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Building Software for Simulation: Theory and Algorithms, with Applications in C++ PDF

359 Pages·2011·6.28 MB·English
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P1:OSO fm JWBS040-Nutaro August30,2010 14:35 PrinterName:YettoCome ii P1:OSO fm JWBS040-Nutaro August30,2010 14:35 PrinterName:YettoCome BUILDING SOFTWARE FOR SIMULATION i P1:OSO fm JWBS040-Nutaro August30,2010 14:35 PrinterName:YettoCome ii P1:OSO fm JWBS040-Nutaro August30,2010 14:35 PrinterName:YettoCome BUILDING SOFTWARE FOR SIMULATION Theory and Algorithms, with Applications in C++ JAMES J. NUTARO OakRidgeNationalLaboratory AJOHNWILEY&SONS,INC.,PUBLICATION iii P1:OSO fm JWBS040-Nutaro August30,2010 14:35 PrinterName:YettoCome Copyright(cid:1)C 2011byJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. 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Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappearsinprintmay notbeavailableinelectronicformat.FormoreinformationaboutWileyproducts,visitourwebsiteat www.wiley.com. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData: Nutaro,JamesJ. Buildingsoftwareforsimulation:theoryandalgorithmswithapplicationsinC++/JamesJ.Nutaro p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-470-41469-9(cloth) PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 iv P1:OSO fm JWBS040-Nutaro August30,2010 14:35 PrinterName:YettoCome CONTENTS PREFACE ix 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 ElementsofaSoftwareArchitecture / 2 1.2 SystemsConceptsasanArchitecturalFoundation / 4 1.3 Summary / 5 1.4 OrganizationoftheBook / 6 2 FIRSTEXAMPLE:SIMULATINGAROBOTICTANK 7 2.1 FunctionalModeling / 8 2.2 ARoboticTank / 9 2.2.1 EquationsofMotion / 11 2.2.2 Motors,Gearbox,andTracks / 13 2.2.3 CompleteModeloftheTank’sContinuousDynamics / 17 2.2.4 TheComputer / 18 2.2.5 CompleteModeloftheTank / 22 2.3 DesignoftheTankSimulator / 23 2.4 Experiments / 25 2.5 Summary / 30 3 DISCRETE-TIMESYSTEMS 32 3.1 AtomicModels / 33 v P1:OSO fm JWBS040-Nutaro August30,2010 14:35 PrinterName:YettoCome vi CONTENTS 3.1.1 Trajectories / 33 3.1.2 TheStateTransitionandOutputFunction / 35 3.1.3 TwoExamplesofAtomic,Discrete-TimeModels / 39 3.1.4 SystemswithBagsforInputandOutput / 42 3.1.5 ASimulatorforAtomicModels / 42 3.2 NetworkModels / 53 3.2.1 ThePartsofaNetworkModel / 54 3.2.2 TheResultantofaNetworkModel / 55 3.2.3 AnExampleofaNetworkModelandItsResultant / 56 3.2.4 SimulatingtheResultant / 61 3.3 ASimulatorforDiscrete-TimeSystems / 77 3.4 Mealy/Moore-TypeSystems / 89 3.5 CellularAutomata / 91 3.6 Summary / 98 4 DISCRETE-EVENTSYSTEMS 100 4.1 AtomicModels / 101 4.1.1 TimeandTrajectories / 101 4.1.2 TheStateTransitionFunction / 103 4.1.3 TheOutputFunction / 105 4.1.4 LegitimateSystems / 106 4.1.5 AnExampleofanAtomicModel / 107 4.1.6 TheInterruptHandlerintheRoboticTank / 110 4.1.7 SystemswithBagsforInputandOutput / 114 4.1.8 ASimulatorforAtomicModels / 114 4.1.9 SimulatingtheInterruptHandler / 118 4.2 NetworkModels / 125 4.2.1 ThePartsofaNetworkModel / 125 4.2.2 TheResultantofaNetworkModel / 126 4.2.3 AnExampleofaNetworkModelandItsResultant / 128 4.2.4 SimulatingtheResultant / 132 4.3 ASimulatorforDiscrete-EventSystems / 143 4.3.1 TheEventSchedule / 144 4.3.2 TheBag / 153 4.3.3 TheSimulationEngine / 157 4.4 TheComputerintheTank / 170 4.5 CellularAutomataRevisited / 176 4.6 Summary / 180 P1:OSO fm JWBS040-Nutaro August30,2010 14:35 PrinterName:YettoCome CONTENTS vii 5 HYBRIDSYSTEMS 182 5.1 AnElementaryHybridSystem / 185 5.2 NetworksofContinuousSystems / 186 5.3 HybridModelsasDiscrete-EventSystems / 187 5.4 NumericalSimulationofHybridSystems / 190 5.5 ASimulatorforHybridSystems / 198 5.6 InteractiveSimulationoftheRoboticTank / 211 5.6.1 CorrectingtheDynamicsofaTurn / 211 5.6.2 ASimplifiedModeloftheMotor / 213 5.6.3 UpdatingtheDisplay / 218 5.6.4 ImplementingtheTankPhysics / 219 5.7 ApproximatingContinuousInteractionBetweenHybridModels / 225 5.8 AFinalCommentonCellularAutomata / 229 5.8.1 DifferentialAutomatawithConstantDerivatives / 229 5.8.2 ModelingAsynchronousCellularAutomatawith DifferentialAutomata / 230 5.8.3 AHomomorphismfromDifferentialAutomatato AsynchronousCellularAutomata / 232 5.9 Summary / 236 6 APPLICATIONS 237 6.1 ControlThroughaPacket-SwitchedNetwork / 237 6.1.1 ModelofthePendulumandItsPIDController / 238 6.1.2 IntegrationwithanEthernetSimulator / 244 6.1.3 Experiments / 249 6.2 FrequencyRegulationinanElectricalPowerSystem / 255 6.2.1 Generation / 257 6.2.2 TransmissionNetworkandElectricalLoads / 259 6.2.3 FrequencyMonitoringandLoadActuation / 260 6.2.4 SoftwareImplementation / 261 6.2.5 Experiments / 262 6.3 Summary / 269 7 THEFUTURE 271 7.1 SimulationProgrammingLanguages / 271 7.2 ParallelComputingandDiscrete-EventSimulation / 273 7.3 TheManyFormsofDiscreteSystemsandTheirSimulators / 276 7.4 OtherFacetsofModelingandSimulation / 277 P1:OSO fm JWBS040-Nutaro August30,2010 14:35 PrinterName:YettoCome viii CONTENTS APPENDIXA DESIGNANDTESTOFSIMULATIONS 279 A.1 DecomposingaModel / 280 A.1.1 Bottom-UpTesting / 280 A.1.2 InvariantsandAssertions / 281 A.2 InputandOutputObjects / 281 A.2.1 SimpleStructures / 282 A.2.2 Unions / 282 A.2.3 PointersandHierarchiesofEvents / 284 A.2.4 MixingStrategieswithModelWrappers / 286 A.3 ReducingExecutionTime / 291 APPENDIXB PARALLELDISCRETEEVENTSIMULATION 296 B.1 AConservativeAlgorithm / 298 B.1.1 Lookahead / 300 B.1.2 TheAlgorithm / 303 B.2 ImplementingtheAlgorithmwithOpenMP / 304 B.2.1 Pragmas,Volatiles,andLocks / 304 B.2.2 OverviewoftheSimulator / 308 B.2.3 TheLogicalProcess / 309 B.2.4 TheMessageQ / 318 B.2.5 TheParSimulator / 321 B.3 DemonstrationofGustafson’sandAmdahl’sLaws / 325 APPENDIXC MATHEMATICALTOPICS 331 C.1 SystemHomomorphisms / 331 C.2 SinusoidalState-SteadyAnalysis / 333 REFERENCES 335 INDEX 345

This book offers a concise introduction to the art of building simulation software, collecting the most important concepts and algorithms in one place. Written for both individuals new to the field of modeling and simulation as well as experienced practitioners, this guide explains the design and im
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