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Identified particle transverse momentum spectra in p+p and d+Au collisions at sqrt{s_NN} = 200 GeV PDF

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Preview Identified particle transverse momentum spectra in p+p and d+Au collisions at sqrt{s_NN} = 200 GeV

Identified particle transverse momentum spectra in p+p and d+Au collisions at √s = 200 GeV NN Pawan Kumar Netrakanti (for STAR COLLABORATION) VariableEnergyCyclotronCentre,Kolkata 6 Abstract. Thetransversemomentum(pT)spectraforidentifiedchargedpions,protonsandanti-protonsfromp+pandd+Au 0 collisionsaremeasured around midrapidity (y <0.5) over therange of 0.3< pT <10GeV/cat√sNN =200 GeV. The | | 0 chargedpionandproton+anti-protonspectraathigh pTinp+pcollisionshavebeencomparedwiththenext-to-leadingorder 2 perturbativequantumchromodynamic(NLOpQCD)calculationswithaspecificfragmentationscheme.The p/p +and p¯/p − hasbeenstudiedathigh p .Thenuclearmodificationfactor(R )showsthattheidentifiedparticleCronineffectsaround T dAu n midrapidityaresignificantlynon-zero forchargedpionsandtobeeven largerforprotonsatintermediate pT (2< pT <5 a GeV/c). J Keywords: Particleproduction,perturbativequantumchromodynamics,fragmentationfunction 8 PACS: 25.75.-q,25.75.Dw,24.85.+p 1 1 INTRODUCTION v 2 Thestudyofidentifiedhadronspectraatlargetransverse 102 p+p STAR (p + + p -)/2 2 0 momentum(pT)in p+pcollisionscanbeusedtotestthe 3) STAR (p + p)/2 X 0.1 c 1 predictions from perturbative quantum chromodynam- -2V 1 AKKNLO 0 ics (pQCD) [1]. Comparisons between experimentally e 6 measured p spectra and theory can help to constrain G STAR Preliminary 0 thequarkanTdgluonfragmentationfunctions.Withinthe mb 10-2 x/ framework of pQCD, the expected initial-state nuclear 3 (p e effectsind+Aucollisionsaremultiplescattering(Cronin d 10-4 l- effect[2])andshadowingofthepartondistributionfunc- 3s / m =pT/2 uc tion. The studyof the nuclearmodificationfactor(RdAu) Ed 10-6 willhelpusinunderstandingthenucleareffectsinvolved v:n isntradi+nsApuarctoicllliesipornosd.uTchtieonpamrtoidcleelsraatnidosalastohgigivhespuTnciqoune- 10-80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7m =28pT 9 10 i X dataonFFratios,althoughextractionofthisinformation ismodel-dependent.Forexample, p/p +reflectstherel- Transverse Momentum (p ) (GeV/c) r T a ative probability of a parton to fragment into proton or pion at high pT [3]. The above aspects have been dis- FIGURE1. Midrapidityinvariantyieldsfor(p ++p )/2and − cussedinthismanuscript. (p+p¯)/2athighp forminimumbiasp+pcollisionscompared T toresultsfromNLOpQCDcalculationsusingAKK[12](PDF: CTEQ6M) set of fragmentation functions. The calculations EXPERIMENT AND ANALYSIS from AKK are for three different factorization scales: m = pT/2,m =pT,andm =2pT. The detectors used in the present analysis are the Time Projection Chamber (TPC), the Time-Of-Flight (TOF) has been described in Ref. [7].For p >2.5 GeV/c, we detector, a set of trigger detectors used for obtaining T usedatafromtheTPC.Particleidentificationatp inthe the minimum bias data, and the Forward Time Projec- T TPCcomesfromtherelativisticriseoftheionizationen- tion Chamber (FTPC) for the collision centrality deter- ergyloss(rdE/dx).Detailsofthemethodaredescribed mination in d+Au collisions in STAR experiment. The inRef.[8]. detailsof the designandothercharacteristicsofthe de- tectors can be found in Ref. [4]. The data from TOF is usedtoobtaintheidentifiedhadronspectrafor p <2.5 T GeV/c.Theprocedureforparticleidentificationin TOF 3.0 duction.Itisdefinedasaratiooftheinvariantyieldsof p M.B. theproducedparticlesind+Aucollisionstothoseinp+p 2.5 p+p M.B. collisions scaled by the underlyingnumber of nucleon- ) h M.B. |h |<0.5 nucleonbinarycollisions. 5 2.0 . <0 d2NdAu/dydpT y| 1.5 RdAu(pT) = N /s ineld2s /dydp , (| h bini pp pp T u 1.0 A where N is the average number of binary nucleon- Rd nucleonh(NbinNi)collisionsperevent,and N /s inelisthe 0.5 STAR Preliminary h bini pp nuclearoverlapfunctionT (b)[5,6].Thes inel istaken A pp 0.0 tobe42mb. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In Fig. 2 shows the RdAu for charged pions ((p ++p )/2) and combined proton and anti-proton Transverse Momentum p (GeV/c) − T (p+p¯)inminimum-biascollisionsat y <0.5.TheRdAu | | > 1 indicates a slight enhancementof high p charged T pions yields in d+Au collisions compared to binary FIGURE 2. Nuclear modification factor R for charged dAu collision scaled charged pion yields in p+p collisions pions(p ++p )/2andp+p¯at y <0.5inminimumbiasd+Au collisions.For−comparisonresu|lt|soninclusivechargedhadrons within the measured (y, pT) range. The RdAu for p+p¯ (STAR)fromRef.[5]at h <0.5areshown.Theshadedband is again greater than unity for pT > 1.0 GeV/c and is isthenormalizationunce|rta|intyfromtriggerandluminosityin larger than that of the charged pions. The RdAu results p+pandd+Aucollisions. foridentifiedparticleshasalsobeencomparedtothein- clusivechargedhadrons.Theuncertaintyindetermining the numberofbinarycollisionsin d+Au minimum-bias COMPARISONTO NLO PQCDAND collisionsis 5.3%. ∼ MODEL CALCULATIONS In Fig. 1 we compare (p + + p )/2 and (p+p¯)/2 yields PARTICLERATIO − in minimumbias p+pcollisionsatmidrapidityforhigh pT to those from NLO pQCD calculations. The NLO The p/p + and p¯/p − atmidrapidityasa functionof pT pQCD resultsare based oncalculationsperformedwith forp+pandd+Auminimumbiascollisionsareshownin Albino-Kniehl-Kramer(AKK)setoffragmentationfunc- Fig.3.AtRHIC,thep/p +andp¯/p −ratiosincreasewith tions [12]. We observe that our charged pion data for pT up to 2 GeV/c and then start to decrease for higher pT > 2 GeV/c in p+p collisions are reasonably well- pT in both p+p and d+Au collisions. The p¯/p − ratio explained by the NLO pQCD calculations using the rapidlyapproachesavalueof0.2,whichisalsoobserved AKK set of FFs. The calculations for the factorization in e++e− collisions for both quark and gluon jets [9]. scales of m = p /2, m = p , and m = 2p have been The p/p + ratios in p+p collisions compare well with T T T shown. The combined proton and anti-proton yield in results from lower energy ISR and FNAL fixed target p+p is lower comparedto NLO pQCD calculations us- experiments[10,11],while p¯/p −ratiosathigh pT have ing AKK FFs for the factorization scale m = p . The astrongenergydependencewithlargervaluesathigher T (p+p¯)/2 yield in p+p collisions, however,is reasonably beamenergies. well-explainedbyAKKsetofFFsfor m =2p .Forthe T firsttimeinp+pcollisionsweobserveareasonablygood SUMMARY agreementbetween the NLO pQCD calculations(using AKK FFs) and data at high p . This reflects the im- T portanceoftheflavor-separatedmeasurementsine++e We have measured the transverse momentum spectra − collisions in determining the FFs to baryons as used in for identified charged pions, protons and anti-protons AKKFFscalculation. from p+p and d+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV around midrapidity (y < 0.5) over the range of 0.3 < | | p < 10 GeV/c. For particle identification we use the T NUCLEAR MODIFICATIONFACTOR ionizationenergylossanditsrelativisticriseintheTime Projection Chamber and the Time-of-Flight in STAR. The nuclear modification factor (R ) can be used to The charged pions, combined proton and anti-proton dAu study the effectsof cold nuclearmatter on particle pro- spectra in p+p and collisions have been compared to calculations with the next-to-leading order perturbative 1.0 p/p + p+p :STAR 200 GeV p/p - d+Au:STAR 200 GeV 0.8 p+p :ISR 53 GeV STAR Preliminary p+W :FNAL 38.8 GeV 0.6 0.4 0.2 STAR Preliminary 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Transverse Momentum p (GeV/c) T FIGURE3. Ratioof p/p +and p¯/p −atmidrapidity(y <0.5)asafunctionof pTin p+pandd+Auminimumbiascollisions. ForcomparisontheresultsfromlowerenergiesatISRa|nd|FNALarealsoshownfor p/p + and p¯/p .Theerrorsrepresentedby − boxesarethepoint–to–pointsystematic. QCDcalculationswithaspecificfragmentationscheme. REFERENCES The NLO pQCD calculation explains the high p data T for charged pions reasonably well for p > 2 GeV/c 1. J.C.Collins,D.E.SoperandG.StermaninA.H.Muller T in p+pcollisions.The p+p¯ spectraarereasonablywell- edited,PerturbativeQuantumChromodynamics(World Scientific,1989)andAdv.Ser.Direct.HighEnergyPhys. explained for the first time by NLO pQCD calculation 5(1988)1;G.Stermanetal.,Rev.Mod.Phys.67(1995) usingtheAKKsetofFFswiththefactorizationscaleof 157. m =2pT.Animproveddescriptionofexperimentaldata 2. D.Antreasyanetal.,Phys.Rev.D19(1979)764. in RHIC’s p+p collisions by AKK FFs, which comes 3. P.B.Straubetal.,Phys.Rev.D45(1992)3030. fromNLOpQCDfitstotheflavorseparatede++e data, 4. K.H.Ackermanetal.,Nucl.Instrum.MethodsPhys.Res. − is extremely interesting. These findings may provide a Sect.A499(2003)624. 5. STARCollaboration,J.Adamset.al,Phys.Rev.Lett.91 better foundation for applications of jet quenching and (2003)072304. quark recombination models to explain the phenomena 6. 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