USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE HOW TO LOG IN Step 1: Go to and then go to Quick Links Menu on right side of homepage and select Arihant Backoffice from the dropdown menu (please ensure your pop‐up blocker is disabled before you proceed further). Please note Arihant Backoffice is best viewed in Internet Explorer. Step 2 The first time you log‐in to Online Backoffice, you shall be prompted to download Microsoft Silverlight on your system. Click on “Click now to Install” tab to install and run the same. COMPATIBILITY: Hardware Requirement: Category Requirement Processor Pentium 4 and above Memory Minimum 512MB and higher HDD Minimum 40GB and higher USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE Software Requirement: Category Requirement O.S. Any 32 bit operating system like win 2k,winxp etc Internet Browser IE9, Mozila Firefox, Opera, Googlecrome etc. Step 3 To install, you will have to download and run the file on your system. The following screenshots will guide you to step‐by‐step process to install Microsoft Silverlight on your system: USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE Step 4 Now you shall be directed to the user log‐in page: The inputs in the user log‐in page are categorized into the following sections. Company Name: You will find two companies‐ Arihant Capital Markets Ltd and Arihant Futures Commodities Ltd. Select the respective company that you wish to check the details of. Further, all your transactions are categorized as per financial year, click on the respective year you wish to log into. User Name: This will be your 9 digit backoffice code with Arihant provided to you at the time of opening your account. You can also log in through your terminal code alternatively provide to you. Password: Password is the same as provided to you in a perforated sheet along with the welcome kit at the time of opening the account. If you wish to get the password reset in the future you can e‐mail us at [email protected] or alternatively call us at 0731‐4217154/150. Code Type: Select backoffice or terminal code: whichever you have keyed in while typing user name. Login Type: Select All Login/CDSL Login/NSDL Login as required. When you select All Login, you will be able to view all types of reports while if you select CDSL/NSDL Login you will able to view reports of selected type only. USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE Step 5 Once you log‐in your Account, the home screen of the online backoffice software will appear as below: USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE SWITCH UTILITIES: The table below shows the switch utilities that will appear on the screen after we open various type of reports: Input Description You can use this switch to do full screen mode or vice versa by clicking on it Browser Full Screen You can either hide or unhide Menu Hide Menu Option options by clicking this switch You can Logout from the backcoffice by clicking this switch. Logout You can open favorite menu by clicking this switch. Favorite Menu You can open LD options by clicking this switch. LD Options You can open CDSLoptions by clicking this switch. CDSL You can open NSDLoptions by clicking this switch NSDL USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE REPORTS GUIDE: The online backoffice is divided in following sections for the purpose of various reports. Each one has an independent set or reports as explained below. When you click on any of above options it displays report options. MENU REPORTS AND THEIR DESCRIPTION DASHBOARD You can go to dashboard by going to any of the menu option like Day‐to‐Day, Global Reports‐1, This is your Global Reports‐2 and clicking the same. Dashboard option will appear at the top of the screen. one screen view of all the major reports you would want in client backoffice to get featured. Note: Dashboard option is located at the top centre of the option frame The following reports will feature in the dashboard: that is selected. Financial Statement – This shows your financial ledger for the entire year till date and the running balance in your account. Ultimate Delivery – This will show details of inward/outward position of your holdings to and from your demat account. Global Cash Net O/s – This will show purchase/sale details, market value and realized and unrealised profit/loss of entire transactions undertaken USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE in cash segment. Global Derivative Net O/s ‐ This will show purchase/sale details, market value and realized and unrealised profit/loss of entire transactions undertaken in derivatives segment. NSDL Holding – This will show details of all your holdings kept in your NSDL demat account. CDSL Holding‐ This will show details of all your holdings kept in your CDSL demat account. DAY TO DAY For going to this option, click on Day‐to‐Day: In this section, you will be able to view daily transactions/ delivery details and your bill in cash and derivatives segment. USER GUIDE: ONLINE BACKOFFICE The following screen will appear on your desktop. It contains 10 individual sub‐reports having differ ent tabs located at bottom of the screen: Cash Transaction ‐ It shows details of transactions undertaken in cash segment in detailed and summary view on a particular date. Derivative Transaction ‐ It shows details of transactions undertaken in derivatives segment in detailed and summary view on a particular date. Notional Cash Segment – It shows notional profit in cash segment scrip wise on a particular date. Na optairotnicaull aDre driavtaet.i ve Segment ‐ It shows notional profit in derivatives segment scrip wise on Demat Details ‐ It is a comprehensive report of inflow/outflow taking place from/to client’s demat account for a defined time period showing details of holdings received from/ given to client, pay‐in/pay‐out details, inter‐settlement details, etc Delivery InformationIt shows details of inflow/outflow of securities scrip wise and depository wise. Delivery + Shares Details – It shows scrip details of inward and outward of securities in pool and client demat account on a particular date.