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(cid:11)-MSH James M. Lipton1,* and Anna Catania2 1Zengen Inc., 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 980, Woodland Hills, CA 91367, USA 2Third Division of Internal Medicine, Ospedale Maggiore di Milano IRCCS, Via F. Sforza 35, 20122 Milano, Italy *corresponding author tel: 818-887-8688, fax: 818-884-5988, e-mail:[email protected] DOI: 10.1006/rwcy.2000.13002. SUMMARY sequence is part of ACTH; isolation and structural analysis of (cid:11)-MSH from a number of mammals and fishes showed a high sequence conservation of the (cid:11)-Melanocyte-stimulatinghormone((cid:11)-MSH),amela- molecule during evolution. The importance of the notropin or melanocortin (ACTH- or (cid:11)-MSH-like) peptide in the control of inflammation, fever, and peptide, is known for its neuroimmunomodulatory microbial invasion was not known for many years properties. This molecule serves as an endogenous after the amino acid sequence was described. mediator in the brain, pituitary, circulation, periph- eral tissues, and/or between host cells that modulates the production and actions of proinflammatory Alternative names agents. Exogenous (cid:11)-MSH suppresses inflammatory responsesinanimalmodels.Furthermore,thepeptide (cid:11)-MSH was originally named for its capacity to is increased in clinical inflammatory disease in darken skin color in amphibia. The peptide was sub- humans, presumably as a natural countermeasure to sequently called melanotropin. According to the inflammation. The tridecapeptide (cid:11)-MSH and its IUPAC-IUB convention, the full name of the hor- C-terminal tripeptide amino acid sequence KPV ((cid:11)- mone that covers melanin dispersion is melanocyte- MSH 11–13) have parallel anti-inflammatory effects stimulating hormone, abbreviated MSH, and the in animal models and in in vitro tests on host cells. trivialnameismelanotropin.Theprefix(cid:11)denotesthe There is recent evidence that these peptides also have basic tridecapeptide derived from ACTH (Eberle, antimicrobial properties that can benefit the host. 1988). The term opiomelanocortins is generally used for any and all of the peptides derived from the pro- opiomelanocortin precursor. Melanocortin relates BACKGROUND only to ACTH/(cid:11)-MSH-derived peptides. Discovery Structure The history of (cid:11)-MSH began with an initial obser- vation of the influence of the pituitary gland in con- (cid:11)-MSH is derived from the precursor proopiomela- trol of skin color in amphibia (Eberle, 1988). There nocortin (POMC) (Figure 1). The genetic code for (cid:11)- were many attempts to identify the amino acid MSH resides in the third exon of the POMC gene sequence of isolates of highly purified skin-darkening thatalsocontainsthegeneticinformationfor(cid:12)-LPH, agents.HarrisandLerner(1957)determinedtheamino ACTH, and related peptides. Like other prohor- acid sequence of porcine (cid:11)-MSH, a tridecapeptide mones, cleavage sites of POMC occur between with blocked N-terminus and amidated C-terminus. pairs of basic amino acid residues (-Lys-Lys-, -Arg- Subsequent studies revealed that the (cid:11)-MSH Lys-, -Arg-Arg-, -Lys-Arg-) that are recognized by CytokineReference Copyright#2000AcademicPress 1384 James M. Lipton and Anna Catania specific endopeptidases. Two of these enzymes, PC1 Chromosome location and PC2, are involved in processing POMC peptides. Their cleavage specificities are distinct: PC1 cleaves Inhumans,thechromosomesiteforthePOMCgene, POMC into corticotropin and (cid:12)-lipotropin; PC2 the precursor of (cid:11)-MSH, is 2 P (Zabel et al., 1983). cleaves POMC into (cid:12)-endorphin and (cid:11)-MSH (Benjannet et al., 1991). (cid:11)-MSH (1–13) is cleaved from the ACTH amino acid sequence and therefore Regulatory sites and corresponding shares the peptide backbone of ACTH (1–13). How- transcription factors ever, (cid:11)-MSH lacks the amino acid sequence required to stimulate adrenal cells. The (cid:11)-MSH peptide is normally acetylated at the N-terminal and amidated (cid:11)-MSH is derived from the third exon of POMC at the C-terminal; the predominant form in the DNA. A single gene encodes POMC in humans; this pituitary is diacetylated. Although the (cid:11)-MSH 6–9 gene is unusual in that it possesses three promoter amino acid sequence (His PheArgTrp) is considered regions that control transcription: P1, P2, and P3. the core sequence underlying the melanotropic acti- P2 controls transcription in the normal pituitary vity of the peptide, it is clear that the 11–13 amino gland; P3 is weakly active in a variety of peripheral acid sequence (LysPro Val) is especially important in tissues; P1 is the predominant promoter in some host response functions (Lipton and Catania, 1997). cancers (Kraus et al., 1993). Main activities and PROTEIN pathophysiological roles Sequence Details of the activities of (cid:11)-MSH peptides are pro- See Figure 1. vided in sections below. In brief, the peptides modulate fever and inflammation and defend against microbialinvasion.Itisnotablethatininvivotestsin Description of protein which the peptides are administered alone in dosage adequate to influence host responses, there is no As indicated above, (cid:11)-MSH is a tridecapeptide. It discernibleinfluenceonnormalphysiology.Extremely is normally N-acetylated and amidated at the high dosesare required tolower normaltemperature; C-terminus. ithasnotbeenpossibletoreachlethalconcentrations except by injecting massive amounts into the cerebral ventricles.Thelatterconcentrationsareunlikelytobe Important homologies reached even after systemic administration of any quantity. From the evidence currently in hand, it (cid:11)-MSH has the same amino acid sequence as the appears that the peptides exert salutary control over domain of ACTH from which it is derived. (cid:11)-MSH host responses, preventing them from reaching dan- shares the MetGluHisPheArgTrpGly sequence gerous levels, and they directly kill invading micro- with (cid:12)-MSH. organisms.Thattheirinfluencesarepartofanancient control system is supported by the rises in circulating peptides during host challenge and in disease. The proposed role of these peptides in pathophysiology is that of defender against excessive self-responses and against direct invasion. Figure 1 (cid:11)-MSH derivation and amino acid sequence. GENE AND GENE REGULATION Accession numbers Accession numbers for the human POMC gene, exon three: J00292, J00293, V0569 (cid:11)-MSH 1385 CELLULAR SOURCES AND Larsson, 1980; Civelli et al., 1982; Gee et al., 1993), cellsinthedorsolateralhypothalamusdonotstainfor TISSUE EXPRESSION other POMC peptides (Guy et al., 1980). Although evidence from studies of human tissue is Cellular sources that produce limited, (cid:11)-MSH is most concentrated in the pituitary (nanomolar range), whereas it occurs in lower but Knowledge of (cid:11)-MSH distribution in tissues has substantialconcentrationsinthehypothalamus,locus changed substantially with development of modern coeruleus, and the substantia innominata (De´sy and localization techniques. It is now clear that low con- Pelletier, 1978; O’Donohue et al., 1979; Arai et al., centrations of (cid:11)-MSH are, or can be, expressed 1986). The highest concentration of immunoreactive ubiquitously. However, there are distinct regional (cid:11)-MSHwithinthebrainisinthehypothalamus(Arai differences in that certain cells express the peptide et al., 1986), where the peptide exists mainly in the constitutively (Table 1). It is remarkable that partic- desacetylated form (Parker et al., 1981); substantial ularlyhighconcentrationsof(cid:11)-MSHarefoundinthe concentrations also occur in the substantia innomi- brain and in barrier organs such as skin and gut. nata (Candy et al., 1985). The peptide is likewise (cid:11)-MSHwas originallyisolated from the parsinter- found in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of monkeys media of the pituitary gland. Small amounts of the andhumans(Rudmanetal.,1973).HumanCSFalso peptide are also synthesized by the corticotrophs of contains an anti-(cid:11)-MSH protein (20–40kDa) that theparsdistalis,especiallyinyounganimals(Usategui binds/neutralizes the peptide (Rudman et al., 1974; etal.,1976).Immunocytochemicalanalysisofnormal Scimonelli and Eberle, 1987). It may be, because adult pituitaries for (cid:11)-MSH-containing cells showed (cid:11)-MSH receptors are estimated to be 35–45kDa that, although there is great interindividual variation proteins (Scimonelli and Eberle, 1987; Mountjoy in the number of (cid:11)-MSH cells in both the pars inter- etal.,1992),thatthisantagonistissimplyanexcessof media and pars distalis, the cells are usually more unattached receptors. This would be conceptually concentrated in the latter site (Coates et al., 1986). similar to the circumstance of soluble cytokine recep- The number of melanotrophs in the human pituitary tors,suchasthesolubleIL-1andTNFreceptors,that decreaseswithage;pituitariesofanencephalicsdonot are believed to modulate the actions of the cytokines contain (cid:11)-MSH cells (Visser and Swabb, 1979). by binding them. (cid:11)-MSH occurs in widespread regions of the brain Inconsideringtheroleof(cid:11)-MSHinmodulationof in a distribution that is relatively consistent across host responses, it is appropriate to recognize that the species(Eberle,1988).Immunoreactivecellbodiesare peptide is located, as stated above, within barriers concentrated in three regions: first, the arcuate or to invasion and challenge, such as the skin and gut. infundibularnucleusofthehypothalamus,fromwhich (cid:11)-MSH occurs in the skins of both albino and fibers project throughout the hypothalamus and into pigmentedratsandinhumanepidermis(Thodyetal., the preoptic region, thalamus, midbrain (periaque- 1983); (cid:11)-MSH in rat skin is not of pituitary origin ductal gray), amygdala, lateral septum, and asso- because it is also present in hypophysectomized ciated telencephalic structures; second, the nucleus animals(Thodyetal.,1983).Immunoreactive(cid:11)-MSH tractus solitarius of the brainstem, from which both is found in the mucosal barrier of the gastrointestinal locally distributed and descending fibers arise; and tract, especially concentrated in the duodenum but third, the dorsolateral hypothalamus/zona incerta, also found in substantial concentrations in the ileum, with projections that extend into the dorsal hippo- jejunum, and colon in intact and hypophysectomized campus and cerebral cortex. Whereas cells in the first rats (Fox and Kraicer, 1981). The nonhypophysial two regions contain POMC mRNA and POMC originofthepeptidewithinthesebarriersbetweenthe derivatives such as (cid:12)-endorphin (Bloch et al., 1979; host and the external environment is not proof of a suppressive host response influence of the local peptide; however, with evidence of the anticytokine actions of (cid:11)-MSH described below, the presence of Table 1 Some cell types that secrete (cid:11)-MSH thepeptideinthesebarriersisconsistentwithsuchan influence. Melanotrophs of pars Eberle, 1988 (cid:11)-MSHalsooccursinotherperipheraltissuessuch intermedia and pars distalis astheplacenta(Clarketal.,1978),testes,andovaries Corticotrophs in humans Eberle, 1988 (Bardin et al., 1987), and the adrenal medulla (Evans Human melanoma Loir et al., 1997, 1998 et al., 1983). Although in these sites the molecule Placental cells Kreiger, 1982 might participate in entirely disparate functions, it is not unreasonable to ask if its role in these peripheral 1386 James M. Lipton and Anna Catania tissues is also to modulate actions of cytokines pro- acute challenge to the host. An increased plasma (cid:11)- ducedinthecourseofnormalmetabolismandduring MSH concentration would indicate that the molecule host challenge and/or to counter microbial invasion. becomes available to influence host reactions taking Of particular importance, (cid:11)-MSH is produced by placeinwidespreadregionsofthebody.Suchchanges multiple cell types in response to host challenge in plasma (cid:11)-MSH concentration do occur; they are (Table 2). Of great importance to understanding the described in a following section. roleof(cid:11)-MSHinhostresponsesisthevariationinits concentration in the circulation in disease and in Eliciting and inhibitory stimuli, including exogenous and Table 2 Production of (cid:11)-MSH by cells activated in the endogenous modulators host response Human monocyte/ Rajora et al., 1996 (cid:11)-MSH is induced by proinflammatory agents macrophages (Table 3) and, in turn, the peptide inhibits the production of proinflammatory mediators (Table 5). Murine monocyte/ Star et al., 1995 macrophages It is likely that the latter influence occurs via preven- tion of activation of nuclear factor (cid:20)B (NF(cid:20)B), as Lymphocytes Smith and Blalock, 1995 described in the section on In vitro findings. Inhib- Keratinocytes Chakraboty and Pawelek, 1993 ition of this transcription factor by (cid:11)-MSH results Murine microglia Delgado et al., 1998 from preservation of I(cid:20)B(cid:11). Table 3 Examples of (cid:11)-MSH inducers RECEPTOR UTILIZATION LPS Catania et al., 1998a Thereceptorsthat underliethe effectsof(cid:11)-MSHand Antigen Taylor and Streilein, 1996 relatedmelanocortinshavebeenidentifiedandcloned. Five G protein-linked receptors (MC-1R through LPS + IFN(cid:13) Delgado et al., 1998 MC-5R) are currently recognized. When transfected PMA Lipton et al., 1999 intocarriercells,thesereceptorsincreaseintracellular TNF Rajora et al., 1996 cAMP upon stimulation with melanocortin mole- HIV envelope Catania et al., 1998b cules. The receptors are widely distributed in glycoprotein gp 120 peripheral tissues and in the brain (Tatro, 1996). All of the receptors react to (cid:11)-MSH and one subtype, Table 4 Melanocortin receptor subtypes and loci in host cells and brain Receptor subtype Loci References MC-1R Human monocyte/macrophages Rajora et al., 1996 Rodent monocyte/macrophages Star et al., 1995 Human neutrophils Catania et al., 1996 Periaqueductal gray Xia et al., 1995 Whole murine brain Rajora et al., 1997a MC-2R Adrenal cortex Mountjoy et al., 1992; Cammas et al., 1995 MC-3R Human monocyte/macrophages Taherzadeh et al., 1999 Hypothalamus, septum, thalamus, other Gantz et al., 1993; Roselli-Rehfuss et al., 1993 MC-4R Limbic structures, hypothalamus, Mountjoy et al., 1992; Gantz et al., 1993 hindbrain, spinal cord MC-5R Human monocyte/macrophages Chhajlani and Wikberg, 1992; Taherzadeh et al., 1999 Human and mouse brains Chhajlani and Wikberg, 1992; Gantz et al., 1994 (cid:11)-MSH 1387 MC-2R, is believed to be the ACTH receptor. As therefore inhibition of NF(cid:20)(cid:12) activation (Table 6). indicated in Table 4, there are differences in ligand The (cid:11)-MSH peptides also inhibit PMN migration specificityofthereceptorsubtypes.Allsubtypeshave (Catania et al., 1995) and they induce anti- been demonstrated in human cells and several have inflammatory IL-10 (Bhardwaj et al., 1996). (cid:11)-MSH been isolated from other species. These receptors are peptideslikewiseinhibitHIV-1inchronicallyinfected the smallest G protein-linked receptors yet described U1 cells and in actively infected monocyte/macro- and, like the anti-inflammatory effects of the pep- phages (Barcellini et al., 1998). tides, appear to be highly conserved across species. That melanocortin peptides characteristically in- Antimicrobial Activity of (cid:11)-MSH Peptides crease intracellular cAMP is consistent with evidence thatincreasesincAMPinhostcellsareassociatedwith (cid:11)-MSH and shorter amino acid sequences derived anti-inflammatory influences. There is evidence that from it have recently been found to have antimicro- the IP pathway is also activated in cells transfected bialinfluencesagainsttwomajorrepresentativepath- 3 with MC-3R plasmid vector (Konda et al., 1994). ogens: Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. (cid:11)-MSH (1–13) and its C-terminal tripeptide (11–13, KPV) significantly inhibited S. aureus colony forma- IN VITRO ACTIVITIES tionandreversedtheenhancingeffectofurokinaseon colony formation. Antimicrobial effects occurred In vitro findings over a broad range of concentrations, including the physiological (picomolar) range. Lower concentra- tions of (cid:11)-MSH peptides likewise reduced viability The primary effects of (cid:11)-MSH in vitro are inhibi- and germ tube formation of the yeast C. albicans. tion of production and action of proinflammatory The most effective peptides were those bearing the cytokines (Table 5) and preservation of I(cid:20)(cid:12) and C-terminal tripeptide of the (cid:11)-MSH sequence, i.e. (cid:11)-MSH (1–13), (6–13), and (11–13). The (cid:11)-MSH Table 5 (cid:11)-MSH inhibits production of pro- sequence (4–10), important for melanotropic effects, inflammatory mediators was also effective but significantly less potent. ACTH (1–39), the precursor of (cid:11)-MSH, and an IL-1(cid:12) Catania et al., 1998a, 1998b intermediate sequence of it, ACTH (18–39), which does not include the (cid:11)-MSH amino acid sequence, IL-2 Taylor and Streilein, 1996 had no significant candidacidal effects. These anti- IL-6 Catania et al., 1998a, 1998b microbialinfluencesof(cid:11)-MSHpeptidesareprobably IL-8 Lipton et al., 1999 mediated by their induction of cAMP. Indeed, this TNF(cid:11) Rajora et al., 1997a messenger was significantly augmented in peptide- treatedyeastandtheadenylylcyclaseinducerforsko- IFN(cid:13) Lipton and Catania, 1997 linsignificantlyreducedC.albicanscolonyformation. Neopterin Rajora et al., 1996 Reduced killing of pathogens is a detrimental con- Nitric oxide Star et al., 1995 sequence of therapy with common anti-inflammatory drugs and (cid:11)-MSH has potent anti-inflammatory Table 6 (cid:11)-MSH inhibits NF(cid:20)B activation and I(cid:20)B degradation Cells/tissue Peptide influence Reference U-937 cells Inhibited NF(cid:20)B activation/degradation of I(cid:20)B Manna and Aggarwal, 1998 (human lymphoma) Human glioma in vitro/ Inhibited NF(cid:20)B activation/degradation of I(cid:20)B Ichiyama et al., 1999a murine brain in vivo Murine brain in vivo, Inhibited NF(cid:20)B activation/degradation of I(cid:20)B Ichiyama et al., 1999b systemic peptide Peripheral NF(cid:20)(cid:12)/ Inhibiton of peripheral activation of Ichiyama et al., 2000a, 2000b CNS peptide in mouse NF(cid:20)B by systemic peptide Human glioma Autocrine regulation of NF(cid:20)B activation Ichiyama et al., 1999a 1388 James M. Lipton and Anna Catania effects. Therefore, it was important to determine potency of the peptide in control of inflammation whether(cid:11)-MSHinhibitsC.albicanskillingbyhuman and microbial invasion, the most ancient host neutrophils. (cid:11)-MSH peptides did not reduce killing responses, suggest that the peptide is pivotal in but rather enhanced it, likely as a consequence of its these functions. direct antimicrobial activity. The addition of anti- microbial activity to the established anti-inflamma- Species differences tory and antipyretic effects suggest that the peptides might be useful in treatment of disorders in which both inflammation and infection occur. To date there are no established differences across species in host responses to (cid:11)-MSH ligands. The antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects of the pep- Regulatory molecules: Inhibitors tideshavebeendemonstratedinmice,rats,rabbits,cats, and enhancers dogs,andsquirrelmonkeys.Theconsistencyisperhaps notsurprisinggiventheconsistencyacrossspeciesofthe aminoacidsequencesin(cid:11)-MSHpeptides. Research on enhancement and inhibition of in vitro activitiesof(cid:11)-MSHhasbeenlimited.Ingeneral,LPS and proinflammatory cytokines induce production Knockout mouse phenotypes and release of the peptide. Any agents that modulate their stimuli reduce production of the peptide. There are no (cid:11)-MSH knockout animals to date. This is in part because the peptide is derived from POMC Bioassays used and no animals have been produced in which genes for PC1/PC2 are specifically disrupted. There are micedeficientintwomelanocortinreceptor subtypes: (cid:11)-MSH peptides characteristically increase cAMP MC-1RandMC-4R.ThephenotypeforMC-1Rmice within those cells that bear melanocortin receptors. is yellow coat and adult obesity (recessive yellow Thus, such increases in normal or receptor plasmid mouse). Recent evidence indicates that (cid:11)-MSH pep- transfected cells can be used to screen for receptor tides have anti-inflammatory effects in the MC-1R ligands, establish antagonists, etc. knockout animals (Lipton et al., 1999), indicating that this receptor subtype is not essential for this function. As with other POMC-derived peptides, it IN VIVO BIOLOGICAL appears that related receptor subtypes can and do ACTIVITIES OF LIGANDS IN participate when one subtype is deleted. Inactivation ofMC-4Rresultsinmaturity-onsetobesityassociated ANIMAL MODELS withhyperphagia,hyperinsulinema,andhyperglycemia (Huszar et al., 1997). Whether MC-4R knockout Normal physiological roles animals have deficient anti-inflammatory response to (cid:11)-MSH peptides has not been established. (cid:11)-MSHpeptideshavecleareffectsonpigmentationin amphibians; the precise role of dermal (cid:11)-MSH in Transgenic overexpression human skin pigmentation, if any, remains unclear. TheACTHpeptideoccursinhigherconcentrationsin theskin,itactsonsimilarreceptors,anditappearsto At this time no transgenic animals overexpressing be more potent than (cid:11)-MSH in stimulating melano- (cid:11)-MSHhavebeenproduced.However,inpreparation genesis. Thody and Graham (1998) suggest that for development of such animals, a plasmid vector (cid:11)-MSH should not be viewed solely as a pigmentary encoding (cid:11)-MSH and containing enhancers and peptide since it has many different actions and promoters driving transcriptions of IL-6 and its primary role in the skin may be to maintain (cid:11)-MSH genes was inserted into human glioma cells homeostasis. (Ichiyamaet al., 2000a).NF(cid:20)B activationinducedby The widespread distribution of (cid:11)-MSH and LPS was inhibited in the transfected cells. Western its receptors make it difficult to link this agent to analysis indicated that this inhibition was linked to a specific function or functions. It is unlikely that a preservation of I(cid:20)B2 protein. Chloramphenicol ace- peptide with such a lengthy history has a role in a tyltransferase assay indicated that NF(cid:20)B-dependent single function such as regulation of coat color or reporter gene was suppressed in glioma cells with body weight (Hagen et al., 1999). However, the (cid:11)-MSH vector. Fluorescence staining confirmed that (cid:11)-MSH 1389 these glioma cells express (cid:11)-MSH receptors. The These anti-inflammatory effects are believed to combined evidence of (cid:11)-MSH receptors, (cid:11)-MSH result from three actions of the peptides: production,and(cid:11)-MSHproduction-associatedinhib- itionoftheinflammatoryNF(cid:20)Bpathwaysuggestsan 1. Direct action on host cells autocrine circuit based on the peptide in these 2. Direct action on host cells within the brain 3. Actions on melanocortin receptors in the brain transfected cells. These results predict that animals that overexpress (cid:11)-MSH will have reduced inflam- Direct Action on Host Cells matory reactions. Agouti protein antagonizes the effects of (cid:11)-MSH Although both neutrophils and macrophages are and other melanocortins. The molecule appears to important in many types of inflammation, there is a compete with (cid:11)-MSH for the melanocortin receptor tendencytoassociateneutrophilswithacuteordevel- MC-1R. It is believed that there is a novel signaling oping inflammation and macrophages with longer- mechanism whereby (cid:11)-MSH and Agouti protein term or chronic inflammatory reactions. Evidence function as independent ligands, with each inhibiting describedintheinvitrosectionindicatesthat(cid:11)-MSH the binding of the other and transducing opposing peptidesinhibitneutrophilmigrationinvitro(Catania signals through a single receptor. It may be that such et al., 1996) This inhibition also occurs in vivo (Chiao a relation with Agouti protein also occurs with other et al., 1997). Also described in the in vitro section melanocortin receptor subtypes. That Agouti protein are the effects of (cid:11)-MSH on NF(cid:20)B activation, or hypersecreting mice have augmented inflammatory inflammatory cytokine production, and related host responses was indicated by the reactions of the responses. Despite the latter in vitro data, there is no animals to systemic endotoxin (Lipton et al., 1999). systemic evidence of (cid:11)-MSH peptide influence or These mice had greater increases in serum IL-6 fol- macrophage counts in in vivo models of chronic lowing systemic injections of LPS. This increase may inflammation. occur by virtue of inhibition of endogenous (cid:11)-MSH at the level of the melanocortin receptor. Direct Action on Host Cells within the Brain There is substantial evidence, described in the in vitro section, ofdirectinhibitoryactionsof(cid:11)-MSHpeptides on inflammatory actions in nonneuronal cells within Pharmacological effects the brain, both astrocytes and microglia. The latter cells share fuctions of inflammatory host cells in the To date, (cid:11)-MSH peptides have been shown to periphery. There is also evidence that the peptides modulate inflammation in over 20 animal models modulate CNS inflammation within the living brain. (Lipton and Catania, 1997). These peptides suppress Such an influence may be very important in view all in vivo forms of inflammation commonly recog- of the recent evidence that local inflammatory pro- nized (Table 7). cesses, such as the induction of TNF(cid:11), contribute to Table 7 Commonly recognized forms of inflammation Forms of Representative references inflammation Acute inflammation Hiltz and Lipton, 1990 (dermal inflammation); Chiao et al., 1997 (renal inflammation) Delayed hypersensitivity Hiltz and Lipton, 1990 (dermal inflammation); Grabbe et al., 1996 Chronic inflammation Ceriani et al., 1994 (arthritis model); Rajora et al., 1997b (inflammatory bowel disease model) Systemic inflammation Catania et al., 2000 CNS inflammation Huh et al., 1997 (experimental stroke); Ichiyama et al., 1999a, 1999b (generalized CNS inflammation) 1390 James M. Lipton and Anna Catania Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and blocks the anti-inflammatory effects of centrally other CNS disorders. administered (cid:11)-MSH peptides. (cid:12) -Adrenergic blockers given systemically have a 2 similar effect, indicating that a (cid:12) -receptor is part of 2 the inhibiting circuit. It appears then that normally Actions on Melanocortin Receptors in the Brain bothcentralandperipheral(cid:11)-MSHreceptorspartici- Actions on melanocortin receptors in the brain pate in modulation of inflammation. Mice with that activate descending anti-inflammatory neural inflammation in the hind paw and spinal transection pathways and thereby modulate peripheral inflam- do not show an anti-inflammatory effect of central mation have a very powerful effect which has been (cid:11)-MSH. However, these same animals with transac- documented in several animal models (Table 8). tions show reduced inflammation when (cid:11)-MSH is The major theory of the mechanism of the given systemically. This result indicates that there are peripheral anti-inflammatory action of central (cid:11)- at least two pools of (cid:11)-MSH receptors that parti- MSHpeptidesisderivedfromevidenceofdescending cipateincontrolofinflammation:onepoolwithinthe neural pain modulation pathways and concepts of brain, another in the periphery. neurogenic inflammation. In brief, inflammation is normally promoted by neural influences. In the case Interactions with cytokine network of an injury at a localized site in the skin of the foot, for example, neural signals travel in fine fibers to the dorsalrootsofthespinalcord.Signalsmayascendto The primary conclusions regarding the influence of the brain to signal pain, but in the case of inflam- (cid:11)-MSH on the cytokine network in vivo is that the mation, there is a descending train of signals back peptides modulate actions of proinflammatory cyto- down the terminals that previously transduced sen- kines and/or of production of the cytokines. Central sory (afferent) information. These now efferent fibers administrationof(cid:11)-MSHantiserumincreasedplasma release inflammatory agents in the vicinity of the ACTH and corticosterone responses induced by cen- injury or invasion. These agents, including calci- tral injection of IL-1(cid:12) in rats (Papadopoulos and tonin gene-related peptide and substance P, increase Wardlaw, 1999). vascular permeability and induce histamine release, Recent evidence (Huang et al., 1999) indicates that therebypromotinginflammationinconcertwithlocal systemic injection of LPS suppresses food intake neutrophils and other host cells. This neurogenic and that (cid:11)-MSH suppresses this cytokine-mediated inflammation can be inhibited by injections into the effect even further, resulting in even lower intake. brain ventricles of (cid:11)-MSH peptides. (cid:11)-MSH peptide Nanogram doses of (cid:11)-MSH given centrally block receptors within the brain (perhaps MC-1R, 3R, 4R, increased nociception induced by central IL-6 (Oka and 5R) drive descending anti-inflammatory signals etal.,1995).(cid:11)-MSHgiveni.p.tomiceinhibitedPGE that are believed to inhibit release of the chemical productionbyhippocampaltissueinvivo(Weidenfeld mediators released from peripheral nerve fibers. The etal.,1995).Central(cid:11)-MSHalsoblockstheimmuno- main proof of this is that severing the spinal cord suppressiveeffectofcentralIL-1(cid:12)(Weissetal.,1994). Table 8 Inhibition of peripheral inflammation by central (cid:11)-MSH peptides Agents/reactions Central peptide Reference Picryl chloride (cid:11)-MSH 1–13 Lipton et al., 1991 Picryl chloride NDP-(cid:11)-MSH 1–13 Dulaney et al., 1992 IL-1(cid:12) (cid:11)-MSH 1–13/D-Val subs Watanabe et al., 1993 IL-1(cid:12), IL-8, LTB , PAF (cid:11)-MSH 1–13; (cid:11)-MSH 11–13 (IL-1(cid:12)) Ceriani et al., 1994 4 IL-1(cid:12)/(cid:12) -adrenergic blockade or (cid:11)-MSH 1–13 Macaluso et al., 1994 2 spinal transection Circulating TNF(cid:11) (cid:11)-MSH 1–13 Rajora et al., 1997a Circulating/lung, liver TNF(cid:11)/NO; (cid:11)-MSH 1–13; antiserum Delgado et al., 2000 lung MPO Endotoxemia (cid:11)-MSH 1–13 Lipton et al., 1999 (cid:11)-MSH 1391 IL-1(cid:12)-inducedinflammationwasinhibitedby(cid:11)-MSH secretion. Endogenous GABA tonically inhibits peptide and fragments given systemically or centrally release of (cid:11)-MSH from rat hypothalamic slices (Watanabeetal.,1993).Migrationofneutrophilsinto (Mabley et al., 1991). Activation of 5-hydroxytrypta- air pouches injected with IL-1(cid:12) was inhibited by mine (5-HT) receptors stimulates (cid:11)-MSH release and coadministration of (cid:11)-MSH (Perretti et al., 1993). apomorphine blocks this stimulatory effect, suggest- Both (cid:11)-MSH (1–13) and 11–13 inhibited anorexia ing that there is a direct antagonism between caused by central IL-1 (Uehara et al., 1992). (cid:11)-MSH dopaminergic and serotoninergic regulation of (cid:11)- (1–13) and D-val (11–13) inhibited acute inflamma- MSH release (Carr et al., 1991). Stimulation of (cid:20) tion in mice caused by IL-1(cid:12), IL-6, and TNF(cid:11) (Hiltz opioid receptors inhibits the activity of intermediate etal.,1992).Inrabbits,(cid:11)-MSHinhibitedfevercaused lobe tuberohypophysial dopamine neurons and by IL-6 and TNF(cid:11) (Martin et al., 1991). Ten milli- increases secretion of (cid:11)-MSH from the melanotrophs grams of (cid:11)-MSH given i.c.v. inhibited IL-1-induced (Manzanares et al., 1990). (cid:12)-Adrenoreceptor activa- elevations in plasma ACTH and corticosterone and tion causes release of (cid:11)-MSH in response to certain decreases in NK cell activity (Weiss et al., 1991). stresses,suchasintermittentfootshock(Berkenbosch Central IL-1 in rats rapidly suppressed cellular et al., 1984).Histaminehasastimulatoryeffecton(cid:11)- immune responses in peripheral lymphocytes; central MSH secretion, probably through release of epi- (cid:11)-MSH blocked these effects (Sundar et al., 1989). nephrine(KniggeandWarberg,1991).Corticotropin- IL-1(cid:12) induced fever, increased production of serum releasing factor (CRF), which plays a major role in amyloid P, augmentation of circulating neutrophils induction of ACTH secretion, does not seem were all inhibited by (cid:11)-MSH; the peptide also pre- important in control of (cid:11)-MSH release. PFU 83, a vented IL-1 induction of corticosterone and depres- rat monoclonal antibody to CRF, did not affect sion of contact sensitivity (Daynes et al., 1987). resting or ether-induced (cid:11)-MSH secretion (Van Oers et al., 1989). Also, CRF given in doses that caused a Endogenous inhibitors and marked increase in plasma ACTH in rabbits did not promote (cid:11)-MSH release (Catania et al., 1991). enhancers The posttranslational processing of POMC, which PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ROLES yields the mature hormones, includes a number of steps: glycosylation, phosphorylation, tissue-specific IN NORMAL HUMANS AND proteolytic cleavage, amidation, and acetylation. DISEASE STATES AND Some of these posttranslational modifications can be DIAGNOSTIC UTILITY regulated by neuronal factors (Lamacz et al., 1991) (Table1).Forinstance,dopamineinhibitsacetylation Normal levels and effects of (cid:11)-MSH and thus reduces secretion of the bio- logicallyactiveforminthefrog(Lamaczetal.,1991). Administration of the dopamine antagonist haloper- To evaluate potential use of plasma (cid:11)-MSH idol to rats resulted in a 4- to 6-fold (time- and dose- concentrations as estimates of disease, the first step dependent) increase in the concentration of pars was to determine normal values in healthy subjects intermedia POMC mRNA (Chen et al., 1983). In (Catania et al., 1998a). Plasma concentration of (cid:11)- contrast, ergocryptine, a dopamine antagonist, MSH (Eurodiagnostica RIA kit, Malmo¨, Sweden) in decreased POMC mRNA in the rat pars intermedia 234 normal blood donors was 21.30(cid:6)0.63pg/mL 2-to 3-fold(Chenet al., 1983).Stress-induced activa- (mean(cid:6)SE; range 1.5–75.2). There was no difference tion of (cid:11)-MSH secretion may be due, in part, to between mean concentrations of the peptide in males decreased activity of tuberohypophysial dopamine and females(P>0.05).To determinewhetherplasma neurons in the intermediate lobe (Lookingland et al., concentrations of (cid:11)-MSH fluctuate over time, the 1991). Endogenous dopamine inhibits (cid:11)-MSH peptide was measured every 15 minutes over a 180- release from the rat hypothalamus via D -dopamine minute period in five normal subjects. No major 2 receptors (Tiligada and Wilson, 1989). There appears variationswereobserved(repeatedmeasuresANOVA to be a feedback circuit between (cid:11)-MSH and onranks:P=0.7).Tolearnwhetherconcentrationsof dopamine; central (cid:11)-MSH selectively activates (cid:11)-MSH are altered with aging, (cid:11)-MSH in plasma of tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons, thereby 125 normal elderly subjects (79.63(cid:6)5.8 years, range inhibiting its own release (Lindley et al., 1990). 66–95) was measured. Mean plasma (cid:11)-MSH in aged Although the evidence is incomplete, several other subjects was lower than in young controls neurotransmitters likewise influence (cid:11)-MSH (15.87(cid:6)0.8pg/mL, P<0.001). 1392 James M. Lipton and Anna Catania (cid:11)-MSH was measured in 106 newborns at delivery cytokines that promote HIV replication in infected and during the first week of postnatal life. (cid:11)-MSH cellswereallinhibitedby(cid:11)-MSH.Indeed,IL-1,IL-6, concentration was greater in premature than in full- and TNF(cid:11) were reduced by (cid:11)-MSH in whole blood term neonates. Plasma (cid:11)-MSH was more elevated in of HIV-positive patients (Catania et al., 1998b). complicated than in uncomplicated delivery and the Further, recent research in HIV-infected cells shows peptide significantly decreased 12 hours after birth in that (cid:11)-MSH and its C-terminal tripeptide Lys-Pro- term newborns (Mauri et al., 1993). Val inhibit HIV-1 replication in chronically infected promonocyticU1 cells and in acutely infectedhuman myocytes (Barcellini et al., 1998). Role in experiments of nature and disease states Sepsis Syndrome Although in normal human subjects injected with Alterationsincirculating(cid:11)-MSHhavebeenobserved endotoxin there was an increase in plasma (cid:11)-MSH in a number of diseases (Table 9). (Cataniaetal.,1995),duringearlyphasesofnaturally occurring sepsis syndrome concentrations of the peptide were reduced (Catania et al., 2000). Plasma HIV Infection (cid:11)-MSH returned to normal values in patients who In research on HIV-infected patients,plasma concen- recovered and remained low in those who died. trations of (cid:11)-MSH in patients of different CDC Reduction of (cid:11)-MSH is likely to have detrimental groups were compared. Circulating (cid:11)-MSH was ele- consequences in patients with sepsis syndrome and vated in plasma of HIV-infected patients of the CDC to contribute to severity of systemic inflammation. groupsIIIandIV(CataniaandLipton,1993;Catania Consistent with this idea, a negative correlation was etal.,1994).Furtherresearchonrelationsbetween(cid:11)- found between concentrations of (cid:11)-MSH and TNF(cid:11) MSHanddiseaseprogressioninHIV-infectedpatients in plasma of septic patients. Although it is possible showed that greater concentrations of (cid:11)-MSH are thatreduced(cid:11)-MSHandelevatedTNF(cid:11)coexistedin associated with reduced disease progression. The patients with more severe disease, it may well be that association between elevated (cid:11)-MSH and reduced reduction in endogenous (cid:11)-MSH promoted TNF(cid:11) AIDS-related events or death was even more pro- production. Addition of (cid:11)-MSH to LPS-stimulated nounced in patients with baseline CD4+ T cells whole blood samples of septic patients inhibited pro- <200/L (Airaghi et al., 1999). This observation was duction of TNF(cid:11) and IL-1 in a concentration- notsurprisingbecauseproductionofproinflammatory dependent manner. Table 9 Plasma concentrations of (cid:11)-MSH in human diseases Condition Comments Reference HIV infection Increased in plasma of CDC III and IV patients Catania et al., 1993, 1994 HIV infection Reduced disease progression in patients with Airaghi et al., 1999 elevated plasma (cid:11)-MSH concentrations Rheumatoid arthritis Increased in synovial fluid of patients with Catania et al., 1994 greater inflammation; normal in plasma Acute myocardial infarction Increased in plasma during AMI in patients Airaghi et al., 1995 (AMI) receiving thrombolytic agents Multiple sclerosis Increased in patients with greater disability score Catania et al., unpublished results Sepsis syndrome Reduced in plasma during critical phase of Catania et al., 2000 sepsis syndrome/septic shock Hemodialysis Increased in plasma Catania et al., unpublished results Parkinson’s disease Increased in CSF Rainero et al., 1988b Alzheimer’s disease Reduced in brain tissue Arai et al., 1986; Rainero et al., 1988a

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