BioMedical Engineering OnLine BioMed Central B 1R2i0oe0Ms2ee, daicracl Ehngineering OnLine x Open Access Cardiac arrhythmia classification using autoregressive modeling Dingfei Ge, Narayanan Srinivasan* and Shankar M Krishnan Address: Biomedical Engineering Research Centre Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 E-mail: [email protected]; NarayananSrinivasan*[email protected]; [email protected] *Corresponding author Published: 13 November 2002 Received: 8 September 2002 Accepted: 13 November 2002 BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1:5 This article is available from: © 2002 Ge et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL. Abstract Background: Computer-assisted arrhythmia recognition is critical for the management of cardiac disorders. Various techniques have been utilized to classify arrhythmias. Generally, these techniques classify two or three arrhythmias or have significantly large processing times. A simpler autoregressive modeling (AR) technique is proposed to classify normal sinus rhythm (NSR) and various cardiac arrhythmias including atrial premature contraction (APC), premature ventricular contraction (PVC), superventricular tachycardia (SVT), ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF). Methods: AR Modeling was performed on ECG data from normal sinus rhythm as well as various arrhythmias. The AR coefficients were computed using Burg's algorithm. The AR coefficients were classified using a generalized linear model (GLM) based algorithm in various stages. Results: AR modeling results showed that an order of four was sufficient for modeling the ECG signals. The accuracy of detecting NSR, APC, PVC, SVT, VT and VF were 93.2% to 100% using the GLM based classification algorithm. Conclusion: The results show that AR modeling is useful for the classification of cardiac arrhythmias, with reasonably high accuracies. Further validation of the proposed technique will yield acceptable results for clinical implementation. Background cation of these conditions. Other arrhythmias like atrial Automatic ECG analysis is critical for diagnosis and treat- premature contraction (APC), premature ventricular con- ment of critically ill patients. Modeling and simulation of traction (PVC) and superventricular tachycardia (SVT) are ECG under various conditions are very important in un- not as lethal as VF, but are important in diagnosing the derstanding the functioning of the cardiovascular system disorders of the heart. The reliable detection of these ar- as well as in the diagnosis of heart diseases. Arrhythmias rhythmias constitutes a challenge for a cardiovascular di- represent a serious threat to the patient recovering from agnostic system. Consequently, significant amount of acute myocardial infarction, especially ventricular ar- research has focused on the development of algorithms rhythmias like ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricu- for accurate diagnosis of ventricular arrhythmias. lar fibrillation (VF). In particular, VT and VF are life- threatening conditions and produce significant haemody- Various studies have been performed to classify various namic deterioration [1]. There is a need for quick identifi- cardiac arrhythmias [2–16]. A number of techniques have Page 1 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1 analysis methods, which reduce the number of classifica- tion parameters into a reasonably small set for a meaning- ful classification. The second objective was to investigate to what extent a select set of repolarization parameters would help in identification of distinct VCD subgroups. The study of detection of ECG features show that the key features of ECG are QRS duration, T axis angle, T ampli- tude, QRS axis angle and spatial angle. Typically, morpho- logical features related to the P, QRS and ST waves are used for ECG signal analysis [1]. A technique based on averaged threshold crossing inter- vals was proposed for the detection of VT and VF based on heart rate measurements [4]. A modified sequential detec- tion algorithm was further proposed to improve the accu- racy of detecting VT and VF [10]. A Fourier transform based algorithm has been proposed for the detection of supraventricular rhythms from ventricular rhythms [12]. Power spectra computed from the QRS complexes extract- ed from ECG signals were classified using a neural net- work. High sensitivity and specificity values greater than 98% have been reported for discriminating supraventricu- lar rhythms from ventricular rhythms. However, SVT and VT were grouped together as ventricular rhythms. A new algorithm based on complexity measures was proposed Figure 1 for the detection of NSR, VT and VF [13]. The algorithm GLM-based classification algorithm was tested for varying lengths of data and very high accu- racy values were achieved for data lengths of 7 sec for clas- sifying NSR, VT and VF. The algorithm was suggested for been used for identification of arrhythmias including cor- real-time implementation in automatic external defibril- rection waveform analysis [5], time-frequency analysis lators. [7], complexity measures [13], and a total least squares- based Prony modeling algorithm [16]. Different features Recently, a new approach for the discrimination among are extracted from the ECG for classification of ventricular VF, VT and SVT has been developed using a total least arrhythmias including QRS and ST segment based values, squares-based Prony modeling algorithm [16]. Two fea- heart rate, spectral features, AR coefficients, complexity tures, energy fractional factor (EFF) and predominant fre- measures and nonlinear measures [2–16]. quency (PF) were derived from the total least squares based Prony model. A two-stage classification method is Cardiac arrhythmias using two intracardiac channels can used in which the EFF is used for discriminating SVT from be detected using the correlation waveform analysis VT and VF in the first stage followed by using PF for fur- (CWA) [5]. CWA was used to detect morphologic changes ther separation of VF and VT the second stage. A classifica- in the intracardiac electrogram when compared to electro- tion accuracy of 95.24%, 96.00% and 97.78% were grams during sinus rhythm. Each electrogram had its re- reported for SVT, VF and VT respectively for the Prony spective template and the templates were obtained by modeling algorithm. However, the total least squares- signal averaging the waveform from a passage of sinus based Prony modeling technique did not consider NSR, rhythm. The software trigger was used to align the tem- APC and PVC for feature extraction and discrimination. plate with the cycle being tested. A window size of N point defined each cycle. AR modeling has been used extensively to model heart rate variability (HRV) and for power spectrum estimation Methods such as direct ECG feature detection [6], Fourier of ECG and HRV signals [17–21]. Amplitude modulated transform [12], time-frequency analysis [7] and complex- sinusoidal signal model, which is a special case of the ity analysis [13] have also been employed. The main ob- time-dependent AR model have been applied to modeling jective of the direct ECG feature detection was to ECG signals [17]. Adaptive AR modeling with Kalman fil- investigate how many different ventricular conduction de- tering has been used [20]. Parameters extracted from AR fects (VCD) categories can be formed by advanced cluster modeling have been used for arrhythmia classification in Page 2 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1 Figure 2 SNR for various AR model orders conjunction with other features [8]. For example, two AR small number of arrhythmias classified using a given tech- coefficients, along with the mean-square value of the QRS nique with most techniques being used to classify two to complex segments were utilized as features for classifica- three arrhythmias [2,4–13,15,16]. There is a need for ex- tion of normal and abnormal PVC, where the prediction tending a particular technique for a larger number of ar- order was only 2, a fuzzy adaptive resonance theory map- rhythmias. In addition, the proposed technique should be ping (ARTMAP) was used for classification. The best result amenable to real-time implementation so that it can be of PVC correct detection were 92% under the ratios of the used in intensive care units. training data size and testing data size was 2 to 4 [8]. It has been suggested that increasing the model order would not In this study, the ECG signals were modeled using AR reduce the prediction error implying that a linear predic- analysis for classifying cardiac arrhythmias. The advantage tor order of two is sufficient for fast cardiac arrhythmia de- of AR modeling is its simplicity and it is suitable for real- tection [22]. time classification at the ICU or ambulatory monitoring. AR models are popular due to the linear form of the sys- The objective of the present study is to model the ECG sig- tem of simultaneous equations involving the unknown nal and classify certain cardiac arrhythmias at the ICU. AR model parameters and the availability of efficient algo- Most of the techniques involve significant amounts of rithm for computing the solution [23,24]. AR modeling computation and processing time for extraction of fea- has been used in various applications including classifica- tures and classification. The other disadvantage is the tion of physiological signals like electroencephalograms Page 3 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1 Figure 3 A patient ECG and simulated ECG having NSR [25]. AR modeling is adapted for extracting good features tricular Arrhythmia database and the MIT-BIH supraven- from ECG signals, thus enabling the discrimination of cer- tricular arrhythmia database. Various ECG segments were tain ECG arrhythmias. The computed AR coefficients were selected from the databases for modeling and classifica- checked for modeling accuracy for the various types of tion. The data set included around 200 segments each of ECG signals. Various pattern classification techniques normal ECGs, APCs, PVCs, SVTs, VTs and VFs. The sam- have been applied to the classification of arrhythmias pling frequency of the data from the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia [3,12,14,16,26–28]. In the current study, the AR coeffi- database was 360 Hz, the sampling frequency of the data cients computed from the ECG signals were classified us- from the MIT-BIH ventricular arrhythmia database was ing a generalized linear model (GLM) [29]. Various 250 Hz and the sampling frequency of the data from the arrhythmias including Atrial Premature Contraction MIT-BIH supraventricular arrhythmia was 128 Hz. The (APC), Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC), Super- data from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia and supraventricular ventricular Tachycardia (SVT), Ventricular Tachycardia arrhythmia databases were re-sampled so that all the data (VT) and Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) were classified. used in the analysis had a sampling frequency of 250 Hz. Methods Prior to modeling, the ECG signals were preprocessed to Preprocessing remove noise due to power line interference, respiration, ECG data for the analysis and classification was obtained muscles tremors, spikes etc., and to detect the R peaks in from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, the MIT-BIH Ven- the ECG signals. The R peaks of ECG were detected using Page 4 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1 Figure 4 A patient ECG and simulated ECG with APC Tompkins's algorithm [30]. The sample size affects the AR Modeling segment selected for AR modeling and care must be taken AR analysis models the ECG signal as the output of a lin- to pick at least one cardiac cycle so that the signal can be ear system driven by white noise of zero mean and un- accurately modeled and can be useful in diagnosis. Cardi- known variance [23,24]. AR models have the form ac cycle length or RR intervals differ for a normal sinus rhythm and vary for different arrhythmias. A normal ECG sinus rhythm refers to the usual case in health adults where the heat rate is 60–100 beats per minutes. In APC, a RR interval is shorter than normal, and the subsequent interval is no longer than normal. In VF, the RR intervals are much shorter than in a normal sinus rhythm. In the where v[k] is the ECG time series, n[k] is zero mean white current study, a sample size of 300 (1.2 seconds) was used noise, a's are the AR coefficients, and P is the AR order. i which consists of one hundred samples before the R peak and 200 samples after the R peak. It is adequate to capture A critical issue in AR modelling is the AR order used to most if not all of the information from a particular cardiac model a signal. It is necessary to select an appropriate AR cycle. order so that the signal is modelled with sufficient accura- cy so as to be useful for classification. Various model or- ders were used to estimate the accuracy of the Page 5 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1 Figure 5 A patient ECG and simulated ECG with PVC reconstructed signals. The criteria used for evaluating the model order selection in this project were the correlation coefficient ρ and the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio. The cor- relation coefficient ρ is computed using ∑N (v(i)−m)(v!(i)−m! ) Burg's algorithm was used to estimate the AR coefficients ρ= i=1 (2) with a pre-selected model order P[23,24]. ∑N (v(i)−m)2∑N (v!(i)−m! )2 i=1 i=1 GLM-based classification In the current study, AR coefficients were used to classify where v(i) and v (i) are the original and the simulated cardiac arrhythmias. A stage-by-stage GLM based classifi- signals at the ith instant, and m and m! are the mean of the cation model has been used for classification of the vari- original and simulated signals respectively and N is the ous cardiac arrhythmias. A GLM is given by [29] length of the modeled signal. The signal-to-noise ratio is given by Page 6 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1 Figure 6 A patient ECG and simulated ECG with SVT Table 1: Mean AR coefficients for ECG classes Classes a(2) a(3) a(4) a(5) NSR -2.244 1.855 -0.664 0.084 APC -2.351 1.871 -0.409 -0.089 PVC -2.238 2.112 -1.343 0.484 SVT -2.743 3.144 -1.844 0.479 VT -1.376 0.061 0.334 -0.009 VF -1.713 0.371 0.515 -0.165 Page 7 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1 Figure 7 A patient ECG and simulated ECG with VT signals and the various cardiac arrhythmias. The various stages of classification and groupings in every stage are Yˆ = Aβ + ∈ (4) shown in Fig 1. During the training phase, the estimator β was computed based on the known classes of ECG seg- ments that form the training set. The AR coefficients and where Yˆ = [y1,y2,...,yN]T is an N-dimensional vector of the previously estimated β were used to compute the cor- observed responses, β = [β0, β1,...,βP]T is a P+1 dimension- rect response at a particular stage of classification during al vector of unknown parameters, A is N × (P + 1) matrix the testing phase. To perform the stage by-stage classifica- of known predictors (AR coefficients) and ∈ = tion, Euclidean distance measure between the AR coeffi- [∈,∈,...,∈ ]T is an N dimensional error vector. cients of different classes was used to determine the 1 2 N groupings of classes at each stage. The AR coefficients [a(2),a(3),a(4),...,a(P+1)] of a particular ECG segment The least squares estimator is given by were mapped to a response (1 or -1) in every stage of clas- sification. In the current study, the observation matrix A = β = (ATA)-1ATYˆ (5) [I, A , A , A ,..., A ] where I is an identity vector and the 2 3 4 p+1 column vectors A , A , A ,..., A consist of AR coeffi- 2 3 4 p+1 Generalized linear model based classification was per- cients a(2), a(3), a(4),...,a(p+1) respectively of all the ECG formed in stages to differentiate between the normal ECG segments selected for training. The elements of vector Yˆ Page 8 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1 Figure 8 A patient ECG and simulated ECG with VF were assigned values 1 or -1 depending on the member- ship of an ECG segment to a corresponding class or group. The number of elements in Yˆ was the number of exam- ples in the training set. The estimator β was computed at each stage of classification based on the selected training sets. During testing, the output response (Y1 in stage 1, Y2 in stage 2, etc) was computed using the AR coefficients and the previously estimated β at each stage. A threshold where TE represents the total number of events, FN repre- value of zero was used to classify the output response as sents false negative, and FP represents false positive [2]. belonging to a group at a particular stage. Sixty samples The average sensitivity and specificity values were com- from each class were used for training and the remaining puted for NSR and the cardiac arrhythmias. was used for testing in the classification phase. The train- ing sets were picked randomly and the sensitivity and spe- Results cificity were measured for the NSR and the arrhythmias The AR modeling was applied to six different types of ECG multiple times. The sensitivity and specificity was com- signals from the MIT-BIH database. Classification was per- puted for all the classes as given by formed using a GLM-based classification algorithm. Page 9 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2002, 1 Table 2: GLM-based classification results for a sample training set Testing data set Database Classification Resulting Classification Classes NSR APC PVC SVT VT VF 143 NSR 133 6 4 0 0 0 140 APC 4 136 0 0 0 0 155 PVC 3 0 147 5 0 0 133 SVT 0 0 0 133 0 0 143 VT 0 0 0 0 140 3 142 VF 0 0 0 0 2 140 Table 3: Performance of GLM-based arrhythmia classification The mean AR coefficients for all the ECG types used in the current study are shown in Table 1. Classes Sensitivity Specificity Classification results NSR 93.2% 94.4% AR coefficients computed with order four were used for APC 96.4% 96.7% classification. Six types of ECG signals namely, NSR, APC, PVC 94.8% 96.8% PVC, SVT, VT, and VF were considered for classification. SVT 100% 96.2% Classification was performed using a generalized model VT 97.7% 98.6% linear model, which was applied in various stages. Figure VF 98.6% 97.7% 1 shows the stage-by-stage GLM-based classification algo- rithm for classifying various ECG signals. The six classes were separated into two groups with Normal, APC, PVC, and SVT signals forming one group and VT and VF form- ing another group at stage one. This grouping was evident AR modeling results by computing the Euclidean distance between the mean Two main criteria, SNR and ρ were used to evaluate the AR coefficients from various classes. The Euclidean dis- performance of the AR model with different model orders. tance between classes VF and VT was small. Similarly, the The correction coefficients for all ECG signals were 0.99. Euclidean distance among classes Normal, APC, PVC and The SNR was calculated to be from 15.7 dB to 29.43 dB. SVT was small. The distance between VF/VT and Normal/ Figure 2 shows the variation of SNR as a function of mod- APC/PVC/SVT was large and hence in the first stage, class- el order P. The SNR increased initially with model order P, es VT and VF were grouped together. The other group con- but remains almost constant for model orders greater than sisted of classes Normal, APC, PVC and SVT. In the second or equal to four. In addition, computing the AR coeffi- stage, VT and VT were differentiated. Stages three, four, cients of higher orders would increase the number of com- five and six were used to differentiate between NSR, APC, putations. Hence, AR model of order four was used for PVC and SVT as shown in Fig 1. further classification. The parameters computed using this model order were good enough to achieve a good SNR The least squares estimator β was computed for various and correlation coefficient ρ and were found to be sensi- stages and the value Y was used to determine the classes in tive enough to differentiate the five types of ECG signals. each stage. In the first stage (Y1), the AR coefficients from The original NSR, APC, PVC, SVT, VT and VF segments as an ECG signal was separated into two groups, one consist- well as the modeled segments are shown in Figs 3,4,5,6,7 ing of NSR, APC, PVC and SVT and the other consisting of and 8. VT and VF. In the second stage (Y2), VT and VF were dif- ferentiated. In the third stage (Y3), SVT was distinguished The results were consistent with other studies on the selec- from NSR, APC and PVC. In the later stages (Y4, Y5 and tion of model order for AR modeling [22]. AR modeling Y6), NSR, APV and PVC were distinguished from each has been used for compression and it has been found that other and classified. increase in accuracy by increasing the order of the predic- tor is negligible for predictors of order higher than 3 [22]. Page 10 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)