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2 3 6+y Possible origin of 60-K plateau in the YBa Cu O phase diagram T. A. Zaleski Department of Physi s, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA and Institute of Low Temperature and Stru ture Resear h, 6 Polish A ademy of S ien es P.O. Box 1410, 50-950 Wro ªaw, Poland 0 0 T. K. Kope¢ 2 Institute of Low Temperature and Stru ture Resear h, n Polish A ademy of S ien es P.O. Box 1410, 50-950 Wro ªaw, Poland a 2 3 6+y J We study a model of YBa Cu O to investigate the in(cid:29)uen e of oxygen ordering and doping 2 imbalan eonthe riti altemperatureTc(y)andtoelu idateapossibleoriginofwell-knownfeature 1 of YBCO phase diagram: the 60-K plateau. Fo using on (cid:16)phase only(cid:17) des ription of the high- temperature super ondu ting systemin terms of olle tive variables we utilize a three-dimensional ] semimi ros opi XYmodelwithtwo- omponentve torsthatinvolvephasevariablesandadjustable n parameters representing mi ros opi phase sti(cid:27)nesses. The model aptures hara teristi energy o s ales present in YBCO and allows for strong anisotropy within basal planes to simulate oxygen c ordering. Applying spheri al losure relation we have solved the phase XY model with the help of - Tc r transfermatrixmethodand al ulated for hosensystemparameters. Furthermore,weinvestigate p the in(cid:29)uen e of oxygen ordering and doping imbalan e on the shape of YBCO phase diagram. We u (cid:28)nd it unlikely that oxygen ordering alone an be responsible for the existen e of 60-K plateau. s Relying on experimental data unveiling that oxygen doping of YBCO may introdu e signi(cid:28) ant . 2 t harge imbalan e between CuO planes and other sites, we show that simultaneously the former a m areunderdoped,while thelatter (cid:21) strongly overdopedalmostin thewhole region of oxygendoping in whi h YBCO is super ondu ting. As a result, while oxygen ontent is in reased, this provides - two ounter a ting fa tors, whi h possibly lead to rise of 60K plateau. Additionally, our result an d provide an important ontribution to understanding of experimental data supporting existen e of n multi omponentsuper ondu tivityin YBCO. o c [ PACSnumbers: 74.20.-z,74.72.Bk,74.62.- 1 v I. INTRODUCTION seams that holes introdu ed in su h way tend to remain 7 2 3 inCuO layers. Amountofoxygenalsodeterminesele - 5 y < 0.4 troni state of the system. For the material 2 y > 0.4 1 The YB2Cu3O6+y ompound (YBCO), as dis ov- is insulating, while for be omes super ondu t- 0 ered in 1987 by Wu and o-workers, is the (cid:28)rst ma- ing. The riti al temperature is very sensitive to oxy- 6 terial that be ame super ondu ting in boiling nitrogen gen doping and the temperature-oxygen amount phase 0 temperature.1 The material ontains three opper-oxide diagram ontainstwo hara teristi plateausat 60Kand t/ layers in a unit ell: two of them are separated by Yt- 90K. While the latter is now interpreted as an optimum a triumatom,thethird(cid:21)basalplane,issurroundedbytwo doping with small overdoping region, the origin of the m Barium atoms (see, Fig. 1). The oxygen an be intro- 60K plateau is still not fully lear. It was argued that nd- dfruo med6inttoo7thpeebrafsoarlmpulalane(0an≤d iyts≤ o1n)t.e2ntFo arnyb=e v0a,riaeldl iwtitmhiignhtthbeebeaxsapllapinlaende.b4y,5,6o,r7dOerningthoefotthheeroxhyagnedn, iattowmass o Ob1 and Ob2 sites are empty and the system is tetrago- alsosuggestedthatthereasonmightbepurelyele troni : c nal. As the oxygen ontent in reases, additional atoms super ondu tivity is weakened at the arrier on entra- v: o upy Ob1 and Ob2 sites randomly up to a riti al dop- tion of 1/8 leading to the plateau.8 It is a goal of the i ing,forwhi htetragonal-orthorhombi (T-O)phasetran- present paper to investigate the in(cid:29)uen e of oxygen or- X sition o urs. For higher dopings oxygen in Ob1 and deringand dopingimbalan eon the riti altemperature r Ob2 sites be omes partially ordered forming (depending of YBCO using a model that an a ommodate strong a on oxygen ontent) one of three di(cid:27)erent orthorhombi anisotropy and hara teristi energy s ales in order to phases: ortho-I (with fragments of opper-oxide hains determine apossibleorigin of 60-Kplateau on the phase in the basal plane); ortho-II (with hains in every se - diagram. b1 ond O site); and ortho-III(with alternatingoneempty Binding of ele trons into pairs is essential in form- y = 1 and two (cid:28)lled hains). Finally for (maximum ing the super ondu ting state, however its remarkable b1 oxygen ontent), all O sites be ome o upied and all properties(cid:21)zero resistan e and Meissner e(cid:27)e t(cid:21)require b2 O (cid:21) empty. The oxygen in the basal plane a ts as a phase oheren e among the pairs as well. While the 2 harge reservoir introdu ing holes into CuO plane op- phase order is unimportant for determining the value T c per atoms. Charge on entration an be also hanged of the transition temperature in onventional BCS by substituting Yttrium atomswithCal ium, howeverit super ondu tors, in materials with low arrier density 2 dimensional XY model. Furthermore, we solve it in the spheri al approximation with the help of the transfer matrix method and obtain a dependen e of T = c the riti al temperature on model parameters: T J , J , J′, J′ , η c k ⊥ k ⊥ . Subsequently, in Se tion III we (cid:16) (cid:17) Tc elaborate on in(cid:29)uen e of oxygen ordering on . We modelvaluesofin-planephasesti(cid:27)nessesasafun tionof oxygen amount and determine values of model param- eters for whi h the YBCO phase diagram an be re- produ ed. In Se tion IV, relying on experimental data unveiling that oxygen doping of YBCO may introdu e 2 signi(cid:28) ant harge imbalan e between CuO planes and other oxygen sites, we show that the former are under- 2 3 6+y Figure 1: (Color online) Crystal stru ture of YBa Cu O . doped, while the latter (cid:21) strongly overdoped almost in Grey and open ir les are opper and oxide atoms, respe - thewholeregionofoxygendopingin whi hYBCOissu- tively. Additionally, oxygen atoms are divided into three per ondu ting. Finally, in Se tion V we summarize the p groups: from fully oxidized opper-oxide layers (O ), api al on lusions to be drawn from our work. ap b1 b2 (O ),fromoxygende(cid:28) ientlayers(O ,O ). E(cid:27)e tonoxy- y = 0 b1 b2 gen dopingyi∈s a(l0s,o1)shownb1: a) b2 (cid:21) O and O sites are empty; b) (cid:21) O and O sites o upied in random y y =1 II. MODEL or ordered manner, depending on a tual value of ; ) b1 (cid:21)oxygenisorderedforming hains: allO sitesareo upied b2 and O sites are empty. Sin e, in underdoped high-temperature super ondu - tors,twotemperatures alesofshort-lengthpairing orre- lationsandlong-rangesuper ondu tingorderseemto be c 13 su h as high-T oxide super ondu tors, phase (cid:29)u tua- well separated, we onsider the situation, in whi h lo- tions may have aprofound in(cid:29)uen e on low temperature alsuper ondu tingpair orrelationsareestablishedand 9 properties. Measurements of the frequen y-dependent the relev0antϕde(grre)es<o2fπfreedom arerepresentedby phase ℓ i ondu tivity, in the frequen y range 100-600 GTHz, show fa tors ≤ pla ed in a latrti e with nearest c i that phase orrelations indeed persist above , where neighborintera tions. Inournotation, numberslatti e ℓ ab the phase dynami s is governed by the bare mi ros opi siteswithin -th plane. Thesystembe omessupϕer (orn)- 10 ℓ i phase sti(cid:27)nesses. As a result, for underdoped uprate du tingon eU(1) symmetrygroupgoverningthe super ondu tors, the onventional ordering of binding fa toeriϕsℓi(sri)spontaneously broken and the non-zero value andphasesti(cid:27)nessenergiesappearstobereversed. Thus, of appears signaling the long-range phase or- theissuehowphase orrelationsdevelopisa entralprob- der(cid:10). The H(cid:11)amiltonian that we onsider onsists of four T c lem of high- super ondu tivity. Furthermore, it was parts dire tly shownttht′aUt inJtegrating the ele troni degrees of H[ϕ]=H +H +H′ +H′ freedomoutin - - - Hubbardmodel,whi hisbelieved k ⊥ k ⊥ (1) to orre tly des ribe strongly intera ting systems, leads 11 to phase-only des ription of super ondu tivity. ontaining various mi ros opi phase sti(cid:27)nesses repre- In the present paper, we propose a semi-mi ros opi senting hara teristi energy s ales present in YBCO model of YBCO, whi h is founded on mi ros opi phase (see, Fig. 2) : sti(cid:27)nesses that set the hara teristi energy s ales: in- J J J >0 plane k and inter-plane ⊥ ouplings of CuO2 layers, 1. in-plane oupling k within CuO2 layers: J′ J′ in-plane k oupling of basal planes and inter-plane ⊥ H = J cos[ϕ (r ) ϕ (r )] oupling between neighboring basal and CuO2 planes. k − k { 3ℓ i − 3ℓ j η ℓ i<j XX Additionally, the modeJl′ ontains a parameter , whi h +cos[ϕ (r ) ϕ (r )] ; ontrols anisotropy of k gradually turning o(cid:27) basal in- 3ℓ+1 i − 3ℓ+1 j } (2) b η plane oupling along dire tion while hanges from 1 12 J > 0 to 0. Using our previous results, we model values of ⊥ 2. inter-plane oupling between neighboring in-planephasesti(cid:27)nessesasafun tionofoxygenamount 2 CuO layer: to reprodu e YBCO phase diagram and to elu idate the origin of the 60-K plateau. Our approa h goes beyond H⊥ = J⊥ cos[ϕ3ℓ(ri) ϕ3ℓ+1(ri)]; − − (3) the mean (cid:28)eld level and is able to apture both the ef- ℓ i<j XX fe ts of phase (cid:29)u tuations and huge anisotropy on the super ondu ting phase transition. J′ >0 The outline of the reminder of the paper is as fol- 3. in-plane oupling k withinbasalplanes,whi h b lows. In Se tion II we onstru t an anisotropi three- an be gradually turned o(cid:27) along dire tion by 3 β = 1/k T T B where with being the Ste(mrp)era=- ℓ i [tSure.(r )I,ntSrod(ur )in]g two-dimensionalSv2e( rto)r=s S2 (r )+ S2xℓ(ri) = 1yℓ i of theSu(nrit)le=ng[ctohsϕℓ (ri),sinxϕℓ (ri )], yℓ i de(cid:28)ned by ℓ i ℓ i ℓ i the Hamiltonian an be expressed in a ve tor form and the partition fun tion written as: 2π Z = d2S (r )δ S2(r ) 1 e−βH[S],  ℓ i ℓ i −  (7) Z0 Yℓ,i (cid:2) (cid:3)  S2(r) = 1 where the unit length onstraint ( ℓ i ) is intro- δ du edbythesetofDira - fun tions. Unfortunately,the partition fun tion in Eq. (6) annot be al ulated ex- a tly. However, the model be omes solvable, while the rigidlength onstraintin Eq. (7)isrepla edbyaweaker 14 spheri al losure relation 1 δ S2(r ) 1 δ S2(r ) 1 . ℓ i − → N ℓ i −  (8) i,ℓ (cid:2) (cid:3) X   Introdu ing di(cid:27)erent mi ros opi phase sti(cid:27)nesses for 2 Figure 2: (Color online) Stru ture of the YBCO super on- CuO cand basal planes breaks translational symmetry du tor. Basal plane is in the midJdl′e of the pi ture with in- along axis,sin e the3inter-planeand in-plane ouplings plane mi ros opi phase sti(cid:27)ness k, whi h an be strongly vary with period of , when moving from one plane to η η=1 anisotropi when parameterissmall(orisotropi for ). another. As a result, standard way of diagonalizing 2 BasJa′l plane oupling with neighboring CuO planes is given the Hamiltonian usSing(rth)ree-dimensional Fourier trans- by ⊥. In-planeandinter-planemi ros opi phasesti(cid:27)nesses form of variables ( ℓ i in this ase) fails, be ause of 2 Jk J⊥ of CuO layers are and , respe tively. the la k of omplete translational symmetry: To over- omethis di(cid:30) ulty, weimplement a ombinationoftwo- η [0,1] dimensional Fourier transform for in-plane ve tor vari- anisotropy parameter ∈ to simulate oxygen ables Hk′ o=rde−rJink′g: {cos[ϕℓ(ri)−ϕℓ(ri+jaˆ)] Sℓ(ri)= N1k Xk Skℓe−ikri. (9) ℓ i j=−1,1 XX X +ηcos ϕ (r ) ϕ r +jˆb ; and transfer matrix method for one-dimensional de o- ℓ i ℓ i c − (4) 15 rated stru ture along -axis. This former operation di- h (cid:16) (cid:17)io 4. inter-plane oupling J⊥′ > 0 between adja ent aregsopnea ltizteoska,llletaevrminsgitnhethdeepHeanmdeilnt oenioannlainyeErqin.d(e1x)ℓwuitnh- 2 hanged. Therefore,thepartitionfun tion anbewritten CuO layer and basal plane: in the form: H′ = J′ cos[ϕ (r ) ϕ (r )] ⊥ − ⊥ { 3ℓ+1 i − 3ℓ+2 i +∞ dλ 1 +∞ Xℓ Xi<j Z = exp Nλ+ ln d2Skℓ +cos[ϕ3ℓ+2(ri)−ϕ3ℓ+3(ri)]}. (5) Z−∞ 2πi  2 Z−∞ Yk,ℓ The indi es i,j gℓo=fr1o,m...,1Nto/3Nk beingNthe number of ×exp−N1  SkℓAℓNℓ⊥′ (k)S−kℓ′, (10) sites in a plane, N = N⊥N, where ⊥ denotes the k kX,ℓ,ℓ′  number of layers and k ⊥ is the total number of   sites. The partition fun tion of the system reads: where AℓNℓ⊥′ (k) is an element of a square N⊥×N⊥ band 2π Z = dϕ (r )e−βH[ϕ], matrix, appearicng as a result of non-trivial oupling ℓ i (6) stru ture along -dire tion: Z0 ℓ,i Y 4 λ βJk(k) βJ⊥′ 0 0 0 0 0  −βJ⊥′2 λ −βJ2k′(k) βJ⊥′ 0 ··· 0 0 0   −02 − βJ⊥′2 λ −βJ2k(k) βJ⊥ ··· 0 0 0   − 2 − 2 − 2 ···   0 0 −βJ2⊥ λ− βJk2(k) ... ... ... ...  AN⊥(k)=  ... ... ... ... λ− βJk2(k) −βJ2⊥ 0 0 . (11)  0 0 0 ··· −βJ2⊥ λ− βJk2(k) −βJ2⊥′ 0   0 0 0 0 βJ⊥′ λ βJk′(k) βJ⊥′   0 0 0 ··· 0 −02 −βJ⊥′2 λ −βJ2k(k)   ··· − 2 − 2      λ=λ f(λ) 0 where: dle point of : J (k) = 2J [cos(ak )+cos(bk )], k k x y ∂f(λ) J′ (k) = 2J′[cos(ak )+ηcos(bk )] =0 k k x y (12) ∂λ (cid:12)λ=λ0 (14) (cid:12) λ (cid:12) and is a Lagrange multiplier introdu ed by represent- (cid:12) δ δ(x) = f(λ=λ ) in+g∞the Dira - fun tion in a spe tral form and where 0 be omes a free energy. In the dλ/2πiexp( λx) −∞ − . The problem redu es then to spheri almodel,theemergen eofthe riti alpointissig- Aℓℓ′ (k) Revaluation of a determinant of the N⊥ matrix (for naledbydivergen eoftheorderparametersus eptibility: te hni al details, we refer readersto Ref. [12℄). G−1(k=0)=0, The partition fun tion in Eq. (10) an be written as: (15) +∞ dλ Z =Z−∞ 2πiexp[−Nβf(λ)]. (13) where G−1(k) ≡ hSk,ℓS−k,ℓi and h...i is the statisti al average. Eq. (15) determines the value of the Lagrange N λ In the thermodynami limit → ∞ the dominant on- multiplier . Consequently,thefreeenergyofthesystem tribution to the integralin Eq. (13) omesfrom the sad- reads: f = λ 1 +πa +πb dkxdky ln 1 (βJ )2 [Λ(k)]2 Λ′(k)+2 βJ′ 2Λ(k) β − 3β Z−πa Z−πb (2π)2/(ab) (cid:20)16(cid:18)n ⊥ − o (cid:16) ⊥(cid:17) (cid:19) + (βJ )2 [Λ(k)]2 (βJ )2[Λ′(k)]2 2 βJ′ 2 Λ(k)Λ′(k) 2 , sn ⊥ − o(cid:26) ⊥ −h (cid:0) ⊥(cid:1) − i (cid:27)# (16) Λ(k)=βJ (k) 2λ Λ′(k)=βJ′ (k) 2λ where fun tions k − 0 and k − 0. The Lagrangemultiplier reads: λ = β 4J +2J′ (1+η)+J + 8 J′ 2+ J +4J +2J′(1 η) 2 . 0 4 ( k k ⊥ r ⊥ ⊥ k k − ) (17) (cid:0) (cid:1) h i Finally, the Eq. (14) leads to expression for the riti al temperature: 2 2 +1 +1 2 J⊥′ +(J⊥)2−4α α+2α′ β = dξ dζρ(ξ)ρ(ζ) , c 3Z−1 Z−1 J′(cid:16)2 (cid:17)2αα′ 2 (J α′(cid:16))2 (2α)(cid:17)2 J2 (18) s ⊥ − − ⊥ − ⊥ (cid:26)h(cid:0) (cid:1) i (cid:27)h i 5 α λ /β J (ξ+ζ) α′ λ /β J′(ξ+ηζ) where ≡ 0 − k , ≡ 0 − k and 175 ρ(ε) isa density ofstates ofthe hain(one-dimensional) 150 latti e given by: 1) = 1 1 h ρ(ε)= Θ(1 ε), 125 y, π√1 ε2 −| | (19) ( Tc − K]100 Θ(x) [ and is the unit-step fun tion. Tc 75 h=0 1>h>0 50 0) III. INFLUENCE OF OXYGEN ORDERING ON = h THE CRITICAL TEMPERATURE h=1 y, ( 25 Tc The result in Eq. (18) provides us with a tool to an- 0 alyze the in(cid:29)uen e of anisotropy and hara teristi en- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ergys alespresentinYBCOonthe riti altemperature. y However,inordertodes ribeYBCOphasediagram,itis ne essaryto onne t themodel parameterswith amount of oxygen doping. In our previous paper we have pro- Figure 3: Constru tion ofTYc(ByC,ηO)phase diagram wηi=thi1n pre- posedaphenomenologi aldependen e ofin-planemi ro- sented model: η u=rve0s for for disordered ( ) and 2 fully ordered ( ) oxygen set limits for the a tual phase s opi phase sti(cid:27)ness of CuO plane on harge (hole) y <0.5 diagram. For low dopings ( ) intera tions in the basal on entration, whi h appeared to su essfully des ribe Tc(y) η = 1 properties of super ondu ting homologousseries:12 planes are isotropi and y=de1penden e falls on urve. On theotherhand, for , all addedoxygenatoms Jk(δ)=( J0kfho1r−δ 0.1001.0(δ5−or0δ.15)20i.25fo.r 0.05<δ <0.025 lfiomrmit o hfaηin=s a0n.dPtlhaetea uritri eagliotnemispaer artousrηseovreera bheeTtswctehene oththoeser ≤ ≥ two regimes in whi h variable value of keeps onA. J. Leggett (20) To adapt it to the presentmodel it is ne essaryto relate 2 Figure 4: A(cid:30)liation: Department of Physi s, University of oxygen amount to harge on entration in CuO planes, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Urbana,Illinois 61801, USAs- sin e YBCO phase diagram is presented as an oxygen tant. doping fun tion of temperature. This relation was ex- perimentally determined by Tallon, et at. and found out to be roughly linear in the supeδr= on0d.0u5 tingyr=egi0o.n4 In order to realize this s enario within the presented t(o hδar=ge0. 1o7nf oernytr=ati1o)n.16 hCaonngseesqfureonmtly,thein-pfloarnephase mJko,dJekl′,itJi⊥s,nJe⊥ ′esasnadry(cid:28)tnod(cid:28)ax dvaeplueensdoenf meoodfelηpoanradmoeptienrgs y sti(cid:27)ness from Eq. (20) expressedasafun tion of oxygen J (y)=J g(y) , whi h would results in onstant riti al temperature k k amount reads , where: in the plateau region of theJphase dJia′gram. We assume g(y)= 10−for0.5y152 (y0.−4.0.95)2 for 0.4≤y ≤1 (21) (teh2a1t),doapnidn,gfodrepsiemndpelin itey,ofJ⊥k≡anJd⊥′ . kExapreergimiveenntablydEatqa. (cid:26) ≤ for anisotropyJof /pJenet=ratλi2on/λd2epth i1n00YBCO provideus with ratio of ⊥ k ab c ≃ .18 Furthermore, Although,itisusuallystatedintheliterature,T-Ophase J J′ transitionand emergen eofsuper ondu tivity in YBCO values of k and k an be dedu ed from the ratio of 17 arenotsimultaneousintermsofdoping. Thus,wesug- expressionsforthe riti al temperatures (see, Fig. 4) for 60K 93K gest the following s enario des ribing the phase diagram plateau ( ) and optimum doping ( ): of YBCO (see, Fig. 4): with in reasing oxygen doping y = 0 T J J′, y =0.5, η =1 (starting from ), the onset of super ondu tivity c k, k 60 y = 0.4 = . is rea hed ( ). The riti al temperature is ris- T (cid:16)J J′, y =0.95, η =0(cid:17) 93 (22) ing up to a point, in whi h T-O phase transition o urs c k, k y = 0.5 (cid:16) (cid:17) ( ). For higher dopings, oxygen hains start to η(δ) form. That results in intera tions in basal planes be- Finally, dependen e of oxygen ordering on doping oming more one-dimensional, thus phase (cid:29)u tuations an be foundJnu=m1e9r.i3 a2lly forJ ′a=l u3l3a.t8e1dmveaVlueJs o=f mJo′d=el rise signi(cid:28) antly and enough to keep the riti al tem- parameters( k meV, k , ⊥ ⊥ 0.58meV perature onstant. Further, while all the oxygen is or- )andit anbyapproximatedbytheexpression: dered in hains, the riti al temperature roughly follows J 1 in-plane phase sti(cid:27)ness k dependen e on doping rea h- η(δ)= (2 2δ)15.2+(2 2δ)7.9+(2 2δ)3.6 . 93K y =0.95 3 − − − ingits maximumvalue of for anddropping h i slightly later. (23) 6 100 120 J'/J=1.50 || || 80 100 J||'/J||=1.60 J'/J=1.75 || || 80 J'/J=1.90 ] 60 || || K K] J'/J=1.95 [ || || [ 60 c T c 40 T 40 Beyer, Ref. 19 Cava, Ref. 20 20 Segawa, Ref. 8 20 Theory (a) Theory (b) 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 y y Figure 5: (Color online) Comparison of experimental phase F′igure6: Comparisonofphase diagrams forvariousratios of J /J diagramsofYBCOwithresultsofthepresentedmodelfora) k k. Plots are normalized to have the riti al temperature 60K linear and b) non-linear (more exa t) approximation of data of theplateau region equal to . of Tallon, et al. (see, Ref 16). tio of riti al temperatures for systems with anisotropi η =0 η =1 TheresultingphasediagramispresentedinFig. 5(thi k ( )andisotropi ( )intera tionsin basalplanes solid line) along with experimental results, for ompar- reads: ison. It is learly seen that the pro edure reprodu es T (η =0) c hara teristi features of YBCO phase diagram: 60-K =0.949. plateau, 93K maximum riti al temperature with small Tc(η =1) (24) overdoped region. However, trying to (cid:28)t experimental J = J′ = J J′ = 0.1J J = J data better, we have performed more exa t (non-linear) Similarly, for || k , ⊥ and || , approximation of data from Ref. [16℄ that Jleka(dy)to dop- J|′| = J⊥′ = 0.5J and J⊥ = 0.1J the ratio is 0.983. The ing dependen e of in-plane phase sti(cid:27)ness . Cor- in(cid:29)uen eofbasalplaneanisotropyistoosmalltonoti e- responding phase diagram is also presented in Fig. 5 as thi k dashed line. It does not provide any new quality ably hanJg′ethe riti altemperatureuntilJin-planephase sti(cid:27)ness k is in reasedto be higherthan k. This, how- in reasing the width of 60-K plateau only very slightly, J (y) k ever, does notseemto be reasonablefrom physi alpoint thus it is reasonableto use simpler form of depen- den e, as in Eq. (21). It an be also noti ed that the of view.JE′/vJolution of the phase diagram with hanging ratio of k k is presented in Fig. 6. When the ratio is model predi ts 60-K plateau to be a little bit narrower and moved toward lower doping region than experimen- being de reased, the plateau region is disappearing. To tal results show. It an be argued that sin e it is very summarize, we (cid:28)nd it rather unlikely that oxygen order- hardto ontroltheamountofoxygeninYBCOpre isely, ing into hains alone an explain the existen e of 60-K somemeasurements,espe iallybasedonmultigrainpow- plateau. der samples, an be ina urate. However newer results are based on un-twinned single rystals and seem to be reliable,alsobe auseofgood onsisten eamongdi(cid:27)erent IV. INFLUENCE OF DOPING IMBALANCE ON resear hgroups. THE CRITICAL TEMPERATURE Unfortunately, the most serious (cid:29)aw in the presented s enario are the a tual values of model parameters re- YBCO an be doped not only by adding the oxy- quired to reprodu e experimental phase diagram. It genatoms,butalsobysubstitutingthree-valentYttrium is ne essaJr′y for basal plane in-plane mi ros opi phase atoms with two-valent Cal iums. This introdu es holes sti(cid:27)ness k to be almost two times bigger than CuO2 dire tly to CuO2 planes leaving api al and hain sites planes oupling Jk. For more reasonable values Jk > untou hed:3eventhoughthe harge on entrationwithin J′, J , J′ k ⊥ ⊥, the in(cid:29)uen e of anisotropy in basal planes opper-oxideplanesishighenough,la kofdopingofapi- J = J′ = J alsitesresultsininterplane ouplingbeingsmallandthe is almost negligible. For example for || k , J′ = 0.1J J = 0.01J J = 19.3meV onset of super ondu tivity is not rea hed. This suggests ⊥ and ⊥ with , the ra- that harge on entration within api al sites along with 7 1.0 h(y)=y h(y)=y3/2 ) 0.8 s t i n u 0.6 . b r a ( 0.4 '^ J , 'J|| 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 y 2 3 7 Figure 7: (Color online) YBa Cu O stru ture with opper- ′ J oxide hainsfully formed. Figure 8: (Color online) Cal ulated dependen e of k and ′ J ⊥ on oxygen amount for various fa tors due to number of oxygen va an ies in opper-oxide hains. Dependen es are 2 basal plane sites and CuO layers an be signi(cid:28) antly normalized to have maximumvalue equal to 1. Dashed lines di(cid:27)erent. Similarly, as Yttrium substitution an lead to areguidesforeyeextendingdependen esbeyondregionwhere introdu tion of holes ex lusively into CuO2 planes, one al ulation was possible. an imagine that in reasing of oxygen amounts hanges harge on entration primarily in the hain regions and only some of the harges are transported to the opper- oxide layers. In fa t, this s enario has been on(cid:28)rmed 3 bymeansofsite-spe i(cid:28) X-rayabsorptionspe tros opy. Be auseoverdopingofsomeregionsof YBCO ould pro- the qualitative results are the same and in reasonable vide a fa tor de reasing the riti al temperature with agreement with experimental data. in reasing oxygen doping and thus leading to the 60-K plateau, we want to investigate su h a possibility within presented model. Ourpro edureisasfollows: weassumethatanisotropy First, we want to emphasize the high signi(cid:28) an e of ratio between in-plane and inter-plane oupling among J /J = 0.0136 η api al site doapingc. Analyzing a proje tion of the YBCO CuO2 planes i0s equal to ⊥ k ,12 parame- stru ture on − plane (presented in Fig. 7), it an be taer is equal to (oxygen inJba′salplaJn′es is ordered along noti ed that asetof hainsdi(cid:27)ersfrom full opper-oxide dire tion) and values of k and ⊥ are equal and of layer only by a la k of oxygens between CuO2 planes. J J′ the order of k (however k is modi(cid:28)ed by hosen fa tor Thus oJn′e an expe t that the mi ros opi phase sti(cid:27)- h(y) = yγ Jk J⊥ η nesses J⊥′ relatedtoapi alsitesandtheonewithinbasal ). Providing values of , and into Eq. planes kareoftheorderofCuO2in-planephasesti(cid:27)ness (18) alongwith experimentally obtained riti altemper- Jk atures based on resistivity measurements from Ref. [8℄, . This suggests it is reasonable to investigate the role wedetermine doping dependen e of basaland api al mi- of doping of api al and basal sites on the phase diagram ros opi phase sti(cid:27)nesses. The results are presented in ovafluYeBsCoOf .Jk′ToanidnvJe⊥s′titghaatet wthoiusld, wreesuwltanint Ttoc(dye)tedrempeinne- Fig. 8. Using expression in Eq. (20) it is also possible to al ulate doping dependen e of orresponding harge den e observed experimentally. For larity, we assume on entration (see, Fig. 9). As it is apparent, almost that oxygen is fully ordered in hains to study the e(cid:27)e t in the whole region of oxygen doping in whi h YBCO is of harge imbalan e alone. It is also ne essary to model super ondu ting,basalplanesalongwithapi al sites are yan<in1(cid:29)uen eofthenumberofva an ieJs′inbasalplanesfor overdoped while simultaneously CuO2 planes are under- on the in-plane phase sti(cid:27)ness k. This relation is doped. While oxygen ontent is in reased, this provides unfortunately notobvious and it is hardto (cid:28)nd any hint two ountera tingfa tors,whi h may lJea′d to rJis′eof 6y0K aboutitspe hi(cid:28)( y)fo=rmy. ThusJ,′westartw(yi)th=aysγimJ′p(ley)linear plateau. Although spe i(cid:28) relation of k and ⊥ on is dependen e ,so: keffective k with h(y) = yγ γ =1 γ =3/2 dependent on assumed fa tor , the results are 21 . Later, we hoose di(cid:27)erent valJu′e of J′ and qualitatively similar and in reasonable agreement with noti ethatalthoughspe i(cid:28) valuesof k and ⊥ hange, experimental data (see stars, in Fig. 9). 8 Basal plane & apical sites 0.25 parameter. The model fully implements ompli ated en- ergy s ales present in YBCO also allowing for strong d anisotropy within basal planes in order to simulate oxy- e h(y)=y p genordering. Applyingspheri al losurerelationwehave 0.20 overdo h(y)=y3/2 msoalvteridxtmheethpohdasaendXY alm uoldateeldwTitchfotrhe hhoseelpn soyfstteramnspfear- rameters. Furthermore, by making a physi ally justi(cid:28)ed d 0.15 assumption regarding the doping dependen e of the mi- ros opi phase sti(cid:27)nesses we are able to re reate the 0.10 underdoped C u O(fro2pmlaRenf. e1s6) Wdopfihaeaogsxrdeayemgtdeei,rnamig.oreiarn.dmee6rt0oih-nfKagtYap BnlhaCdatrOedaa ouatp,enirn diagsntiini mbveefbesaatrlietagu narr teeeeastoteohndfetibthiysne(cid:29)sepuh(cid:27)heaenap steees. 0.05 of oxygen ordering. However, the spe i(cid:28) values of the model parameters for whi h this result is obtained seem to be a little bit hard to justify. Furthermore, relying 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 on experimental data unveiling that oxygen doping of y YBCO may introdu e signi(cid:28) ant harge imbalan e be- 2 tweenCuO planesandotheroxygensites,weshowthat the former are underdoped, while the latter (cid:21) strongly Figure 9: (Color online) Charge on entration within basal 2 overdopedalmostinthewholeregionofoxygendopingin planes, api al sites and in CuO planes. Stars denoteexperi- mental values of hole doping in basal planes and api al sites whi h YBCO is super ondu ting. In reasing of the oxy- (from Ref. [3℄). Dashed lines are guides for eye extending gen ontent provides then a natural me hanism of two dependen esbeyond region where al ulation was possible. ounter a ting fa tors that leads to emergen e of 60-K plateau. Additionally, our result an provide an impor- tant ontribution to solve a ontroversy of the symme- V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS try of YBCO order parameter, for whi h various experi- d s ments give ontradi toryanswers suggesting or -wave Wehave onsideredamodelofYBa2Cu3O6+y tostudy (although the fa t that YBCO is orthorhombi sshould tthheei nr(cid:29)itui eanl eteomfopxeyragteunroerTdcer(iyn)gaannddtdoopeilnug iidmabtealaanp oesosin- adl-swoavleea)d.22toFuorrtdheerrmpaorraem, emteerasbuerienmgeantms ioxftuthree o fompalnedx bleoriginofwell-knownfeatureofYBCOphasediagram: ondu tivityofhighqualityYBCO rystalsshowathird the 60-K plateau. Motivated by the experimental evi- peak in the normal ondu tivity at608K0K along with en- 23 den e that the ordering of the phase degrees of freedom han ed pair dondu tivity below ∼ . Authors show is responsible for the emergen e of the super ondu ting thatasingle -waveorderparameterisinsu(cid:30) ienttode- statewithlong-rangeorder,wefo usonthe(cid:16)phaseonly(cid:17) s ribethe dataand su essfully onsidertwo- omponent des riptionofthehigh-temperaturesuper ondu tingsys- model of super ondu tivity in YBCO. They laim that tem. Inourapproa h, the vanishingofthe super ondu - it would be tempting to assign the two super ondu ting tivitywithunderdoping anbeunderstoodbytheredu - omponents with the asso iated ondensates residing on 2 tionofthein-planephasesti(cid:27)nessesand anbelinkedto CuO planes and hains, respe tively, however they do the manifestation of Mott physi s (no double o upan y not see any justi(cid:28) ation of su h situation. Thus, our re- due to the large Coulomb on-site repulsion) that leads sult an providea nastural answerforplausibility of su h to the loss of long-rangeyp=ha0se oheren e whyile=m0oving as enario,in whi hd -wave omponent omes from over2- toward half-(cid:28)lled limit ( ). For doping , the doped hains and -wave one (cid:21) from underdoped CuO (cid:28)xed ele tron number implies large (cid:29)u tuations in the planes. onjugatephase variable, whi hnaturallytranslatesinto theredu tionofthemi ros opi in-planephasesti(cid:27)nesses and destru tion of the super ondu ting long-rangeorder y A knowledgments in this limit. In the opposite region of large , the onset Tof∗a pair-breaking e(cid:27)e t (at the pseudogap temperature ) an deplete the mi ros opi phase sti(cid:27)nesses, thus T. A. 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