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Bulletin index: Volume 90, numbers 1-12 Author index A C ABCARIAN, HERAND, The American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery, 90, 4:28 CASEY, KATHLEEN, Terima kasih: Volunteer surgeon ADEBONOJO, SAMUEL A., and JACOBS, LEN- experiences in the wake of the 2004 tsunami, 90, 8:19 WORTH M., and BURNS, KARYL J., and LUK, CHANG, DAVID W., Report of the 2005 Japan Travel- STEPHEN S., and CORNWELL, EDWARD E. ITI, ing Fellow, 90, 12:34 Advanced Trauma Operative Management course CHARLES, SARA, Medical liability litigation as a introduced to surgeons in West Africa, 90, 6:8 disruptive life event, 90, 12:17 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, Revised CHUNG, KEVIN C., Report of the 2005 Australia and statement on health care industry representatives New Zealand Travelling Fellow, 90, 9:49 in the operating room, 90, 9:27 CLANCY, THOMAS E., and OSTEEN, ROBERT —Revised statement on surgical technology training T., Called to serve as a consultant in the OR? What and certification, 90, 12:31 to do, 90, 6:15 -Statement of principles of palliative care, 90, COLLICOTT, PAUL E., ATLS® celebrates 25th an- 8:34 niversary, 90, 5:18 —Statement on blunt suture needles, 90, 11:24 —Highlights of the ACSPA Board of Directors and the -Statement on prevention of nontraffic vehicle-re- ACS Board of Regents meetings, October 9-10, 14, lated injuries in children, 90, 1:20 2004, 90, 4:47 —Statement on restrictive covenants, 90, 2:25 —Highlights of the ACSPA Board of Directors and the -Statement on the prevention of retained foreign ACS Board of Regents meetings, February 11-12, bodies after surgery, 90, 10:15 2005, 90, 5:38 AMES, LYNNE, Surgical lifestyles: Creativity -Highlights of the ACSPA Board of Directors and the and commitment to excellence are constants, 90, ACS Board of Regents meetings, June 10-11, 2005, 3:17 90, 9:55 ANDERSON, KATHRYN D., Presidential Address: CORNWELL, EDWARD E. III, and ADEBONOJO, Crises in humanity, 90, 12:10 SAMUEL A., and JACOBS, LENWORTH M., and BURNS, KARYL J., and LUK, STEPHEN S., Advanced Trauma Operative Management course B introduced to surgeons in West Africa, 90, 6:8 CUTTER, C. SUZANNE, and UPPERMAN, JEFFREY BAKER, MINDY, Liability reform in 2005: How in- S., Not your father’s specialty: Preparing Residents dividual states are addressing the issues, 90, 8:9 and Associates for collaborative leadership, 90, 7:15 BEATY, JAMES H., The American Board of Ortho- paedic Surgery, 90, 4:33 BELKIN, NATHAN L., “False faith in the surgeon’s D gown” revisited, 90, 4:19 BOTHE, ALBERT, JR., and HARRIS, JEAN A., DACEY, RALPH G., JR., The American Board of Current Procedural Terminology changes for 2005, Neurological Surgery, 90, 3:20 90, 1:16 DEAN, RICHARD H., Surgeons and surgical leaders: BROWN, CYNTHIA A., and OPELKA, FRANK G., Mixing expectations with needs, 90, 9:23 Understanding pay for performance, 90, 9:12 BURNS, KARYL J., and LUK, STEPHEN S., and CORNWELL, EDWARD E. III, and ADEBONO- F JO, SAMUEL A., and JACOBS, LENWORTH M., Advanced Trauma Operative Management course FAGER, CHARLES A., What’s right and wrong in introduced to surgeons in West Africa, 90, 6:8 my world of medicine, 90, 2:20 DECEMBER 2005 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS FANTUS, RICHARD J., and FILDES, JOHN, JR., and LEWIS, JOHN N., and HUNT, DAVID R.., NTDB™ data points: A-hunting we will go, 90, 11:44 Process and outcome measures in specialty surgery: —~NTDB™ data points: Alcohol is no industrial accident, Early steps in defining quality, 90, 2:8 90, 10:52 GIBBS, VERNA C., and McGRATH, MARY H.., —-NTDB™ data points: The bank’s window, 90, 4:52 and RUSSELL, THOMAS R., The prevention of -NTDB™ data points: Can we insure the future of retained foreign bodies after surgery, 90, 10:12 trauma?, 90, 2:33 GREENE, FREDERICK L., Citation for Prof. Alfred -NTDB™ data points: Click click—you’re dead?, 90, Cuschieri, 90, 11:33 5:44 GREENFIELD, LAZAR J., Aging and the practice —-NTDB™ data points: Down on the farm, 90, 9:63 of surgery, 90, 6:18 -NTDB™ data points: It’s in the bag, 90, 7:63 GRIFFEN, F. DEAN, Introduction to CHARLES, -NTDB™ data points: I’ve fallen and I can’t get up, SARA: Medical liability litigation as a disruptive 90, 8:43 life event, 90, 12:17 -NTDB™ data points: NTDB breaks the 1 million record mark, 90, 1:39 -NTDB™ data points: One on every corner, 90, 6:34 -NTDB™ data points: Who needs rehab?, 90, 12:43 -NTDB™ data points: Winter wonderland, 90 3:44 HANLON, C. ROLLINS, In memoriam: R. Gordon FILDES, JOHN, and FANTUS, RICHARD J., Holcombe, Jr., MD, FACS (19138-2005), 90, 10:41 NTDB™ data points: A-hunting we will go, 90, 11:44 -In memoriam: Luis F. Sala, MD, FACS (1919-2005), -NTDB™ data points: Alcohol is no industrial accident, 90, 10:37 90, 10:52 HARRIS, JEAN A., What surgeons should know - NTDB™ data points: The bank’s window, 90, 4:52 about... The revised Medicare list of procedures for -NTDB™ data points: Can we insure the future of ASCs, 90, 9:9 trauma?, 90, 2:33 -and BOTHE, ALBERT, JR., Current Procedural -NTDB™ data points: Click click—you’re dead?, 90, Terminology changes for 2005, 90, 1:16 5:44 HEALY, GERALD B., Citation for Prof. Bruce Neil -NTDB™ data points: Down on the farm, 90, 9:63 Benjamin, 90, 11:32 -NTDB™ data points: It’s in the bag, 90, 7:63 HINES, JOE, Report of the 2005 ACS Traveling Fel- -NTDB™ data points: I’ve fallen and I can’t get up, lowship to Germany, 90, 11:36 90, 8:43 HOUCK, PETER M., and POLK, HIRAM C., JR., -NTDB™ data points: NTDB breaks the 1 million and LEWIS, JOHN N., and GARRISON, R. NEAL, record mark, 90, 1:39 and VAN VLACK, JAN P, and HUNT, DAVID R., -NTDB™ data points: One on every corner, 90, 6:34 Process and outcome measures in specialty surgery: -NTDB™ data points: Who needs rehab?, 90, 12:43 Early steps in defining quality, 90, 2:8 -NTDB™ data points: Winter wonderland, 90 3:44 HUNT, DAVID R., and POLK, HIRAM C., JR., and FOLEY, THOMAS, and KESSEL, JAMES, and LEWIS, JOHN N., and GARRISON, R. NEAL, SCHMITZ, G. DOUGLAS, RTTDC®: New course and VAN VLACK, JAN P, and HOUCK, PETER to improve rural trauma care, 90, 6:22 M., Process and outcome measures in specialty sur- FOSTER, DANIEL, Medical liability reform and state gery: Early steps in defining quality, 90, 2:8 law: West Virginia, 90, 11:20 FRIED, DENNIS A., Project Belize: Volunteer sur- gery in Central America, 90, 9:20 J FRIESEN, SHAWN, Paying for quality: Making policy and practice work for patients, 90, 11:8 JACOBS, LENWORTH M., and BURNS, KARYL J.. and LUK, STEPHEN S., and CORNWELL, EDWARD E. III, and ADEBONOJO, SAMUEL A., G Advanced Trauma Operative Management course introduced to surgeons in West Africa, 90, 6:8 GANT, NORMAN E.,, The American Board of Obstet- JOHNSON, LESTER WAYNE, Board of Governors: rics and Gynecology, 90, 4:31 Report from the Committee on Chapter Activities, GARDNER, TIMOTHY J., The American Board of 90, 1:22 Thoracic Surgery, 90, 4:38 JONES, R. SCOTT, ACOSOG news: Clinical trials GARRISON, R. NEAL, and VAN VLACK, JAN P, update: A follow-up report on the American College and HOUCK, PETER M., and POLK, HIRAM C., of Surgeons Oncology Group, 90, 10:48 VOLUME 90, NUMBER 12, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS -ACOSOG news: Clinical trials update: Cooperative lows, Candidates, and Resident Members, 90, 10:8 group membership: An online three-step process, MERRELL, RONALD C., Telemedicine and telesur- 90, 12:40 gery in the operating room, 90, 4:8 -ACOSOG news: Clinical trials update: New trials MILLER, ROBERT H., The American Board of Oto- highlight surgical innovations, 90, 11:41 laryngology, 90, 3:23 MOLLER, MECKER G., and KARAMICHALIS, JOHN M., Surgery residents and volunteerism, K 90, 7:23 KARAMICHALIS, JOHN M., and MOLLER, MECKER G., Surgery residents and volunteerism, 90, 7:23 KATZ, DANIELLE A., RAS-ACS promotes unity in O’SHEA, JOHN S., Louis T. Wright and Henry W. surgery, 90, 7:10 Cave: How they paved the way for Fellowships for KESSEL, JAMES, and SCHMITZ, G. DOUGLAS, black surgeons, 90, 10:22 and FOLEY, THOMAS, RTTDC°: New course to OPELKA, FRANK G., and BROWN, CYNTHIA A., improve rural trauma care, 90, 6:22 Understanding pay for performance, 90, 9:12 KETCH, LAWRENCE L., The American Board of OSTEEN, ROBERT T., and CLANCY, THOMAS Plastic Surgery, 90, 3:24 E., Called to serve as a consultant in the OR? What to do, 90, 6:15 L LaFLAIR, ERIN, ACSPA-SurgeonsPAC off to suc- PARAMO, JUAN CARLOS, How long should surgical cessful start, 90, 4:24 training take?, 90, 7:20 LAWS, EDWARD R., Benefits of ACS membership PEEBLES, RHONDA, Chapter news, 90, 2:34; 4:54; to specialty surgeons, 90, 7:12 6:35; 8:46; 10:54, 12:46 LEWIS, JOHN N., and GARRISON, R. NEAL, and PETTY, CORY, Surgical innovation: CQI promotes VAN VLACK, JAN P.,, and HOUCK, PETER M., high standards of surgical care through research, and POLK, HIRAM C., JR., and HUNT, DAVID 90, 5:15 R., Process and outcome measures in specialty sur- PODRATZ, KARL C., Citation for Prof. Sergio gery: Early steps in defining quality, 90, 2:8 Pecorelli, 90, 11:34 LEWIS, FRANK R., JR., The American Board of POLK, HIRAM C., JR., and LEWIS, JOHN N., and Surgery, 90, 4:34 GARRISON, R. NEAL, and VAN VLACK, JAN P, LEWIS, JULIE, Three Fellows elected to Congress, and HOUCK, PETER M., and HUNT, DAVID R., 90, 3:15 Process and outcome measures in specialty surgery: LUK, STEPHEN S., and CORNWELL, EDWARD Early steps in defining quality, 90, 2:8 E. Il, and ADEBONOJO, SAMUEL A., and JA- COBS, LENWORTH M., and BURNS, KARYL J., Advanced Trauma Operative Management course R introduced to surgeons in West Africa, 90, 6:8 RINKER, CHARLES F. II, Meeting the needs of rural general surgeons: The ACS Subcommittee on M Rural Surgery, 90, 8:13 RISHWORTH, SUSAN, ACS Archives joins research MAIZEL, SCOTT E., The battle for tort reform: The community through Library of Congress database, Maryland experience, 90, 4:14 90, 3:36 McGRATH, MARY H., and RUSSELL, THOMAS ROBERTS, ADRIENNE, ACS takes on specialty R., and GIBBS, VERNA C., The prevention of issues, 90, 10:17 retained foreign bodies after surgery, 90, 10:12 -and WERTH, GEOFF, 2004 election may affect abil- McCLELLAN, MARK, The challenge of implement- ity to push surgery’s agenda, 90, 2:16 ing the new Medicare drug benefit while updating ROSENOW, JOSHUA, The College as a forum for physicians’ pay, 90, 9:18 collaboration, 90, 7:14 McLEOD, ROBIN S., Evidence-Based Reviews in RUSSELL, THOMAS R., From my perspective, 90, Surgery: A new educational program for ACS Fel- 1:4 (health care systems); 2:4 (medical liability re- DECEMBER 2005 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS form); 3:4 (Surgery News); 4:4 (quality movement); Residents and Associates for collaborative leader- 5:4 (maintenance of certification); 6:4 (surgical ship, 90, 7:15 workforce shortage); 7:4 (RAS-ACS); 8:4 (pay for performance); 9:4 (ACS progress); 10:4 (surgical workforce shortage) 11:4 (Hurricane Katrina); 12:4 (Clinical Congress) -In memoriam: A tribute to Claude H. Organ, Jr., VAN VLACK, JAN P., and HOUCK, PETER M., 90, 9:31 and POLK, HIRAM C., JR., and LEWIS, JOHN — and GIBBS, VERNA C., and McGRATH, MARY N., and GARRISON, R. NEAL, and HUNT, DA- H., The prevention of retained foreign bodies after VID R., Process and outcome measures in specialty surgery, 90, 10:12 surgery: Early steps in defining quality, 90, 2:8 VINCENT, GAY L., American College of Surgeons Insurance Program: Update, 90, 3:38 SANDRICK, KAREN, Surgical lifestyles: Surgeon as Ww patient: Acquiring a new viewpoint, 90, 10:30 —Surgical lifestyles: Surgeon chronicles Native Ameri- WALLER, ELLEN, and WERTH, GEOFF, ACS can history, 90, 11:14 moves to clarify the role of the expert witness, 90, -Surgical lifestyles: Surgeon has “photographic mem- 12:27 ory” of historical advances, 90, 1:8 WEIGELT, JOHN A., Education in the making: The —Surgical lifestyles: Using a critical eye in surgery and SESAP development process, 90, 9:52 art, 90, 8:31 WERTH, GEOFF, ACS and surgical specialty societ- SANTUCCI, RICHARD A., How to get involved in or- ies review emergency workforce issues, 90, 7:27 ganized medicine: A primer for Young Surgeons, Resi- -and ROBERTS, ADRIENNE, 2004 election may dent Members, and Associate Fellows, 90, 12:24 affect ability to push surgery’s agenda, 90, 2:16 SCHMITZ, G. DOUGLAS, and FOLEY, THOMAS, -and WALLER, ELLEN, ACS moves te clarify the and KESSEL, JAMES, RTTDC°: New course to role of the expert witness, 90, 12:27 improve rural trauma care, 90, 6:22 WILKINSON, CHARLES P, The American Board SCHNEIDMAN, DIANE §., 2005 Leadership Confer- of Ophthalmology, 90, 3:21 ence offers insider’s view of Capitol Hill, 90, 9:35 -Surgical innovation: “Renaissance man” endows award for surgical investigators, 90, 5:10 —Surgical service at Abu Ghraib: One Fellow’s experi- ence, 90, 3:8 SHALGIAN, CHRISTIAN, and SUTTON, JON H., Legislative advocacy and political activity: How sur- geons and chapters can get involved, 90, 5:22 SIDDIQUI, MOHAMMAD, Oweida Scholar reports on experience at 2004 Clinical Congress, 90, 3:43 SMITH, JOSEPH A., JR., The American Board of Urology, 90, 3:26 SUTTON, JON H., Hard work pays off for College at AMA House of Delegates meeting, 90, 3:34 -~and CHRISTIAN SHALGIAN, Legislative advocacy and political activity: How surgeons and chapters can get involved, 90, 5:22 —Surgeons find success at AMA House of Delegates meeting, 90, 9:42 UPPERMAN, JEFFREY S., and CUTTER, C. SUZANNE, Not your father’s specialty: Preparing VOLUME 90, NUMBER 12, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS Subject index -Highlights of the ACSPA Board of Directors and the ACS Board of Regents meetings, June 10-11, 2005 (Collicott), 90, 9:55 ACCREDITATION Annual meeting (see AMERICAN COLLEGE OF —College launches bariatric surgery center program, SURGEONS: Clinical Congress) 90, 8:40 Archives ADVISORY COUNCILS -ACS Archives joins research community through Li- -Advisory Council for General Surgery seeks nomina- brary of Congress database (Rishworth), 90, 3:36 tions, 90, 2:28 —Now online: College introduces online highlights from AMBULATORY SURGERY its treasure of archives, 90, 8:41 Socioeconomic tips: A potpourri of items, 90, 7:52 Awards -What surgeons should know about...The revised -Dr. Dudrick receives Jacobson Award, 90, 7:54 Medicare list of procedures for ASCs (Harris), 90, —Dr. Kappel receives Meritorious Achievement Award 9:9 from ACS COT, 90, 7:58 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS —Dr. Russell receives AMA award, 90, 2:27 Activities —Donald D. Trunkey receives Distinguished Service —College launches bariatric surgery center program, Award, 90, 11:29 90, 8:40 —Fellows honored with 2005 Surgical Volunteerism —College participates in development of surgical care Award, 90, 9:46 improvement project, 90, 2:31 Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons —Dateline: Washington: ACS publishes patient safety —Correction notice, 90, 6:23, 7:63 manual, 90, 5:6 —Letters, 90, 10:46 -Surgical innovation: CQI promotes high standards of Business and finance surgical care through research (Petty), 90, 5:15 —American College of Surgeons Insurance Program: Advocacy and Health Policy Update (Vincent), 90, 3:38 -2005 Leadership Conference offers insider’s view of -American College of Surgeons investment vehicle Capitol Hill (Schneidman), 90, 9:35 survey, 90, 6:27 —From my perspective (Russell), 90, 9:4 Chapters —Legislative advocacy and political activity: How sur- -2005 Leadership Conference offers insider’s view of geons and chapters can get involved (Shalgian and Capitol Hill (Schneidman), 90, 9:35 Sutton), 90, 5:22 —Board of Governors: Report from the Committee on American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Chapter Activities (Johnson), 90, 1:22 (see also CLINICAL TRIALS) —Chapter news (Peebles), 90, 2:34, 4:54, 6:35, 8:46, - ACOSOG news: Clinical trials update: Cooperative 10:54, 12:46 group membership: An online three-step process Clinical Congress (Jones), 90, 12:40 -2005 Clinical Congress preliminary program. 90, -ACOSOG news: Clinical trials update: A follow-up 7:31 report on the American College of Surgeons Oncology —ACS issues call for submissions for 2006 Congress in Group (Jones), 90, 10:48 Chicago, 90, 11:38, 12:38 -ACOSOG news: Clinical trials update: New trials high- —Child care available at Clinicai Congress, 90, 8:44 light surgical innovations (Jones), 90, 11:41 —From my perspective (Russell), 90, 12:4 American College of Surgeons Professional As- —Official notice: Annual Meeting of Fellows, American sociation College of Surgeons, 90, 9:31 —ACSPA-SurgeonsPAC off to successful start (LaF lair), Postgraduate courses to address palliative care, di- 90, 4:24 agnosis of anal cancer, 90, 9:62 —From my perspective (Russell), 90, 9:4 — RAS-ACS symposium at Congress to examine trun- -Highlights of the ACSPA Board of Directors and the cated resident training, 90, 4:43 ACS Board of Regents meetings, October 9-10, 14, Commission on Cancer 2004 (Collicott), 90, 4:47 —COC colon cancer practice profile reports to be avail- -Highlights of the ACSPA Board of Directors and the able online, 90, 4:44 ACS Board of Regents meetings, February 11-12, —Commission on Cancer grants 39 Outstanding 2005 (Collicott), 90, 5:38 Achievement Awards, 90, 10:38 DECEMBER 2005 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS Development Presidential Address -Surgical innovation: “Renaissance man” endows —Presidential Address: Crises in humanity (Anderson), award for surgical investigators (Schneidman), 90, 90, 12:10 5:10 Regents, Board of Disciplinary actions —Highlights of the ACSPA Board of Directors and the —Disciplinary actions taken, 90, 6:26, 11:39 ACS Board of Regents meetings, October 9-10, 14, Executive Director 2004 (Collicott), 90, 4:47 —From my perspective (Russell), 90, 1:4, 2:4, 3:4, 4:4, -Highlights of the ACSPA Board of Directors and the 5:4, 6:4, 7:4, 8:4, 9:4, 10:4, 11:4, 12:4 ACS Board of Regents meetings, February 11-12, —Dr. Russell receives AMA award, 90, 2:27 2005 (Collicott), 90, 5:38 Fellows -Highlights of the ACSPA Board of Directors and the —Dateline: Washington: Fellow wins congressional ACS Board of Regents meetings, June 10-11, 2005 runoff election, 90, 2:6 (Collicott), 90, 9:55 —Dateline: Washington: Fellows appointed to new Scholarships/fellowships EMTALA advisory group, 90, 6:6 -2005 ACS German Traveling Fellow selected, 90, -Dr. Reiling runs for AMA Council on Medical Educa- 2:30 tion, 90, 5:27 -2005 ACS Japan Traveling Fellow selected, 90, 2:30 —Fellows in the news, 90, 1:37, 6:32, 10:44 -2005 Health Policy Scholars announced, 90, 7:60 —Surgeons find success at AMA House of Delegates —2005 International Guest Scholars chosen, 90, 2:30 meeting (Sutton), 90, 9:42 -2005 Japanese and German Exchange Travelers an- —Surgical service at Abu Ghraib: One Fellow’s experi- nounced, 90, 8:38 ence (Schneidman), 90, 3:8 -2005 Oweida Scholar selected, 90, 5:31 -Three Fellows elected to Congress (Lewis), 90, 3:15 -2006 ACS German Traveling Fellow selected, 90, 9:46 Governors, Board of -2006 ACS Japan Traveling Fellowship available, 90, —Board of Governors: Report from the Committee on 5:36 Chapter Activities (Johnson), 90, 1:22 -2006 ANZ Travelling Fellow selected, 90, 5:31 Honorary Fellowships -2006 Nizar N. Oweida, MD, FACS, Scholarship avail- —Citation for Prof. Alfred Cuschieri (Greene), 90, able, 90, 10:43 11:33 -2007 ACS ANZ Chapter Travelling Fellowship avail- —Citation for Prof. Bruce Neil Benjamin (Healy), 90, able, 90, 10:42 11:32 -ACS announces a new shared research award, 90, —Citation for Prof. Sergio Pecorelli (Podratz), 90, 7:61 11:34 -ACS award, scholarships, fellowships are available, -College names three Honorary Fellows, 90, 90, 6:28 11232 -ACS Traveling Fellowship to Germany available, 90, Informatics 3:40 —-ACS NSQIP launches new Web site, 90, 7:56 —Clowes research award given, 90, 2:28 —From my perspective (Russell), 90, 9:4 -Faculty career developmenet award for head and neck —Now online: College introduces online highlights from surgeons available, 90, 9:54 its treasure of archives, 90, 8:41 -Faculty Research Fellowships awarded by College, -Spring Meeting sessions now available on ACS E- 90, 5:33 Learning Web site, 90, 8:38 —International Guest Scholarships available for 2006, Insurance program (see AMERICAN COLLEGE 90, 1:35 OF SURGEONS: Business and finance) —Oweida Scholar reports on experience at 2004 Clinical Journal of the American College of Surgeons Congress (Siddiqui), 90, 3:43 -JACS centennial symposium: Cherishing the past, —Report of the 2005 ACS Traveling Fellowship to Ger- shaping the future, 90, 7:56 many (Hines), 90, 11:36 -JACS centennial symposium: Publishing excellence —Report of the 2005 Australia and New Zealand Travel- celebrated, 90, 8:41 ling Fellow (Chung), 90, 9:49 -JACS to host centennia! symposium during Congress, —Report of the 2005 Japan Traveling Fellow (Chang), 90, 9:53 90, 12:34 Officers and staff —Resident Research Scholarships for 2005 awarded, -ACS Officers and Regents, 90, 3:28 90, 5:30 —Kathryn D. Anderson installed as 86th ACS President, Spring Meeting 90, 11:28 -April 16-19: 33rd Spring Meeting to be held in Hol- VOLUME 90, NUMBER 12, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS lywood, FL, 90, 1:24 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION -Spring Meeting sessions now available on ACS E- Dr. Reiling runs for AMA Council on Medical Educa- Learning Web site, 90, 8:38 tion, 90, 5:27 Statements Dr. Russell receives AMA award, 90, 2:27 —Revised statement on health care industry representa- Hard work pays off for College at AMA House of Del- tives in the operating room, 90, 9:27 egates meeting (Sutton), 90, 3:34 —Revised statement on surgical technology training and Surgeons find success at AMA House of Delegates meet- certification, 90, 12:31 ing (Sutton), 90, 9:42 —Statement on blunt suture needles, 90, 11:24 -Statement of principles of palliative care, 90, 8:34 —Statement on prevention of nontraffic vehicle-related injuries in children, 90, 1:20 BARIATRIC SURGERY —Statement on the prevention of retained foreign bodies College launches bariatric surgery center program, after surgery, 90, 10:15 90, 8:40 —Statement on restrictive covenants, 90, 2:25 BLOOD-BORNE PATHOGENS Surgery News “False faith in the surgeon’s gown” revisited (Belkin), —From my perspective (Russell), 90, 3:4 90, 4:19 Testimony and comment —Dateline: Washington: ACS comments on 2006 fee schedule proposal, 90, 12:8 —Dateline: Washington: ACS comments on final 2005 Medicare fee schedule, 90, 3:6 CANCER —Dateline: Washington: ACS testifies on chronic wound COC colon cancer practice profile reports to be available care, 90, 6:6 online, 90, 4:44 —-Dateline: Washington: ACS testifies on medical li- Commission on Cancer grants 39 Outstanding Achieve- ability reform, 90, 5:8 ment Awards, 90, 10:38 —Dateline: Washington: ACS testifies on patient safety Postgraduate courses to address palliative care, diag- and quality initiatives, 90, 7:7 nosis of anal cancer, 90, 9:62 -Dateline: Washington: College testifies on silicone CLINICAL TRIALS (see also AMERICAN COL- breast implants before FDA, 90, 6:6 LEGE OF SURGEONS: American College of Trauma Surgeons Oncology Group) —ACS and COT seek general surgeon input on trauma Clinical Trials Methods course to be offered in Novem- surgery, 12:38 ber, 90, 9:48 —Advances in Trauma seminar to be held in Kansas CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (see also City, 90, 11:40 EDUCATION AND TRAINING and RESIDENT -ATLS celebrates 25th anniversary (Collicott). 90, WORK HOURS) 5:18 ACS Surgery keeps pace with changes in the practice —Contributions sought for 2006 Residents Trauma of surgery, 90, 8:42 Papers Competition, 90, 6:31 Education in the making: The SESAP development —Dr. Kappel receives Meritorious Achievement Award process (Weigelt), 90, 9:52 from ACS COT, 90, 7:58 From my perspective (Russell), 90, 5:4, 9:4 -Trauma and Critical Care 2005 course to be held in CURRENT PROCEDURAL TERMINOLOGY March, 90, 2:31 (CPT) {see also PRACTICE MANAGEMENT and -Trauma and critical care course slated for June, 90, REIMBURSEMENT) 5:28 Correction notice, 9, 6:23 ~Trauma conference slated for April, 90, 3:42 Current Procedural Terminology changes for 2005 -Trauma meetings calendar, 90, 3:38, 6:26, 8:40, 9:53, (Bothe, Jr., and Harris), 90, 1:16 10:45, 11:40, 12:36 Socioeconomic tips: ACS Coding Hotline: Frequently -Winners of 2005 Residents Trauma Papers Competi- asked questions, 90, 10:34 tion announced, 90, 6:24 Socioeconomic tips: Coding for surgical residents and AMBULATORY SURGERY (see also OUTPA- new surgeons in practice, 90, 12:32 TIENT SURGERY) Sociceconomic tips: Frequently asked ACS Coding Dateline: Washington: Proposed ASC list is released, Hotline questions, 90, 4:41 90, 2:7 Socioeconomic tips: How do you code it?, 90, 8:36 DECEMBER 2005 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS program applauded, 90, 7:7 Dateline: Washington: Medicare plans to level playing field for specialty hospitals, 90, 5:8 EDITORIAL From my perspective (Russell), 90, 1:4, 2:4, 3:4, 4:4, 5:4, 6:4, 7:4, 8:4, 9:4, 10:4, 11:4, 12:4 Letters, 90, 10:46 Surgeons and surgical leaders: Mixing expectations IN MEMORIAM with needs (Dean), 90, 9:23 In memoriam: A tribute to Claude H. Organ, Jr. (Rus- What’s right and wrong in my world of medicine sell), 90, 9:31 (Fager), 90, 2:20 In memoriam: Luis F. Sala, MD, FACS (1919-2005) EDUCATION AND TRAINING (see also CON- (Hanlon), 90, 10:37 TINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION and RESI- In memoriam: R. Gordon Holcombe, Jr., MD, FACS DENT WORK HOURS) (1913-2005) (Hanlon), 90, 10:41 Advanced Trauma Operative Management course in- INFORMATICS (see also AMERICAN COLLEGE troduced to surgeons in West Africa (Jacobs, Burns, OF SURGEONS: Informatics) Luk, Cornwell IIT, and Adebonojo), 90, 6:8 Dateline: Washington: Health information commis- Dateline: Washington: NIH offers student loan repay- sioners selected, 90, 12:8 ments, 90, 11:6 Discounted subscriptions to Epocrates now available RTTDC°®: New course to improve rural trauma care to ACS members, 90, 10:45 (Foley, Kessel, and Schmitz), 90, 6:22 INSURANCE (see also MEDICARE/MEDICAID EVIDENCE-BASED SURGERY and REIMBURSEMENT) December EBRS focuses on meta-analysis, 90, 12:44 Socioeconomic tips: A potpourri of items, 90, Evidence-Based Reviews in Surgery: A new educa- 7:52 tional program for ACS Fellows, Candidates, and INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS Resident Members (McLeod), 90, 10:8 South Africa to host International Surgical Week, 90, 3:38 H HEALTH CARE REFORM Dateline: Washington: President issues budget pro- LEGISLATIVE/GOVERNMENT ISSUES (see also posal, 90, 4:6 HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY AND From my perspective (Russell), 90, 1:4 ACCOUNTABILITY ACT) HEALTH CARE SPENDING Legislative advocacy and political activity: How sur- Dateline: Washington: Health spending slowed in geons and chapters can get involved (Shalgian and 2003, 90, 3:6 Sutton), 90, 5:22 HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY AND AC- Federal COUNTABILITY ACT (HIPAA) 2004 election may affect ability to push surgery’s Dateline: Washington: HIPAA contingency plan for agenda (Roberts and Werth), 90, 2:16 claims submissions ends, 90, 11:6 Dateline: Washington: College calls for support of In compliance...with HIPAA’s NPI provisions, Part I, value-based purchasing bill, 90, 10:7 90, 6:20, Part II, 90, 11:25 Dateline: Washington: Efforts under way to reautho- In compliance...with the security rule under HIPAA, rize EMSC program, 90, 6:6 90, 3:32 Dateline: Washington: Fellow wins congressional run- HISTORY off election, 90, 2:6 Louis T. Wright and Henry W. Cave: How they paved Dateline: Washington: Patient safety legislation on the way for Fellowship for black surgeons (O’Shea), track, 90, 9:7 90, 10:22 Dateline: Washington: President issues budget pro- Presidential Address: Crises in humanity (Anderson), posal, 90, 4:6 90, 12:10 Dateline: Washington: President signs patient safety Surgical lifestyles: Surgeon has “photographic memo- legislation, 90, 10:6 ry” of historical advances (Sandrick), 90, 1:8 State HOSPITALS Liability reform in 2005: How individual states are Dateline: Washington: Hospital pay-for-performance addressing the issues (Baker), 90, 8:9 VOLUME 90, NUMBER 12, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS LIFESTYLE ISSUES MILITARY SURGERY (see TRAUMA) Surgical lifestyles: Creativity and commitment to excel- lence are constants (Ames), 90, 3:17 Surgical lifestyles: Surgeon as patient: Acquiring a new O viewpoint (Sandrick), 90, 10:30 Surgical lifestyles: Surgeon chronicles Native American OPERATING ROOM AND ENVIRONMENT history (Sandrick), 90, 11:14 Called to serve as a consultant in the OR? What to do Surgical lifestyles: Surgeon has “photographic memory” (Clancy and Osteen), 90, 6:15 of historical advances (Sandrick), 90, 1:8 Statement on biunt suture needles, 90, 11:24 Surgical lifestyles: Using a critical eye in surgery and OUTPATIENT SURGERY (see also AMBULA- art (Sandrick), 90, 8:31 TORY SURGERY) Dateline: Washington: New outpatient prospective pay- ment policies issued, 90, i:6 M Dateline: Washington: OIG reports on outpatient resi- dent training payment strategy, 90, 2:6 MEDICARE/MEDICAID (see also CURRENT OUTREACH (see also VOLUNTEERISM) PROCEDURAL TERMINOLOGY (CPT) and Advanced Trauma Operative Management course in- PAY FOR PERFORMANCE and REIMBURSE- troduced to surgeons in West Africa (Jacobs, Burns, MENT) Luk, Cornwell III, and Adebonojo), 90, 6:8 Dateline: Washington: ACS testifies on chronic wound care, 90, 6:6 Dateline: Washington: CMS acted to ensure care for Katrina’s victims, 90, 11:6 Dateline: Washington: CMS continues development of PALLIATIVE CARE quality efforts, 90, 12:6 Postgraduate courses to address palliative care, diag- Dateline: Washington: CMS expands quality efforts, nosis of anal cancer, 90, 9:62 90, 11:6 Statement of principles of palliative care, 90, 8:34 Dateline: Washington: CMS issues guidance on PATIENT PROTECTION (see also QUALITY OF EMTALA care for aliens, 90, 7:7 CARE) Dateline: Washington: CMS issues quality improve- Breast implant safety Web site launched, 90, 5:28 ment “roadmap,” 90, 10:6 Dateline: Washington: ACS publishes patient safety Dateline: Washington: EMTALA panel examines on- manual, 90, 5:8 call requirements, 90, 8:7 Dateline: Washington: ACS testifies on patient safety Dateline: Washington: Fellows appointed to new and quality initiatives, 90, 7:7 EMTALA advisory group, 90, 6:6 Dateline: Washington: AHRQ assesses ICU safety, is- Dateline: Washington: Institute analyzes postelection sues data on uninsured, 90, 11:6 climate, 90, 1:6 Dateline: Washington: College testifies on silicone Dateline: Washington: Medicare drug benefit education breast implants before FDA, 90, 6:6 campaign launched, 90, 8:7 Dateline: Washington: NQF endorses voluntary con- Dateline: Washington: MedPAC drafts recommenda- sensus standard, 90, 10:6 tions to Congress, 90, 2:6 Dateline: Washington: Patient safety legislation on Dateline: Washington: OIG reports on outpatient track, 90, 9:7 resident training payment strategy, 90, 2:6 Dateline: Washington: President signs patient safety Dateline: Washington: Proposed ASC list is released, legislation, 90, 10:6 90, 2:7 The prevention of retained foreign bodies after surgery Socioeconomic tips: A potpourri of items, 90, 7:52 (Gibbs, McGrath, and Russell), 90, 10:12 Socioeconomic tips: Medicare computer software Statement on the prevention of retained foreign bodies changes, 90, 5:26 after surgery, 90, 10:15 What surgeons should know about...The revised Medi- PAY FOR PERFORMANCE (see also MEDICARE care list of procedures for ASCs (Harris), 90, 9:9 and QUALITY OF CARE) MEMBERSHIP Dateline: Washington: College calls for support of value- Benefits of ACS membership to specialty surgeons based purchasing bill, 90, 10:6 (Laws), 90, 7:12 Dateline: Washington: Congress examines pay for per- The College as a forum for collaboration (Rosenow), formance, 90, 9:7 90, 7:14 Dateline: Washington: Congressional hearing on P4P DECEMBER 2005 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS and Medicare cuts, 90, 12:8 rison, Van Vlack, Houck, and Hunt), 90, 2: Dateline: Washington: Hospital pay-for-performance Surgical innovation: CQI promotes high standards of program applauded, 90, 7:7 surgical care through research (Petty), 90, 5:15 From my perspective (Russell), 90, 8:4 Paying for quality: Making policy and practice work for patients (Friesen), 90, 11:8 R Understanding pay for performance (Opelka and Brown), 90, 9:12 REIMBURSEMENT (see also CURRENT PROCE- PRACTICE MANAGEMENT (see also CURRENT DURAL TERMINOLOGY (CPT), MEDICARE/ PROCEDURAL TERMINOLOGY (CPT) and MEDICAID, and PRACTICE MANAGEMENT) REIMBURSEMENT The challenge of implementing the new Medicare drug Socioeconomic tips: Medicare computer software benefit while updating physicians’ pay (McClellan), changes, 90, 5:26 90, 9:18 PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY Dateline: Washington: ACS comments on 2006 fee ACS moves to clarify the role of the expert witness schedule proposal, 90, 12:8 (Werth and Waller), 90, 12:27 Dateline: Washington: ACS comments on final 2005 The battle for tort reform: The Maryland experience Medicare fee schedule, 90, 3:6 (Maizel), 90, 4:14 Dateline: Washington: CMS aims to improve Medicare Dateline: Washington: ACS testifies on medical liabil- payment error rates, 90, 2:6 ity reform, 90, 5:6 Dateline: Washington: CMS clarifies volunteer faculty Dateline: Washington: DMLR launches new education payment rules, 90, 7:7 campaign, 90, 12:8 Dateline: Washington: CMS issues proposed rule re- Dateline: Washington: Fellows testify at medical li- garding Medicare payment in 2006, 90, 10:6 ability reform hearing, 90, 4:6 Dateline: Washington: CMS projects decrease in Medi- Dateline: Washington: Hard-fought medical liability care payments, 90, 6:6 reform victory in Georgia, 90, 4:6 Dateline: Washington: Congress continues to review Dateline: Washington: Supreme Court reviews liability Medicare payment issue, 90, 7:7 reform, 90, 9:6 Dateline: Washington: Final rule on 2005 Medicare From my perspective (Russell), 90, 2:4 fee schedule released, 90, 1:6 Liability reform in 2005: How individual states are Dateline: Washington: Medicare physician payment addressing the issues (Baker), 90, 8:9 bills introduced, 90, 8:7 Medical liability litigation as a disruptive life event Dateline: Washington: Medicare plans to level playing (Griffen (intro) and Charles), 90, 12:17 field for specialty hospitals, 90, 5:8 Medical liability reform and state law: West Virginia Dateline: Washington: MedPAC issues recommenda- (Foster), 90, 11:20 tions on Medicare payment, 90, 5:8 Dateline: Washington: MedPAC issues reports on clini- cal staff, 90, 3:6 Dateline: Washington: New outpatient prospective payment policies issued, 90, 1:6 QUALITY OF CARE (see also PATIENT PROTEC- Rural, urban physicians have comparable incomes, TION and PAY FOR PERFORMANCE) 90, 4:43 ACS NSQIP launches new Web site, 90, 7:56 Socioeconomic tips: Medicare coverage of prescription Aging and the practice of surgery (Greenfield), 90, drugs, 90, 9:29 6:18 Socioeconomic tips: Medicare offers bonuses for physi- College participates in development of surgical care cian scarcity areas, 90, 2:26 improvement project, 90, 2:31 RESIDENT AND ASSOCIATE SOCIE‘’'Y OF THE Dateline: Washington: CMS continues development of AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS (RAS- quality efforts, 90, 12:8 ACS) (see also YOUNG SURGEONS) Dateline: Washington: CMS expands quality efforts, Benefits of ACS membership to specialty surgeons 90, 11:6 (Laws), 90, 7:12 Dateline: Washington: CMS issues quality improve- The College as a forum for collaboration (Rosenow), ment “roadmap,” 90, 10:6 90, 7:14 From my perspective (Russell), 90, 4:4 From my perspective (Russell), 90, 7:4, 9:4 Process and outcome measures in specialty surgery: How to get involved in organized medicine: A primer Early steps in defining quality (Polk, Lewis, Gar- for Young Surgeons, Resident Members, and Associ- VOLUME 90, NUMBER 12, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS

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