A friendly request to the reader! As the Preface explains, this is a very slightly corrected reprint of the second editionofmyIntroductiontoFormalLogic,originallypublishedin2020byCUP. I am now able to make it freely available to download as a PDF. You can also buy a print-on-demand physical copy at a price as low as I can make it from Amazon. In these troubled times, giving students easy access to what they need seems the least we can do. Nointroductorylogictextwillsuitallreaders.Thisonewillbetoolongwinded for some, and too brisk for others. Some readers will want more ‘informal logic’ at the outset; others with complain that I take over fifty pages before we start formal logic proper. The tone will be too ‘mathematical’ for some, too relaxed for others. And so it goes. I can’t please everyone. I can only hope that it works for you! Butifyoudo readthebook–becauseitissetasacoursetext,orjustbecause youwanttoteachyourselfsomebasiclogic–doletmeknowhowyoufindit.Are there any particular sections that you find obscure? Are there parts that go too fast/too slowly? Would you e.g. like more historical asides? More philosophical asides?Oh,anddidyouspotanyoutrightmistakes?Evenquicknotessaying‘It all went pretty well for me!’ are appreciated. I’m keen to know because I have it mind to write a third edition sooner or later.Becausethebookisnowself-published,itisaloteasiertokeepimproving it, even if it means adding extra pages here or there. And I’d like to make the book as readable and as useful as I can. So do please send comments to me, peter smith at logicmatters.net. Thanks! Peter Smith, before he retired, was Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the Uni- versity of Cambridge. His other books include Explaining Chaos (1998) and An Introduction to G¨odel’s Theorems (2007; 2013). The page left intentionally blank An Introduction to Formal Logic Second edition Peter Smith Logic Matters (cid:13)c Peter Smith 2003, 2020 All rights reserved. Permission is granted to distribute this PDF as a complete whole, including this copyright page, for educational purposes such as classroom use. Otherwise, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except inthecaseofbriefquotationsembodiedincriticalreviewsandcertain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to peter [email protected]. First published by Cambridge University Press, 2003 Second edition, Cambridge University Press, 2020 Reprinted with corrections, Logic Matters, August 2020 A low-cost paperback of this book is available by print on demand from Amazon ISBN 979-8-675-80394-1 Paperback Additional resources for this publication at www.logicmatters.net, where the latest version of this PDF will always be found. Sincethisrevisededitionisnotproducedbyapublisherwithamarketingdepart- ment,youruniversitylibrarianwillnotgettoknowaboutitintheusualway.You will therefore need to give them the details and ask them to order a printed copy for the library. Contents Preface vii 1 What is deductive logic? 1 2 Validity and soundness 9 3 Forms of inference 20 4 Proofs 28 5 The counterexample method 39 6 Logical validity 44 7 Propositions and forms 52 Interlude: From informal to formal logic 59 8 Three connectives 61 9 PL syntax 72 10 PL semantics 81 11 ‘P’s, ‘Q’s, ‘α’s, ‘β’s – and form again 94 12 Truth functions 104 13 Expressive adequacy 113 14 Tautologies 120 15 Tautological entailment 127 16 More about tautological entailment 137 17 Explosion and absurdity 145 18 The truth-functional conditional 148 19 ‘If’s and ‘→’s 162 Interlude: Why natural deduction? 172 20 PL proofs: conjunction and negation 174 21 PL proofs: disjunction 191 22 PL proofs: conditionals 203 23 PL proofs: theorems 211 24 PL proofs: metatheory 216 Interlude: Formalizing general propositions 228 25 Names and predicates 230 26 Quantifiers in ordinary language 240 v vi Contents 27 Quantifier-variable notation 249 28 QL languages 258 29 Simple translations 271 30 More on translations 282 Interlude: Arguing in QL 290 31 Informal quantifier rules 293 32 QL proofs 299 33 More QL proofs 315 34 Empty domains? 329 35 Q-valuations 333 36 Q-validity 346 37 QL proofs: metatheory 354 Interlude: Extending QL 359 38 Identity 361 = 39 QL languages 367 40 Definite descriptions 375 = 41 QL proofs 382 42 Functions 391 Appendix: Soundness and completeness 402 The Greek alphabet 412 Further reading 413 Index 415 vi Preface The first and second printed editions Theworldisnotshortofintroductionsto logic aimed at philosophy students. They differ widely in pace, style, coverage, andtheratioofformalworktophilosophicalcommentary.Likeotherauthors,my initialexcuseforwritingyetanothertextwasthatIdidnotfindonethatoffered quitethemixthatIwantedformyownstudents(first-yearundergraduatesdoing a compulsory logic course). Logicians are an argumentative lot and get quite heated when discussing the bestrouteintooursubjectforbeginners.But,standingbackfromourdifferences, we can all agree on this: in one form or another, the logical theory eventually arrived at in this book – classical first-order quantification theory, to give it its trade name – is a wonderful intellectual achievement by formally-minded philosophersandphilosophically-mindedmathematicians.Itisabeautifultheory of permanent value, a starting point for all other modern work in logic. So we care greatly about passing on this body of logical knowledge. And we write our logic texts – like this one – in the hope that you too will come to appreciate some of the elements of our subject, and even want to go on to learn more. Thisbookstartsfromscratch,andinitiallygoesprettyslowly;Imakenoapology forworkinghardattheoutsettonaildownsomebasicideas.Thepacegradually picks up as we proceed and as the idea of a formal approach to logic becomes more and more familiar. But almost everything should remain quite accessible even to those who start off as symbol-phobic – especially if you make the effort to read slowly and carefully. You should check your understanding by tackling at least some of the routine exercises at the ends of chapters. There are worked answers available at the book’s online home, www.logicmatters.net. These are often quite detailed. For example, while the book’s chapters on formal proofs aim to make the basic principles really clear, the online answers provide extended ‘examples classes’ exploring proof-strategies, noting mistakes to avoid, etc. So do make good use of these further resources. As well as exercises which test understanding, there are also a few starred exercises which introduce additional ideas you really ought to know about, or which otherwise ask you to go just a little beyond what is in the main text. The first edition of this book concentrated on logic by trees. Many looking for a course text complained about this. This second edition, as well as significantly vii viii Preface revising all the other chapters, replaces the chapters on trees with chapters on a natural deduction proof system, done Fitch-style. Which again won’t please everyone! So the chapters on trees are still available, in a revised form. But to keep the length of the printed book under control, you will find these chapters – together with a lot of other relevant material including additional exercises – at the book’s website. This PDF version The second edition is now made freely available as a PDF download (note, by the way, that internal cross-references are live links). Apart from altering this Preface to note the new publication arrangements, and tak- ing the opportunity to correct a very small number of misprints, the book is unchanged. However, ... A third edition? As just noted, in adding the chapters on natural deduction to the second edition, I had to relegate (versions of) the first edition’s chapters on trees to the status of online supplements. But this was always a second-best solution. Ideally, I would have liked to have covered both trees and natural deduction (while carefully arranging things so that the reader who only wanted to explore one of these still had a coherent path through the book). I now hope over the coming months to be able to revert to that plan, and so eventually produce a third edition. Thanks Manymorepeoplehavehelpedmeatvariousstagesinthewritingand rewriting of this book than I can now remember. GenerationsofCambridgestudentsmoreorlesswillinglyroad-testedversions of the lecture handouts which became the first edition of this book, and I learnt a lot from them. Then Dominic Gregory and Alexander Paseau read and com- mented on full drafts of the book, and the late Laurence Goldstein did very much more than it was reasonable to expect of a publisher’s reader. After pub- lication, many people then sent further corrections which made their way into later reprintings, in particular Joseph Jedwab. Thanks to all of them. While writing the second edition, I have greatly profited from comments from,amongmanyothers,MauroAllegranza,DavidAuerbach,RomanBorschel, DavidFurcy,AntonJumelet,JanvonPlato,andespeciallyNormanBirkettand RowsetyMoid.ExchangesonlogicalTwitter,asurprisinglysupportiveresource, suggestedsomememorableexamplesandniceturnsofphrase–particularlyfrom JoelD.Hamkins.ScottWellerwasextremelygenerousinsendingmanypagesof corrections.MatthewManningwasequallyeagle-eyed,andalsomadeaparticu- larly helpful suggestion about how best to arrange the treatment of metatheory. At a late stage, David Makinson rightly pressed me hard to be clearer in distin- guishingbetweentypesofrulesofinference.AndmydaughterZo¨egaveespecially appreciated feedback in the last phases of writing. I am again very grateful to all of them. Mostofall,ImustthankmywifePatsywithoutwhoseloveandsupportneither version of this book would ever have been finished. viii 1 What is deductive logic? The core business of logic is the systematic evaluation of arguments for internal cogency. And the kind of internal cogency that will especially concern us in this book is logical validity. But these brief headlines leave everything to be explained. What do we mean here by ‘argument’? What do we mean by ‘internal cogency’? What do we mean, more particularly, by ‘logical validity’? And what kinds of ‘systematic’ evaluation of arguments are possible? This introductory chapter makes a gentle start on answering these questions. 1.1 Whatisanargument? By ‘argument’ we mean a chain of reasoning, short or long, in support of some conclusion. So we must distinguish arguments from mere disagreements and disputes. The children who shout at each other ‘You did’, ‘I didn’t’, ‘Oh yes, you did’, ‘Oh no, I didn’t’ are certainly disagreeing: but they are not arguing in our sense – they are not yet giving any reasons in support of one claim or the other. Reason-givingargumentsaretheverystuffofallseriousinquiry,whetheritis philosophyorphysics,economicsorexperimentalpsychology.Ofcourse,wealso deploy reasoned arguments in the course of everyday, street-level, inquiry into thelikelywinnerofnextmonth’selection,thebestplacetotrainasalawyer,or what explains our team’s losing streak. We want our opinions to be true; that means that we should aim to have good reasons backing up our opinions, so raising the chances of getting things right. This in turn means that we have an interestinbeingskilfulreasoners,usingargumentswhichreallydosupporttheir conclusions. 1.2 Kindsofevaluation Logic,then,isconcernedwithevaluatingstretchesofreasoning.Takethisreally simple example, and call it argument A. Suppose you hold (1) All philosophers are eccentric. I then introduce you to Jack, telling you that he is a philosopher. So you come to believe 1 1 What is deductive logic? (2) Jack is a philosopher. Putting these two thoughts together, you infer (3) Jack is eccentric. And the first point to make is that this bit of reasoning can now be evaluated along two quite independent dimensions: First, we can ask whether this argument’s premisses A(1) and A(2) are true. Are the ‘inputs’ to your inference step correct? A(1) is in fact very disputable. And perhaps I have made a mistake and A(2) is false as well. Second, we can ask about the quality of the inference step, the move which takes you from the premisses A(1) and A(2) to the conclusion A(3). In this particular case, the inference step is surely absolutely compelling: the conclusion really does follow from the premisses. We have agreed that it may be open to question whether the premisses are actually true. However, if they are assumed to be true (assumed ‘for the sake of argument’, as we say), then we have to agree that the conclusion is true too. There’s just no way that A(1) and A(2) could be true and yet A(3) false. To assert that Jack is a philosopher and that all philosophers are eccentric, but go on to deny that Jack is eccentric, would be implicitly to contradict yourself. Generalizing, it is one thing to consider whether an argument starts from true premisses;itisanotherthingtoconsiderwhetheritmovesonbyreliableinference steps. Yes, we typically want our arguments to pass muster on both counts. We typically want both to start from true premisses and to reason by steps which can be relied on to take us to further truths. But it is important to emphasize that these are distinct aims. The premisses of arguments can be about all sorts of topics: their truth is usually no business of the logician. If we are arguing about historical matters, then it is the historian who is the expert about the truth of our premisses; if we are arguing about some question in physics, then the physicist is the one who might know whether our premisses are true; and so on. The central concern of logic, by contrast, is not the truth of initial premisses but the way we argue from a given starting point – the logician wants to know when an argument’s premisses,supposingthatweacceptthem,doindeedprovidecompellinggrounds for also accepting its conclusion. It is in this sense that logic is concerned with the ‘internal cogency’ of our reasoning. 1.3 Deductionvs. induction (a) Argument A’s inference step is absolutely compelling: if A’s premisses are true, then its conclusion is guaranteed to be true too. Here is a similar case: B (1) Either Jill is in the library or she is in the bookshop. (2) Jill isn’t in the library. So (3) Jill is in the bookshop. 2