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APM 504: Continuous-time Markov Chains PDF

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APM 504: Continuous-time Markov Chains Jay Taylor Spring 2015 JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 1/55 ; Outline 1 Definitions 2 Example: Jukes-Cantor Model 3 The Gillespie Algorithm 4 Kolmogorov Equations 5 Stationary Distributions 6 Poisson Processes JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 2/55 Definitions We begin with a general definition that imposes no restrictions on E. As in the discrete-time setting, the gist of the definition is that the past and the future are conditionally independent given the present. Continuous-time Markov Processes A stochastic process X =(X ;t ≥0) with values in a set E is said to be a t continuous-time Markov process if for every sequence of times 0≤t <···<t <t and every set of values x ,··· ,x ∈E, we have 1 n n+1 1 n+1 P(X ∈A|X =x ,··· ,X =x )=P(X ∈A|X =x ), tn+1 tn n t1 1 tn+1 tn n whenever A is a subset of E such that {X ∈A} is an event. In this case, the tn+1 function defined by p(s,t;x,A)=P(X ∈A|X =x), t ≥s ≥0 t s is called the transition function of X. If this function depends on s and t only through the difference t−s, then we say that X is time-homogeneous. JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 3/55 Definitions Examples of continuous-time Markov processes encountered in biology include: continuous-time Markov chains, e.g., nucleotide substitution models (JC69, HKY, GTR); the Moran model; Kingman’s coalescent; the Moran model continuous-time branching processes continuous-time random walks Poisson processes diffusion processes and the solutions to stochastic differential equations, e.g., Brownian motion and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process L´evy processes, e.g., L´evy flight JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 4/55 Definitions Sample Paths A continuous-time stochastic process X =(X :t ≥0) can be thought of in two t different ways. Ontheonehand,X issimplyacollectionofrandomvariablesdefinedonthesame probability space, Ω. On the other hand, we can also think of X as a path- or function-valued random variable. Inotherwords,givenanoutcomeω∈Ω,wewillviewX(ω)asafunction from [0,∞) into E defined by X(ω)(t)≡X (ω)∈E. t ThepathtracedoutbyX(ω)ast variesfrom0to∞issaidtobeasample pathofX. JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 5/55 Definitions In these notes, we will mainly be concerned with time-homogeneous Markov processes that take values in countable state spaces: E ={1,2,··· ,n} or E ={1,2,···}. As we will see, these processes are jump processes. Continuous-time Markov Chains A stochastic process X =(X ;t ≥0) with values in a countable set E is said to be a t continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) if there are functions p :[0,∞)→[0,1], i,j ∈E ij such that for every sequence of times 0≤t <···<t <t and every set of values 1 n n+1 x ,··· ,x ∈E we have 1 n+1 P(X =x |X =x ,··· ,X =x ) = P(X =x |X =x ) tn+1 n+1 tn n t1 1 tn+1 n+1 tn n = p (t −t ). xn,xn+1 n+1 n The functions p (t) are said to be the transition functions of X. ij JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 6/55 Definitions Transition Semigroups If X =(X :t ≥0) is a continuous-time Markov chain, we can define an entire family of t transition matrices indexed by time. Specifically, for each t ≥0 and each pair of elements i,j ∈E, let p (t)=P(X =j|X =i) ij t 0 be the transition function corresponding to transitions from state i to state j, and let P(t) be the matrix with entries p (t). In particular, if E ={1,2,··· ,n} is finite, then ij P(t) is the n×n matrix  p (t) p (t) ··· p (t)  11 12 1n  p21(t) p22(t) ··· p2n(t)  P(t)= . . . .  . . .   . . .  p (t) p (t) ··· p (t) n1 n2 nn JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 7/55 Definitions It can be shown that the family of transition matrices (P(t):t ≥0) satisfies the following properties: For each t ≥0, P(t) is a stochastic matrix: (cid:88) p (t)=1. ij j∈E P(0) is the identity matrix: p (0)=1 and p (0)=0 if j (cid:54)=i. ii ij For every s,t ≥0, the matrices P(s) and P(t) commute and P(t+s)=P(t)P(s). The third property is called the semigroup property and the family of matrices is said to be a transition semigroup. When written in terms of coordinates, this property is (cid:88) p (s+t)= p (s)p (t) ij ik kj k∈E which is just the continuous-time version of the Chapman-Kolmogorov equations. JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 8/55 Definitions Oneconsequenceofthesemigrouppropertyisthatforanyt ≥0andanyn≥1,wehave P(t)=P(t/n)n. In fact, provided that the matrices P(t) depend continuously on t, it can be shown that there exists a unique matrix Q such that for every t ≥0 ∞ P(t)=eQt ≡(cid:88) 1tnQn. n! n=0 This matrix is called the rate matrix (or the generator matrix, infinitesimal matrix, or Q-matrix) of the continuous-time Markov chain X. Rate matrices play a central role in the description and analysis of continuous-time Markov chain and have a special structure which is described in the next theorem. JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 9/55 Definitions Structure of the Q-matrix Let Q =(q ) be the rate matrix of a continuous-time Markov chain X with transition ij semigroup (P(t):t ≥0). Then all of the row-sums of Q are equal to 0 and all of the off-diagonal elements are non-negative: q ≥ 0 if j (cid:54)=i ij (cid:88) q = − q , ii ij j(cid:54)=i Furthermore, each transition probability p (t) is a differentiable function of t and ij p (t)−p (0) q =p(cid:48)(0)= lim ij ij . ij ij t→0 t Remark: In matrix notation, these identities can be written as Q =P(cid:48)(0)= lim 1(cid:0)P(t)−I(cid:1). t→0 t JayTaylor (ASU) APM504 Spring2015 10/55

A continuous-time stochastic process X = (Xt : t ≥ 0) can be thought of in two different ways. On the one hand, X is simply a collection of random variables defined on the same probability space, Ω. On the other hand, we can also think of X as a path- or function-valued random variable. In other
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