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Preview Cars Land turbo-charges DCA - Amusement Today

 KINGS ISLAND’S 40th ANNIVERSARY – PAGES 19-22 TM Vol. 16 • Issue 4 JULY 2012 Cars Land turbo-charges DCA New Manta attraction surfaces to applause at SeaWorld San Diego New gateway, themed area refuel Disney Mack Rides, Falcon’s Treehouse, ThemeWorks all contribute to coaster’s crowd-pleasing appeal California Adventure STORY: Dean Lamanna STORY: Dean Lamanna “Manta is a ride at- Special to Amusement Today Special to Amusement Today traction, but it’s really a lot more,” said SeaWorld San ANAHEIM, Calif. — Af- SAN DIEGO, Calif. — It Diego Park President John ter months of publicity en- glides. It dives. It flies from Reilly during the coaster’s gine-revving, the Disneyland the depths of its oceanic en- Memorial Day weekend de- Resort finally gunned the mo- virons with swooping, twist- but. “It delivers exactly what tor of Cars Land, the intensely ing and sometimes startling our guests want: a fun fam- anticipated new themed area maneuvers. Meet Manta, a ily coaster complemented inside Disney California Ad- new roller coaster attraction by an incredible hands-on venture (DCA), on June 15. at SeaWorld San Diego. animal experience. Manta The peppy, well-oiled Named not only tells the story of the park-within-a-park, which for the ray, it gives you the sensa- impresses in every aspect of whip-tailed, tion of being one — soaring, its production, is designed to DCA’s new Cars Land, a 12- gracefully diving and skimming the help quell the fits and starts acre themed area inspired rippling ocean’s surface.” of the resort’s 11-year-old sec- by historic Route 66 and giant ray At the ribbon-cutting ond gate and give it an aes- Disney-Pixar’s hit Cars films, known for ceremony on May 26, Reil- thetic veneer — and a level caps a five-year, billion-dol- bursting Reilly ly gave a shout-out to AT of attendance — more in tune lar-plus expansion and reno- from the sea Publisher Gary Slade, with with adjacent Disneyland and vation of the park. and going momentarily air- whom he had shared sev- the Disney brand. COURTESY borne, Manta – incorporat- eral preview rides on Manta Cars Land, based on the DISNEYLAND RESORT ing a 100,000-gallon aquari- earlier and who was im- popular Disney-Pixar Cars um and shallow touch pool pressed by the attraction’s films and sprawling across 12 – handily and quite spectac- relentlessly twisting, low- acres, is the largest piece of ularly fulfills the SeaWorld to-the-ground track layout. the Disneyland Resort’s five- mandate that all attractions “Gary told me, ‘Thank you year, property-wide renova- provide interactive, ma- for putting the ‘fun’ back tion and expansion (see AT rine conservation-themed in the roller coaster,” Reilly February 2012 for a complete 4See MANTA, page 4 edutainment. overview). The bulk of the effort and $1.1 billion invest- ment have been lavished on DCA, with Disney’s promo- tional push highlighting Cars Land and the revamped DCA entrance area, Buena Vista Street, as key features of the park’s “grand reopening.” The two new lands follow several major additions to 4See CARS, page 7 R PAPE d material. e 26, 2012 AMSUUSBESMCERNIBTE T TOODAY e n NEWS POSTMASTER:DatPLEASE RUSH!Mailed Tuesday Ju (817) 460-7220 amusementtoday SeaWorld San Diego guests riding the new Manta coast- 9602 # TIMREP com er are all smiles over the new family friendly ride. The XT HTROW .TF DIAP LSM coaster opened on May 26. EGATSOP SU AT/GARY SLADE DTS TRSRP 2 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2012 NEWSTALK OPINIONS CARTOON LETTERS AT CONTACTS EDITORIAL: Gary Slade, gslade@amusementtoday.com CARTOON: Bubba Flint California tidbits Random thoughts from some of Southern California’s newest star attractions at the parks: •Disney California Adventure: What can a $1 billion makeover get you? Anything you want. The much needed icon that DCA needed has arrived. Radiator Springs Racers, Slade based on the Cars movie lineup takes the proven technology from Epcot’s Test Track by letting rid- ers now race each other on side-by-side tracks through a desert landscape. And this is just one portion of the entire new Cars Land. This is Disney’s best work yet. •Legoland California: When I first heard the news for a junior-sized Shoot the Chute I thought Merlin had lost it. No need to worry. Pirate Reef delivers all the fun and splash as the big chutes rides. Thanks to Legoland’s master model builders, this ride has more wet factor than many waterslides can create. And, thanks to two entry/exit points, this Hopkins Rides jewel of the Pacific waterway is accessable to both theme park and waterpark guests. Waterparks owners/operators should take a close look at this install and its use of Empex Watertoys. EDITORIAL: Andrew Mellor, amellor@amusementtoday.com •SeaWorld San Diego: As I told park GM John Reilly The magic of Harry Potter heads for Japan following our first ride together, “SeaWorld brought the fun back to the roller coaster.” By that I mean no inver- We have all been hugely uled to open first of the two, in late 2014, with sions, an ultra smooth, fun and exciting coaster that lets impressed by the Wizarding California set for 2016, I understand. guests and coaster enthusiasts come back for more. In a World of Harry Potter (WWoHP) Some may well, of course, question whether day when many coaster are not re-rideable, Manta is just at Universal Orlando Resort and or not the Harry Potter phenomenon will be as the opposite — re-rideable a 1,000 times over. Kudos to since opening two years ago it popular in a few years time as it is now, but I don’t Falcon’s Treehouse for their outstanding preshow, Mack has entertained millions of visi- see that being an issue — and clearly nor do the tors from around the world in a powers that be at Universal. Indeed, almost a Rides for designing the coaster gem of the year and the Mellor unique, yes, dare I say it, “magi- whole generation has been brought up with the park for putting the new area together in such a profes- cal” way. joys of Harry Potter so it’s a no brainer. And when sional manner. I think it’s fair to say that almost everyone you look at some of the figures involved, they tell •Universal Studios Hollywood: For Transformers: who has been to the attraction has come away their own story. The Ride-3D, the Hollywood park took the success of this awestruck by the creativity and astonishing detail Each of the seven books by J.K Rowling has dark ride technology from its sister parks in Orlando and that has gone into bringing the books and films broken sales records, with the series to date hav- Singapore to rewrite the film action to fit the 1984 Hasbro about the boy wizard’s exploits to life, placing ing sold approximately 450 million copies glob- toy figure. This $100 million ride uses all the guests right in the heart of the action in a way, ally and been translated into over 70 languages. I would suspect, few ever imagined possible. I The Warner Bros. Pictures produced films have latest gadgets in film technology. Dark ride fans will know I for one was totally blown away by it dur- grossed over $7.7 billion to date worldwide at the now make this a summer checkoff on their to do list. ing my visit. box office, making Harry Potter the largest gross- —Gary Slade It’s great news, therefore, that further incarna- ing film franchise in history. In Japan, the Harry tions of the attraction have now been announced, Potter film series has earned $893 million to date Gary Slade is the founder and publisher of Amusement one at Universal Studios Hollywood and now at the box office and has been seen by more than another for Universal Studios Japan (as reported 78 million people. Today. His love for amusement parks began at age six in this issue of AT). Although revealed some Wherever the park attractions are built, there- when he first visited Pontchartrain Beach Amusement months after the announcement for the California fore, success is assured, now and in the long, long Park and Six Flags Over Texas. His long newspaper career venture, it is the Japanese WWoHP that is sched- term. helped lead to the launch of AT in 1997. AMUSEMENT TODAY STAFF Gary Slade, Founder Tim Baldwin Sammy Piccola Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Editorial Accounting / Circulation (817) 460-7220 tbaldwin@amusementtoday.com (817) 460-7220 gslade@amusementtoday.com spiccola@amusementtoday.com Deliveries Member of: Pam Sherborne 2012 E. Randol Mill Rd, Suite 203 IAAPA, AIMS International, PAPA, Stacey Childress / Childress Media Editorial Sue Nichols Arlington, Texas 76011 NEAAPA, NJAA, OABA, WWA, TTIA, NAARSO and IISF Web & Graphic Design psherborne@amusementtoday.com Advertising (817) 889-4441 (615) 662-0252 Subscription rates are: 1 year (14 issues) $75 in the USA; $100 elsewhere; 2 years (28 issues) $140/$180; stacey@staceychildress.com Scott Rutherford snichols@amusementtoday.com 3 years (42 issues) $200/$250. Send check or money order (U.S. funds only, drawn on a U.S. bank) to Editorial Amusement Today, P.O. Box 5427, Arlington, Texas 76005-5427. Your cancelled check is your receipt. Please allow up to six weeks for your subscription request to be processed and the first issue mailed. John Robinson / W.H.R. Inc. srutherford@amusementtoday.com Bubba Flint Daily E-mail Newsletter Cartoonist Amusement Today is an independent newspaper, published monthly by Amusement Today Inc., P.O. johnwcrobinson@cinci.rr.com Jeffrey L. Seifert bflint@amusementtoday.com Box 5427, Arlington, Texas 76005. Presort Standard Postage (Permit No. 2069) pre-paid at Fort Worth, Texas. The entire contents of this newspaper and its related Web sites are copyrighted and trademarked Editorial / Special Projects by Amusement Today 2012, with all rights reserved. jseifert@amusementtoday.com POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Amusement Today, P.O. Box 5427, Arlington, Texas Contributors: Terri Adams, Dean Lamanna, Andrew Mellor, B. Derek Shaw, Richard Munch, Janice Witherow, WHR Inc. 76005-5427. July 2012 AMUSEMENT TODAY 3 THIS MONTH IN HISTORY 2 MINUTE •1895: On July 4, Sea Lion Presented by Park opened at Coney Island in DRILL Brooklyn, N.Y. It is generally con- sidered the first gated amuse- COMPILED: Janice Witherow ment park requiring patrons to pay an admission just to enter Paul T. Couch, Dollywood the property. Sea Lion Park was also home to the infamous Flip Paul T. Couch’s theme Flap, the first looping coaster park career began as a in the U.S. Constructed by Lind performer and musician both at Kings Island and Opry- Beecher, it opened in Toledo, land USA. Having produced Ohio in 1899 and was moved to www.RollerCoasterMuseum.org shows for Opryland, the Sea Lion Park in 1900 where it Lucas Theater in Savannah, operated for three years. Georgia, and Nashville’s fabled Ryman Auditorium, •1904: Riverview Park, Chicago, Ill. held its grand opening on Couch now brings his produc- July 2. It was one of the America’s great urban amusement parks tion expertise to Dollywood and operated for over 60 years. At its zenith the park featured Theme Park where he serves as Director of Entertainment. more than 120 rides and was home, through the years, to 19 differ- Dollywood’s award-winning ent roller coasters including a Prior & Church Bobs coaster and a shows have received numer- Bartlett Flying Turns. As many as seven coasters operated simul- ous IAAPA Brass Ring Awards taneously in the 1960s. and Golden Ticket Awards for excellence over the last sev- Dollywood’s Paul Couch accepts the Golden Ticket Award •1907: On July 28, a fire at Steeplechase Park at Coney Island, eral years. Paul’s organization, for Best Shows during the awards event last September at Brooklyn, N.Y. destroyed most of the park. Owner George C. talent and pleasant disposition Holiday World and Splashin’ Safari. Tilyou posted a sign that read “To enquiring friends: I have trou- are an ideal combination for AT/FILE bles today that I had not yesterday. I had troubles yesterday which his profession. He lives near Dollywood with his wife and their beloved dog. The scariest thing I have ever done is … I have not today. On this site will be built a bigger, better, Steeple- Carried Ricky Skaggs’s $45,000 fiddle through a chase Park. Admission to the burning ruins — ten cents.” The park long, pitch-black, junk-filled corridor behind a hotel Title was rebuilt for the 1908 season and was fully operational by 1909. ballroom stage. Director of Entertainment. Three years later, Tilyou died. His children continued to operate When I look out my front door at home, I see … the park for the next 52 years. It was Coney Island’s longest run- Number of years in the industry Granny’s Knob…it’s a large hill or small mountain… ning park. 33. take your pick. •1974: The Great Adventure Entertainment Center, Jack- Best thing about the industry It continuously renews itself. It is 3 p.m. on a workday. Where would we typi- son, N.J. opened to the public on July 1 with two parks — The cally find you? Enchanted Forest and Wild Animal Safari. The $10 million park I work in theme park entertainment…what in the Favorite amusement ride was developed by restaurateur Warner Le Roy. Original plans world is typical? The shuttlecraft simulator at called for multiple attractions including a sea-life park, floral park, “Star Trek, The Experience” sports complex, shopping district, hotel and campground to open When I need some peace and quiet, I go to … in Las Vegas (yes, I am one of The driver’s seat of my 68 Firebird convertible and over a five-year period. The plans were never realized and in 1977 those!). cruise the highways and byways of Sevier County. the park was sold to Six Flags. Since that time Six Flags opened a Couch waterpark in 2000 and continues to run the amusement park and If I wasn’t working in the You are at the grocery store. What aisle do you safari animal park. amusement industry, I would be… spend the most time in? Designing and building furniture. The produce section. When did there get to be so •1984: An $80 million indoor theme park known as AutoWorld many different kinds of apples? I think the guy that Biggest challenge facing our industry opened on July 4 in Flint, Michigan, a project of Six Flags. Al- comes up with all the different names for apples Understanding what motivates our audience. though Gov. James J. Blanchard predicted the new park would is the same guy that comes up with the names for paint colors. trigger “the rebirth of the great city of Flint” the park would close The thing I like most about amusement/water just six months later. Several attempts were made to reopen the park season is … Favorite magazine amusement park or use the domed venue for other purposes, until The season of new possibilities it represents. Amusement Today readers have awarded Dolly- it was finally demolished in 1997. wood the Golden Ticket for Best Shows for the past Favorite appetizer three. I have become quite fond of this publication. I always order the soup. •2002: After completing 33 coasters and operating for 11 years, Denise Dinn closed Custom Coasters International and filed for When people come to visit me, I make sure to The last thing I do before leaving work is … bankruptcy. No attempt was made to reorganize the company and take them to … Make sure I know what I have to attend to tomor- all of the assets were eventually liquidated at auction. The clo- Why, Dollywood of course! (I hear the shows are row. good). sure came during construction of the New Mexico Rattler roller coaster leaving Cliff’s Amusement Park in a bind. Linda and Gary If I could guest star on any television show, it Favorite weekend getaway Hayes hired the now jobless work crew, and completed the coast- would be … Nashville. This was my home for over 20 years and er on their own. The New Yankee Workshop. I would hold Norm the place where I figured out what I wanted to be Abram’s safety glasses any day of the week! when I grew up. The last thing I “Googled” was … The last junk food I ate was … TM “Willie the Duck.” If you grew up in Pittsburgh in P.O. Box 5427 Are hot dogs still considered junk food? Or have 5-time Award Winner the 60s you totally get that. Arlington, Texas 76005-5427 they managed to slip onto that food pyramid (817) 460-7220 thing? I’m going with hot dogs. It’s July! I will celebrate Independence Day by … Fax (817) 265-NEWS (6397) Wrapping my dog in her Thundershirt and curl- My perfect Sunday is … ing up with her and my wife while we wait for the Find us on Facebook Sunday brunch at this sweet little bistro in down- neighborhood fireworks wars to subside. facebook.com/amusementtoday town Sevierville and then home to indulge in a stack of brand new recreational reading. The last thing I cooked was … Something on the grill. I am the designated griller. I absolutely can’t live without … Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/amusementtoday Morning “family time” with my wife and dog. My latest TV obsession The re-imagined incarnation of Battlestar Galactica. Subscribe to our YouTube channel G et a free QR Code scanner for your phone youtube.com/amusementtoday by visting www.mobiletag.com. 4 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2012 MANTA Far left, Manta’s station and ride theming was created by Continued from page 1 ThemeWorks. Middle, after viewing an impressive pre-show film by Falcon’s Treehouse, riders are launched into this first said. banked turn and drop. Above, Manta’s riders enjoy the re- The ride component of turn trip home after a second LSM launch. Manta is a linear synchronous AT/GARY SLADE motor (LSM) double-launch coaster with blue steel track that sprawls across five acres formerly occupied by For- bidden Reef, the oldest sec- tion of the park, just north of SeaWorld’s Dolphin Point. Following the initial launch, which propels the 20-seat, ray-shaped trains to a maxi- mum speed of 43 mph in just two seconds, riders soar into a 54-foot drop (24 feet are below grade) and a well-paced half mile course of twists and short drops that supply surprising bursts of airtime. Above left, Before the first LSM launch, Manta riders are treated to a special underwater film (Falcon’s Treehouse) of manta In conceiving, developing rays and other sea life through a projection system that’s the first of its kind in the U.S. Above right, the massive interac- and constructing what became tive ray pool is part of both the ride’s entry queue and ride exit area. AT/GARY SLADE/FILM COURTESY FALCON’S TREEHOUSE the park’s single largest-ever capital investment — unof- ride design company Mack There’s plenty of carefully screen with undersea images sion to proceed with a media ficial cost estimates range be- Rides, which also engineered and artistically wrought mul- of gliding rays. The train rocks tunnel product for the launch tween $35-50 million — over the park’s popular Journey to timedia warm-up to the coast- forward and back ever-so- experience.” a three-year period, SeaWorld Atlantis water coaster eight er excitement, beginning with gently, as if in a water current, In addition to supplying worked closely with German years ago. the ride-optional, underwater while riders absorb this mag- the film production, music “We enjoyed [the collabo- queue below the aquarium nificent scene set to music of and audiovisual equipment ration] with that affords intimate views of increasing tempo. Suddenly, a (including 22 synchronized FAST FACTS S e a Wo r l d hundreds of fishes and doz- hatch rises ahead and the train projectors) for the coaster very much,” ens of smaller rays of different bolts from the tunnel, diving launch, Falcon’s Treehouse Attraction/park said Christian species. (Actual manta rays, into the spaghetti-bowl track. coordinated the train’s rock- Manta Freiherr von which can reach 25 feet in A second LSM stretch propels ing movement in the launch SeaWorld San Diego Elverfeldt, width, have rarely been kept the train through the second tunnel with ride manufacturer San Diego, Calif. managing in captivity and will not be half of the course. Mack, enhancing the immer- director of Elverfeldt found here.) A concrete floor Utilizing a state-of-the- sive experience. Type Mack Rides, stamped with the impressions art projection system that’s The overall Manta attrac- LSM coaster who was onsite during the of seashells leads into this reef- the first of its kind in the U.S., tion package also features two coaster’s public debut. “We al- exploring experience. Manta’s show component was new eateries: Manny Ray’s, Maximum ready had the coaster system Back outside, Manta’s supplied by the attraction with a California-inspired height/drop/speed and technology designed and lushly landscaped loading sta- design and production firm menu, and Fusion Smoothies, 30 feet/54 feet/43 mph were happy with its operation tion, with its extensive bam- Falcon’s Treehouse, headquar- offering a variety of delicious [as Blue Fire] at Europa-Park boo fencing and hand-paint- tered in Orlando. The com- blended drinks. The Manta Track length/duration in Germany.” ed ceiling artwork (courtesy pany, which has a long history gift shop, an original building 2,835 feet/ According to Freiherr von of High Springs, Fla.-based of creative collaboration with that was part of SeaWorld’s 1 minute, 40 seconds Elverfeldt, the most significant ThemeWorks, Inc.), evokes an SeaWorld Parks & Entertain- Japanese Village when the challenge and modification exotic Southeast Asian island ment, last worked with the park opened in 1964, features Trains for the SeaWorld installation — complete with palm trees, San Diego property on the gifts and souvenirs highlight- 4 total, 20 seats each involved adding the second Japanese black pines, a collec- multimedia storytelling ele- ing the experience of the ride, LSM launch, which, in the ab- tion of cycads and a succulent ments for Journey to Atlantis. as well as items that focus on Manufacturer sence of a taller, gravity-based garden. Small shrines, Japa- “We were incredibly lucky the sea and its associated life- Mack Rides coaster structure, was needed nese rockwork, potted bonsai to work with such a talented style, such as resort and surf- Waldkirch, Germany to maintain the breathless trees and a stone pagoda and creative and technical team at type apparel. pace of the ride through its bell tower (structures dating Sea World San Diego,” said SeaWorld’s John Reilly Supporting suppliers second half and get the coaster back to the park’s 1964 open- Scott Miller, director of proj- said initial public reaction to Falcon’s Treehouse, back to the station. ing) enhance the atmospher- ect management — Asia, for Manta’s mix of coaster fun, in- Orlando, Fla. (film) and “Manta’s success is im- ics. Falcon’s Treehouse. “When teractive exhibits and marine ThemeWorks, High portant to Mack from a mar- Upon exiting the station, we were brought on board, conservation theming is en- Springs, Fla. (theming) keting standpoint, because the train rolls into temporary Manta’s show component was couraging. “So far, we’re get- it’s our first launch coaster in darkness and then brakes in- already in the concept phase ting great reviews, and people Official debut America,” said Freiherr von side a cavernous launch tun- and we were asked to par- are really connecting with the May 26, 2012 Elverfeldt. “It has exceeded nel, where 22 projectors fill ticipate in its refinement. We animals. We couldn’t be hap- our expectations.” a 270-degree wrap-around helped to influence the deci- pier.” July 2012 AMUSEMENT TODAY 5 6 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2012 July 2012 AMUSEMENT TODAY 7 CARS arrivals, including Bob Iger, chairman and chief execu- Continued from page 1 tive officer of The Walt Dis- ney Company; John Lasseter, DCA in recent years, includ- chief creative officer of Pixar ing the rousing, finely tuned and Walt Disney Animation nighttime water spectacular Studios (and co-director of the “World of Color” and classic Cars movies); and many of the Disney dark ride The Little actors who have supplied the Mermaid — Ariel’s Undersea colorful Cars character voices. Adventure. The Goodyear blimp Spir- “From the thrills of Cars it of America flew overhead, Land to the romance of Buena providing aerial coverage of Vista Street, the work that’s the celebration and its climac- been done throughout this tic fireworks above the artifi- entire expansion is extraordi- cial desert peaks of Ornament nary,” said Tom Staggs, chair- Valley — the towering back- man of Walt Disney Parks & drop for Cars Land’s fictional Resorts. “Disney California town of Radiator Springs. Adventure is a testament to “The Cars films are par- what we at Disney Parks do ticularly close to my heart, so best — connecting our guests seeing Radiator Springs come to the iconic stories, characters to life at Disney California and music they love, helping Adventure is a dream come them make shared memories true,” said Lasseter. “The art- to last a lifetime.” istry and attention to detail… Added Disneyland Resort is absolutely incredible, and President George A. Kalogri- I couldn’t be more proud of dis: “Every component of our the teams at Pixar and Walt expansion — from attractions, Disney Imagineering who merchandise and dining loca- worked side-by-side to make tions, to new entertainment this project a reality.” and re-imagined hotels — has been crafted to add exciting Power Steering Radiator Springs Racers is a high-tech, indoor/outdoor slot car ride that sends six-passenger new pages to our 57-year-old While competing Califor- “car-acters” racing around a hilly, twisting course. Track banking reaches a maximum of story. Now, more than ever, nia theme parks busily hyped 45 degrees, and each vehicle will log about 36,000 miles after a year of operation — the the Disneyland Resort makes their big new rides as “mega- equivalent of more than 14 trips along the original Route 66. the Anaheim/Orange County attractions” prior to mid-June, AT/GARY SLADE region a multi-day family va- the wheelie-popping arrival cation destination second to of Cars Land at DCA deflates Cone Motel and Ramone’s puter-controlled slot car tech- Elsewhere in Cars Land, none.” previous industry applica- House of Body Art. nology introduced in 1999 by Luigi (voiced by actor Tony The public relaunch of tions of the term. “We want guests to think Test Track at Epcot in the Walt Shalhoub) also invites guests DCA was preceded by a Built around a 525-foot- they are on this great road Disney World Resort, Lake to test-drive his new shipment splashy media preview June long asphalt pedestrian bou- trip…almost like they are go- Buena Vista, Fla., this high- of “Flying Tires” — an experi- 13-14. The festivities com- levard — modeled after and ing home,” said Kathy Mang- octane ride loads guests into ence akin to being loosed on menced with red carpet VIP named for historic Route 66 — um, executive producer of six-passenger sports cars for a an enormous air hockey ta- that unfurls toward a Cadillac Cars Land and vice president scenic road trip through Radi- ble. Riders lean left and right fin-shaped mountain range, of Walt Disney Imagineering ator Springs, with a stop at ei- aboard the two-person cush- Get more, pay more Cars Land invites guests to ex- (WDI), who explained that ther Luigi’s Casa Della Tires or ioned vehicles, floating and at the Mouse House plore “the cutest little town in each Cars Land attraction has Ramone’s House of Body Art. bumping along in an attrac- Carburetor County,” Radiator its own personality, based on Then, two cars line up on the tion reminiscent of Disney- ANAHEIM, Calif. — Springs. the cartoon denizens of Radia- dual track and exit the town land’s classic Flying Saucers. Ahead of expected at- Here, amid a plethora of tor Springs. “Guests will feel in a burst of speed, zooming At Mater’s Junkyard Jam- tendance increases this 1950s-60s-style neon and nos- as if the town is being operated along nose-to-nose — with boree, Mater himself (voiced summer with the reintro- talgia, there are three family by the characters. Everywhere guests never knowing which by comic actor Larry the Cable duction of its revamped attractions showcasing places you look there is a funny little car will win. 4See CARS, page 8 Disney California Adven- and characters from the Cars car nod. After all, it is a land ture (DCA) theme park, movies: Luigi’s Flying Tires, built by cars.” the Disneyland Resort has a bumper cars-style ride with Much of the area’s vin- raised admission prices. circular vehicles propelled tage highway theming was in- For example, a one- on a cushion of air around an spired by a research trip Walt day ticket for either Dis- 8,000-square-foot platform; Disney Imagineers took along neyland or DCA, previ- Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree, a the actual Route 66. Other ously $80 for guests 10 high-capacity, Whip-like flat automotive “detailing” was and up, now is $87. And ride; and Radiator Springs created in collaboration with a premium annual pass Racers, a track-based, indoor/ Pixar animators. to the resort that includes outdoor racing experience Cars Land’s elaborate parking, previously $499, that carries guests in speeding western landscape, which in- now is $649. Cars character vehicles on one cludes hundreds of live cacti Disney officials have of the largest and most elabo- and other plant specimens, is offered no specific reason rate rides ever created for a anchored by a 280,000-square- for the resort’s price hikes, Disney park. foot desert mountain back- At 280,000 square feet and 125 feet tall, Cars Land’s Orna- stating only that they are Fans of the movies will drop that houses DCA’s big- ment Valley mountain range is the largest artificial rock struc- part of the company’s pe- also recognize the new area’s gest new draw: the six-acre ture in any U.S. Disney park. It incorporates six distinct classic riodic pricing evaluation themed shops and restaurants, Radiator Springs Racers. car tail fin outlines (plus a few familiar hood ornament shapes) and adjustment. like Flo’s V8 Cafe, the Cozy Utilizing the same com- from 1957-62 and sports a desert color palette as well as dra- matic night lighting. COURTESY DISNEYLAND RESORT 8 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2012 CARS previewed last summer with the unveiling of a Streamline Continued from page 7 Moderne ticket gate modeled Guy, who has also contrib- on L.A.’s now-gone, 1935-built uted his trademark Southern Pan-Pacific Auditorium, cap- drawl to seven songs) issues tures the early-20th century his own unique call, courtesy creative spirit of Walt Disney of a Junkyard Jukebox that as never before — and enhanc- has lured baby tractors into es the immersive storytelling Mater’s Junkyard. The trac- experience that resort execu- tors swing guests around in tives and Walt Disney Imagi- hitched trailers. neers have mightly strived to Souvenir enthusiasts will bring to the park. find Disney and Disney-Pixar “The whole street comes gifts and clothing at themed alive to put you right there retail shops throughout Ra- with Walt when he first diator Springs. Dining options stepped off the train in Cali- are highlighted by Flo’s V8 fornia [in 1923], with all the In addition to Radiator Springs Racers, Cars Land is home to a pair of new flat rides: Luigi’s Cafe, inspired by old roadside optimism and opportunity Flying Tires, featuring Cars characters Luigi and Guido as hosts to a festival of tires that carry greasy spoons. The distinctive, he felt was there for him at guests on a two-inch air cushion created by 6,714 small vents; and Mater’s Junkyard Jambo- orange cone-shaped Sally’s the time,” said Lisa Girolami, ree, where Mater the tow truck has corralled a herd of runaway baby tractors and entices Cozy Cone Motel offers cone- director and senior show pro- guests to board hitched trailers for an old-fashioned “tow-si-do.” themed snacks (ice cream ducer for WDI. “Every piece AT/GARY SLADE : MATER’S JUNKYARD COURTESY DISNEYLAND RESORT cones and chile “cone” queso, has to be there when you walk among other “cone”-coctions), into a story, to know where ing in Southern California cui- defunct) Pacific Electric Red opening new doors, and doing while Fillmore’s Taste-in, as you are, what time it is, what’s sine, and anchors the central Car Line. It carries guests from new things, because curiosity the New Age hippie van-in- happening and to really be plaza from which guests set Buena Vista Street down Hol- keeps leading us down new residence, celebrates the nat- able to take in the music, the out to enjoy the different areas lywood Boulevard to the foot- paths,’” noted resort president ural health benefits of fresh colors and the ornamentation of the park. steps of the famed Hollywood George A. Kalogridis. “Our fruits, bottled water and juices on the architecture.” While the interior of the Tower Hotel, home to The ‘new path’ is built firmly on from the comfort of a tie-dyed DCA’s new architectural Carthay Circle Theatre evokes Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. Walt’s legacy, enriched with geodesic dome. icon, the Carthay Circle The- the grand elegance of a classic Street characters and en- traditions that could only be atre, is a majestic, Spanish Co- movie premiere, the ambience tertainers, such as the Red found in the park that felt his Walt’s Road to Success lonial Revival building at the of the restaurant and lounge Car News Boys and the jazzy footsteps.” While Cars Land is com- end of Buena Vista Street that is warm and family friendly. musicians Five & Dime, add manding the most attention recalls the great L.A. movie “We’ve created a sanctuary to to the lively fun along Buena and excitement at the newly palace where Disney’s Snow escape from the bustle of the Vista Street and are among the improved DCA, guests now White and the Seven Dwarfs pre- park,” said Andrew Sutton, dozen or so entertainment ex- enter the park through anoth- miered in 1937. Adorned in- executive chef of the Carthay periences now found through- er richly detailed land: Buena side with historic Walt Disney Circle eatery and the Napa out DCA. This summer also Vista Street. Studios photos and exhibits, it Rose restaurant at Disney’s has also brought the Mad T The rethemed and re- houses the Carthay Circle Res- Grand California Hotel & Spa, Party (nighttime family fun designed area, which was taurant and Lounge, specializ- also located within DCA. inspired by Tim Burton’s 2010 Other food outlets on film version of Alice in Won- Buena Vista Street include derland) in Hollywood Land DCA welcomes Ghirardelli Fiddler, Fifer & Practical Café and the return of the Pixar (the names of the Three Little Play Parade. Pigs in the “Silly Symphonies” The tale-spinning heart cartoon), a quick-service diner of Buena Vista Street and the showcasing Starbucks coffee; whole of DCA lies in a statue Clarabelle’s Hand-Scooped called, appropriately enough, Ice Cream (named for Mickey “Storytellers,” located at street Mouse’s cow pal); and Mor- level in the central plaza. The timer’s Market, a kiosk of- statue presents Walt Disney as fering whole and cut fruits, a humble young man, dream- bottled water, juices and soft ing of achievements to come, drinks. standing alongside Mickey Highlighting the expand- Mouse. ed shopping opportunities on “Set in this time period, Buena Vista Street are Elias Walt Disney could have been & Co, an elegant department you or I, or anybody at that Towering nearly 90 feet store carrying vintage Disney time…,” said Ray Spencer, over Buena Vista Street, the merchandise; Big Top Toys, WDI’s creative director for Carthay Circle Theatre, in- featuring innovative and inter- Buena Vista Street. “It’s part of spired by the Los Angeles active games and playthings; the story of the street, a story site where Walt Disney pre- Julius Katz & Sons, stocking of humble beginnings. It’s a miered Snow White and the home décor and kitchen gad- story of a wonderful, inspira- Seven Dwarfs in 1937, is the Welcoming San Leandro, Calif.-based Ghirardelli Choco- gets; and Trolley Treats, offer- tional time period with a won- new welcoming symbol of late Company to DCA’s expansion were (from left) Mary ing packaged candy, gourmet derful, inspirational, gifted DCA. At three-quarter scale Niven, vice president, Disney California Adventure; marshmallows and all kinds man who created what we can to the original building, it is Ernst Tanner, CEO, Lindt & Sprüngli AG; and George of goodies. now enjoy as The Walt Disney about 13 feet taller than its A. Kalogridis, president, Disneyland Resort. Located The name of the latter Company.” iconic counterpart, Sleeping in the Pacific Wharf area, the chocolatier’s first outlet store is a nod to the area’s It is also a story about a Beauty Castle, across the sited within a theme park will present each shop visitor new “old” form of transport: creative journey with no end. promenade in Disneyland. COURTESY with a complimentary chocolate sample. the Red Car Trolley, based “Walt Disney once said, DISNEYLAND RESORT COURTESY DISNEYLAND RESORT/GHIRARDELLI on L.A.’s historic (and long- ‘We keep moving forward, July 2012 AMUSEMENT TODAY 9 INTERNATIONAL PARKS ATTRACTIONS RESORTS SUPPLIERS Denmark’s Legoland kicks off 2012 season with largest single-year investment Reporter’s Zierer-built coaster Notebook features snowmobile theme, vertical drop Asian Attractions Expo exceeds expectations STORY: Andrew Mellor HONG KONG — IAAPA’s amellor@amusementtoday.com 2012 edition of the Asian At- tractions Expo, held June 5-8 in Hong Kong, exceeded records DENMARK — Legoland Billund set at 2011’s Singapore show. in Denmark has marked the 2012 All total, 5,150 registered for season with the largest single invest- the 2012 show, up 439 from last ment in the history of the park which year. This year’s show had regis- has seen the opening of the new Polar trations of: 3,220 total qualified Land area. buyers, 1,079 total buying com- Created at a cost of DKK 75 million panies and 274 total exhibiting (U.S. $12.5 million), Polar Land fea- companies, up 38 from last year. tures a host of attractions, including a IAAPA has announced that centerpiece roller coaster, Polar X-Plor- AAE 2013 will be held June 4-7, er, a genuine penguin habitat named 2013 at the Sands Expo and Penguin Bay, the Ice Pilot School, pre- Convention Center at Marina viously the Power Builder (a Kuka Ro- Bay Sands in Singapore. boCoaster), the Polar Pizza and Pasta restaurant, a retail outlet and 44 new Above, Polar Land is suitably themed throughout with a range of features, Lego models. including 44 Lego models. Below, the new Polar X-plorer coaster from Zierer The Polar X-Plorer, built by Zierer, is one of only three such rides in the world which incorporate a free-fall sec- Quoted is a ‘free-fall’ roller coaster and one of tion. COURTESY LEGOLAND BILLUND only three of its kind in the world. Fea- turing a snowmobile themed train, the ride covers a total area of 3,400-square “ Having decided meters (36,600 square feet) and takes on the location, we passengers through a polar landscape looked at the with real penguins on a 111 second journey along the 498 meters (1,634 supplier options and feet) of track, past polar animals built because of its from Lego bricks, through an ice wa- terfall and into a 16.5-meter-high experience in the mountain, at a height of 10 meters (33 field and excellent feet). Inside the mountain the experi- reputation within the ence reaches its climax as the 16-seater snowmobile suddenly vertically free- industry, Huss was falls five meters (16.4 feet) in a “crash- the natural choice.” ing through the ice” feature, landing —Merlin General Manager safely back on the tracks to continue its Craig Dunkerley on the journey to the end of the ride. Visitors selection of Huss Park experience a G-force of up to 4.2 G’s Attractions as the supplier and a top speed of 65 kmh (40 mph) of its new Sky Tower at the during the ride. Hourly capacity of the England sailing Olympic venue coaster is approximately 850 riders. Penguin Bay is home to 15 Gen- 4See DENMARK, page 10 10 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2012 Duinrell adds Gerstlauer coaster, upgrades accommodations STORY: Andrew Mellor length of 361 meters (1,184 amellor@amusementtoday.com feet) and a maximum height of 18 meters (59 feet). Top NETHERLANDS — Fol- speed is 50 kmh (31 mph), lowing a range of upgrades while a key feature is its al- to its Duingalows, campsites most silent running with the and the Duinhostel in 2011, track being filled with sand Duinrell in the Netherlands to reduce noise levels. A new has continued to invest in anti-roll back system is also the park for 2012 with the ad- incorporated which adds dition of a brand new roller further to the quiet operation coaster in its amusement of the ride. park as well as the installa- “The Dragon Fly is situ- tion of approximately 40 new ated in a woody environ- Duingalows. ment and is a nice family The new Dragon Fly coaster which is very popu- family coaster, supplied by lar among our guests,” said German manufacturer Ger- Duinrell director Philip van stlauer, has a special theme Zuylen van Nijevelt. “Chil- with the train being decorat- dren of a minimum height of ed to match with the main at- one meter are allowed to ride tractions in the surrounding this coaster, which is our sec- area, while all the support ond coaster supplied by Ger- pillars are painted in a wood stlauer. The first is the Falcon The new Dragon Fly finish so that it fits perfectly which is more suitable for coaster is into the woodland setting in thrill seekers. The Dragon the second which it has been built. Fly is perfect for families coaster ride Just like a real dragon with younger children.” at Duinrell to fly, the coaster takes guests As mentioned, also new be supplied flying through trees and the for this year are around 40 by Gerstlauer. train’s blue coloring, with Duingalows which have It has been a beautiful wing print, not been brought in to replace designed and only matches the tracks and the oldest Duingalows on the painted to fit themes of the other coasters site. The new Premium XL in with the (Kikkerachbaan and Falcon) holiday bungalows are very wooded area but also other surrounding spacious and are built along in which it attractions such as Water- the fringe of the park close to operates. spin, Splash and Mad Mill. the Duinrell Plaza facilities. COURTESY The new ride has a track DUINRELL DENMARK designed to match the birds’ natural patterns of behaviour. Huss Sky Tower to highlight Olympic venue Continued from page 9 To this end, for example, both the temperature and light ENGLAND — German ride manufacturer Entertainments will be the operator. too penguins, born and bred match natural cycles on Ant- Huss Park Attractions has announced that it Mirko J. Schulze, CEO of Huss Park At- at Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland arctica, while there is also a is in the process of building a major observa- tractions GmbH, said: “It is the first time we and now accommodated in a designated nest building area tion tower on Weymouth, Dorset seafront on have worked with Merlin Entertainments and penguin habitat developed in and rocks to climb on, along the south coast of England for Merlin Enter- the whole team is delighted to be part of this partnership with zoologists with a suitable distribution of tainments. important and prestigious project. Everyone from Atlantis by Sea Life and aquatic and land areas. The tower, which will reach a height of at Huss is working very hard to ensure every- 179 feet and provide panoramic, 360-degree thing is done in accordance with the client’s views over the English channel and surround- wishes and to ensure their full satisfaction. ing countryside, is due to be completed in Fabrication of the tower itself and gondola time for this year’s Olympic sailing events set is finished and delivery to Weymouth started to take place in Weymouth and neighbour- on time in early March 2012. We are happy ing Portland. to have established this challenging starting The structure will be built on the town’s point with Merlin and are looking forward to Festival Pier and will feature a rotating gon- seeing the Huss Sky Tower in operation for dola capable of accommodating up to 70 this major event.” passengers, including guests with disabilities For Merlin, General Manager Craig and wheelchair passengers. The gondola, in- Dunkerley said: “The decision to develop corporating floor to ceiling windows will ro- the Weymouth Sea Life Tower was in part tate as it ascends and descends. inspired by the spectacular success of the A total of 29 concrete piles are being London Eye and subsequent expansion of sunk at the pier to act as a watertight barrier the Eye brand to also encompass the famous for the structure’s foundations. When com- Blackpool and Sydney Towers. Having decid- plete, the weight of the attraction will be 143 ed on the location, we looked at the supplier tons. options and because of its experience in the An official groundbreaking ceremony field and excellent reputation within the in- took place in January when work on the tow- dustry, Huss was the natural choice.” The Penguin Bay area provides an authentic habitat for 15 er’s foundations began. U.K.-based Merlin Gentoo penguins. COURTESY LEGOLAND BILLUND

Jul 3, 2012 Disney-Pixar's hit Cars films, caps a five-year, billion-dol- Page 2 another for Universal Studios Japan (as reported Pictures produced films have grossed over . July 2. It was one of the America's great urban amusement parks .. of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation . statue prese
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