Approximation Theorems in Commutative Algebra Mathematics and Its Applications (East European Series) Managing Editor: M. HAZEWINKEL Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Editorial Board: A. BIALYNICKI-BIRULA, Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw University, Poland H. KURKE, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany J. KURZWEIL, Mathematics Institute, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia L. LEINDLER, Bolyai Institute, Szeged, Hungary L. LOVÄSZ, Bolyai Institute, Szeged, Hungary D. S. MITRINOVIC, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia S. ROLEWICZ, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland BL. H. SENDOV, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria I. T. TODOROV, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria H. TRIEBEL, University of Jena, Germany Volume 59 Approximation Theorems in Commutative Algebra Classical and Categorical Methods by J. Alajbegovic Department of Mathematics, RM1T, Melbourne, Australia and J. Mockof Department of Mathematics, University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czechoslovakia SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Alajbegovic , Jusuf H., 1951- Approximation theorems i n commutative algebr a : classica l and categorica l methods / Jusuf H. Alajbegovic , Jir i Mockor. p. cm. — (Mathematics and it s applications . East European serie s ; v. 59) Includes bibliographica l reference s and indexes. ISBN 978-94-010-5204-7 ISBNN 978-94-011-2716-5 (eBook) DOII 10.1007/978-94-011-2716-5 1. Commutative rings . 2. Approximatio n theory . I . Mockor, Jiri . II . Title . III . Series . Mathematics and it s application s (Kluwer Academci Publishers) . East European serie s ; v. 59. QA251.3.A38 1992 512.4—dc20 92-26603 All Rights Reserved © 1992 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academci Publishers in 1992 as specified on appropriate pages within. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanica,l including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. To our parents SERIES EDITOR'S PREFACE ClDo _ IIIIIIIoaIIIics bu _ die 'EI JDDi, ••• sij'_ .. ..-... _. je _ ..... lIbupalaJllllllllll __ D'y_poa~: dwlbecaleu ilty b_eIoap. _... die .• ._ "...,.. _ _DOD to .~ 1110 _ is dioapaI; -..e _ may be EricT.BeD IbIetodo--'_iL O.1feaoriIide Mathematics is a tool for dloogIrt. A bighly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and noolineari ties abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of IIIIIIhcmatiI:s serve as tools for odIcr parts and for ocher sci eoccs. Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds suc:h stalements as: 'One ser vice topology has rcncIerM mathematical physics .. .'; 'One service logic has rendered computer science .• .'; 'One service category theory has rmdcn:d mathematics ... '. All arguably true. And all statements obrainable this way form part of the raison d'etm of this series. This series, Mathmlatics tDIII Its Applications, saaned in 1977. Now that over one hundred volumcs have appeared it seems opportune to reexamine its scope. AI. the time I wrote "Growing spccialization and divenification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks on incJeasingly specialized topics. However, the 'tree' of knowledge of JJJatbcmatics and reIatcd ficIds docs not grow only by putting forth new bnDdIcs. It also happens, quite often in fact, that brancbes which were thought to be comp1etcly disparate am suddenly seen to be rdatcd. Furtbc:r, the kind and 1cvc1 of sopbisIication of mathematics applied in various sci ences has changed drasIic:ally in nx:mt yean: _ theory is used (non-trivially) in Rgional and tbcoretic:al ec:clIlOIDica; algelnic geomcuy inlClllCts with physics; the Minkowsky 1cmma, coding theory and the structure of water meet ODe another in pding and covering theory; quantum fields, crystal clefects and f!!8thcmatical programming profit from homotopy theory; Lie algebras am rdcvant to fikc:ring; and prediction and dccuil:al engineering can usc Stein spaces. And in addition to this there am suc:h new emerging subdilciplincs as 'experi mental mathematics', 'CPO', 'completdy integrable systems', '~synergetics and large scale order', which am almost impossible to fit into the existing classificarioo schemes. They draw upon widely different sections of mathematics .. By and large, all this IIlill applies today. It is still true that at first sight mathematics seems rather frag mented and that to find, sec, and exploit the cIecpc{ underlying iDteneIations more effort is nccdcd and so am books that can bclp mathcmatic:ians and scicnIists do so. Accordingly MIA will continue to tty to make suc:h boob available. If anything, the dcac:ription I gave in 1977 is DOW an undcnIatcmcnL To the cumplcs of interaction areas one sbouId add string theory where Riemaon smfacca, algebraic: gcomcay, modular functions, knots, quantum field theory, Kac-Moody algebras, IDOIIIUOUI moonshine (and _) all come togcthc:r. And to the cumples of things which can be usefully applied let me add the topic 'finite geometry'; a combination of words which sounds like it might not cvm exist. let alone be applicable. And yet it is being applied: to statistics via designs, to radar/sorw detection mays (via finite projective planes), and to bus connections of VLSI chips (via diffcn:ucc sets). 1beIe seems to be DO part of (so-c:allt:d JlIIR') mathemarics that is not in immediate danger of being applied. And, aa:onIingly, the applied matbcmatic:ian needs to be awam of much more. Besides analysis and numerics, the traditional woddtorscs, he may nced~ kinds of combina tories, algebra, probability, and so on. In addition, the applied scientist needs to cope increasingly with the nonIincar world and the extra mathematical sophistication that this requires. For that is where the rewards are. Linear models are honest and a bit sad and depressing: proportional efforts and resuIts. It is in the noniinear world that infinitesimal inputs may resuIt in macroscopic outputs (or vice vena). To appreciate what I am hinting at: if electronics were linear we would have no fun with transistors and computers; we would have no TV; in fact you would nOl be reading these lines. There is also no safety in ignoring such outlandish things as nonstandard analysis, supcrspacc and anticommuting integration, p-adic and ultnunctric space. All thRC have applications in both electrical engineering and physics. Once, complex numbers were cquaIly outlandish, but they frequently proved the monesl path bcIwcc:n 'rea!' results. Similarly, the tint IWO topics named have already provided a number of •w ormhole , paths. There is no telling where all this is leading -fortunately. Thus the original scope of the series, whiclI for various (sound) reasons now comprises five subscrics: while (Japan), yellow (OJina), red (USSR), bluc (Eastern Europe), and green (everything else), still applies. II has been enlarged a bit to include books treating of the tools from one subdiscipline which are used in others. Thus the series still aims at books dealing with: a cenlIal concept which plays an imponant role in scvCJal different mathematical and/or scientific specialization areas; new applications of the results and ideas from one area of scientific endeavour into another, inftucnces which the results, problems and concepts of one field of enquiry have, and have had, on the development of another. _1_ The sboneII podl _ IWO IN. ... ill die real NeYer __, fex110 ODe e'I. . _1bom; domaiD puoeslllrouP die """",Ie:.< domaiD. die oaly ill my 1iInry .... _ J._ ..... _folk ......... mo. _ .. PnDce La physique De ""'" _ pu .. I'oc:cuioo de _ des JIfOb- ... die The t.cdoDof ......... ia _10 be _ ..... __ poopIo, boll 10 be _ for DIllIe ...... foil presICIIIir Ia solulioa. H._ sopIIiJIicaIod -. Busswn, 1992 Michicl Hazcwinkcl Contents Preface xiii PART I CLASSICAL METHODS 1 APPROXIMATION THEOREMS FOR VALUATIONS ON FIELDS 3 1.1 Introduction to Valuation Theory 3 Partially ordered groups · .. 3 Valuations on fields ...... 6 1.2 Approximation Theorems for Krull Valuations 11 Weak approximation theorems. . . . . . . 11 Approximation theorems .......... 15 Approximation theorems and upper classes. 18 Approximation theorems for Priifer domains 25 Approximation theorems for Priifer rings of Krull type 29 Extensions of approximation theorems 34 1.3 Applications in Topological Rings . . . . . . . . . 37 2 VALUATIONS ON COMMUTATIVE RINGS 49 2.1 Basic Properties of the Manis Valuation 50 Rings of quotients ........ 50 Large quotient rings ....... 51 Definition of the Manis valuation 52 Comparison of valuations 57 Some useful inequalities · . 64 2.2 R-Priifer Rings ......... 66 Definition of R-Priifer rings 66 R-Priifer valuation rings · . 69 2.3 Valuations with the Inverse Property 72 Definition and basic properties 72 Comparison of valuations with the inverse property 75 x CONTENTS Inequalities for valuations with the inverse property . 77 The independence of valuations . . . . . 80 R-Priifer rings and the inverse property 85 2.4 Approximation Theorems .......... 89 Compatibility conditions . . . . . . . . . 90 Approximation theorem in the neighborhood of zero 92 General approximation theorem . . . . . 98 R-Priifer rings and families of valuations . . . . . . 110 3 ORDERED GROUPS AND HOMOMORPHISMS 127 3.1 Groups of Divisibility ... 127 Lattice-ordered groups ..... . 127 Groups of divisibility . . . . . . . 135 3.2 Groups with the Theory of Divisors . 146 4 APPROXIMATION THEOREMS FOR MULTI STRUCTURES 159 4.1 Introduction to Multirings .. 160 Basic facts about m-rings 160 m-valuations ...... . 167 4.2 Approximation Theorem for Multirings 175 4.3 Introduction to d-Groups . ...... . 187 4.4 Approximation Theorems for d-Groups . 200 PART II CATEGORICAL METHODS 5 CATEGORICAL LOGIC 211 5.1 Topoi and Sheaves ......... . 211 5.2 Interpretation of Logic in Categories 230 The syntax of L. . . . . . . . 230 The semantic of L ..... . 231 Interpretations as subobjects 235 Interpretations as morphisms 237 Relations between interpretations 239 Canonical language and its interpretation 247 5.3 Axioms Valid in Interpretations of Logic in Categories 250 Example of completeness. . 250 Examples of valid sequents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 CONTENTS Xl 6 APPROXIMATION THEOREMS IN CATEGORIES 263 6.1 Models of a Theory of Approximation Theorems. 263 Approximation theorems in algebras . 263 Approximation theorems in categories 268 6.2 Approximation Theorems and Sheaves 277 e-sheaves ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 e-sheaves over cofinal subsets ..... 281 6.3 Relations between Approximation Theorems 288 Derived approximation theorems .... 288 Construction of derived approximation theorems . 301 Examples ..................... . 304 Bibliography 307 Index of Notation 317 Index 327