Big Data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems Nathan Marz with James Warren Copyright For online information and ordering of this and other Manning books, please visit The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in quantity. For more information, please contact Special Sales Department Manning Publications Co. 20 Baldwin Road PO Box 761 Shelter Island, NY 11964 Email: ©2015 by Manning Publications Co. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in the book, and Manning Publications was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, it is Manning’s policy to have the books we publish printed on acid-free paper, and we exert our best efforts to that end. Recognizing also our responsibility to conserve the resources of our planet, Manning books are printed on paper that is at least 15 percent recycled and processed without the use of elemental chlorine. Manning Publications Co. Development editors: Renae Gregoire, Jennifer Stout 20 Baldwin Road Technical development editor: Jerry Gaines PO Box 761 Copyeditor: Andy Carroll Shelter Island, NY 11964 Proofreader: Katie Tennant Technical proofreader: Jerry Kuch Typesetter: Gordan Salinovic Cover designer: Marija Tudor ISBN 9781617290343 Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 – EBM – 20 19 18 17 16 15 Brief Table of Contents Copyright Brief Table of Contents Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments About this Book Chapter 1. A new paradigm for Big Data 1. Batch layer Chapter 2. Data model for Big Data Chapter 3. Data model for Big Data: Illustration Chapter 4. Data storage on the batch layer Chapter 5. Data storage on the batch layer: Illustration Chapter 6. Batch layer Chapter 7. Batch layer: Illustration Chapter 8. An example batch layer: Architecture and algorithms Chapter 9. An example batch layer: Implementation 2. Serving layer Chapter 10. Serving layer Chapter 11. Serving layer: Illustration 3. Speed layer Chapter 12. Realtime views Chapter 13. Realtime views: Illustration Chapter 14. Queuing and stream processing Chapter 15. Queuing and stream processing: Illustration Chapter 16. Micro-batch stream processing Chapter 17. Micro-batch stream processing: Illustration Chapter 18. Lambda Architecture in depth Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Listings Table of Contents Copyright Brief Table of Contents Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments About this Book Chapter 1. A new paradigm for Big Data 1.1. How this book is structured 1.2. Scaling with a traditional database 1.2.1. Scaling with a queue 1.2.2. Scaling by sharding the database 1.2.3. Fault-tolerance issues begin 1.2.4. Corruption issues 1.2.5. What went wrong? 1.2.6. How will Big Data techniques help? 1.3. NoSQL is not a panacea 1.4. First principles 1.5. Desired properties of a Big Data system 1.5.1. Robustness and fault tolerance 1.5.2. Low latency reads and updates 1.5.3. Scalability 1.5.4. Generalization 1.5.5. Extensibility 1.5.6. Ad hoc queries 1.5.7. Minimal maintenance 1.5.8. Debuggability 1.6. The problems with fully incremental architectures 1.6.1. Operational complexity 1.6.2. Extreme complexity of achieving eventual consistency 1.6.3. Lack of human-fault tolerance 1.6.4. Fully incremental solution vs. Lambda Architecture solution 1.7. Lambda Architecture 1.7.1. Batch layer 1.7.2. Serving layer 1.7.3. Batch and serving layers satisfy almost all properties 1.7.4. Speed layer 1.8. Recent trends in technology 1.8.1. CPUs aren’t getting faster 1.8.2. Elastic clouds 1.8.3. Vibrant open source ecosystem for Big Data 1.9. Example application: 1.10. Summary 1. Batch layer Chapter 2. Data model for Big Data 2.1. The properties of data 2.1.1. Data is raw 2.1.2. Data is immutable 2.1.3. Data is eternally true 2.2. The fact-based model for representing data 2.2.1. Example facts and their properties 2.2.2. Benefits of the fact-based model 2.3. Graph schemas 2.3.1. Elements of a graph schema 2.3.2. The need for an enforceable schema 2.4. A complete data model for 2.5. Summary Chapter 3. Data model for Big Data: Illustration 3.1. Why a serialization framework? 3.2. Apache Thrift 3.2.1. Nodes 3.2.2. Edges 3.2.3. Properties 3.2.4. Tying everything together into data objects 3.2.5. Evolving your schema 3.3. Limitations of serialization frameworks 3.4. Summary Chapter 4. Data storage on the batch layer 4.1. Storage requirements for the master dataset 4.2. Choosing a storage solution for the batch layer 4.2.1. Using a key/value store for the master dataset 4.2.2. Distributed filesystems 4.3. How distributed filesystems work 4.4. Storing a master dataset with a distributed filesystem 4.5. Vertical partitioning 4.6. Low-level nature of distributed filesystems 4.7. Storing the master dataset on a distributed filesystem 4.8. Summary Chapter 5. Data storage on the batch layer: Illustration 5.1. Using the Hadoop Distributed File System 5.1.1. The small-files problem 5.1.2. Towards a higher-level abstraction 5.2. Data storage in the batch layer with Pail 5.2.1. Basic Pail operations 5.2.2. Serializing objects into pails 5.2.3. Batch operations using Pail 5.2.4. Vertical partitioning with Pail 5.2.5. Pail file formats and compression 5.2.6. Summarizing the benefits of Pail 5.3. Storing the master dataset for 5.3.1. A structured pail for Thrift objects 5.3.2. A basic pail for 5.3.3. A split pail to vertically partition the dataset 5.4. Summary Chapter 6. Batch layer 6.1. Motivating examples 6.1.1. Number of pageviews over time 6.1.2. Gender inference 6.1.3. Influence score 6.2. Computing on the batch layer 6.3. Recomputation algorithms vs. incremental algorithms 6.3.1. Performance 6.3.2. Human-fault tolerance 6.3.3. Generality of the algorithms 6.3.4. Choosing a style of algorithm 6.4. Scalability in the batch layer 6.5. MapReduce: a paradigm for Big Data computing 6.5.1. Scalability 6.5.2. Fault-tolerance 6.5.3. Generality of MapReduce 6.6. Low-level nature of MapReduce 6.6.1. Multistep computations are unnatural 6.6.2. Joins are very complicated to implement manually 6.6.3. Logical and physical execution tightly coupled 6.7. Pipe diagrams: a higher-level way of thinking about batch computation 6.7.1. Concepts of pipe diagrams 6.7.2. Executing pipe diagrams via MapReduce 6.7.3. Combiner aggregators 6.7.4. Pipe diagram examples 6.8. Summary Chapter 7. Batch layer: Illustration 7.1. An illustrative example 7.2. Common pitfalls of data-processing tools 7.2.1. Custom languages 7.2.2. Poorly composable abstractions 7.3. An introduction to JCascalog 7.3.1. The JCascalog data model 7.3.2. The structure of a JCascalog query 7.3.3. Querying multiple datasets 7.3.4. Grouping and aggregators 7.3.5. Stepping though an example query 7.3.6. Custom predicate operations 7.4. Composition 7.4.1. Combining subqueries 7.4.2. Dynamically created subqueries 7.4.3. Predicate macros 7.4.4. Dynamically created predicate macros 7.5. Summary Chapter 8. An example batch layer: Architecture and algorithms 8.1. Design of the batch layer 8.1.1. Supported queries 8.1.2. Batch views