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AndrewLewis,SanazMostaghim,andMarcusRandall(Eds.) Biologically-InspiredOptimisationMethods StudiesinComputationalIntelligence,Volume210 Editor-in-Chief Prof.JanuszKacprzyk SystemsResearchInstitute PolishAcademyofSciences ul.Newelska6 01-447Warsaw Poland E-mail:[email protected] Furthervolumesofthisseriescanbefoundonour Vol.200.DimitriPlemenosandGeorgiosMiaoulisVisual homepage:springer.com ComplexityandIntelligentComputerGraphicsTechniques Enhancements,2009 ISBN978-3-642-01258-7 Vol.190.K.R.Venugopal,K.G.SrinivasaandL.M.Patnaik SoftComputingforDataMiningApplications,2009 Vol.201.Aboul-EllaHassanien,AjithAbraham, ISBN978-3-642-00192-5 AthanasiosV.Vasilakos,andWitoldPedrycz(Eds.) FoundationsofComputationalIntelligenceVolume1,2009 Vol.191.ZongWooGeem(Ed.) ISBN978-3-642-01081-1 Music-InspiredHarmonySearchAlgorithm,2009 ISBN978-3-642-00184-0 Vol.202.Aboul-EllaHassanien,AjithAbraham, andFranciscoHerrera(Eds.) Vol.192.AgusBudiyono,BambangRiyantoandEndra FoundationsofComputationalIntelligenceVolume2,2009 Joelianto(Eds.) ISBN978-3-642-01532-8 IntelligentUnmannedSystems:TheoryandApplications,2009 ISBN978-3-642-00263-2 Vol.203.AjithAbraham,Aboul-EllaHassanien, PatrickSiarry,andAndriesEngelbrecht(Eds.) FoundationsofComputationalIntelligenceVolume3,2009 Vol.193.RaymondChiong(Ed.) ISBN978-3-642-01084-2 Nature-InspiredAlgorithmsforOptimisation,2009 ISBN978-3-642-00266-3 Vol.204.AjithAbraham,Aboul-EllaHassanien,and Andre´PoncedeLeonF.deCarvalho(Eds.) Vol.194.IanDempsey,MichaelO’NeillandAnthony FoundationsofComputationalIntelligenceVolume4,2009 Brabazon(Eds.) ISBN978-3-642-01087-3 FoundationsinGrammaticalEvolutionforDynamic Environments,2009 Vol.205.AjithAbraham,Aboul-EllaHassanien,and ISBN978-3-642-00313-4 VáclavSnášel(Eds.) FoundationsofComputationalIntelligenceVolume5,2009 Vol.195.VivekBannoreandLeszekSwierkowski ISBN978-3-642-01535-9 Iterative-InterpolationSuper-ResolutionImage Reconstruction: Vol.206.AjithAbraham,Aboul-EllaHassanien, AComputationallyEfficientTechnique,2009 AndréPoncedeLeonF.deCarvalho,andVáclavSnášel(Eds.) ISBN978-3-642-00384-4 FoundationsofComputationalIntelligenceVolume6,2009 ISBN978-3-642-01090-3 Vol.196.ValentinaEmiliaBalas,Ja´nosFodorand AnnamáriaR.Va´rkonyi-Ko´czy(Eds.) Vol.207.SantoFortunato,GiuseppeMangioni, SoftComputingBasedModeling RonaldoMenezes,andVincenzoNicosia(Eds.) inIntelligentSystems,2009 ComplexNetworks,2009 ISBN978-3-642-00447-6 ISBN978-3-642-01205-1 Vol.208.RogerLee,GongzuHu,andHuaikouMiao(Eds.) Vol.197.MauroBirattari ComputerandInformationScience2009,2009 TuningMetaheuristics,2009 ISBN978-3-642-01208-2 ISBN978-3-642-00482-7 Vol.209.RogerLeeandNaohiroIshii(Eds.) Vol.198.Efre´nMezura-Montes(Ed.) SoftwareEngineering,ArtificialIntelligence,Networkingand Constraint-HandlinginEvolutionaryOptimization,2009 Parallel/DistributedComputing,2009 ISBN978-3-642-00618-0 ISBN978-3-642-01202-0 Vol.199.KazumiNakamatsu,GloriaPhillips-Wren, Vol.210.AndrewLewis,SanazMostaghim,and LakhmiC.Jain,andRobertJ.Howlett(Eds.) MarcusRandall(Eds.) NewAdvancesinIntelligentDecisionTechnologies,2009 Biologically-InspiredOptimisationMethods,2009 ISBN978-3-642-00908-2 ISBN978-3-642-01261-7 Andrew Lewis,SanazMostaghim, and Marcus Randall (Eds.) Biologically-Inspired Optimisation Methods Parallel Algorithms,Systems and Applications 123 Dr.AndrewLewis Assoc.Prof.MarcusRandall InstituteforIntegratedandIntelligentSystems FacultyofBusiness GriffithUniversity TechnologyandSustainableDevelopment NathanCampus BondUniversity Brisbane,Queensland,4111 GoldCoast,Queensland,4229 Australia Australia Email:a.lewis@griffith.edu.au Email:[email protected] Dr.-Ing.SanazMostaghim InstitutfürAngewandteInformatikund FormaleBeschreibungsverfahren-AIFB UniversitätKarlsruhe 76128Karlsruhe Germany Email:[email protected] ISBN 978-3-642-01261-7 e-ISBN978-3-642-01262-4 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-01262-4 Studiesin Computational Intelligence ISSN1860949X Library of Congress Control Number:Applied for (cid:1)c 2009 Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically therights of translation, reprinting,reuse ofillustrations, recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilm orinanyother way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Violations are liable to prosecution undertheGerman Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Typeset&CoverDesign:ScientificPublishing ServicesPvt. Ltd., Chennai, India. Printed in acid-free paper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 springer.com Preface Throughout the evolutionary history of this planet, biological systems have been able to adapt, survive and flourish despite the turmoils and upheavals of the environment. This ability has long fascinated and inspired people to emulate and adapt natural processes for application in the artificial world of human endeavours. The realm of optimisation problems is no exception. In fact, in recent years biological systems have been the inspiration of the majority of meta-heuristic search algorithms including, but not limited to, geneticalgorithms,particleswarmoptimisation,antcolonyoptimisationand extremal optimisation. Thisbookpresentsacontinuumofbiologicallyinspiredoptimisation,from the theoretical to the practical. We begin with an overview of the field of biologically-inspired optimisation, progress to presentation of theoretical analysesandrecentextensionstoavarietyofmeta-heuristicsandfinallyshow applicationtoanumberofreal-worldproblems.Assuch,itisanticipatedthe book will provide a useful resource for reseachers and practitioners involved in any aspect of optimisation problems. The overviewofthefieldisprovidedbytwoworksco-authoredbyseminal thinkers in the field. Deb’s “Evolution’s Niche in Multi-Criterion Problem Solving”, presents a very comprehensive and complete overview of almost all major issues in Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimisation (EMO). This chapter starts with the original motivation for developing EMO algorithms andprovidesanaccountofsomesuccessfulproblemdomainsonwhichEMO has demonstrated a clear edge over their classical counterparts. JaimesandCoelloCoello’s“ApplicationsofParallelPlatformsandModels inEvolutionaryMulti-ObjectiveOptimization”presentsanoverviewofstate- of-the-art systems that exploit coarse and fine grained parallelism to solve multi-objective optimisation problems. Standard parallelisation models are reviewedin the contextof multi-objectiveoptimisation,and methods for the detailedassessmentoftheirperformancearediscussed.Inaddition,anumber ofnovelschemesforparallelisationofmulti-objectiveevolutionaryalgorithms VI Preface arebrieflyreviewed.Thediscussionalsoincludescommentonhowtheglobal phenomenon of meta-computing can be used to solve these problems. Globalmeta-computingbringsanewsetofproblemstobeovercomeinthe implementation of optimisation algorithms. In particular, the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of the computing environment require that greater con- sideration be given to the fault tolerance of algorithms. Lewis, Mostaghim andScrivenbegintoconsidertheseissuesin“AsynchronousMulti-Objective OptimisationinUnreliableDistributedEnvironments”,analysingtheperfor- mance of multi-objective particle swarm optimisation (MOPSO) algorithms in unreliable computing environments, giving a detailed consideration of a novelapproachofasynchronousupdates in parallelMOPSOalgorithms that significantly improves fault tolerance, and suggesting a variety of methods for adapting algorithms to “churn” of computing resources. The consideration of recent and emerging developments of metaheuristics is continued by an exploration of dynamic optimisation problems, a class of optimisation problems that have many real-world characteristics, yet have received relatively little attention. These are difficult problems that change their structure and/or problem data while the meta-heuristic attempts to solve the problem. A comprehensive survey of genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimisation, ant colony optimisation and extremal optimisation ap- proachesandimplementationsispresentedinHendtlass,MoserandRandall’s “Dynamic Problems and Nature Inspired Meta-heuristics”. For each of the methodsdiscussed,considerationisgiventopracticalissuesofapplicationto a variety of benchmark and real-worldproblems. Artificial neural networks are another group of biologically inspired tech- niques,wellsuitedtopatternrecognitiontasks.“RelaxedLabellingusingDis- tributedNeuralNetworks”byJimAustinexploresaformofneuralnetworks, knownascorrelationmatrixmemories,andtheiruseinimplementingthe re- laxationlabellingtechniquefordealingwithconstraintsatisfactionproblems, inparticulargraphmatching.ThemethodsarebuiltintheAdvancedUncer- tain Reasoning Architecture (AURA), a tool framework made available free on the Internet. An interesting application demonstrated is the matching of drug-likemoleculesagainsta largedatabaseofmoleculesthat havepotential anti-cancer properties. In order to improve the speed of search, the author also describes innovative methods for implementing the graph matcher in computer hardware Randall, Hendtlass and Lewis, in “Extremal Optimisation of Assignment Type Problems”, present a theoretical and practical exposition of the ca- pabilities of the nature-inspired Extremal Optimisation. They extend the extremal optimisation metaphor so that it is able to handle constraints and reduce solutioninfeasibility in a standardway.In addition, a partially adap- tive population model is also presented. Results of empirical investigations reveal that this simple meta-heuristic is very competitve with more estab- lished optimisation techniques, for a range of assignment type problems. Preface VII Enhancing another meta-heuristic, ant colony optimisation, is the subject of Angus’ “Niching for Ant Colony Optimisation”. Niching is a technique derived from the biologicalnotion that different species will specialise in the exploitation of different parts of the environment. In the computational and optimisationsense,itreferstodifferentindividualsorpopulationsofsolutions exploring different parts of the search space, thus ensuring sufficient overall diversity. Two alternative forms of niching, based on crowding and fitness sharing concepts, are shown to be particularly effective for multi-modal and multi-objective problems. Theremainderofthebookisconcernedwiththeapplicationofbiologically inspiredoptimisationmethods to problemsthatcommonlyoccurinindustry and the sciences. These particularly demonstrate that improved and novel solutions are capable of being generated to problems that have been tradi- tionally exclusively the domain of human experts. Computational optimisation found early adoption in the field of engineer- ing design and manufacture. The design of radio antennas is an area that has historically been dominated by the considerable use of domain expertise and analytic solution methods. In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in automated design by the use of optimisation meta-heuristics, extending the ability of engineers to consider previously intractable prob- lems. An example is the use of ant colony optimisation for the construc- tion of compact meander line antennas for Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) devices. Lewis, Randall, Galehdar, Thiel and Weis, in “Using Ant Colony Optimisation to ConstructMeander-line RFID Antennas”, presenta developmental history of how the authors have solved this real-world prob- lem - from initial application, the use of a novel local refinement technique and finally a multi-objective version that is able to optimise both antenna efficiency and resonant frequency. Results from computational experiments demonstrate the significant improvements that can be achieved. A very practical problem in the area of establishing communication in- frastructures is the radio network design problem. Mendes, Go´mez-Pulido, Vega-Rodr´ıguez,S´anchez-P´erez,S´aezandIsasi,intheirchapterentitled“The Radio Network Design Optimization Problem”, examine how a number of different biologically inspired meta-heuristics, including GRASP, genetic al- gorithms and memetic algorithms, perform on a large and difficult network design problem. Radio network design, in general, is an NP-complete prob- lem and while a number of different approaches have been used to address it all lack a comparable measure of efficiency. Mendes et al. offer a reliable benchmark reference, and use it to investigate different algorithms and the reproducibility of their results. A different form of network problem is the distribution of electricity through power grids. In particular, the issue of the imbalance between pre- dicted electricity use and actual consumption is of great importance when reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Kamper and Eßer’s chapter “Strategies for Decentralised Balancing Power” shows how a self-organising approach, VIII Preface basedon evolutionaryalgorithms,canreduce this imbalance by dynamically poolingsmallelectricaldevices(suchaswashingmachinesandcombinedheat and power plants) together. Conformational sampling, the prediction of the three-dimensional shapes ofmoleculesbasedontheircompositionandconnectivity,isacentralproblem instructuralbiologyanddrugdesign.Thereisacontinuingsearchforgeneral approaches to finding the most stable molecular geometries. In “An Analy- sis of Dynamic Mutation Operators for Conformational Sampling” Tantar, Melaband Talbiuse this problemas a case study to examine the use ofana priori mutation operator selection and parameter tuning phase prior to ex- ecution of an evolutionary algorithm. They conclude, in part, that dynamic approaches,possibly including self-adaptive schemes, hold the most promise for tackling these extremely difficult problems. In contrast to the preceding chapters on application of optimisation al- gorithms to problems in the physical sciences the book closes with a study fromthefieldofartificialintelligence(AI).Whilemuchattentionhasbeenfo- cussedontheuseofAIforplayingchess,thechapterbyQuek,Chan,Tanand Tay, “Evolving Computer Chinese Chess using Guided Learning” examines evolutionary algorithms applied to playing Chinese chess. They explore how different heuristics, and indeed the knowledge of grandmasters of the game, can be used and integrated with genetic algorithms in order to produce an artificial player that can realistically challenge human opponents. The underlying problems that the methods and techniques discussed in this book address are typically complex and demanding. In particular, the computationalrequirementscanoftenbe considerableandsoeffortsmustbe madetoprovidesufficientcomputingcapacitytomeettheseneeds.Currently, this generally makes parallel computing a necessity, and this is a consistent theme of the approaches considered by the contributing authors, whether explicitly, as in the overview of Jaimes and Coello Coello, or implicit in the natureofthemethodsadoptedbyseveralothers:thepopulation-basedmeth- ods of, for example, particle swarmand antcolony optimisationalgorithms, and such techniques as neuralnetworks.Indeed, the drive for computational performance can be seen in the implementation of algorithms in hardware described by Austin. The forminwhichparallelcomputingresourcesareprovidedcanbringits own set of challenges. The search for cost-effective means of accessing large computational capacity has given rise to a trend towardgrid computing and distributed, peer-to-peer computing environments. Highly dynamic, hetero- geneous and prone to failure, these resources demand regard for the fault toleranceofoptimisationalgorithms,andeffortstoaddressthisissuesuchas those of Lewis, Mostaghim and Scriven will become increasingly important as the approaches become more widely employed. The editors wish to acknowledgea number of groups and individuals that helpedtomakethisprojectrealisable.Firstofall,wewishtothankProfessor JanuszKacprzyk,EditorinChiefoftheStudiesinComputationalIntelligence Preface IX series,for initially proposing the projectand his continuing support. The se- riesteamatSpringer-Verlag,inparticularDrThomasDitzingerandHeather King, are to be thanked for all their helpful advice and support. Along with them, we pay tribute to the work of the authors. Their outstanding ideas will resonate with the optimisation community in years to come. Finally, we thank the external reviewers for their astute comments and suggestions on each of the chapters. February 2009 Brisbane, Australia, Andrew Lewis Karlsruhe, Germany, and Sanaz Mostaghim Gold Coast, Australia Marcus Randall Contents Evolution’s Niche in Multi-Criterion Problem Solving ....... 1 Kalyanmoy Deb Applications of Parallel Platforms and Models in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization.................. 23 Antonio L´opez Jaimes, Carlos A. Coello Coello Asynchronous Multi-Objective Optimisation in Unreliable Distributed Environments ................................... 51 Andrew Lewis, Sanaz Mostaghim, Ian Scriven Dynamic Problems and Nature Inspired Meta-heuristics..... 79 Tim Hendtlass, Irene Moser, Marcus Randall Relaxation Labelling Using Distributed Neural Networks .... 111 Jim Austin Extremal Optimisation for Assignment Type Problems ...... 139 Marcus Randall, Tim Hendtlass, Andrew Lewis Niching for Ant Colony Optimisation ........................ 165 Daniel Angus Using Ant Colony Optimisationto Construct Meander-Line RFID Antennas ............................................. 189 Andrew Lewis, Marcus Randall, Amir Galehdar, David Thiel, Gerhard Weis The Radio Network Design Optimization Problem: Benchmarking and State-of-the-Art Solvers.................. 219 S´ılvioP.Mendes,JuanA.Go´mez-Pulido,MiguelA.Vega-Rodr´ıguez, Juan M. Sa´nchez-P´erez, Yago S´aez, Pedro Isasi

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