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£E /, MM Association for Information and Image Management // 1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 / &. 7 301/587-8202 Centimeter 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm illllUl i i i i Tl I TT i 11 i i 11111 5 Inches 1.0 IttHM 12.5 •a IS 12.2 13.6 2.0 I.I 1.8 '•25 III 1.4 11.6 */ %> *; c.^ / ^:*V *w //^fe< MRNUFflCTURED TO RUM STANDARDS 0 BY APPLIED IMAGE, INC. / NUREG-1503 Vol.2 Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Certification of the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design Appendices Manuscript Completed: July 1994 Date Published: July 1994 Associate Directorate for Advanced Reactors and License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 MASTER . Di3Ti-*i»U VKX* '>> TJ-iit DOC'JMEN7 m UKLiMlTZD ABSTRACT This safety evaluation report (SER) documents the ABWR design features that are substantially the same as technical review of the U.S. Advanced Boiling Water those previously considered. The SERs for the other BWR Reactor (ABWR) standard design by the U.S. Nuclear designs have been published and are available for public Regulatory Commission (SRC) staff. The application for inspection at the NRC Public Document Room, the ABWR design was initially submitted by the General 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. Unique Electric Company, now GE Nuclear Energy (GE), in features of the ABWR design include internal recirculation accordance with the procedures of Appendix O of Part SO pumps, fine-motion control rod drives, microprocessor- of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR based digital logic and control systems, and digital safety Part 50). Later GE requested that its application be systems. considered as an application for design approval and subsequent design certification pursuant to On the basis of its evaluation and independent analyses, the 10 CFR § 52.45. NRC staff concludes that, subject to satisfactory resolution of the confirmatory items identified in Section 1.8 of this SER, GE's application for design certification meets the The U.S. ABWR design is similar to the international requirements of Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 52 that are ABWR design, which was being built at the Kashiwazaki applicable and technically relevant to the U.S. ABWR Kariwa Nuclear Power Generation Station, at the time of standard design. A copy of the report by the Advisory the staffs review, by the Tokyo Electric Power Company, Committee on Reactor Safeguards required by Inc. The ABWR is a single-cycle, forced-circulation, 10 CFR S 52.53 is provided in Chapter 21. A final design boiling water reactor (BWR) with a rated power of approval, issued on the basis of this SER, does not 3926 megawatts thermal (MWt) and a design power of constitute a commitment to issue a permit or license, or in 4005 MWt. Many features of the ABWR design are any way affect the authority of the Commission, the similar to those of BWR designs that the staff had Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, and other presiding previously approved. To the extent feasible and officers, in any proceeding pursuant to Subpart G of appropriate, the staff relied on earlier reviews for those 10 CFR Part 2. iii NUREG-1503 CONTENTS VOLUME 2: APPENDICES Page APPENDIX A A-l LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A-l APPENDIX B B-l REFERENCES B-l APPENDIX C C-l CHRONOLOGY OF CORRESPONDENCE C-l APPENDIX D D-l FSER CONTRIBUTORS D-l APPENDIX E E-l STAFF POSITION ON SHELL BUCKLING DUE TO INTERNAL PRESSURE E-l APPENDIX F F-l STAFF POSITION ON STEEL EMBEDMENTS F-l APPENDIX G G-l STAFF POSITIONS AND TECHNICAL BASES ON THE USE OF AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI)/AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (AISC) N690, "NUCLEAR FACEJTIES - STEEL SAFETY-RELATED STRUCTURES" G-l APPENDIX H H-l DYNAMIC LATERAL SOIL PRESSURES ON EARTH RETAINING WALLS AND EMBEDDED WALLS OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT STRUCTURES H-l APPENDIX I 1-1 EVALUATION OF ABWR PUMP AND VALVE INSERVICE TESTING PLAN (SSAR TABLES 3.9-8 AND 3.9-9) 1-1 APPENDIX J M HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING PROGRAM REVIEW MODEL AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR EVOLUTIONARY REACTORS J-l APPENDIX K K-l IMPORTANT SAFETY INSIGHTS K-l NUREG-1503 FIGURES Page G-l Structural stability curves for the axially loaded compression numbers 0-3 J.l HFE program review model elements J-4 J.2 HFE program review stages J-5 NUREG-1503 vi Appendix A LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A ABWR advanced boiling water reactor CA compressed air AC alternating current CAMS containment atmosphere monitoring system ACC accumulator CAV cumulative absolute velocity ACI automatic closure and interlock CBERU contrbuilding emergency recirculation unit ACIWA ac-independent water addition CBRU control-building recirculation unit ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor CBSREA control building safety-related equipment Safeguards area ACS atmospheric control system CCDF complementary cumulative distribution ACU air conditioning units function ADS automatic depressurization system CCI core concrete interaction AHU air handling units CCS condensate cleanup system AISC American Institute of Steel Construction CDF core damage frequency ALARA as low as is reasonably achievable CDM Certified Design Material ALWR advanced light water reactor CDRL core damage radiation level AM accident management CE ABB-Combustion Engineering ANL Argonne National Laboratory CED common engineering documents ANS American Nuclear Society CET containment event trees ANSI American National Standards Institute CF&CAE condensate feedwater, and condensate air AOO(s) anticipated operational occurrences extraction APR automatic power regulator CFR Cofle of refera] Regulations APRM average power range monitor CFS condensate and feedwater system ARI alternate rod insertion CH chugging ARS amplified response spectra CIV containment isolation valve ASB Auxiliary Systems Branch cm centimeters ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of ASD allowable stress design America ASD adjustable speed drive CMP configuration management plan ASF automatic suppression function CMU control room multiplexing unit ASHRAE American Society of Heating, CO condensation oscillation Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning COL combined license Engineers COPS containment overpressure protection ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers system ASTM American Society for Testing and CPG containment performance goal Materials CP construction permit ATIP automatic transversing in-core probe CPU central processing unit ATLM automated thermal limit monitor CR control room ATWS anticipated transient without scram CRHA control room habitability area CRD control rod drive — B — CRDS control rod drive system CRHA control room habitability area CRT cathode-ray tube BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory CS control system BPU bypass unit CS core support BPWS blanked position withdrawal sequence CS crown and segment technique BTP Branch Technical Position CSNI Committee on the Safety of Nuclear BWR boiling water reactor Installations BWROG BWR Owners Group CST condensate storage tank A-l NUREG-1503 Appendix A EDO emergency diesel generator EDO Executive Director for Operations CT completion times EF error factor CTG combustion turbine generator EFU emergency filtration unit cuw reactor water cleanup EHR extra hard rock CVCF constant voltage constant frequency EMC electronic magnetic compatibility CWS circulating water system EMI electromagnetic interference EMS essential multiplexing system D EOF Emergency Operations Facility EOP emergency operating procedures EPA electrical protection assemblies DAC design acceptance criteria EPG emergency procedure guidelines DAL design action list EPRI Electric Power Research Institute DBA design-basis accident ERM Engineering Review Memorandum DBLOCA design-basis loss-of-coolant accident EQ environmental qualification DBT design basis tornado EQD environmental qualification document DC design certification ESD electrostatic discharge DCH direct containment heating ESF engineered safety feature DD design description ESW essential service water DCC damage control center DCD design control document DCM damage control measure DCM Tier 1 Design Certification Material for tneOEABWR FATT fracture appearance transition temperature DCV drywell connecting vent FCI fuel-coolant interactions DEPSS drywell equipment and piping support FCS flammability control system structure FCU fan cool unit DET decomposition event tree FDA final design approval DF decontamination factor FDDI fiber distribution data interface DFSER draft final safety evaluation report FDWC feedwater control DG diesel generator FDDI fiber distributed data interface DGCW diesel generator cooling water FIST full integral simulation test DGL diesel generator lubrication FIVE fire-induced vulnerability evaluation DGSA diesel generator starting air FMCRD fine-motion control rod drive DMC digital measurement and control FMEA failure modes and effects analysis DOD Department of Defense FOST fuel oil storage and transfer DOE Department of Energy FPC fuel pool cooling and cleanup dp deltap FRS floor response spectra DRAP design reliability assurance program FS full-scale DSER draft safety evaluation report FSER final safety evaluation report DSIL drywell spray initiation limit ft feet DTM digital trip module FWLB feedwater line break DTS drain transfer system G GDC general design criteria/criterion GE GE Nuclear Energy EAB exclusion area boundary GI generic issue EB electrical building GL generic letter EBVS electrical building ventilation system GSI generic safety issue(s) ECCS emergency core cooling system(s) GWd gaseous waste management system NUREG-1503 A-2 Appendix A H HCLPF high confidence low probability of failure LBB leak-before-break HCTL heat capacity temperature limit LCS leakage control system HCW high-conductivity waste LCS local control switches HCU hydraulic control unit LCW low-conductivity waste HECW HVAC emergency cooling water LD lower drywell HELB high-energy line breaks LDF lower drywell flooder HELSA high-energy line separation analysis LDS leak detection and isolation system HEPA high-efficiency particulate air LER licensee event reports HF human factors LLHS light load handling system HI hydraulic institute LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory HFE human factors engineering LLRT local leak rate tests HFPP human factors program plan LOCA loss-of-coolant accident HIC high-integrity containers LOOP loss-of-offsite power HNCW HVAC normal cooling water LOPP loss-of-preferred power HPCF high-pressure core flooder LPCI low-pressure coolant-injection HPCS high-pressure core spray LPFL low-pressure flooder HPIN high-pressure nitrogen gas supply LPMS loose parts monitoring system HPME high-pressure core melt ejection system LPRM local power range monitor HR hard rock LPZ low-population zone HRA human reliability analysis LRB Licensing Review Bases HSD hot shower drain LRFD load and resistance factor design HSI human system interface LTS long term solutions HVAC heating, ventilating, and air conditioning LVDT linear variable differential transformers HWC hydrogen water chemistry LWMS liquid waste management system HWH hot water heating LWR light water reactor I M I&C instrumentation and control m meters IA instrument air M-O Mononobe and Okabe IBD instrument block diagrams MACCS melcor accident consequence code system ICC inadequate core cooling MAPLHGR maximum average planar linear heat ICD interface control diagram generation rate IE Inspection and Enforcement MC main condensers IED improvised explosive device MCAE main control area envelope IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics MCC motor control center Engineers MCES main condenser evacuation system IGSCC intergranular stress corrosion cracking MCPR minimum critical power ratio ILRT integrated leakage rate tests MCR main control room IN information notice MEB Mechanical Engineering Branch in. inch MG motor-generator IORV inadvertent open relief valve ML manufacturing license ISI inservice inspection MOV(s) motor operated valves ISM independent support motion MPL(s) master parts lists ISO isometric drawing(s)/International Systems MPT main power transformer Interconnection MRBM multi-channel rod block monitor 1ST inservice testing MS main steam ITAAC inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance MSIV main steamline isolation valves criteria MSL main steamline ITP initial test program' MSLB main steamline break A-3 NUREG-1503 Appendix A — M — PCP process control program PCPL primary containment pressure limit MST main steam tunnel PCT peak cladding temperature MTU metric ton of uranium PDA preliminary design approval MUWC makeup water (condensate) PFD process flow diagrams MUWP makeup water system (purified) PGA peak ground acceleration MVA megavolt amps PGCS power generation control system MWP makeup water system PIP plant investment protection Mwt megawatt thermal PM preventive maintenance POV powered operated valves — N — PRA probabilistic risk assessment PRC Piping Review Committee PRM process radiation monitor NB nuclear boiler PRM Program Review Model NBS nuclear boiling system PRMS process radiation monitoring system NDE non-destructive examination PRNM power range neutron monitor NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers PS pressed and spun Association PSA probabilistic safety assessment NEMS non-essential multiplexor system PSB Power Systems Branch NFPA National Fire Protection Association PSD power spectrum density NMS neutron monitoring system PSDF power spectral density function NNS non-nuclear safety PSI preservice inspection NPB nuclear power block PSIS pounds per square inch gauge NPP nuclear power plant PSS process sampling system NPSH net positive suction head PSTF pressure suppression test facility NQA Nuclear Quality Assurance NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Q- NRD nonradioactive drain NRHX non-regenerative heat exchangers NSSFC National Severe Storm Forecast Center Q question NSSS nuclear steam supply system(s) QA quality assurance QG quality group — O — — R — OBE operating basis earthquake OER operating experience review RAI request for additional information OHLHS overhead heavy load handling system RAP reliability assurance program OLU output logic unit RB reactor building OL operating license RBM rod-block monitor OM operations and maintenance RBV reactor building vibration OPRM oscillation power range monitor RBVS reactor building ventilation system O-RAP operational reliability assurance process RCCV reinforced concrete containment vessel ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory RCIC reactor core isolation cooling OSC Operational Support Center RCIS rod control and information system OSI open systems interconnection RCPB reactor coolant pressure boundary RCS reactor coolant system — P — RCW reactor building cooling water RCWS reactor building cooling water system RFC recirculation flow control RFCS recirculation flow control system P&ID • piping and instrumentation diagram(s) RG Regulatory Guide PASS post-accident sampling system RH relative humidity PCHS power cycle heat sink RHR residual heat removal NUREG-1503 A-4

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING PROGRAM REVIEW MODEL AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA .. UAT unit auxiliary transformers. SJAE steam jet air ejector. UBC. Uniform Building Code.
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