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Archaeometry of Pre-Columbian Sites and Artifacts (Getty Trust Publications: Getty Conservation Institute) PDF

437 Pages·1994·10.34 MB·English
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Pictcurreed its Pre-ColumPboitatne Rreys:e aricnth h eM ayaR egioFni.g u1r,e3 s,5 :D esigfnreodmm a ppsr o­ videcdo urtoefHs eyc tNoerf Rfe,s eaRrecahc tFoarc ilUintiyv,e rosfMi itsys ouCroil,u mbFiiag.u 6r,e s 7:C ourteosfHy e ctNoerf Rfe,s eaRrecahc tFoarc ilUintiyv,e rosfMi itsys ouCroil,u mbFiiag.u 8r:e DSceotst iangd fnBrreaoydm m a ppsr ovided coofRu orbteeLrs.tRy a nds, DepoafrA tnmtehnrto poSloougtyh,e rn IlliUnnoiivse rCsairtbyo,n dFailgeu.9r e,1s 1C :o urteosfRy o beLr.tR andDse,p artmoefn t AnthropoSloougtyh,Ie lrlni Unnoiivse rCsairtbyo,n dFailgeu1.r5 eR: o llopuhto togrcaopphy right JustKienr Kr-,2 20u6s,eb dy p ermissFiiognu2.r1 eR: o llopuhto togrcaopphy riJguhsttK ienr Kr-,5 11, usebdy p ermissFiiognu2.r2 eC: o urteRsiyc haHradn seUnC,L A-RAINPEFGi.g u2r3eR: o llopuhto ­ togracpohp yriJguhsttK ienr Kr-,1 18u5s,eb dy p ermission2.8 D:Fr iagwuicrnoegu rtoefDs oyr iJe. Reents-BFuidgeu2rr9.eR: o llopuhto togrcaopphy riJguhsttK ienr Kr-, 63u3s,e bdy p ermissFiiognu.r e 31R:o llopuhto togrcaopphy riJguhsttK ienr Kr-,6 3u5s,e bdy p ermission. Pre-HispPalnaitci nAulml oFysi.g u1r2eP: h otogrcaopuhr toefRs oyb eSrotn in. LibraorfCy o ngrCeastsa lo1g. uing-inD-aPtuabl ication Archaeomoefpt rrey- Columsbitiaeansnda rtif:pa rcotcseedoifan s gysm posiourmg anibzyte hde UCLAI nstiotfAu rtceh aeoalnodtg hyGe e ttCyo nservaItnisotniLt ousAt neg,e lCeasl,i fornia, Marc2h3 -2179,9/ 2 DaviAd.S coatntdP ietMeery eresd,i tors. p. em. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheirceanlc es. ISBN0 -89236-249-9 1.I ndians-Antiquities2-.AC moenrgirceas-sAenst.i quities3-.CA orncghraeesosleosg.y ­ Methodology-CongrSecsostDetas,v. iA d. IIM.e yerPsi,e t1e9r4,1. - IIUIn.i verosfi ty CalifoLronsAi nag,e lIenss.t iotfu tAer chaeoIlVoG.ge yt.tC yo nservaItnisotni tute. E61A711 994 970.01-dc20 94-18548 CIP Contents Vll Vlll Foreword APrefacne atMnhaSdrtc oeipreoinlacolegs y The Materials Science of Material Culture: Examples from the Andean Past 3 CHeaethLeerc hrtman amics Pre-Columbian Pottery: Research in the Maya Region 15 RonalLd.B ishop Kiln Firing at Batan Grande: Today and in Formative Times 67 UrsWealg ne,rR uperGte bahrdE,n veMrur ad, JosReife deIrzeur,mS ih imaadnaFd,r iWtazg ner Ceramics Among the Hohokam: Modeling Social Organization and Exchange 85 SDaavtiROd.A bnboaobtn Dda dviMnsd.S c haeliler dian New World Obsidian: Recent Investigations 131 MihcaeDl.G lascock Obsidian Artifacts from Oaxaca, Mexico: Source Identification and Hydration Dating 135 ].M ihcaeEll amM,ih caeDl.G lascaoncHdke ,c tNoerff Obsidian from Pueblo Grande, Arizona: Modeling Social and Economic Patterns in Lithic Procurement 161 JaneP eterDsouognl,Ra .sM i tecllha, nMd. S tevSehna ckley v Beads from Sipan: A Functional Analysis 175 LeoanrGdo erliacnkJd o hGnw innett Metals F. C. Silver and Lead in the Late Prehistory of the Mantaro Valley, Peru 183 EllGe.nH owea ndU lriPceht ersen Pre-Hispanic Copper Alloy Production at Batan Grande, Peru: Interpretation of the Analytical Data for Ore Samples 199 ]. Merk,Ie .Sl himadaP., SwannR,. D aonodn an W. Native Copper Technology and Society in Eastern North America 229 S.Te rrCyh ilds Chemical Seriation of Northeastern North American Archaeological Sites Using Copper Artifacts 255 R.G . HVa ncoLc.Ak ,.P avliRs.Mh ., FqaurhaP.r,] J.u liagn,d A.F ox Pre-Columbian Gold Processing at Putushio, South Ecuador: The Archaeometallurgical Evidence 267 ThiRleoh raennMd a thiTlemdmee Pre-Hispanic Platinum Alloys: Their Composition and Use in Ecuador and Colombia 285 DaviAd.S coatntdW a rwiBcrka y Pre-Hispanic Goldwork from the Museo de America, Madrid: A New Set of Analyses 323 SalvaRdoovri ra ArScaiDhntaadete sio nlgo gical A Methodology for the Study of Buried Archaeological Sites 353 LuiBsa rba Exceptional Molecular Preservation in the Fossil Record: The Archaeological, Conservation, and Scientific Challenge 367 NoreTeunro assn Mda rilLy.Fn o gel Stratigraphic Dating and Cultural Sequences of Pre-Hispanic Northern South America 381 Thomavsa n Hdaemrm en vi Coloration in Etowah Textiles from Burial NQ 57 395 LuycR .S iblaenyKd a thrAy.nJ akes Radiocarbon Dates of Teponaztlis from Mexico 419 ReinPerro tvsocZnhi etaennRd a inBeerr ger

Archaeometry is the application of scientific methods and analyses to the study of culture in its archaeological context. Garnered from a conference called to study the material culture from North and South America, the book's twenty essays on a broad range of subjects represent the full scope of st
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