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October 2004 B B and decay constants from QCD Duality at s three loops1 5 0 0 2 J. Bordesa, J. Pen˜arrochaa and K. Schilcherb n a J aDepartamento de F´ısica Teo´rica-IFIC, Universitat de Valencia 4 E-46100 Burjassot-Valencia,Spain bInstitut fu¨r Physik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universit¨at 2 D-55099 Mainz, Germany v 8 2 3 0 1 4 Abstract 0 / h Using special linear combinations of finite energy sum rules which p minimize the contributionofthe unknowncontinuumspectralfunc- - p tion, we compute the decayconstantsof the pseudoscalarmesonsB e and B . In the computation, we employ the recent three loop cal- s h culation of the pseudoscalartwo-point function expanded in powers : v of the running bottom quark mass. The sum rules show remarkable Xi stability over a wide range of the upper limit of the finite energy integration. Weobtainthefollowingresultsforthepseudoscalarde- r a cay constants: f =178±14 MeV and f =200±14 MeV. The B Bs results are somewhat lower than recent predictions based on Borel transform, lattice computations or HQET. Our sum rule approach of exploiting QCD quark hadron duality differs significantly from the usual ones, and we believe that the errors due to theoretical uncertainties are smaller. PACS: 12.38.Bx,12.38.Lg. 1Supported by MCYT-FEDER under contract FPA2002-00612, and partnership Mainz- ValenciaUniversities. 1 1 Introduction The decay constant of a pseudoscalar meson B consisting of a heavy b-quark q and a light quark q, with q = u,d,s, is defined through the matrix element of the pseudoscalar current: <Ω|(m +m )qiγ b)(0)|B >= f M2 . b q 5 q Bq Bq Thesedecayconstantsareofgreatphenomenologicalinterestsincetheyenter intheinputtonon-leptonicB-decays,inthehadronicmatrixelementsofB−B¯ mixingandintheextractionof|V |fromtheleptonicdecaywidthsofB-Mesons. cb Knowledge of the decay constants allows to estimate the so-called hadronic B parameter which is directly related to the deviation of the vacuum saturation hypothesis. The decayconstantsaretherefore ofcentralinterestto the ongoing experiments carried out in B-factories. Unfortunately these matrix elements could not be measured directly so far, so that we have to rely on theoretical calculations. As the calculations mustbe non-perturbativethere areessentially two approaches,QCD sum rules and lattice simulations. Themethodofthesumruleshasbeensuccessfullyappliedsincethepioneer- ingworkofShifman,VainshteinandZacharov[1]tocalculatevariouslowenergy parametersinQCD.ParticularsumrulesarebasedonBorel,Hilberttransforms, positive moments or inverse moments. Sum rule calculations of the decay con- stants have been performed since the eighties using Boreltransform techniques with results within the range f = 160−210 MeV and f /f = 1.09−1.22, B Bs B [2,4,5,7,6,8]. AmorerecentsumrulecalculationsusingthenewO(α2)corre- s lationfunctionwithoneheavyandonelightcurrent[3]yieldshighercentralval- uesf =210±19MeVandf /f =1.16±0.04. LatticeQCDdeterminations B Bs B alsogive results in a wide range f =161−218MeVand f /f =1.11−1.16 B Bs B [11, 12] (for a review and a collection of the results, see [9]). A recent HQET calculation [10] yields f = 206±20MeV. The large variation of the quoted B values indicates that there is still room for improvement. In general, the sum rule technique assumes duality. In our analysis duality means that weighted integrals over experimental measured amplitudes should agree with the same integrals evaluated in QCD perturbation theory. We use a method based on finite energy sum rules (FESR) which equates positive moments of data and QCD theory to evaluate of the decay constants ofthe pseudoscalarbottommesons (f andf ). The method weproposehere B Bs employs a particular combination of positive moments of FESR in order to op- timize the effect of the available experimental information. On the theoretical 2 side it uses the asymptotic (large momentum expansion) of QCD, i.e. an ex- pansion in m2/s, where m is the mass of the bottom quark and s the square b b of the CM energy. Such an expansion makes sense as long as s is far enough from the continuum threshold. We will consider the perturbative expansion up to second order in the strong coupling constant and up to fourteen powers in the expansion of the b-mass over the energy, using the results of the reference [13]. On the phenomenological side of the sum rule we will consider the lowest lying pseudoscalarB -meson. In our method we circumventthe problem of the q unknown continuum data by a judicious use of quark-hadronduality. We use a linear combination of finite energy sum rules of positive moments, designed in suchawaythat the contributionofthe data inthe regionabovethe resonances turns out to be practically negligible [14]. The present paper differs from our earlier pilot work [15] in that O(α )2 s corrections to the perturbative piece and the O(α ) corrections to the leading s non-perturbativetermareincluded. Inthiswaythestabilityofthepredictionof f is improvedand the errors are reduced. The stability analysis is also placed B on more solid footing. The plan of this note is the following: in the next section we briefly review the theoreticalmethod proposed,in the third sectionwe discuss the theoretical and experimental inputs used in the calculation and in the fourth one we write up the conclusions. Finally in the appendix we discuss briefly the main issues of the polynomials used in the finite energy sum rule. 2 The method The two-point function relevant to our problem is: Π(s=q2) = i dxeiqx <Ω|T(j (x)j (0))|Ω>, 5 5 Z where < Ω| is the physical vacuum and the current j (x) is the divergence of 5 the axial-vector current: j (x) = (M +m ):q(x)iγ Q(x): 5 Q q 5 M is the mass of the heavy bottom quark Q(x), and m stands for the mass Q q of the light quarks q(x), up, down or strange. The starting point of our sum rules is Cauchy’s theorem applied to the two-point correlation function Π(s), weighted with a polynomial P(s) 1 P(s) Π(s) ds = 0. (1) 2πi IΓ The integrationpathextends overacircle ofradius|s|=s ,andalongboth 0 sides of the physical cut s ∈ [s ,s ] where s is the physical threshold. phys. 0 phys. Neither the polynomial P(s) nor the power of the integration variable change 3 the analytical properties of Π(s), so that we obtain the following sum rule: 1 s0 1 P(s)ImΠ(s)=− P(s) Π(s) ds, (2) π 2πi Zsphys. I|s|=s0 Duality now means that on the left hand side we can use experimental in- formationstartingfromthephysicalthresholds tos ,whereasontheright phys. 0 hand side, i. e. on a circle of radius s , we can use the theoretical input given 0 by QCD and the operator product expansion. The integration radius s has 0 to be chosen large enough so that the asymptotic expansion ΠQCD(s) of QCD, whichincludesperturbativeandnon-perturbativeterms,constitutesagoodap- proximation to the two-point correlator on the circle. Onthelefthandsideofequation(2),wecanparametrizetheabsorptivepart of the two-point function by means of a single resonance B and the hadronic q continuum of the bq channel from sphys. with sphys. > s . Therefore, we cont. cont. phys. write the representation of the hadronic experimental data in the form: 1 1 1 ImΠ(s) = ImΠres.(s) + ImΠcont. θ(s−sphys.), (3) π π π phys. cont. where sphys. stands for the physicalthresholdof the continuum physicalregion, cont. and therefore it is an input in our calculation. It is worth mentioning that it must not be confused with the duality parameter (s ) that is determined by 0 stability requirements in most versions of finite energy QCD sum rules. On the right hand side of equation (2) the theoretical input necessary to write down the two-point function relevant to the integration over the circle of radius s has both perturbative and non-perturbative contributions, 0 ΠQCD(s) = Πpert.(s) + Πnonpert.(s), (4) For the perturbative piece, we take the two-point correlationfunction Πpert.(s) which has been calculated in [13] for one massless and one heavy quark as an expansion up to second order (three loops) in the strong coupling constant α s and as a power series in the pole mass of the heavy quark (M2/s) up to the b seventh order. We have checked that for the employed range of values of the radiuss oftheintegrationcontour,thepowerseriesconvergeswellanddoesnot 0 introduce any appreciable error in the calculation. In the case of one and two loops the known complete analytic expressions of the two-point function could be used, but we also use the mass expansion in this case because the results of theintegrationcanbegiventheanalytically. Numericallyitmakesnodifference whether one uses the complete analytic expressions or the expansions. The authorsof[13]obtainthe followingcompactexpansionofthe two-point function in terms of the pole mass M , b α (M ) α (M ) 2 Πpert.(s)=Π(0)(s)+ s b Π(1)(s)+ s b Π(2)(s), (5) π π (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 4 where the different terms of the expansion in α have the form: s 6 3 −s k M2 j Π(i)(s)=(M +m )2M2 A(i) ln b (i=0,1,2). (6) b q b j,k M2 s j=−1k=0 (cid:18) b (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X X andthe coefficients A(i) ofthe QCDperturbativeexpansionaregivenin[13]to j,k order (M2/s)7. For instance, the first term of the expansion is given by: b 3 −s M2 −s Π(0)(s) = (M +m )2s 3−2ln +4 b ln + 16π2 b q M2 s M2 (cid:26) (cid:18) b (cid:19) (cid:18) b (cid:19) −s M2 2 2 M2 3 1 M2 4 1 M2 5 −3−2ln b + b + b + b + M2 s 3 s 6 s 15 s (cid:20) (cid:18) b (cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 M2 6 2 M2 7 b + b +.... 30 s 105 s (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) ) In the asymptotic expansion (4) there are also non-perturbative terms due to the quark and gluon condensates. In our calculations we will include these terms up to dimension six [2]: 1 α Πnonpert.(s)=(M +m )2 M hq¯qi 1+2 s (7) b q b s−M2 π (cid:26) (cid:20) b (cid:16) (cid:17) α M2 +2 s ln b +O(m /M ) π −s+M2 q b b (cid:21) 1 1 α 1 1 M2 − sG2 − M + b hqσGqi 12s−M2 π 2 b (s−M2)2 (s−M2)3 b D E (cid:20) b b (cid:21) 8 2 M2 M4 − π + b − b α hqqi2 27 (s−M2)2 (s−M2)3 (s−M2)4 s (cid:20) b b b (cid:21) (cid:27) The α correction to the quark condensate [3] turns out to be small but s non-negligible. Before going on, a comment on the asymptotic expansion is in order. It is knownthattheconvergenceoftheperturbativeexpansionofthetwo-pointfunc- tion, when written in terms of the pole mass, is rather poor. In fact, in many calculations involving heavy quarks, the first and second order loop contribu- tions are typically of the same order of magnitude making difficult to achieved convergence in the results. On the other hand, the expansion in terms of the running mass converges much faster over a wide range of the renormalization scale. Henceforward, for calculational purposes, we will consider the relations among the pole and the running mass in the appropriate order in the coupling constant[16,17,18]inordertorewritethe perturbativepieceoforder(α )i (6) s in the form 6 3 −s k m2(µ) j Π(i)(s)=m2(µ)(m (µ)+m (µ))2 A˜(i) ln b (i=0,1,2). b b q j,k µ2 s j=−1k=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X X (8) 5 and similarly for the non-perturbative piece. The coefficients A˜(i) depend on j,k the mass logarithmsln(m2/µ2) up to the third power. As Π(s) is not knownto b all orders in α , the results of our analysis will depend to some extend on the s choiceofthe renormalizationpointµ. Inthe sumruleconsideredherethereare two obvious choices, µ=m and µ=s , the radius of the integration contour. b 0 The former choice will sum up the mass logs of the form ln(m2/µ2) and the b latter choice the ln(−s/µ2) terms. We find that the for the choice µ = m the b convergence of the perturbative terms is significantly better, so we will adopt this value in the presentation here. For the experimental side, we can split up the absorptive part into the es- tablished lowest lying pseudoscalar bq resonance B and an unknown hadronic q continuum : 1 1 ImΠ(s) = M4 f2 δ(s−M2 ) + ImΠcont. θ(s−sphys.) (9) π Bq Bq Bq π phys. cont. where M and f are, respectively, the mass and the decay constants of the Bq Bq pseudoscalar meson B . q Looking back to equation (2) and taking all the theoretical parameters in- cluding the mass of the B -meson as our inputs in the calculation, we see that q the decay constant could be computed if we would have accurate information on the hadronic continuum contribution, which is, however, not the case. To cope with this problem we make use of the freedom of choosing the polynomial in equation (2). We take for P(s) a polynomial of the form: P (s)=a +a s+a s2+a s3+...+a sn, (10) n 0 1 2 3 n wherethecoefficientsarefixedbyimposinganormalizationconditionatthresh- old P s =M2 = 1, (11) n ph. Bq (cid:16) (cid:17) and requiring that the polynomial P (s) should minimize the contribution of n the continuum in the range sphys.,s in a least square sense, i.e., cont. 0 h i s0 skP (s) ds=0 for k =0,...n−1, (12) n Zspcohnyts.. The polynomials obtained in this way are closely related to the Legendre poly- nomials. In the appendix the explicit form of the set of polynomials use in this work is given. Thiswayofintroducingthepolynomialweightinthesumrulemakesnegligi- ble the integrationof 1 ImΠcont. θ(s−sphys.), so thatinthe phenomenological π phys. cont. side of the sum rule only the contributionof the B resonanceremains. On the q other hand, as we will see in the results, it increases the value of the duality parameter s and, therefore, the asymptotic expansion of QCD can be trusted 0 safely in the integration contour. To the extend that Im Πcont. can be approximated by an n degree polyno- phys. mialtheseconditionsleadtoanexactcancellationofthecontinuumcontribution 6 to the left hand side of equation (2). As a welcome side effect, this choice of polynomial will enhance the role of the B resonance. Notice however that q increasingthedegreeofthepolynomialP (s),willrequiretheknowledgeoffur- n ther terms in the mass expansionandin the non-perturbativeseries. Therefore the polynomial degree cannot be chosen arbitrarily high. Tochecktheconsistencyofthemethod,wehaveconsideredasecondtofifth degreepolynomialsandtheresultsarecompatiblewithintherangeoftheerrors introducedbytheinputsofthecalculation. Wealsohavecheckedexplicitlythat a smooth continuum contribution had no influence on the result. The sum rule method above was previously used in the calculation of the charm mass from the cc experimental data. The continuum data in this case wereknownfromtheBESIIcollaboration[19]andwereshowntohavenoinflu- enceonthepredictedmass[21]. Employingthesametechnique,averyaccurate prediction of the bottom quark mass was also obtained using the experimental information of the upsilon system [22]. After these considerations we proceed with the analytical calculation. The integralsthat we have to evaluate onthe righthand side of the sum rule, equa- tion (2), are k 1 −s J(p,k)= sp ln ds, (13) 2πi µ2 I|s|=s0 (cid:18) (cid:19) for k = 0,1,2,3 and p = −6,−5,..,n+1. These integrals can be found e.g. in reference [20]. After integration, equation (2) yields the sum rule M4 f2 P(M2 )= m2(µ)(m (µ)+m (µ))2 (14) Bq Bq Bq b b q n 2 6 3 i α (µ) × a s A˜(i) m2j(µ) J(q−j,k) q π j,k b q=0i=0j=−1k=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) XX X X + non-perturbative terms where,forbrevity,wehavenotwrittendownthenon-perturbativetermsexplic- itly. The contribution of the continuum is neglected. Pluggingthetheoreticalandexperimentalinputs(physicalthreshold,quarks and meson masses, condensates and strong coupling constant) into the sum rule, we obtain the decay constant f for various values of the degree n of Bq the polynomial and various values of s . Given the correct QCD asymptotic 0 correlator and the correct hadronic continuum, the calculation of the decay constant should, of course, not depend either on s or on the degree n of the 0 polynomialinthesumrule(2). Accordingly,foragivennwechoosetheflattest region in the curve f (s ) to extract our prediction for the decay constant. To B 0 bespecificwechoosethepointofminimalslope. Ontheotherhand,fordifferent polynomials,the valueoff ,extractedinthisway,coulddiffer fromeachother B as the cancellationof the continuum may be incomplete or the QCD expansion not accurate enough. We find, however, practically the same results for all our polynomials. This additional stability is truly remarkable as the coefficients of the polynomials of order n = 2,3,4 and 5 are completely different and the 7 respective predictions are based on completely different superpositions of finite energy moment sum rules. This extended consistency leads us to attach great confidence in our numbers and associated errors. 3 Results We calculate the decay constants for the B and B heavy mesons. In the first s case we take m =0 everywhere. In the second case we retain m =m 6=0 in q q s the factor (M +m )2 in front of the correlation function only. Further terms b q in the power series in m2/s in (5) are completely negligible for the integration s radii s we use in the calculation. 0 Theexperimentalandtheoreticalinputsareasfollows. Thephysicalthresh- olds isthe squaredmassofthe lowestlyingresonanceinthe bq channel. For ph. q being the light quark u, we have: s =M2 =5.2792 GeV2 =27.87,GeV2 (15) ph. B whereasthecontinuumthresholdsphys.istakenfromthenextintermediatestate cont. Bππ in an s-wave I = 1, i. e. 2 sphys. =(M +2m )2 =30.90 GeV2. cont. B π For q being the strange quark we take: s =M2 =5.3692 GeV2 =28.83,GeV2 (16) ph. Bs The continuum threshold starts in this case at the value: sphys. =(M +2m )2 =31.92 GeV2. cont. Bs π In the theoretical side of the sum rule we take the following inputs. The strong coupling constant at the scale of the electroweak Z boson mass [24] α (M )=0.118±0.003 (17) s Z is run down to the computation scale using the four loop formulas of reference [23]. For the quark and gluon condensates (see for example [3]) and the mass of the strange quark [25] we take: <qq >(2GeV) = (−267 ± 17 MeV)3, α < s GG>= 0.024 ± 0.012 GeV4, π <qσGq >= m2 <qq >, with m2 = 0.8 ±0.2GeV, 0 0 m (2GeV) = 120 ±50MeV, s <ss>= (0.8±0.3)<qq >. (18) As discussed, above we fix the renormalizationscale µ in the theoretical side of thesumtobeµ=m (m ),astheperturbativeseriesinα iswellundercontrol, b b s 8 i.e. thefirstandsecondordertermsareonlyafewpercentofthedominantzero order one and the second order one is much smaller than the first order one. We use a reasonable variation of µ to estimate the corresponding error in our final result. Finally, for the bottom quark, a value m (m ) ≈ 4.20GeV is generally ac- b b cepted. For consistencywe takethe resultm (m ) = 4.19 ±0.05GeVofwhich b b has been obtained by us [22] with a similar sum rule method. In order to calculate the decay constant for the pseudoscalar meson B, we proceedinthewaydescribedabove. Wecomputef asafunctionofs withthe B 0 four different sum rules (2) corresponding to n=2,3,4,5. The results, plotted in Fig. 1 show remarkable stability properties. We define the optimal value of s as the center of the stability region (represented by a cross in Fig.1) where 0 the first and/or second derivative of f (s ) vanishes. At these values of s we B 0 0 obtain the following consistent results: f =175 MeV for n=2 B f =177 MeV for n=3 B f =178 MeV for n=4 B f =178 MeV for n=5 B Notice from Fig. 1 that for the fourth degree polynomial (n=4) there is an stability region of about 50 GeV2 around s . In this region the decay constant 0 changesby less than 1 percent. This stability regionis pushedup to 100 GeV2 inthecaseofn=5. Withtheseconsiderationsweestimateaconservativeerror inherent to the method of ±3MeV. Other sources of errors arising in the calculation of f are the quark con- B densateswhichaffectthe resultby ±3MeV,andthe bottommasswhich,inthe rangegivenabove,producesavariationinthedecayconstantof−13,+10MeV. This last one is the main source of uncertainty in the final result. Finally we have changed the renormalization scale in the range µ ∈ [3,6] GeV. We esti- mate an error of ±6MeV associated to this change in µ which is roghly related to the convergence of the asymptotic expansion Other errors due to the QCD side of the sum rule (higher order terms in m2/s and the error on α (m ) are negligible in comparison). b s Z Adding quadratically all the errors, we finally quote the following result for the decay constant of the light meson B: f = 178 ± 14(inp.) ± 3(meth.) MeV. (19) B The first errorcomes fromthe inputs of the computationand the truncated QCD theory whereas the second is due to the method itself. Proceeding in the same fashion, but keeping the mass of the strange quark in the overallfactor and the order m /m in the one loop contribution, we find s b the decay constant for the B meson (f ), s Bs f = 200 ± 14(inp.) ± 3(meth.) MeV. Bs 9 f (Gev ) B 0,19 0,18 n=5 n=4 n=3 0,17 n=2 0,16 50 100 150 2 S ( Gev ) 0 Figure 1: Decay constant f as a function of the integration radius s for B 0 m (m )=4.19GeV. The lines represent the sum rule (2) for several choices of b b the polynomial P (s). n (compare Fig. 2) Intheanalysisoftheoreticalerrorstheonlynewingredientistheuncertainty coming from the strange quark mass which turns out to be negligible. Theratioofthedecayconstantsf and f (whichwouldbe1inthechiral Bs B limit) is of special interest. We find: f Bs = 1.12 ± 0.01(inp.) ± 0.03(meth.). (20) f B Inthecalculation,theuncertaintiesduetothemethodandtothetheoretical inputs (mainlyto thebottomquarkmass)arecorrelated,sothatthe finalerror is very small. Finally we should mention that in the past the stability region was often determined in a rather ad hoc fashion by considering the intercept of sum rule predictionsformomentsdifferingbyonepower. Wefindthat,suitablymodified, this prescription also works in our sum rule method with similar results but larger errors. 10

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