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Bio-based plastics : materials and applications PDF

258 Pages·2020·5.497 MB·English
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BIO-BASED PLASTICS: MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS BIO-BASED PLASTICS: MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS Edited by: Navodita Bhatnagar ARCLER P r e ss www.arclerpress.com Bio-Based Plastics: Materials and Applications Navodita Bhatnagar Arcler Press 2010 Winston Park Drive, 2nd Floor Oakville, ON L6H 5R7 Canada www.arclerpress.com Tel: 001-289-291-7705 001-905-616-2116 Fax: 001-289-291-7601 Email: orders@arclereducation.com e-book Edition 2020 ISBN: 978-1-77407-399-5 (e-book) This book contains information obtained from highly regarded resources. Reprinted material sources are indicated and copyright remains with the original owners. Copyright for images and other graphics remains with the original owners as indicated. A Wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data. Authors or Editors or Publish- ers are not responsible for the accuracy of the information in the published chapters or conse- quences of their use. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or grievance to the persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or thoughts in the book. The authors or editors and the publisher have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission has not been obtained. If any copyright holder has not been acknowledged, please write to us so we may rectify. Notice: Registered trademark of products or corporate names are used only for explanation and identification without intent of infringement. © 2020 Arcler Press ISBN: 978-1-77407-277-6 (Hardcover) Arcler Press publishes wide variety of books and eBooks. For more information about Arcler Press and its products, visit our website at www.arclerpress.com ABOUT THE EDITOR Navodita Bhatnagar finished her masters in technology and currently pursuing her PhD in environmental sciences from Institute of Technology, Carlow, Ireland. She’s a keen enthusiast of environment protection and management. An alumunus of Indo-German centre for sustainibility which is essentially a collaborative interface to gather scientists in the field of environment sciences to come together and work for the common cause which is environment protection. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures ................................................................................................xi List of Tables ................................................................................................xiii Preface........................................................................ .................................xv Chapter 1 Introduction to Bio-based Plastic: Materials and Applications ..............................................................................................1 1.1 Introducing Bio-Based Plastics .............................................................2 1.2 Recovery And Production of Bioplastics ...............................................8 1.3 Market For Bio-Based Plastics ............................................................13 1.4 Impact of Bio-Based Plastics on Current Recycling of Plastics ............19 1.5 Bio Based Plastics and Their Environmental Impact ............................20 1.6 Future Trends of Bio-Based Plastics ....................................................25 References ...............................................................................................31 Chapter 2 Starch Filled Plastics and Modifications ..................................................33 2.1 What Are Starch Based Plastics? .........................................................34 2.2 Starch Plastics (Thermoplastic Starch) .................................................35 2.3 Bio-Plastics From Starch Based Food Crops ........................................37 2.4 Starch-Polymer Composite .................................................................39 2.5 Preparation of Biodegradable Plastic Films From Tuber and Root Starches ..........................................................................39 2.6 Structure And Properties of Starch-Based Plastics ...............................42 2.7 Modified Starch & Starch-Based Plastics ............................................43 2.8 Applications of Starch-Based Biodegradable Polymers .......................46 2.9 Starch-Filled Plastics Options For Automation ....................................53 2.10 Influence of Starch Oxidization And Modification on Interfacial Interaction, Rheological Behavior, And Properties of Poly (Propylene Carbonate)/Starch Blends ..................................53 2.11 Starch-Based Plastic Blends From Reactive Extrusion .......................54 2.12 Starch Filled Plastics: The Future of Sustainable Packaging ...............55 References ...............................................................................................60 Chapter 3 Cellulose and Cellulose Acetate: Bio-based Plastics ................................63 3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................64 3.2 Cellulose Fibers .................................................................................67 3.3 Degradation of Cellulose Acetate-Based Materials .............................73 3.4 Synthesis of Bioplastic-Based Renewable Cellulose Acetate ..............77 3.5 Biodegradable Plastic Material Derived From Cellulose Acetate And Relative End Products .................................................83 3.6 A Need For More Sustainable Raw Materials From Healthcare, Construction, Food And Coatings For Cellulose Based Plastics .......86 References ...............................................................................................91 Chapter 4 Chitin and Chitosan .................................................................................93 4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................94 4.2 What Is Chitin and Chitosan? ............................................................95 4.3 Chitin ................................................................................................96 4.4 Chitosan ..........................................................................................107 4.5 Chemical Structure And Properties ..................................................113 4.6 Chitin Biosynthesis .........................................................................115 References .............................................................................................117 Chapter 5 ARBOFORM and the Processing ...........................................................119 5.1 Introduction .....................................................................................120 5.2 Lignin Modification And Lignin-Based Surfactant .............................122 5.3 Lignin-Polymer Composites .............................................................126 5.4 Green Composites: Versatile Material For Future ..............................130 5.5 Arboform And Its Processing ............................................................134 5.6 Mechanical Properties .....................................................................138 5.7 Carbonization Of Hot-Pressed Arboform ®-Mixtures ........................139 5.8 Lignin-Based Composites In Photocatalysis ......................................142 5.9 Innovative Aspects (Environmental, Social, Economic) .....................146 References .............................................................................................147 Chapter 6 BioPlastics from Lipids ..........................................................................149 6.1 Introduction .....................................................................................150 viii

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