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CCD Adaptive Discrete Analog Signal Processing. PDF

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Afl AQI.3 608 WESTINGHOUSE DEFENSE Ale ELECTROtIIC SYSTEMS CENTER 9—ETC Ffl 9/5 CCO ADAPTIVE DISCRETE ANALOG SIGNAL PROCESSING.tU) ~~ fl N n WHITE. I A MACK. L I. LEWIS N00L73 76 C—Qj~,7 UNCLASSIFIED eoa ~~~~ — lf _ _ _, U u D a _ _ _ _ E U B M1 EIk ~ CCD ADAPTIVE DISCRETE ANALOG SIGNAL PROCESSING - FINAL REPORT Contract No. N00173-76-C-0147 1 July 1977 - Research Sponsored by: NAVAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS COMMAND N00039 Code 304, L.W. Sumney Washington, D.C. 20360 Research Directed by: NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY N00173 Code 5262, Dr. W.D. Baker Washington, D.C. 20375 By f I Marvin H. White, Ingham A.G. Mack, Leonard L. Lewis, Gerald M. Borsuk WESTINGHOUSE DEFENSE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS CENTER Systems Development Division Advanced Technology Labs. k Baltimore. Maryland 21203 • .~~~~ , I ~ J p. J ~ F 1977 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUG 31 I Approv d I i ~ ~~ I NCI ,ASSl1 lED ~ _____ -:~~~AS~~~’ .A’ N -~~F ~.iS ~~~~~~ 41,,.,, Z)~I~ 1nlo,,,! REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE E)EFORE COMPLETING FORM GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3 RECIPIENTS CATALOG NUMBER ‘-• ‘~.y,,,i.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED - ( ( I) Adaptis 1)iscr~~tc Analo6 ~l6nal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ - - - 6 PEREORMINGORO REPORT NUMBER • / / \~~ . rvin II. TWh—i-t-e.— ---.----—-———L--e --o--n.a—rd- -.L---. -L—e--w- -i-s- • .~~ ‘ BN CoOoNjl73-76~-~C~~j-AOMTlJ4~~7j&~~~J~P~.A~~a’.I’ InCham \ C \Iick ,~ Gerald M BOrSUk - 9 ‘.V ~~.~s~~t~i~~ ~n~u~~ ~h~~o~~~u~~s~~e~~ ~~l~)~e~~~f~e~~n~ sNeA MaEn AdN D EAlDeDRcEtSrSo nic Systems Ct: T~ffPARROEAG R&A MWOERLKE MUENNITT .NPURMOBJEERCST , TASK ~vsterns r)evelopment l)ivision ~~ •~~?.7~.?~~~~_ I : ~~iN.~3\~~~ad~t~’vI~~1~aa~j~n~lm ~c~pF~e~ jrd..ee NcGT. t eOrMEocFn~h~tiCnrcEoy Nl1SoAaMy~nEzdsy AtNeLD2m a1AsbD2D s0Rc.3Eo S rSn m~~ ancI N00039 /~,‘~7~ ~,) $~X~-~j ~F-P ~-~5i~1P4O 5-ø~-8~~~2~-O70A7T0~ E.2J / ~/ Code 3 4, h. \V. Sumnev / ?~~~~~UMBER OE CAGES ~~ .• [ / IA\ VaMs”NhIi’CoR~I~NtUo nA,G EN1C)Y. CN.AM E2 0A 3~~(~,D0R E$S,,( dIffer.,,’ f,~,,~~ft ot,troIHng Of II,,.) 15 SECURITY CLASS (of IhI. ,.p’~rI N~t’~,tI Research Laboratory N00l73 nclassified CSs o~Od-,e.I If-l‘~L~~‘t.2Of, l. DIr) .. ~V~~ .s .~)1. 1)J.J ~ ,BD- aker T~~ ~_ SD_CE_NCEL_AO_SUS_LIE_FI_CA_T_IO_N_ _D_OW_N_GRADING ‘6 DL,~~R’B~ lION STATEMENT ~of lhI, Rep’--’ A. Approved for public release, distribution unlirriitecl ‘ ~‘ ‘ ‘~ Ii., ‘- . ‘ ~ A ~ EM EN’ f “-c ~t- ‘r~ ~~~~~~~ ~, ,I ah’ck 20, II dllI.,.,, ,1,0,,, Report) F5 — ‘1 * “DS - ---,, c ,,- ‘c ‘—.Io 1 ‘c c.,.rv ~~~ l,jenlIly by blo l numb.,) A’~~;t~~~~~~, i i’r(~~ “ssinL’, CCD Si~znal Processin~i, CharL’c-Coupled Devices ~~~~~~ M ‘).~~ •)‘vic’- -~ L.\1.~~ Ah~orithrn , Noise Cancellation - — —____________ ‘~~~, P A - ~~~~~,, .n ~~~~~~~~~~~~ II,’.. ,,.,.rv, .d fd.nri(y by b/o,k ,,urnb.’) 7 ‘ Ihi s r. po r’ d rihes t} iniplelnentatior) of a recursive stochastic algor— ~ ~ tL.’ I .~~~~~t TII’’tFl ‘-iqllare (LN ) error aliiorithrn , in a 2—tap weii.~ht CC ,oj..j) t ivt• tilt~~r ‘.‘. ith electrically— reprograrnmable NINOS nonvolatile, .ttIdl(IL~ C’~~,’lIll LII, ,, WCj L’htS r DO I 1 ~ ‘,~~ IS OBSOLETE N ( I A” ’-,lI ILD II ~ ___________________ SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAG! ~$~I.n bar. ~nt.,•d H //; . / . - ~~~~ ~ _ ,— - ~~-—- —. •-. S--., - - —•- • -, .. - — ,pe~•Ju~ .,.Q u•IL~4~) ~~~d SIHJ. 40 NOI~~V~~~I~~ISSV1~~ A,LIMG..J3$ I I— ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author s would like to express their appreciation to Dr. 3. Dzimianski and Dr . P. C. Smith for the MNOS memory transistors, R. Stehlik for analog processor design contributions, and Dr. W.S. Corak, manager, Solid-State Technology ; Dr . G. Strull, manager, Science and Technology ; and Dr. P. M. Pan, chief scientist, R&D Operations, for their encourage- ment and support of CCD/DASP for adaptive signal processing. We would also like to thank D.C. Peterson for the technical pr eparation of the final report. / NTIS ~ !‘ Section ~ — — — ODC ~~,‘~.tiofl 0 I)~~~’JN’) I.” - 1 0 IIIS’ CYI ~ RY -— ~~~~~~ ~~~~ II CODES Ui ‘ •- ‘ • I SPICIAL. i ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p. I UI SV ABSTRACT This report describes the implementation of a recursive stochastic I algorithm , the least mean square (LMS) error algorithm, in a 2-tap weight CCI) adaptive filter with electrically-reprogrammable MNCS nonvolatile, analog conductance weights. 1 ~ .4- ‘A r v/vi I A TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 INTRODUCTK)N TO ADAPTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING .~~ . 3. FHE LMS 3—1 AI.GORIIIIM 3. 1 The Clipped Data LMS Algorithm 3- ~ 3. 2 Othe r Forms of the LMS Algorithm 3-9 3. 3 A 2-Tap Wei ght Adaptive Filter Under the Control of the “Clipped Data ” [.MS Algorithm 3-11 3. 3. 1 A 2-rap Adaptive Notch Filte r 3-l ~ 4. CHARGE-COUPLED I)EVICES (CCD’S) WITH ANALOG CON DUCTANCE WEIGHTS 4-I 4. 1 Serial In Parallel Out (SI ”PO) Transversal Filtering with -~~ Charge-Coupled I)evices (CC D’s) 4-T 4. 2 I”loa’ing Clock Electrode Sensor 4-11 4. 3 1 ransversal Filter Utilizing the FCES Output Circuit 4-14 ~~. \IOS rPANSISF0RS AS ELEC’rRIcALLY REPROGRAMMABLE ANALOG CONI)UCTANCE A1)APTIVE FILTER WEIGHTS 5-1 1 , 1 NIOS 1 ransistors with Bidirectional CC 1 Control of Weights ~ \leIal- Nitride-()\ide—Silicon (NINOS) Electricall y Reprog rarnrnable Analog Conductance We ights 5-7 3 Calculation of for the Clipped I)ata LMS Algorithm 5-10 ~~ . ~~~~~~~ 4 Speed of Response and Programming Voltage Range for N OS . ~~ Electrica ll y Reprogranimable Analog Conductance Weights 5-L? 5. 5 MNOS Characterization for Adaptive Weight Control -14 ADA PTIVE FILlER BREAI)BOARD AND EXPERIMENTA l. “ . CHARACTERISTICS 6-1 t . 1 Computer Simulation - Two Tap Linear Adaptive Filter t~-8 ~~ ( . 2 Experimental Results for 2-Tap Linear Adaptive Notch Filter 6-8 [I vii Page 7. APPLJC;ATIONS 7-1 7. 1 Adaptive Noise Cancellation 7-1 Adaptive Linea r Prediction for Narrowband Speech, Voice 7. ~ Processing 3 Adaptive Echo Cancellation Filters 7-11 7. S. CONCLUSIONS 5-1 — i h - viii ~~~~~~ I LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page 1. Adaptive Fransversal Filter Correlation Cancellation Loop (CCL) 3 5 3. Internal View of Adaptive Filter 3-5 4. Adaptive Filter with Cascaded CC L’s to Implement “Clipped Data ” 1.MS Algorithm 3-9 5. Comparison of Various Algorithms for an Adaptive Equalizer 3-12 A -ia p Weight Adaptive Filte r with “Clipped I)ala ” LMS ~~.. ~ Algorit hm 3—1 ~ 7. Single Frequency Adaptive Noise Canceller 3-i? S. Characteristics of a 2-Tap Weight Adaptive Noise Canceller Under the Control of a Clipped-Data LMS Algorithm 3-19 CCL Analog Shift (SI’SO) 4-3 10. Basic CCL 4-Phase Clock Timing for SI SO CCI) 4-3 11. Cross Section of 4-Phase CCD Stage Delay 4_ S Photornicrograph of SI ’PO CCD Basic Building Block for — l apped Analog I)elay Line of Linear Combine r 13. 1 ransversal Filter 4-10 ~~~ 14. Floating Clock Electrode Sensor Circuit 4-1.~ 15. Clock Waveforms for FCES Circuit and Seria l In Parallel Out r Operation 4-13 1i . Photornicrog raph of SI.’PO CCD Chip 4-15 ~ 17. SI -“P0 h amming Weight Transversal Filter 4-17 L 18. MOS Voltage-Controllable Analog Conductance for Adaptive 3 Tap Weight Element ~~- 19. MOS-’I ransistor Analog Conductance Comparison with Fixed Resistor Performance 5-5 1 Page .~0. Bidirectiona l Charge Control for AdjusI n~ent of Gate Voltage Achieve a Variable Analog \IOS Conductance to ~1. Photornicroi.~r aph of Driin-Source Protected \INOS Nonvolatile Mem ory Iransistor W/L 7/1 (;ross-Section of l)SP-MNOS Memory Uransis’or ~U3. Simplified Block I)iagram of \INOS Analog Conductance Programming Operation 5-10 . 4. P—Channel \INOS Memory Transistor Erase Write ~ Cha racteristics (Single Pulse Response from a Saturated Sta’~c) 5-I Uniform and Nonunifo rm CharactU’ristic of MN OS Memory Transistors ( - 300~ sec) N . 450 °A, N 20°A ~-l 3 p 0 P—Channel MNOS Memory Transistor Erase \Vrite Charac ’er istics (Single Pulse Response from a Sa’urated State) 5-15 . MNOS Charac’erization Circuit -‘-15 7 ~ 2s. MT’OS Characterization Circuit Output Pulsewidth t = ZOO g sec ~ for Write and Clear Saturate -ZOV ~ Read -9 v~~~1s 5-IT Block Diagram of CCD Adaptive Filter Predictor Constructed with EMS .‘\lgorithrn 30. .‘\daptive Filter Block l)iagrarn ‘- —3 ~ 1. inting I iag rim for S[’PO CCI’) Adap’ive 1”ilter Analog Processor Adaptive Filter Breadboard ‘—7 33. Iwo lap Adaptive Linear Predictors ~I 9 — 34. wo Tap Adaptive Linear Filter Output (~ \Veight l’ap~ (—il 35. Iwo lap Adaptive l.inea r Filter Components \Vaveforn~s (‘~ Wei ght lap) 6—Ia Experimenta l Results on “Clipped l)ata LNIS Algorithm for ~~~— I ap Weig ht Adapti s’e Notch Filter t-i 3 37. 1 raiisient Response of EMS Algorithm 6— hi CCL Adaptive Noise Canceller 6—17 k ( tIliput \\ aveforms of Adaptive Noise Canceller ~~~~~ 40. 60 lIz Interference Cancellation with a ~~~— lap Adaptive Filter in Electrocardiography 7~~ 41. ar~~-e llation of Noise ~n Speech Communication 7—3 •

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