Characterization of the finite variation property for a class of stationary increment infinitely divisible processes 2 1 0 2 Andreas Basse-O’Connor∗† and Jan Rosiński∗‡ n ∗Department of Mathematics, The University of Tennessee, USA. a J †E-mail: [email protected] ‡E-mail: [email protected] 0 2 January 23, 2012 ] R P . Abstract h t a We characterize the finite variation property for stationary increment mixed m moving averages driven by infinitely divisible random measures. Such processes [ includefractionalandmovingaverageprocessesdrivenbyLévyprocesses,andalso 1 their mixtures. We establish two types of zero-one laws for the finite variation v 6 property. We also consider some examples to illustrate our results. 6 3 Keywords: finitevariation; infinitelydivisibleprocesses; stationaryprocesses; frac- 4 tional processes; zero-one laws . 1 AMS Subject Classification: 60G48; 60H05; 60G51; 60G17 0 2 1 : 1 Introduction v i X Processes with stationary, but not necessarily independent, increments have always r a been of interest in probability and its applications. They are used to model long mem- ory phenomena. Examples include fractional and moving average processes driven by bilateral Lévy processes, as well as their superpositions called mixed fractional and mixed moving average processes, respectively. It has been of interest to determine when such processes are semimartingales and, in particular, when they have locally finite variation. Such questions for Gaussian moving averages were resolved by Knight [13, Theorem 6.5]. Recently, Basse and Pedersen [3] characterized the semimartingale and finite variation properties for stochastic convolutions of non-Gaussian Lévy pro- cesses but their arguments do not apply to moving averages. Bender et al. [4] gave necessary and sufficient conditions for square integrable fractional Lévy processes to have sample paths of finite variation and show that the total variation property, for these processes, satisfies a zero-one law. 1 In this paper we characterize the finite variation property for a wide class of sta- tionary increment infinitely divisible processes that includes fractional Lévy processes, moving averages and mixtures of these processes. We also establish two types of zero- one laws for such processes. Therefore, we extend results of [13] and [4] to a much larger classes of processes but our methods are different. Our work utilizes Banach space techniques, the crucial observation that BV[0,1], the space of functions of finite variation, is a Banach space of cotype 2, and arguments in the spirit of Hardy and Littlewood [10, Theorem 24]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we define the class of processes we consider. They are Stationary Increment Mixed Moving Average type (SIMMA for short)processes, see (2.1) and(2.4). InSection3 westatethemainresults ofthispaper. Theorem 3.1 gives sufficient conditions for a SIMMA process to have finite variation. Theorem 3.3, which is the most difficult result of this work, gives necessary conditions. Theorems 3.7–3.8 state the zero-one laws. In Section 4 we determine the finite variation property on examples of processes driven by mixtures of stable random measures and tempered stable random measures. Sections 5 and 6 contain proofs of the main results. 2 Preliminaries Throughout this paper (Ω,F,P) stands for a probability space and (V,V,m) denotes a σ-finite measure space. Let λ be the Lebesgue measure on , B = {B ∈ B( ) : 0 R R λ(A) < ∞}, and let V = {B ∈ V : m(B) < ∞}. Consider a stationary increment 0 mixed moving average (SIMMA, for short) process X = (X ) given by t t∈ R X = f(t−s,v)−f (−s,v) W(ds,dv), t ∈ , (2.1) t 0 R Z ×V R (cid:0) (cid:1) where f,f : ×V 7→ are measurable deterministic functions and W is an indepen- 0 dently scatterRed randomRmeasure defined on the σ-ring generated by B ×V such that 0 0 for all A ∈ B , B ∈ V and u ∈ , 0 0 R EeiuW(A×B) (2.2) 1 = exp λ(A) iuθ(v)− u2σ2(v)+ (eiux −1−iuτ(x))ρ (dx) m(dv) . v 2 h ZB(cid:16) ZR (cid:17) i Here ρ = {ρ : v ∈ V} is a measurable parametrization of Lévy measures on , θ and v R σ2 are two measurable functions from V into such that σ2 ≥ 0, and τ is a truncation R function on , i.e., a bounded function from into such that τ(x) = x+ o(x2) as R R R x → 0. The integral in (2.1) is defined as in Rajput and Rosiński [15]. We further assume that W is purely stochastic, that is m(v : ρ ( ) = 0, σ2(v) = 0) = 0. (2.3) v R 2 Since W is invariant in distribution under the shift on , (X ) has stationary t t∈ R R increments and thus is continuous in probability, cf. [19]. If V is a one-point space, then the v-component can be removed from (2.1)–(2.2) and W becomes a random measure generated by increments of a two-sided Lévy process that we also denote by W. In this case (X ) is called a stationary increment moving average (SIMA) process written t t∈ R as X = f(t−s)−f (−s) dW , t ∈ , (2.4) t 0 s R Z R (cid:0) (cid:1) If also f(s) = f (s) = sα for some α ∈ , then (X ) is a fractional Lévy process. 0 + t t∈ R R If f ≡ 0, then (X ) is a moving average. When f ≡ 0 in (2.1), then (X ) is a 0 t t∈ 0 t t∈ R R mixed moving average process (cf. [20]). Overall, SIMMA processes cover a large class of stationary increment infinitely divisible processes of interest. Let I ⊆ be an interval, finite or infinite. A function h: I → is said to be of R R finite variation, if for all a,b ∈ I with a < b, n khk := sup |h(t )−h(t )| < ∞. BV[a,b] k k−1 a=t0<···<tn=b k=1 n∈ X N For example, if h is absolutely continuous, that is, there exists a locally integrable ˙ function h such that t ˙ h(t)−h(u) = h(s)ds, u,t ∈ I, u < t, Zu b ˙ then h is of finite variation and khk = |h(s)|ds. BV[a,b] a We will always choose a separable process X = (X ) satisfying (2.1). Since X is t t∈ R R continuous in probability, we may and do assume that the set ⊂ of dyadic numbers D R is its separant, see [9]. Then n kXk = sup |X −X | a.s., (2.5) BV[a,b] tni tni−1 n∈ N Xi=1 where a = tn < ··· < tn = b are such that {tn}n−1 ⊂ and max tn−tn → 0 as 0 n i i=1 D 1≤i≤an i i−1 n → ∞. Similarly, we may view f := f(t−·,·) as a stochastic process with respect to t some probability measure Q on ×V that equivalent to λ⊗m. Since X is continuous R in probability, from the properties of the stochastic integral (2.1) and (2.3) it follows that t 7→ f is continuous in Q, see [15]. Thus we may and do assume the separability t of (f ) with being its separant. Consequently, we have t t∈ R D n kfk = sup |f −f | λ⊗m-a.e., (2.6) BV[a,b] tni tni−1 n∈ N Xi=1 where tn are as in (2.5). i 3 3 Main results 3.1 Characterization of finite variation Here we give closely related sufficient and necessary conditions for SIMMA processes to have paths of finite variation. Theorem 3.1 (Sufficiency). Let X = (X ) be a process given by (2.1). Suppose t t∈ that for m-a.e. v, f(·,v) is absolutely continuoRus and its derivative f˙(s,v) = ∂ f(s,v) ∂s satisfies the following two conditions |f˙(s,v)|2σ2(v) m(dv)ds < ∞, (3.1) Z ZV R (cid:0) (cid:1) and |xf˙(s,v)|2 ∧|xf˙(s,v)| ρ (dx)m(dv)ds < ∞. (3.2) v Z ZV Z R R(cid:0) (cid:1) Then (X ) has absolutely continuous sample paths a.s. whose total variation is inte- t t∈ grable on eacRh finite interval. Moreover, λ⊗P-a.e. dX t ˙ = f(t−s,v)W(ds,dv), t ∈ , dt R Z ×V R where on the right hand side is a well-defined mixed moving average process with paths in L1 a.s. on each finite interval. Corollary 3.2. Let C andD denotethe integralsgiven by(3.1) and (3.2), respectively. f f In addition to the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, suppose that W is a mean zero random measure. Then EkXk ≤ (2/π)1/2C1/2 +(5/4)max{D ,D1/2}. BV[0,1] f f f The converse to Theorem 3.1 is more complex due to the vast class of possible random measures W. Assumption (3.3) precludes W having locally finite variation, which necessitates f to have absolutely continuous sections (see Remark 3.6). Theorem 3.3 (Necessity). Suppose that X has paths of finite variation a.s. on [0,1] and that 1 m v : |x|ρ (dx) < ∞, σ2(v) = 0 = 0. (3.3) v (cid:16) Z−1 (cid:17) ˙ Then for m-a.e. v, f(·,v) is absolutely continuous, its derivative f(·,v) satisfies (3.1) and |f˙(s,v)x|∧|f˙(s,v)x|2 (1∧x−2)ρ (dx)ds < ∞ m-a.e. (3.4) v Z Z R R (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 If, additionally, u |x|ρ (dx) |x|>u v limsup < ∞ m-a.e. (3.5) x2ρ (dx) u→∞ R|x|≤u v ˙ R then f(·,v) satisfies (3.1) and (|xf˙(s,v)|2 ∧|xf˙(s,v)|)ρ (dx)ds < ∞ m-a.e. (3.6) v Z Z R R Finally, if u |x|ρ (dx) |x|>u v supsup < ∞ (3.7) x2ρ (dx) v∈V u>0 R|x|≤u v ˙ R then f(·,v) satisfies (3.1) and (3.2). Corollary 3.4. Theorem 3.3 constitutes a complete converse to Theorem 3.1 when (3.3) holds and either (3.5) holds and V is finite or (3.7) holds. Surprisingly, it is not easy to find a centered random measure W failing (3.5). Below we will give conditions under which (3.5) or (3.7) hold. Recall that a measure µ on R is said to be regularly varying if x 7→ µ([−x,x]c) is a regularly varying function; see [5]. Proposition 3.5. Condition (3.5) is satisfied when one of the following two conditions holds for m-almost every v ∈ V (i) x2ρ (dx) < ∞ or |x|>1 v R (ii) ρ is regularly varying at ∞ with index β ∈ [−2,−1). v Condition (3.7) holds when ρ = ρ for all v and some fixed Lévy measure ρ satisfying v 0 0 (3.5) and such that ρ is regularly varying with index β ∈ (−2,−1) at 0. 0 Proof of Proposition 3.5. (i). Choose u = u (v) > 0 such that ρ ([−u ,u ]) > 0. Then 0 0 v 0 0 for all u > u 0 u |x|ρ (dx) x2ρ (dx) x2ρ (dx) |x|>u v ≤ |x|>u v ≤ |x|>u0 v . x2ρ (dx) x2ρ (dx) x2ρ (dx) R|x|≤u v R|x|≤u v R|x|≤u0 v R R R (ii). Using the identities for u > 0 ∞ |x|ρ (dx) = uρ ([−u,u]c)+ ρ ([−r,r]c)dr, v v v Z|x|>u Zu u x2ρ (dx) = 2 rρ ([−r,r]c)dr−u2ρ ([−u,u]c), v v v Z|x|≤u Z0 5 and dividing by u2ρ ([−u,u]c) in the below fraction gives v u |x|>u|x|ρv(dx) = 1+ u∞ρv([−r,r]c)dr/(uρv([−u,u]c)) → 1−(β +1)−1 x2ρ (dx) 2 urρ ([−r,r]c)dr/(u2ρ ([−u,u]c))−1 2(β +2)−1 −1 R|x|≤u v 0 Rv v R R as u → ∞ by Karamata’s Theorem [5, Theorem 1.5.11]. (The limit should be under- stood as 0 when β = −2.) This shows (3.5). The proof of the last part of this proposition is similar to the proof of (ii) and thus is omitted. Remark 3.6. Aswe mentioned earlier, condition (3.3) is ingeneralnecessary to deduce that f has absolutely continuous sections. Indeed, let V be a one point space so that W is generated by increments of a Lévy process denoted again by W. If (3.3) is not satisfied, then taking f = 1 we get that X = W −W is of finite variation, but f [0,1] t t t−1 is not continuous. 3.2 Zero-one laws We distinguish two types of zero-one laws, a global one which always holds and a local one holding only in certain situations. Theorem 3.7 (Global 0-1). Let X = (X ) be a process given by (2.1). Then t t∈ R P kXk < ∞ for all a < b = 0 or 1. BV[a,b] (cid:0) (cid:1) Theorem 3.8 (Local 0-1). Let a < b be fixed reals. Then, P kXk < ∞ = 0 or 1 (3.8) BV[a,b] (cid:0) (cid:1) provided one of the following conditions is satisfied: (a) f(·,v) is of finite variation for m-a.e. v, (b) ρ ( ) = ∞ for m-a.e. v. v R Furthermore, if P kXk < ∞ = 1, then (a) holds. BV[a,b] (cid:0) (cid:1) Remark 3.9. The following example shows that the local zero-one law does not always hold. Let [a,b] = [0,1] and let f: → be a continuous function such that f has R R infinite total variation on each subinterval of [0,1] and f(x) = 0 for x ∈ [0,1]c. Let 6 W be a Poisson point process on with Lebesgue intensity measure, represented as R W = δ . Consider a moving average process j τj P X = f(t−s)W(ds) = f(t−τ ). t j ZR t−1X≤τj≤t If the event W([−1,1]) = 0 occurs, then X = 0 for all t ∈ [0,1]. Thus t P(kXk < ∞) ≥ P kXk < ∞, W([−1,1]) = 0 = e−2. BV[0,1] BV[0,1] (cid:0) (cid:1) Also, if W([−1,0]) = 0 and W([0,1]) = 1, then kXk = ∞. Hence BV[0,1] P(kXk < ∞) = 1−P(kXk < ∞) BV[0,1] BV[0,1] ≤ 1−P kXk = ∞, W([−1,0]) = 0, W([0,1]) = 1 = 1−e−2. BV[0,1] (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 Examples In this subsection we will consider two examples of the general set-up. First, in Exam- ple 4.1, we will consider the situation where the noise W is of the stable or tempered stable type. More precisely, let ρ be given by v ρ (dx) = 1 c (v)x−α(v)−1 +1 c (v)|x|−α(v)−1 dx, α(v) ∈ (1+ǫ,2), (4.1) v {x≥0} 1 {x<0} 2 or (cid:0) (cid:1) ρ (dx) = 1 d x−β−1e−l1x +1 d |x|−β−1e−l2|x| dx, β ∈ (1,2), (4.2) v {x≥0} 1 {x<0} 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) where c ,c ,α are measurable functions from V into [0,∞), d ,d ≥ 0,d + d > 0, 1 2 1 2 1 2 l ,l > 0 and ǫ > 0. Equation (4.1) defines the Lévy measure of a stable distribution 1 2 with index α(v) and (4.2) is the Lévy measure of a tempered stable distribution with a fixed index β; see [6]. Example 4.1. Suppose that ρ is given by (4.1) or (4.2), and σ2 = 0. Then, a SIMMA v process X = (X ) , given by (2.1), is of finite variation if and only if for m-a.e. v, t t∈ R ˙ f(·,v) is absolutely continuous with derivative f(·,v) satisfying c (v)+c (v) 1 2 |f˙(s,v)|α(v) dsm(dv) < ∞ when ρ is given by (4.1), 2−α(v) ZV ZR(cid:16) (cid:17) |f˙(s,v)|β ∧|f˙(s,v)|2 dsm(dv) < ∞ when ρ is given by (4.2). ZV ZR(cid:16) (cid:17) 7 1 Proof. Let ρ is given by (4.1). For v ∈ V, |x|ρ (dx) = ∞ and hence (3.3) is v −1 v satisfied. Using (4.1) a simple calculation shows that R |xu|∧|xu|2 ρ (dx) = C(v)|u|α(v), u ∈ , v R Z where R(cid:0) (cid:1) 1 1 C(v) := c (v)+c (v) + . 1 2 α(v)−1 2−α(v) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) A similar calculation shows that u |x|ρ (dx) = K (v) x2ρ (dx), u ≥ 0, v 0 v Z|x|>u Z|x|≤u where K (v) = (2−α(v))/(α(v)−1), and since α(v) ∈ (1+ǫ,2) by assumption, (3.7) 0 holds. Hence the result follows by Theorems 3.1+3.3. 1 Assume that ρ = ρ is given by (4.2) and note that |x|ρ(dx) = ∞. In the v −1 following we will use the notation f(u) ∼ g(u) as u → 0 (or ∞), if f(u)/g(u) → 1 R as u → 0 (or ∞). Moreover, we will use the asymptotics of the incomplete gamma functions. We have that ρ([−u,u]c) ∼ (d +d )β−1u−β as u → 0, 1 2 whichbyProposition3.5showsthatρsatisfies(3.7),keepinginmindthat x2ρ(dx) < |x|>1 ∞. From (4.2) we have R C uβ as u → ∞, |xu|∧|xu|2 ρ(dx) ∼ 1 Z (C2u2 as u → 0, R(cid:0) (cid:1) where C = (d +d )((β−1)−1+(2−β)−1) and C = (d lβ−2+d lβ−2)Γ(2−β), which 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 by Theorems 3.1+3.3 completes the proof. Let v 7→ α(v) be a measurable function from V into and consider X = (X ) t t∈ R R of the form α(v) α(v) X = (t−s) −(−s) W(ds,dv), (4.3) t + + Z ×V R (cid:0) (cid:1) where 00 := 0 and x := max{x,0} for x ∈ . We will, as in the rest of this paper, + R assume that X is well-defined. When V is a one point space, X is called a fractional Lévy process. Thus, a process X of form (4.3) is a superposition of fractional Lévy processes with (possible) different indexes, and will therefore be called a supFLP. Example 4.2. Let X = (X ) be a supFLP of the form (4.3). If σ2 = 0, α ∈ [0, 1) t t∈ 2 R m-a.e. and |x|1−α1(v) ρ (dx) 1 −α(v) −1m(dv) < ∞, (4.4) v 2 ZV (cid:16)ZR (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) 8 then X is of finite variation. On the other hand, if X is of finite variation, then m-a.e., σ2 = 0, α ∈ [0, 1) and 2 1 |x|1−α(v) ρ (dx) < ∞. (4.5) v Z R If, in addition, ρ satisfies (3.7), then (4.4) is satisfied. To see that the above example follows from Theorems 3.1+3.3 we need the following general facts about supFLPs X of the form (4.3). Process X is of the form (2.1) with α(v) f(s,v) = f (s,v) = s . SinceX iswell-defined, anapplicationofRajputandRosiński 0 + [15, Theorem 2.7] shows that |(f(1−s,v)−f (−s,v))x|2 ∧1 dsρ (dx)m(dv) < ∞. (4.6) 0 v ZV ZRZR(cid:16) (cid:17) For all s > 0 there exists z = z(s,v) ∈ [s,s + 1] such that f(1 + s,v) − f(s,v) = α(v)zα(v)−1. By (4.6) it follows that α < 1 m-a.e. and since zα−1 ≥ (s + 1)α−1, (4.6) 2 shows that 1 |α(v)x|1−α(v) ρ (dx)m(dv) < ∞, v 1−2α(v) ZV Z|xα(v)|>1(cid:16) (cid:17) which implies that 1 |x|1−α(v) ρ (dx) < ∞ for m-a.e. v. (4.7) v Z|x|>1 For v ∈ V, f(·,v) is absolutely continuous if and only if α(v) > 0 and in this case f˙(s,v) = α(v)sα(v)−1. For α(v) ∈ (0, 1), a simple calculation shows that + 2 1 1 |f˙(s,v)x|2 ∧|f˙(s,v)x| ds = |x|1−α1(v) |α(v)|1−α1(v) + . (4.8) α(v) 1−2α(v) ZR(cid:0) (cid:1) h (cid:16) (cid:17)i The square bracket in (4.8) is, for α(v) ∈ (0, 1), bounded from above and below by two 2 constants c ,c > 0 times (1 −α(v))−1, which shows that 1 2 2 1 1 c |x|1−α(v) c |x|1−α(v) 1 ≤ |f˙(s,v)x|2 ∧|f˙(s,v)x| ds ≤ 2 . (4.9) 1 −α(v) 1 −α(v) 2 Z 2 R(cid:0) (cid:1) α(v) Proof of Example 4.2. Let f(s,v) = f (s,v) = s . We may and do consider the 0 + following two cases separately: α(v) = 0 for all v ∈ V, and α(v) 6= 0 for all v ∈ V; use a symmetrization argument in the case where X is of finite variation. If α(v) = 0 for all v ∈ V, then, X = W((0,t]×V) is a Lévy process with Lévy measure ν(dx) = t ρ (dx)m(dv) and Gaussian component σ2(v)m(dv). Hence X is of finite variation v V if and only if |x|ρ (dx)m(dv) < ∞ and σ2 = 0 m-a.e., cf. [18, Theorem 21.9]. V v R Thus, in what folloRws we will assume that α(v) 6= 0 for all v ∈ V. R R Assume that α ∈ (0, 1), σ2 = 0 m-a.e. and (4.4) is satisfied. For m-a.e. v, f(·,v) is 2 ˙ absolutely continuous and by (4.9), f(·,v) satisfies (3.2), which by Theorem 3.1 shows that X is of finite variation. 9 On the other hand, assume that X is of finite variation. By a symmetrization argument we may consider the cases where W is centered Gaussian or has no Gaussian component separately. In the Gaussian case we have σ2 > 0 m-a.e. by (2.3), and therefore(3.3)holds. Form-a.e.v,s 7→ f(s,v)isabsolutelycontinuouswithaderivative ˙ α(v)−1 f(s,v) = α(v)s satisfying (3.1), cf. Theorem 3.3. Hence α(v) > 0 and by (4.9) + ∞ |sα(v)−1|2ds |α(v)|2σ2(v)m(dv) < ∞, ZV (cid:16)Z0 (cid:17) which implies that σ2 = 0 m-a.e. In the purely non-Gaussian case, Rosiński [16, Theorem 4] shows that f(·,v) is of finite variation for m-a.e. v. Hence α ≥ 0 and by assumption α > 0. Thus for m-a.e. v, f(·,v) is absolutely continuous and by (4.9) and the below Remark 5.3 we have 1 |x|1−α(v) ρ (dx) < ∞ for m-a.e. v, 1∨x2 v Z R(cid:16) (cid:17) which combined with (4.7) show (4.5). Finally, if ρ satisfies (3.7) then Remark 5.3 and (4.9) show that (4.4) is satisfied. This completes the proof. In the special case where V is a one point space, i.e. X is a fractional Lévy process, Example 4.2 shows that X is of finite variation if and only if σ2 = 0,α ∈ [0, 1) and (4.5) 2 is satisfied. This generalizes [3, Corollary 5.4] and parts of [4, Theorem 2.1]. The first mentioned result only considers the necessary part and the second one only considers the centered and square-integrable case. 5 Proofs of Theorems 3.1 and 3.3 We will start by showing Theorem 3.1. ˙ Proof of Theorem 3.1. Let B = {v : f(·,v) = 0 λ-a.e.}. By (3.2), |x|ρ(dx) < ∞ |x|>1 · m-a.e. on Bc, and since f(·,v) is constant for v ∈ B we may and do assume that R |x|ρ(dx) < ∞ m-a.e. This allows us to write W as W = W +µ, where W is a |x|>1 · 0 0 centered random measure and µ is a deterministic measure. To show that (X ) has R t t∈ absolutely continuous sample paths, define a measurable process (Y0) by R t t∈ R Y0 = f˙(t−s,v)W (ds,dv). (5.1) t 0 Z ×V R By a stochastic Fubini theorem, see [2, Remark 3.2], we have for all a < b, b b Y0dt = f˙(t−s,v)dt W (ds,dv) t 0 Za ZR×V (cid:16)Za (cid:17) = f(b−s,v)−f(a−s,v) W (ds,dv). 0 Z ×V R (cid:0) (cid:1) 10