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Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (4th Edition) PDF

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Preview Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (4th Edition)

OF ANALOG INTEGRATED == CIRCUITS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Fourth Eifion ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Fourth Edition PAULR. GRAY University of Cationic, Berates PAUL J. HURST Daw ROBERT G. MEYER Uatrersity of Cultoraa, Berketes @ JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. New York d Chichester /Weinbim # ACQUISTTIONS enTTOR ii Patek EDITORUAL ASSISTANT Sassen SESKG8 MARKING MAN AGLI Iain cn PRODIICTION SHRVICES MANAGER —— Teatae ina PROOUCHION EDITOR Saude Ruse DrIGR DIARCIOR Monk Lae PRODMCTIUNIASNAGLMENT SFRVIELS — Pubvisam Servos, lac Cove esas off, Kemmse , Dye and Mogae Pre ‘This bork 4 sta L112 Raman by Pr edo Server, le al ote Bo hy mon Peng Company. The cree ws de by Le Prey le is tune ea pie Sou we pur) Goyyright 3461 ns Bley Som, ne, AU ghee Nout of is plains cas "6 spun, seed ia a iota jaa betes ikany emo hy say meses. tea meron EoOpying. mei Ng, fr olbecvee hela peomies redress 167 1 le 1076 Lied Sts Cora ile eiher ie pr len pease of ae Publier, ue suaheizaon tor gh arate Whe aporceas poeeory te Sa Cosi (Carte Ue ues 222 Rerewoed Deive, Danvers MA D1G23, ‘876, 757-8191 fi (GAN 2s. Mauston he Publis: fe germs shuld be arene ws he amussions Deptt fohn Wty Soa, J Ibi Avonue Ness Yes BY Toni gst, 2212S eC ae 2212 ol A, Deal PRIOMREQEE LRZCOM, “Tomar nokor fer eos nerseviee please call -EGO-CALL WILEY 2589845) ty nny concepts ibrar of Congreve Cobtaging in Pacation Bas nels.sorl dei of tong aepted sires! aul RFs Jeli, th pam oct biting eerences and dex, I 73218 lee alk pepe) Ic Lasearintograted rants Cover ue dst, 2. Mesa seinen tt li 3 in tse Compt et See SNE Ae fal ARIS dest cdiusenes Parteners 9 Ani Ly RPG D252 To Liz, Barhura, Robin. and Judy Preface {In the 23 years since che publication of the frst edition of this book, the lield uf andlog integrated circuits hn developer and matured. The initia] groundwork was laid in ple technology, followed! hy 4 rapicl evulafion nf MOS analog integrated eivcnits, Purther- mute, BYCMOS tcelmulogy (incorporating both bipolar and CMOS devices ou one chip} has emerged as 2 serious contender tothe original technologies. A key issue is thil CMOS ‘wobaotogies finve become dominaut in building digital circuits beeause CMOS digital revils ae. araller andl cisniate lens pines than Uneie bipolar counterparts, To zeduee System cus! anal power dissipatinn, analog and digital circuits are now often integrated together, providing a strong osanomic inccative to use CMOS-corapatible analog ciecuits ‘Asa resul, an impartantqucstion in many applications is whelher to use pure CMOS or BiCMOS technology. Alchough somewhat roore expensive 10 fabricate, BICMOS stlows the designer lo use both bipolar au) MOS devices tp thelr best advantage, and also al Jews innovative combinitions ofthe charleristice of both devices. Tu audition, BICMOS ‘can seduce the design time by allowing dircet use of many existing cells in zealizing a sven analog circuit function. On the otber hand, the main advantage of pure CMOS is ‘hati offers the Lowest overall cost. Twenty years ago, CMOS techmiigies were only fast ccnough to support applications at die Frequencies. However, Ire wintiuing reduction of the minimum feature size fm musgrated-eueuit (IC) tectunelogiey has really increased he maximum operating frequencies, aud CMOS technelogics lave become fast enough for many new applications as a result. For example, the requited bandwidth in videw appli cationa is nbow 4 ME, requiring bipalar technologies as recently as 1 years ave. Novy, bowever, CMOS can easily acconauiodate the requiral hanwallh te video and 18 oven being used for radio frequency spptications. In this Fourth edation, we have combined the consideration of MOS and bipclar cir ‘cuits nto u unified ueatmenl that also invludes MOS-bipolar connections madz possible by BICMOS technology. We have waitlen thiy edilion sa thal insiruclurs vam easly we lect capics related 19 only CMOS circuits, only bipolar ciciity, ora zoinbinatinn al oh. ‘We helieve thar it has became incteasing|y important for tho analog circuit designer 10 have a (uimnugh appreciation o the similarities and diffcrences betwen MOS and bipolar devices, and to beable to design with either one where this is appmprice Since the SPICE computer analysis programa i< mow really availble kv virtually all electrical engineering studers and professimals. we Inve wluled vauaasive use oF SPICE in this edition, particularly as an integral part of many problems. We have used ‘vompuler analysis as iL is most commonly emuployed io the enginzering design process both asa more accurate check on haed calewlntions, and alse as.a tonto examine enmiplex circuit behavior beyond the scape of band wnalysis In he prublean seis, we Mave ala cluded a number of npen-ended design prablems to expose the read (real-world situa tions where whale range of eieuil solutions may he found. satisfy a given porfonnance specication This book is intended to be usefil both #8 feat lor sluents aud ay eeferemee bok {for practicing engineers. For class use, each chapter includes wemny worked pmobems; Wie problem sels al the end of each chapter iustrate the practical apglieatiovs of the material fn the ext. All dhe authins ave hail extensive industrial experience in EC desiga 9s well vill Puce as ine teuching oFemases on this subject, and this ~CWeal mntetial und bs the problera sets, ‘Although this book is concerned larzely with che analysis and design of ICs, 8 cous ‘rable smcunt of muteriol is als included en applications, [a practice, hese two subjects are dsely Jinked, and y Loogdedge of hoth #5 essonlial for designers snd users of ICs, The later compose tke lager group by far, anal we Leliove thst a working knowledge a TC design 4s a arcat advantage to an 1C user, Thus w particularly apparent when the nsec rust ctcose from among a number of competing design to satisfy a particulst need. Au vonderstandiny of the IC snc is taem useful in evaluating the eolutive Wesicability af che different designs under extremes of enviranment Grin tne presence 1 variations in spay vvollags, In additiow, the IC. user i ina unach better position tn inicspme! 9 manofaeleets dota jfhe 0 she has a working kaowledge-of the imomal eyeration of tue integrased creull, The vonlenls of this baok stein Jargety fram courses en analog inlegrated circuit even al the University of Calitunia at the Berkeley and Davis eampuscs, ‘Tv courses are on- ddovgiaduate clectives aul frsl-ycar graduate courses. The hack i shtctured sa that i call be used ag ta basiv cext (ur a seynenoy of such courses, The auure adsanevel mate il iz Gund of the end a¥ ench chuptec or in an appendix xo thats first cousrc in analog meget! creuits can ent this snaterial wihout loss of continuity: An outline of each chapter is ewer below kugethcr with suggestions lir mauerial by he covered im such w fits course. It is assumed that the course consists of Umree huts vf lecture per week ver I Scseek semester and that the susients have 0 working knowlsdge of Laplace cranstoams and frequeney-domtain cireuic analysis. His also apscimed thatthe students have Aad an inuoductory course inelectionics 50 Thal ey abe fgiliar wath the principles of Iransislor ‘operation and with the fanetinning bf simple analag cincins, Thloss othersise stated, each ‘chapter seqqites three te ious Sectaro hawrs wo coves Chapter 1 contains a summary of bipolar cransistex and MOS tramsistor device pv sic ‘We sugges! spenling one Week. oa select tapes (rom this chapter, the choice nf Sypies dopending om the hackyrinel nf the stodeuts. Fhe material af Chapters 1 andl 2 is quite ‘important in 1C design because there is Signditant interaction between citeut and desis design, a6 will bo seen in Tater chapters, A chorongh understanding of ihe influence of dovige fubricatin on deviey eharacteristes 1 ensentia ‘Chapice2 is eaucermed withthe echnology ol IC Fabvieatinn sand is kgely descriptive. ‘One Jeeture on this material should suffice if ehe students arc ossignd to ead the ebayer. ‘Chapter 3 deals with the characisistics of elementary wransiter eumacetions, The mae terial on one-transister armpliiats shoul he a foview far snudenra atthe senior and grach ate levels and car he ansiyncel as reading. The Seclion un hwt-inensistor aupliGers can be rovered in abool three boars, with greatest cmpbssis on differential pasts, The matorial on device. muismaich cflects differential oraplliers can be covered 1a the exten thar tunic isrefloced in the cbaive allows, Jn Chapter 4. the important opies of current nierors and active loves are considered ‘There condgucations ars basiv brilding blocks in encdeun while IC desigu, und this muse levial shuld be covered in ful, withthe exceplion of the material un banslgap reforcness and the snstaial in dle appendices, Chapter 5 is zoncemed wilh output stages ancl metlews of celivering culpa power Ie a Toad, Intzgeared-cveuit realizations of Class A, Clase B, st Clase AB output sliges sre escribed, as well as rocthnds of oulpot-stuge protection. A selection of topics from this hapter siculdl be covcred. (Chapter 6 deals with the desig of perational ampli lies lop ns}, Dlusteative cxain- ples uf de and av analysis in both MOS and bapolar op wraps are peafrmed in deta), and The Limitations of the basic wp aunps are described, Ta design af op ampa with improved Profena ix charactcristies in beth MOS and bipolar technologies is considered, ‘Ihis key chapter on amplifier design requires at Ieast six houce, ‘Ia Chaplet 7, tbe frequency response of ampliliers i+ considered. The-ze10-value time- constant technique is introduced for the calculations of the ~3-4B frequency of complex circuits, The maletial of this chapter should be considered in ful ‘Chaptcr 8 desorites the analysis of teedhack, circuits. Two different types of analysis ate presented: rn-port and relurr-ralia analyses. Either approsch should be cavered in fall With the section on voltage regulators assigaed as reading. Chapter 9 deals with the Lrequency response and stability of Feedback circuits and should be eoveral upto the section an rootlocus, Time ay not permita detailed discussion of rot locus, but some introdnction to this tnpic can he given. Ta a 15-week semester, coverage of the above material leaves about nwo weeks lar Chapters 10, 11, and 12. A selection of topics from these cbuplers van be chosen ax follows. Chapter 10 deals with nonlinear analng vitcuits, and portions of this chapter up t Section 10,3 cowid be eivered in a fiest course. Chapter 11 is a compretensive treatment uf nuise in totegrated circuits, and material up to and including Section 11.4 is suitable. Chapger 12 deseribes folly differential operational sunplifirs aad common-mode feedback and may he hest suited for a scvond course, ‘We are grateful to she following colleagues for their suggestions for amd/or eval- uation of this edition: R. Jacob Baker, Bomhard EB, Boser, A. Paul Brokaw, Jutin N. (Churchill, David W. Cline, Ozan E, Eragon, Johm W. Fatlarusu. Weinan Gao, Edwin W. Grceneich, Alex Cros-Balthazard, Tunde Gyuries, Ward J, Helms, Timothy H. Ho, Shafiy Mi. Jamal, Jahn P. Keaue, Haideh Khorcamabadi, Pek-Kim Law. Thamas W. Matthews, Keishnaswamy Nagaraj, Khali] Nujall, Burivaje Nikolig, Robert A. Pease, Lawrence T. Pileggi, Edgar Sinchey-Sinencio, Bang-Sup Song, Richard R. Spencer, Hric J. Swanson, ‘Andeew ¥. T. Sacto, Yannis P. Teividis, Srikanth Vaidianathan, T. R, Viswanathan, Chomg- Kung, Wang, and Dong Wang, We art also grateful we Keoneth €. Dyer for allowing us (0 use on the eover uf tus book die phomngraph of un imteyrated circuit he designed and to Zoe Maclowe for her assistance with wun processing. Pinally, we would Ike to thank the people at Wiley and Publication Servioss for their efforts in producing this fousth cdition, ‘The material in this book has beea greally influenced by aur association with Donald (©. Pocerson, und we acknowledge his contributions. Berkeley and Davis, CA, 2008 Pasd R. Gray Paal J. Hurst ‘Stephon H. Lewis Robert G, Mayer Contents Models for integrated-Citeult Active Devices 1 AJ lneduetion 1 1.2 Pepletion Region ofa px Juneliva 1 121 Degiz 5 1.22 Iwoliva Breskduwn & 1.3 Large-Signal Behavior of Bipolar Tranisters ¥ 165.1 Large Signal Medele 9 tts Furwari-tcuve Region 9 132. Eteets af Collector Varage {arge-signsl Characteristics i the Foneami-Aative Region LE sos gc€ Inverse Active Repions 16 1.34 Trassster Hyeakslown Vattes a Dependence of Tranesrer Current Gai Be ou Oparaing Conditions wll Signal Models of Bipolar ‘Transistors 26 Region Caps LAL Transeonduetanss 27 12 Bace-Chargung Capciaawwe 28 14a topu, Resisance 2 144 Quique, Resistance 29 144 Basie Small Sigaa! Mev ofthe Bipula Teensisce 30 ‘Collevtor Base Resistance 20 Parasile Pemeals in he Small-Sigual Mudel 31 148 Specification of T Frequency Response 34 LS Large Signal Behavior af Metal- Oxide Semicondvctot Fielt-Bileet Tnusiswors 38 15.1 ‘nunaler Charsetersties ef MOS Devine 16 19 Al Ceuyurson of Opztaling Regions of Ripolat and MOS Traut as [Decomposition af Gate Seurce Woinngs 37 ‘Threshold Tempeuluse Dependence MOS Tievice Vollage J smtatiens a Small Signal Madate of the. MOS Tramisuas 49 16 163 163 Le 168 Mite 167 1s Transennvtnctmee 30 Tauinsie Cats-Snnroe aud Catz-Drsin Capaczance 54 pt Resiscansy Omut Resisauee $2 ARasie Secu] Signal Model of the MOS Teuister #2 Rody Temwumiuclince 53 Parasius Elaucate i the SmatlSigual Mule 24 M08 Tiauister Fesqueiey Response £3 Short Chammel Fffects in MOS Transistor. $8 nat 12 wa Sooeiny Sicuation ten Ge Hvizeusa: Fic $9 Tounceonduetance and Tavs Fequacy 65 Mobility Degradation from the Neuwcal Fok! os Weak Inversion in MOS Tunsistaes 65 rad La Basia 66 “Trmssocstuctance ant Fra;sition Fraguency in Weak Inversion 68 nrc ics Weak Cavern, Substrate Current Flow in MOS Transistors 71 Sumeccy of Aut Device Parameters. 7% ipoker, MOS, and BICMOS Integrated-Circuil Technology 7% 21 Inwoduetion 78 2.2 Basie Processes in Invegrated Fabrication 79 221. Flectrcal Resivivity nf Silicon 8 Solid-State Diffusion 80 Elootical Propo of Difused Layers 82 Photclikegraphy 4 Epilinial Giowalh 25 Jor. implancacion $2 Toeal Oxidation 87 Polysilicoe Deposition #7 23 High-Voltage Bipolar Integrated-Circuit Fabrication #8 24 Advanced Bipolar Intograwd-Circuit Fabccation 92 25 Active Devices in Bipolar Analog Iucgeated Ciscuits 9 it 25.1 tutegrsted-Cizcul apa Transistor 6 25.2 Imeyeaed-Cicuit pap ‘ranastors 107 2.8 Passive Compiments in Bipolar Imtegeated Cirevite 118 246.1 Diffised Resistors 115 2.62. tpitasial and Enitosin Pinel Resins 119 Lbs Integrated Circuit Capacrtors 120 264 Zace Diol 121 26S Munetion Diudes 122 2.7 Modifications to the Pasie Bipolar Provest 123 Dielectvc Fnlation Goxopatible Processing tot Bigh- Performance Active Devices ta High-Pesiocmance Possive Components 127 28 MOS Imegtated-Circuit Fabrication fred 29° Active Devices in MOS Integrated CSreuils Tat contets ai 29 292 2938 Channel Tamsisions 131 pehannel fans 141 Depleven Neviess 142 294 BipelarTesisors 1-2 Passive Components in MOS Technology 14 BAD Restor: Mt 2102 Cepocitas in MOS Techaicgy M5 23 Latcup ia CMOS Techeslogs 1a 21 BICMOS Technology 150 2.32 Houerojunotion Bipolar Temaststore L Inserconncet Delay L 24 Reananies of Imeprated-Circait Fabricatioa 154 2.141 Yield Consderaioas in lutegiatos-Cucnit Fatecetion 154 2.14.2 Case Consiecatons in Snlogtated rc Taiator, 15 Packaging Considerations or Inegrated Crews 139 ZAG Mezsmunn Hour Dissipation 139 3.2 Relay Chraderanon m Invzgrated ClscitTaskaging 162 AI SPICE ModeLParametes Biles 163 Single-Transistor and Muliple-Tensistor Armpitiars 170 3.1 Device Model Sclection for Aprraximate Anulysis of Analog Chreuits 172 3.2 Two-Port Modeling of Ampliiers 172 Basie Single-Transistor Amplifier Stages 14 33.1 Common miter Configuratina U5 352. Crmman-Snuce Configuration ny 3 Comme Base Configuration 183 334 Commontiate Canhgurntion 186

The fourth edition features coverage of cutting edge topics--more advanced CMOS device electronics to include short-channel effects, weak inversion and impact ionization. In this resourceful book find: * Coverage of state-of-the-art IC processes shows how modern integrated circuits are fabricated, i
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