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Analysis of (pi^{+-},K^+) and (K^-,K^+) hypernuclear production spectra in distorted wave impulse approximation PDF

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Preview Analysis of (pi^{+-},K^+) and (K^-,K^+) hypernuclear production spectra in distorted wave impulse approximation

EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Analysis of (π±,K+) and (K−,K+) hypernuclear production spectra in distorted wave impulse approximation Hideki Maekawa, Kohsuke Tsubakihara and Akira Ohnishi 7 0 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido UniversitySapporo 060-0810, Japan 0 2 Received: date/ Revised version: date n a Abstract. We study the hyperon-nucleus potential with distorted wave impulse wave approximation J (DWIA) using Green’s function method. In order to include the nucleon and hyperon potential effects 4 in Fermi averaging, we introduce the local optimal momentum approximation of target nucleons. We can 2 describethequasifreeΛ,Σ andΞ productionspectrainabetterwaythaninthestandardFermiaveraged t-matrix treatments. 1 v PACS. 21.80.+a Hypernuclei– 24.50.+g Direct reactions 6 6 0 1 Introduction One of the methods to evaluate the hyperon-nucleus 1 potential is to analyze the quasi free (QF) spectrum in 0 the continuum region [5]. Recent observation of inclusive 7 0 Studyofhyperon-nucleon(YN)interactionhasanadvan- (π−,K+) spectra on heavy nuclear targets performed at tage that the contributions of meson and quark exchange / KEK[6]hasmadeourunderstandingofΣ-nucleuspoten- h are different from those in NN interaction, then it may tialastepforward.Inthedistortedwaveimpulseapproxi- t give an opportunity to separate or distinguish them. For - mation(DWIA)analyses,itissuggestedthattherepulsive l example, Λ does not couple with pions directly then the c real potential of 90 MeV or more would be necessary to u strength of the middle range central attraction would be reproducetheexperimentalspectra[6].Sincethisveryre- n differentinmesonandquarkexchangepictures.Thesitua- pulsive Σ potential in nuclei cannot be supported by any : tionwouldbeclearerforΣ hyperons.Duetotheisovector v theoretical models, it is necessary to verify the validity natureofthe diquarkpairinΣ,the Pauliblockingeffects i of approximations and prescriptions in the reaction the- X betweenquarksappearinamoredirectmannerinΣN in- ory currently used for the analysis. Recently, Harada and r teraction.TheΣ potentialinnuclearmatteratsaturation Hirabayashi pointed out that on-shell condition in Fermi a density is predicted to be around+30MeV (repulsion)in averaging (optimal Fermi averaging) for t-matrix of ele- a quark cluster model YN potential [1], while the poten- mentary process is important to understand the shape of tial is less repulsive or attractive in many of the hadronic theQFspectrum[8],andtheiranalysissuggeststhatΣ−- YN potential models. nucleuspotentialhastherepulsivefeatureinthecenterof Hyperon potential in nuclear matter is also important nuclei[9].ASemiClassicalDistortedWave(SCDW)anal- to understandcompactastrophysicalobjects suchasneu- ysisbyKohnoetal.[10]alsosuggeststherepulsivenature. tron stars. The Λ hyperon-nucleus potential has been in- In these works,while the former is basedon a fully quan- vestigated in the bound region extensively, and its depth tum treatment, the nucleon and hyperon potential effects has been known to be about 30 MeV [2]. For Σ hyperon, are included in the latter. If the on-shell condition is im- the bound state spectroscopy is difficult, because of the portantandthedifferenceoftheinitial(nucleon)andfinal strong Λ conversion, ΣN → ΛN. In 4ΣHe, which is the (hyperon)potentialsislarge,itwouldbenecessarytotake only case of observed Σ (quasi) bound state [3], the cou- account of the effects of the kinematics modification due pling effects is strong and the repulsive contribution in tothepotentialenergyintheon-shellconditionoftheele- the T =3/2, 3S1 channel is suppressed, then it does not mentaryprocessinnuclearenvironmentwithinaquantum stronglyconstrainthe Σ potentialin nuclearmatter.The mechanicalframeworkinordertounderstandthehyperon analysisofΣ−atomicdatasuggestedaΣ−-nucleuspoten- production spectra in the QF and bound state region. tialhavingashallowattractivepocketaroundthenuclear surface and repulsion inside the nucleus [4], but it is diffi- In this paper, we investigate the hyperon-nucleus po- cult to determine the Σ−-nucleus optical potential in the tential through hyperon production spectra by introduc- innerpartofnucleusfromtheatomicdataunambiguously. ing the local optimal Fermi averagingt-matrix in DWIA, which is expected to possess both of the merits in the Send offprint requests to: [email protected] previous two works. 2 Maekawa et al.,:Analysis of (π±,K+) and (K−,K+) hypernuclearproduction spectra in DWIA 2 Model; Green’s function method and Local InobtainingLOFAt-matrix,wedefinethenucleonand optimal Fermi averaged t-matrix hyperon energy in nuclei and hypernuclei containing the nuclear and hypernuclear potential effects, The Green’s function method has been widely applied to p2 tthhee aandavalynstiasgoefthoyptreerantuctlheearcorenatcintiuounms. aTshiwsemlleatshobdouhnads EB(r)=qp2B +m2B+2mBVB(r)∼mB+2mBB+VB(r), (6) state region on the same footing. In order to include the where B = N or Y. These treatments enable us to in- effects of nucleon Fermi motion and nucleon/hyperonpo- clude the potential effects naturally through the effective tentials into optimal Fermi averaging t-matrix, we intro- mass m∗2 = m2 +2m V (r). Consequently, the LOFA duce the Local Optimal Fermi Averaging t-matrix (LO- B B B t-matrix have the dependence on the collision point r FAt). throughnucleonand hyperonpotentials, V (r). It should B UsingtheFermi’sgoldenrule,thedifferentialcrosssec- be noted that the LOFA t-matrix is equivalent to ordi- tion of (π,K) reaction is written as [11], naryoptimal Fermiaveragingt-matrix when potential ef- fects are switched off. Product of incoming and outgo- d2σ p E = K K |T |2δ(E +E −E −E ), ing distorted meson waves is evaluated in the eikonal ap- dEKdΩK (2π¯h2)2vπ Xf fi π T K H proximation.In(π±,K+)and(K−,K+)reactionsat1.20 GeV/c and 1.65 GeV/c, the isospin averaged cross sec- (1) where the subscripts T and H represent target and pro- tions are assumed to be σ¯Nπ±=34mb, σ¯NK+=18mb and duced hypernucleus, respectively, and v = p /E is the σ¯NK−=40mb, σ¯NK+=30mb, respectively. π π π incident particle velocity. From the angular momentum algebra, we can get the 3 Results partialwavedecompositionof the strengthfunction S(E) in the Green’s function method [12], 3.1 Λ production spectrum d2σ p E K K = S(E) , (2) dEKdΩK (2π¯h2)2vπ First, we calculate the Λ production spectrum using the wellknownparametersfromtheboundstatespectroscopy, S(E)= W[αβα′β′]SαJβMα′β′(E) , (3) i.e. a typical depth of about 30MeV [2], in order to judge XJMXαβ αX′β′ the validity of the present method. 1 Inthecalculation,wehaveassumedtheonebodyWoods- SαJβMα′β′(E)= −πImZ r2drr′2dr′˜jJ∗M(r)φ∗α(r)t¯∗(r) Saxon type hyperon-nucleus optical potential, × GJαMβα′β′(E;r,r′)t¯(r′)˜jJM(r′)φα′(r′) . (4) ¯h2l·s 1df(r) U (r)=(VY +iWY)f(r)+VY +VY(r), Y 0 0 ls (m c2)2 r dr C Heresubscriptsαandβstandforthequantumnumbersof π (7) nucleon and hyperon states, respectively. The coefficient W[αβα′β′] represents the hypernuclear statistical factor. withf(r)=1/(1+er−dR), R=r0(A−1)1/3,whereVlYs The function ˜jJM is called distorted Bessel function [13], and VCY(r) denote the spin-orbit strength and Coulomb potential, respectively. φ (r) is the radial wave function of target nucleon, and α Figure 1 shows the calculated results of Λ produc- J is the total spin of hypernuclei. The Green’s function Gαβα′β′(E;r,r′) contains the hypernuclear Hamiltonian tion spectrum 28Si(π+,K+) at pπ=1.20 GeV/c, θ = 6◦ in comparison with experimental data. The experimen- H then we can get the information of optical potential H tal data are taken from E438 at KEK. Solid line shows U between hyperon and nucleus. Y DWIAresults with LOFAt-matrixwith standardparam- ItwaspointedoutbyHaradaandHirabayashi[8]that onshellkinematicsintheFermiaveragingprocedureroughlyeters V0Λ = −32MeV, VlΛs = 4MeV, r0 = 1.1fm and d = 0.6fm. We find good agreement of the calculated re- decide the shape of the QF spectrum and its prescription sults with data in both of QF and bound state regions. ofthet-matrixisimportant.Wewouldliketoextendtheir ideabyincluding potentialeffects.Here,weintroduceLo- cal Optimal Fermi Averaging t-matrix (LOFAt), 3.2 Σ− production spectrum dp t(s,t)ρ(p )δ4(Pµ(r)−Pµ(r)) t¯(r;ω,q)≡ N N f i , (5) DWIA analysis in the ordinary on-shell Fermi averaging R dpNρ(pN)δ4(Pfµ(r)−Piµ(r)) t-matrix treatmentcanreproduce the (π−,K+) QFspec- R trum shape with the Batty’s density dependent (DD) po- where Pµ (r) denote the total four momenta in the ele- tential and Woods-Saxon potential with 30 MeV repul- i,f mentary initial and final two-body states. We adopt the sion [8], but the absolute values are different in these cal- Fermidistributionfunctionforthetargetnucleonmomen- culations.Itisdesirabletodescribethespectrumshapeas tumdistributionρ(p )andparametersaretakenfrom[11, wellastheyield,andtheLOFAt-matrixwouldbehelpful N 14]. for this purpose. Maekawa et al.,:Analysis of (π±,K+) and (K−,K+) hypernuclearproduction spectra in DWIA 3 20 18 28Si(π+,K+) LOOFFAAtt++DDWWIIAA 2 28Si(π-,K+) 0 eV) 16 pπ=1.20(GeV/c), 6(deg.) eV) pπ=1.20 (GeV/c) -10 r M 14 r M 1.5 θ=6.0 (deg.) b/s 12 b/s µdE ( 1 80 0d5/2-1 µdE ( 1 -50 Batty-DD Ωd 6 0p1/2-1 Ωd -30 +10 2σd/ 24 0p3/2-1 2σd/ 0.5 +90 0 0s1/2-1 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 -BΛ (MeV) -BΣ (MeV) 7 Fig. 2. Differential cross section of (π−,K+) reaction on LOFAt+DWIA V) 6 28Si(π+,K+) OFAt+DWIA 2so8SliidtlainrgeesthaotwtshreesinucltidoefnBtamttoym’senDtDumpootfenpπti=al1w.2itGheLVO/cF.ATth+e e M 5 pπ=1.20(GeV/c), 6(deg.) dΛ DWIA,OtherlinearecalculatedresultswithLOFAt+DWIA b/sr 4 0d5/2-1 withpotentialdepthofV0=-50,-30,-10,0,+10,+90MeV(up µ todown),respectively.Imaginary part isfixedtobe-20MeV. E ( 3 pΛ d Ω d 2 2σd/ 1 sΛ 000pps113///222---111 miwmhapitloeedrtt,ahwnehtce[rr1oe7s]ts.hseeccotinotnribauttlioownefrropmK+mureltgiisotnepispruoncdeesrseesstiis- 0-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 In Fig. 4, we show the calculated K+ spectrum in the -BΛ (MeV) boundstateregionof(K−,K+)reactionson27Aland12C Fig. 1. The Λ hypernuclear production spectrum targets with the same potential parameters [(V0Ξ,W0Ξ)= 28Si(π+,K+)intheQFregion(upperpanel)andinthebound (−15MeV,−1MeV)] which explains the QF spectra. We state region (lower panel) at pπ=1.2 GeV/c. Solid line shows have assumed an experimental resolution of 2 MeV. We LOFAt + DWIA results using Λ-nucleus potential depth of findthatboundstatepeaksarepopulatedselectivelyasin 32 MeV. Dotted line shows the Optimal Fermi Averaging t- the case of (π,K) reaction due to high momentum trans- matrix (OFAt) DWIA result. Other lines show hole contri- fer, and these peaks can be identified if the experimental bution with 0s1/2, 0p3/2, 0p1/2 and 0d5/2, respectively, in resolution is improved to be around 2 MeV. LOFAt + DWIA. 4 Summary In Fig.2, we show the Σ− production QF spectrum 28Si(π−,K+) at p =1.2 GeV/c. Calculated results using π We have studied hyperon-nucleus potentials through the Woods-Saxontype optical potentials and Batty’s DD po- QF spectra in (π+,K+) , (π−,K+) and (K−,K+) reac- tential [4] are compared with experimental data [6]. It turns out that experimental data on 28Si target is rea- tionsusingdistortedwaveimpulseapproximation(DWIA) with Local Optimal Fermi Averaging t-matrix (LOFAt) sonably well reproduced in Woods-Saxon type potential treatment. In addition to the on shell kinematics [9], nu- with small repulsion. In the Batty’s DD potential, calcu- cleon and hyperon potential effects are included in the lated result agrees with the experimental data in a wide FermiaveragingprocedureinLOFAt.Wehavefoundthat excitation energy range. We can see the large potential LOFAttreatmentisabettertooltodescribetheQFspec- dependence in the case of LOFAt + DWIA. trumthanstandardFermiaveragingprescriptions.Incom- parison with the Λ production data, we find good agree- ment in both of QF and bound state regions with LOFAt 3.3 Ξ− production spectrum + DWIA. From the comparison with the Σ− production data,LOFAt+DWIAresultpreferslessrepulsiveΣ− po- ThedepthoftheΞ−-nucleuspotentialhasbeensuggested tentialthanthosesuggestedinothertheoreticalmodels[8, to be around 15 MeV from the analysis of the (K−,K+) 10]. This difference may come from the kinematics modi- spectrum in the bound state region[15]. In that analysis, ficationbythe largedifferenceinthe initial(nucleon)and the observed yield in the bound state region is compared final(hyperon)statepotentials.Finally,weinvestigatethe with the calculatedresults,since the experimentalresolu- Ξ− productionspectrum,andcalculatedresultsarefound tion is not enough to distinguish the bound state peaks. to be in good agreement with the experimental QF data − − Figure 3 shows calculated results of Ξ production spec- using the Ξ -nucleus potential depth of 15 MeV. We be- tra in LOFAt + DWIA with potential depth of 15 MeV lievethatthe presentmodificationwouldprovideabetter in comparison with experimental data [16]. Calculated tool for the analysis of spectrum in the QF as well as the curves reproduce the experimental data systematically , bound state region. 4 Maekawa et al.,:Analysis of (π±,K+) and (K−,K+) hypernuclearproduction spectra in DWIA 80 Pb Al 60 2.0 d Ξ 40 U =-15 (MeV) ) Ξ c 20 V/ 1.5 e 0d -1 c) 0 M pΞ 5/2 V/ 60 Ag 0 1.0 5 s e / Ξ 0M 40 b/sr 0.5 0s -1 0p1/2-1 5 20 µ 1/2 0p -1 / ( 3/2 r Ω s 0.0 b/ 600 Cu pd C µ d Ω( σ/ 1.0 d 40 2d pΞ dp 20 0.5 sΞ 0p3/2-1 / 2σ 0 0s1/2-1 d 40 Al 0.0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 20 -BΞ- (MeV) 0 20 C Fig. 4. The Ξ−-hypernuclear production spectrum in the bound region at pπ=1.65 GeV/c and 6 (deg.) on Al (upper 0 panel)andC(lower panel)targets with LOFAt+DWIA.Po- 1200 1100 1000 tential parameters are used same as Fig. 3. + K Momentum (MeV/c) Theor. Phys. Suppl. 117 (1994), 227; J. Mares, E. 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