Chapter 8 Alkenes: Structure and Preparation via Elimination Reactions Review of Concepts Fill in the blanks below. To verify that your answers are correct, look in your textbook at the end of Chapter 8. Each of the sentences below appears in the section entitled Review of Concepts and Vocabulary. • Alkene stability increases with increasing degree of ________________. • E2 reactions are said to be regioselective, because the more substituted alkene, called the ___________ product, is generally the major product. • When both the substrate and the base are sterically hindered, the less substituted alkene, called the __________ product, is the major product. • E2 reactions are stereospecific because they generally occur via the __________________ conformation. • Substituted cyclohexanes only undergo E2 reactions from the chair conformation in which the leaving group and the proton both occupy _________ positions. • E1 reactions exhibit a regiochemical preference for the ___________ product. • E1 reactions are not stereospecific, but they are stereo___________. • Strong nucleophiles are compounds that contain a _____________ and/or are ________________. • Strong bases are compounds whose conjugate acids are _______________. Review of Skills Fill in the blanks and empty boxes below. To verify that your answers are correct, look in your textbook at the end of Chapter 8. The answers appear in the section entitled SkillBuilder Review. 8.1 Assembling the Systematic Name of an Alkene PROVIDE A SYSTEMATIC NAME FOR THE FOLLOWING COMPOUND 1) IDENTIFY THE PARENT 2) IDENTIFY AND NAME SUBSTITUENTS 3) ASSIGN LOCANTS TO EACH SUBSTITUENT 4) ALPHABETIZE 8.2 Assigning the Configuration of a double bond HO ASSIGN THE CONFIGURATION OF THE DOUBLE BOND IN THE FOLLOWING COMPOUND 140 CHAPTER 8 8.3 Comparing the Stability of Isomeric Alkenes CIRCLE THE MOST STABLE ALKENE BELOW 8.4 Drawing the Curved Arrows of an Elimination Reaction A CONCERTED MECHANISM A STEPWISE MECHANISM DRAW THREE CURVED ARROWS, SHOWING A DRAW A CURVED ARROW SHOWING THE LOSS OF THE LEAVING GROUP PROTON TRANSFER ACCOMPANIED BY TO FORM A CARBOCATION INTERMEDIATE, FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER SIMULTANEOUS LOSS OF A LEAVING GROUP TWO CURVED ARROWS SHOWING A PROTON TRANSFER H - LG H - LG H Base Base LG LG 8.5 Predicting the Regiochemical Outcome of an E2 Reaction DRAW THE ELIMINATION PRODUCTS OBTAINED WHEN THE COMPOUND BELOW IS TREATED WITH A STRONG BASE. Cl Strong Base + ZAITSEV HOFMANN 8.6 Predicting the Stereochemical Outcome of an E2 Reaction PREDICT THE STEREOCHEMICAL OUTCOME OF THE FOLLOWING REACTION, AND DRAW THE PRODUCT. Strong Base Cl 8.7 Drawing the Products of an E2 Reaction PREDICT THE MAJOR AND MINOR PRODUCTS OF THE FOLLOWING REACTION. Br NaOEt + MAJOR MINOR 8.8 Predicting the Regiochemical Outcome of an E1 Reaction PREDICT THE MAJOR AND MINOR PRODUCTS OF THE FOLLOWING REACTION. OH H SO 2 4 + heat MAJOR MINOR CHAPTER 8 141 8.9 Drawing the Complete Mechanism of an E1 Reaction IDENTIFY THE TWO CORE STEPS AND TWO POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL STEPS OF AN E1 PROCESS TWO CORE STEPS TWO POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL STEPS 8.10 Determining the Function of a Reagent IDENTIFY REAGENTS THAT FALL INTO EACH OF THE FOUR CATEGORIES BELOW: NUCLEOPHILE (ONLY) BASE STRONG STRONG WEAK WEAK (ONLY) NUC BASE NUC BASE 8.11 Identifying the Expected Mechanism(s) IDENTIFY THE MECHANISM(S) THAT OPERATE IN EACH OF THE CASES BELOW: 1 + MINOR MAJOR STRONG STRONG 2 + NUC BASE MAJOR MINOR 3 ONLY 8.12 Predicting the Products of Substitution and Elimination Reactions FILL IN THE BLANKS BELOW: STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 DETERMINE THE FUNCTION ANALYZE THE ________________ CONSIDER ANY RELEVANT REGIOCHEMICAL AND OF THE _________________ AND DETERMINE THE EXPECTED ____________________ REQUIREMENTS MECHANISM(S). 142 CHAPTER 8 Review of Synthetically Useful Elimination Reactions Identify reagents that will achieve each of the transformations below. To verify that your answers are correct, look in your textbook at the end of Chapter 8. The answers appear in the section entitled Review of Synthetically Useful Elimination Reactions. OH Br Br Solutions 8.1. a) 2,3,5-trimethyl-2-heptene b) 3-ethyl-2-methyl-2-heptene c) 3-isopropyl-2,4-dimethyl-1-pentene d) 4-tert-butyl-1-heptene 8.2. a) b) c) 8.3. 2,3-dimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene 8.4. this substituent counts twice a) trisubstituted b) disubstituted c) trisubstituted d) trisubstituted e) monosubstituted CHAPTER 8 143 8.5. O F Cl a) E b) Z c) Z d) Z 8.6. When using cis-trans terminology, we look for two identical groups. In this case, there are two ethyl groups that are in the trans configuration: Cl trans However, when using E-Z terminology, we look for the highest priority at each vinylic position. Chlorine receives a higher priority than ethyl, so in this case, the highest priority groups are on the same side of the pi bond: Cl Z Below are two other examples of alkenes that have the trans configuration, but nevertheless have the Z configuration: F Br 8.7. a) increasing stability di- tri- tetra- substituted substituted substituted b) increasing stability mono- di- tri- substituted substituted substituted 144 CHAPTER 8 8.8. In the first compound, all of the carbon atoms of the ring are sp3 hybridized and tetrahedral. As a result, they are supposed to have bond angles of approximately 109.5º, but their bond angles are compressed due to the ring (and are almost 90º). In other words, the compound exhibits angle strain characteristic of small rings. In the second compound, two of the carbon atoms are sp2 hybridized and trigonal planar. As a result, they are supposed to have bond angles of approximately 120º, but their bond angles are compressed due to the ring (and are almost 90º). The resulting angle strain (120º (cid:1) 90º) is greater than the angle strain in the first compound (109.5º (cid:1) 90º). Therefore, the second compound is higher in energy, despite the fact that it has a more highly substituted double bond. 8.9. H OH Cl a) H OTs OEt b) OMe H Br c) 8.10. H - Cl H O Cl 2 a) Br - Br MeOH b) H - I EtOH H I c) CHAPTER 8 145 8.11. This mechanism is concerted: OTs EtO H 8.12. H - Br EtOH Br 8.13. a) 3x faster b) 2x faster c) 6x faster 8.14. a) increasing reactivity towards E2 Br Br Br primary secondary tertiary substrate substrate substrate b) increasing reactivity towards E2 Cl Cl Cl primary secondary tertiary substrate substrate substrate 8.15. Cl EtO + major minor a) (more substituted) (less substituted) 146 CHAPTER 8 Cl O + major minor b) (less substituted) (more substituted) I NaOH + major minor c) (more substituted) (less substituted) I O + major minor d) (less substituted) (more substituted) Br NaOH e) only product Br O f) only product 8.16. a) The more substituted alkene is desired, so hydroxide should be used. b) The less substituted alkene is desired, so tert-butoxide should be used. 8.17. a) O Br HO Br CHAPTER 8 147 b) O Br Br HO 8.18. + a) major minor b) the only E2 product c) the only E2 product d) the only E2 product e) the only E2 product + f) the only E2 product g) major minor + h) major minor 8.19. Strong Base Br 148 CHAPTER 8 8.20. The leaving group in menthyl chloride can only achieve antiperiplanarity with one beta proton, so only one elimination product is observed. In contrast, the leaving group in neomenthyl chloride can achieve antiperiplanarity with two beta protons, giving rise to two possible products: Cl H menthyl chloride H + Cl H neomenthyl chloride 8.21. Because of the bulky tert-butyl group, the first compound is essentially locked in a chair conformation in which the chlorine occupies an equatorial position. This conformation cannot undergo an E2 reaction because the leaving group is not antiperiplanar to a proton. However, the second compound is locked in a chair conformation in which the chlorine occupies an axial position. This conformation rapidly undergoes an E2 reaction. Therefore, the second compound is expected to be more reactive towards an E2 process than the first compound. 8.22. NaOEt + Cl a) major minor Br NaOEt + b) major minor Br NaOEt c) only E2 product