EFI 11-XX arXiv:1101.nnnn ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS IN D∗ DECAYS 1 s Jonathan L. Rosner 2 Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics University of Chicago, 5640 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637 1 1 0 The reaction e+e− → (D∗+D− + c.c.) has been used with great success at s s 2 the CLEO-c detector, and will be a source of valuable future data from the n BES-III detector, to obtain information about the properties and decays of a ∗ ∗ J the Ds and Ds. The angular distributions of the Ds and the final-state 6 particles in D∗ → D γ are needed to model the decays properly, to confirm s s the spin-parity assignment JP(D∗) = 1−, and to model the acceptance for ] s h the rare process D∗ → D e+e−. This note presents some of the necessary s s p expressions. - p e h PACS numbers: 14.40.Lb, 13.20.Fc, 13.66.Bc, 13.40.Hq [ 1 The reaction e+e− → γ∗ → (D∗+D− +c.c.) has been used with great success at the s s v CLEO-c detector, and will be a source of valuable future data fromthe BES-III detector, 7 ∗ to obtain information about the properties and decays of the D and D . The angular 1 s s 3 distributions of the D∗ and the final-state particles in D∗ → D γ are needed to model s s s 1 the decays properly, to confirm the spin-parity assignment JP(D∗) = 1−, and to model . s 1 the acceptance for the rare process D∗ → D e+e−. The purpose of the present note is 0 s s 1 to give some of the necessary expressions for angular distributions. 1 We shall assume unpolarized electron-positron collisions, with the e+ beam defining : v the +ˆz direction. The density matrix describing the initial virtual photons γ∗ arising i X from e+e− collisions is then proportional to the dyadic xˆxˆ+yˆyˆ, where we shall always r consider linear polarization states. a Let us assume that the D∗+ produced opposite a D− (charge-conjugate reactions s s are always assumed) lies in the xz plane, making an angle θ with the z axis. If it were produced along the z axis, its density matrix would be of the form xˆxˆ+yˆyˆ just like ∗ ∗ ∗ that of the virtual photon γ . This may be seen from the form of the γ D D coupling, s s ∗ ∗ involving the cross product of γ and D polarization vectors dotted into the momentum s ∗ of the D . (A single power of 3-momentum is required for parity invariance.) This form s ∗ of coupling may be seen by a short calculation to entail a D production distribution of s the form 3 2 W(cosθ) = (1+cos θ) . (1) 8 ∗ If the D is produced in the xz plane at an angle θ with respect to the z axis, its density s matrix is now of the form xˆ′xˆ′ +yˆyˆ, where xˆ′ ≡ xˆcosθ−ˆzsinθ. Thus we may write (in 1To be submitted to Phys. Rev. D [email protected]. 1 the x,y,z basis) cos2θ 0 −sinθcosθ ∗ ρ(D ) = 0 1 0 . (2) s −sinθcosθ 0 sin2θ We now consider a photon emitted in the decay D∗ → D+γ. A photon emitted along s s the z axis can have two polarization states ǫ = xˆ, ǫ = yˆ. We shall perform an Euler 1 2 rotation on the photon, first by an angle β about the y axis and then by an angle α about the z axis. The photon direction then becomes pˆ = xˆsinβcosα+yˆsinβsinα+ˆzcosβ , (3) γ while the polarization vectors orthogonal to it become ǫ′ = xˆcosβcosα+yˆcosβsinα−ˆzsinβ , (4) 1 ǫ′ = −xˆsinα +yˆcosα . (5) 2 These polarization vectors are also uniquely specified by the condition that they be orthogonal to each other and to pˆ , and that ǫ′ have no z component. γ 2 We now note that the decay D∗ → D γ involves the scalar triple product ǫ(D∗) · s s s ǫ(γ) ×p , so that a photon with momentum p and no polarization component along γ γ the z axis is produced with angular distribution W (θ,α,β) = ǫ′ ·ρ(D∗)·ǫ′ = cos2θcos2αcos2β +cos2βsin2α (6) 2 1 s 1 2 2 + sin θsin β +2sinθcosθsinβcosβcosα . (7) The use of ǫ′ rather than ǫ′ comes from the scalar triple product form of the D∗+D+γ 1 2 s s coupling. A photon with polarization orthogonal to the one specified above is produced with angular distribution W (θ,α,β) = ǫ′ ·ρ(D∗)·ǫ′ = cos2α+cos2θsin2α . (8) 1 2 s 2 Thesum over photonpolarizationsthengives aphotonangulardistributionproportional to W = W +W . Special cases of the above results are 1 2 2 W (θ = 0 or π,α,β) = 1 , W (θ = 0 or π,α,β) = cos β , (9) 1 2 2 2 2 2 W (θ = π/2, π,α,β) = cos α, W (θ = π/2, π,α,β) = cos βsin α+sin β.(10) 1 2 If the final photon undergoes internal conversion, γ → e+e−, with the plane of e+e− oriented at an angle ψ with respect to the final photon polarization, the dependence on ψ will be of the form cos2ψ. Hence choosing as a reference polarization direction a unit vector perpendicular to p with no component in the ˆz direction, the full angular γ distribution may be written 2 2 W(θ,α,β,ψ) = W (θ,α,β)sin ψ +W (θ,α,β)cos ψ . (11) 1 2 I thank Anders Ryd for asking the question leading to this investigation. This work was supported in part by the United States Department of Energy under Grant No. DE FG02 90ER40560. 2