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Preview Applying DCOP to User Association Problem in Heterogeneous Networks with Markov Chain Based Algorithm

Applying DCOP to User Association Problem in Heterogeneous Networks with Markov Chain Based Algorithm Peibo Duan∗, Guoqiang Mao∗†‡§, Changsheng Zhang¶ and Bin Zhang¶ ∗School of Computing and Communications University of Technology, Sydney, Australia †Data61 Australia §Beijing Unriversity of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China 7 §School of Electronic Information Communications, Huazhong Unriversity of Science Technology, Wuhan, China 1 ¶School of Computer Application 0 2 Northeastern University Bin Zhang is the correspondence author n a J 5 Abstract—Multi-agent systems (MAS) is able to characterize DCOP model [7] 3) the application of DCOP in modeling ] the behavior of individual agent and the interaction between environmental systems, such as sensor networks [8], [9], [10], A agents.Thus,itmotivatesustoleveragethedistributedconstraint [11], disaster evacuation [12], traffic control [13], [14] and optimization problem (DCOP), a framework of modeling MAS, M resource allocation [15], [16], [3]. In this paper, we take to solve the user association problem in heterogeneous networks . (HetNets). Two issues we have to consider when we take DCOP more attention to the application of DCOP. More precisely, s into the application of HetNet including: (i) How to set up an we leverage DCOP to solve user association problem in the c effectivemodelbyDCOPtakingaccountofthenegtiveimpactof downlink of multi-tier heterogeneous networks with the aim [ theincrementofusersonthemodelingprocess(ii)Whichkindof to assign mobile users to different base stations in different 1 algorithmsismoresuitabletobalancethetimeconsumptionand tiers while satisfying the QoS constraint on the rate required v thequalityofsoltuion.Aimingtoovercometheseissues,wefirstly 9 come up with an ECAV-η (Each Connection As Variable) model by each user. 8 in which a parameter η with an adequate assignment (η=3 in is generally regarded as a resource allocation problem [17], 2 thispaper)isabletocontrolthescaleofthemodel.Afterthat,a [18],[19],[20]inwhichtheresourceisdefinedbytheresource 1 Markovchain(MC)basedalgorithmisproposedonthebasisof blocks(RBs).Inthiscase,themoreRBsallocatedtoauser,the 0 log-sum-expfunction.Experimentalresultsshowthatthesolution largerrateachievedbytheuser.Themethodstosolvetheuser . obtained by DCOP framework is better than the one obtained 1 bytheMax-SINRalgorithm.ComparingwiththeLagrangedual associationproblemaredividedintocentralizedcontrolledand 0 decomposition based method (LDD), the solution performance distributed controlled. With regard to the centralized way, a 7 has been improved since there is no need to transform original centralentityissetuptocollectinformation,andthenusedto 1 problem into a satisfied one. In addition, it is also apparent that decide which particular BS is to serve which user according : v the DCOP based method has better robustness than LDD when to the collected information. A classical representation of i the number of users increases but the available resource at base X stations are limited. centralized method is Max-SINR [21]. Distributed controlled methodsattractconsiderableattentioninlastdecadesincethey r a I. INTRODUCTION donotrequireacentralentityandallowBSsanduserstomake of agent and the cooperation between agents in Multi-agent autonomous user association decisions by themselves through System (MAS), a framework, named distributed constraint the interaction between BSs and users. Among all available optimization problem (DCOP) in terms of constraints that methods, the methods based on Lagrange dual decomposation are known and enforced by distinct agents comes into being (LDD) [20] and game theory [22] have better performance. with it. In last decade, the research effort of DCOP has been Hamidreza and Vijay [20] put forward a unified distributed dedicatedonthefollowingthreedirections:1)thedevelopment algorithm for cell association followed by RBs distribution in of DCOP algorithms which are able to better balance the a k-tier heterogeneous network. With aid of LDD algorithm, computational complexity and the accuracy of solution, such the users and BSs make their respective decisions based on as large neighborhood search method [1]; Markov Chain local information and a global QoS, expressed in terms of MonteCarlosamplingmethod[2][3]anddistributedjunction minimumachievablelong-termrate,isachieved.However,the tree based method [4] 2) the extension of classical DCOP constraintrelaxationandthebacktrackinalmosteachiteration model in order to make it more flexible and effective for areneededtoavoidoverloadattheBSs.Inaddition,aswewill practicalapplication,suchasexpectedregretDCOPmodel[5], show later, the number of out-of-service users will increase multi-variable agent decomposition model [6] and dynamic since a user always selects a best-rate thereby taking up a large number of RBs and leaving less for others. Nguyen and A. DCOP Bao [22] proposed a game theory based method in which the The definitions of DCOP have a little difference in differ- users are modeled as players who participate in the game ent literatures [26], [4], [5] 1. In this paper, we formalize of acquiring resources. The best solution is the one which the DCOP as a four tuples model < A,V,D,C > where can satisfy Nash equilibrium (NE). Loosely speaking, such A = {a ,a ,...,a } consists of a set of agents, V = 1 2 |A| solution is only a local optima. In addition, it is difficult to {v ,v ,...,v } is the set of variables in which each variable 1 2 n guarantee the quality of the solution. v ∈ V only belongs to an agent a ∈ A. Each variable has i thereisnoresearchofmodelinguserassociationproblemas a finite and discrete domain where each value represents a MAS. However, some similar works have been done focusing possible state of the variable. All the domains of different on solving the resource management problem in the field variables consist of a domain set D ={d ,d ,...,d }, where 1 2 n of wireless networks or cognitive radio network [23], [24], d is the domain of v . A constraint c∈C ={c ,c ,...,c } i i 1 2 |C| [25] by DCOP framework. These methods can not be directly is defined as a mapping from the assignments of m variables appliedtouserassociationproblemmainlyduetothescaleof to a positive real value: the models for these practical applications is relatively small. For instance, Monteiro [24] formalized the channel allocation R(c):d ×d ×···d →R+ (1) i1 i2 im inawirelessnetworkasaDCOPwithnomorethan10agents considered in the simulation parts. However, the amount of The purpose of a DCOP is to find a set of assignments of users and resource included in a HetNet is always hundreds all the variables, denoted as X∗, which maximize the utility, and thousands. In this case, a good modeling process along namely the sum of all constraint rewards: with a suitable DCOP algorithm is necessary. According to (cid:88) the in-depth analysis above, it motivates us to explore a good argmax R(c) (2) way to solve user association problem by DCOP. The main X∗ C contributions of this paper are as follows: B. System Model of User Association Problem • An ECAV (Each Connection As Variable) model is pro- Consider a k-tier HetNet where all the BSs in the same tier posedformodelinguserassociationproblemusingDCOP havethesameconfigurations.Forexample,atwo-tiernetwork framework. In addition, we introduce a parameter η with including a macro BS (B ) and a femto BS, (B ), is shown in 1 2 which we can control the scale (the number of variables Fig.1.ThesetofallBSsisdenotedasB ={B ,B ,...,B } 1 2 NB and constriants) of the ECAV model. where NB is the total number of BSs. All the BSs in the • A DCOP algorithm based on Markov chain (MC) is kth tier transmit with the same power Pk. The total number proposed which is able to balance the time consumption of users is denoted by NU and the set of all users is U = and the quality of the solution. {U ,U ,...,U }. 1 2 NU • The experiments are conducted which show that the With OFDMA technology in LTE-Advanced networks, the results obtained by the proposed algorithm have supe- resource, time-frequency, is divided into blocks where each rior accuracy compared with the Max-SINR algorithm. block is defined as a resource block (RB) including a certain Moreover, it has better robustness than the LDD based time duration and certain bandwidth [17]. In this paper, the algorithm when the number of users increases but the resource configured at each BS is in the format of RB so available resource at base stations are limited. that its available RBs are decided by the bandwidth and the scheduling interval duration allocated to that BS. We assume The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section theBSsintheHetNetsharethetotalbandwidthsuchthatboth II, the definition of DCOP and the system model of user intra- and inter-tier interference exist when the BSs allocate associationproblemalongwithitsmixedintegerprogramming RBs to the users instantaneously. formulationarebrieflyintroduced.InSectionIII,weillustrate Assuming the channel state information is available at the the ECAV-η model. After that, a MC based algorithm is BSs, the SINR experienced by user U , served by B in the j i designed in section IV. We explore the performance of the kth tier is given by DCOP framework by comparing with the Max-SINR and LDD methods in Section V. Finally, Section VI draws the P g SINR = k ij (3) conclusion. ij (cid:80) P g +BN Bl∈B/{Bi} k ij 0 In (3), g is the channel power gain between U and B , ij j i B/{B } represents all the BSs in B except B , B is the i i II. PRELIMINARY bandwidthandN isnoisepowerspectraldensity.Thechannel 0 power gain includes the effect of both path loss and fading. Path loss is assumed to be static and its effect is captured in This section expounds the DCOP framework and system modelofuserassociationproblemalongwithitsmixedinteger 1[26] formalized the DCOP as a three tuples model. [4] adopted a four- programming formulation. tuplesmodelwhile[5]usedafivetuplesmodel (a) AsimpleinstanceofHetNet (b) ECAVmodel Fig.1. AsimpleinstanceofHetNetwithECAVmodeling the average value of the channel power gain, while the fading commonly used formulation as follows is assumed to follow the exponential distribution. From the above, the efficiency of user U powered by BS (cid:88)(cid:88) j maximize F = x r (8a) ij ij B , denoted as e , is calculated as i ij i∈Bj∈U (cid:88) s.t. x r (cid:62)γ,∀U ∈U (8b) ij ij j eij =log2(1+SINRij) (4) i∈B (cid:88) x n (cid:54)N ,∀B ∈B (8c) ij ij i i GiventhebandwidthB,timedurationT andthescheduling j∈U intervalΓ configuredateachRB,weattaintheunitrateatUj (cid:88)x (cid:54)1,∀U ∈U (8d) ij j upon one RB as follows i∈B n ∈{0,1,...,N },∀B ∈B,∀U ∈U (8e) ij i i j BTe uij = Γ ij (5) xij ∈{0,1},∀Bi ∈B,∀Uj ∈U (8f) The first constraint ensures the rate QoS requirement from On the basis of formula (5), the rate received at U with users. Constraint (8c) indicates that the amount of RBs con- j n RBs provided by B in the kth tier is sumed at the same BS is no more than the total RBs N ij i i configurated at the BS. Constraint (8d) guarantees one user associated with a unique BS. Constraint (8e) guarantees the r =n u (6) ij ij ij number of RBs a BS allocates to a user falls within the range from zero and N . The last constraint (8f) guarantees the i Associated with each user is a quality-of-service (QoS) connection between a user and a BS has two states denoted constraint. This is expressed as the minimum total rate the by a binary variable. The objective function (8a) refers to the user should receive. Denoting the rate requiremnt of the jth sum of rate rather than a function acted on the rate such as user by γj, the minimum number of RBs required to satisfy U(xijrij) (e.g. U(x)=log(1+x)) in some references. Gen- γj is calculated by: erally, two phases are needed to gain the solution including: 1) transforming original problem into a satisfied one through nij =(cid:100)γj (cid:101) (7) relaxing Constraint (8e) by nij ∈ {0,nimjin}; 2) the left RBs min u ineachBSwillbeallocatedtousersinordertomaximizethe ij objective function. in which (cid:100)·(cid:101) is a ceiling function. III. FORMULATIONWITHDCOP In this section, we expound and illustrate the ECAV model C. Mixed Integer Programming Formulation along with its modified version ECAV-η. A. ECAV Model The formulations of user association problem by mixed linear programming are similar in a series of papers (see Before giving the formulation based on DCOP, we firstly the survey literature [19]). in this paper, we present a more introduce the definition of candidate BS: Definition1. wedeclareB ,i∈BisacandidateBSofU ,j ∈ thesame,denotedas{B ,B },whilethecandidateBSsofU i j 1 2 3 U if the rate at U is above the threshold γ with nij RBs and U are respectively {B } and {B }. We assume the total j min 4 1 2 provided by B . Simultaneously, nij should be less than the RBsconfiguratedatB andB is8and10.Forsimplicity,we i min 1 2 total number of RBs (N ) configurated at B . assumetherateofeachuserservedbyoneRBprovidedbyB i i 1 is0.8bit/s.And1bit/sofeachuserisservedbyB .Then,the After confirming the set of candidate BSs of U ,j ∈ U, 2 j ECAVmodelisshowninFig.1(b).Therearetwoagentsnamed denoted by, CBj, Uj sends messages to its candidate BSs so A and A . The variables in A are V1,V2 and V3 where Vj thateachB ,i∈NBgetsknowledgeofitspossibleconnected 1 2 1 1 1 1 i i refers to a connection between user U and B . Similarly, the users. We define each possible connection between U and its j i j variablesinA areV1,V2andV4.Assumingthethresholdrate candidate BS B as a variable, denoted by Vj. In this case, 2 2 2 2 i i is 3 bit/s, we can calculate that at least (cid:100) 3 (cid:101)=4 RBs needed all the variables are divided into NB groups according to the 0.8 for the users served by B , thus the domain of each variable 1 potentialconnectionbetweenusersanddifferentBSs.Thedo- in A is {0,4,...,8}. Also, the domain of each variable in mainofeachvariableVj,denotedbyDj ={0,nij ,...,N }, 1 i i min i A is {0,3,...,10}. The black lines in each agent are two where Vj = 0 if no RB is allocated to U , otherwise, 2 i j 3-nry intra-constraints, thus C = {C1 ,C2 }. The Vj (cid:62) nij . We define each group as an agent. Thus, an intra intra intra i min red lines connecting two agents are two intra-constraints, thus n-ary constraint exists among n variables (intra-constraint) to C ={C1 ,C2 }.WeuseC1 andC1 toillustrate guaranteethatthereisnooverloadatB .Notethatausermay inter inter inter intra inter i how the reward of constraint works in different conditions. have more than one candidate BS, there are constraints (inter- Considering C1 , the reward is −∞ when all the variables constraints) connecting the variables affiliated to different intra associated with C1 have the same assignment 4. Thus the agents on account of the assumption that a unique connection intra total number of RBs consumed by three users is 12 which is exists between a user and a BS. Generally speaking, the more than 8 RBs configurated at B . Otherwise, the reward 1 utility (objective) function in the DCOP model is the sum is 0.8 × 4 × 3 = 9.6 (bit/s) calculated according to (6). of constraint rewards which reflects the degree of constraint Considering C1 , the reward is −∞ when the assignment violations. We define the reward R(c) of inter- and intra- inter of V1 is 3 and the assignment of V1 is 4 because it means constraints in the ECAV model as follows. For ∀c∈C 2 1 inter U will connect with more than one BSs (B and B ), which 2 1 2 violates the assumption of unique connection. Otherwise, the (cid:40) −∞, ∃Vj1,Vj2 ∈ψ(c),Val(Vj1/j2)>(09a) reward is 0 (9b)). If there is no constraint violated, the final R(c)= i i i utility calculated by the objective function is the total rate in 0, Otherwise (9b) the whole HetNet (constraint (10b)). For ∀c∈C intra B. ECAV-η Model R(c)=  −∞, (cid:80)Vij∈ψcVal(Vij)>(1N0ia) ageTnhtes asncadlecoonfstarnainEtCs,AiVs remlaotdeedl,toretfheerrninugmtboerthoefnuusemrsb,eBr Sosf (cid:88)  Vji∈ψ(c)rij, otherwise (10b) and the candidate BSs hold at each user. However, some candidate BSs of the user can be ignored because these In constraint (9a), ψ(c) is the subset of variables connected BSs are able to satisfy the requirement of the user but with by constraint c. Val(Vij) represents the assignment of Vij. A massive RBs consumed. It can be illustrated by the number reward(weuse−∞inthispaper)isassignedtotheconstraints of RBs a BS allocate to a user is inversely proportional to the if there at least two variables are non-zero at the same time geographicaldistancebetweenthem.Inthisway,weintroduce (unique connection between a user and a BS). Otherwise, the a parameter η with which we limit the number of candidate reward is equal to zero. In constraint (10a), the reward is −∞ BSs of each user is no more than η. The following algorithms once there is a overload at the BS. Otherwise, the reward is present the selection of top η candidate BSs (denoted by CˆB) the sum of the rates achieved at users. and the modeling process of ECAV-η. It is easy to find that a variable in the ECAV model Algorithm 1 is the pseudo code for determining CˆB. It with non-zero assignment covers constraint (8b) and (8e) in is executed by each user distributely. More precisely, a user the mixed integer programming formulation. Moreover, intra estimates its total candidate BSs CB by the procedure from and inter-constraints respectively cover constraint (8c) and line 5 to 9. Based on 4 to 7, the candidate BSs of a user constraint(8d). Therefore, The global optimal solution X∗ is ordered according to the unit number of RBs consumed at obtained from the ECAV model is consistent with the one such user served by different BSs (from line 22 to 28). The obtained from the mixed integer programming formulation, timeconsumptionofAlgorithm1mainlyconsistsoftwoparts. denoted as X 2. One is the dermination of CB with time complexity O(NB). To better understand the modeling process, we recall the The other is the ordering operation with time complexity instance in Fig.1 where the candidate BSs of U1 and U2 are O(NB2). As a result, the total time expended of Algorithm 1 is O(NB+NB2). With CˆB, we present the pseudo code in 2WesayX∗isconsistentwithX whenthetotalratecalculatedbyobjective relation to the building of ECAV-η model. function (2) and (8a) is equal. This is because there may be no more than oneoptimalsolution. As for Algorithm 2, it firstly sets up the agents distributely (line 6). It takes O(1). After that, each user determines Algorithm 1 CBˆ of user U ,j ∈U based on η variables, domains as well as inter-constraints from line 8 to j j Input: The information of HetNet (B, U, γ, η) 14. This is also carried out in parallel with O(1). Finally, the Output: The set of candidate BS CˆB based on η intra-constraintsareconstructedbyeachagentwithO(1)(line Initialize: CB ←φ, CBˆ ←φ 16 to 17). The total time complexity is O(3). j j procedure GETALLCANDIDATEBS IV. MARKOVCHAINBASEDALGORITHM for i∈B,j ∈U do if r ≥γ then DCOP, to some degree, is a combinatorial optimization ij CB (cid:83){B } problem in which the variables select a set of values to j i end if maximizetheobjectivefunctionwithoutorwiththeminimum end for constraintviolation.WeuseS todenotethesetofallpossible end procedure combination of assignments of variables. Also, we call each procedure GETPARTIALCANDIDATEBS elements∈Sasacandidatesolution.ConsideringanECAV- BubbleSort (CB ) (cid:46) sorting by SINR η model in which the four tuples are as follows: j if |CBj|>η then • A={A1,A2,...,ANB} for n from 1 to η do • V ={Vij| a connection between Uj and Bi} CBˆnj ←CBnj (cid:46) get η candidate BSs • D ={Dij|Dij ={0,Nmijin}} end for • C =Cinter∪Cintra else We are able to rewrite the model in the following way: CBˆ ←CB j j end if (cid:88) end procedure max Val(Vij) (11a) s∈S procedure BUBBLESORT(CBj) i∈|B|,j∈|U| for m from 1 to |CBj| do s.t.(cid:64)Vj1,Vj2 ∈ψ(c),Val(Vj1/j2)>0 (11b) i i i forinf SfrIoNmR|C(BCBj|nt)o>mS+IN1Rdo(CBn−1) then (cid:88) rij >Nmijin (11c) j j exchane CBnj and CBnj−1 Vij∈ψ(c) end if After that, a convex log-sum-exp approximation of (11a) can end for be made by: end for end procedure (cid:88) 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) max Val(Vj)≈ log( exp(β Val(Vj)) s∈S i β i i∈|B|,j∈|U| s∈S i∈|B|,j∈|U| (12) where β is a positive constant. We then estimate the gap be- Algorithm 2 ECAV-η tween log-sum-exp approximation and (11a) by the following Initialize: proposition in [27]: {A,V,D,R}←φ (cid:46) elements in DCOP model R←φ (cid:46) utility upon each constraint Proposition2. Givenapositiveconstantβ andnnonnegative procedure SETECAV values y1,y2,...,yn, we have for i∈B do (cid:83) A {A } i n end for 1 (cid:88) max y ≤ log( exp(βy )) forV∀j(cid:83)∈{VUj,}m∈CBˆj do i=1,2,...,n i β i=1 i (13) i 1 DDij(cid:83)←{D{j0},nimjin} ≤i=m1,2a,.x..,nyi+ βlogn i C(cid:83){Cj } In addition, the objective function (11a) has the same optimal inter R(cid:83){R(Cj )} (cid:46) based on (9b), (9a) value with the following transformation: inter end for (cid:88) (cid:88) max p Val (Vj) forCi∈(cid:83){ACido } ps(cid:62)0s∈S si∈|B|,j∈|U| s i (14) R(cid:83){Rin(tCria )} (cid:46) based on (10a), (10b) s.t.(cid:88)p =1 intra s end for s∈S end procedure in which (cid:80) Val (Vj) is the reward with a i∈|B|,j∈|U| s i candidate solution s. For simplicity, we use g = β 1log((cid:80) exp(β(cid:80) Val(Vj)). Hence, on the ba- BSs with their transmission powers respectively 46, 35, and β s∈S i∈|B|,j∈|U| i sis of formulations (12) and (13), the estimation of (11a) can 20 dBm. The macro BS is fixed at the center of the square, be employed by evaluating g in the following way: and the other BSs are randomly distributed. The path loss β between the macro (pico) BSs and the users is defined as max(cid:88)p (cid:88) Val (Vj)− 1 (cid:88)p logp L(d) = 34+40log10(d), while the pass loss between femto ps(cid:62)0s∈S si∈|B|,j∈|U| s i β s∈S s s (15) rBeSpsreasenndtsustehres EisucLli(dde)an=d3i7sta+nc3e0lboegt1w0(ede)n. tThheeBpSasramanedterthde (cid:88) s.t. p =1 users in meters. The noise power refers to the thermal noise s s∈S at room temperature with a bandwidth of 180kHz and equals Assumings∗ andλ∗ aretheprimalanddualoptimalpoints to-111.45dBm.Onesecondschedulingintervalisconsidered. Without special illustration, 200 RBs are configured at macro with zero duality gap. By solving the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker BS, as well as 100 and 50 RBs are configured at each pico (KKT)conditions[27],wecanobtainthefollowingequations: and femto BS. In addition, all the results are the mean of 10 instances. (cid:88) 1 1 Val (Vj)− logp − +λ=0,∀s∈S s i β s∗ β B. Experimental Results i∈|B|,j∈|U| (16a) We firstly discuss the impact of different assignments of η (cid:88) on the performance of ECAV model from the point of view p =1 (16b) s∗ of the runtime and the quality of solution. More precisely, s∈S we generate different number of users ranging from 20 to λ≥0 (16c) 100 with the step interval of 10. The time consumed by the Then we can get the solution of p as follows: MC based algorithm is displayed in Fig.2. It is clear to see s∗ that more time is needed when the number of users increases. exp(β(cid:80) Val (Vj)) Also, the growth of runtime is depended on the value of η. i∈|B|,j∈|U| s i ps∗ = (cid:80) exp(β(cid:80) Val (Vj)) (17) Specially,thereisanexplosivegrowthofruntimewhenweset s∈S i∈|B|,j∈|U| s i ηfromfourtofive.Aspreviouslystated,thisiscausedbymore On the basis of above transformation, the objective is candidate BSs considered by each user. However, the quality to construct a MC with the state space being S and the of the solutions with different values of η is not obviously stationary distribution being the optimal solution p when improved according the results in Table I. For instance, the s∗ MC converges. In this way, the assignments of variables will average rate achieved at each user is only improved no more be time-shared according to p and the system will stay than0.1bit/swhenthenumberofusersare100withthevalues s∗ in a better or best solution with most of the time. Another of η are 3 and 5. It is difficult to make a theoretical analysis important thing is to design the nonnegative transition rate of the realationship between η and the quality of the solution. q between two states s and s(cid:48). According to [28], a series We leave this research in future works. s,s(cid:48) ofmethodsareprovidedwhichnotonlyguaranteetheresulting From above analysis, we set η = 3 in the following MC is irreducible, but also satisfy the balance equation: experiments in order to balance the runtime and performance p q =p q .Inthispaper,weusethefollowingmethod: ofthesolution.Inaddition,wetesttheperformanceoftheMC s s,s(cid:48) s(cid:48) s(cid:48),s based algorithm comparing with its counterparts Max-SINR (cid:88) q =α[exp(β Val (Vj))]−1 (18) and LDD based algorithms. s,s(cid:48) s i i∈|B|,j∈|U| TABLEI The advantage of (18) is that the transition rate is indepen- THEAVERAGERATE(BIT/S)ACHIEVEDATEACHUSER dent of the performance of s(cid:48). A distributed algorithm, named Wait-and-Hp 3 in [28], is used to get the solution after we Users η=1 η=2 η=3 η=4 η=5 transform DCOP into a MC. However, as the existence of 50 12.47 12.82 13.10 13.22 13.59 inter- and intra- constriants in, a checking through the way of 80 8.12 8.37 8.55 8.68 8.77 messagepassingismadeinordertoavoidconstraintviolation. 100 6.11 6.37 6.73 6.81 6.83 V. EXPERIMENTALEVALUATION In Fig.3, we check the connection state between 200 users A. Experimental Setting and BSs in different tiers. A phenomenon we can observe from the figure is that there are more or less some users out In this section, we test the performance of the MC based of service even we use different kinds of algorithms. It is not algorithmwithdifferentassginmentsofη intheECAVmodel. only caused by the limited resource configured at each BSs, A simulated environment including a three-tiers HetNet cre- but also related to the positions of such kinds of users. They ated within a 1000m×1000m square is considered. In the arelocatedattheedgeofthesquareandhardlyservedbyany system, there is one macro BS, 5 pico BSs and 10 femto BS in the system. Further, more users are served by macro 3tosavespace,weadvisereaderstogetmoredetailsfromliterature[28] BS in Max-SINR algorithm because a larger SINR always eixsts between the users and macro BS. As a result, the total non-servedusersinMmax-SINRalgorithmsaremorethanthe othertwoifthereisnoschemeforallocatingtheleftresource. On the other hand, the number of non-served users in MC are less than LDD when η = 3 since the user U will select a j BS B with the maximal QI in each iteration of the LDD i ij algorithm. In other words, the users prefer to connect with a BS which can offer better QoS even when more resources are consumed. Therefore, some BSs have to spend more RBs which leads to the resource at these BSs being more easily used up. Fig.2. TheruntimeofECAV-η(η=1−5)withdifferentnumberofusers intheHetNet Fig.5. TheCDFsoftherateacheivedatusers Fig.3. Theconnectionbetween usersand BSsaccordingto theallocation schemeobtainedthroughdifferentalgorithms Fig. 6. The total rate against the number of RBs held at the macro base station InFig.4,weproduceastatisticofthenumberofnon-served users when we change the total number of users configured in the HetNet. The average number of non-served users for each algorithm along with the standard deviation is presented inthefigure.ComparedwithFig.3,amoreclearresultsimply that more than 60 (at worst, around 70) non-served users in the Max-SINR algorithm. The LDD based algorithm comes the second with approximate 20 users. The best resutls are Fig.4. Non-servedusersintheHetNetwithadifferentnumberofusers obtained by the MC algorithm with no more than 20 users even the total users in the HetNet is 240. 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