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Springer Monographs in Mathematics Forfurthervolumes: www.springer.com/series/3733 Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein (cid:2) Michel Coornaert Cellular Automata and Groups TullioCeccherini-Silberstein MichelCoornaert DipartimentodiIngegneria InstitutdeRechercheMathématiqueAvancée UniversitàdelSannio UniversitédeStrasbourg C.soGaribaldi107 7rueRené-Descartes 82100Benevento 67084StrasbourgCedex Italy France [email protected] [email protected] ISSN1439-7382 ISBN978-3-642-14033-4 e-ISBN978-3-642-14034-1 DOI10.1007/978-3-642-14034-1 SpringerHeidelbergDordrechtLondonNewYork LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2010934641 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2010):37B15,68Q80,20F65,43A07,16S34,20C07 ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2010 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violations areliabletoprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnot imply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotective lawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Coverdesign:deblik Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) To Katiuscia, Giacomo, and Tommaso To Martine and Nathalie Preface Twoseeminglyunrelatedmathematicalnotions,namelythatofanamenable group and that of a cellular automaton, were both introduced by John von Neumann in the first half of the last century. Amenability, which originated from the study of the Banach-Tarski paradox, is a property of groups gener- alizing both commutativity and finiteness. Nowadays, it plays an important role in many areas of mathematics such as representation theory, harmonic analysis, ergodic theory, geometric group theory, probability theory, and dy- namicalsystems.VonNeumannusedcellularautomatatoserveastheoretical models for self-reproducing machines. About twenty years later, the famous cellular automaton associated with the Game of Life was invented by John Horton Conway and popularized by Martin Gardner. The theory of cellular automata flourished as one of the main branches of computer science. Deep connections with complexity theory and logic emerged from the discovery that some cellular automata are universal Turing machines. A group G is said to be amenable (as a discrete group) if the set of all subsets of G admits a right-invariant finitely additive probability measure. All finite groups, all solvable groups (and therefore all abelian groups), and all finitely generated groups of subexponential growth are amenable. Von Neumann observed that the class of amenable groups is closed under the operationof taking subgroups and thatthe free groupof rank twoF isnon- 2 amenable. It follows that a group which contains a subgroup isomorphic to F is non-amenable. However, there are examples of groups which are non- 2 amenable and contain no subgroups isomorphic to F (the first examples 2 of such groups were discovered by Alexander Y. Ol’shanskii and by Sergei I. Adyan). Loosely speaking, a general cellular automaton can be described as fol- lows. A configuration is a map from a set called the universe into another set called the alphabet. The elements of the universe are called cells and the elements of the alphabet are called states. A cellular automaton is then a mapfromthesetofallconfigurationsintoitselfsatisfyingthefollowinglocal property:thestateoftheimageconfigurationatagivencellonlydependson vii viii Preface the states of the initial configuration on a finite neighborhood of the given cell.Intheclassicalsetting,forinstanceinthecellularautomataconstructed by von Neumann and the one associated with Conway’s Game of Life, the alphabet is finite, the universe is the two dimensional infinite square lattice, andtheneighborhoodofacellconsistsofthecellitselfanditseightadjacent cells.Byiteratingacellularautomatononegetsadiscretedynamicalsystem. Such dynamical systems have proved very useful to model complex systems arising from natural sciences, in particular physics, biology, chemistry, and population dynamics. ∗ ∗ ∗ Inthisbook,theuniversewillalwaysbeagroupG(intheclassicalsetting the corresponding group was G = Z2) and the alphabet may be finite or infinite. The left multiplication in G induces a natural action of G on the set of configurations which is called the G-shift and all cellular automata will be required to commute with the shift. It was soon realized that the question whether a given cellular automaton is surjective or not needs a special attention. From the dynamical viewpoint, surjectivity means that each configuration may be reached at any time. The firstimportantresultinthisdirectionisthecelebratedtheoremofMooreand Myhill which gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the surjectivity of a cellular automaton with finite alphabet over the group G=Z2. Edward F. MooreandJohnR.Myhillprovedthatsuchacellularautomatonissurjective if and only if it is pre-injective. As the term suggests it, pre-injectivity is a weakernotionthaninjectivity.Moreprecisely,acellularautomatonissaidto be pre-injective if two configurations are equal whenever they have the same image and coincide outside a finite subset of the group. Moore proved the “surjective⇒pre-injective”partandMyhillprovedtheconverseimplication shortlyafter.OneoftenreferstothisresultastotheGardenofEdentheorem. This biblical terminology is motivated by the fact that, regarding a cellular automaton as a dynamical system with discrete time, a configuration which is not in the image of the cellular automaton may only appear as an initial configuration, that is, at time t=0. Thesurprisingconnectionbetweenamenabilityandcellularautomatawas established in 1997 when Antonio Mach`ı, Fabio Scarabotti and the first au- thor proved the Garden of Eden theorem for cellular automata with finite alphabets over amenable groups. At the same time, and completely inde- pendently, Misha Gromov, using a notion of spacial entropy, presented a more general form of the Garden of Eden theorem where the universe is an amenable graph with a dense holonomy and cellular automata are called maps of bounded propagation. Mach`ı, Scarabotti and the first author also showed that both implications in the Garden of Eden theorem become false if the underlying group contains a subgroup isomorphic to F . The question 2 whether the Garden of Eden theorem could be extended beyond the class of Preface ix amenable groups remained open until 2008 when Laurent Bartholdi proved thattheMooreimplicationfailstoholdfornon-amenablegroups.Asaconse- quence, the whole Garden of Eden theorem only holds for amenable groups. Thisgivesanewcharacterizationofamenablegroupsintermsofcellularau- tomata.Letusmentionthat,uptonow,thevalidityoftheMyhillimplication for non-amenable groups is still an open problem. FollowingWalterH.Gottschalk,agroupGissaidtobesurjunctiveifevery injective cellular automaton with finite alphabet over G is surjective. Wayne Lawton proved that all residually finite groups are surjunctive and that ev- ery subgroup of a surjunctive group is surjunctive. Since injectivity implies pre-injectivity,animmediateconsequenceoftheGardenofEdentheoremfor amenable groups is that every amenable group is surjunctive. Gromov and Benjamin Weiss introduced a class of groups, called sofic groups, which in- cludes all residually finite groups and all amenable groups, and proved that everysoficgroupissurjunctive.Soficgroupscanbedefinedinthreeequivalent ways: in terms of local approximation by finite symmetric groups equipped withtheirHammingdistance,intermsoflocalapproximationoftheirCayley graphs by finite labelled graphs, and, finally, as being the groups that can be embedded into ultraproducts of finite symmetric groups (this last charac- terization is due to Ga´bor Elek and Endre Szabo´). The class of sofic groups is the largest known class of surjunctive groups. It is not known, up to now, whether all groups are surjunctive (resp. sofic) or not. Stimulated by Gromov ideas, we considered cellular automata whose al- phabets are vector spaces. In this framework, the space of configurations has a natural structure of a vector space and cellular automata are required to be linear. An analogue of the Garden of Eden theorem was proved for linear cellularautomatawithfinitedimensionalalphabetsoveramenablegroups.In the proof, the role of entropy, used in the finite alphabet case, is now played by the mean dimension, a notion introduced by Gromov. Also, examples of linear cellular automata with finite dimensional alphabets over groups con- taining F showing that the linear version of the Garden of Eden theorem 2 may fail to hold in this case, were provided. It is not known, up to now, if the Garden of Eden theorem for linear cellular automata with finite dimen- sional alphabet only holds for amenable groups or not. We also introduced the notion of linear surjunctivity: a groupG is said to be L-surjunctive if ev- ery injective linear cellular automaton with finite dimensional alphabet over G is surjective. We proved that every sofic group is L-surjunctive. Linear cellular automata over a group G with alphabet of finite dimension d over a field K may be represented by d×d matrices with entries in the group ring K[G]. This leads to the following characterization of L-surjunctivity: a groupisL-surjunctiveifandonlyifitsatisfiesKaplansky’sconjectureonthe stable finiteness of group rings (a ring is said to be stably finite if one-sided invertiblefinitedimensionalsquarematriceswithcoefficientsinthatringare in fact two-sided invertible). As a corollary, one has that group rings of sofic groups are stably finite, a result previously established by Elek and Szabo´

Cellular automata were introduced in the first half of the last century by John von Neumann who used them as theoretical models for self-reproducing machines. The authors present a self-contained exposition of the theory of cellular automata on groups and explore its deep connections with recent dev
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