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Bird Lore v21 1919 PDF

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CO 2: V CO CO (511- ^>ql CO ^»t ^ CO ./n^J RAR I Es"'SMITHSONIAN2lNSTITUTION"NOIinillSNI_NVINOSHlltMS'"S3 I y Vd a n_ LI B Ry 51 *3C lyy^ j,^r^ Z- lip ^5 ^ 1°^ -^"l ^ Wki^Sx^ **• late- -^01 (— m LnillSNl'^NVINOSHllWS S3iaVdan~'LIBRARI ES^SMITHSONIAN""^INSTITUTION_NOIin r- , Z r- Z CO £ CO _ CO — RARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIiniliSNI NVINOSHIIWS S3 I HVH 3 II LI B R/ C/) Z T CO z ^ ^ '" H iBirli lore AN ILLUSTRATED BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS EDITED BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN CONTRIBUTING EDITOR MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT iflDfticlal jflDrffan of tfie jaudubon ^mtim Audubon Department Edited By ALICE HALL WALTER, ARTHUR A. ALLEN T. GILBERT PEARSON VOLUME XXI—igiQ D. APPLETON & COMPANY HARRISBURG, PA., AND NEW YORK CITY . INDEX TO ARTICLES IN VOLUME XXI BY AUTHORS Abbott, Clinton G., Secretary, Report of, 445. Brooks, Allan, Christmas Census from Belgium, Aitkenhead, Paul, see Fisher, M. L. 103. Alexander, Jane Barbara, Poem by, 138. Brown, Genevieve, Finding Birds' Nests, 194. Alexander, Robert, L. Y. Lancaster, and Gordon Brown, Roy M., Christmas Census, 39. Wilson, Christmas Census, 44. Bruen, Frank, see Smith, Elbert E. Allatt, Frank, and Alec Ross, Christmas Census, Bryant, Harold C, Unusual Occurrence in the 33. San Francisco Bay Region, 238. Allen, Arthur A., When the North Wind Blows, Burleigh, Thomas D., Christmas Census, 49. i; The Warblers of Central New York, I, 81; Burnham, Stewart H., Bird Notes from the Lake II, 149; Photograph by, 198; Editorial by, George Region, 301 379; Annual Report, 433. Burroughs, Elizabeth, Secretary, Report of, 433. Allen, Francis H., The Present Scarcity of Burtch, Verdi, A Winter Feeding-place for Birds, Golden-crowned Kinglets, 361. 351- Allen, Glover M., Boston Region, 50, 112, 182, Button, Lily Ruegg, Christmas Census. 46, 247. Allen, Mary Pierson, Christmas Census, 34. Camara, Mary, A Rare Pet, 387. Anderson, N. M , Secretary, Report of, 438. Campbell, A. L., and Mamie, see Patton, Frank. Atwell, George C, Secretary, Report of, 428. Cannon, Gabriel, and George S. Snowden, Jr., Avery, Carlos, and J. M. Eheim, Christmas Christmas Census, 39. Census, 42. Carlson, A., Christmas Census, 42. Axtell, Harold H., Christmas Census, 31. Carter, Ellen C, see Linton, M. Albert. Ayres, Douglas, Jr., Christmas Census, 31. Case, Clifford M., Christmas Census, 29. Caskey, R. C, Christmas Census, 34. Bade, Dr. E., How Birds Can Take Their Own Chapman, Frank M ., Notes from a Traveler in the Pictures, 342. Tropics: II, Cuba to Panama, 11; III, From Bagg, John L., and Aaron C, see Healey, Alden. Panama to Peru, 87; IV, Peru, 157; V, Chile, Bailey, Mary L., Sioux City Bird Club Notes, 128. 3SS; Notes on the Plumage of North American Bailey, Mrs. H. M., see Marshall, Mrs. F. W. Birds, 24, 102, 172, sSS; Nature and England, Ballard, Foster, John Austin Kerr, and Jenckes 215; The Study of Bird-Life in the Schools of Mason, Christmas Census, 43. New Jersey, 257; Editorials by, 256, 378; Wil- Barnes, Emily, Isabel Clay, and S. Wooten, Ham Brewster, Obituary, 277; Reviews by Christmas Census, 44. 254. 372, 374. 375. 376; Photographs by, 280, Barton, R. A., see Keep, O. D. 283, 285. Bates, Gardner, Christmas Census, 41. Chase, Richard M., Christmas Census, 31. Battell, F. L., From Ames, Iowa, 303. Childs, Helen P., Secretary, Report of, 423. Beck, Herbert, Hummingbird Photography, 304. Clay, Isabel, see Barnes, Emily. Beck, Herbert H., Abraham Beck Miller, and Clement, Myron, see Hallock, Bessie A. Charles S. Bricker, Christmas Census, 37. CoflBn, Mrs. Francis Hopkin, President, Annual Beck, H. H., and V. E. Dippell, Photographs by, Report, 446. 304- Coker, Robert E., Photographs by, 88, 373. Beckwith, Helen C, Annual Report, 438. Coleman, Delbert, Christmas Census, 40. Beebe, Ralph, Christmas Census, 40. Compton, Mrs. C. N., President, Annual Report, Beers, Mrs. H. P., Secretary, Report of, 443. 447- Bellinger, H. C, Photograph by, 334. Crane, Bessie L., American Egret in Connecticut, Bergtold, W. H., Christmas Census, 46; Denver 360. Region, 54, 116, 187, 252, 369. Crane, Mrs. G. H., Annual Report, 439. Bicknell, E. P., Christmas Census, 32. Crawford, Elis, Francis Rawsum, Carl and Bicknell, Mrs. F. T., Letter from, 77; Photo- Edward McAndrews, Mary Belle Johnston, and graphs by, 439, 440. I. H. Johnston, Christmas Census, 38. Blake, Isabel, Eave Swallows Nesting on a Crecelius, Alice, Summer, Fall and Winter Painted Building, 194. Observations in the West, 67. Blanchard, George G., Christmas Census, 26. Crosby, Maunsell S., Christmas Census, 31. Blodget, George L., Christmas Census, 26. Curry, Haskell B., see Perine, Keble. Bomherger, Helen A., Secretary, Report of, 431. Botsford, Barton and Nelson, see Keep, CD. Dadisman, A. J., Christmas Census, 39; Ruffed Bourne, Thomas L., see Morey, George W. Grouse Scarce in West Virginia, 77; Prairie Bowdish, Beecher S., Secretary, Report of, 429. Horned Lark, 181. Bowers, Elizabeth, October in Chicago, 391. Daly, E., see Watson, C. G. Bowes, Mabel L. C, A Robin's Lament, 244. Danforth, R. E., Christmas Census, 35. Brewster, W. L., and D. K. Strong, Christmas Danforth, Stuart T., Christmas Census, 35. Census, 47. Danner, May S., and Mary King, Christmas Bricker, Charles S., see Beck, Herbert H Census, 42. Bridge, Edmund, and Lidian E., Christmas Davis, Edwin Russell, Christmas Census, 27. Census, 27. DeBoos, Esther, Robin's Nest on a Wren-house, Bridge, Lidian E., see Jump, Alice O. 103. (ii) Index 111 Deghuee, Marion, Secretary, Report of, 437. Grant, W. W., Otto McCreary, E. T. Emmons, Danker, Wm. A., see Ferine, Keble. Mrs. H. H. Henderson, and E. H. Eaton, Dent, Paul, see Jokerst, Dent. Christmas Census, 31. Dinsmore, Susan B., Robin Redbreast, War Graves, Francis M., Christmas Census, 29. Gardener, ig2. Graves, Maude A., and Bessie M., Christmas Dippell, V. E., see Beck, H. H. Census, 28. Doll, Caroline L., Buffalo Audubon Society, 137. Green, Margaret S., Secretary, Report of, 445. Doolittle, E. A., Food of Young Purple Martins, Grimminger, Chas. and Edgar, see McGraw, 305; An Old Squaw Joker, 306. Harry A. Downhour, Elizabeth, Secretary, Report of, 427. Griscom, Ludlow, Christmas Census from France, Dreier, Theodore, Christmas Census, S3- 49; review by, 254. Dunbar, Lula, and Robert, Jr., Christmas Census, Griswold, Geo. T., Christmas Census, 29. 41. Gutman, Joe, see Vincent, Ralph. Dwight, Jonathan, M.D., Review by, i8g. Dyche, Grace L. S., The Nesting of Robins, 243. Hallett, George H., Jr., see Linton, M. Albert. Hallinan, Frances Redfield, My First Experience Eastman, Sarah Chandler, The Cape May with a Redstart, 386. Warbler in Southern Maine, 180. Hallock, Bessie A., and Myron Clement, Christ- Eaton, E. H., see Grant, W. W. mas Census, 31. Eaton, Warren F., Christmas Census, 27. Hamson, Blanche, see Sadler, Nettie M. Edson, Wm. L. G., and R. E. Horsey, Christmas Handley, Charles O., and Harry E., Christmas Census, 31. Census, 38. Eheim, J. M., see Avery, Carlos. Hannum, W. E., Christmas Census, 36. Ehinger, C. E., Christmas Census, 37. Hansen, Harold E., see Vincent, Ralph. Eifrig, C. W. G., and Chreswell J. Hunt,Christmas Harper, Francis, and Remington Kellogg, Census, 43. Christmas Census, 49. Ekblaw, Sergeant George E., and AKred Nord- Harris, Harry, Kansas City Region, 54, 115, 186, strom, Christmas Census, 35. 252, 369; see Michaels, W. C. Ekblaw, Sidney E., and W. Elmer, Christmas Haskin, Leslie L., Christmas Census, 47; Town- Census, 43. send's Solitaire, 242. EUiot, Sarah J., Secretary, Report of, 448. Hathaway, Harry S., Christmas Census, 28. Elwood, Russell, My Experience with Birds, 263. Haven, Herbert M. W., Annual Report, 436. Emmons, E. T., see Grant, W. W. Haworth, George D., Christmas Census, 42. Eno, Henry Lane, Christmas Census, 35. Hays, see McGraw, Harry A. Evans, Wilham Bacon, see Linton, M. Albert. Heacock, Esther, Secretary, Report of, 452. Healey, Alden, John L. Bagg, and Aaron C. Fabens, M. E., Interlopers, 304. Bagg, Christmas Census, 27. Farley, John A., Breeding of the Myrtle Warbler Heiser, J. M., Bird-Nesting in Texas, no. at Webster, Mass., 306. Hempel, Kathleen M., Notes on Nesting Blue- Farquhar, Arthur, see Weiser, Charles S. birds and House Wrens, 173. Farrar, CD., and L. E., Christmas Census, 26. Henderson, Mrs. H. H., see Grant, W. W. Fay, Frank S., President, Annual Report, 441. Herschler, Irene M., Cardinals and Wrens, 246. Fearing, Albert, The Black and White Warbler, Hix, George E., Clark L. Lewis, Edward G. 193- Nichols, and L. Nelson Nichols, Christmas Finley, Irene, Photograph by, 412. Census, 32. Finley, William L., Field Agent, Report of, 412; Hodgson, F. H., Two Interesting Observations, Photograph by, 414. 299. Fisher, M. L., and Paul Aitkenhead, 43. Holden, Edith S., The A. B. C, 264. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. G. Clyde, Ruth Anna, and Holland, E. W., A List of Virginia Birds, 194. Farida A. Wiley, Christmas Census, 32. Homan, Dr. R. W., Photograph by, 10. Forbush, Edward Howe, Field Agent, Report of, Horsey, R. E., see Edson, Wm. L. G. 408. Horsfall, R. Bruce, Colored plate by, facing 198. Ford, E. R., Robins Enjoy Flat Life, 103. Houghton, Clarence, Christmas Census, 30. Ford, Lee M., Christmas Census, 46. Hoyt, Gertrude, Starlings Spreading in New York Ford, Louise P., and Marrion I. Pellew, Christmas State, 240. Census, 43. Humphrey, Helen, Secretary, Report of, 453. Fordyce, Geo. L., C. A. Leedy, W. H. Warner, and Hunt, Chreswell J., see Eifrig, C. W. G. H. W. Weisgerber, Christmas Census, 43. Hunt, Emily G., M.D., Annual Report, 444. Foster, Charles I., Secretary, Report of, 450. Hurd, Frances A., School Agent, Report of, 418. Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, Colored plates by, facing, I, 81, 149, 333; Drawings by, 12, 14, 159, 163, Irwin, J. L., see Vincent, Ralph. 164, 339. Jack, C. W., Secretary, Report of, 435. Gabriel, Geo. H., Mockingbird in Connecticut, Jenness, Perley M., The Birds of Coblenz, 290. 243- Job, Herbert K., Annual Report, 414. Ganier, A. F., Christmas Census, 45. Johnson, Charles E., Harris's Sparrow at Law- Gasser, Mrs. G. W., From Near the Arctic Circle, rence, Kans., 360. 359- Johnson, Elizabeth H., Winter Feeding of Birds, Geiniene, Fred, see Vincent, Ralph. 70. Gooch, John H., Christmas Census, 43. Johnston, Mary Belle, and I. H., see Crawford, Goodsell, William, Helping Barn and CliflE Swal- EHs. lows to Nest, 175. Jokerst, Dent, and Paul Dent, Christmas Census, Gordon, Swale, see Monroe, Burt. 45- Gormley, Liguori, see Macnamare, Charles. Jones, Henrietta O., Secretary, Report of, 444. Index Jones, Lynds, Oberlin Region, 53, 114, 185. Mcllwraith Ornithological Club, Christmas Judd, Therese, The Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 106. Census, 26. Jump, Alice O., and Lidian E. Bridge, Christmas McLeod, J. R., see Watson, C. G. Census, 27. Mengel, Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry, Christmas Census, 36. Keep, C. D., R. A. Barton, and Nelson Botsford, Metcalf, E. I., Is the House Wren a Bigamist? 303. Christmas Census, 34. Michaels, W. C. and Son, A. E. Shirling, and Kellogg, Clinton E., Making Friends with the Harry Harris, Christmas Census, 45. Golden-winged Warbler, 241, Mickle, Anna, see Linton, M. Albert. Kellogg, Remington, see Harper, Francis. Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C, see Watson, C. G. Kelly, Berners B., Christmas Census, 46. Miller, Abraham Beck, see Beck, Herbert H. Kerr, John Austin, see Ballard, Foster. Miller, Ada, Successful School Observation Con- Kimes, Edw. D., Christmas Census, 42. ditions, 130. Kinch, Harry B., see McGraw, Harry A. Miller, W. DeW., Christmas Census, 34. King, Mary, see Banner, May S. Miner, Mr. and Mrs. Leo D., Hon. Edmund Piatt, Kryss, Rosa, Home Observations, 68. M. C. and Raymond W. Moore, Christmas Census, 38. LaDue, Harry Jay, Christmas Census, 41; U- Minor, O. B., A Bird-House Contest, 65. Boat Methods in Nature, 358. Monroe, Burt, and Swale Gordon, Christmas Lancaster, L. Y., see Alexander, Robert. Census, 44. Langdon, Roy M., Secretary, Report of, 424. Moore, Raymond W., see Miner, Leo D. Larrabee, Austin P., and Philo J., Christmas Morey, George W., and Thomas L. Bourne, Census, 46. Christmas Census, 31. Larson, Adrian, Christmas Census, 46. Morgan, Griscom, Note from a Young Contri- Lastreto, C. B., Audubon Association of the butor, 265. Pacific, 136. Morgan, May, Christmas Census, 41. Latham, Roy, Christmas Census, 33. Morgan, Olga Marie, A Brood of Young Robins, Lawrence, Jos. S., Christmas Census, 30. 362. Leedy, C. A., and Fordyce, Geo. L. Mosk, Sanford, see Vincent, Ralph. Leister, C. W., Photographs by, qi, 197, 233; The Moyer, Albert, Another Wire Wren-nest, 181. Spotted Sandpiper, 287. Munger, Edwin T., Christmas Census, 29. LePerrier, Gabrielle, A Pet Robin, 389. Munroe, Mrs. Kirk, President, Annual Report, Lewis, Clark L., see Hix, George E. 434- Lewis, Dora Worster, The Deserted Home, 104. Myers, Harriet Williams, Secretary, Report of; Lewis, Harrison F., Christmas Census, 25. 421. Lewis, J. H., Photograph by, 259. Lewis, Norman, Studying Birds in Maine and Nefi, Johnson, Christmas Census, 45. Nova Scotia, 258. Nichols, Edward G., see Hix, George E. Linton, M. Albert, Anna A. Mickle, Samuel N. Nichols, John Treadwell, New York Region, 51, Rhoads, Ellen C. Carter, William Bacon Evans, 112, 183, 248, 308, 364; Editorials by, 57, 119, and George H. Hallett, Jr., Christmas Census, 191; Reviews by, 55, 56, 117, 118, 188, 189, 36. 255, 371, 376; Bird-Lore's Twentieth Christmas Lippincott, Joseph W., An Evening with Birds in Census, 351. Florida, 16. Nichols, Nelson, see Hix, George E. Lofstrom, Lawrence L., Pelagic Habits of Kitti- Noble, G. K., Unusual Breeding-site of Killdeer wake Gulls in Winter, 181. Plover, 173. Lowerre, E. M., Red-headed Woodpecker Nest- Norak, Frank, Christmas Census, 29. ing on Long Island, 303. Nordstrom, Alfred, see Ekblaw, Sergeant George Lownes, Albert E., An Unusual Nesting-site, 363. E. Lundwall, Nelson, Christmas Census, 46. Norman, Harold, Christmas Census, 40. Norton, Arthur H., Field Agent, Report of, Macnamara, Charles, and Liguori Gormley, 417. Christmas Census, 25. Nott, Grace B., Secretary, Report of, 449. Madison, H. L., Secretary, Report of, 430. Magee, M. J., Notes from Sault Ste. Marie, 237. Oberholser, Harry C, The Migration of North Mainster, R. W., Christmas Census, 38. American Birds, 23, 100, 170, 354; Washington Marckres, Geo. M., Nuthatch Acrobats, 360. Region, 52, 114, 184, 250, 310, 366; Another Marshall, Mrs. F. W., Josephine Smith, and Mrs. Purple Martin Roost in the City of Washington, H. H. Bailey, Christmas Census, 44. 96; A Surprised Ruddy Duck, 359. Mason, Jenckes, see Ballard, Foster. Orr, George B., The Junior Song-bird Club, 265. McAndrews, Carl and Edward, see Crawford, Osgood, H. W., Photograph by, 223. Elis. Otto, M. C, To Hatch and to Raise, 179. McAtee, W. L., Alexander Wetmore, and Edward A. Preble, Christmas Census, 39. Packard, Winthrop, Field Agent, Report of, 410; McCamant, Tom, The Western Robin, 131. Secretary's Report, 427. McConnell, Harry B., John Worley, and Ray- Palmer, Dr. T. S., Reviews by, 56, 118. mond Timmons, Christmas Census, 142. Patton, Frank, Mary Patton, A. L. Campbell, and McConnell, Thos. L., and L. F. Savage, Christmas Mamie Campbell, Christmas Census, 47. Census, 37; Prothonotary Warbler at Erie, Pearson, T. Gilbert, Editorials by, 72, 134, 202, Pa., 242. 270, 323, 392; Least Bittern, 198; The Red- McCreary, Otto, see Grant, W. W. eyed Vireo 266; Turkey Vulture, 319; Photo- McGraw, Harry A., Harry B. Kinch, Harry P. graphs by, 272, 403, 418; Annual Report, 396. Hays, Ira J. Stouffer, Chas. Grimminger, and Pease, Florence Mabel, Notes from Conway, Edgar Grimminger, Christmas Census, 37. Mass., 357.

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