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ASYMPTOTIC COMBINATORIAL CODING THEORY THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE ASYMPTOTIC COMBINATORIAL CODING THEORY by Volodia Blinovsky Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy ofS ciences SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4613-7839-6 ISBN 978-1-4615-6193-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-6193-4 Copyright © 1997 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1997 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1997 AU rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Printed on acid-free paper. Contents Preface VII Introduction XI V%dia B/inovsky 1. CODING BOUNDS 1 2. LIST DECODING 7 3. COVERING AND PACKING 41 4. DECODING COMPLEXITY 63 5. CHANNEL WITH DEFECTS 75 6. SOME OTHER PROBLEMS 79 Index 89 References 91 v Preface The coding theory originated in forties. Pioneer worksofC.Shannon contain inition notions of the information theory and the asymptotic combinatorial coding theory as its part. However, at present the combinatorial coding theory is an independent area of investigations with its own methods. The object of investigation in the coding theory is the code. A code is the finite set in a designated space. The main problem in the coding theory was the determination of the cardinality of the code in metric space with given minimum distance over pairs of points from the code. Nowdays, asymptotical combinatorialcodingtheory dealswithallnotionsand methodsofcombinatorics and provides an undestanding ofinvestigations ofdiscrete probabilistic spaces, covering problems, the graph theory, the source coding, the complexity theory, and many other problems. It is necessary to note that many problems in the combinatorialcoding theory are difficult to solve and their solution is the result oflongstandinginvestigations. The 'main'problemin the combinatorialcoding theory is to prove the tightness of the asymptotic Varshamov-Gilbert bound for a binary code and this problem is still open. This book collect some problems of the asymptotical combinatorial coding theory. 'Asymptotical' means that we are interested in the behavior of some functions when their parameters (usualy 'length' ofthe code and some others) tend to infinity. Here probabilistic and analytic methods are used in addition to combinatorial methods. Our aim was to introduce the most interesting problems which in some sense are solved completely. Here we collect such problems almost all of which are investigated or solved by the scientists from Russia and where not published in monographs before (except the two first introductory chapters). VII Vlll ASYMPTOTIC COMBINATORIAL CODING THEORY In Introduction and Chapt.l we describe a number ofknown facts and prove those ofthem which we use in the subsequent chapters. Chapter 2contains the coding theorem and the bounds ofthe reliabilityfunction in list decoding case. In Chapt.3 we introduce problems concerning the estimation of the fraction of codes, which attain the Goblick bound. We also prove there the existence of asymptotically optimal coverings and packings of certain Hamming spaces (with the coordinates of vectors from a finite field) by balls of unit radius. Chapter 4 contains the combinatorial algorithm of suboptimal decoding and half distance decoding of the codes attaining the Varshamov-Gilbert bound. Chapter 5 gives the construction ofthe lower bound ofthe cardinality ofcode, which correct the defects and errors. Chapter 6 contains the solutions of two problems: to find the capacity of pentagon and to derive the formula for the minimal price ofthe code on the combinatorialsources. We hope that the present book will be of interest for a wide range of investigators in combinatorics and students interested in the combinatorial coding theory. The material of the book can be used in a special course of combinatorics. To undestand the present text it is not necessary to resort to other soucers since all necessary auxiliary results and their proofs are given in Introduction. The material of all chapters except Chapts. 4 and 5 can be understood using the facts from Introduction. To understand Chapts.4 and 5 it is necessary to be acquainted with the material of Introduction and Chapter 3. At the end of the chapters we give some problems. Unsolved problems are marked by the asterisk. The book benefited by numerous discussions with colleagues, most notably L. Bassalygo, R. Dobrushin and M. Pinsker. VOLODIA BLINOVSKY IX Notes 1. This work supported by International Science Foundation Grant no.M5E300 INTRODUCTION Volodia Blinovsky All sets considered here are finite. For an arbitrary set F consisting of q q elements, we denote by F; the space ofall sequences with elements from F of q length n with Hamming distance d(.,.) which is defined by the equality n 2:(1- d(x, y) ~ bXi,y,); i=l Thespace F; iscalled the Hammingspace. By Ix 1A= d(O-,x);0- = (0, ...,0),x E F;, we mean the Hamming weight of x. In most cases we suppose that the set F is the field of q elements and use the same notation as above. In the q = case when q 2 we omit q in the notation. The distance between two sets A,B C F; is defined by the equality = d(A, B) min d(x, y). xEX;yEY Denote C~ ~ n(n-l1.)n-i+l1, where n,i E {O, 1,...} (it is called the binomial coefficient). Let rZ1(lzJ), z E R1, be the maximal (minimal) integer which ~ does not exceed (is not less than) z. Denote by ( ) the set of k-element subsets of the set A. There exists the natural bijection between Fn and 2un =A Unk=O (Ukn) ' where Un =A {1,2, ...,n}. Let x = (Xl,""Xn) E n F ;Xii' ...,Xik = 1, and let other coordinates of x be zero. Let Tx = {ii,...,ik}, then the bijection is determined by the relation x ..... Tx. Then d(x,y) =1 TxD.Ty I , where TxD.Ty = (Tx \ Ty)U(Ty \ Tx); x,y E Fn. Let Wnq(r) = C~(q-It be the volumeofthe sphere Cnq(z,r) =A 2:xEF.;';d(x,zl=r x Xl Xli ASYMPTOTIC COMBINATORIAL CODING THEORY with center in z E F; and let Vnq(r) = 2:~=0 C~(q - l)t be the volume ofthe ball Bnq(z, r) ~ 2:~=0Cnq(z, i) with center in z E F;. We use the notation o(n) ,lo(n)1 --+ oo,o(n)jn --+ 0,n --+ 00, which can be different in different formulas. We set Cl'(n) ::::: (3(n) iff 1Cl'(n) 1jC ~I (3(n) I~ C 1Cl'(n) 1for some C and large enough n; Cl'(n) =O((3(n)) iff 1Cl'(n) I~ C 1(3(n) Iand large enough n; = Cl'(n) '" (3(n) iff limn_ ooCl'(n)j(3(n) 1. Here Cl'(n),(3(n) are some sequences. Consider the following problem: let 5 c Fn be the set with cardinality r =LC~. 151= Vn(r) i=O Consider a new set (L- neighborhood ofthe set 5). Statement 1 (Harper, Katona) The following relation is valid: (1.1 ) The proofofthis statement can befound, for example, in [Bolobas, 1986] and it is introduced here for completeness. In the case when r +L ~ n the statement is evident. Suppose that r + L < n. Let 51 be the set on which the min in (1.1 ) is achieved and 52 = Fn\DL(5I). The set 52 consists of points s E Fn whose distance from 51 exceeds L. Let us show that it is possible°to n choose 51 = Bn(1, r),1= (1, ...,1) E F ,then 52 = Bn(O,n - r - L -1), = n (0, ...,0) E F . Suppose that 51:/; Bn(1,r). Let Lis p(5 52) = Lis 1- I· 1, sES, SES2 Note. It iseasy toshow that ifs E Fn,then for 51 ={sU SI;SI E 51, SU SI ~ 5dU{SI; SI E 51,sUSI E 5d and52 ={S2\S;S2 E 52 S2\S ~ 52}U{s2; S2 E 52, S2 \ SE 52} the relations are valid. Let us show that there exist sets 5~,5~ such that d(5L 5~) > L, 15~ = 1 1511,15~1 =1521and p(51,52) < p(5~,5~). Since the number p(51,52) is an

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