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Appendices A-H PDF

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Los Angeles Area Lakes TMDLs March 2012 Appendices Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development March 2012 Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development � A-1 Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development March 2012 (This page left intentionally blank.) A-2 Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development March 2012 A.1 Introduction � USEPA Region IX is establishing TMDLs for impairments in nine lakes in the Los Angeles Region (Figure A-1). USEPA was assisted in this effort by the Los Angeles Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board). Impairments of these waterbodies include low dissolved oxygen/organic enrichment, odor, ammonia, eutrophication, algae, pH, mercury, lead, copper, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, PCBs, and trash. Figure A-1. Location of Impaired Lakes Eight of these waterbodies have impairments that may be due to elevated nutrient levels: Peck Road Park Lake, Echo Park Lake, Lincoln Park Lake, Lake Calabasas, the El Dorado Park lakes, Legg Lake, Puddingstone Reservoir, and Santa Fe Dam Park Lake. These impairments include algae, ammonia, eutrophication, low dissolved oxygen/organic enrichment, odor, and pH. A steady-state lake response model has been set up for each impaired lake to determine whether or not eutrophication is the primary cause of these impairments. This appendix discusses the problems associated with eutrophication, sources of nutrient loading, and the approach used for determining loading capacities for nitrogen and phosphorus based on observed and simulated levels of chlorophyll a. A-3 Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development March 2012 (This page left intentionally blank.) A-4 Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development March 2012 A.2 Conceptual Model: Nutrients, Algae, and Eutrophication Excessive algal growth in the urban lakes of the Los Angeles region has resulted in several waterbodies not supporting their designated beneficial uses associated with aquatic life and recreation (LARWQCB, 1996). Unaesthetic amounts of algal biomass can directly impair swimming and wading recreational uses. Algal growth in some instances has produced algal mats in the lakes (UC Riverside, 1994). Excess growth of algae can also result in loss of invertebrate taxa through habitat alteration (Biggs, 2000). In addition, ammonia, a nitrogen compound, has been measured at concentrations exceeding objectives designed to protect aquatic life (LARWQCB, 1996). Rates of algal growth depend on the availability of nutrients, light, and other factors. Stimulation of excess algal growth by nutrient loading is referred to as eutrophication. There are many biological responses to nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in lakes. The biologically available nutrients and light will stimulate phytoplankton and or macrophyte growth. As these plants grow, they provide food and habitat for other organisms such as zooplankton and fish. When the aquatic plants die, they will release nutrients (ammonia and phosphorus) back into the water through decomposition. The decomposition of plant material consumes oxygen from the water column; in addition the recycled nutrients are available to stimulate additional plant growth. Physical properties such as light, temperature, residence time, and wind mixing also play integral roles throughout the pathways described. These typical biological processes can become over-stimulated by the addition of excess nutrients to a waterbody and create a situation in which water quality becomes degraded and beneficial uses are impaired. The following flow chart (Figure A-2) outlines the responses within a lake to excessive nutrient loading and how the beneficial uses will be impacted. Excessive nutrient loading, from either external or internal processes, can cause excessive phytoplankton and macrophyte growth. The resulting plant biomass may cause increased turbidity, altered planktonic food chains, unaesthetic conditions, reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations, and increased nutrient recycling (Figure A-2). These changes can lead to a cascade of biological responses culminating in impaired beneficial uses. Typically, excessive plant growth can quickly lead to an altered planktonic community; in many cases the dominant phytoplankton species may become blue-green algae (cyanophytes) and algal blooms may occur, especially in the summer months. These blooms cause fluctuations in dissolved oxygen concentration and pH that can negatively affect aquatic life in the waterbody. Senescence and decay of the biomass present in algal blooms may also cause problems with scum and odors that affect recreational uses of the affected waterbody. Likewise, macrophyte growth may increase and become expansive throughout the lake (Figure A-2). Particularly in shallow lakes, the combination of available nutrients and greater light intensity throughout the water column provides the light that is needed for rapid plant growth. In addition, light can penetrate to the bottom of shallow lakes, promoting macrophyte growth. In comparison, in deep lakes a greater portion of the water column is not able to support photosynthesis as a majority of the water column is below the light penetration depth. Thus, the impacts of nutrient loading and the biological response of planktonic algae and macrophytes are often very apparent in shallow lakes. A-5 Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development March 2012 Figure A-2. Conceptual Model for Lakes A-6 Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development March 2012 As noted above, eutrophication can also lead to increased daytime pH in lakes due to rapid uptake of carbon dioxide by photosynthesizing algae. The elevated pH creates a harmful environment for organisms and can increase the concentration of un-ionized ammonia, potentially leading to direct toxicity to fish and other organisms. Dense algal populations also cause diurnal swings in dissolved oxygen concentrations, as oxygen is released during daytime photosynthesis and consumed during nighttime respiration. Decomposition of algal biomass can consume oxygen and dramatically reduce the oxygen levels found in the lake. Low dissolved oxygen levels can become very stressful for fish and other organisms and may in fact lead to fish kills (Figure A-2). Moreover, as the plant material is decomposed, the nutrients are released and will recycle through the system. Shallow lakes tend to have increased biological productivity because it is likely that the photosynthetic zone and decomposition zone of the water column overlap, creating the situation where as materials are decomposed and the nutrients released, they are also immediately available for photosynthesis and plant growth continuing to drive ongoing impairments. Control of the deleterious effects of eutrophication in lakes typically requires reduction in nutrient loads. Both external and internal (recycled) nutrient loads may need to be addressed. A-7 Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development March 2012 (This page left intentionally blank.) A-8 Appendix A. Methodology for Nutrient TMDL Development March 2012 A.3 Source Assessment � Sources of nutrient loading to a lake may include both point and nonpoint sources. For the purposes of allocating loads among nutrient sources, federal regulations distinguish between allocations for point sources regulated under NPDES permits (for which wasteload allocations are established) and nonpoint sources that are not regulated through NPDES permits (for which load allocations are established) (see 40 CFR 130.2). This section describes how the loading from point and nonpoint sources were estimated. A.3.1 POINT SOURCES Point sources are discharges that occur at a defined point, or points, such as a pipe or storm drain outlet. Most point sources are regulated through the NPDES permitting process. A.3.1.1 MS4 Permittees In 1990 USEPA developed rules establishing Phase 1 of the NPDES stormwater program, designed to prevent pollutants from being washed by stormwater runoff into the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4), or from being directly discharged into the MS4 and then discharged into local waterbodies. Phase I of the program required operators of medium and large MS4s (those generally serving populations of 100,000 or more) to implement a stormwater management program as a means to control polluted discharges. Phase II of the program extends the requirements to operators of small MS4 systems, which must reduce pollutants in stormwater to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) to protect water quality. Nitrogen and phosphorus loads from urban stormwater runoff are estimated from event mean concentration (EMC) data and flows predicted from calibrated watershed models (Appendix D, Wet Weather Loading). Two flow-calibrated LSPC models were previously developed for the San Gabriel and Los Angeles river basins (Tetra Tech, 2004; Tetra Tech, 2005). To estimate runoff volumes, average monthly areal flow rates have been extracted for each land use and applied to the land use composition that drains to an MS4 for each lake. The county of Los Angeles and the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) have been collecting pollutant concentration data for storm events in the county of Los Angeles for representative land use classes. These concentrations can be applied to the flow volumes predicted by the LSPC models for each land use to estimate average wet weather nutrient loading to each lake. Appendix D (Wet Weather Loading) describes the datasets, assumptions, and loading results for this analysis. These systems may also discharge during dry weather as a result of irrigation, car washing, etc. Estimation of nutrient loading from MS4 systems in dry weather is based on SCCWRP regional studies and is described in Appendix F (Dry Weather Loading). A.3.1.2 Non-MS4 NPDES Discharges In addition to MS4 stormwater dischargers, the NPDES program regulates stormwater discharges associated with industrial and construction activities and non-stormwater discharges (individual and general permits). To quantify nutrient loading from non-MS4 NPDES discharges, the permit databases maintained by the Los Angeles Regional Board were downloaded for the Los Angeles River, San Gabriel River, and Santa Monica Bay Basins. Geographic information listed for each permit was used to determine which facilities are located in the watersheds of the eight nutrient-impaired lakes. Nutrient loading from each facility was estimated based on the reported disturbed area. The facilities and estimated loads are described in more detail in the lake specific sections of this report. A-9

Excessive algal growth in the urban lakes of the Los Angeles region has and the biological response of planktonic algae and macrophytes are often very . nutrient loadings, hydrology, lake morphometry, and internal nutrient .. Some macroinvertebrates – particularly tubificid oligochaete worms –
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