Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Theseriesfoundedin1975andformerly(until2005)entitledTextsandMonographs in Physics(TMP)publisheshigh-levelmonographsintheoreticalandmathematicalphysics. ThechangeoftitletoTheoreticalandMathematicalPhysics(TMP)signalsthattheseries isasuitablepublicationplatformforboththemathematicalandthetheoreticalphysicist. Thewiderscopeoftheseriesisreflectedbythecompositionoftheeditorialboard,com- prisingbothphysicistsandmathematicians. Thebooks,writteninadidacticstyleandcontainingacertainamountofelementary background material, bridge the gap between advanced textbooks and research mono- graphs.Theycanthusserveasbasisforadvancedstudies,notonlyforlecturesandsem- inarsatgraduatelevel,butalsoforscientistsenteringafieldofresearch. EditorialBoard W.Beiglböck,InstituteofAppliedMathematics,UniversityofHeidelberg,Germany J.-P.Eckmann,DepartmentofTheoreticalPhysics,UniversityofGeneva,Switzerland H.Grosse,InstituteofTheoreticalPhysics,UniversityofVienna,Austria M.Loss,SchoolofMathematics,GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology,Atlanta,GA,USA S.Smirnov,MathematicsSection,UniversityofGeneva,Switzerland L.Takhtajan,DepartmentofMathematics,StonyBrookUniversity,NY,USA J.Yngvason,InstituteofTheoreticalPhysics,UniversityofVienna,Austria Martin Schlichenmaier An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Curves and Moduli Spaces Second Edition With 21 Figures Prof.Dr.MartinSchlichenmaier UniversityofLuxembourg InstituteofMathematics 162A,avenuedelaFaiencerie 1511LuxembourgCity Grand-DuchyofLuxembourg Martin Schlichenmaier, An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Curves and Moduli Spaces, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2007)DOI10.1007/b11501497 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2007926181 ISSN0172-5998 ISBN978-3-540-71174-2 SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright. Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermitted onlyundertheprovisions oftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsare liableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia (cid:2)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2007 Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:bytheauthorsandIntegraSoftwareServicesPvt.Ltd.,Puducherry,India Coverdesign:eStudioCalamar,Girona/Spain Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:12026340 55/Integra 5 4 3 2 1 0 Preface to the Second Edition During the second advent of string theory the first edition of this Springer Lecture Notes volume appearedin 1990.There was anincreasing demand for physiciststo learnmoreaboutthe modernaspectsofgeometry.Inparticular, forafurther developmentofthe physicaltheorythe notionsmentionedinthe title turned out to be of fundamental importance. The first edition was based on lecture courses I gave at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. During this time the institute was headed by Prof. Julius Wess. Indeed, it was him who convinced me to write them up. Instead of repeating everything let me refer to the Introductiontothe1stEditionwhichcanbefoundessentiallywithoutchanges in this volume.For the motivation coming fromthe physics ofthese yearssee especially the introduction given by Prof. Ian McArthur. Clearly,inthemeantimeTheoreticalPhysicsdevelopedfurther.Neverthe- less, the geometric concepts introduced in the first edition (and even more) remain to be the very basic knowledge expected to be known by everybody workinginrelatedfields oftheoreticalphysics.Consequently,the book is still in demand. But as it is out of print, the publisher suggested that I should prepare a revised and enlarged version of it. This offer I gratefully accepted. As far as the revised part is concerned the changes are mainly due to removingtypographicalerrors,makingsomeunclearstatementsmoreprecise, smoothening the presentation, etc. It was my clear aim to keep the structure and the partly informal style of the first edition. In the meantime even more advanced geometric techniques are needed by physicists.FromthemanypossiblechoicesItookthefollowingtwoadditional topics:(1)themodernlanguageandmodernviewofAlgebraicGeometryand (2) Mirror Symmetry. In Chaps.11 and 12 I will describe the modern point of view of Algebraic Geometry. One of the basic ideas there is to replace the classical geometric space by the algebra of functions on the space or even more generally by the set of maps from this space to other spaces and vice versa, respectively. The VI Preface to the Second Edition geometry corresponds to some algebraic structure on the set of maps. These concepts were established by Grothendieck in the 1960s.What does one gain by this generalization? One of the advantages is that it is possible to extend the techniques of geometry to more general objects which do not have an obvious structure of a “classical space”. Moreover, from the problem of the existenceofmodulispacesclassifyingclassicalgeometricobjectsoneisledim- mediately outside of the category of “classicalmanifolds”. This point of view was very fruitful in mathematics. See, e.g. the proof of the Weil conjectures by Pierre Deligne, Faltings’ proof of Mordell’s conjecture, Faltings’ proof of theVerlindeformula,Wiles’proofofFermat’sLastTheorem,....Butitisalso ofimportanceinTheoreticalPhysics.Therenoncommutativespace,quantum groups,and more involvedobjects show up. This is one of the reasonsfor the increasinginterestinmodernalgebraicgeometryamongtheoreticalphysicists. Furthermore, spaces with singularities are incorporated from the very begin- ning ofthe theory.In Chap. 11 localaspects areconsidered.The spectrum of aringisintroduced.Itisshownhowtheconceptofapointcanbereplacedby the concept of a homomorphism.Also the noncommutative case,of relevance forthequantumplaneandforquantumgroups,willbeconsidered.InSect.12 global aspects, i.e. affine schemes and general schemes, will be introduced. Mirror symmetry is another example for the very fruitful ongoing inter- action between Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Physics and Fundamental Mathematics. This interaction works in both directions. On one hand, math- ematics supplies the necessary tools and results for physicists. On the other hand, based on the physical theory quite unexpected mathematical relations areconjecturedwhichturnouttoberealchallengesformathematicianstobe understood mathematically. In very rough terms, the origin of mirror symmetry in physics might be described as follows. There are five models for superstring theories. Their common feature is that the dimension of spacetime equals ten. To obtain the four-dimensional spacetime, which we experience, the remaining six dimen- sions are thought to be very small and compact. This splitting is also called string compactification. The most appealing candidates for the compactified factors are some special compact complex three-dimensional manifold, the so-called Calabi-Yau threefolds. The physical models obtained by different compactifications show certain dualities. One of these (conjectured) dualities (relatingtypeIIAstringtheoryononeCalabi-YauthreefoldtotypeIIBstring theory on its conjectured mirror) is the mirror symmetry. InChaps.13and14themathematicalbackgroundofmirrorsymmetryand the mirror conjectures will be explained. To formulate mirror symmetry the theory of Ka¨hler manifolds, Hodge decomposition and Calabi-Yau manifolds will be developed. Some general remarks on the physical background can be found in Sect. 13.1. Indeed from the mathematical point of view there are different levels of mirrorsymmetry,respectivelydifferentmirrorconjectures.Thefirstversionis the Geometric Mirror Symmetry. It is the conjecture that for certain classes Preface to theSecond Edition VII of Calabi-Yau manifolds X there exist mirrors Y such that their Hodge dia- monds, constituted by their individual Hodge numbers hp,q, are mirror sym- metric. More precisely, we get hp,q(X) = hn−p,q(Y). The Numerical Mirror Symmetry gives a relation between the generating function for the number of rationalcurvesofdegreedonX anda functiondefined interms ofperiodin- tegralsonthemirrorY.ThethirdvariantisKontsevich’s Homological Mirror Conjecture. It says that for mirror pairs (X,Y) of Calabi-Yau manifolds the derived Fukaya A∞-category of Lagrangian submanifolds of X is isomorphic to the derived category of coherent sheaves of Y. In Chap. 14 the geometric mirror conjecture is explained in detail. The numerical mirror conjecture is sketched for the quintic hypersurface in four- dimensional projective space. This is the classical example discovered by the physicists. As, comparedto the first edition, the total number of pages increasedthe following Leitfaden might be useful for the reader. The first part of the book (Chaps. 1–7) should be considered as the very basicknowledge.ItgivesaconciseintroductiontothetheoryofRiemannsur- faces,curvesandtheirmodulispaces.Itwasmygoaltokeepthepresentation as elementary as possible. After some fundamental definitions, for instance, the definitions of manifolds, differentials and other basic objects, we restrict ourselvesto Riemannsurfaces.First,we study their topology,beginning with theirfundamentalgroups.Asafundamentalexampleofhomologytheorieswe discuss simplicial homology. A Riemann surface is a manifold which locally looks like the complex numbers C. Hence we have available the theory of an- alytic functions, differentials, and so on. If we restrict ourselves to compact Riemann surfaces, we get some very useful results such as the theorem of Riemann–Roch. Roughly speaking, this gives us informations concerning the existence of functions with prescribed behaviour at certain points. The next goal is to study the set of different analytic isomorphism classes of Riemann surfaces.Equippedwith ageometricstructure representinghow the Riemann surfaces “appear in nature” this set is called a moduli space. One important step in doing this is to assign to every Riemann surface its Jacobian. This is a higher dimensional torus with the crucial property that it is embeddable into some projective space. Further, to study these moduli spaces we use the language of algebraic geometry, which we must first develop. In the first part of the book we use only the more classical concept of varieties. ThesecondpartconsistsofChaps.8and9.Itcontainsthemoreadvanced basics and introduces more advanced tools like line bundles, the relations between line bundles and divisors, vector bundles, cohomology, the theorem of Riemann–Roch for line bundles, etc. Thefollowingpartsaredividedinblockswhichareessentiallyindependent of each others. The reader can decide which parts he wants to study. In Chap.10 the Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch–Hirzebruchtheoremis for- mulated. It is shown how to deduce the Riemann–Roch theorem from it. Furthermore, the Mumford isomorphism, of fundamental relevance for the VIII Preface to the Second Edition geometry of the moduli space of curves and for the string partition function, is deduced. As prerequisites clearly the above two basic parts are needed. The next block, consisting of Chaps. 11 and 12, deals with modern alge- braicgeometry.Itscontentwasalreadyroughlydescribedabove.Toallowthat these two chapters can be studied completely independent of the other chap- ters I repeated in these chapters all definitions needed. Nevertheless, as the objects there are rather abstract, an knowledge about the geometric objects presented in Part 1 will be of advantage. Chapters 13 and 14 on mirror symmetry depend again on the two basic parts. A knowledge of Chap. 10 might be helpful. The finalappendix onp-adicnumbers iscompletely independentfromthe rest of the book. This book addresses not only theoretical physicists, mathematical physi- cists but also mathematicians. It should help the reader to enter the field of modern geometry. It was my goal to keep the style of the first edition. In severalrespects there will be mixture between different techniques and view- points. In this way beautiful relations between different approaches can be detected. The book should be self-contained in the sense of the developed mathe- maticalnotionsandunderstanding.Fortheproofofquiteanumberofcentral theorems (like Riemann–Roch, etc.) I mainly refer to the mathematical lit- erature. For other mathematical facts I supply proofs. The reason for these proofs is either the fact that in these cases without the proof the mathemati- calstatementcannotbefully understoodorthattheyshowhowtoworkwith the developed mathematical theory and to draw consequences from it. The first edition grew out from several lecture courses. This influenced clearlythe styleofthepresentation.Severaltimes Ifirstmadeadefinitionfor the particular important special case under consideration. The intention was not to overload the reader with only definitions in the beginning. The most general definition was given later on in those parts of the book where it is really needed. At least to a certain extent it was my goal to keep the lecture style also for the added chapters of the second edition. In fact the part on modern algebraic geometry developed out from a write-up of lecture series which I gave at an autumn school of the Graduiertenkolleg Mathematik im Bereich Ihrer Wechselwirkungen mit der Physik of the Ludwig-Maximilians- Universita¨t,Mu¨nchen.ItisapleasureformetothankProf.MartinSchotten- loher and Prof. Julius Wess for the invitation to present the lectures there. Luxembourg, Martin Schlichenmaier September 2006 Preface to the First Edition This is a write-up of a lecture course I gave in the fall term 1987/1988 at theInstituteofTheoreticalPhysicsoftheUniversityofKarlsruhe.Ideasfrom algebraicandanalyticgeometryarebecomingmoreandmoreusefulinTheo- reticalPhysics,particularlyinrelationtostringtheoriesandrelatedsubjects, andsoIwasaskedbyProf.JuliusWesstogiveanintroductorylecturecourse for physicists on these exciting mathematical ideas. Ofcourse,therearemanydifferentstrategiesavailableforputtingtogether such a course. And there are as many arguments for as there are against the choice of subjects made here and the way to proceed. Certainly my personal preference playeda part in this choice,but, nevertheless,I hope the audience of the lectures and now the readers of these notes, if interested, will be able to study the appropriate mathematics books after the lecture in a particular subject. Let me give a brief review of the lectures. After some fundamental def- initions, for instance, of manifolds, differentials and other basic objects, we restrict ourselves to Riemann surfaces. First, we study their topology, begin- ning with their fundamental groups. As a nice example of homology theories we discuss simplicial homology. A Riemann surface is a manifold which lo- cally looks like the complex numbers C. Hence we have available the theory of analytic functions, differentials and so on. If we restrict ourselves to com- pact Riemann surfaces, we get some very useful results such as the theorem ofRiemann–Roch.Roughlyspeakingthisgivesusinformationconcerningthe existence of functions with prescribed behaviour at certain points. In Polyakovbosonic string theorythe partitionfunction is givenby “inte- grating”overalltopologiesandmetricsonanorientablecompactsurface.By gauge invariance the integration is eventually reduced to the set of different analytic isomorphism classes of Riemann surfaces. Equipped with a certain geometric structure this set is called a moduli space. As you see, it is not enough to study one fixed (although arbitrary) Riemann surface, we have to study all of them together. One important step in doing this is to assign to every Riemann surface its Jacobian. This is a higher dimensional torus with the crucial property that it is embeddable into some projective space. Fur- ther,to studythese modulispacesweusethe languageofalgebraicgeometry, X Preface to the First Edition which we must first develop. Here we use only the more classical concept of varieties. With algebraic geometry we have a very powerfulmachinery at our disposal for studying the geometry of the moduli space. We develop the theory of vector bundles, sheaves and sheaf cohomology anddeduce the Mumfordisomorphismonthe moduli space starting fromthe Grothendieck–Riemann–RochTheorem.TheMumfordIsomorphismallowsus to formulate the integrand of the partition function of the Polyakov bosonic string in holomorphic terms. We use the Krichever–Novikov construction of “AlgebrasofVirasoroTypeonHigherGenusCurves”asanexampleofhowto work with the Riemann–Roch theorem. Of course, there are other aspects in the theory ofmoduli ofRiemann surfaces,suchas Teichmu¨ller theory,which, because of limited time, could not be covered in the lecture course. Letme addsomeremarksonthe style.Thelecture courseandthese notes were aimed mainly at physicists, and not so much at mathematicians. But this is nottosaythatthe resultsareimprecise,ratherthatthere is amixture between different techniques and different viewpoints. In contrast, a classical mathematical text would stick to one particular aspect, for example, to the analytictheory.Therearegoodreasonsforthis,butIthinkthatinthecontext oftheselectureswewouldlosealotofbeautifulrelationsbetweenthedifferent approaches. Hence these lecture notes might also be useful for students of mathematics who are looking for a short introduction to the various aspects andtheirinterplay.Infact,therewerequiteanumberofmathematicsstudents attending the lectures. Inthelectures,youmightfinditparadoxicalthatsomecomparablysimple propositionsareprovenwhilethereisnothingontheproofofsuchfundamen- tal theorems as that of Riemann–Roch. But the reason for presenting proofs was not to make a self-contained lecture, but rather to use them as examples of how to work with the defined objects. Inview ofp-adicorevenadelic stringtheory,I haveincluded anappendix whereI giveashortintroductiontop-adicnumbers.Itshouldbe understand- able even to someone without prior knowledge of advanced algebra. Finally, let me thank Prof. Julius Wess for encouraging me to give these lectures and for convincing me that there is a need for a write-up such as this. I would also like to thank the audience for their active participation. Theirquestions helpedme greatlyto makethe exposition(hopefully) clearer. Let me thank Prof. Rainer Weissauer and Prof. Herbert Popp for valuable suggestions and fruitful discussions concerning the content of Chaps. 7 and 10, Michael Schro¨der for doing some proof-reading and Gu¨nther Schwarz for supportinpreparingthe finalprintoutofthe manuscriptonthe laserprinter. I would especially like to thank Dr Ian McArthur for writing an introduction ontheapplicationinphysicsofthemathematicalsubjectspresentedand,not least, for correcting my English. However, I accept full responsibility for any remaining errors. Martin Schlichenmaier (1990)