitteilungen der Münchner 2 NAUMANN, C. (1966): Zygaena (Subg. Zygaena F.) entomologischen Gesellschaft 67: 1-25. problematica nov. sp. Zeitschrift der Wiener ento 20 NAUMANN, C. M. (1977): Rasterelektronenoptische mologischen Gesellschaft 51: 10-19. Untersuchungen zur Feinstruktur von Lepidopteren 3 NAUMANN, C. (1969): Zur Kenntnis der Mesem Gespinsten. Mitteilungen der Münchner entomolo brynus-Arten Afghanistans (Lep., Zygaenidae). Bon gischen Gesellschaft 67: 27-37. ner zoologische Beiträge 20: 266-278. 21 NAUMANN, C. M. (1977): Studies on the Systematics 4 NAUMANN, C. (1970): Bemerkungen zur Biologie und and Phylogeny of Holarctic Sesiidae (Insecta, Lepi zur systematischen Stellung von Zygaena graslini doptera) [Untersuchungen zur Systematik und Phy Lederer, 1855 (Lep., Zygaenidae). Bonner zoologische logenese der holarktischen Sesiiden (Insecta, Lepidop Beiträge 21: 133-136. tera)]. 139 pp., Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New 5 NAUMANN, C. (1971): 6. Schmetterlinge. Pp. 547-549 Delhi, Washington. in: NIETHAMMER, G.: Die Fauna der Sahara und ihrer 22 NAUMANN, C. M., JUNGE, G. & ROSE, K. (1977): Ein Randgebiete, Darstellung eines Naturgroßraumes, Bd. 1: weiterer Beitrag zur Zygaenen-Fauna Kappadokiens Physiogeographie. München (Weltforum-Verlag). (Lep. Zygaenidae). Atalanta 8: 282-289. 6 NAUMANN, C. (1971): Untersuchungen zur Systematik 23 NAUMANN, C. M., & NAUMANN, S. (1978): Eine neue und Phylogenese der holarktischen Sesiiden (Insecta, ostanatolische Unterart der Zygaena (Zygaena) loti Lepidoptera). Bonner zoologische Monographien 1: 1- ([Denis und Schiffermüller], 1775) (Lep., Zygaeni 133. dae). Entomologische Zeitschrift Frankfurt am Main 7 NAUMANN, C. M. & NOGGE, G. (1973): Die Zoolo 88: 37-40. gischen Projekte Afghanistans - erfolgreiches Neben 24 NAUMANN, c. M., Huss, H. & NAUROZ, M. K. (1978): produkt einer Universitätspartnerschaft in Afghanistan. Zur Tierwelt des "Großen Pamir". Pp. 202-213 in: DE GA WI-Rundbrief 4/73: 25-28. GRANCY, R. S. & KOSTKA, R. (eds): Grosser Pamir. 8 NAUMANN, C. & NOGGE, G. (1973): Die Großsäuger Verlagsanstalt, Graz. Afghanistans. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 16: 79-93. 25 NAUMANN, C. M. & RACHELI, T. (1978): Taxonomie 9 NAUMANN, C. & NIETHAMMER, J. (1973): Zur and ecological observations on Zygaena F. from the Säugetierfauna des afghanischen Pamir und des Wak Province of Fars, Southem Iran (Lepidoptera, Zygae han. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 24: 237-248. nidae ). Atalanta 9: 208-218. 10 NAUMANN, C. M. (1973): Ein ehemaliges Wildyak 26 NAUMANN, C. M. (1978): Zur Systematik, Verbreitung Vorkommen im afghanischen Pamir. Bonner zoolo und Biologie von Zygaena pamira Sheljuzhko, 1919 gische Beiträge 24: 249-253. (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Atalanta 9: 355-372. 11 NAUMANN, C. M. (1974): Beobachtungen über den 27 NAUMANN, C. M. (1979. Hans Burgeffs Beitrag zur Verlauf einer Lepidopteren-Immigration in Afghani Zygaenenkunde. Atalanta 10: 85-88. stan 1972. Atalanta 5: 82-88. 28 RACHELI, T. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1979): On Zygaena 12 NAUMANN, C. M. (1974): Pamir und Wakhan - Kurz Fabricius (Zygaenidae) from Fars, south Iran. Nota bericht zweier Expeditionen ( 1971 und 1972) nebst lepidopterologica 2: 53-55. einigen allgemeinen Bermerkungen. Afghanistan 29 NAUMANN, C. M. & BENDER, R. (1980): Eine neue Journal 1: 91-104. Arctia intercalaris-Subspezies aus dem Hindukusch 13 NAUMANN, C. M. (1974): Neue Zygaena-Unterarten (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) . Atalanta 11: 21-28. aus Afghanistan. Entomologische Zeitschrift Frankfurt 30 NAUMANN, C. M. & EISNER, C. (1980): Pamassiana am Main 84: 29-36. Nova LVII. Beitrag zur Ökologie und Taxonomie der c. 14 NAUMANN, & NIETHAMMER, J. (1974): Neu afghanischen Pamassiidae (Lepidoptera). Zoologische nachweise von Säugetieren aus dem nördlichen Af Verhandelingen Leiden 178: 35 pp., 9 pls. ghanistan. Säugetierkundliche Mitteilungen 22: 295- 31 NAUMANN, C. M. & TREMEWAN, W. G. (1980): On 298. the biology of Zygaena (Mesembrynus) tamara Chris 15 NAUMANN, C. M. & NAUROZ, M.K. (1975): Be toph, 1889 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) . Entomologist's merkungen zur Verbreitung des Markhors, Capra fal Gazette 31: 113-121. c. coneri (Wagner, 1839) in Afghanistan. Säugetierkund 32 NAUMANN, M. & NAUMANN, S. (1980): Neue Zy liche Mitteilungen 23: 81-85. gaenen aus den Aufsamrnlungen W. Eckweiler's aus 16 NAUMANN, C. M. & SCHULTE, A. (1977): Eine weitere dem Iran (Lepidoptera Zygaenidae). Mitteilungen der neue Subspecies von Zygaena (Agrumenia) shivacola Basler entomologischen Gesellschaft N. F. 30: 47-54. Reiss & Schulte, 1962 (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). En 33 NAUMANN, C. M. & NAUMANN, S. (1980): Ein Beitrag tomologische Zeitschrift Frankfurt am Main 87: 89- zur Kenntnis der Zygaenen-Fauna Nord- und Ost 93. Anatoliens (Lep„ Zygaenidae). Entomofauna 1: 302- 17 NAUMANN, C. M. (1977): Zygaena (Mesembrynus) 353. halima n.sp. und einige Bemerkungen zur stammes 34 NAUMANN, C. M. & SCHROEDER, D. (1980): Ein geschichtlichen Gliederung der Gattung Zygaena F. weiteres Zwillingsarten-Paar mitteleuropäischer Se (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Zeitschrift der Arbeitsge siiden: Chamaesphecia tenthrediniformis ([Denis & meinschaft österreichischer Entomologen. 29: 35-40. Schiffetmüller], 1775) und Chamaesphecia empi- Clas M. NAUMANN: in memorian 5 formis (Esper, 1783) (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae). Fabricius, 1775 (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Theses Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Zoologicae 5: 1-97 (Verlag J. Cramer, Braunschweig). Entomologen 32: 29-46. 51 FRANZL, S. & NAUMANN, c. M. (1984): Morphologie 35 NAUMANN, C. M. & ROSE, K. (1981): Eine bisher un und Histologie der Wehrsekretbehälter erwachsener bekannte peucedanoide Population der Zygaena Raupen von Zygaena trifolii (Lepidoptera, Zygaeni ephialtes (Linnaeus, 1763) aus Griechenland (Lepi dae ). Entomologische Abhandlungen und Berichte aus doptera, Zygaenidae). Entomofauna 2: 113-124. dem Staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde Dresden 18: 36 NAUMANN, C. M. (1981): Die zoologischen Forschun 1-12. gen der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte. Pp. 105-114 in: 52 WITTHOHN, K. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1984): Qualita RATHJENS, C. (ed.) Neue Forschungen in Afghanistan. tive and quantitative studies on the compounds of the Leske-Verlag + Budrich GmbH, Opladen. larval defensive secretion of Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 37 NAUMANN, C. M. (1982): Zur Kenntnis der von Man 1783) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Compara fred Koch beschriebenen Taxa des Zygaena tive Biochemistry and Physiology 79C: 103-106. c. purpuralis-Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). En 53 WITTHOHN, K. & NAUMANN, M. (1984): The dis tomofauna 3: 225-242. tribution of ß-cyano-L-alanine in cyanogenic Lepidop 38 NAUMANN, C. M. (1982): Zur Kenntnis der von Otto tera. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 39C: 837-840. Holik beschriebenen Taxa des Zygaena-purpuralis 54 NAUMANN, C. M. (1984): Zur Kenntnis der von Fran Komplexes. Entomofauna 3: 371-405. cis Dujardin beschriebenen Taxa des Zygaena 39 NAUMANN, C. M. (1982): Zur Kenntnis der von Hans purpuralis-Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). En Burgeff beschriebenen Taxa des Zygaena-purpuralis tomofauna 5: 343-354. Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Entomofauna 55 PRIESNER, E., NAUMANN, C. M. & STERTENBRINK, J. 3: 411-437. (1984): Specificity of synthetic sex-attractants in Zy 40 NAUMANN, c. M. & TARMANN, G. (1983): Ergebnisse gaena moths. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 39C: der tschechoslowakisch-iranischen entomologischen 841-844. Expeditionen nach dem Iran 1973 und 1977 (Lepidop 56 HÄUSER, C. L., NAUMANN, C. M. & TREMEWAN, W. tera, Zygaenidae). Acta entomologica Musei Nationa G. (1985): On the biology of Parnassius charltonius lis Pragae 41: 273-276. Gray, 1852 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) . Entomolo 41 NAUMANN, C. M. (1982): Zur Kenntnis der von Hugo gist's Gazette 36: 5-13. Reiss beschriebenen Taxa des Zygaena-purpuralis 57 NAUMANN, C. M. & EDELMANN, A. (1984): Insects of Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Entomofauna Southem Arabia -The life history, ecology and distri 3: 459-498. bution of Reissita simonyi (Rebe!, 1899) (Zygaenidae, 42 NAUMANN, C. M. (1983): Zur Kenntnis der von A. Lepidoptera). Fauna ofSaudi Arabia 6: 473-509. c. Costantini und Ubaldo Rocci beschriebenen Taxa des 58 FRANZL, S. & NAUMANN, M. (1985): Cuticular Zygaena purpuralis- Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zygae cavities: Storage chambers for cyanoglucoside nidae ). Entomofauna4: 97-107. containing defensive secretions in larvae of a zygaenid 43 NAUMANN, C. M. (1983): Zur Kenntnis der von Rug moth. Tissue & Cell 17: 267-278. gero Verity beschriebenen Taxa des Zygaena 59 NAUMANN, c. M. (1985): Zur Ökologie und Biologie purpuralis-Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). En von Zygaena (Zygaena) christa Reiss & Schulte, 1967. tomofauna 4: 141- 155. Nota lepidopterologica 8: 42-50. c. 44 NAUMANN, C. M. (1983): Zur Kenntnis der von A. 60 NAUMANN, M. & NAUMANN, S. (1985): Zur mor Przegendza beschriebenen Taxa des Zygaena phologischen Differenzierung asiatischer Populationen purpuralis-Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). En des Zygaena-purpuralis-Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zy tomofauna 4: 173-180. gaenidae). Entomofauna 6: 265-358. 45 NAUMANN, C. M., RICHTER, G. & WEBER, U. (1983): 61 NAUMANN, C. M. (1985): Phylogenetische Systematik Spezifität und Variabilität 1m Zygaena-purpuralis und klassisch-typologische Systematik - mit einigen Komplex (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Theses Zoologi Arrrnerkungen zu stammesgeschichtlichen Fragen bei cae 2: 1-263 (Verlag J. Cramer, Braunschweig). den Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera). Mitteilungen der 46 NAUMANN, C. M. (1983): Zur Kenntnis der von 0. Münchner entomologischen Gesellschaft 74: 1-35. Staudinger und H. Rebe! beschriebenen Taxa des Zy 62 FRANZL, S., NAHRSTEDT, A. & NAUMANN, C. M. gaena-purpuralis-Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zygaeni (1986): Evidence for site of biosynthesis and transport dae). Entomofauna 4: 201-208. of the cyanoglucosides linamarin and lotaustralin in 47 NAUMANN, C. M. (1984): Zur Kenntnis der von Leo larvae of Zygaena trifolii Insecta, Lepidoptera). Jour Sheljuzhko und Otto Holik & Leo Sheljuzhko nal oflnsect Physiology 32: 705-709. beschriebenen Taxa des Zygaena-purpuralis 63 NAUMANN, c. M. & WITTHOHN, K. (1986): Cyano Komplexes (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Entomofauna genese bei Zygaeniden (Insecta, Lepidoptera) und 5: 1-19. ihren larvalen Nahrungspflanzen: Co-Evolution oder 48 NAUMANN, C. M. & TREMEWAN, W. G. (1984): Zy einseitige Strategie-Optimierung? Verhandlungen der gaena anthyllidis Boisduval, [ 1828] (Insecta, Lepidop deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 79: 181-182. c. tera): Proposed Conservation, Z. N. (S.) 2442. Bulletin 64 BODE, W. & NAUMANN, M. (1987): Structure of a ofzoological Nomenclature 41: 73-76. newly discovered glandular organ in Neurosymploca 49 NAUMANN, c. M. & TREMEWAN, w. G. (1984): Das larvae (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Zoologische Jahr Biospecies-Konzept in seiner Anwendung auf die Gat bücher Anatomie 115: 319-329. tung Zygaena Fabricius, 1775. Spixiana 7: 161-193. 65 NAUMANN, C. M. (1987): Distribution pattems of Zy 50 NAUMANN, C. M., FEIST, R„ RICHTER, G. & WEBER, gaena moths in the Near and Middle East (Insecta, U. (1984): Verbreitungsatlas der Gattung Zygaena Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Beihefte zum Tübinger At- 6 Bonner zoologische Beiträge 53 (2004) las des Vorderen Orients, Reihe A (Naturwissen (Esper, 1783) (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Verhandlungen w. schaften) 28 (KRUPP, F„ SCHNEIDER, & KlNZEL der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 81: 258. BACH, R., eds., Proceedings of the Symposium on the 80 FRANZL, S., NAUMANN, C. M. & NAHRSTEDT, A. Fauna and Zoogeography of the Middle East): 200- (1988): Cyanoglucoside storing cuticle of Zygaena 212. larvae (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Morphological and 66 NAUMANN, C. M. & FEIST, R. (1987): The structure cyanoglucoside changes during the moult. Zoomor and distribution of cyanoglucoside-storing cuticular phology 108: 183-190. cavities in Pryeria sinica Moore (Lepidoptera, Zygae 81 TREMEWAN, W. G. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1989): The nidae ). Zoologica Scripta 16: 89-93. nominal taxa described by G. Grum-Grshimailo in the c. 67 WITTHOHN, K. & NAUMANN, M. (1987): Cyano genus Zygaena Fabricius, 1775 (Lepidoptera: Zygae genesis - a general phenomenon in the Lepidoptera? nidae). Entomologist's Gazette 40: 109-113, pl. 9, 10. Journal of chemical Ecology 13: 1789-1809. 82 TREMEWAN, W. G. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1989): Are 68 NAUMANN, C. M. & POVOLNY, D. (1987): Zur Lage vision of Zygaena (Agrumenia) magiana Staudinger, beziehung und Funktion von W ehrsekretbehältem und 1889 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Entomologist's Ga Sinneshaaren im larvalen Integument von Zygaena zette 40: 114-122,pls 11, 12. (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Entomologische 83 NAUMANN, C. M. (1990): Stammesgeschichtliche Re Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Staatlichen Mu konstruktion und ökologische Beziehungen der Organ seum für Tierkunde Dresden 50: 193-198. ismen - Ansätze für interdisziplinäre Kooperation. 69 BODE, W. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1987. On a pair oflit Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesell tle-known accessory glands in female Zygaena moths schaft 83: 291-301. (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Zoological Journal of the 84 0CKENFELS, P., NAUMANN, C. M., SCHMITZ, J., Linnean Society 92: 27-42. SCHMIDT, W. & FRANCKE, W. (1990): Antennale 70 NAUMANN, C. M. (1987): On the phylogenetic signi Reaktionen von Zygaena trifolii (Zygaenidae, Lepi ficance of two Miocene zygaenid moths Insecta, doptera) auf Blüteninhaltsstoffe von Knautia arvensis. Lepidoptera). Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 61: 299- Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesell 308. schaft 83: 424. c. 71 WITTHOHN, K. & NAUMANN, M. (1987): Active 85 ESCH, C. B. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1990): Morpholo cyanogenesis - a new phenomenon in arthropods. gische und ethologische Differenzierung bei Zygaena Zeitschrif für Naturforschung 42C: 1319-1322. filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758) und Z. lonicerae 72 NAUMANN, C. M. (1988): The intemal female genita (Scheven, 1777) (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Verhand lia of some Zygaenidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera) their lungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 83: morphology and remarks on their phylogenetic signifi 505. c. cance. Systematic Entomology 18: 85-99. 86 SCHADE, R. & NAUMANN, M. (1990): Morphologie 73 NAUMANN, C. M. (1988): Functional morphology of und phylogenetische Bedeutung der Sieboldschen the extemal male and female genitalia in Zygaena Fab Drüse einiger Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera). Verhand ricius, 1775 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Entomologica lungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 83: Scandinavica 18: 213-219. 513. 74 NAUMANN, C. M. (1987): Epizygaenella e1ythrosoma 87 HILLE, A., MÜLLER-TAPPE, S. & NAUMANN, C. M. (Hampson, [1893]), with notes on the taxonomic (1990): Parameter genetischer Variabilität bei treatment of the genus Epizygaenella Tremewan & isolierten Zygaena-Populationen am nord-westlichen Povolny, 1968 (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Mitteilun Arealrand (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Verhandlungen der gen der Münchner entomologischen Gesellschaft 77: deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 83: 609-610. 139-147. 88 NAUMANN, C. M., 0CKENFELS, P., FRANCKE, W., 75 FRANZL, S., NAHRSTEDT, A. & NAUMANN, C. M. SCHMIDT, F. & SCHMITZ, J. (1991): Reactions of Zy (1987): Chemische Abwehr bei Zygaena-Larven gaena moths (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) to volatile (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Einfluß der Häutungsperi compounds of Knautia arvensis. Entomologia gener odik auf Morphologie und Inhaltsstoffe kutikularer alis 15: 255-264. Wehrsekretbehälter.Verhandlungen der deutschen zo 89 NAUMANN, C. M. & TREMEWAN, W. G. (1991): A ologischen Gesellschaft 80: 208-209. new subspecies of Zygaena (Zygaena) rhadamanthus 76 NAUMANN, C. M. (1988): Revision der Esper'schen (Esper, [1789]) from southern Portugal (Lepidoptera: Zygaena-Typen (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Zygaenidae). Entomologist's Gazette 42: 85-88. Mitteilungen des internationalen entomologischen 90 NAUMANN, C. M. & TREMEWAN, W. G. (1991): The Vereins 13: 1-22. type-material and type-locality of Zygaena (Agrume 77 NAUMANN, C. M. (1988): Zur Evolution und adap nia) fausta faustina Ochsenheimer, 1808 (Lepidoptera: tiven Bedeutung zweier unterschiedlicher Partner Zygaenidae). Entomologist's Gazette 42: 157-160. c. findungsstrategien bei Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783) 91 RILLE, A. & NAUMANN, M. (1992): Allozyme dif (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Verhandlungen der deutschen ferentiation in Zygaena transalpina Esper, 1780) zoologischen Gesellschaft 81: 257-258. (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Pp. 59-87 in: DUTREIX, C. c. 78 FÄNGER, H. & NAUMANN, M. (1988): Aufbau des et al. (eds) Recent advances in bumet moth research männlichen Genitaltraktes und Spermatophoren (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Proceedings of the 4'h bildung bei Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783) (Insecta, Symposium on Zygaenidae, Nantes 11-13 September Lepidoptera). Verhandlungen der deutschen zoolo 1987. Költz, Königstein. c. gischen Gesellschaft 81: 249-250. 92 WIPKING, W. & NAUMANN, M. (1992): Diapause c. 79 PRrNZ, J. & NAUMANN, M. (1988): Optische Pa and related phenomena in zygaenid moths. Pp. 107- rameter bei der Partnerfindung von Zygaena trifolii 128 in: DUTREIX, C. et al. (eds) Recent advances in Clas M. NAUMANN: in memorian 7 burnet moth research (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Pro taktzone zwischen Zygaena angelicae und Z. hip ceedings of the 4'h Symposium on Zygaenidae, Nantes pocrepidis (Insecta, Lepidopt„ Zygaenidae) in Süd 11-13 September 1987. Költz, Königstein. deutschland. Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologi 93 LAMBERT, B. & NAUMANN. C. M. (1992): Zygaena schen Gesellschaft 87.1: 225. c. (Zygaena) nevadensis Rambur, 1844 -new for Turkey 106 SPEIDEL, W. & NAUMANN, M. (1995): Phylogenetic (Zygaenidae, Lepidoptera). Pp. 184-186 in: DUTREIX, aspects in the higher classification of the subfamily C. et al. (eds) Recent advances in burnet moth research Catocalinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Beiträge zur (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Proceedings of the 4'h Entomologie 45: 109- 118. Symposium on Zygaenidae, Nantes 11-13 September 107 SPEIDEL, W. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1995): Further 1987. Költz, Königstein. morphological characters for a phylogenetic classifica 94 HrLLE, A„ ÜCKENFELS, P„ BöHMER, T. & NAUMANN, tion of the Noctuidae (Lepidoptera). Beiträge zur En C. M. (1993): Untersuchungen zur Pheromonspezifität tomologie 45: 119-135. zweier parapatrischer Zygaena Species. Verhandlun 108 WEYER, M. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1996): Möglich gen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 86: 244. keiten zur Integration ökologischer Ursache-Wir 95 ÜCKENFELS, P„ NAUMANN, C. M. & FRANCKE, W. kungsbeziehungen in ein naturwissenschaftliches Mu (1993): Die Rolle von Blüteninhaltsstoffen und ihren seum zur Verbesserung von Umweltaufklärung und Derivaten im Paarungsverhalten von Zygaena trifolii -erziehung. Umwelt-Bundesamt (Berlin): Texte 4/96: (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Verhandlungen der deut 423 pp. schen zoologischen Gesellschaft 86: 266. 109 SPEIDEL, W„ FÄNGER, H. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1996): 96 SOBOTTA, J„ ÜCKENFELS, P. & NAUMANN, C. M. The ultrastructure of the noctuid proboscis (Lepidop (1993): Die Nutzung von Pyrolizidin-Alkaloiden durch tera: Noctuidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 234: 307- Oreina elongata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Ver 315. handlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 110 SPEIDEL, W„ FÄNGER, H. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1996): 86: 273. The phylogeny of the Noctuidae (Lepidoptera). Sys 97 NAUMANN, C. M. (1993): Die Russische Entomolo tematic Entomology 21: 219-251. gische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemein 111 NAUMANN, C.M. & TREMEWAN, W. G. T. (1996): schaft Rheinischer Koleopterologen (Bonn) 3: 63-65. Geographical variation in the last instar larvae of Zy 98 FÄNGER, H. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1993): Correlation gaena (Mesemblynus) corsica Boisduval, [1828] between the mesodermal male genital system and the (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Linnaea belgica 15: 286- structure of the spermatophore of Zygaena trifolii (Es 288. per, 1783) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae ). Acta 112 SPEIDEL, W„ FÄNGER, H. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1997): Zoologica 74: 239-246. On the. systematic position of Cocytia (Lepidoptera, 99 ÜCKENFELS, P„ PRINZ, J. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1993): Noctuidae). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift N. F. Reactions of Aleioides cf. assimilis (Hymenoptera: 44: 27-31. Braconidae) to the larval foodplant of its host Zygaena 113 FÄNGER, H. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1998): Genital mor trifolii (Esper, 1783) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). En phology and copulatory mechanism in Zygaena trifolii tomologist's Gazette 44: 125- 133. (Esper, 1783) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Acta 100 NAUMANN, C. M., SCHURIAN, K. & WEISS, J.-C. zoologica 79: 9-24. (1993): Notes on the ecology and early stages of Zy 114 NAUMANN, C. M. (1998): Biodiversity - Is there a sec gaena (Mesembrynus) lydia Staudinger, 1887 (Lepi ond chance? Pp. 3-11 in: BARTHLOTT, W. & WINIGER, doptera: Zygaenidae). Entomologist's Gazette 44: M. (eds): Biodiversity. A Challenge for Developmen 225-229, 1 pl. tal Research and Policy. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 101 HÄUSER, C. L„ NAUMANN, C. M. & KREUZBERG, A. etc. c. V.-A. (1993): Zur taxonomischen und phyloge 115 TREMEWAN, W. G. & NAUMANN, M. (1998): Notes netischen Bedeutung der Feinstruktur der Eischale der on the biology and ecology of Zygaena (Mesem Parnassiinae (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae). Zoologische brynus) alpherakyi Sheljuzhko 1936 (Lepidoptera: Mededeelingen Leiden 67: 239-264. Zygaenidae). Stapfia 55: 107- 112. 102 HEINE, S. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1994): Sexuelle Selek 116 NAUMANN, C. M. (1998): Biogeographie und tion und die Evolution tageszeitlich variierender Part Stammesgeschichte. Prioritäten für die Erhaltung von nerfindungsmechanismen bei Zygaena trifolii (Esper, Biodiversität. Pp. 46-49 in: BARTHLOTT, W. & GUT 1783) (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Mitteilungen der MANN, M. (eds) Biodiversitätsforschung in Deutsch deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte land. Potentiale und Perspektiven. Europäische Entomologie 8: 649- 658. Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissen 103 NAUMANN, C. M. & TREMEWAN, W. G. (1994): The schaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen, Graue Reihe no holotype of Zygaena glasunovi Grum-Grshimailo, 11. c. 1893 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Entomologist's Ga 117 RILLE, A. & NAUMANN, M. (1998): Allozyme dif zette 45: 123- 126. ferentiation in the Zygaena trasnalpina (Esper, 1780) 104 GASSMANN, D„ RILLE, A. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1994): superspecies complex (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). II. Morphometrische Variation in der Kontaktzone zweier Genetic diversity and population taxonomy of the two Semispezies des Zygaena-transalpina-Komplexes semispecies Zygaena angelicae (Ochsenheimer, 1808) (Lepidoptera. Zygaenidae). Verhandlungen der deut and Z. hippocrepidis (Hübner, [1799]). Theses zo schen zoologischen Gesellschaft 87.1: 223. ologicae 30: 45-88. 105 RILLE, A. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1994): Allel 118 GASSMANN, D„ HILLE, A. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1998): Stufenkline und Multilocus-Kopplungsgleichgewichte Morphological and morphometrical investigations von Allzymen kennzeichnen eine parapatrische Kon- within a geographical contact zone between Zygaena 8 Bonner zoologische Beiträge 53 (2004) angelicae Ochsenheimer, 1808 and Zygaena transal Art im Iran (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae ). Entomolo pina hippocrepidis (Hübner, [1799]) (Lepidoptera: gische Zeitschrift Frankfurt am Main 112: 233-236. Zygaenidae) in southern Ge1many. Theses zoologicae 133 FÄNGER, H., ÜWADA, M. & NAUMANN, C. M. (2002): 30: 89-104. The pupa of Eterusia aedea (Clerck, 1759) (Lepidop 119 BöHMER, T., HILLE, A., NAUMANN, C. M. & ÜCK tera, Zygaenidae, Chalcosiinae): morphology and phy ENFELS, P. ( 1998): On the specificity of female sex logenetic implications. Deutsche entomologische pheromone compounds in the Zygaena-transalpina Zeitschrift N. F. 49: 261-271. comp\ex (Zygaenidae, Lepidoptera, Insecta). Theses 134 KLüTSCH, C. F. C., MISOF, B. & NAUMANN, C. M .. zoologicae 30: 105-124. (2003): Characterization of microsatellite loci for Re 120 MÜLLER, T., ÜCKENFELS, P. & NAUMANN, C. M. issita simonyi (Rebe!, 1899), (Lepidoptera, Zygaeni (1998): Olfactory discrimination between host and dae) Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 528-531. non-host-plants in Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783) and 135 NAUMANN, C. M .. (2003): Die höchste Zygaene der Z. transalpina (Esper, 1782) (Lepidoptera, Zygaeni Welt. Entomologische Zeitschrift Frankfurt am Main dae). Theses zoologicae 30: 125-138. 113: 362-371. 121 ESCH, C. B. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1998): Host 136 ZAGROBELNY, M., BAK, S., RASMUSSEN, A. V., J0R searching and host-discrimination of a pupal parasitoid GENSEN, B., NAUMANN, C. M., M0LLER, B.L. (2004): of Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783) (Lepidoptera, Zygae Cyanogenic glucosides and plant-insect interactions. nidae). Theses zoologicae 30: 139-158. Phytochemistry 65 (3): 293-306. 122 FÄNGER, H. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1998): Delayed in 137 KLüTSCH, C. F. C„ GROSSE, W.-R., NASHER, A. K., semination in a ditrysian moth, Zygaena trifolii (Esper, MISOF, B. & NAUMANN, C. M. (accepted): The distri 1783) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Theses zo bution of the yellow-lemon tree frog Hyla savignyi ologicae 30: 159- 164. (Audouin, 1827): updates and extensions of previous 123 KARAMI, M., NAUMANN, C. M. & TREMEWAN, W. G. records (Zoology in the Middle East). T. (1998): The systematics and distribution of Zygaena 138 PATT,A., MISOF, B., WAGNER, T. & NAUMANN, C. M. Fabricius, 1775 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) in Iran. (2004): Characterization of microsatellite loci in Am Iran Journal of Entomology 15(1995): 1-22, 1 [ab phitmetus transversus (Kolbe, 1897) (Coleoptera, Cur stract in Farsi]. culionidae). Molecular EcologyNotes 4, 2: 188-190. 124 KARAM1, M., NAUMANN, C. M. & TREMEWAN, W. G. 139 SPEIDEL, W. & NAUMANN, C. M. (2005): A survey of T. 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(1999): The western palaearctic Zygaenidae. 304 the family Oenosandridae (Lepidoptera). SHILAP, Re pp., Apollo Books, Stenstrup. vista de Lepidopterologia 32: 297-313. 127 FÄNGER, H., YEN, S.-H., NAUMANN, C. M. (1999): PATT, A., MISOF, B., WAGNER, T. & NAUMANN, C. Externat morphology of the last instar larva of Phauda M.: Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci mimica Strand, 1915 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea, Zy in Monolepta vincta Gerstaecker 1871 (Coleoptera, gaenidae, Phaudinae). Entomologica Scandinavica Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). Molecular Ecology 30(1998): 429-450. Notes (submitted). 128 NAUMANN, C. M. (2000): Zygaena carniolica (Sco KLüTSCH, C. F. C., MISOF, B. & NAUMANN, C. M.: poli, 1763) forrnaflava erstmals im Iran nachgewiesen Distribution patterns of the Arabian bumet moth Reis (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae ). Entomologische Zeitschrift sita simonyi (Rebe!, 1899) and the wall butterfly Frankfurt am Main 110: 57. Lasiommata felix (Warnecke, 1929) in Yemen (in c. 129 FÄNGER, H. & NAUMANN, M. (2001): The mor prep.: Fauna of Saudi Arabia). phology of the last instar larva of Aglaope infausta NAUMANN, C. M.: New Zygaenidae from South Af (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Chalcosiinae ). European rica (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae) (in prep.) Journal ofEntomology 98: 201-218. NAUMANN, C. M.: Notes on the biology and ecology 130 NAUMANN, C. M. (2001): Biodiversität - gibt es eine of Zygaena huguenini Staudinger, 1888, an endemic zweite Chance? Pp. 191-195 in WINNACKER, E.-L., species of the Tian Shan mountain ranges (Lepidop DICHGANS, J., ERKER, G., FRITZSCH, H„ HöLLDOBLER, tera, Zygaenidae) (in prep.). B., WINTERFELDT, E. & DONNER, W. (eds), Unter NAUMANN, C. M. & TARMANN, G. M.: New light on jedem Stein liegt ein Diamant. Struktur -Dynamik - the phylogeny of the Zygaenidae: proposing a new Evolution. S. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart-Leipzig. cladogramm for the zygaenid subfamilies. 131 NAUMANN, C. M. (2001): Regenwald und Savanne. Pp. 31-41 in: TüRKAY, M. (ed.) Leben ist Vielfalt. POPULAR ARTICLES (EXTRACT) Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe no. 41. 132 KLiR, J. & NAUMANN, C. M. (2002): Zygaena (Me DOR, R. & NAUMANN, C. M. (1978): Die Kirghisen semblynus) purpuralis pseudorubincundus subsp. des afghanischen Pamir. Akademische Druck- und nov.: eine weitere eurosibirisch verbreitete Zygaena- Verlagsanstalt, Graz. Clas M. NAUMANN: in memorian 9 NAUMANN, C. M. (1986): Zur Tierwelt Afghanistans. NAUMANN, C. M. (2002): Zum Gedenken an Max Pp. 89-191 in: BUCHERER-DIETSCHI, P. & JENTSCH, Korb (1851-1933) aus Anlass seines 150. Geburt C. (eds): Afghanistan. Ländermonographie, bearbei stages. Entomologische Zeitschrift Frankfurt am Main tet von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Afghanistan. Schrif 112: 12- 19. tenreihe der Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica 4 (Lies NAUMANN, C. M. (2002): Biodiversität - gibt es eine tal). zweite Chance? Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesell NAUMANN, C. M. (1991): Apollo und Osiris. 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Tier und Museum 4: 55-61. NAUMANN, C. M. (2002): Im Spannungsfeld - Um NAUMANN, C. M. (1996): Biologische Vielfalt aus zo weltforschung. Das Museum Koenig (Schriftenreihe ologischer Sicht. Veröffentlichungen der Deutsch der Alexander-Koenig-Gesellschaft) No. 4: 4--9. Chinesischen Gesellschaft e.V., Oktober 1996: 13- 19. NAUMANN, C. M. (2002): BMZ? AA? GTZ? DAAD? NAUMANN, C. M. (1996): Wo findet die Zukunft der Gender-Seminare statt Damen-Toiletten: Die absurden Menschheit statt? TenDenZen 5: 27-36. Folgen der deutschen Entwicklungshilfe in Afghani NAUMANN, C. M. (1998): Unser blauer Planet - Leben stan. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 21. November im Netzwerk. Das Museum Koenig: Blick in die Zu 2002, Nr. 271, S. 40. c. kunft. Das Museum Koenig (Schriftenreihe der Alex NAUMANN, M. (2003): Albertus Seba (1665-1736) ander-Koenig-Gesellschaft) No. 1: 32-35. Rerum Naturalium Thesaurus. Entomologische NAUMANN, C. M. (1999): Der internationale Code für Zeitschrift Frankfurt am Main 113: 355-359. zoologische Nomenklatur - 4. Ausgabe. Entomolo gische Zeitschrift Frankfurt am Main 109: 353-358. NAUMANN, C. M. (1999): Ras Fartak - 100 Jahre und LIST OF DIPLOMA-AND DOCTORAL THESES ein bisschen später. Entomologische Zeitschrift Frank SUPERVISED BY C. M. NAUMANN furt am Main 109: 393-408. Diploma Theses NAUMANN, C. M. (1999): In Bonn blüht die Biodiver sitätsforschung. Das Museum Koenig (Schriftenreihe ALTHOFF, Arnhild (2001) „Fragmentierung von Kalk der Alexander-Koenig-Gesellschaft) No. 2: 4--9. magerrasen und die Auswirkungen auf die Bestäuber NAUMANN, C. M. (1999): Das Museum Koenig auf Pflanzen-Interaktionen am Beispiel von Campanula dem Weg zu neuen Ufern. Kurzfassung einer zehn glomerata" (University of Bonn, jointly with Dr. M. jährigen Odyssee. Das Museum Koenig (Schriften KRAEMER). reihe der Alexander-Koenig-Gesellschaft) No. 2: 44- BERGFELD, Thomas ( 1996) „Dynamik von Zooplankton 57. und Jungfischen in Altarmen der Sieg" (University of NAUMANN, C. M. (2000): Zu Besuch beim Großfür Bonn, jointly with J. FREYHOF and Dr. K. BUSSE). sten Nikolai Mikhailovich Romanoff. Entomologische B!SCHOFF, Antje (1995) „Verteilungsmuster und Nah Zeitschrift Frankfurt am Main 110: 12-17. rungsökologie von Jungfischen in Rauschen der Sieg" NAUMANN, C. M. (2000): Schakuh - ein Traum wird (University ofBonn). wahr. Entomologische Zeitschrift Frankfurt am Main BISSCHOPINCK, Thorsten (1995) „Die phytophagen Insek 110: 203-211, 12 Abb. ten auf Birke (Betula pendula Roth) unter besonderer NAUMANN, C. M. 2000. Jede Art führt ein „Nischen Berücksichtigung der Blattminierer im Raum Bonn. Dasein". Leibniz 3/2000: 18. Ein Standortvergleich" (University ofBonn). NAUMANN, C. M. (2001): Schattenfreies Fotografieren BöHMER, Thomas (1994) „Untersuchungen zur Abundanz, von präparierten Insekten. Entomologische Zeitschrift Dispersion und genetischen Nachbarschaftsgröße aus Frankfurt am Main 111: 187, 188. gewählter Populationen des Zygaena transalpina NAUMANN, C. M. (2001): Johann Moritz David Superspezies-Komplexes (Insecta, Lep., Zygaenidae" Herold ( 1815): „Entwickelungsgeschichte der Schmet (University ofBonn, jointly with Dr. A. BILLE). terlinge". Entomologische Zeitschrift Frankfurt am COUSIN, Markus (1998) „Diversität baumkronenbe Main 111: 268-276. wohnender Arthropoden eines Tieflandregenwaldes im NAUMANN, C. M: (2001): Laudatio für Herrn Profes westlichen Uganda (Semliki Forest)" (University of sor Dr. sc. Bernhard Klausnitzer anlässlich der Verlei Bonn, jointly with Dr. T. WAGNER). hung der Fabricius-Medaille 2001 der DgaaE. Mit DALBECK, Lutz (1998) „Aspekte der Lebensstrategie von teilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine Hasel Leuciscus leuciscus (Linnaeus 17 58) und Döbel und angewandte Entomologie 13: 7-9. Leuciscus cephalus (Linnaeus 1758) in der Sieg" NAUMANN, C. M. (2001): Ein Mullah mit Gazelle zagt (University ofBonn, jointly with Dr. J. FREYHOF). in Kabul nie. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 21. ESCH, Christoph (1989) „Untersuchungen zur etholo Dezember 2001. gischen, genetischen und morphologischen Differen- 10 Bonner zoologische Beiträge 53 (2004) zierung von Zygaena filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758) tera)" (University of Bonn), jointly with Dr. T. Wag und Zygaena lonicerae (Scheven, 17 77) (Insecta, ner. Lepidoptera) sowie zu deren Verbreitung in SW LEVERMANN, Eva-Maria (1998) „Vergleichend öko Europa" (University ofBielefeld). logische Studien an Panurgus calcaratus (Scopoli FÄNGER, Harald (1986) „Untersuchungen zum Bau des 1763) und Dasypoda hirtipes (Fabricius 1793) (Hy weiblichen Genitalsystems und der Spermatophore menoptera, Apidae) in der Wahner Heide" (University von Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783)" (University of of Bonn, jointly with I. B!SCHOFF). Bielefeld). LINDNER, Michael (1991) „Morphologische und taxono FELTGEN, Kerstin (1998) „Bionomie der Seidenbiene Col mische Untersuchungen an den Zikaden-Ektoparasiten letes cunicularius (Linnaeus 1761) (Hymenoptera, Heteropsyche schawerdae (Zerny, 1929)" (University Aculeata, Apidae )" (University of Bonn, jointly with I. of Bielefeld). BISCHOFF). MAURER, Golo (2001) "Nestling begging behaviour and FIELENBACH, Jörg (1996) „Zeitliche und räumliche the impact of parental alarm-calls in white-browed Verteilungsmuster der Nasen Chondrostoma nasus scrubwrens, Sericornis frontalis (Vigors & Horsfield)" (L.) in der Sieg" (University of Bonn, jointly with J. (University ofBonn). FREYHOF and Dr. K. BUSSE). MEUSEMANN, Karin (2001) „Karyologische Unter-Su FREUND, Wolfram (2000) "Revision of Bonesioides chungen zum Agrodiaetus-Komplex (Lycaenidae)" Laboissiere, 1925 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, (University ofBonn). Galerucinae)" (University ofBonn, jointly with Dr. T. MIDDELHAUVE, Jens (2000) "Revision of Afrocrania WAGNER). Hincks, 1949 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Galeru FREY, Susanne (1989) „Altersbedingte Veränderungen in cinae)" (University of Bonn, jointly with Dr. T. WAG der Feinstruktur des weiblichen Pheromonsystems von NER). Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783)" (University of Biele NEEBE, Bettina (1992) „Der Einfluß von Störreizen auf die feld). Herzschlagrate brütender Küstenseeschwalben (Sterna FREYHOF, Jörg (1992) „Zeitliche und räumliche Verteilung paradisea)" (University ofBonn). von Jungfischen in der Fließstrecke der Sieg" (Univer NEMITZ, Armin (1994) „Untersuchung zum Jungfisch sity ofBonn,jointly with Dr. K. BUSSE). aufkommen in einigen Laichschongebieten der Sieg" GRUNDMANN, Bernd (1984) „Vergleichende, ökologisch (University of Bonn, jointly with Dr. K. BUSSE). faunistische Untersuchungen zur terricolen Käferfauna OCKENFELS, Peter (1989) „Untersuchungen zur Attraktion der Pflanzengesellschaften eines regenerierenden Ho der Imagines von Zygaena trifoli an Dipsacaceen chmoores" (University of Bielefeld). Blüten" (University ofBielefeld). HERDER, Fabian (2000) „Zoogeographie und Ökologie OPPERMANN, Markus (1994) „Vergleichende Untersu zentralvietnamesischer Süßwasserfische" (University chungen zum abdominalen Tracheen-System der Ark of Bonn, jointly with Dr. K. BUSSE and Dr. J. FREY tiidae (Lepidoptera)" (University ofBielefeld). HOF). PFEIFER, Carmen (1999) „Blumenvögel und Vogelblu HEUSER, 0. ( 1994) „Zur chemosensorischen Funktion der men - wechselseitige Anpassungen und Abhängig Pedipalpen bei der juvenilen Jagdspinne Cuppiennius keiten" (University of Bonn, jointly with Dr. M. salei (Aranei, Ctenidae)" (Universities of Wien and KRAEMER). Bonn). PIEPER, Benno (1991) „Untersuchungen zum Reproduk RILLE, Axel (1986) „Morphologische und enzymelek tionserfolg der Männchen bei W eibchenpaarungen trophoretische Merkmalsdifferenzierung im Zygaena zweiten Ranges im Paarungssystem von Zygaena trifo transalpina-Komplex (Lepidoptera, Insecta)" (Univer lii (Esper, 1783) (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae)" (Univer sity ofBielefeld). sity ofBielefeld). HÖLLING, Doris (1992) „Vergleichende Untersuchungen PRINZ, Jochen (1988) „Untersuchungen zum Partner von Carabiden- und Curculioniden-Zönosen in gegat findungsverhalten von Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783) - terten und ungegatterten Rotbuchenwäldern im Ams ein Beitrag zur Reproduktionsbiologie der Zygaeniden berger Wald (Sauerland)" (University of Bonn, jointly (Insecta, Lepidoptera)" (University ofBielefeld). with Prof.Dr. G. KNEnz).. PöRSCHMANN, Melanie (1986) „Morphologische und habi HÖLLING, Michael (1990) „Uber die Eiablage, den Repro tuelle Parameter im larvalen Entwicklungszyklus von duktionserfolg und die Steuerung des des Lockverhal Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783)" (University of Biele tens von Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783)" (University of feld). Bielefeld). RAMMERT, Uwe (1985) „Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit KLUG, Andrea (1993) „Bestäubungsökologie neotropischer des Wehrsekretes und des aposematischen Zeich Ericaceen" (University of Bonn, jointly with PD Dr. nungsmusters von Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783) auf K.-L. SCHUCHMANN). unerfahrene Stare (Sturnus vulgaris, L.)" (University KNEIP, Carsten (1999) „Vergleich der baumkronenbewoh ofBielefeld). nenden Arthropodenfauna in Montanwäldern Ostafri SCHADE, Renate (1991) „Morphologie und phylogene kas" (University of Bonn, jointly with Dr. T. W AG tische Bedeutung der Siebold'schen Drüse der Nym NER). phalidae (Lepidoptera)" (University ofBielefeld). KOHL, Michael (2001) „Die Arthropoden- und speziell die SCHIDELKO, Kathrin (2002) „Neozoen im Großraum Bonn Käferfauna von Teclea (Rutaceae) in verschiedenen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entenvögel" Wäldern Ostafrikas" (University of Bonn, jointly with (University of Bonn, jointly with Dr. R. VAN DEN EL Dr. T. WAGNER). ZEN). KURTSCHEID, Agnes (2000) „Revision von Candeza SCHMIDT-LOSKE, Katharina (1992) „Raumeinbindung und Chapuis, 1879 (Galerucinae, Chrysomelidae, Coleop- Biotopnutzung tagfliegender Großschmetterlinge am

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