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Preview Characterizing the Gaussian coherence-breaking channel and its property with assistant entanglement inputs

CHARACTERIZING THE GAUSSIAN COHERENCE-BREAKING CHANNEL AND ITS PROPERTY WITH ASSISTANT ENTANGLEMENT INPUTS 7 KAN HE AND JINCHUAN HOU 1 0 2 b e Abstract. In the paper, we give a characterization of arbitrary n-mode Gaussian F coherence-breaking channels (GCBCs) and show the tensor product of a GCBC and 4 arbitrary a Gaussian channel maps all input states into product states. The inclu- 1 sionrelationamongGCBCs,Gaussianpositivepartialtransposechannels(GPPTCs), ] h entanglementbreakingchannels(GEBCs),Gaussianclassical-quantumchannels(GC- p QCs) and Gaussian quantum-classical channels (GQCCs), is displayed. - t n a u q 1. Introduction [ 4 Quantum coherence is one of important topics of the quantum theory and has been v 9 developed as an important quantum resource in recent years ([1]). Furthermore, it had 5 been linked to quantum entanglement in many quantum phenomenon and plays an 8 3 important role in fields of quantum biology and quantum thermodynamics ([2]-[8]). 0 . Infinitedimensionalsystems, thetheoryof(quantifying)quantumcoherencehasbeen 1 0 undertaken by many authors ([9]-[16]). Quantum operations relative to coherence have 7 1 become important approaches and resources, such as incoherent operations. Recently, : v coherence breaking channels for the finite dimensional case, as a subclass of inherent i X operations, are defined and characterized in [17]. As we know, continuous variable r a (CV) quantum systems are fundamental important from theoretical and experimental views. In particular, Gaussian states can be produced and managed experimentally easy. Several researchers focused on the theory of (quantifying) quantum coherence of Gaussian states ([14]-[20]). Furthermore, Gaussian maximally incoherent channels also be characterized in [20]. In the paper, we characterize Gaussian coherence-breaking channels and focus on some relative problems. The article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a complete characterization of Gaussian coherence-breaking channels. Furthermore, we show the inclusion relation among GPPTCs, GCBCs, GEBCs, GCQCs and GQCCs. In Section 3, we discuss the property of the tensor product of a GCBC and arbitrary a Gaussian channel with Key words and phrases. Gaussian coherence breaking channels, assistant entanglement inputs. 1 2 KANHE ANDJINCHUANHOU entanglement inputs, andshowanobservationthat thetensor productofGCBCandar- bitrary a Gaussian channel maps all input states into product states, and its connection to channel capacity. 2. Characterizing GCBCs We first give some necessary notations on GCBCs. Definition 2.1 Let H be the complex separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space, T(H) the trace class operators on H. For the fixed reference basis {|ii}, a state ρ is incoherent if ρ = λ |iihi|, otherwise, it is coherent. Denote by I the set of all i i C incoherent states and IG the set of incoherent Gaussian states. A Gaussian channel P C Φ : T(H ) → T(H ) is coherence-breaking (CB) if Φ(ρ) is always incoherent for A B arbitrary a Gaussian input state ρ ∈ T(H ). A What is the characterization of GCBCs? How can we arrive at it? An n-mode Gaussian state ρ is represented by 1 1 ρ = d2nz exp(− zTνz +idTz)W(−z), (2π)n 4 Z where W(z) is the Weyl operator, its covariance matrix (CM) ν is a 2n × 2n real symmetric matrix and the displacement vector d is a 2n-dimensional real vector. So a Gaussian state is described by its covariance matrix and displacement, we write ρ[ν,d]. IfΦisann-mode(Bosonic) gaussianchannel, Φ(ρ) have thefollowing covariancematrix and displacement: KνKT +M, Kd+d¯, where d¯ is a 2n dimensional real vector, K,M are 2n × 2n real matrices satisfying M ≥ ±i(∆−K∆KT), KT is the transpose of K and 2 0 1 ∆ = ⊕n ≥ 0. −1 0 ! So we write a Gaussian channel as Φ(K,M,d¯). In the following theorem, we give a characterization of n-mode GCBCs. Let us recall the Boolean matrix is the matrix with all elements in {0,1} and the column stochastic matrix is the matrix satisfying the sum of elements in each a column is 1. Theorem 2.1 For an n-mode Gaussian channel Φ(K,M,d¯), Φ is coherence-breaking ifand onlyif K = 0, d¯= 0 andthere existscalarsλ > 0 suchthat M = diag(λ I ,λ I ,...,λ I ). i 1 2 2 2 n 2 Inparticular, everyone-modeGaussiancoherence-breakingchannelhasthe formΦ(0,λI ,0). 2 Proof. Notingthatasingle-modeGaussianstateisincoherent (thermal)iffit hasthe diagonal covariance matrix, zero displacement and squeezing, and the n-mode Gaussian GAUSSIAN COHERENCE-BREAKING CHANNEL 3 incoherent state is the tensor product of single-mode Gaussian incoherent states ([19], [20]). Therefore, the “if” part is obvious, let us check that the “only if” part. For arbitrary an n-mode coherence-breaking Gaussian channel Φ(K,M,d¯), Φ(IG) ⊆ C IG. Since every Gaussian incoherent state has zero displacement, it follows that d¯= 0. C So without loss of generality, we assume that the Gaussian channel in the remained proof has zero displacement. Next let us begin with the proof of the claim in the part B of the fourth section in [20] for the sake of self-containment. Let K = (A ) , ij n×n M = (M ) and each A ,M are 2 × 2 real matrices. Noting that an n-mode ij n×n ij ij incoherent Gaussian state ρ has the covariance matrix V = diag(r I ,r I ,...,r I ). ρ 1 2 2 2 n 2 Since Φ maps arbitrary incoherent states to themselves, we have that for each a set {r }n , there exist a set {s }n such that i i=1 i i=1 KV KT +M = (A ) (⊕n r I )(AT)T +M ρ ij n×n i=1 i 2 ij n×n n r A AT n r A AT ... n r A AT j=1 j 1j 1j j=1 j 1j 2j j=1 j 1j nj n r A AT n r A AT ... n r A A =  PP... j=1 j 2j 1j PP... j=1 j 2j 2j ... PP... j=1 j 2j nj +M (2.1)    n r r A AT n r A AT ... n r A AT   j=1 j j nj 1j j=1 j nj 2j j=1 j nj nj  = ⊕n s I  i=P1 i 2 P P where as the covariance matrix of the thermal state, r s and s s are larger than 1. It i i follows that for each j, n r A AT +M = s I ; j kj kj kk k 2 j=1 X n r A AT +M = 0, (k 6= l). j kj lj kl j=1 X Furthermore, by arbitrariness of each r , we have that M = 0 (k 6= l) and j kl A AT = 0 (k 6= l) (2.2) kj lj and thus, there exist unique k in the jth column of the block matrix K = (A ) 0 ij n×n such that r A AT +M = s I for each r . (2.3) j k0,j k0,j k0k0 k0 2 j It follows from arbitrariness of r that M = λ I and A = t O , where O is j k0k0 k0 2 k0,j k0 k0 k0 a 2×2 orthogonal matrix. Now we can describe the structure of K = (A ) as follows, for each j, there exist ij n×n the only one number i such that A = t O 6= 0 in the jth column, while A = 0 0 i0j i0 i0 kj 4 KANHE ANDJINCHUANHOU for k 6= i . It means that for Φ(K,M,0), there exist n single-mode Gaussian channels 0 Φ (K ,M ,0) and an n×n column stochastic Boolean matrix B such that i i i K = (B ⊗I )(⊕n K ), (2.4) 2 i=1 i and M = ⊕n M , (2.5) i=1 i where K = t O for the 2×2 orthogonal matrix O and M = λ I i.e., i i i i i 2 K(·)KT +M = (B ⊗I )(⊕n K )(·)(⊕n K )T(B ⊗I )T +⊕n M = ⊕n φ . (2.6) 2 i=1 i i=1 i 2 i=1 i i=1 i To the end, it only need to show K = 0, i.e., each K is zero. Now let us focus on the i operation on each a mode in (2.6). According to the column stochastic Boolean block matrix B ⊗ I and (2.6), it is reasonable to assume that for the transform φ on the 2 i ith mode in (2.6), there is a subset {i ,i ,...,i } ⊆ {1,2,...,n} such that for arbitrary 1 2 m input Gaussian product state ⊗m ρ with its covariance matrix ⊕m V , iw=1 iw iw=1 iw m φ (⊕m V ) = K (V )KT +M , (2.7) i iw=1 iw iw iw iw i w=1 X where λ 0 i K = t O ,M = , (2.8) i iw iw i 0 λi ! where O is 2×2 real orthogonal matrix. In order to show K = 0, it is enough to show iw each t = 0. iw Next we will show t = 0 in (2.8). As we know, a 2×2 real orthogonal matrix O iw iw has to be one of the following forms: cosθ sinθ cosθ sinθ iw iw , iw iw . (2.9) −sinθiw cosθiw ! sinθiw −cosθiw ! For each one-mode Gaussian state ρ , suppose that its CM iw a c V = iw iw , iw ciw biw ! where a ≥ 0,b ≥ 0, and a b ≥ c2 + 1. Next we deal with the two cases iw iw iw iw iw respectively. If O hasthefirst formin(2.9), itfollowsfrom(2.7)that m t O (V )OT +λ I iw w=1 iw iw iw iw i 2 has to be diagonal for arbitrary one-mode input covariance matrix V . It follows from P iw a short computation that m t [−a cosθ sinθ −c sin2θ +c cos2θ +b cosθ sinθ ] = 0. (2.10) iw iw iw iw iw iw iw iw iw iw iw w=1 X GAUSSIAN COHERENCE-BREAKING CHANNEL 5 Assume on the contrary that there is at least one scalar j ∈ {i ,i ,...,i } such that 1 2 m t 6= 0. Taking a = b and c = 0 for all i 6= j, we have that by (2.10), j iw iw iw w t [−a cosθ sinθ −c sin2θ +c cos2θ +b cosθ sinθ ] = 0. (2.11) j j j j j j j j j j j Taking c 6= 0 and a = b in (2.11), then cos2θ = sin2θ , that is, cosθ = ±sinθ . j j j j j j j It follows that (b −a )cosθ sinθ is always zero in Eq (2.11). Taking a 6= b again, j j j j j j we have either cosθ = 0 or sinθ = 0. It follows from cosθ = ±sinθ that cosθ = j j j j j sinθ = 0. Thus O = 0 is not orthogonal. It is a contradiction. So all t = 0. j j iw If O has the second form, it still follows from (2.7) that m t O (V )OT +λ I iw w=1 iw iw iw iw i 2 has to be diagonal for arbitrary one-mode input covariance matrix V . It follows that P iw m t [a cosθ sinθ +c sin2θ −c cos2θ −b cosθ sinθ ] = 0. It follows w=1 iw iw iw iw iw iw iw iw iw iw iw from a similar discussion to (2.11) that all t = 0. P iw In summary, t = 0 for all i . Thus K = 0. We complete the proof. (cid:3) iw w Next a picture about inclusion relation between GCBCs, GPPTCs, GEBCs, GCQCs and GQCCs is showed. Without loss of generality, next we assume that Gaussian channels have zero displacement vectors in the remained part of the section. Let us begin from the definition of several kinds of Gaussian channel. Definition 2.2 ([21]) Let H ,H ,H be separable infinite dimensional Hilbert A B E spaces, a Gaussian channel Φ : T(H ) → T (H ) is entanglement-breaking (GEBC) if A B Φ⊗I(ρAE) is always separable for arbitrary a Gaussian input state ρAE ∈ T (H ⊗H ). A E Φ is called the Gaussian positive partial transpose channel (GPPTC) if Φ⊗I(ρAE) has the positive partial transpose for arbitrary a Gaussian input state ρAE. Definition 2.3 ([23], [24]) A Gaussian channel Φ : T (H ) → T(H ) is classical- A B quantum (GCQC) if Φ(ρ) = hx|ρ|xiρ dx, where dx is the Lebesgue measure and X x {|xi : x ∈ X} is the Dirac’s system satisfying hx|yi = δ(x−y). It is a direct analogy R of CQ maps in the finite dimensional systems. A Gaussian channel Φ : T(H ) → A T(H ) is quantum-classical (GQCC) if Φ(ρ) = trT(dy), that is, such a channel maps B quantum states to probability distributions on Y. Where T(dy) = p (y)dy, p (y) = T T 1 exp[−i∆(ω,y)]φ (ω)d2nω and the operator characteristic function (2π)2n T R 1 φ = W (Kω)exp[− µ(ω,ω)]. T A 2 We denote by ΩG ,ΩG ,ΩG ,ΩG ,ΩG the sets of GPPTCs, GEBCs, GCQCs, PPT EB CQ QC CB GQCCs and GCBCs respetively. NextweuncovertheinclusionrelationamongkindsofGaussianchannels. Letusstart from the general Gaussian channels. An n-mode Gaussian channel Φ(K,M) satisfies i M ≥ ± (∆−K∆KT), 2 6 KANHE ANDJINCHUANHOU 0 1 where ∆ = ⊕n ∆ and ∆ = . Noting also that a Gaussian channel Φ(K,M) i=1 i i −1 0! is entanglement-breaking (GEBC) if and only if there exist M ,M such that 1 2 i i M = M +M , M ≥ ± ∆, M ≥ ± K∆KT. 1 2 1 2 2 2 Furthermore, Φ is PPT iff M ≥ i(∆±K∆KT) ([25]). It follows that 2 ΩG ⊆ ΩG . EB PPT Holevo ([23, 24]) showed that Φ(K,M,d¯) is a GCQC if K∆KT = 0 and a GQCC if it satisfies i M ≥ ± K∆KT. 2 A direct observation and Theorem 2.2 say that ΩG ⊆ ΩG ⊆ ΩG . CB CQ QC Next let us check that ΩG ⊆ ΩG . If M satisfies that M ≥ ±iK∆KT, taking M = QC EB 2 1 M −(±iK∆KT) and M = ±iK∆KT. It follows that M ≥ ±i∆. So ΩG ⊆ ΩG . 2 2 2 1 2 QC EB Finally, we have that ΩG ⊆ ΩG ⊆ ΩG ⊆ ΩG ⊆ ΩG . CB CQ QC EB PPT The inclusion relation is described in Figure 1. GPPTC GEBC GQCC GCQC GCBC Figure 1. The picture for the inclusion relation GAUSSIAN COHERENCE-BREAKING CHANNEL 7 3. Property of GCBCs with assistant entanglement inputs Next we are interested in Gaussian coherence breaking channels with assistant entan- glement inputs. Such property is helpful to understand relative problems on channel capacities ([23]- [37]). Without loss of generality, we assume that Gaussian channels in the section are with zero displacement. An observation first is obtained as follows. Theorem 3.1 For arbitrary a Gaussian channel Ψ on the system H and an n-mode E Gaussian coherence breaking channel Φ on quantum system H , Φ⊗Ψ(ρAE) is always a A product state for arbitrary input Gaussian state ρAE on the composite system H ⊗H . A E A C Proof. Suppose Ψ(K ,M ) and ρ has the CM , then Φ⊗Ψ(ρAE) has Ψ Ψ AE CT E! the following CM 0 0 A C 0 0 ⊕n λ I 0 ν = + i=1 i 2 , out 0 XΨ! CT E! 0 XΨT! 0 YΨ! where λ is the eigenvalue of thermal state in the ith mode of the system A. It follows i that ν = (⊕n ω I )⊕(X EXT +Y ). out i=1 i 2 Ψ Ψ Ψ Thus, Φ⊗Ψ(ρAE) = Φ(ρ )⊗Ψ(ρ ) is a product state. We complete the proof. (cid:3) A E The observation says that the set of GCBCs has to be a proper subset of the set of GEBCs. In order to link to applications into the theory of channel capacities, it is need todiscuss theproperty ofthe k−tensor-product forGCBCs andarbitrarychannels with entangled inputs. Suppose that the Gaussian channel Ψ has the form (X ,Y ) with the zero displace- Ψ Ψ ment vector and Φ⊗Ψ acts on bipartite system H ⊗H . It follows that the Gaussian A B channel (Φ ⊗ Ψ)⊗k can be described based on covariance matrices of input states as follows ⊕k ⊕k ⊕k 0 0 0 0 ⊕n ω I 0 ν 7→ ν + i=1 i 2 , in in 0 XΨ! 0 XΨT! 0 YΨ! A C where diagν = diag(ν ,ν ,...,ν ), ν = is the covariance matrix for in AB AB AB AB CT B! input states of Φ⊗Ψ, ω is the eigenvalue of thermal state in the ith mode of the system i A. It follows that the CM ν of the output state out ⊕k ⊕n ω I 0 ν = i=1 i 2 . out 0 XΨBXΨT +YΨ! Without loss of generality, write the modulation covariance matrix for the Gaussian channel (Φ ⊗ Ψ)⊗k ν = (m ) (for example, see [31], [34]). Similar to the above mod ij 8 KANHE ANDJINCHUANHOU discussion, we have that the modulated output state has the covariance matrix ν¯ out ⊕k ⊕n ω I 0 ν¯ = ν = i=1 i 2 , (3.1) out (Φ⊗Ψ)⊗k(ρ[νin+νmod]) 0 XΨ(B +νm′ od)XΨT +YΨ! Where the ν′ is the submatrix of ν corresponding to B. mod mod Recall that capacity of quantum channels is a core topic in quantum information, and additivity question for channel capacity arises from the following one: whether or not the entangled inputs can improve the classical capacity of quantum channels ([22]-[37]). The classical χ-capacity of a channel Φ is defined as C (Φ) = sup [S( p (Φ(ρ )))− p S(Φ(ρ )], (3.2) χ i i i i {pi,ρi} i i X X where S denote quantum entropy. The classical capacity C(Φ) is 1 C(Φ) = lim C (Φ⊗k). (3.3) χ k→∞ k If Φ is Gaussian channel, its Gaussian classical χ-capacity is defined as CG(Φ) = supS(Φ(ρ¯))− µ(dω)S(Φ(ρ(ω))), (3.4) χ µ,ρ¯ Z where the input ρ(ω) is n-mode Gaussian state, ρ¯= µ(dz)ρ(z) is the so-called aver- aged signal state, µ is probability measure. Note that the right side of Eq (3.4) may be R infinite. It is obvious that the Gaussian classical capacity is a lower bound of classical capacity. The additivity of channel capacity can be described as C(Φ⊗Ψ) = C(Φ)+C(Ψ), (3.5) where Φ and Ψ are channels and C denotes channel capacity ([35]). It is mentioned that the additivity of classical capacity for GEBCs had been discussed in ([26], [27]). Here, we are interested in giving a shorter proof of additivity of classical capacity of the tensor product of a GCBC and arbitrary a Gaussian channel. For the Gaussian channel Ψ has the form (X ,Y ) and the GCBC Φ, it follows from (3.1) that Ψ Ψ χ((Φ⊗Ψ)⊗k) = S(ρ[ν¯ ])−S(ρ[ν ]) out out = kS(ρ[⊕n ω I ]⊗ρ[X (B +ν′ )XT +Y ])− i=1 i 2 Ψ mod Ψ Ψ kS(ρ[⊕n ω I ]⊗ρ[X BXT +Y ]) i=1 i 2 Ψ Ψ Ψ = kS(Φ(ρ¯ ))+kS(Ψ(ρ¯ ))−kS(Φ(ρ ))−kS(Ψ(ρ )) A E A E = kχ(Φ)+kχ(Ψ). It follows from that the Gaussian classical capacity and Gaussian classical χ-capacity are both additive for the tensor product of a GCBC and arbitrary a Gaussian channel. GAUSSIAN COHERENCE-BREAKING CHANNEL 9 4. Conclusion Here, we have given a complete characterization of arbitrary n-mode Gaussian co- herence breaking channels (GCBCs), which constitute a proper subclass of Gaussian entanglement breaking channels. Indeed, Gaussian coherence breaking channels have more rigorous properties, comparing with Gaussian entanglement breaking ones. An obvious witness is our observation that the tensor product of a GCBC and arbitrary a Gaussian channel maps all input states into product states. We also establish the inclusion relations among GCBCs and other common kinds of Gaussian channels. Fur- thermore, we discuss the property of the k−tensor-product of GCBCs and arbitrary channels with entangled inputs, and show a simple application in the research on the theory of the channel capacity. Acknowledgements Thanks for comments. The work is completed when Kan He studies at University of Technology Sydney as a visiting scholar supported by China Scholarship Council (2016-2017). 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