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Advanced Planar Light Guide Solar Concentrators by Michael J. Brown Submitted in Partial ... PDF

199 Pages·2013·7.98 MB·English
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Advanced Planar Light Guide Solar Concentrators by Michael J. Brown Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Supervised by Professor Duncan T. Moore The Institute of Optics Arts, Sciences, and Engineering Edmund A. Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences University of Rochester Rochester, New York 2013 ii Biographical Sketch Mick Brown was born in Glendale, California. He attended Oberlin College, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physics and Chemistry. He began his doctoral studies in Optics at the University of Rochester in 2007. He received the Master of Science in Technical Entrepreneurship and Management from The Simon School of Business, University of Rochester in 2012. He pursued his research in Optics under the direction of Duncan T. Moore. The following publications were a result of the work conducted during this doctoral study: M. Brown, D. Moore, G. Schmidt, and B. Unger, "Measurement and Characterization of Dimpled Planar Light Guide Prototypes," in International Optical Design Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper JMB45P US Patent #8,189,970 B2 “Light Collecting and Emitting Apparatus, Method, and Applications.” 2012 US Patent Application #13/462,047 “Light Collecting and Emitting Apparatus, Method, and Applications.” 2013 iii Acknowledgements I would like to thank my advisor, Duncan Moore, for his guidance and support throughout my graduate studies. I would like to thank Professor Roger McWilliams for teaching me for many summers. The experience in his lab was critical to my interest and growth as a scientist. I would like to thank Greg Schmidt for his boundless ingenuity and kindness. His guidance provided on this project and in all other areas of my graduate career was extremely valuable. I would like to thank Blair Unger for his pioneering work on dimpled light guide concentrators. Without his persistence, creativity, and communication abilities, this project never would have gotten started. I would like to thank Dan Williams, Pete McCarthy, Rebecca Berman, Eric Christensen, and Xinye Liu both for their contributions to this project and for making the office as pleasant as it was. I would like to thank Lynn Doescher for all her help with scheduling and logistics and Evelyn Sheffer for keeping track of all the financial transactions of the group. I would like to thank Tim McCollum, Gregg Podojil, and all the other members of the Rambus team for their hard work and long hours spent fabricating the prototypes. I would like to thank Ed White for helping connect me to his wide network of vendors and resources. I would like to thank my parents Sidford and Amy for their consistent support and guidance through my graduate work and all the rest of my life. I would like to thank my brother Casey for consistent support and empathy as we went through grad school. I would like to thank my wonderful girlfriend Ellie Kilpatrick for her many years of support and encouragement through this process. I would like to thank Hans Hovanitz and all the rest of my friends back home in Los Angeles for providing such rejuvenating respite from the rigors of my work in Rochester. I would like to thank my friends in Rochester, specifically Talor Walsh, Tim Baran, Andrea Baran, and Adam Heiniger for making my time in Rochester infinitely more pleasant than it would have otherwise been. iv Abstract Commercially viable solar energy is a critical part of meeting the energy needs of society while sustaining the environment. Concentrating Photovoltaics provide a capability to produce more power for a given area with a potentially lower cost. Dimpled light guide concentrators couple a large input area to a small strip of solar cell. Several of the advantages for this type of concentrator will be discussed. Following the pioneering work done earlier by Blair Unger, three new designs of dimpled light guide concentrator are presented, each with distinct advantages and drawbacks. Ray tracing models are described that illuminate the optical potential of each of these three design families. In addition to optical performance, lifetime and durability models are developed to inform material selection and cost modeling. Component parts of all three novel designs are measured and characterized. Three concentrator prototypes are fabricated and assembled into functional solar modules. The measured optical performance of these systems shows geometric concentrations ranging from 60x to 71x with optical efficiencies ranging from 19% to 33%. It is expected that this efficiency can be improved through well known processes in future iterations. In one of the designs, a small portion of the input aperture was found that coupled 89.6% of the light to the cell, demonstrating the potential for optical performance of future systems. v Contributors and Funding Sources This work was supervised by a dissertation committee consisting of Professors Duncan Moore, James Zavislan, and Julie Bentley of the Institute of Optics and Mitchell Anthamatten of the Chemical Engineering Department at University of Rochester. The initial work described in Chapter 1 was funded by Abengoa Solar under Award Number 052809-001 and describes prototypes built in collaboration RPC Photonics. This work is described in more detail in the doctoral thesis of Blair Unger, who contributed much of the data described in Chapter 1. Investigation of the gradient index solar concentrator was done with funding from the DARPA Manufacturable Gradient Index (MGRIN) project under Contract HR0011-10-C-0111. The research presented in Chapter 3 was done with support from Rambus International Ltd. under Award Number – 056105-002The team at Rambus fabricated the critical components of the concentrator prototypes. vi Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Solar Power Overview ......................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Photovoltaic Market Landscape .......................................................................................... 6 1.2.1 Current Photovoltaic Technologies ............................................................................. 9 1.3 CPV Systems ...................................................................................................................... 12 1.3.1 Concentrator Theory ................................................................................................. 13 1.3.2 CPV Families .............................................................................................................. 15 1.3.3 Critical Components of HCPV Systems ...................................................................... 18 1.3.4 Current HCPV concentrators ..................................................................................... 25 1.4 Light Guide Concentrators ................................................................................................ 28 1.4.1 Alternative Light Guide Concentrators...................................................................... 28 1.4.2 Dimpled Light Guide Concentrators .......................................................................... 31 2 Modeling and Design ................................................................................................................. 37 2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 37 2.1.1 Modeling Software .................................................................................................... 37 2.1.2 Modeling Methods .................................................................................................... 39 2.1.3 General System Parameters ...................................................................................... 40 2.2 Concentrator Optical Design and Performance Modeling ................................................ 43 2.2.1 Phase Space Performance metric ............................................................................. 43 2.2.2 Lenslet Design ........................................................................................................... 48 2.2.3 Dimple Tree Performance and Sensitivity ................................................................. 51 2.2.4 Two Stepped Guide Performance and Sensitivity ..................................................... 59 2.2.5 Axial Index Variation Performance and Sensitivity ................................................... 64 2.2.6 Wedged Stepped Concentrator ................................................................................ 67 2.3 Material Durability and Lifetime Modeling ....................................................................... 73 2.3.1 Ultraviolet and Infrared Absorption Models ............................................................. 75 2.4 Integrated Module Performance Modeling ...................................................................... 85 2.4.1 Cell Models ................................................................................................................ 87 2.4.2 Yearly Energy Output Simulations ............................................................................. 89 vii 3 Fabrication and Testing ............................................................................................................. 91 3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 91 3.2 Lenslet Arrays .................................................................................................................... 93 3.2.1 Lenslet Interferometer .............................................................................................. 94 3.2.2 Refractive Lenslet Arrays for Stepped Systems ....................................................... 100 3.2.3 Reflective Lenslet Arrays for Dimple Tree Systems ................................................. 109 3.3 Dimple Arrays .................................................................................................................. 115 3.3.1 Wedged Stepped Dimple Arrays ............................................................................. 116 3.3.2 Two Stepped Dimple Arrays .................................................................................... 126 3.3.3 Dimple Tree Arrays .................................................................................................. 131 3.4 Assembled Concentrators ............................................................................................... 136 3.4.1 Concentrator Module Testing Methods .................................................................. 137 3.4.2 Acrylic Wedged Stepped Concentrator ................................................................... 143 3.4.3 Polymer on Glass Wedged Stepped Concentrator .................................................. 147 3.4.4 Reflective Dimple Tree Concentrator ...................................................................... 158 4 Conclusion and Future Work ................................................................................................... 164 4.1 Improving Concentrator Prototypes ............................................................................... 164 4.2 Material Research ........................................................................................................... 167 4.2.1 Gradient Index Material Research .......................................................................... 167 4.3 Lifetime Durability and Performance Degradation ......................................................... 170 viii Table 1-1: LCOE projections for several competing energy technologies. ......................................................... 3 Table 1-2: Standard cost breakdown of a solar installation. ............................................................................ 24 Table 2-1: Development of reflective dimple tree light guide variants showing an optimal design and then tracking various concessions for manufacturing purposes. The results of the earlier Generation 2.5 light guide prototypes are also shown for comparison purposes. ........................................................................... 55 Table 3-1: The shunt and parasitic series resistances were calculated for the three solar cells integrated into the concentrator modules. Ideally a solar cell will have a high shunt and low series resistance value, so LG003 was the best of this cell batch. ............................................................................................................ 141 Table 3-2: The various sources of loss for the acrylic wedged stepped concentrator. The facet scattering was the dominant loss mechanism, though the defocus caused substantial losses. ............................................ 147 Table 3-3: Summary of loss mechanisms for glass wedged stepped concentrator. ...................................... 157 Table 3-4: Summary of loss mechanisms for the reflective tree concentrator prototype. ............................ 162 ix List of Figures Figure 1-1: Energy consumption broken down by source. Renewables form a small fraction of the total energy used by the United States. Reproduced with copyright permission of EIA. .......................................... 1 Figure 1-2: A photothermal trough from Acciona Solar (left, picture reproduced with copyright permission) and a power tower from Abengoa Solar (right). ................................................................................................ 5 Figure 1-3: Regional breakdown of installed PV capacity. Image reproduced with permission of copyright holder NPD Solarbuzz. Image available from http://www.solarbuzz.com ........................................................ 7 Figure 1-4: Global Demand Stack for PV materials. Image reproduced with permission of copyright holder Greentech Media. Image available at http://www.greentechmedia.com/ ...................................................... 9 Figure 1-5: Production of PV systems by technology type in 2010. Crystalline Silicon is dominant, with CdTe being the other material appropriating the greatest market share. Image reproduced with permission of copyright holder Greentech Media. Image available at http://www.greentechmedia.com/ ......................... 11 Figure 1-6: Two example low concentration systems. The system on the left relies on flat mirrors to reduce silicon use by approximately 2x(image reproduced with permission of copyright holder Zytech Inc.), while the system on the right is a truncated CPC with a concentration of 3.5x(Image reproduced with permission of copyright holder Intech Inc.). ....................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 1-7: A mid concentration photovoltaic module. The system only requires one tracking axis and uses a trough mirror to focus incident light onto the solar cell. Image reproduced with permission of copyright holder SunPower Inc. Image available at us.sunpowercorp.com ................................................................... 17 Figure 1-8: A schematic of a generic concentrating system. Assumptions are made about the other components to inform targets for the concentrator that is developed in this thesis (component 3). ............ 19 Figure 1-9: The efficiency improvement of several different families of cells. Rapid growth, especially in the multijunction cells, is continuing. Image reproduced with permission of copyright holder National Renewable Energy Laboratories(NREL). Image available at http://www.nrel.gov.......................................... 23 Figure 1-10: The ideal Fresnel lens (left) will suffer from a minimum draft angle (center) and rounding of the ideally sharp corners (right) which will substantially reduce optical efficiency. .............................................. 27 Figure 1-11: A large dish concentrator. This was a test module in Phoenix, AZ that is approximately 75 feet in diameter. Image reproduced with permission of copyright holder Southwest Solar Technologies ........... 28 x Figure 1-12: A schematic for the Morgan Solar rotationally symmetric concentrator system. ....................... 30 Figure 1-13: A schematic of the UCSD light guide concentrator. Light is focused onto coupling prisms that redirect light to either side of the light guide. Image reproduced with permission of copyright holder The Optical Society. ................................................................................................................................................. 31 Figure 1-14: Schematics for a refractive and reflective dimpled light guide system. ...................................... 32 Figure 1-15: A schematic of a dimple for use in a dimpled light guide. The injection prism is shielded from light injected upstream by a bypass prism. ...................................................................................................... 33 Figure 1-16: When fabricated, the knife edge prototype had a rounded tail, substantial drafts on the side walls, which were also rough. This substantially degraded performance. ...................................................... 34 Figure 1-17: The second generation light guide prototype (top), the designed dimple geometry (bottom left), and an SEM image of the fabricated second generation dimple structure (bottom right). ............................. 35 Figure 2-1: A lenslet feature is created in Solidworks and then patterned appropriately using LightTools. ... 39 Figure 2-2: Tracker Accuracy is dependent on wind loading (left) and the acceptance angle determines the fraction of energy available (right). Image reproduced with permission of copyright holder Green Mountain Engineering. ...................................................................................................................................................... 41 Figure 2-3: ASTM G173-03 Direct Component. This is a standard spectrum representative of peak irradiance in the United States .......................................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 2-4: The angular spectrum a) 1mm, b) 18mm, c) 36mm, and d) 52mm from the injection element. The angular spectrum 1mm from the guide is that injected by the lenslet. The angular spectrum expands as light travels further down the guide, and any light travelling with too large an angle (outside the blue rectangle) is lost from the system. ................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 2-5: Offsetting the lenslet aperture causes the central ray to be deviated from normal to the plane (Left). If the central ray is not deflected to travel in the plane of the guide the effective injection angular spread will be much larger (Upper Right) than if it is deflected directly parallel to the plane of the guide (Lower Right) .................................................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 2-6: A lenslet geometry designed to cater to a manufacturing process where the sag depth is restricted. Allowing customized aperture shapes allows improved injection and guiding efficiencies. ......... 50

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