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Registered No. HSE–49/2009-2011. [Price: Rs. 2-75 Paise. THE ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 1] HYDERABAD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 2011 PART-I NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT, HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER OFFICERS –––x––– CONTENTS NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT Pages Pages AGRICULTURE AND CO-OPERATION MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND DEPARTMENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPART- MENT (Sericulture) Retirement .. (H - 1) 1 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS, SCIENCE Variation to the Master Plan of the Narsaraopet AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Municipality .. 15-16 (For. V) Variation to the Master Plan of the Nizamabad Municipal Corporation .. 16-17 Retirement .. 2 Variation to the Master Plan of the Nalgonda HEALTH, MEDICAL AND FAMILY Municipality .. 17 WELFARE DEPARTMENT (H - 2) (A 1) Variation to the Master Plan of the Kakatiya Urban Voluntary Retirement .. 2 Development Authority, Warangal .. 17-18 (B 1) TRANSPORT, ROADS & BUILDINGS Promotion & Posting .. 2-14 DEPARTMENT HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (Ser. - I) (TE - I ) Retirements .. 19-21 Retirements .. 14-15 NOTIFICATIONS BY HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS Etc. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH & F AMILY WELFARE, A.P., HYDERABAD. Dr. G. Kavitha, MO, formerly CHC, Gannavaram, Krishna District - Resignation from service - Accepted.. 21 [P-I-(i)] P-I/06-01-2011/1 NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT AGRICULTURE & CO-OPERATION ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS, SCIENCE AND DEPARTMENT TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (Sericulture) (For - V) RETIREMENT OF CERTAIN GAZETTED OFFI- RETIREMENT OF CERTAIN SFS OFFICERS CERS OF SERICULTURE DEPARTMENT ON IN THE RANK OF DEPUTY CONSERVATOR SUPERANNUATION. OF FORESTS (STATE CADRE) ON SUPERANNUATION. [G.O.Rt.No. 1723, Agriculture & Co-operation (Sericulture), 14th December, 2010.] [G.O.Rt.No. 615, Environment, Forests, Science & Technology (For.V), 8th December, 2010.] No. 1 No. 1 Government hereby accord permission to the following Gazetted Officers of Sericulture Department The following SFS Officers in the rank of Deputy to retire from public Service on the dates mentioned Conservator of Forests (State Cadre) will retire from the against their names on attaining the age of superannuation Government service, on the dates noted against them, of (58) years. on attaining the age of superannuation, without any prejudice to the pending disciplinary/Vigilance/ACB Sl. Name Designation Date of Date of cases or enquiries etc., against them and also subject to No. Birth retirement the condition that the disciplinary proceedings, if (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) any pending against them shall continue under Article 351-A of pension Code / Rule 9 (2) (a) of A.P. Revised 1. Sri R. Prabhakar Additional 12-12-1952 31-12-2010 Pension Rules, 1980, even after their retirement. Director (A.N) Sericulture Sl. Name of the Deputy Conservator of Date of presently No.Forests (State Cadre) retirement working as Sarvasri: OSD in the (1) (2) (3) O/o the Proj. 1. Mir Layaq Ali, Deputy Director, A.P. 31.03.2011 A.N. Officer, Forest Academy, Dulapalli. APMIP. 2. B. Gandhi Reddy, Divisional Forest 30.04.2011 A.N. 2. Sri S.Rajkumar Joint Director 01-02-1953 31-01-2011 Officer, Nandyal (WL) Division. of Sericulture (A.N) 3. K. Tulasi Rao, ACF Bio-diversity, 30.06.2011 A.N. Srisailam. The Commissioner of Sericulture, Andhra Pradesh, 4. G.V. Ramana Reddy, Divisional 30.06.2011 A.N. Hyderabad shall take necessary steps for the relief of Forest Officer, Nellore. the above officers on the date of their retirement from service by making internal arrangements, subject to the 5. K. Govinda Rao, Divisional Forest 30.06.2011 A.N. condition of disciplinary cases / departmental cases, if Officer, Social Forestry Division, any pending. Vizianagaram. 6. P. Badusha Saheb, Divisional Forest 30.06.2011 A.N. C.V.S.K. SARMA, Officer, Vigilance-III, O/o.the Prl. APC & Principal Secretary Chief Conservator of Forests to Government, ATM. (HOFF), A. P., Hyderabad. [ 1 ] 2 ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE [Part I (1) (2) (3) 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ 7. G.V. Subba Reddy, Divisional Forest 31.07.2011 A.N. E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Officer, Chittoor West Division. No. 2 8. P. Udaya Shankar, Divisional 31.07.2011 A.N. Forest Officer Wildlife In the G.O 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Management Division, Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil Nagarjunasagar. Surgeons for the year 2009-10. 9. V.V. Hari Prasad, Divisional 30.09.2011 A.N. 2. Under Rule10(a) of the A.P. State Subordinate Forest Officer, Social Forestry Service Rules, 1996, Dr. C. Rama Mani, Deputy Civil Division, Khammam. Surgeon, Government General Hospital, Kurnool is 10. P. Satyanarayana, ACF (Law), O/o. 31-12-2011 A.N. temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) the Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests in Public Health Cadre under Category 3 (a) of Class-A (HOFF), A.P., Hyderabad. of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay of Rs.31550-53060. JANAKI R. KONDAPI, Special Chief Secretary to Government. 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. C. Rama Mani, Deputy Civil Surgeon, Government General HEALTH, MEDICAL & FAMILY WELFARE Hospital, Kurnool is posted as Additional District DEPARTMENT Medical & Health Officer, Kurnool in the existing vacancy. (A1) 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of Dr. S. SWAROOPA RANI, PROFESSOR OF OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the PHYSIOLOGY, SIDDARTHA MEDICAL Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) above is subject to review that may arise on account of COLLEGE, VIJAYAWADA RETIRE FROM court litigation or representation etc., if any. GOVERNMENT SERVICE VOLUNTARILY. 5. Dr. C. Rama Mani should join the promoted post [G.O.Ms.No. 1692, Health, Medical and Family within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting Welfare (A.1), 13th December, 2010.] orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms No. 1 of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, Under Rule 43 read with Rule 9 of Andhra Pradesh 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145. G.A. (Ser.D) Depart- Revised Pension Rules, 1980, Government hereby ratify ment, dated 15-06-2004. the action of Director of Medical Education, Andhra Pradesh permitting Dr. S. Swaroopa Rani, Professor of 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary Physiology, Siddartha Medical College, Vijayawada to action to relieve the officer by making internal retire from Government service voluntarily with effect arrangements with immediate effect. from 16.6.2010 AN. [G.O.Rt.No. 1659, Health, Medical and Family Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] (B1) Read the following:- FILLING UP OF CERTAIN POSTS OF CIVIL 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), SURGEON GENERAL LINE IN PUBLIC Department, dated. 31-08-2010. HEALTH CADRE-PROMOTIONS AND 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family POSTINGS. Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ [G.O.Rt.No. 1658, Health, Medical and Family E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] No. 3 Read the following:- In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil Department, dated. 31-08-2010. Surgeons for the year 2009-10. January 6, 2011] ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE 3 posting orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her 2. Under Rule10 (a) of the A.P State & Sub-ordinate promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms Service Rules 1996, Dr. R. Siddeswari, Deputy Civil of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, Surgeon, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad is 1996 read with G O.Ms. No. 145, G A. (Ser.D) temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) Department, dated 15-06-2004. in Public Health Cadre under Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary pay of Rs.31550-53060. action to relieve the officer by making internal arrange- ments with immediate effect. 3. Dr. R. Siddeswari, shall continue as Deputy Civil Surgeon, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad until [G.O.Rt.No. 1661, Health, Medical and Family further posting orders are issued in the category of Civil Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] Surgeon (General Line). Read the following:- 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) Department, dated. 31-08-2010. above is subject to review that may arise on account of 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family court litigation or representation etc, if any. Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. [G.O.Rt.No. 1660, Health, Medical and Family Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] No. 5 Read the following:- In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), Surgeons for the year 2009-10. Department, dated. 31-08-2010. 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family 2. Under Rule 10 (a) of the A P. State & Subordinate Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ Service Rules 1996, Dr. P. Siril Satyanandam, Deputy Civil Surgeon, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. is temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) No. 4 in Public Health Cadre under Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil of Rs.31550-53060. Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil Surgeons for the year 2009-10. 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. P. Siril Satyanandam, Deputy Civil Surgeon, Osmania 2. Under Rule 10 (a) of the A. P. State & Subordinate Medical College, Hyderabad is posted as Additional Service Rules 1996, Dr. N. Gowri Devi, Deputy Civil District Medical & Health Officer, Nalgonda in the Surgeon, Community Health Center, Aganampudi, existing vacancy. Visakhapatnam is temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) in Public Health Cadre under 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A. P. Medical Health Service OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the Rules, in the scale of pay of Rs. 31550-53060. Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) above is subject to review that may arise on account of 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. N. Gowri court litigation or representation etc., if any. Devi, Deputy Civil Surgeon, Community Health Center, Aganampudi, Visakhapatnam is posted as 5. Dr. P. Siril Satyanandam should join the promoted Additional District Medical & Health Officer, post within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of Vizianagaram in the existing vacancy. posting orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her promotion right offer for the current panel year in terms 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) Depart- Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) ment, dated 15-06-2004. above is subject to review that may arise on account of court litigation or representation etc., if any. 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary 5. Dr. N. Gowri Devi should join the promoted post action to relieve the officer by making internal arrange- within (15) Fifteen days from the date of receipt of ments with immediate effect. 4 ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE [Part I [G.O.Rt.No. 1662, Health, Medical and Family 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Read the following:- No. 7 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), Department, dated. 31-08-2010. In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Surgeons for the year 2009-10. Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ 2. Under Rule10(a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Service Rules 1996, Dr. S. Shyam Sundar, Deputy Civil No. 6 Surgeon (ROME), Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal is temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon In the G.O 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil (General Line) in Public Health Cadre under Category 3 Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil (a) of Class-A of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in Surgeons for the year 2009-10. the scale of pay of Rs. 31550-53060. 2. Under Rule10 (a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. S. Shyam Service Rules 1996, Dr. T.V. Ramana Rao, Deputy Sundar, Deputy Civil Surgeon (ROME), Kakatiya Civil Surgeon, District Hospital, Srikakulam is Medical College, Warangal is posted as Additional temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) District Medical & Health Officer, Warangal vice Dr. in Public Health Cadre under Category 3 (a) of Class-A Harinath, Additional District Medical & Health Officer, of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay Warangal transferred. of Rs. 31550-53060. 4. On transfer, Dr.Harinath is directed to report before 3. Consequent on his promotion, Dr. T.V. Ramana the Government for further posting. Rao, Deputy Civil Surgeon, District Hospital, Srikakulam is posted as Additional District Medical 5. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of & Health Officer, Visakhapatnam in the existing OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the vacancy. Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) above is subject to review that may arise on account of 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of court litigation or representation etc., if any. OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) 6. Dr. S. Shyam Sundar should join the promoted post above is subject to review that may arise on account of within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting court litigation or representation etc., if any. orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms 5. Dr. T.V. Ramana Rao should join the promoted post of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her Department, dated 15-06-2004. promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, 7. The concerned authorities shall take necessary 1996 read with G.O. Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) action to relieve the officer by making internal Department, dated 15-06-2004. arrangements with immediate effect. 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary [G .O.Rt.No. 1664, Health, Medical and Family action to relieve the officer by making internal Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] arrangements with immediate effect. Read the following:- [G .O.Rt.No. 1663, Health, Medical and Family 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] Department, dated. 31-08-2010. Read the following:- 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Department, dated. 31-08-2010. January 6, 2011] ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE 5 No. 8 College, Secunderabad is temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) in Public Health Cadre under In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A.P. Medical Health Service Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil Rules in the scale of pay of Rs. 31550-53060. Surgeons for the year 2009-10. 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. G. Shoba, 2. Under Rule10 (a)of the A.P. State & Subordinate Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad is posted Service Rules 1996, Dr. A. Mohan Kumar, Deputy as Civil Surgeon Resident Medical Officer, Gandhi Civil Surgeon, Government Medical College, Guntur is temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) Hospital, Secunderabad in the existing vacancy. in Public Health Cadre under Category (a) of Class-A of 4 The above promotion is subject to the outcome of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the of Rs. 31550-53060. Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. A. Mohan above is subject to review that may arise on account of Kumar, Deputy Civil Surgeon, Government Medical court litigation or representation etc., if any. College, Guntur is posted as Civil Surgeon Resident Medical Officer, Government General Hospital, 5 Dr. G. Shoba should join the promoted post within Guntur in the existing vacancy. Fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) 1996 read with G.O.Ms No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) above is subject to review that may arise on account of Department, dated 15-06-2004. court litigation or representation etc., if any. 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary 5. Dr.A.Mohan Kumar should join the promoted post action to relieve the officer by making internal within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting arrangements with immediate effect. orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms [G .O.Rt.No. 1666, Health, Medical and Family of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) Department, dated 15-06-2004. Read the following:- 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary Department, dated. 31-08-2010. action to relieve the officer by making internal arrangements with immediate effect. 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ [G .O.Rt.No. 1665, Health, Medical and Family E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] No. 10 Read the following:- 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Department, dated. 31-08-2010. Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil Surgeons for the year 2009-10. 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ 2. Under Rule 10 (a) of the A.P State & Subordinate E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Service Rules 1996, Dr. K. Kurmanadh, Deputy Civil Surgeon, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam No. 9 is temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil in Public Health Cadre under Category 3 (a) of Class-A Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay Surgeons for the year 2009-10. of Rs. 31550-53060. 2. Under Rule 10 (a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. K. Kurma Service Rules 1996, Dr. G. Shoba, Gandhi Medical nadh, Deputy Civil Surgeon, Andhra Medical College, 6 ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE [Part I Visakhapatnam is posted as Additional District above is subject to review that may arise on account of Medical & Health Officer, Paderu (ITDA), court litigation or representation etc., if any. Visakhapatnam District in the existing vacancy. 5. Dr. B. Venkateswarlu should join the promoted post 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc. if any, pending before the orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms above is subject to review that may arise on account of of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, court litigation or representation etc., if any. 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) Department, dated 15-06-2004. 5. Dr. K. Kurmanadh should join the promoted post 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting action to relieve the officer by making internal orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her arrangements with immediate effect. promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, [G .O.Rt.No. 1668, Health, Medical and Family 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) Department, Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] dated 15-06-2004. Read the following:- 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary action to relieve the officer by making internal 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), arrangements with immediate effect. Department, dated. 31-08-2010. 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family [G .O.Rt.No. 1667, Health, Medical and Family Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Read the following:- 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), No. 12 Department, dated. 31-08-2010. In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Surgeons for the year 2009-10. No. 11 2. Under Rule10(a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules 1996, Dr. D.V.S.S. Prasad Rao, Deputy In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Civil Surgeon, Rangaraya Medical College/Govern- Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil ment General Hospital, Kakinada is temporarily Surgeons for the year 2009-10. promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) in Public 2. Under Rule10 (a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate Health Cadre under Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A.P. Service Rules1996 Dr. B. Venkateswarlu, Osmania Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay of Medical College, Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad Rs.31550-53060. is temporarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line} in Public Health Cadre under Category 3 (a) of Class-A 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. D.V.S.S. of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay Prasad Rao, Deputy Civil Surgeon, Rangaraya of Rs.31550-53060. Medical College/Government General Hospital, 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. B. Venka- Kakinada is posted as Additional District Medical teswarlu, Osmania Medical College, Osmania General & Health Officer (ITDA), Rampachodavaram, East Hospital, Hyderabad is posted as Additional District Godavari District in the existing vacancy. Medical & Health Officer (ITDA), Bhadrachalam, 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of Khammam District in the existing vacancy. OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the above is subject to review that may arise on account of Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) court litigation or representation etc., if any. January 6, 2011] ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE 7 5. Dr. D.V.S.S. Prasad Rao should join the promoted 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family post within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ posting orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms No. 14 of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 read with G.O,Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil Department, dated 15-06-2004. Surgeons for the year 2009-10. 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary 2. Under Rule 10 (a) of the A. P. State & Subordinate action to relieve the officer by making internal Service Rules 1996, Dr. P. Prasada Rao, Deputy Civil arrangements with immediate effect. Surgeon (ROME), SPM, Aganampudi, Visakha- patnam District is temporarily promoted as Civil [G .O.Rt.No. 1669, Health, Medical and Family Surgeon (General Line) in Public Health Cadre under Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay of Rs.31550-53060. Read the following:- 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. P. Prasada 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), Rao, Deputy Civil Surgeon (ROME), SPM, Department, dated. 31-08-2010. Aganampudi, Visakhapatnam District is posted as 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Additional District Medical & Health Officer, West Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ Godavari District in the existing vacancy. E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the No. 13 Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil above is subject to review that may arise on account of Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil court litigation or representation etc., if any. Surgeons for the year 2009-10. 5. Dr. P. Prasada Rao should join the promoted post 2. Under Rule 10(a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting Service Rules 1996Dr. K. Srinivasulu, Deputy Civil orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her Surgeon, Community Health Center, Kovvuru, West promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms Godavari District is temporarily promoted as Civil of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, Surgeon (General Line) in Public Health Cadre under 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No. 145, G.A. (Ser.D) Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A.P. Medical Health Service Department, dated 15-06-2004. Rules, in the scale of pay of Rs. 31550-53060. 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary 3. Dr. K. Srinivasulu shall continue as Deputy Civil action to relieve the officer by making internal Surgeon, Community Health Center, Kovvuru, West arrangements with immediate effect. Godavari District until further posting orders are issued [G .O.Rt.No. 1671, Health, Medical and Family in the category of Civil Surgeon (General). Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] 4. The above prornotion is subject to the outcome of Read the following:- OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), above is subject to review that may arise on account of Department, dated. 31-08-2010. court litigation or representation etc., if any. 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ [G .O.Rt.No. 1670, Health, Medical and Family E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] No. 15 Read the following:- In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil Department, dated. 31-08-2010. Surgeons for the year 2009-10. 8 ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE [Part I 2. Under Rule 10 (a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate is posted as Principal, RH&FWTC (Female), Service Rules 1996, Dr. P. Amose, Project Officer, DTT, Hyderabad in the existing vacancy. Mahabubnagar is temporarily promoted as Civil 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of Surgeon (General Line) in Public Health Cadre under OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay of Rs. 31550-53060. Tribunal/Courts etc, The promotion ordered in para (2) above is subject to review that may arise on account of 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. P. Amose, court litigation or representation etc., if any. Project Officer, DTT, Mahabubnagar is posted as 5. Dr. K. Nirmala should join the promoted post within Additional District Medical & Health Officer, fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting Mahabubnagar in the existing vacancy. orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No,145, G.A. (Ser.D) above is (subject to review that may arise on account of Department, dated 15-06-2004. court litigation or representation etc., if any. 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary 5. Dr. P. Amose should join the promoted post within action to relieve the officer by making internal fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting arrangements with immediate effect. orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms [G .O.Rt.No. 1673, Health, Medical and Family of Rule 11(b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] Rules,1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) Department, dated 15-06-2004.. Read the following:- 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), action to relieve the officer by making internal Department, dated. 31-08-2010. arrangements with immediate effect. 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family [G .O.Rt.No. 1672, Health, Medical and Family Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] Read the following:- No. 17 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Department, dated. 31-08-2010. Surgeons has been approved for romotion as Civil 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Surgeons for the year 2009-10. Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ 2. Under Rule 10(a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Service Rules 1996, Dr. P. Venkataramana, Deputy No. 16 District Medical & Health Officer, Madanapalli, Chittoor District is temporarily promoted as Civil In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Surgeon (General Line) in Public Health Cadre under Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A P. Medical Health Service Surgeons for Ihe year 2009-10. Rules, in the scale of pay of Rs.31550-53060. 2. Under Rule 10(a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate 3. Consequent on his/her promotion. Dr. P. Venkata- Service Rules 1996, Dr. K. Nirmala, Deputy Civil ramana, Deputy District Medical & Health Officer, Surgeon, DPMO, NRHM, R.R. District is temporarily Madanapalli, Chittoor District is posted as Additional promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) in Public District Medical & Health Officer, Chittoor in the Health Cadre under Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A P. existing vacancy. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay of Rs.31550-53060. 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. K. Nirmala, Deputy Civil Surgeon, DPMO, NRHM, R.R. District Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) January 6, 2011] ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE 9 above is subject to review that may arise on account of 5. Dr. B. Jaya Kumar should join the promoted post court litigation or representation etc., if any. within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her 5. Dr. P. Venkataramana should join the promoted post promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of posting of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms Department, dated 15-06-2004. of Rule 11 (b) of A.P- State & Subordinate Service 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary Rules, 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) action to relieve the officer by making internal Department, dated 15-06-2004. arrangements with immediate effect. 6. The concerned authorities shall take necessary [G .O.Rt.No. 1675, Health, Medical and Family action to relieve the officer by making internal Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] arrangements with immediate effect. Read the following:- [G .O.Rt.No. 1674, Health, Medical and Family 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), Welfare (B.1), 11th December, 2010.] Department, dated. 31-08-2010. 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family Read the following:- Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ 1. G.O. Ms. No. 235, H.M.& F.W. (B1), E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Department, dated. 31-08-2010. No. 19 2. From the Director of Public Health & Family In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civii Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad Letter Rc. No. 261/ Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil E1. A/2009, dated 07-08-2010. Surgeons for the year 2009-10. No. 18 2. Under Rule 10 (a) of the A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules 1996, Dr. N. Dasaradha Ramaiah, In the G.O. 1st read above, a panel of Deputy Civil Project Officer, DTT, Nellore is temporarily promoted Surgeons has been approved for promotion as Civil as Civil Surgeon (General Line) in Public Health Cadre Surgeons for the year 2009-10. under Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay of Rs.31550-53060. 2. Under Rule 10 (a) of the A.P, State & Subordinate Service Rules 1996, Dr. B. Jaya Kumar, District 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. N. Dasa- Immunization Officer, Khammam District is tempo- radha Ramaiah, Project Officer, DTT, Nellore is posted as Additional District Medical & Health rarily promoted as Civil Surgeon (General Line) in Public Officer, Nellore in the existing vacancy. Health Cadre under Category 3 (a) of Class-A of A.P. Medical Health Service Rules, in the scale of pay of 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of Rs.31550-53060. OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) 3. Consequent on his/her promotion, Dr. B. Jaya above is subject to review that may arise on account of Kumar, District Immunization Officer, Khammam court litigation or representation etc., if any. District is posted as District Medical & Health Officer, Khammam in the existing vacancy. 5. Dr. N. Dasaradha Ramaiah should join the promoted post within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of 4. The above promotion is subject to the outcome of posting orders, failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her OAs/WPs/WAs/RPs/CAs etc., if any, pending before the promotion right / offer for the current panel year in terms Tribunal/Courts etc. The promotion ordered in para (2) of Rule 11 (b) of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, above is subject to review that may arise on account of 1996 read with G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A. (Ser.D) court litigation or representation etc., if any. Department, dated 15-06-2004.

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