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Application and Supporting Documentation PDF

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TOWN OF ARLINGTON REDEVELOPMENTBOARD Application for Special Porm Tn Accordance with Bavironmental Design Roviow Procedures (Soetio 11.06 of the Zoning Bylaw) Docket, 1, Pepe Aes Gm NER. 6, ARLINGTON INA cd ATS Nineattord Owned) CAMPOB Kao PROPERTIES (Clink 7Apdeb 2-Be0r Adda ofowner 2,90. MaS., AVE Ag einetel ie O24 T4 Bret ly 305.2 2, Nemeot Appice (iiiftaruttanabae) "SAME As AHOvE Acer ‘eh lie Dao oceupet, pba To) aie A Lectionottinpsry ORE 082.0, BLOCK 2003, LOT COeS.0 ‘Aaa Tok Pl, Noo, 1 A, Doedvcanded nthe Reply of dees, sk (9GI9_. Figo 124 se opied l Land Hoge ice Cat Ko, a sok Tee . 5 | Presast Use ofvropety (heludoy ofdvclleg mis tary) REAR seh Cyae ant, 6, Proposed ip otPopity Gncude fof dena mls, Hfeng) mv xeD vse DPESIDENTInE f cofnmetestt, Foun SOG6S,f oftice PRs WEN th Paritégpliedfocinzcscdmcowit — 5.07/13. Miu wa clement peaks femora, Getoog Znlp Filer tcion) ~ iebchet eLQB Qetial emalaliohs SO, Tay ior seeieestal ogee Abed Sala Pelyben fe penkiiey movie fer oisn? 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ME An. estan Ab: VEl- G4G-ST6F ae Tews oy TE 0) CRCRCRORCECOEORS) Town of Avlington Redevolopnient Board Application for Spovial Permit in aceardance wit Ezviroamental Design Review (Section 11.06) Required Submittals Checklist File each in hipoate exept lar rune Retbrences wet Adington Zeuing Bylaw Diunoosioval and Packing Tnfosmatviy Form Site pla of proposal (Section 10.1163) ‘Model, iF reqpiccdl (Seetian 1LO6((1)) Drawing of exiting conditions Section 11,0664) Deesving of proposed stunture (Section (@3)} Proposed lnsdsenping, May be iconporatd into aive plan (Section! 1.06¢€)33) Phosnaraphe (Section 11.06(4)(4) pect stetement (Soetion 11.U6(eK6)}) Apptoulien and pluns-or si permits (Section 11.06{23(6)} FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ___ Speeie Permit Grane Dats Received evidanso of ing with Regisey ofDeeds Tate ____Nétitisd Busising Inspector or Spaced Perm fing Date TOWN OF ARLINGTON Dimensional and Parking information fer Application to ‘The angton Radevelopmant Boerd DostNo, Propary Lecoion +83 SOMMER ST, ARLINGTON DA. Zoning Dias _B. Omer AMPDEUREO PROPERTIESALE — Aggrse, 270 MNES RUE ARLINENMaeaAT Prasené UseiOccupancy: No.of Oweling Uns: \Ucos and thai rons aqua fa YACANT AUTO REPAIR 4a Proposed UestOccupensy Mo, of Dull Uni: {Use andthe areas eau tot 4 MixuaR 435 one Le TRkeWunneR _——_RRINA.S hua FRCS TEE RESURDEES U0 in, or Max, Present Preposad Resid by Zoning ‘oc Pronoaad Use Gonos Cancians Lotsize se000" T igoee™ om rie | rentage vest | woe fon sour Fiore eo a a tet Come 3) ra ee ‘ones Lotto per Dvating Unt wa [ae Tage ‘ena rer Yrs Det) — 7 Sen Yr Wnt) vive = hn Raex Yard Depth [Fey nA Ete Sa id etait ——— Se i ea re aa | 30" lew 0 Opon space tof GFA) eesimanvie. [= | =m — fab a = a I cer Pang Space ha) a lm Paring ton otis) PS re ‘nee Lending Spees io) [ates "aps of Cnatucton 1 fete parencten Weve Fane Distance to Nesrest Budding = Ee coin AR, Reasyue & Sous LAE Site Plan Please see Prapeised Site Plo of 383 a 489 Sommer Stvet rn Adlington. MA. Prepared iy: Paul J. Pinoechia PAS, No.36i 1S PLP und Associates 4 ligaland Aveune FRI DA-SA26 Plan flute ‘Dimensions of Ler Proposed Building aed Set Bucks Proposed Drainage DampsterT.ccalion Tuxdasupe Layout AR Rusagee & Sout Mronosed St Proposed 483 Suimmxr Si Arlington, MA, ALR. Ronyne de Sans LLC 28 Grove Sueet Place ‘Addington, MA 02474 Plan Includes + Fluor Placs le catia, its, second and thid tloers + llevations of all sides of che building Sullivan Engineering Group, LLC Cal Pagivanee 8 Lyeed Peveljesnens Cons November 2:. 2016 ‘Two of Arlingion Pagimering Depart Ret 483-489 Sommer Sree, Axtington Site Redevelopment 1 hoa fe May Concer: Tnecaer of 83-8880 Sirnmer Strat St ansking to redevelop pertion ofthe ropenty, specifically 883 Suewmee Seat” In order (omutigate isrerses in pavemer, walkway, an hing aaa the applica is proposing taal ‘ovis prvemar with a eansictad sone stb lo provide storage and mnfiltaron af snemwater rum Sail wing {eas candhicte on the propor on 824/16 by Jac Sullivsn, PR, CSE. Thesite wax preminaely fil fo dhe Su af dhe site anda Jcamy’Sand was ionife athe rea ofthe ste. There was no indiculion ofa season high yrouuwster ableton dopth a 4. The NRCS soil usps slow his aren as Pron soils und ax such Che site was modeled for "B” type anil. ‘The Site Plans fr this poise peoparod be PIP Associates provide w ennseveion Alec shoving the porns Drvetnentspesiieabun incluting the subbase preparation, Adlttonally. Oporaion and Maintenance pan for shsl ‘enn long farm maintenance iv ew ow this el chet 2nd the 4M plan shri bo parcaP lhe Conditions of Approval. Asa conscvative ypiroach, the joie patent was mended hun eeflzation rate uf 0 MP sich i canatone se a Sony Loans Class B soil nuke the avs matin Altesisting pavement atens emia 2483 Sumnmes Sect) ite resuoved and teplased wish porous pave ad Th: requted subbase “0 provide cooeitenay in mattenanee fur he site epost davelrymen!stenaro. Therookes rea ofthe gropceed bul?ing wil ha seiavcyed via 2” HDPE solid pipe ian the subhaso molest aud en dhe 04 dion Shall change to 4” HPL perf pige. 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