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Preview Characteristics of the asymmetric simple exclusion process in the presence of quenched spatial disorder

Characteristics of the asymmetric simple exclusion process in the presence of quenched spatial disorder M. Ebrahim Foulaadvand 1,2, Sanaz Chaaboki 1, and Modjtaba Saalehi 1 1 Department of Physics, Zanjan University, P.O. Box 45196-313, Zanjan, Iran. 2 Department of Nano-Sciences, Institute for studies in theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM), P.O. Box 19395-5531, Tehran, Iran. 8 0 Weinvestigatetheeffectofquenchedspatialdisorderedhoppingratesonthecharacteristicsofthe 0 asymmetricsimpleexclusionprocess(ASEP)withopenboundariesbothnumericallyandbyexten- 2 sivesimulations. Disorderaveragesofthebulkdensityandcurrentareobtainedintermsofvarious n input and output rates. We study the binary and uniform distributions of disorder. It is verified a that the effect of spatial inhomogeneity is generically to enlarge the size of the maximal current J phase. This is in accordance with the mean field results obtained by Harris and Stinchcombe [22]. 0 Furthermore,weobtainthedependenceofthecurrentandthebulkdensityonthecharacteristicsof 1 thedisorder distribution function. It isshown that theimpact of disorder crucially dependson the particle input and out rates. In some situations, disorder can constructively enhancethe current. ] h c e I. INTRODUCTION sition analogous to Bose condensation. Subsequently, m Tripathy and Barma [16, 17] considered the ASEP on a ring with many defective sites. Their investigation re- - t Transportprocesses in disorderedmedia constitute an vealedthe existenceofphasesegregationina wide range a t important class of problems especially in the light of of global densities in the chain. In conjunction with the s their relevance to the modelling of a vast variety of phe- results of the ASEP on a ring, an investigation of the . at nomena in physics and many interdisciplinary areas. A disordered ASEP in an open chain was introduced by m partiallistofapplicationsincludes transportphenomena Kolomeisky [18]. He showed that in some ranges of in- in porous media, diffusion in biological tissues and con- put and output rates, a single defect in the bulk could - d duction through composite solids [1, 2, 3]. It is a well- affectthesystempropertiesonaglobalscale. Recentlya n establishedfactthedisordercanstronglyaffectthetrans- newwaveofattentionhasbeencreatedonthedisordered o port characteristicsof equilibrium as well as out of equi- ASEP[19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]. In partic- c librium systems. Among various non equilibrium sys- ular, Chou and Lakatos have studied the effect of a few [ tems, low dimensional driven lattice gases have played defective sites in the open ASEP [23]. Their investiga- 1 an important role in describing the transport in many tionshaverevealedthatgenericallythedisorder’simpact v physical, chemical and biologicalprocesses [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. is highest when the number of defects is very small. In- 3 In particular, one dimensional driven diffusive systems creasing the number of defects above a certain value has 6 5 in the absence of disorder have been extensively studied no further effect on the system current. The question of 1 during the past two decades and at present there exists the effect of a single defect in the ASEP coupled with . a richliterature of results both analytic and numeric [6]. a 3D bulk reservoir with adsorption/desorption kinetics 1 Phase structures of these systems are well known. It is wasrecentlyaddressedby Frey[29]. Besides,sometime- 0 8 wellunderstoodthatnon-equilibriumsystemscanexhibit dependent aspects of the disorderedASEP has been dis- 0 phase transitions in low dimensions. A model which has cussed by Barma [30]. Our goal in this paper is to deal : played a paradigmatic role in out of equilibrium statis- in some more depth with the problem of the disordered v tical physics is the asymmetric simple exclusion process ASEP. Especially we will focus on the role of the binary i X (ASEP) [9]. The model is amenable to exact analyti- distribution function where it provides the possibility of r cal solution [10, 11, 12]. Therefore it is a natural and simultaneous study of both the strength and the den- a important question to investigate the effect of quenched sity of disorder throughout the chain. Via extensive MC disorder on the phase structure of ASEP. Recently some simulations,weshowforthebinaryanduniformdistribu- efforts and new strides have been made in the challenge tionfunctions the genericimpact ofdisorderis to reduce betweendisorder,interactionanddrive. Theexploration the size of the low and high density phases. More in- ofthedisorderedASEPbeganwithasingledefectivesite terestingly,we show in some circumstances,disordercan in a periodic chain by Janowsky and Lebowitz [13, 14]. constructively act in a manner to increase the system Theyshowedthatevenonedefectivesitecanremarkably current. lead to global effects on the system current and density profile. Evans solved the ASEP with moving impurities where particlehopping rateswerechosenrandomlyfrom a distribution function [15]. It was shown that special distribution functions can give rise to a new phase tran- 2 We now outline a numerical approachfor solving the set α p β i of nonlinear equations. The approach is based on the shooting method for solving boundary value problems. i i+1 To this end, we choose a trial n denoted by ntr and 1 1 successively evaluate n ,··· ,n through forward itera- 2 L FIG.1: Asymmetricexclusion process with spatial disorder. tion. Thesystemcurrentthenturnsouttobeα(1−ntr). 1 Since the current should be equal for all sites, if the guessed value of ntr was correct then the current eval- II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM AND 1 uated from the last site i.e., βn would have the same NUMERICAL SOLUTION L amount α(1 − ntr) evaluated from the first site. To 1 matchthesecurrents,wegraduallyincreasentr fromzero Tokeepthe paperself-contained,letus firstdefine the 1 and evaluate both currents from the first and last sites. disordered ASEP. Imagine a one dimensional stochastic Whenever these two values become equal, then we have processdefinedonadiscrete1DlatticeoflengthL. Each a solution. Note that in an acceptable solution, all the site can hold at most one particle. We assign an integer densities hn i,··· ,hn i should lie between 0 and 1. We valuednumbers toeachsitei(seefigure(1)). Ifsiteiis 1 L i are interested in knowing the overall effect of disorder occupied,s =1. Ifitisemptythens iszero. Thesystem i i on the transport characteristics of the ASEP. For given configurationateachtimetischaracterizedbyspecifying values of α and β, we evaluate the current and density the occupation numbers s i = 1,··· ,L. During an i for many samples of disordered chains and average over infinitesimal time dt each particle can stochastically hop these samples. We denote the sample averaged current to its rightmost neighbouring site provided the target and bulk density by hJi and hρi respectively. For ob- site is empty. If the target site is already occupied by taining a better insight, we have also executed extensive another particle, the attempted movement is rejected. Monte Carlo simulations. The disorder distributions we The hopping takes place with a site dependent rate p i consider consist of uniform and binary. More explicitly, which is drawn from a given distribution function f(p). the normalized uniform distribution in the interval [a,b] There is no spatial correlation between the set pi i= has the functional form f (p)= 1 with mean a+b and 1,··· ,L and correspondingly the p ’s can be regarded 1 b−a 2 as independent stochastic variables wihich are identically variance (b−a)2. The binary distribution has the form 12 distributed according to the site independent distribu- f2(p)=fδ(p−p1)+(1−f)δ(p−p2)wherethebinaryrates tion function f(p). Denoting the averaged local density p1 and p2 and their probabilities f and 1−f are given. at site i by ni, one can simply write the following rate Themeanvalueandthevariancearefp1+(1−f)p2 and equations for a particular realisation of hopping rates fp21+(1−f)p22−[fp1+(1−f)p2]2 respectively. In the p ,··· ,p (i=2,··· ,L−1): subsequent sections, we show the result of simulation as 1 L well as numerical solution of the mean field equations. d dthnii=pi−1hni−1(1−ni)i−pihni(1−ni+1)i, (1) III. BINARY DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION d hn i=α(1−hn i)−p hn (1−n )i, (2) Let us first discuss the binary distribution of the dt 1 1 1 1 2 quenched disorder. Although in this type of distribu- tion the defect strength is allowed to take only an inte- d dthnLi=pL−1hnL−1(1−nL)i−βhnLi. (3) ger number of values (here 2), but even in this simple case one encounters some nontrivial aspects which are No exact analytical solution exists for the above set worth investigating. Figure (2) depicts the dependence of nonlinear differential equations. Restricting ourselves of average current versus β for some fixed α. The pa- to the stationary state properties of the system, we set rametersofthebinarydistributionfunctionisasfollows: the left hand sides equal to zero. We further simplify f = 0.5, p = 0.8 and p = 1.2. The mean value of the 1 2 the equations by taking the assumption of a mean field quenched hopping rate is fixed at 1. The bulk density equation where the two-point functions are replaced by andthecurrenthavebeenaveragedover1000disordered theproductoftwoone-pointfunctions. Thisassumption samples and the system size is 200. reducesthe steadystateequationsintoasetofnonlinear One observes similar behaviour to the normal ASEP. algebraic equation with L unknowns n1,n2,··· ,nL. Currents rise up to a critical β and then get saturated. The overall effect of disorder is to reduce the value of the currents in each phase. In the normal ASEP, the A. Numerical approach to mean field equations dependence of current on β in the high density (HD) phase is β(1−β). Saturation of current means that we Even by employing the assumption of a mean field, are in the maximal current (MC) phase. However, the we are not able to solve the nonlinear algebraic equa- current saturates at 0.15 which is less than the value tions. Therefore,weshouldresorttonumericalmethods. of the maximal current 0.25 in the normal ASEP. The 3 0.17 1 00000.....1111123456 000...789 ααααα=====00000.....31321MMMMMFFCCC 0.11 0.6 α=0.2MF 0.1 > J> 0.09 <ρ 0.5 < 0.08 α=0.1 MC 0.4 0.07 α=0.2 MC 0.06 α=0.3 MC 0.3 0000....00002345 ααα===000...123 MMMFFF 00..12 0.01 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 β β FIG. 4: Disorder-averaged densities vs β for various input FIG. 2: hJi versusβ for various input rates α. rates α. System size is 200 and averaging has been executed over1000 disordered samples. 0.17 0.16 0.15 1 0.14 0.13 0.9 0.12 0.8 0.11 0.1 0.7 <J> 00000000........0000000023456789 ββββββ======000000......123123MMMMMMFFCCFC <ρ> 0000....3456 ββββ====0000....1231MMMMCCCF 0.01 0.2 β=0.2MF 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 β=0.3MF α 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 α FIG. 3: Disorder-averaged current vs α for various output rates β. System size is 200. FIG. 5: Disorder-averaged densities vs α for various output rates β. System size is 200 and averaging has been executed over1000 disordered samples. reasonis due to the presence of defects which slow down the current. Figure (3) exhibits the dependence of hJi versus the input rate α. fersfrom1−β inthe LDphase. We note thatbothhigh The behaviourseeninthe abovegraphisanalogousto to low and low to high phase transitions which are first the normal ASEP with the difference that the disorder order in the normal ASEP are replaced with a smoother has yielded to an overall diminishing of hJi. In the nor- behaviour in the presence of disorder. We have exten- malASEP,thedependenceofhJionαinthelowdensity sively performed Monte Carlo simulations for all ranges phase is α(1−α). We note that upon entering the satu- of α and β. The simulationresults confirmthe existence rationregimei.e.,theMCphase,thecurrentvaluewhich ofthreephasesofLD,HDandmaximalcurrent. Further- is 0.15, is less than that of the normal ASEP 0.25. The more, our simulations show the growth of the maximal- dependence ofbulk densities onαandβ areexhibitedin current region and shortening of the sizes of the LD and figures(4,5). Similartocurrentdiagrams,theoverallbe- HD phases. These findings are in agreement with the haviourisanalogoustothenormalASEP.Heretheeffect mean-field based conclusions of Harris and Stinchcombe of disorder is to enhance the densities. [22]. If one changes the parameters of the binary distri- One observes the persistence of the first-order high to butionfunction, theoverallpictureremainsqualitatively low density transition. The saturationdensity is slightly the same as in the above diagrams. Nevertheless, the above the normalASEP value α which is due to defects. quantitative values of both hJi and hρi in the phases ForhigherαcorrespondingtotheMCphase,thelimiting depend on the parameters of the distribution functions. density is the same as the normal ASEP i.e., hρi = 0.5. More concisely, currents and densities are functional of This indicates thatthe presence ofdefects does notalter f(p). In the following figure, we exhibit the phase dia- thedensityinthemaximalcurrentphasebutreducesthe gram of disordered ASEP for some binary distribution current as discussed earlier. The dependence of hρi on α functions. is shown in figure (5). Wenotethatthe sizeofthe MCphaseisanincreasing Similar to fig. (4), the density value in the saturation functionofthevarianceofthedistributionfunction. The regime is roughly 0.5 which is the same as the normal reasonisthatcurrentsanddensitiesaredominatedbythe ASEP density value in the MC phase. However, hρi dif- number of defective sites. If the varianceof the distribu- 4 0.06 1 α=0.05 β=0.8 0.055 0.9 0.05 0.8 MC 0.045 0.7 > 0.04 p =0.2 J0.035 0.6 LD p1 =0.5 < 0.03 β 0.5 p1=0.8 0.025 p1=0.05 0.4 1 0.02 pp11==00..13 0.015 p1=0.5 0.3 0.010 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0.2 f HD 0.1 0 0.11 α=0.8 0 0.25 α0.5 0.75 1 0.1 β=0.05 0.09 0.08 FIG.6: Phase diagram of thedisordered ASEPfor some bi- 0.07 > nary distributions. The distribution parameters are specified J 0.06 pp11==00..015 in the figure. All the distributions have f =0.5 and hpi=1 < 0.05 p1=0.3 0.04 p1=0.5 but thevariances are different. 0.03 0.02 0.01 tion is large, then the probability of finding sites with 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 f notably small hopping rates is considerable and there- fore hJi and hρi are highly affected. The enlargement of 0.25 the MC phase has been reported for ASEP with a sin- p1=0.05 α=0.6 gle defect in the bulk [18]. We recall from normal ASEP 0.2 pp11==00..13 β=0.8 that the criticalvalues of the input and output rates are p1=0.5 αc = βc = p2 where p is the hopping rate. In principle, > 0.15 since α,β and p are rates, they can vary from zero to J < infinity. Therefore, it is possible to choose the time unit 0.1 such that p scales to unity. In the disordered version of 0.05 the ASEP, one does not have a single hopping rate so it would be better not to restrict ourselves to a particular 00 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 timeunit. Forthesakeofcomparisonwewritethevalues f ofthedensityandcurrentinthelowdensity,highdensity and maximal current phases of the normal ASEP: FIG. 7: Figures 7-9: hJi vs f for various p1: α=0.05, β = 0.8 (top), α = 0.8, β = 0.05 (middle) and α = 0.6, β = 0.8 (bottom). System size is L=300. α β 1 ρ = , ρ =1− , ρ = . (4) LD HD MC p p 2 of defective sites (p < 1) among normal sites (p = 1) 1 2 Having in the mind that J =pρ(1−ρ) we thus obtain: whereas the former case allows having fast hopping sites α with rate p2 > 1. Our simulations showed that there is JLD =α(1− ). (5) nosignificantdifferencesbetweentheresultsofthesetwo p cases. Therefore in what follows, we only exhibit the re- sults for the case p = 1 i.e., slow defective sites among 2 β normal sites. Our first set of graphs (all obtained via J =β(1− ). (6) HD p Monte Carlo simulations) illustrates the dependence of hJi on f for various p in three sets of input and out- 1 put rates corresponding to low input-high output, high p JMC = . (7) input-low output and high input-high output. 4 When α is small and β is high (fig.7), the effect of Sinceinthebinarydistributiontherearethreeparam- increasing f is to reduce the current. Smaller values of eters namely p ,p and f, we have studied two distin- p exhibit a sharper decrease. This is natural since the 1 2 1 guished cases. First, we restrict ourselves to the condi- bulk density is low and therefore the system current is tion hpi=fp +(1−f)p =1. This leavesonly two free more sensitive to both the number and the strength of 1 2 parameters. In the secondcase,we impose the condition the defects. The dependence of hJi on f changes quali- p = 1 while f and p are free to take arbitrary values tatively when one goes to the situation characterized by 2 1 in [0,1]. In the latter case, the emphasis is on the role high α and low β ( fig.8 ). Here we are confronted with 5 unexpectedandnovelfeatures. Forp lessthan0.15,the 1 current appears as a decreasing function of f while for 0.4 α=0.05 β=0.8 p1 >0.1itincreasesuptoamaximumandthenstartsdi- 0.35 p1=0.15 minishing. Accordingly,theoptimumvalueoff atwhich 0.3 pp11==00..25 hJi is maximum is no longer f =0 but rather a nonzero 0.25 p1=0.8 f . This implies that the effect of disorder is to en- <ρ>0.2 max hancethecurrentwhichisadesirableeffect. Thelocation 0.15 of fmax shifts towards higher values when one increases 0.1 p1. For largep1, hJi shows an increasingbehaviour with 0.05 a small slope. The slope tends to zero when p1 → 1. 00 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 For relatively high values of α and β (fig. 9), one still f observes that the dependence of current versus f shows a decreasingcharacter. In this case, the disorder has the 1 expected behaviour i.e.; the higher the number of the 0.9 impurities, the larger the decrease of hJi. However, the 0.8 interesting point is the abrupt change in the behaviour 0.7 p1=0.05 <ρ> p1=0.1 of the current reduction. For each p , the current shows 0.6 p1=0.3 1 p1=0.5 a rapid reduction up to a certain f and then decreases 0.5 very smoothly in a nonlinear fashion. This marks the 0.4 α=0.8 0.3 fact that impurities affect the system beyond a certain β=0.05 0.2 relative frequency. These results are in agreement with [28]. To gain a deeper insight, it would be instructive to 0.10 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 f look at the behaviour of hρi vs f. In low input and high output rates (fig.10), one observes that for low p1 the 0.6 bulk density rises up to a maximum and then decreases α=0.6 β=0.8 pp11==00..015 evenbelowthevalueofnormalASEP.Onemightnaively 0.5 pp11==00..35 think that increasing the density of defective sites leads to an enhancement of the bulk density due to the for- <ρ>0.4 mation of high density regions behind them. However, 0.3 the point is that if the density of defective sites reaches a certain value, the probability of finding defective sites 0.2 in the vicinity of the first site of the chain increases too. 0.10 0.25 0.5 0.75 This in turn gives rise to a blocking of the current of f particlesinthechainbulk. Asaresult,alargeportionof FIG. 8: Figures 10-12: Bulk density dependence on f for the bulk remainsalmostin aLDregimewhichleadsto a decreasinginthebulkdensitythroughoutthechain. This various values of p1: low density phase α = 0.05,β = 0.8 (top), high density phase α = 0.8,β = 0.05 (middle) and scenario remains valid for small p . For larger p , one 1 1 maximal current phase α = 0.6,β = 0.8 (bottom). System observes the expected increase of the bulk density upon size is L=300. increasing the density of defective sites f. The reason is that once the defect strength is reduced below a thresh- old, the formation of high density regions behind these weak sites will be suppressed and therefore the particles formation of macroscopic low density regions in front of can more easily flow throughout the bulk. As a result of them leads to a sharp reduction of hρi. For p >0.2 the 1 thisflow,enoughparticlescanbefoundinthebulk. This decrease of hρi becomes much more smooth. The reason increasesthe numberoflocalhighregionsbehinddefects is that weaker defects are unable to produce low enough which in turn give rises to the enhancement of hρi. In densityregions. Theotherinterestingpointisthatwhen the high α-low β regime (fig. 11) and for p < 0.2 the the input rate is high, increasing the number of defects 1 dependenceofthebulkdensityonf issharplydecreasing will prevent a high inflow of particles, which is due to upto a certainf . Afterwards,hρi becomes independent the largeness of α and regulates the flow along the bulk. of f and a lengthy plateau region forms. At f =0.9, hρi The overall effect is to reduce hρi from high α to much showsaratherlinearincreasetoits asymptotic value0.5 lower values. As we had already seen in the current dia- in the MC phase. We note that when f =1, allthe sites grams,in some values of p , this diminishing in the bulk 1 aredefective. Forinstance,inthe casep =0.1,the crit- density is accompanied by the current increment as ex- 1 ical input and output rates are α =β = p1 = 0.05. In hibited in fig. (8). Now let us discuss the regime where c c 2 thiscaseα=0.8,β =0.05lieintheMCphaseandhence α and β are both greater than 0.5 (fig. 12). For weak hρiapproaches0.5inthelimitf →1. Thereasonisthat defect strength, the density is almost independent of f. when the input is high and the output is low, impurities For p less than 0.5, hρi shows a smoothly decreasing 1 give rise to phase segregationbehind them [17, 18]. The dependence on f until it becomes independent of f and 6 0.25 0.05 f=0.005 0.04 α=0.05 β=0.8 0.2 ff==00..035 f=0.3 > <ρ>0.15 α=0.05 J0.03 β=0.8 < f=0.005 0.02 f=0.01 0.1 f=0.05 f=0.3 0.01 f=0.9 0.05 00 0.1 0.2 p 0.3 0.4 0.5 00 0.25 p0.5 0.75 1 1 1 0.13 1 0.12 0.9 0.11 0.1 0.8 0.09 0.7 α=0.8 J>00..0078 <ρ>00..56 β=0.05 <0.06 0.05 0.4 0.04 f=0.005 α=0.8 0.3 f=0.005 0.03 ff==00..035 β=0.05 0.2 ff==00..035 00..0012 f=0.9 0.1 f=0.9 00 0.25 p0.5 0.75 1 00 0.25 p0.5 0.75 1 1 1 0.25 0.5 0.2 0.4 α=0.6 α=0.6 >0.15 <ρ>0.3 β=0.8 J β=0.8 < 0.1 0.2 f=0.005 f=0.005 f=0.05 f=0.05 f=0.01 0.05 f=0.3 0.1 f=0.9 f=0.9 00 0.25 p0.5 0.75 1 00 0.25 p0.5 0.75 1 1 1 FIG.9: Figures 13-15: Currentdependenceonp1forvarious FIG. 10: Figures 16-18: hρi vs p1 for various f: LD phase values of f: low density phase α = 0.05,β = 0.8 (top), high α=0.05,β =0.8(top),HDphaseα=0.8,β =0.05(middle) densityphaseα=0.8,β=0.05(middle)andmaximalcurrent and MC phase α = 0.6,β = 0.8 (bottom). System size is phase α0.6,β =0.8 (bottom). System size is L=300. L=300. correspondinglyaplateauregionforms. Thelengthofthe starts decreasing. The maximum current sustained by plateauis relativelylarge andbecomes largerfor smaller thesystemisconsiderable. Whileinthecaseα=0.8β = values of p . Increasing f beyond the plateau value, one 0.05,thecurrentforthenormalASEPisβ(1−β)∼0.05; 1 again encounters an increasing behaviour of hρi until it here we observe that disorder can remarkably enhance reaches the normal ASEP value hρi = 0.5 in the limit the current to almost a doubled value around 0.12. f = 1 in which all sites have become defective. In order This type of constructive behaviour can be explained to shed more light on our understanding, we now study on the same grounds as for figure (8). Qualitatively, the the effect of varying the disorder strength p1 for fixed impurities do not allow the overflow of particles into the values of f. Analogous to the previous studies, we first system bulk which otherwise would have led to conges- consider the current which is shown in figures (13-15). tion and current reduction. If p is small, the strength 1 Whenαissmallandβ large,theeffectofincreasingp of defects is sufficient to block the the inflow of particles 1 istoincreasethecurrenttoitsnormalvalueα(1−α). For andreducesthecurrent. Ifp ishighenough,largeinflow 1 each f, hJi increases with p up to a certain value and α will dominate and hJi is reduced. At an intermediate 1 then gets saturated. This implies that below a certain p wehaveamaximalcurrent. Analogousto lowα high 1 strength,the defect strengthis incapable ofaffecting the β, when both α and β are large, increasing p leads to 1 current. This picture changes dramatically when large current increments. If the density of defects is high, the α and small β are taken into account. In this case, hJi current’sincreasewouldbe linear inp . For smallf, the 1 increases with p up to an f-dependent value and then increaseincurrentisratherlinearfor smallp andafter- 1 1 7 wardsbecomes more smooth. To deal in some depth, we next sketchthe dependence of hρi on the defect strength 0.25 p . Forsmallαandlargeβ (seefigure(16)),oneinterest- 1 inglyobservesthatifthedefectconcentrationisrelatively 0.2 small i.e., less than 0.02, the effect of decreasing the de- fect strength (increasing p1) is to reduce the density as J>0.15 α=0.05,β=0.8 intuitively expected. Based on our previous arguments, < α=0.8, β=0.05 0.1 defects are more influential if their concentration is rel- α=0.7, β=0.8 atively small [23]. Therefore, in the small concentration 0.05 regime,the weakeningof the defects leads to a sharpde- crease in the density. Beyond a certain p1, the further 00 0.25 a0.5 0.75 1 weakening of defects does not affect hρi. For defect con- centration f above 0.02, the behaviour of hρi undergoes FIG. 11: Figure 19 : Averagecurrent hJi versusa for low α a qualitative change. As observed in figure (16), hρi in- high β, high α low β and high α high β. L=200. creases up to a maximum and then starts diminishing. The maximum value of hρi depends on f and ranges be- tween 0.11 and 0.25. The reason is twofold. First, for smallinput rateα and intermediate concentrationof de- 1 fects, strong defects are still capable of forming rather 0.9 0.8 large high density regions behind them which results in 0.7 high hρi. The second reason is due to the blocking of 0.6 the particles outflow. Although β is high, strong enough ρ> 0.5 defects are able to reduce this high outflow rate and ef- < 0.4 α=0.05,β=0.8 fectively reduce it. Consequently, the bulk density rises 0.3 α=0.8, β=0.05 up throughout the bulk. Below a certain strength, the 0.2 α=0.7, β=0.8 defective sites, although their numbers are not so small, 0.1 are not only incapable of forming high density regions 00 0.25 a0.5 0.75 1 behind them but also incapable of effectively reducing the output rate. Therefore, hρi becomes decreasing. We FIG.12: Figure20: Averagedensityversusaforlowαhigh now consider the case where α is large but β is small β, high αlow β and high α high β. L=200. (see fig. 17). Here the overall effect of decreasing the defect strength is enhancement of hρi. When the defect strength is reduced, the particles can more easily enter spondstothecasehavingfasthoppingsitesgreaterthan the chain and this leads to an increase in the bulk den- unity. In the second class, b = 1 while a (a < 1) de- sity. Inthelimitofweakstrengthp →1,werecoverthe 1 termines the lower limit of the defect’s value. Note that normal value ρ = 1−β. When both α, and β are large in the second class hpi = 1+a < 1. We now exhibit the correspondingto the MC phase in the normalASEP, we 2 results for the latter case i.e., b = 1. The following dia- still observe that the effect of a reduction of the defect gram depicts the dependence of hJi on the lower end of strength is to enhance the density. Defects can drasti- the interval a. All diagrams which are shown next have cally reduce the density if their concentration and their been obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. The number strength are both large. Otherwise, their influence is a ofdisorderedsamplesoverwhichtheaveraginghavebeen slight reduction of the density. We note the type of den- performed is 1000, and the system size is 200. sity increment is rather similar in figures (17) and (18). According to figure (19), in low α-high β and high α- low β regimes, beyond a = 0.1, the impurities do not affect the current and the system can maintain the nor- IV. UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION mal ASEP values α(1−α) and β(1−β) respectively. In contrast,forbothαandβlargerthan0.5,hJiisasmooth So farourinvestigationhas beenrestrictedto the case increasing function of a. The current reaches its normal where the disorder strength was limited to only two val- ASEP value 0.25 in the limit a → 1. The behaviour of ues. In order to obtain a complimentary insight into the the averagebulk density hρiona is showninfigure(20). nature of disorder effect, it would be noteworthy to con- Contrarytothecurrentdiagrams,herethedensityap- sider the case where the defect’s strength can be chosen proachesthenormalASEPvaluewhichdependsonαand from a continuous interval. For this purpose, we con- β. Thehighα-highβ regimehastheweakestdependence sider the uniform distribution function for the strength on a and beyond a = 0.1, hρi will be independent of a. of defect. Here one has two parameters namely a and Figure (21) depicts the phase diagram in the case where b which are the first and last points of the distribution the average rate of hopping is unity: hpi = a+b = 1 for 2 interval. Like the binary distribution, one can introduce variousvaluesofa. Analogoustothebinarydistribution, twoclasses. Inthefirstclass,hpi= a+b =1whichcorre- the overall effect of disorder is to enlarge the size of the 2 8 the uniform distribution, the frequency of small-hopping sites close to the lower limit of the distribution interval 1 is more than those in the binary distribution. 0.9 MC 0.8 a=0.2 0.7 a=0.5 LD V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS 0.6 a=0.8 β 0.5 Let us now summarize what has been explored in this 0.4 paper. We have investigated the statistical characteris- 0.3 tics of the asymmetric simple exclusion process in the 0.2 presence of spatially uncorrelated quenched disorder in 0.1 HD the hopping rates via extensive simulation and numer- 0 ics. Ourfindingscovertwodifferentdistributionsofhop- 0 0.25 α0.5 0.75 1 ping rates: binary and uniform. The conventionalthree- phasestructureofthenormalASEPremainsunchanged. FIG.13: Figure21: Phasediagram ofthedisorderedASEP Generically,thedisorderaffectsthephasediagrambyen- for a uniform distribution of hopping rates. The distribution larging the maximal current phase, which in turn leads characteristics are specified in the figures. All distributions to squeezing the low and high density phases. This is haveunit mean but thevariances are different. accompaniedbyanoveralldecrease(increase)inthecur- rents (densities). We have managed to numerically solve themean-fieldequations. MonteCarlosimulationsarein 0.5 support of the mean field solutions. In brief, the current exhibits a diminishing behaviour in terms of the defect’s 0.4 uniform concentration in the chain when the input rate is small binomial and the output rate is high. Analogously, it decreases 0.3 whenboththeinputandoutputratesarerelativelyhigh. δ Unexpectedly,inthecasewhentheinputrateislargeand 0.2 the output rate is small, the current shows an increas- ing dependence versus the defect’s concentration. This 0.1 demonstrates the nontrivial interplay of spatial sitewise 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 σ0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 disorderwiththedrive. Wehavealsoexaminedtheprop- erties of the ASEP under uniformly distributed spatial disorder. Althoughthe phase structure is similar to that FIG. 14: Figure 22 : Size of the low and the high density of with a binary distribution, we have identified distinc- phasesversusthevarianceforuniformandbinarydistribution tive features between them. Our study has been limited functions (a=p1, f =0.5 and hpi=1). L=200. to disorder distribution functions with finite second mo- ments. We expect to observe substantial different types MC phase andshrinkage of low andhigh density phases, of behaviours for those distributions having a long tail. respectively. Work along this line is in progress. Figure (22), exhibits the size dependence of the LD (HD) phaseδ interms ofthe varianceofthe distribution functions for both uniform and binary distribution func- VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT tions. The mean of the distribution functions is set to unity. We wish to acknowledge the Institute of Advanced For the uniform distribution, the size incrementof the Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS) for proving us with MC phase shows a more rapid dependence on the vari- the computationalfacilities where the finalstagesof this ance of the distribution function in comparison to the work were carried out. Fruitful discussion with Mustan- binarydistribution. The reasonis duetothe factthatin sir Barma is appreciated. [1] M. Sahimi, Rev. Mod. Phys., 65, 1393, (1993); M. [4] T. 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