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Algorithm refinement for the stochastic Burgers' equation - Alejandro PDF

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Preview Algorithm refinement for the stochastic Burgers' equation - Alejandro

ARTICLE IN PRESS JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx www.elsevier.com/locate/jcp Algorithm refinement for the stochastic Burgers’ equation John B. Bell, Jasmine Foo, Alejandro L. Garcia * CenterforComputationalSciencesandEngineering,LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory,Berkeley,CA94720,USA Received15December2005;receivedinrevisedform3August2006;accepted20September2006 Abstract Inthispaper,wedevelopanalgorithmrefinement(AR)schemeforanexcludedrandomwalkmodelwhosemeanfield behaviorisgivenbytheviscousBurgers’equation.ARhybridsusetheadaptivemeshrefinementframeworktomodela systemusingamolecularalgorithmwheredesiredwhileallowingacomputationallyfastercontinuumrepresentationtobe usedintheremainderofthedomain.Thefocusinthispaperistheroleoffluctuationsonthedynamics.Inparticular,we demonstratethatitisnecessarytoincludeastochasticforcingterminBurgers’equationtoaccuratelycapturethecorrect behaviorofthesystem.Theconclusionwedrawfromthisstudyisthatthefidelityofmultiscalemethodsthatcoupledis- paratealgorithmsdependsontheconsistentmodelingoffluctuationsineachalgorithmandonacoupling,suchasalgo- rithm refinement,that preservesthis consistency. (cid:2)2006Elsevier Inc. Allrights reserved. Keywords: Burgers’equation;Stochasticpartialdifferentialequations;Adaptivemeshrefinement;Algorithmrefinement;Hybridmethods; Asymmetricexcludedrandomwalk 1. Introduction Algorithm refinement (AR) is an emerging paradigm in the modeling and simulation of multiscale prob- lems. Mathematical models use distinctly different representations for microscopic and macroscopic scales with the corresponding algorithms echoing this disparity. Particle-based algorithms are a class of methods, typically used to model the microscopic scale, that represent the physical system by discrete, interacting enti- ties.These‘‘particles’’representanythingfromindividualatomstoparcelsoffluidtobacteriatoautomobiles. Field-basedalgorithms,typicallyusedtomodelthemacroscopicscale,arederivedfrommodelsbasedprimar- ily on partial differential equations with the physical system represented by continuum fields. Algorithm refinement schemes (sometimes called ‘‘multi-algorithm hybrids’’) couple structurally different computationalschemessuchasparticle-basedmolecularsimulationswithcontinuumpartialdifferentialequa- tion (PDE) solvers.1 The general idea is to perform detailed calculations using an accurate but expensive * Correspondingauthor.Tel.:+14089245244;fax:+14089244815. E-mailaddress:[email protected](A.L.Garcia). 1 NotethatothertypesofARhybridsexist(e.g.,couplingspectralanddiscretealgorithms[33]). 0021-9991/$-seefrontmatter (cid:2)2006ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys. (2006),doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 J.B.Belletal./JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx algorithm in a small region (or for a short time), and couple this computation to a simpler, less expensive methodappliedtotherest.TheformulationofanARschemerequires:projectingfromthemicroscopicmodel tomacroscopic;refiningfrommacroscopictomicroscopic;andhandshakingbetweenthetworepresentations wheretheyarecoupled.Arelatedissueistheestablishmentof‘‘refinementcriteria’’thatspecifywhenamicro- scopic representation is needed and when a macroscopic representation is sufficient. Examples of algorithm refinement applied to fluid dynamics may be found in [15,17,29,34,35,38]; AR hybrids for interfacial propa- gation are discussed in [27,28,30]. One aspect of multiscale modeling that has received insufficient attention is the presence of spontaneous fluctuations at microscopic scales and their effect on the macroscopic scale. Accurate modeling of many phenomena require the correct representation of the variances and correlations of fluctuations, specifically when studying systems where the microscopic stochastics drive a macroscopic phenomenon. For physical systems, the correct treatment of fluctuations is especially important for stochastic, nonlinear systems, such as those undergoing phase transitions, nucleation, noise-driven instabilities and combustive ignition. In these and related applications, the nonlinearities can exponentially amplify the influence of the fluctuations. Stochastic fluctuations in AR schemes have been investigated for two simple diffusive systems: linear diffusion [3,37] and the quasi-linear train model [5]. For those parabolic problems, one finds that when a particle algorithm is coupled to a deterministic continuum algorithm the variance of fluctuations is reduced in the particle regime near the interface. The variance of fluctuations within the continuum regime falls quickly away from the interface; however, variables, such as fluid velocity in the train model, that have long-range correlations retain these correlations of fluctuations (though at reduced magnitude) within the deterministic continuum region. Finally, stochastic continuum algorithms may be formulated such that when coupled to particle schemes they correctly duplicate the physical fluctuations throughout the compu- tational domain. Our longer term goal is to extend the development of AR methods with fluctuations to an adaptive mesh and algorithm method for the fluctuating compressible Navier–Stokes using a framework analogous to the non-fluctuating CNS solver discussed in [17]. As a prelude to that extension, in the present work we develop an AR method for Burgers’ equation that couples nonlinear hyperbolic waves and diffusion. For the particle (microscopic)modelweconsidertheasymmetricexcludedrandomwalk(AERW)[25,32].Thehydrodynamic (macroscopic)modelfortheAERWmodelistheviscousBurgers’equationwithstochasticforcing[8,9,12,20]. Inthefollowingsection,wedescribeindetailtheAERWmodel.Inthefollowingsection,weintroducethe formofBurgers’equationthatrepresentsthehydrodynamiclimitoftheAERWmodelanddescribeadiscret- ization ofthat equation basedon a second-order Godunov scheme. In Section4, we discussthe construction ofthehybridmethodthatusesanoveralladaptivemeshrefinementframeworktodesignthecouplingbetween microscopic and macroscopic models.Section 5 contains computational examples that illustrateand validate the hybrid algorithm. As discussed in the concluding section, the numerical results demonstrate the impor- tanceandchallengeofaccuratelymodelingfluctuationstosimulateandresolvebothmicroscopicandmacro- scopic phenomena. 2. Asymmetric excluded random walk 2.1. Theory The microscopic model for our system is an asymmetric excluded random walk. This model was selected since it has been studied extensively by the statistical mechanics community [25,32], shown to be equivalent, in the hydrodynamic limit, to the stochastic Burgers’ equation and found to exhibit a variety of interesting phenomena (e.g., long-ranged correlations of non-equilibrium fluctuations). The AERW model is a system of N random walker particles on a two-dimensional rectangular lattice of dimensions M ·M . Each site is x y denoted by a coordinate pair (x,y ) where j=1,...,M and k=1,...,M . j k x y Only one particle may occupy a site; the occupation number n(x,y)=1 (or =0) if a site is occupied (or unoccupied). We choose the horizontal, or x-dimension of the lattice to correspond to the spatial domain of the PDE and define the corresponding density, Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys.(2006), doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 ARTICLE IN PRESS J.B.Belletal./JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx 3 1 XMy u ðxÞ¼ nðx;y Þ ð1Þ p j M j k y k¼1 so 06u (x)61. At equilibrium u is homogeneous and binomially distributed as the sum of M Bernoulli p p y random variables, each with probability U=N/M M of occupation. The mean and variance are x y Uð1(cid:2)UÞ hu i¼U; hdu2i¼hu2i(cid:2)hu i2 ¼ : ð2Þ p p p p M y In the local equilibrium approximation the equal-time correlation of fluctuations is [32] 1 hdu ðxÞdu ðxÞi¼ hu ðxÞið1(cid:2)hu ðxÞiÞd : ð3Þ p i p j M p i p i i;j y Atanon-equilibriumsteadystatethevarianceismorecomplicatedduetolong-rangedcorrelationsoffluctu- ations [31]. Particles on the lattice move between adjacent sites according to the asymmetric exclusion process. Each particle waits a random time between moves with a mean free time of s. The next particle to move is drawn at random by choosing a random site (x,y ); if the site is occupied then its particle is selected otherwise j k another random site is chosen. The selected particle may move up, down, left or right to an adjacent site, according to the probabilities assigned to the system. We take the particles to move horizontally or vertically with equal probability (p =p =1/2) and the probabilities of moving up or down conditioned on vertical movement as equal l M (p =p =1/2).Asymmetryisintroducingbytakingunequalconditionalprobabilitiesforattemptingtomove › fl leftorright,thatis,p 6¼p withp +p =1.Oncetheparticleandmovedirectionarechosen,theparticle ! ! moves to the destination site, if unoccupied; if the destination site is occupied then the particle remains in place. In either case the time is advanced and the entire process repeats. 2.2. Numerics Givenaninitialdensitydistributionu(x),thelatticeisinitializedbyrandomlyfillingsites.Thedynamicsis advancedbyrandomlychoosingparticlesandmovedirections,asdescribedabove.Inparticlesimulationsthe physicaltimemaybeadvancedcontinuously(e.g.,event-driven dynamics)orintimeincrements(e.g.,molec- ular dynamics) and either approach may be used for the AERW. For the former, the time between moves is chosen asan exponentialrandom variablewithmean s/N,whereNisthenumberofparticles.For thelatter, thenumberofmovesthatoccurduringatimeincrementDt isaPoissondistributedrandomvaluewithmean p l=NDt /s;ifDt (cid:3)s/NthentheprobabilityofamoveoccurringduringaparticletimestepDt isl+O(l2). p p p The lattice is periodic in y so that particles attempting to move up from row M move to the bottom y (first) row, provided it is unoccupied, with a similar definition for particles at the bottom row attempting to move downward. If the x-direction is also periodic, then its treatment is analogous to the treatment of periodicity in y. Theother typeofboundaryconditionweconsider istheimpositionofDirichlet conditionsinx;inpartic- ular, fixing particle densities, u and u at the left and right boundaries, respectively. These boundary condi- L R tions represent the occupation probabilities for each site on the boundary. We view the system as being augmented with fictitious columns at j=0 and j=M +1 and with an effective total number of particles x N ¼N þu M þu M : ð4Þ e L y R y WethenviewtheAERWasoccurringontheenlargedlattice((M +2)·M )withprobabilistic‘‘virtual’’par- x y ticlesinthetwoboundarycolumns.WenotethatwithDirichletboundaryconditions,thenumberofparticles in the system, N varies in time. Operationally these virtual particles enter the algorithm in two ways. First, supposetheselectedparticlelocationforthenextmoveisintheleftboundarycolumn,say(x ,y );withprob- 0 k abilityu thatsiteisconsideredoccupiedbyavirtualparticle.Iftheadjacentsite,(x ,y ),isunoccupiedthen L 1 k with probability p p a virtual particle moves to that destination, becoming a real particle. Similarly, if a M ! particleattemptstojumpintotheleftboundaryfromaninteriorposition,thedestinationisunoccupiedwith Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys. (2006),doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 J.B.Belletal./JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx probability1(cid:2)u inwhichcasethejumpisacceptedandtheparticleremoved.Analogousrulesapplytothe L right boundary. 3. Burgers’ equation and continuum method 3.1. Theory TheAERWmodeloftheprevioussectionisdefinedentirelyintermsofadiscretelattice.Inordertodefine amacroscopicmodel,wespatiallyembedtheAERWmodelbyassigningaspatialwidthDx tothelatticesites p in the x direction. With this definition the hydrodynamic limit of the asymmetric excluded random walk described in the previous section is the stochastic Burgers’ equation [20]: o o uðx;tÞ¼(cid:2) ffðuÞþdðuÞþgðx;tÞg; ð5Þ ot ox where g is a stochastic flux and ou fðuÞ¼cuð1(cid:2)uÞ; dðuÞ¼(cid:2)(cid:2) ð6Þ ox arethenonlinearadvectiveflux(soundspeed,c)andthediffusionflux(diffusionconstant,(cid:2)).Withthechange of variable u0=(1(cid:2)2u)c this may be written in the more traditional form, u0þu0u0 ¼(cid:2)u0 þ2cg ð7Þ t x xx x Note that variants of the stochastic Burgers’ equation, with different types of stochastic forcing, are com- mon in the literature (e.g. [8]). Also note that there are other particle models, such as the Boghosian–Lev- ermore cellular automaton, that also converge to a stochastic Burgers’ PDE in the hydrodynamic limit [11,24]. The wave speed and diffusion constant are determined from the AERW parameters as (cid:2) (cid:3) 2p Dx 1 c¼ $ p p (cid:2) ¼c ð2p (cid:2)1Þ ð8Þ s ! 2 0 ! and 2p Dx2 (cid:2)¼ $ pp p ¼2c Dx p ð1(cid:2)p Þ; ð9Þ s ! 0 p ! ! wherec =p Dx /sisthewavespeedforthecompletelyasymmetricwalk(p =0or1).Sincethewavespeed 0 M p ! f0(u) varies between +c and (cid:2)c on the range of u, we define a dimensionless cell Reynolds number as jcDx j jp (cid:2)1j Re ¼ p ¼ ! 2 ð10Þ c (cid:2) p ð1(cid:2)p Þ ! ! thatcharacterizestherelativeimportanceofdiffusionandadvectionforthedynamicsatagivenmeshspacing. Note that for p =1/2 the random walk is symmetric (pure diffusion) and Re =0; as p approaches 0 or 1 ! c ! the random walk is unidirectional (pure advection) and Re goes to infinity. c The stochastic flux is a Gaussian white noise with zero mean and correlation hgðx;tÞgðx0;t0Þi¼Aðx;tÞdðx(cid:2)x0Þdðt(cid:2)t0Þ; ð11Þ wherethebracketsdenoteensembleaverage.Thenoiseamplitude,A(x,t),isrelatedthecorrelationofdensity fluctuations; in the local equilibrium approximation, hduðx;tÞduðx0;tÞi¼^uðx;tÞð1(cid:2)^uðx;tÞÞdðx(cid:2)x0Þ; ð12Þ where ^u is the solution to the deterministic Burgers’ equation, that is, ^u ¼(cid:2)fð^uÞ þ(cid:2)^u : ð13Þ t x xx Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys.(2006), doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 ARTICLE IN PRESS J.B.Belletal./JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx 5 From the above one finds, Aðx;tÞ¼2(cid:2)^uð1(cid:2)^uÞ: ð14Þ The noise amplitude may also be obtained from the continuum limit of the master equation for the AERW [20]. 3.2. Numerics The stochastic Burgers’ equation may be simulated numerically by a variety of CFD algorithms, with the choice guidedbytheapplication. Forexample, spectralmethods havebeendevelopedforhomogeneous, iso- tropic turbulence (see [21,26] and references therein). For our AR hybrid we choose a cell-centered finite dif- ference method, specifically a second-order Godunov scheme to calculate the hyperbolic flux and a simple explicitpredictor-correctorcentereddifferenceschemetocomputethediffusionterm.See,forexample,Colella [14]foradetaileddiscussionofsecond-orderGodunovmethods.Wedenotethespatialandtemporalgridsizes asDxandDtanddenotebyuntheaverageofuincell-jattimen.Wenotethatfortheconstructionofahybrid j algorithm discussed later we will require that Dx be a multiple of Dx . p Thesecond-orderGodunovschemeconstructsalinearprofilewithineachcellwiththeslopesestimatedby a higher-order finite difference approximation (cid:2)un þ8un (cid:2)8un þun u ¼ jþ2 jþ1 j(cid:2)1 j(cid:2)2: ð15Þ x;j 12Dx For advection-dominated problems a limiter istypically applied to these slopes; however,in the present con- text, we are resolving atthe viscous length scale so no limiting isperformed. These slopes are used to predict values at cell interfaces at the half-time level tn+1/2. In particular, we define 1 unþ1=2 ¼unþ ½Dx(cid:2)Dtmaxðf0ðunÞ;0Þ(cid:4)u ð16Þ jþ1=2;‘ j 2 j x;j and 1 unþ1=2 ¼un (cid:2) ½DxþDtminðf0ðunÞ;0Þ(cid:4)u ; ð17Þ jþ1=2;r jþ1 2 j x;j where f0=df/du. We then define the hyperbolic flux fnþ1=2 ¼fðunþ1=2Þ where unþ1=2 is the solution of the jþ1=2 jþ1=2 jþ1=2 Riemann problem for u +f =0 along the ray x/t=0 with left and right states unþ1=2 and unþ1=2 , t x jþ1=2;‘ jþ1=2;r respectively. Thediffusionandstochasticfluxtermsareevaluatedusingapredictor-correctorscheme,treatingthehyper- bolic flux terms as source terms. In particular, we first compute predicted values p ffiffiffi Dt Dt 2Dt up ¼un(cid:2) ðfnþ1=2(cid:2)fnþ1=2Þþ (cid:2)ðun (cid:2)2unþun Þþ ðgn (cid:2)gn Þ: ð18Þ j j Dx jþ1=2 j(cid:2)1=2 ðDxÞ2 j(cid:2)1 j jþ1 Dx jþ1=2 j(cid:2)1=2 We then compute corrected values up 1 Dt Dt pffi2ffiffiDt ! unþ1 ¼ j þ up(cid:2) ðfnþ1=2(cid:2)fnþ1=2Þþ (cid:2)ðup (cid:2)2upþup Þþ ðgp (cid:2)gp Þ : ð19Þ j 2 2 j Dx jþ1=2 j(cid:2)1=2 ðDxÞ2 j(cid:2)1 j jþ1 Dx jþ1=2 j(cid:2)1=2 This can be rewritten as Dt unþ1 ¼un(cid:2) ðFn (cid:2)Fn Þ; ð20Þ j j Dx jþ1=2 j(cid:2)1=2 where 1(cid:2) un (cid:2)un up (cid:2)up(cid:3) 1 Fn ¼fnþ1=2(cid:2) (cid:2) jþ1 j þ(cid:2) jþ1 j (cid:2)p ðgn þgp Þ ð21Þ jþ1=2 jþ1=2 2 Dx Dx ffi2ffiffi jþ1=2 jþ1=2 is the total flux. Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys. (2006),doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 J.B.Belletal./JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx The stochastic flux for the asymmetric excluded random walk on an M ·M lattice is discretized as x y sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi An;pþAn;p gn;p ¼ j jþ1R: ð22Þ jþ1=2 2DtM y where An;p ¼2(cid:2)~un;pð1(cid:2)~un;pÞ; ~u¼minðmaxðu;0Þ;1Þ ð23Þ j j j and R is a Gaussian (normal) distributed random variable with zero mean and unit variance. Note that the instantaneousfluctuatingvaluesareusedinplaceofthedeterministicvalue(seeEq.(14)),whichisaccurateas long as the fluctuations remain small [18]. The scheme outlined aboveisstableprovided itsatisfiestimestep limitsforboththe hyperbolicand diffu- sive terms. In particular, we require Dtmaxjf0ðuÞj (cid:2)Dt 1 61 and 6 : ð24Þ Dx Dx2 2 Wealsonotethatitispossibletouseasimplerversionoftheschemebasedonanexplicitfirst-ordertreatment ofthediffusionterm.Forthemostpart,thesimplerversionprovidesreasonablepredictions;however,atlar- gerDtthefirst-orderschemeover-predictsthevariationintheequilibriumsolutionbyapproximately5%,sug- gesting that the temporal truncation error terms suppress the smoothing effect of the diffusion. 4. Algorithm refinement hybrid In this section, we develop a hybrid algorithm refinement method that couples the AERW model intro- duced in Section 2 with the stochastic Burgers’ equation algorithm in Section 3. 4.1. Basic construction Philosophically,theconstructionofthehybridisbasedonthenotionthattheparticledescriptionprovides amoreaccuraterepresentationofthesolutionthanthestochasticPDE.Thus,thebasicideaistorepresentthe dynamicswiththecontinuummodelexceptinalocalizedregionwherehigher-fidelityparticlerepresentationis required. Our perspective in designing the algorithm follows the adaptive mesh and algorithm (AMAR) approach introducedin[17].IncontrasttootherARapproaches(see,e.g.[15]),theAMARapproachmaintainsasolu- tion of the macroscopic model over the entire domain (see Fig. 1). An error estimation criterion is used to estimatewheretheimproved-representationoftheparticlemethodisrequired.Thatregion,whichcanchange dynamically, is then ‘‘covered’’ with a particle patch. In this hierarchical representation, the solution is given by the particle solution on the region covered by the particle patches and the continuum solution on the remainder of the domain. Thecouplingbetweentheparticleandcontinuumregionsusestheanalogofconstructsusedindeveloping hierarchical adaptivemesh refinement algorithms.Forsimplicity, wewillassumethatthereisasinglerefined patchandthatthemeshspacingforthecontinuumsolverisequaltothelatticespacingDx .Generalizationof p theapproachtoincludemultiplepatches(e.g.[39])andallowingthecontinuummeshtobeanintegralmulti- ple of Dx (e.g. [4]) is fairly straightforward. p Integrationonthehierarchyisathreestepprocess.First,weintegratethecontinuumalgorithmfromtnto tn+1,i.e.,foracontinuumstepDt.Theoldandnewstates,un andunþ1,areretaineduntiltheparticletimestep j j is complete. Continuum data at the edge of the particle patch is interpolated in time to provide Dirichlet boundary conditions for the particle method. Wehaveconsideredbothofthetime-evolutionschemesdiscussedinSection2.Fortheequaltimestepver- sion,wechooseDt sothatDt =Dt/M foraspecifiedintegerM.WethenadvancetheparticlemethodbyM p p t t t steps until the particle and the continuum solver are at the same time. For the random time version of the algorithm,theparticlemethodisadvancedbymoves,eachwitharandomtimeincrement,untilthenexttran- sitionwouldadvancetheparticletimebeyondtn+1atwhichpointthetwosolutionsaresynchronized.Wenote thatatthesynchronizationjuncturetheparticleandcontinuumsolutionsarenotquiteatthesametimelevel. Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys.(2006), doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 ARTICLE IN PRESS J.B.Belletal./JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx 7 ADVANCE Particle Patch Boundary Sites Boundary Sites C Continuum Grid B B u j A SYNCHRONIZE D E u E j Fig.1. SchematicofAERW/PDEhybrid.Advance:(A)advancecontinuumsolution;(B)setboundaryconditionsforAERWfromtime- interpolatedPDEsolution;(C)advanceparticlesystembyAERW.Synchronize:(D)replaceoverlayingcontinuumvalueswithparticle values;(E)resetPDEinterfacecellsbyrefluxing. Forthemostpart,thishaslittleeffectonthecomputationalresults;however,itdoesleadtoerrorsofapprox- imately 1% in the mean solution at equilibrium, which are not observed with the temporally synchronized version. 4.2. Synchronization The initial stage of the integration process essentially advances the macroscopic model separately with a one-way coupling to the microscopic model by way of the Dirichlet boundary conditions. The macroscopic model is not influenced by the microscopic model; the goal of the synchronization process is to correct the macroscopic solution to reflect the effect of the microscopic model as though the integration were tightly coupled. Therearetwocomponentstothesynchronizationprocess.First,ontheregioncoveredbytheparticlerep- resentation we replace the continuum solution obtained from the SPDE discretization by the more accurate particle representation, i.e, set 1 XMy unþ1 ¼ nðx;y Þ ð25Þ j M j k y k¼1 for each cell covered by the particle patch. Second, the continuum cells immediately adjacent to the particle region,whichsuppliedboundarydatafortheparticleregionduringitsadvance,arecorrectedby‘‘refluxing’’. Specifically,supposetheleftboundaryoftheparticlepatchoccursincellJ+1.ThevalueincontinuumcellJ was updated with the continuum scheme Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys. (2006),doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 ARTICLE IN PRESS 8 J.B.Belletal./JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx Dt unþ1 ¼un (cid:2) ðFn (cid:2)Fn Þ ð26Þ J J Dx Jþ1=2 J(cid:2)1=2 withthefluxesFncomputedfromthecontinuumvalues(seeEq.(20)).Themicroscopicallycorrectfluxisgiven by the net number of particles moving across edge J+1/2 rather than by the continuum flux Fn . To per- Jþ1=2 formtherefluxingcorrectionwemonitorthenumberofparticles,N! andN ,thatmoveintoandoutof Jþ1=2 Jþ1=2 the particle region, respectively, across the continuum/particle interface at edge J+1/2. We then correct the continuum solution as Dt N! (cid:2)N u0nþ1 ¼unþ1þ Fn (cid:2) Jþ1=2 Jþ1=2: ð27Þ J J Dx Jþ1=2 DxM y This update effectively replaces the continuum flux component of the update to unþ1 on edge J+1/2 by the J fluxofparticlesthroughtheedge.Theuseofparticlefluxesisseamlessattheinterfacebecausethecontinuum fluxisalreadystochastic(seeEqs.(21)and(22)).Ananalogousrefluxingstepoccursinthecelladjacenttothe right-handboundaryoftheparticleregion.Finally,notethatthissynchronizationprocedureguaranteesexact conservationofintegrateddensity.Thetechnicaldetailsofrefluxinginhigherdimensions(e.g.,thetreatment of corners) are discussed in Garcia et al. [17]. 4.3. Refinement criterion and regridding TheAMARframeworkallowsustodynamicallychangethelocationoftheparticleregion.Therearesev- eral possible strategies for designing refinement criteria. For the examples described in Section 5.3, we will focus on criteria that identify cells where the solution has a large gradient characteristic of a viscous shock profile. A straightforward measurement of the local gradient of the solution (e.g., (u (cid:2)u)/Dx) is not ade- j+1 j quate since the inherentfluctuations could trigger refinement even at equilibrium. What isneeded is a robust measurethatidentifiesviscousshockswithoutgeneratingsubstantial‘‘falsepositives’’leadingtounnecessary refinement. To this end we define a regional gradient using " # 1 1 XS 1 XS D ¼ u (cid:2) u ; ð28Þ j SDx S jþi S j(cid:2)ði(cid:2)1Þ i¼1 i¼1 where thestencil size Sisspecified; we takeS=4 inthecomputations in thefollowingsection.From Eq.(3) onemayeasilyestimatetheexpectedstandarddeviationrofDresultingfromequilibriumfluctuationsandset atoleranceofCr,whereCisaconstant.Toestimatewheretoplacetheparticleregionintheadaptivecodewe computetheregionalgradientateachpoint;ifjDjexceedsthetolerancelevel,thencellsjandj+1aretagged. j Since we restrictourselves toa single particle patch, thelargestinterval containing all tagged cellsisthen the newparticleregion.Ifmultiplepatcheswereallowed thentagged cellswouldbecollected toformparticlere- gions;techniquesforcollecting tagged cellsinanoptimalmanner arewell established inthemesh refinement literature [7]. Once the new particle region has been identified, it must be initialized. For continuum cells that were already in the particle region, we simply retain the distribution of occupied sites. For cells that were not in the previous particle region, we use the continuum density to compute N, the desired number of particles f forfillingacolumn.ThesimplewaytodothisistotakeN ¼unM randomlyroundedtothenearestinteger; f j y an alternative approach would be to fill randomly each site with probability un. We use the former approach j sinceitpreservesconservationoftotaldensity(towithinquantizationrounding).Wenotetheregriddingalgo- rithmdoesnotneedtobedoneeverystep.SimpleestimatesbasedeitheronCFLconsiderationsorestimates of discrete traveling wave velocities can be used to determine how often to regrid [6]. 5. Computational examples This section presents a series of computational examples, of progressively increasing sophistication, that demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the algorithm refinement hybrid. We consider four numerical schemes:theasymmetricexcludedrandomwalk(AERW)fromSection2;thestochasticPDE(SPDE)forBur- Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys.(2006), doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 ARTICLE IN PRESS J.B.Belletal./JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx 9 gers’ equation from Section 3 and two algorithm refinement hybrids from Section 4. The first hybrid couples theAERWandSPDE,withtheparticleschemeinasinglepatchwithinthesystem.Thesecondhybridissim- ilar but without a stochastic flux, that is, using a deterministic PDE (DPDE). Both fixed-patch and adaptive hybrids are considered as well as a handful of minor variants, discussed below. Mean 0.52 0.515 0.51 0.505 0.5 0.495 0.49 0.485 0.48 –0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x 10–3 Variance 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 –0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x 10–5 Correlation 5 Hybrid w/ dt= 0.05 Hybrid w/ dt = 0.1 Hybrid w/ dt = 0.2 AERW SPDE w/dt = 0.05 0 –5 –0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x Fig.2. MeanÆuæ,varianceÆdu2(x)æandcenterpointcorrelationÆdu(x)du(0)æversusxforasystematequilibrium(u =u =0.5).Lines L R are:SPDE/AERWhybridwithDt=0.05(reddasheddot);SPDE/AERWhybridwithDt=0.1(solidred);SPDE/AERWhybridwith Dt=0.2(reddotted);AERW(green);SPDEwithDt=0.05(solidblue);predictedvarianceÆuæ(1(cid:2)Æuæ)/M (dashedblack).Notethatfor y thecorrelationÆdu(x)du(0)æthelargespikeatx=0isomittedfromtheplot. Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys. (2006),doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024 ARTICLE IN PRESS 10 J.B.Belletal./JournalofComputationalPhysicsxxx(2006)xxx–xxx The following parameter values are common to the simulations in all the examples: M =150, y Dx=Dx =0.01, s=1, p =1/2, p =p =1/2, and c =0.01. The particle time step is chosen to be small p M › fl 0 (Dt (cid:5)s/(75N)) so the probability of a move occurring during a time step is taken as NDt /s. For a system p p length of L the viscous relaxation time is T =L2/(cid:2); in our simulations T =O(104). For the simulations of (cid:2) (cid:2) steadystatesthesystemisinitializednearthefinalstateandallowedtorelaxforatimethatislongcompared to the relaxation time (typically for >100T ) before taking samples. (cid:2) 5.1. Equilibrium state First, we consider the simplest scenario, a system at the equilibrium state with equal, fixed density at x=(cid:2)0.5and0.5.Theprobabilityofmovingtotherightisp =0.55,correspondingtoacellReynoldsnum- ! ber of Re =0.20 (weakly hyperbolic). The single-algorithm simulations (AERW and Burger’s SPDE) have c 100 sites or grid points in the x-direction. The AR hybrids introduce a fixed particle patch at the center of the system between x=(cid:2)0.1 and x=0.1 with M =20. The hybrid simulation is performed at three contin- x uumtimestepsizes:Dt=0.05,0.1,and0.2.Sinceincrementaltimesteppingisusedintheparticlealgorithm, to keep Dt =Dt/M (cid:3)Dt we take three corresponding values: M =8000, 14,000, and 28,000. Each simula- p t t tion is run to a final time of T=2·107, which corresponds to N =T/Dt continuum time steps (e.g., t N =4·108 for the smallest Dt). t TypicalresultsfromthevariousnumericalschemesareshowninFig.2wherethemean,Æuæ;variance,Ædu2æ; andcorrelation,Ædudu0æofdensityareplottedversusposition.Thesethreequantitiesareestimatedfromsam- ples as x 10–5 Correlation 1 SPDE: 1 SPDE: 2 AERW 0 –1 –2 –0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x Fig. 3. Center point correlation versus x for a system at equilibrium (u =u =Æuæ=0.5) with the SPDE method using mean and L R instantaneous solution for the noise amplitude. Lines are SPDE: 1 using the mean (blue); SPDE: 2 using the instantaneous solution (magenta);AERW(green).TimestepisDt=0.05. Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:J.B.Bellet al.,AlgorithmrefinementforthestochasticBurgers’equation, J.Comput. Phys.(2006), doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.024

Journal of Computational Physics xxx (2006) xxx–xxx . We then view the AERW as occurring on the enlarged lattice ((Mx + 2) · My) with probabilistic . In contrast to other AR approaches (see, e.g. [15]), the AMAR approach maintains a solu-.
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