ARM Assembly Language Programming & Architecture Muhammad Ali Mazidi Sarmad Naimi Sepehr Naimi Janice Mazidi Copyright © 2013 Mazidis and Naimis All rights reserved (A portion of this book was taken from “The 80x86 IBM PC & Compatible Computers Vol 1 &2: 4th edition” and was previously published by Pearson Education, Inc.) “Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.” Baha’u’llah Dedication To the faculty, staff, and students of BIHE university for their dedication and steadfastness. Preface The ARM processor is becoming the dominant CPU architecture in the computer industry. It is already the leading architecture in cell phones and tablet computers. With such a large number of companies producing ARM chips, it is certain that the architecture will move to the laptop, desktop and high-performance computers currently dominated by x86 architecture from Intel and AMD. Currently the PIC and AVR microcontrollers dominate the 8-bit microcontroller market. The ARM architecture will have a major impact in this area too as designers become more familiar with its architecture. This book is intended as an introduction to ARM assembly language programming and architecture. We assume no prior background in assembly language programming with other CPUs. However, we urge you to study Chapter 0 covering the fundamentals of digital systems such as hexadecimal numbers, various types of memory, memory and I/O interfacing, and memory address decoding. Chapter 0 is available free of charge on our website Universities and colleges This book is intended for both academic and industry readers. The answers to review questions at end of each section are provided at end of the chapter. If you are using this book for a university course there are end-of-chapter problems that can be found on Our upcoming books in the ARM series This book covers the Assembly language programming of the ARM chip. The ARM Assembly language is standard regardless of who makes the chip. The ARM licensees are free to implement the on-chip peripheral (ADC, Timers, I/O, …) as they choose. Since the ARM peripherals are not standard among the various vendors, we have dedicated a separate book to each vendor. The following books are planned in this series: TI ARM Peripheral Programming and Interfacing Freescale ARM Peripheral Programming and Interfacing NXP ARM Peripheral Programming and Interfacing Atmel ARM Peripheral Programming and Interfacing The above books use C language to program the peripherals. Finally, we would like to thank professors Shujen Chen, Rabah Aoufi, and Clyde Knight for their reading of the book before publication. We sincerely appreciate their insights and inputs. We would also like to thank Fada Mahmoudi, Mozhde Amiri, Keyvan Roshani, Azalia Yaghini, Arash Zamani, Parham Fazlali, and Ashkan Farivar for sharing their comments on the prepublication version of this e-book. Contact us at the following email address: [email protected] and please place ARM book in subject line of your email. Table of Contents Chapter 1: The History of ARM and Microcontrollers Section 1.1: Introduction to Microcontrollers Section 1.2: The ARM Family History Problems Answers to Review Questions Chapter 2: ARM Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Section 2.1: The General Purpose Registers in the ARM Section 2.2: The ARM Memory Map Section 2.3: Load and Store Instructions in ARM Section 2.4: ARM CPSR (Current Program Status Register) Section 2.5: ARM Data Format and Directives Section 2.6: Introduction to ARM Assembly Programming Section 2.7: Assembling an ARM Program Section 2.8: The Program Counter and Program ROM Space in the ARM Section 2.9: Some ARM Addressing Modes Section 2.10: RISC Architecture in ARM Section 2.11: Viewing Registers and Memory with ARM Keil IDE Problems Answers to Review Questions Chapter 3: Arithmetic and Logic Instructions and Programs Section 3.1: Arithmetic Instructions Section 3.2: Logic Instructions Section 3.3: Rotate and Barrel Shifter Section 3.4: Shift and Rotate Instructions in ARM Cortex (Case Study) Section 3.5: BCD and ASCII Conversion Problems Answers to Review Questions Chapter 4: Branch, Call, and Looping in ARM Section 4.1: Looping and Branch Instructions Section 4.2: Calling Subroutine with BL Section 4.3: ARM Time Delay and Instruction Pipeline Section 4.4: Conditional Execution Problems Answers to Review Questions Chapter 5: Signed Numbers and IEEE 754 Floating Point Section 5.1: Signed Numbers Concept Section 5.2: Signed Number Instructions and Operations Section 5.3: IEEE 754 Floating-Point Standards Problems: Answers to Review Questions Chapter 6: ARM Memory Map, Memory Access, and Stack Section 6.1: ARM Memory Map and Memory Access Section 6.2: Stack and Stack Usage in ARM Section 6.3: ARM Bit-Addressable Memory Region Section 6.4: Advanced Indexed Addressing Mode Section 6.5: ADR, LDR, and PC Relative Addressing Problems Answers to Review Questions Chapter 7: ARM Pipeline and CPU Evolution Section 7.1: ARM Pipeline Evolution Section 7.2: Other CPU Enhancements Problems Answers to Review Questions Appendix A: ARM Cortex-M3 Instruction Description Section A.1: List of ARM Cortex-M3 Instructions Section A.2: ARM Cortex-M3 Instruction Description Appendix B: ARM Assembler Directives Section B.1: List of ARM Assembler Directives Section B.2: Description of ARM Assembler Directives Appendix C: Macros What is a macro and how is it used? Macros vs. subroutines Appendix D: Flowcharts and Pseudocode Flowcharts Pseudocode Appendix E: Passing Arguments into Functions E.1: Passing arguments through registers E.2: Passing through memory using references E.3: Passing arguments through stack E.4: AAPCS (ARM Application Procedure Call Standard) Appendix F: ASCII Codes