An Integer Programming Approach to UEP Coding for Multiuser Broadcast Channels Wook Jung Shih-Chun Chang The Volgenau School of Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. 22030 George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. 22030 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 4 1 0 r 2 Abstract—In this paper, an integer programming approach is 1 D1 mˆ1 introduced to construct Unequal Error Protection (UEP) codes n for multiuser broadcast channels. We show that the optimal a codes can be constructed that satisfy the integer programming m=(m1,m2,...,mk) J bound. Based on the bound, we compute asymptotic code rate 1 and perform throughput analysis for the degraded broadcast c Broadcast r2 2 channel. • E Channel D2 mˆ2 . . T] I. INTRODUCTION .. .. I In this paper, we present an integer programmingapproach r s. to construct unequal error protection (UEP) codes for mul- k Dk mˆk c tiuserbroadcastchannels.Informationtheoreticfeaturesofthe [ broadcast channel have been studied in [1], [2], [3] and the Fig.1. Broadcast communication system 1 designs of UEP codes have been well investigated in [4], [5], v [6], [7], [8], [9]. The UEP coding scheme corrects unequal 1 channel errors and recovers messages for all users effectively on the integer programming bound, we compute asymptotic 2 3 over the broadcast communication system. code rate and perform throughput analysis for the degraded 5 The multiuser broadcastcommunicationsystem is depicted broadcast channel. . in Fig. 1. Due to the unequal error characteristics of the 1 0 broadcast channel, each receiver may have different level of II. UEPCODES FOR BROADCAST CHANNELS 4 error protection requirement denoted by 1 In [4], Masnick and Wolf have presented a UEP code v: t=(t1,t2,...,tk) for 1≤i≤k (1) construction method. However, it has been claimed by the authors that the optimal code construction beyond k = 5 is i X where ti is the error protection requirement for a receiver i. extremely difficult. It motivates us to develop an innovative Let C be a (n, k) UEP code with a generator matrix G; r approach based on integer programming to construct optimal a C ={mG|m ∈{0,1}, 1≤i≤k}. UEP codes beyond k =5. i Then a separation vector s = (s1,s2,...,sk) of the UEP A. Integer programming approach code C is defined in [5] as follows We begin our approach by specifying the separation vector si =min{wH(mG) |mi =1}, 1≤i≤k (2) s=(s1,s2,...,sk) satisfies, where wH(·) denotes the Hamming weight. Given si ≤sj for 1≤i<j ≤k. (4) s ≥2t +1 for 1≤i≤k, (3) i i Let A be a k×(2k −1) matrix consisting of all nonzero a the receiver i can correct up to t errors and can recover binary k-tuples as columns in increasing order. i themessagemˆ .Givenaspecificseparationvector,wedesign UPE codes thait satisfy (2) based on an integer programming 000··· 01··· 11 a1 approach. 000··· 10··· 11 a2 In the following sections, we introduce an integer pro- Aa =... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...= ... (5) gramming model to construct UEP codes and derive the 011··· 10··· 11 ak−1 performanceboundstoshowtheefficiencyofthecodes.Based 101··· 10··· 01 ak where ai = ai,1,ai,2,...,ai,2k−1 is a row vector. Let G Example 1: For k =3 and s=(3,5,7), be a generator(cid:0)matrix of UEP code(cid:1)written as 0001111 a1 g1 Aa =0110011=a2, g2 1010101 a3 G= . , (6) . . and gk 0 ··· 0 0 ··· 0 1 ··· 1 g1 then each gi for 1≤i≤k can be represented as G=0 ··· 0 1 ··· 1 ··· 1 ··· 1=g2 1 ··· 1 0 ··· 0 1 ··· 1 g . gi = ai,1,...,ai,1,ai,2,...,ai,2,··· ,ai,2k−1,...,ai,2k−1 ←x1 →←x2 →···←x7 → 3 (cid:16) (cid:17) Then, x1 x2 x2k−1 | {z } | {z } | {z }(7) 2k−1 A1= 0001111 =(a1), where x is the code length n. j=1 i (cid:0) (cid:1) It follPows from (2) that, for a given non-decreasingsepara- tion vector s=(s1,s2,...,sk), A2=(cid:18)00111101011010(cid:19)=(cid:18)aa22+a1(cid:19), wH(g1)≥s1, (8a) i−1 1010101 a3 wH(cid:16)gi+Xj=1mjgj(cid:17)≥si for 2≤i≤k (8b) A3=11011010011100=aa33++aa12 . where mj ∈{0,1}. From (7), 1101001 a3+a1+a2 Therefore, the UEP code construction is to find x that 2k−1 w (g )= a x =a x⊤ for 1≤i≤k (9) minimizes the sum x1+x2+···+x7 satisfying H i i,j j i Xj=1 x4+x5+x6+x7 ≥ 3 where x=(x1,x2,...,x2k−1). Consequently, x2+x3+x6+x7 ≥ 5 i−1 i−1 x2+x3+x4+x5 ≥ 5 ⊤ wH gi+ mjgj =ai+ mjajx . (10) x1+x3+x5+x7 ≥ 7 (cid:16) Xj=1 (cid:17) Xj=1 x1+x3+x4+x6 ≥ 7 From (8), (9), and (10), let Ai contains all 2i−1 rows of x1+x2+x5+x6 ≥ 7 a for i=1 (11a) x1+x2+x4+x7 ≥7. i i−1 The optimal solution for this example shall be given in later ai+ mjaj for 2≤i≤k, (11b) section. Xj=1 B. Integer programming bound then, we have the following inequalities In [7], van Gils has derived a lower bound of a UEP code Aix⊤ ≥b⊤i for 1≤i≤k (12) for a non-increasingseparation vector s′ =(s′1,s′2,...,s′k) as whereA isa2i−1×(2k−1)matrixandb =(s ,s ,...,s ) i i i i i isarowvectoroflength2i−1.Basedon(12),wecanformulate k s′ UEP code construction for a given non-decreasing separation ns′ ≥ (cid:24)2i−i1(cid:25). (13) vector s=(s1,s2,...,sk) as an integer programmingmodel. Xi=1 We begin by introducing the bound of (13) for a purpose UEP code construction with integer programming to give the following theorem. Minimize ns =x1+x2+···+x2k−1 Theorem 1 (Integer programming bound): For a given k, subject to let s=(s1,s2,...,sk) be a non-decreasingseparationvector, ⊤ ⊤ then the integer programming bound is given by Ax ≥b k where A1 b⊤1 ns ≥ 2ks−ii . (14) A2 ⊤ b⊤2 Xi=1l m A= . , b = . Proof: For the integer programmingproblem, we formu- . . A.k b.⊤k late 2k−1 inequalities in m⊤atrix f⊤orm as Ax ≥b . TABLEI Since the rows of A consist of 2k−1 linear combinationsof NUMERICALRESULTSFORs=(3,5,...,2k+1) a for1≤i≤k,eachcolumnofAhas2k−1 ones[10,p.97]. i Therefore, the sum of 2k−1 inequalities is Lowerbounds Integerprogramming Upperbounds k (14) results,ns (18) k 2k−1(x1+x2+···+x2k−1)≥ 2i−1si, 2 7 7 7 3 11 11 12 Xi=1 4 16 16 19 hence, 5 20 20 25 k si 6 25 25 32 ns ≥ 2k−i. (15) 7 30 30 39 Xi=1 8 35 35 46 Since the separation vector s = (s1,s2,...,sk) is in non- 9 39 h40i 53 decreasing order, set s′i = sk−i+1 and then, transform the 10 44 h45i 60 bound of (13) into 11 49 h52i 67 k ′ k k 12 55 h58i 74 ns′ ≥Xi=1 (cid:24)2is−i1(cid:25)=Xi=1lsk2−i−i+11m=Xi=1l2ks−iim. (16) 1134 5694 hh6740ii 8818 For every i from 1 to k, 15 69 h76i 95 Note:h·iindicates sub-optimal length. s s i i ≥ . (17) 2k−i 2k−i l m Therefore,theactuallowerboundoftheintegerprogramming 100 is exactly the same as the bound of (16). Consequently 90 Upper bounds 80 Code construction k s Lower bounds ns ≥ 2k−ii . 70 Xi=1l m 60 Length 50 In the following, we also include an upper bound on the 40 length ns derived by Masnick and Wolf in [4], 30 20 ns ≤k+rU (18) 10 andrU isthesmallestnumberofcheckbitsrsuchthat2r >γ 02 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Dimension k where 2tk−1 n−1 k n−1−T k n−1−T Fig.2. Integerprogrammingresults withbounds. i i γ = − − (cid:18) i (cid:19) (cid:18) 2t −2 (cid:19) (cid:18) 2t −1 (cid:19) Xi=0 Xi=2 i Xi=2 i (19) and one of the optimal solutions occurs at andT isthenumberofmessagebitsthatareprotectedagainst i i-bitormoreerrors.Numericalresultsforthelowerandupper x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 . bounds are shown in Table I. 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 It means that i-th column of A appears x times in the C. Integer programming results a i optimal generator matrix. Therefore, In Table I, we present the numerical results of integer programming by using IBM ILOG CPLEX v12.5.1 [11] for 00000001111 s = (3,5,...,2k+1). From k = 2 to 8, ns are exactly the G=00011110011. same as the lower bound, therefore the corresponding UEP 11100110101 codes are optimal. The optimal results are listed in Table II. Letˆs=(sˆ1,sˆ2,...,sˆk)denotetheseparationvectorobtained For9≤k ≤15,insteadoffindingoptimalsolutions,welimit from the corresponding G. If our search for sub-optimal solutions due to time constraint. The results and both lower and upper bounds are plotted in sˆi ≥si for 1≤i≤k, Fig. 2. then G satisfies (2). In this example, Example 2: Theoptimalsolutionobtainedfromtheinteger ˆs=(4,6,7) ≥ s=(3,5,7). programming for s=(3,5,7) is There are many combinations of x for 1 ≤ i ≤ 2k −1 7 i ns = xi =11, that are summed to the optimal value of ns (e.g., there are 3 Xi=1 solutions of xi to ns = 7 when k = 2, 7 solutions of xi to TABLEII OPTIMALRESULTSOFINTEGERPROGRAMMING k ns non-zeroxi for1≤i≤2k−1 ˆs x1x2x3 2 7 (3,5) 4 2 1 x1x2x3x4x5x6x7 3 11 (4,6,7) 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 x1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12x13x14x15 4 16 (8,8,8,9) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12x13x14x15x16x17x18x19 5 20 (4,8,8,10,11) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12x13x14x15x16x17x18x19x20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 25 (4,6,8,10,12,13) x21x32x33x34x35 1 1 1 1 1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10x11x12x13x14x15x16x17x18x19x20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 30 (3,5,8,9,12,14,15) x21x22x23x32x33x34x35x64x65x104 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9x10x11 x12 x13 x14 x15x16x17x18x19x20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 35 (3,5,7,11,11,13,15,17) x21x22x23x32x33x34x35x64x65x66x126x127x128x129x184 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ns = 11 when k =3, 2063 solutions of xi to ns = 16 when and k =4, and so on). x+1 ∆j =ax 2x−1+···+1 +ax−1 2x−2+···+1 D. Asymptotic code rates Xj=2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) +···+a2(2+1)+a1 For s = (3,5,...,2k+1), we present the corresponding =ax(2x−1)+ax−1 2x−1−1 +···+a0(1−1) asymptotic code rates based on the lower bounds as follows. x (cid:0) (cid:1) Theorem 2: Let RUEP be the rate of UEP code whose =k− ai (24) separation vector is s=(3,5,...,2k+1). Then Xi=0 Therefore, RUEP ≈0.2 when k ≫1. (20) 1 η =3k+1, (25a) j Proof: Let ns satisfy the bound of (14), then Xj=0 x+1 x x+1 k k−1 2i+1 2(k−j)+1 ηj =k− ai+ δj, (25b) ns = (cid:24) 2k−i (cid:25)= (cid:24) 2j (cid:25). (21) Xj=2 Xi=0 Xj=2 Xi=1 Xj=0 and k−1 Letηj , (2k−2j+1)/2j and k =ax2x+ax−12x−1+ ηj =k−⌊log2k⌋−2. (25c) ···+a0 wh(cid:6)ere x=⌊log2k⌋, th(cid:7)en j=Xx+2 Consequently, 2k+1 , j =0 k , j =1 k−1 ηj =ax2x−j+1+···+aj−120+δj ,2≤j ≤x+1 ns = ηj ≈ 5k when k ≫1. (26) 1 , x+2≤j ≤k−1 Xj=0 whereδj ∈{0,1} [12, p.47,51]. (22) Thereforethecoderate isconvergedtoRUEP ≈ 5kk =0.2. Let ∆ ,η −δ for 2≤j ≤x+1, then The actual rates of UEP codes based on R = k are j j j ns illustrated in Fig. 3 for k ≤ 215, which shows asymptotic ∆j =ax2x−j+1+ax−12x−j+···+aj−120, (23) convergenceto 0.2 as proven in Theorem 2. S T1 T2 Tk−1 Tk 0.3 1−α1 1−α2 1−αk 0 • • • • • α α α 1 2 k 0.28 α 1 α 2 α k 1 • • • • • 0.26 1−α1 1−α2 1−αk Rate0.24 Fig.4. CascadedBSCsfordegradedbroadcast channel [3]. 0.22 0.3 0.2 0.29 code rate, k/n s 2^102^11 2^15 0.28 Dimension k throughput, R T 0.27 Fig.3. UEPcoderatesfor2≤k≤215. 0.26 Rate0.25 0.24 E. Throughput of degraded broadcast channels 0.23 Theproposedbroadcastchannelmodelcanbeconsideredas 0.22 a degraded broadcast channel that has k component channels [3]. Let S be a source input and T be outputs of the 0.21 i componentchannels where S,Ti ∈{0,1} for 1≤i≤k, then 0.20 20 40 60 80 100 120 Dimension k theerrorcharacteristicsofthechannelcanbedescribedwithk cascaded binary symmetric channels (BSCs) with parameters Fig. 5. Code rate and throughput of the degraded broadcast channel for α ∈[0,1] as shown in Fig. 4. i 2≤k≤27. Letp denotethebiterrorprobabilityoftheeachcomponent i channel, then we have demonstrated the achievable asymptotic code rates pi =pi−1(1−αi)+(1−pi−1)αi, 1≤i≤k (27) in comparison to the throughput of the degraded broadcast where p0 = 0 [3]. Let ns satisfy the bound in (14) for a channel. given separation vector s = (3,5,...,2k+1), then mi can Even though we limit to send 1 bit to each receiver, the besuccessfullydeliveredtoreceiveriwhenthecorresponding integer programming approach can be extended to send a component channel introduces less than or equal to i errors. multi-bit message or a packet to each receiver, we refer this Therefore the average rate of successful transmission of a bit to UEP network coding in a follow-up paper. to receiver i, denoting by θ , can be given as i REFERENCES i θ = ns (1−p )ns−jpj, 1≤i≤k, (28) [1] T. M. Cover, “Broadcast channels,” IEEE Trans. Inf. 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