Appendix C. Daily QC Reports and Daily Superintendent Reports from the 2010 and 2011 Construction Seasons \\\active\Projects\2010 Projects\2010-084 USFS Blue Ledge Mine\B_Originals\Final Remedial Action Report-2011\Blue Ledge_RACR.docx ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT DATE: RESOURCES GROUP, INC. 6/28/2010 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) PROJECT NO: 2010-084 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Non-Time-Critical Removal Weather: Clear skies Action Blue Ledge Copper Mine Site Siskiyou County, and Sunny California Project Engineer: Jessup Swaney SUPERINTENDENT: Ted Hugel PROJECT CQCS MANAGER: Kim Jones SSO: To be established SAFETY MEETINGS AND INSPECTIONS WAS A SAFETY MEETING HELD THIS YES NO IF YES, SUBMITTED AS A WEEKLY ATTACHMENT DAY? WERE H&S INSPECTIONS PERFORMED? YES NO IF YES, ATTACH INSPECTION CHECKLIST FEATURE OF WORK INSPECTIONS (Attach Inspection Checklists, As Necessary) Feature of Work Inspection Performed Comment/Finding/Action Haul Road Construction Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments Clearing and Grubbing Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments PUNCH LIST ITEMS IDENTIFIED TODAY PUNCH LIST ITEMS ADDRESSED TODAY (NOT CORRECTED BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS) (FROM PUNCH LIST ITEMS) TASK/ ACTIVITY DATE ISSUED DESCRIPTION TASK/ACTIVITY CORRECTIVE ACTION(S) TAKEN MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT INSPECTION (Materials received and inspected against specifications) MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION MATERIAL ACCEPTED? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO OFF-SITE SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING ACTIONS TAKEN: QUALITY AND/OR PRODUCTION ISSUES AND RESOLUTIONS: GENERAL COMMENTS (rework, directives, site visitors etc.): Level D PPE was worn today. Granite is onsite with 4 workers today. ERRG is onsite with 2 staff personnel. COMMENTS FROM INITIAL AND FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONS: Clearing and Grubbing: Granite used heavy equipment to clear and grade the main access road. Granite started to mobilize their equipment onto the site. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS (examples, as applicable: inspection checklists, QC meeting minutes, safety meeting minutes, H&S inspection checklists, COCs, weight tickets, manifests, profiles, rework item list, testing plan and log, etc.): On behalf of the ERRG, I certify that this report is complete and correct and equipment and material used and work performed during this reporting period is in compliance with the contract drawings and specifications to the best of my knowledge except as noted in this report. Prepared By: ____________Jessup Swaney_______________________ DATE ____6_/_2_8_/_2_0_1_0_ __________ PAGE 1 OF 2 ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT DATE: RESOURCES GROUP, INC. 6/28/2010 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) PROJECT NO: 2010-084 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Non-Time-Critical Removal Weather: Clear skies Action Blue Ledge Copper Mine Site Siskiyou County, and Sunny California Approved By: CQCS Manager: _______Kim Jones_____________________________ DATE ____6_/_2_8_/_2_0_1_0_ _________ PAGE 2 OF 2 ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT DATE: RESOURCES GROUP, INC. 6/29/2010 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) PROJECT NO: 2010-084 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Non-Time-Critical Removal Weather: Clear skies Action Blue Ledge Copper Mine Site Siskiyou County, and Sunny California Project Engineer: Jessup Swaney SUPERINTENDENT: Ted Hugel PROJECT CQCS MANAGER: Kim Jones SSO: To be established SAFETY MEETINGS AND INSPECTIONS WAS A SAFETY MEETING HELD THIS YES NO IF YES, SUBMITTED AS A WEEKLY ATTACHMENT DAY? WERE H&S INSPECTIONS PERFORMED? YES NO IF YES, ATTACH INSPECTION CHECKLIST FEATURE OF WORK INSPECTIONS (Attach Inspection Checklists, As Necessary) Feature of Work Inspection Performed Comment/Finding/Action Haul Road Construction Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments Clearing and Grubbing Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments PUNCH LIST ITEMS IDENTIFIED TODAY PUNCH LIST ITEMS ADDRESSED TODAY (NOT CORRECTED BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS) (FROM PUNCH LIST ITEMS) TASK/ ACTIVITY DATE ISSUED DESCRIPTION TASK/ACTIVITY CORRECTIVE ACTION(S) TAKEN MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT INSPECTION (Materials received and inspected against specifications) MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION MATERIAL ACCEPTED? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO OFF-SITE SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING ACTIONS TAKEN: QUALITY AND/OR PRODUCTION ISSUES AND RESOLUTIONS: GENERAL COMMENTS (rework, directives, site visitors etc.): Level D PPE was worn today. Granite is onisite with 4 workers today. ERRG is onsite with 2 staff personnel. COMMENTS FROM INITIAL AND FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONS: Clearing and Grubbing: Granite used heavy equipment to clear and grade the main access road. Granite continued to mobilize their equipment onto the site. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS (examples, as applicable: inspection checklists, QC meeting minutes, safety meeting minutes, H&S inspection checklists, COCs, weight tickets, manifests, profiles, rework item list, testing plan and log, etc.): On behalf of the ERRG, I certify that this report is complete and correct and equipment and material used and work performed during this reporting period is in compliance with the contract drawings and specifications to the best of my knowledge except as noted in this report. Prepared By: ____________Jessup Swaney_______________________ DATE ____6_/_2_8_/_2_0_1_0_ __________ PAGE 1 OF 2 ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT DATE: RESOURCES GROUP, INC. 6/29/2010 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) PROJECT NO: 2010-084 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Non-Time-Critical Removal Weather: Clear skies Action Blue Ledge Copper Mine Site Siskiyou County, and Sunny California Approved By: CQCS Manager: ____Kim Jones________________________________ DATE ____6_/_2_9_/_2_0_1_0_ _________ PAGE 2 OF 2 ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT DATE: RESOURCES GROUP, INC. 6/30/2010 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) PROJECT NO: 2010-084 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Non-Time-Critical Removal Weather: Clear skies Action Blue Ledge Copper Mine Site Siskiyou County, and Sunny California Project Engineer: Jessup Swaney SUPERINTENDENT: Ted Hugel PROJECT CQCS MANAGER: Kim Jones SSO: To be established SAFETY MEETINGS AND INSPECTIONS WAS A SAFETY MEETING HELD THIS YES NO IF YES, SUBMITTED AS A WEEKLY ATTACHMENT DAY? WERE H&S INSPECTIONS PERFORMED? YES NO IF YES, ATTACH INSPECTION CHECKLIST FEATURE OF WORK INSPECTIONS (Attach Inspection Checklists, As Necessary) Feature of Work Inspection Performed Comment/Finding/Action Haul Road Construction Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments Clearing and Grubbing Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments PUNCH LIST ITEMS IDENTIFIED TODAY PUNCH LIST ITEMS ADDRESSED TODAY (NOT CORRECTED BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS) (FROM PUNCH LIST ITEMS) TASK/ ACTIVITY DATE ISSUED DESCRIPTION TASK/ACTIVITY CORRECTIVE ACTION(S) TAKEN MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT INSPECTION (Materials received and inspected against specifications) MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION MATERIAL ACCEPTED? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO OFF-SITE SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING ACTIONS TAKEN: QUALITY AND/OR PRODUCTION ISSUES AND RESOLUTIONS: GENERAL COMMENTS (rework, directives, site visitors etc.): Level D PPE was worn today. . Granite is onsite with 4 workers today. ERRG is onsite with 2 staff personnel. COMMENTS FROM INITIAL AND FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONS: Clearing and Grubbing: Granite used heavy equipment to conduct clearing and grubbing activities along the haul roads. Haul Road Construction: Granite used heavy equipment to grade existing haul roads. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS (examples, as applicable: inspection checklists, QC meeting minutes, safety meeting minutes, H&S inspection checklists, COCs, weight tickets, manifests, profiles, rework item list, testing plan and log, etc.): On behalf of the ERRG, I certify that this report is complete and correct and equipment and material used and work performed during this reporting period is in compliance with the contract drawings and specifications to the best of my knowledge except as noted in this report. PAGE 1 OF 2 ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT DATE: RESOURCES GROUP, INC. 6/30/2010 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) PROJECT NO: 2010-084 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Non-Time-Critical Removal Weather: Clear skies Action Blue Ledge Copper Mine Site Siskiyou County, and Sunny California Prepared By: ____________Jessup Swaney_______________________ DATE ____6_/_3_0_/_2_0_1_0_ __________ Approved By: CQCS Manager: _____Kim Jones_______________________________ DATE ____6_/_3_0_/_2_0_1_0_ _________ PAGE 2 OF 2 ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT DATE: RESOURCES GROUP, INC. 7/1/2010 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) PROJECT NO: 2010-084 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Non-Time-Critical Removal Weather: Clear skies Action Blue Ledge Copper Mine Site Siskiyou County, and Sunny California Project Engineer: Jessup Swaney SUPERINTENDENT: Ted Hugel PROJECT CQCS MANAGER: Kim Jones SSO: To be established SAFETY MEETINGS AND INSPECTIONS WAS A SAFETY MEETING HELD THIS YES NO IF YES, SUBMITTED AS A WEEKLY ATTACHMENT DAY? WERE H&S INSPECTIONS PERFORMED? YES NO IF YES, ATTACH INSPECTION CHECKLIST FEATURE OF WORK INSPECTIONS (Attach Inspection Checklists, As Necessary) Feature of Work Inspection Performed Comment/Finding/Action Haul Road Construction Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments Clearing and Grubbing Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments PUNCH LIST ITEMS IDENTIFIED TODAY PUNCH LIST ITEMS ADDRESSED TODAY (NOT CORRECTED BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS) (FROM PUNCH LIST ITEMS) TASK/ ACTIVITY DATE ISSUED DESCRIPTION TASK/ACTIVITY CORRECTIVE ACTION(S) TAKEN MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT INSPECTION (Materials received and inspected against specifications) MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION MATERIAL ACCEPTED? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO OFF-SITE SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING ACTIONS TAKEN: QUALITY AND/OR PRODUCTION ISSUES AND RESOLUTIONS: GENERAL COMMENTS (rework, directives, site visitors etc.): Level D PPE was worn today. . Granite is onsite with 4 workers today. ERRG is onsite with 2 staff personnel. COMMENTS FROM INITIAL AND FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONS: Clearing and Grubbing: Granite used heavy equipment to conduct clearing and grubbing activities along the haul roads and within the repository limits. Haul Road Construction: Granite used heavy equipment to grade exisiting haul roads. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS (examples, as applicable: inspection checklists, QC meeting minutes, safety meeting minutes, H&S inspection checklists, COCs, weight tickets, manifests, profiles, rework item list, testing plan and log, etc.): PAGE 1 OF 2 ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT DATE: RESOURCES GROUP, INC. 7/1/2010 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) PROJECT NO: 2010-084 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Non-Time-Critical Removal Weather: Clear skies Action Blue Ledge Copper Mine Site Siskiyou County, and Sunny California On behalf of the ERRG, I certify that this report is complete and correct and equipment and material used and work performed during this reporting period is in compliance w it h th e contract drawings and specifications to the best of my knowledge except as noted in this report. Prepared By: ____________Jessup Swaney_______________________ DATE ____7_/_1_/_2_0_1_0 ____________ Approved By: CQCS Manager: _______Kim Jones_____________________________ DATE ____7_/_1_/_2_0_1_0 ___________ PAGE 2 OF 2 ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT DATE: RESOURCES GROUP, INC. 7/2/2010 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) PROJECT NO: 2010-084 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Non-Time-Critical Removal Weather: Clear skies Action Blue Ledge Copper Mine Site Siskiyou County, and Sunny California Project Engineer: Jessup Swaney SUPERINTENDENT: Ted Hugel PROJECT CQCS MANAGER: Kim Jones SSO: To be established SAFETY MEETINGS AND INSPECTIONS WAS A SAFETY MEETING HELD THIS YES NO IF YES, SUBMITTED AS A WEEKLY ATTACHMENT DAY? WERE H&S INSPECTIONS PERFORMED? YES NO IF YES, ATTACH INSPECTION CHECKLIST FEATURE OF WORK INSPECTIONS (Attach Inspection Checklists, As Necessary) Feature of Work Inspection Performed Comment/Finding/Action Haul Road Construction Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments Clearing and Grubbing Preparatory Initial Follow up See general comments PUNCH LIST ITEMS IDENTIFIED TODAY PUNCH LIST ITEMS ADDRESSED TODAY (NOT CORRECTED BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS) (FROM PUNCH LIST ITEMS) TASK/ ACTIVITY DATE ISSUED DESCRIPTION TASK/ACTIVITY CORRECTIVE ACTION(S) TAKEN MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT INSPECTION (Materials received and inspected against specifications) MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION MATERIAL ACCEPTED? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO OFF-SITE SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING ACTIONS TAKEN: QUALITY AND/OR PRODUCTION ISSUES AND RESOLUTIONS: GENERAL COMMENTS (rework, directives, site visitors etc.): Level D PPE was worn today. Granite is onsite with 4 workers today. ERRG is onsite with 2 staff personnel. COMMENTS FROM INITIAL AND FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONS: Clearing and Grubbing: Granite used heavy equipment to conduct clearing and grubbing activities along the haul roads and within the repository limits. Haul Road Construction: Granite used heavy equipment to grade exisiting haul roads. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS (examples, as applicable: inspection checklists, QC meeting minutes, safety meeting minutes, H&S inspection checklists, COCs, weight tickets, manifests, profiles, rework item list, testing plan and log, etc.): PAGE 1 OF 2