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Antisense sequencing improves the accuracy and precision of A-to-I editing measurements using the peak height ratio method. PDF

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Preview Antisense sequencing improves the accuracy and precision of A-to-I editing measurements using the peak height ratio method.

Rinkevichetal.BMCResearchNotes2012,5:63 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/5/63 TECHNICAL NOTE Open Access Antisense sequencing improves the accuracy and precision of A-to-I editing measurements using the peak height ratio method Frank D Rinkevich1, Peter A Schweitzer2 and Jeffrey G Scott1* Abstract Background: A-to-I RNA editing is found in all phyla of animals and contributes to transcript diversity that may have profound impacts on behavior and physiology. Many transcripts of genes involved in axonal conductance, synaptic transmission and modulation are the targets of A-to-I RNA editing. There are a number of methods to measure the extent of A-to-I RNA editing, but they are generally costly and time consuming. One way to determine the frequency of A-to-I RNA editing is the peak height ratio method, which compares the size of peaks on electropherograms that represent unedited and edited sites. Findings: Sequencing of 4 editing sites of the Da6 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit with an antisense primer (which uses T/C peaks to measure unedited and edited sites, respectively) showed very accurate and precise measurements of A-to-I RNA editing. The accuracy and precision were excellent for all editing sites, including those edited with high or low frequencies. The frequency of A-to-I RNA editing was comparable to the editing frequency as measured by clone counting from the same sample. Sequencing these same sites with the sense primer (which uses A/G peaks) yielded inaccurate and imprecise measurements. Conclusions: We have validated and improved the accuracy and precision of the peak height ratio method to measure the frequency of A-to-I RNA editing, and shown that results are primer specific. Thus, the correct sequencing primer must be utilized for the most dependable data. When compared to other methods used to measure the frequency of A-to-I RNA editing, the major benefits of the peak height ratio are that this method is inexpensive, fast, non-labor intensive and easily adaptable to many laboratory and field settings. Findings A-to-I RNA editing regulatesbehavior andlife history A-to-IRNAeditingiscatalyzedbyadenosinedeaminases traitsin many phyla of animals. The widespreadconser- that act on RNA (ADARs) that bind to double stranded vation of this pathway is thought to be a viral defense pre-mRNAs and convert adenosine (A) to inosine (I) mechanism [3,4]. A-to-I RNA editing occurs in protein which is recognized by the ribosome as a guanosine [1]. coding and non-coding sequences, transposable ele- ADARsarefoundinallanimals,butareabsentfrompro- ments,introns,5’and3’untranslated regionsofthepre- tists,plantsandfungi[2].TherearethreeADARgenesin mRNA that may result in changes in the amino acid vertebrates. ADAR1 and ADAR2 both have catalytic sequences,splicesitesorlevelsoftranscripts[4,5].RNA activity, whereas ADAR3 lacks activity, although the editing frequently results in non-synonymous substitu- functional domains of ADAR3 are conserved. ADAR3 is tionsthatcan becriticallyimportantforproperfunction likelyisaduplicateofADAR2.AsingleADARgeneexists or tissue distribution. For example, RNA editing results ininsects.DrosophilamelanogasterdAdarishomologous inaQ/Raminoacidsubstitutionintheporeloopdomain tovertebrateADAR2[2]. of the AMPA receptor GluR-B subunit that makes the channel impermeable to Ca2+. Unedited GluR-B tran- scripts lead to neuronal death that causes seizures and *Correspondence:[email protected] 1DepartmentofEntomology,ComstockHall,CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY prematuredeathineditingdeficientmice[6]. 14853,USA Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2012Rinkevichetal;BioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommons AttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductionin anymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Rinkevichetal.BMCResearchNotes2012,5:63 Page2of6 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/5/63 The transcripts of many ligand-gated or voltage-sensi- Table 1Sequences ofthe primers used tive ion channels and G-protein coupled receptors are PrimerName Sequence targets of A-to-I RNA editing [4,7-9]. Genome wide stu- Da6ORF-F CACGCGATACAAACAAGCCAAGGACA dies in D. melanogaster have shown wide-spread editing Da6ORF-R ACGATTATGTGCGGAGCGGAGAG of these genes [9]. RNA editing of these genes is most DmelActinF ACTCCGGCGATGGTGTCTCC common in regions that code for functionally important DmelActinR GGGCGGTGATCTCCTTCTGC amino acids in the protein. In voltage-gated K+, Na+ T7 TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG and Ca2+ channels, residues involved in channel gating SP6 TATTTAGGTGACACTATAG or inactivation are edited. Editing sites on nAChR or Da6R CCAGGGCAGCCATTGTAGGAAAAC GABA receptor subunits occur in crucial areas in the Da6IR2 GCAGCAGGCGTAGACTATCGTATT ligand-binding domain and TM2 that forms the channel Da6285F AACGGAATACGGCGGGGTCAAG pore [9-12]. Da6ORF-F3 GCGCCTGCTGAACCATCTGC There are a number of dAdar transcripts produced Da6ORF-R3 ACCACCGACGAGGGCGACCAT and dAdar expression is important for a number of functions in the fruit fly. Four common transcripts of dAdar result from alternative splicing and these tran- scripts are themselves subject to RNA editing [13]. D. C or A/G electropherograms peaks, respectively, to indi- melanogaster dAdar null mutants show significant defi- cate unedited and edited sites. The heights of the peaks ciencies in motor control and mating that grow progres- at each editing site from the electropherogram were sively worse with age. Nervous system morphology is measured using Photoshop Creative Suite 4 (Adobe Sys- greatly affected by dAdar null mutants [14]. Behavioral tems Inc, San Jose CA) and the ratio of the peak heights deficits were also seen in D. melanogaster that had was compared to the expected heights [17]. The reliabil- reduced dAdar expression. These mutants did not fly, ity of the peak height ratio method was validated by exhibited diurnal activity patterns and displayed tem- comparing the frequency of editing determined from perature sensitive paralysis [15]. Males deficient in sequencing individual clones from the same sample. A dAdar took longer to engage in courtship behaviors and more detailed description of the methods used is found had a dramatically altered courtship song [16]. in the Additional File 1. There are a variety of methods for measuring the extent of A-to-I RNA editing [17,18] and these are Determination of editing with Da6IR2 important for the burgeoning study of A-to-I RNA edit- Determination of Da6 editing at four sites was very ing (since 2007, there have been more than 1080 journal accurate and precise when sequenced with Da6IR2 (Fig- articles, book chapters and meeting presentations on A- ure 1A), and observed values never varied from the to-I RNA editing). However, current methods to mea- expected values by more than 3% (Table 2). The slope sure the extent of RNA editing tend to be costly, time of the line from a plot of observed vs. expected editing consuming and use radioactive materials or generate (for each site) was not significantly different from 1.0 hazardous waste. Using the Da6 nicotinic acetylcholine and the r2 values were 1.0 (Table 3). Therefore, the receptor subunit, we demonstrate a detailed and observed frequency of editing is in high agreement with improved method for a highly accurate and precise esti- the expected frequency of editing at all sites. mate of the frequency of editing using peak height ratios from Sanger sequencing electropherograms and com- Determination of editing with Da6285F pare its costs and benefits to other methods for measur- Determination of Da6 editing estimates was unreliable ing RNA editing frequency. (inaccurate and imprecise) when sequenced with Da6285F at all four editing sites (Figure 1B, Table 2). Methods summary The observed frequency of editing was significantly dif- We used the peak height ratio method to estimate the ferent than expected in 17 of 28 comparisons and varied level of A-to-I RNA editing at 4 sites of the Da6 nicoti- by as much as 23% (Table 2). In all, 20 estimates were nic acetylcholine receptor subunit cDNA from the Can- significantly different from the expected editing rate by ton-S strain of Drosophila melanogaster. Da6 clones more than 5%. The slope of the line from a plot of that were unedited or edited at four sites were mixed in observed values of editing vs. those expected was signifi- different proportions by weight to produce varying levels cantly different from 1.0 for three of the four editing of A-to-I RNA editing. Two primers, (Da6IR2 and sites and the r2 value was less than 1.0 in 3 of the 4 Da6285F, Table 1) were used for sequencing. Da6IR2 cases (Table 3). This indicates use of the sense Da6285F was an antisense primer and Da6285F is a sense primer. primer is not a reliable method for determining the fre- The Da6IR2 and Da6285F primers yielded a mix of T/ quency of editing. Rinkevichetal.BMCResearchNotes2012,5:63 Page3of6 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/5/63 Figure 1 Electropherograms of a sample containing a 1:1 mixture of clones that are edited and unedited. Electropherograms representing1:1ratiosofeditedanduneditedtranscriptssequencedwithA)Da6IR2(antisense)orB)Da6285F(sense)primers.Numbersabove peaksindicateeditingsitesbasedonthenucleotidenumberingoftheopenreadingframeofDa6.NotethatDa6IR2isanantisenseprimerso thesequenceofA-to-Ieditingsitesisinreverse.AntisensesequencingwithDa6IR2generateseditingsitesasamixofC/Tsignals,whereas sensesequencingwithDa6285FgenerateseditingsitesasamixofA/Gsignals. Table 2EstimatesofA-to-I RNA editingfrequency between Da6IR2and Da6285Fsequencing primers EditingSite SequencingPrimer ExpectedEditingRate 398 400 415 416 Da6IR2 0.95 0.94±0.02 0.96±0.01 0.92±0.03 0.92±0.03 0.90 0.88±0.01* 0.90±0.01 0.87±0.00* 0.88±0.01 0.75 0.76±0.01 0.74±0.01 0.75±0.02 0.76±0.01 0.50 0.51±0.01* 0.50±0.03 0.50±0.02 0.52±0.01* 0.25 0.25±0.03 0.24±0.02 0.23±0.01 0.25±0.02 0.10 0.11±0.03 0.09±0.01 0.09±0.02 0.09±0.03 0.05 0.07±0.03 0.07±0.02 0.08±0.05 0.07±0.05 Da6285F 0.95 0.85±0.12 0.88±0.17 0.97±0.03 0.97±0.02 0.90 0.86±0.05 0.86±0.05 0.95±0.01* 0.93±0.00* 0.75 0.66±0.04* 0.79±0.04 0.84±0.03* 0.81±0.03* 0.50 0.38±0.02* 0.58±0.02* 0.67±0.01* 0.60±0.05* 0.25 0.19±0.03* 0.33±0.04* 0.43±0.04* 0.39±0.13 0.10 0.06±0.03 0.17±0.02* 0.33±0.06* 0.23±0.10* 0.05 0.04±0.02 0.13±0.04 0.25±0.04* 0.23±0.06* Valuesrepresentthemean±standarddeviation.Valueswithanasteriskindicateestimatededitingfrequencyisdifferentfromtheexpectededitingrate(one- samplet-testvs.expectedmean,p<0.05) Rinkevichetal.BMCResearchNotes2012,5:63 Page4of6 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/5/63 Table 3Comparison ofthe reliability ofestimating A-to-I and edited sites appeared as a mix of T/C signals, RNA editing oftheDa6subunit usingthe peak height respectively. In contrast, results with Da6285F showed ratiomethod between Da6IR2andDa6285F primers at unedited and edited sites as A or G, respectively (Figure different rates ofexpectedediting 1B, Table 2). Therefore, it is imperative that the proper EditingSite primer (Da6IR2 in this case) be used to accurately esti- Seq.Primer 398 400 415 416 mate the frequency of A-to-I RNA editing. Da6IR2 0.98±0.03 1.00±0.03 0.97±0.05 0.97±0.05 The disparity in editing estimation between primers (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) may be a consequence of the sequencing chemistry Da6285F 0.94±0.10 0.88±0.10* 0.80±0.07* 0.85±0.04* commonly used for dye-terminator cycle sequencing (0.99) (0.99) (0.99) (1.00) prior to analysis on automated, capillary DNA analyzers. Valuesaretheslopesandassociatedconfidenceintervalsofeditingestimate Current nucleotide formulations substitute dITP for vs.expectedvalues.Numbersinparenthesesindicatether2value.Slopeswith dGTP to prevent compression of poly-G tracts in the *indicatevaluesthataresignificantlydifferentthan1.0(i.e.,95%CIdoesnot include1.0) resulting electropherogram. However, the incorporation of dITP is less efficient than dGTP [19]. Validation of the peak height ratio method using a Table 4 shows a comparison of the time, labor and known sample financial costs of the peak height ratio method with The frequency ofediting at 4siteswas determinedfor a existing protocols. The financial cost savings are the sample of Canton-S cDNA by examining the sequences most significant and noteworthy advantage of the peak ofindividualclonesdeterminedwiththeDa6IR2primer. height ratio method. Other major benefits (which can This sample was then evaluated using the peak height result in additional savings) of the peak height ratio ratiomethod.Comparisonofthesemethodsshowedthey method are that nearby editing sites can be evaluated wereincloseagreementandwerenotsignificantlydiffer- simultaneously (Table 4), requires only 6 steps to gener- ent at any editing site. This agreement wasobserved for ate data from a sample (every other method requires sites that had either a low (398 and 400) or high fre- more steps, all of which can introduce data variation quencyofediting(415and416,Figure2). and experimental failure), is relatively fast, and can be carried out with equipment normally available in most Method comparison labs (only a centrifuge and a thermocycler are needed). We have validated and verified a very accurate, precise, Besides these savings of time and money, there are fast and cost-effective method for estimating editing many other technical advantages of using peak height rates. The accuracy and precision of the editing esti- ratios over other methods. RNA editing may introduce mates were primer specific (Figures 1 and 2, Tables 2 or eliminate a restriction enzyme site. Poisoned primer and 3). Results with primer Da6IR2 were excellent, extension utilizes ddGTP as a reaction terminator in while those with primer Da6285F were much less reli- edited transcripts. A larger band will result from une- able (Figure 1). When sequenced with Da6IR2, unedited dited transcripts because dATP would be incorporated into the product. These methods utilize fluorescent or phosphoimaging systems for quantification. 0.9 The major drawbacks to poisoned primer extension Peak Height Frequency 00..78 Clone Counting aqnudanrteifsitcraictitoionnodfiagessitnsglaereedthitaintgthseitye,otnhlyeyalulosewrfaodriotlhae- Relative Editing 000...456 bwdiehgleaestdtlowarbitofhlrurioanrdteieosncisseoinvtotelp.yeTlsahabenedhleidpgohpisrcoiomnsetedrospf,ratihmnederraeersxettresinoctsmiiooenn- 0.3 is mainly due to the high cost of fluorescent dyes and 0.2 32P. These two protocols are cost effective only when larger numbers of replications can be performed in a 0.1 short period of time. In the case of restriction enzyme 0.0 398 400 415 416 digestion, the edited site may alter a restriction enzyme Editing Site recognition sequence for which an inexpensive or widely Figure2Comparisonofpeakheightratioandclonecounting used restriction enzyme may not be readily available. In methods.Comparisonofeditingestimatesbetweenthepeak the case of adjacent or nearby editing sites, multiple heightratiomethodandclonecountingatfoureditingsitesof Da6.Thereisnodifferenceintheeditingproportionofsamples enzymes would be needed to be used to account for usingthepeakheightratiomethodorclonecounting.Theediting recognition site variation. Complications may arise in sitenumbersrepresentthebaseoftheopenreadingframeofDa6 cases when a restriction enzyme is not available to thatisedited. recognize the change in recognition sequence. Rinkevichetal.BMCResearchNotes2012,5:63 Page5of6 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/5/63 Table 4Comparison ofmethods used to measure A-to-IRNA editing Method #Steps Days Cost/ Cost/ Relative Sites/ Sample 3Analysesa Cost Analysis PeakHeightRatio 6(RNAisolation,RT,PCR,PCRpurification,sequencing,analysis) 3 $11.87 $35.62 1 Several PoisonedPrimer 7(RNAisolation,RT,primerlabeling,PCR,gel,imaging,analysis) 1-2 $120.63Fb $133.24Fb 15.0Fb One Extension $123.4032P $157.8432P 17.732P RestrictionDigest 9(RNAisolation,RT,PCR,purification,REdigestion,purification,gel, 2 $10.37Fb $31.10Fb 3.50Fb One imaging,analysis) $123.4032P $135.7032P 15.232P UltraHigh 9(RNAisolation,RT,PCR(×2),purification(×2),hybridization,sequencing, 21- $1609.80 $4829.39 136 Oneto Throughput analysis) 28 Severalc Sequencing CloneCounting 10(RNAisolation,RT,PCR,PCRpurification,cloning,transformation, 6 $24.48 $561.25 15.8 Several colonyscreening,colonygrowth,plasmidpurification,sequencing, analysis) a=Cost/3Analysesissimplynotthree-foldtheCost/Repasprimerscanbelabeledandusedinmultiplesamplesonasingledayofexperiments b=Fluorescentassay c=theabilitytoreadseveraleditingsitesisdeterminedbyproximityofeditingsites CostsarebasedonusingthematerialslistedinAdditionalFile1.AdditionalcostswerebasedonpGEM-TCloningSystemII,PureYieldPlasmidPurification System(Promega),restrictionenzymes(PshAIandHpyCH4V,NewEnglandBiolabs),KinaseMaxKit,AlexaFluor488andNucAway(Invitrogen).DataforUltraHigh ThroughputSequencingisbasedonAbbasetal.,2010andconsistsofasinglelane86bpsingle-endreadonaGenomeAnalyzer.Thecost/sampleisthecostof performingasingleexperimentfromonebiologicalsample.Thecost/3analysesisthecostforthreereplicatesfromonebiologicalsample.Relativecostisfor assessingthefoureditingsitesofDa6reportedherein.Thepriceofshipping,primers,gels,standardmarkers,imagingequipment,software,andlaborwerenot includedinthecost A major limitation of the poisoned primer extension UHTS is that many editing sites on many transcripts of method is that is can only assess one editing site at a many genes can be evaluated. time. In order to obtain the same amount of data across Clone counting can be performed to quantify the fre- four editing sites as used in this experiment, four unique quency of editing. While there are many advantages to reactions would need to be run on each sample. This this method, the major drawback is that a large number would require extensive sample planning and manage- of clones need to be sequenced to ensure an accurate ment. Also, using sense primers to assess editing at reflection of editing frequency. This process may take a adjacent editing sites would be particularly troublesome, few days to complete and the cost of sequencing a large as in the case of editing sites 415 and 416 of the Da6 number of clones may be substantial. Screening colonies nAChR subunit used in this experiment. Two sense pri- for positive inserts usually requires screening many mers would have to be utilized to account for tran- more colonies than will actually go for sequencing. The scripts with edited and unedited versions at site 415 in waste generated by growing colonies on plates and in order to accurately assess editing at site 416 as mis- liquid media needs to properly disposal by autoclaving matches at the 3’ end of primer with template can lead or incinerating at an approved facility. to reduced amplification efficiency. Conversely, an anti- The peak height ratio method with the antisense pri- sense primer could be used to assess editing at site 416 mer utilizes the different intensities in the T/C signal of without regard for editing status at site 415. However, eletropherograms. The disadvantage of this method is this would require the use of ddCTP as the reaction ter- that it does not allow for the identification of which minator. The cost to measure the same 4 editing sites of editing sites are edited on each transcript. However, the Da6 by poisoned primer extension would be 15 to 17 cost, labor, turnaround time is unequivocal. The peak fold higher than by the peak height method (Table 4). height ratio method is very advantageous in that there Ultra high throughput sequencing (UHTS) is extre- are few steps required to complete an analysis from bio- mely cost prohibitive and better suited for experiments logical sample to data point. that may not require comparing many biological sam- ples. Next generation UHTS is the most accurate Applications of this method method to measure the frequency of RNA editing. It The technical efficiency of the peak height ratio method can even detect rare transcripts that are missed by clone makes it an ideal method for demonstrating the extent counting methods [18]. The major disadvantages are of A-to-I RNA editing in high school and introductory cost and the short reads generated may only be useful biology classes, or in research laboratories as a signifi- for multiple editing sites that are nearby if the user cant cost reduction method. Additionally, a mobile lab needs to know what sites are edited on a specific tran- unit could be assembled for rapid sample processing in script. However, the undeniable major advantage of the field and other remote areas. The RNA extraction, Rinkevichetal.BMCResearchNotes2012,5:63 Page6of6 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/5/63 reverse transcription and PCR could be done in the field Competinginterests and processed samples could be mailed to a sequencing Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests. facility. Processing field collected animals would help Received:22September2011 Accepted:24January2012 overcome potential changes in allele frequency that may Published:24January2012 result from genetic drift if they were returned to a lab and reared for a second generation. This would also References 1. 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BiotechnologyHall,CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY14853,USA. doi:10.1186/1756-0500-5-63 Authors’contributions Citethisarticleas:Rinkevichetal.:Antisensesequencingimprovesthe FDRandJGSdesignedtheexperimentsandwrotethemanuscript.FDR accuracyandprecisionofA-to-Ieditingmeasurementsusingthepeak performedalllaboratoryworkanddataanalysis.PASprovidedtechnical heightratiomethod.BMCResearchNotes20125:63. commentaryandanalysisofsequencingmethodology.Allauthorsapproved ofthefinalmanuscript.

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