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Preview Accurate Adiabatic Connection Curve Beyond the Physical Interaction Strength

Accurate Adiabatic Connection Curve Beyond the Physical Interaction Strength R. J. Magyar Department of Physics, Rutgers University, 136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 W. Terilla 3 0 Department of Chemistry, Rutgers University, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 0 K. Burke 2 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, n Rutgers University, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 a J (Dated: February 2, 2008) 9 The adiabatic connection curve of density functional theory (DFT) is accurately calculated ] beyond the physical interaction strength for Hooke’s atom, two interacting electrons in a har- h monic well potential. Extrapolation of the accurate curve to the infinite coupling limit agrees p well with the strictly correlated electron (SCE) hypothesis but the approach to this limit is - m more complex. The interaction strength interpolation is shown to be a good, but not perfect, fit to the adiabatic curve. Arguments about the locality of functionals and convexity of the e adiabatic connection curveare examined in this regime. h c PACS numbers: 31.15.Ew,71.15.Mb, 71.10.-w, 73.21.La . s c i s I. INTRODUCTION been used to better approximatethe curve [11]. One ex- y ampleistheconsiderationofthestronginteractionlimit, h p Density functional theory (DFT) is a popular com- λ → ∞. A model for this strongly interacting limit is [ putational method in solid state physics and quantum the strictly correlatedelectron(SCE) hypothesis [12, 13] chemistry since it is both simple and reliable [1–3]. Be- which states that, because of the strong Coulomb repul- 1 cause of its wide range of applications and its ability sion,theindividualelectronsdistributethemselvesasfar v to handle large systems, there is considerable interest apart as possible but are constrained to yield a given 6 1 in DFT and improving its accuracy. In DFT, the only density. Finding one electron uniquely pins the others 0 part of the total energy to approximate is the exchange- into position. Among other predictions, this SCE model 1 correlationenergyfunctional,EXC[n]. Aformalandgen- says that UXC can also be expanded about the strong 0 eralexpressionfor the exchange-correlationenergyis ac- interaction strength limit (λ ). Information from 3 cording to the adiabatic connection [4], this infinite limit combined w→ith∞the G¨orling-Levy ex- 0 pansionaboutλ=0 leads to the suggestionof the inter- s/ 1 action strength interpolation (ISI) for the entire curve. c EXC[n]= dλUXC[n](λ). (1) Exchange-correlationenergies from the ISI are consider- i Z0 s ably more accurate than those using only the first two y whereU [n](λ)istheexchange-correlationpotentialen- terms in the perturbation series [14]. h XC ergy of a density, n, at coupling constant, λ. Analysis of Another reason to consider large coupling strengths is p : the integrand, UXC[n](λ), leads to many exact relation- that approximate exchange-correlation energy function- v shipsthattheexactexchange-correlationenergysatisfies als for this limit might be more accurate[15]. It has long i X andapproximatefunctionalsshouldsatisfy. Forexample, beenknownthatstandardapproximatedensityfunction- G¨orling and Levy obtained a perturbation series expres- als, such as the local density approximation (LDA) or r a sionfortheexchange-correlationenergy[5]byexpanding thePBEgeneralizedgradientapproximation(GGA),are about the weak interaction limit. Another fruitful result betterforexchange-correlationtogetherthantheyarefor istheunderstandingofwhyhybridfunctionalslikePBE0 exchange alone. This is due to a cancellation of errors [6] and B3LYP [7] perform so well [8–10]. betweenapproximationsto the exchangeandcorrelation Becausetheexchange-correlationenergyistheareaun- energy [10, 16]. If this cancellation between exchange der the adiabatic connection curve between λ = 0 to 1, andcorrelationgrowswithlargercouplingconstants,ap- the mostinterestinU (λ) hasbeenconfinedtothis do- proximatedensityfunctionalsinthisregimewillbemore XC main. However,thereisnofundamentalreasontorestrict accurate. study to this domain. Infact, certainexactpropertiesof The present work is a detailed study of some of these the adiabatic connection curve outside this domain have suggestions. We employ a procedure developed for the rangeλ=0to 1 [17]andextend the simulatedadiabatic 2 connection curve to larger coupling constants. At some At small λ, one may write the G¨orling-Levyperturba- point along the adiabatic connection curve, the simulat- tion series [22]: ing scaling method is expected to break down. Never- U [n](λ)=E [n]+2EGL2[n]λ+ (λ2), λ 0 (4) theless, the curve can be extrapolated from there to the XC X C O → infinite coupling limit. This analysis yields interesting whereE istheexchangeenergy,andEGL2[n]isthefirst X C new information about the strong interaction limit. order contribution to the correlation energy. To get the We workwithHooke’satombecauseitremainsbound exchange-correlation energy from Eq. (4), we need to no matter now strongly the electrons interact. Hooke’s integrate from λ = 0 to 1. Unfortunately, there is no atomistheunpolarizedtwoelectronsystemdescribedby guarantee that the higher order terms will be negligible the Hamiltonian [? ] , and that the series will converge [14]. Other exact properties of U might be useful to help 1 k 1 XC Hˆ = 2+ 2 + r2+r2 + , (2) understand this curve. An interesting limit is when λ −2 ∇1 ∇2 2 1 2 r1 r2 . This leads us to the second theoretical point, t→he (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) | − | ∞ wherek istheharmonicforceconstant,r1 andr2 arethe strongcoupling limit. This limit correspondsto strongly position operators for each electron, and 2 and 2 are interactingelectronswhichstillyieldthephysicaldensity. 1 2 the Laplacian operators for each. Throu∇ghout, w∇e use In this limit, the integrand is finite [13]. We can expand atomic units (e2 = h¯ = me = 1) so that all energies are UXC(λ) about the infinite limit: inHartreesandalllengthsinBohrradii. Thisisnotjust U [n](λ)=U [n]( )+U′ [n]( )/√λ+ (1/λ), λ anexactlysolvablemodelwithCoulombinteractionsbut XC XC ∞ XC ∞ O →∞ (5) also an important physical system. For example, many ′ whereU [n]( )andU [n]( ) arethe zerothandfirst authors have used this system to model quantum dots XC ∞ XC ∞ terms in the expansion. It has been suggested that the [19, 20]. electrons behave in a strictly correlated manner at this Althoughwecouldhaveperformedcalculationsforthe limit [13]. The electrons still produce a given density Hooke’satomatvariousharmonicwellstrengths,wewill distribution, but finding one electron determines the po- focus on k = 1/4. For this spring constant, the Hooke’s sition of all the others. Information about this limit can atom happens to admit an analytic solution [21]. Fur- be incorporated into an interpolation formula which re- thermore,for this k value,the correlationenergyis com- produces both limits exactly and can be integrated ana- parable to that of the Helium atom. lytically. An example is the Interaction Strength Inter- The simulated curves indicate that the SCE predic- polation (ISI) [14]. tions for U ( ) are correct. Next, assuming the valid- XC ∞ For spherically symmetric two-electron systems in ity ofthe SCEhypothesis, wegeneratea highly accurate three dimensions, the SCE model admits an exact so- simulationoftheentirecurve. Thisallowsustocalculate lution for U ( ) and provides one of two contributions higherderivativesofUXC(λ)aroundkeypoints: λ=0,1, to U′ ( ) [X1C3]∞. One question askedin this paper is how and . Thisinformationshouldbe usefulforthetesting XC ∞ ′ ∞ large the missing contribution to U ( ) is. We have and improvement of existing functionals. We also com- XC ∞ calculated the SCE limit and part of the first correction paretheinteractionstrengthinterpolation(ISI)withthe term for the Hooke’s atom k =1/4 according to the for- accurate simulated result. mulae given by Seidl in Ref. [13]. Thefinalpoint,therelationshipbetweencouplingcon- II. ADIABATIC CONNECTION THEORY stantand scale factor, is important for the procedure we used to simulate the adiabatic connection curve. A den- sity, n(r), is scaled according to Three theoretical elements are vital to the content of thispaper. Thesearetheadiabaticconnectioncurve,the nγ(r)=γ3n(γr), 0 γ < . (6) ≤ ∞ strongcoupling limit, andthe relationshipbetweenscale with γ being the scale factor. The exchange-correlation factor and coupling constant. energy at a coupling constant, λ, and density, n(r), is First, we review the adiabatic connection formalism. simply related to the exchange-correlation energy at a The integrand of Eq. (1) is scaled density [23, 24]: UXC[n](λ)=hΨmnin,λ|Vˆee|Ψmnin,λi−U[n], (3) EXλC[n]=λ2EXC[n1/λ]. (7) where U[n] is the Hartree energy, Vˆee is the electron- The integrand in Eq. (1) is UXC(λ) = dEXλC/dλ. Un- electron Coulomb interaction, and Ψmin,λ is the wave- der both coupling constant and scaling transformations, n yfuienlcdtsiotnhethdaetnsmitiyninm(irz)e.sThΨhemnfiun,nλc|tTˆio+naλl,VˆUee|Ψ[mnn]i(nλ,λ)i, aasnda wtreancsafnormso.mFeotrimeexsamshpolwe, how parts of the exact energy XC function of λ makes up the adiabatic connection curve. Eλ[n]=λE [n] or E [n ]=γE [n]. (8) Atλ=0,Eq. 3isjustE ,theexchangeenergyevaluated X X X γ X X atagivendensity. Laterforconvenience,wewillsubtract We usethis observationlaterto identify scalefactorsbe- this contribution and write U (λ)=U (λ) E . tween two scaled densities. C XC X − 3 1.5 k = 1/4 k = 1/16 where v (r) = δE [n]/δn(r) is the correlation contri- C C k = 1/64 bution to the Kohn-Sham potential. The method gives k = 1/256 highly accurateenergies for Hooke’s atom (k =1/4)and 1 forHeliumwhenλvariesfrom0to1. Theerroratλ=0 is 0.3 mHartrees, and the estimated error for λ close to ) r one less than 1 mHartree [17]. ( ′n For each simulated scaling, we must assign an appro- 2 r priatescalefactor,butwhichtruescaleddensitydoesthe π 0.5 4 approximatelyscaleddensity mimic? The originalpaper discusses several possibilities. They all require knowing howachosencomponentoftheenergychangeswithuni- form density scaling. We use the E method: X 0 ′ λ=1/γ =E [n]/E [n]. (10) 0 1 2 3 4 5 X X Since we use E to assign λ, the U ( ) contribution to X X r ∞ U ( )necessarilyscalesproperlyforallvaluesofλ,and XC ∞ so we show only U (µ=0). C FIG. 1: Simulated scaling of the density. We start with In this paper, we examine the adiabatic connection Hooke’s atom at k = 1/4. Then, we solve at various curve at large interaction strengths. This method only other coupling constants and use the simulated scaling worksforλ>1forsystemsthatremainboundastheex- to returnusascloselyaspossibleto the k =1/4density. ternal potential is weakened. Even with this restriction, the method must ultimately fail as λ . Specifically → ∞ for Hooke’s atom, Cioslowski showed that at a certain III. SIMULATED SCALING METHOD critical strength for the external potential, k = 0.0016 c (λ = 4.138), the density changes shape qualitatively c In order to generate highly accurate adiabatic connec- [25]. Beyond this value, the simulated scaling might no tion plots, we use the procedure developed by Frydel, longer be a good approximation to exact scaling. On Terilla, and Burke [17]. To find the adiabatic connec- the other hand, the method fails for He almost immedi- tion curve, we need Eλ [n] for a set of λ’s. For Hooke’s XC ately as the two electron ion unbinds at nuclear charge, atom, we know the exact densities and the exact EXC at Z =0.9. different k values. Instead of changing λ, which is dif- ficult, we use Eq. (7). A small change in the strength 0 ofexternalpotentialyieldsanotherdensity,qualitatively Uc PBE similar to the originaldensity but on a different scale. If -0.05 simulated scaling we can solve the system exactly at this different exter- exact scaling nal potential strength, we have an approximation to the -0.1 exact PBE Limit exchange-correlation energy with a scaled density. For densities that do not qualitatively change shape much, -0.15 this scheme is highly accurate. To find U (λ), we XC differentiate Eq. (7) with this highly accurate approx- µ) -0.2 imation to the exact EXC[n1/λ]. Including a first order (C U correction term increases the accuracy of this method: -0.25 E [n ] E [n′]+ d3r v [n′](r)(n (r) n′(r)) -0.3 C γ C C γ ≈ Z − + (δn)2, (9) -0.35 O 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 TABLE I: Simulated scaling k and λ equivalences using µ the E scaling rule, Eq. (10), to determine λ. X k λ k λ FIG. 2: PBE adiabatic connection curve for Hooke’s 1/4 1.000 1/4 1.000 atom(k =1/4): U (µ). The solidline isgeneratedusing C 1/16 1.460 1 0.689 simulated scaling of the density, and the dashed curve 1/64 2.151 4 0.478 byexactlyscalingthe knownfunctional. The exactPBE 1/256 3.197 16 0.334 U (µ=0) limit is shown (short dashes). C To test this procedure and to develop a rule for its 4 reliability,we apply the procedureina case wherewe al- 0 ready know the correct answer, namely with an approx- Uc imate functional. A generalized gradient approximation Simulated Scaling (GGA)mimicsthecomplexityofthetruefunctionalbet- -0.05 SCE limit ter than, say, the local density approximation. Because ofitsfirstprinciplederivationandreliability,weusePBE here [26]. Since we have the analytic form for the PBE -0.1 functional,wecanscaletheinputdensitytogeneratethe ) entire adiabatic curve, Fig. 2. The curve is shown as a µ function of µ = 1/√λ so that the region λ 1, can (C -0.15 ∈ ∞ U appear on a finite sized plot. PBEresultsforcertainkeyλvaluesarelistedinTable IV. An explicit formula [15] for the PBE functional as -0.2 µ 0 is → 0.964 UPBE( )[n]= d3rn(r)ǫ (n) FPBE(s)+ -0.25 XC ∞ Z X (cid:18) X 1+y+y2(cid:19) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (11) µ where y = 0.2263 s2, s is the reduced gradient, ǫ (n) is X FIG.3: TheadiabaticconnectioncurveforHooke’satom the exchangeenergy per particle of the uniform gas,and FPBE(s) is an exchange enhancement factor [26]. (k = 1/4): UC(µ). The solid line is the simulated curve. X The SCE limit is shown as a dashed line. We need a criterion for how far along the adiabatic connection we can trust the simulated density scaling to mimic the exactly scaled density. Our criterionis to ter- thanaGGA,andwe regardthe resultasconsistentwith minate the simulations at µ = µc = 1/√λc where the the SCE hypothesis. density qualitatively changes shape [25]. Even at this point, the first order correction in Eq. (9) still improves upon the zeroth order simulation. This is a highly con- V. SIMULATING THE ENTIRE ADIABATIC servativeestimate;itislikelythatthecurvesareaccurate CONNECTION CURVE to smaller µ’s. TogetapredictionforU (µ=0),wemustextrapolate C InsectionIV,weusedanextrapolationschemetocom- thesimulationtoµ=0. Thisisdonebyfittingthesimu- plete the adiabatic curve. Here, we combine the sim- lated data to an nth order polynomial and extrapolating ulated part with the SCE electron limit to produce a this polynomial to µ = 0. The third order polynomial highly accurate adiabatic connection curve for all cou- connectingfoursamplepointsbestreproducestheknown pling strengths. From this curve, we calculate the first UPBE( ). In Fig. 2, we show the exactly scaled PBE C ∞ terms in Taylorexpansions about both λ=0 and1, and functionalandthepolynomialinterpolation. Weseethat µ=0and1. Usingthesenewresults,weassesstheaccu- the simulated curve is almost on top of the exact curve. racy of the Interaction Strength Interpolation (ISI) with However, they do differ slightly in the U (µ=0) values. C accurate inputs. For the simulated curve, U (µ = 0) = 0.357, and the C − scaledresultis 0.363fromEq. (11),a6mHartreeerror. − TABLEII:HigherderivativesofU (µ)withrespecttoµ C for Hooke’s atom (k =1/4). IV. EXTRAPOLATING TO THE INFINITE µ UC(µ) UC′(µ) UC′′(µ) INTERACTION STRENGTH LIMIT 0 -0.228 0.235 -0.156 1 -0.068 0.088 0.221 The simulated adiabatic connection curve for Hooke’s atomk =1/4inFig. (3) approachesthe SCE U (µ=0) C limit. As in section III for the PBE functional, we re- produce the entire curve by fitting the simulated points to a third order polynomial. Since the simulated scaling TABLE III: Higher derivatives of UC(λ) with respect to methodisonlyreliablebetweenµ =1/2and1,wemust λ for Hooke’s atom (k =1/4). c extrapolate the curve overthe domain µ=0 to 1/2by a λ UC(λ) UC′(λ) UC′′(λ) UC(3)(λ) UC(4)(λ) polynomial. The extrapolated prediction for U (µ = 0), 0 0.0000 -0.101 0.095 -0.107 0.124 C 0.206,is22mHartreesfromthestrictlycorrelatedelec- 1 -0.0677 -0.044 0.032 -0.032 0.039 − tronprediction, 0.228. Wedonotexpectasgoodagree- − mentbecausethetrueE functionalismorecomplicated C 5 -0.05 TABLEV:InteractionStrengthInterpolationResultsfor Hooke’satomwithk =1/4. Accurate andmodel referto ′ the value of U (µ = 0). The accurate value is from our C simulation and the model is from Seidel’s model [13]. -0.1 Method UC′(µ=0) UC(λ=1) Error EC Error ISI (accurate) 0.235 -0.063 8 % -0.036 6 % ISI (model) 0.281 -0.060 11 % -0.035 9 % ) -0.15 µ ( C U a dense sampling of data points over the range λ = 0 -0.2 to 4. The higher derivatives reported in terms of λ are Uc expected to be highly accurate. Simulated Scaling The interaction strength interpolation (ISI), as origi- ISI nally formulated [14], is an interpolation scheme for the -0.25 entire adiabatic connection curve. It used exact values 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 at λ=0 and carefully chosen GGA values at µ=0. We µ now ask how well the ISI with accurate inputs compares to the simulated curve. The answer tells us how good FIG.4: SimulatedadiabaticconnectioncurveforHooke’s the choice of curve in the ISI is. For the inputs to the atom (k=1/4): UC(µ). The solid line is the simulated ISI, we use the exact EX and ECGL2 which are derivable curve with the SCE U (µ=0). The dashed curve is the from the simulated curves in Ref. [17] and are given in C ISI using exact inputs. TableIV. ForUXC( ),weusethe SCEpredictionwhich ∞ judging from the results in section IV, we believe to be ′ exact. For U (µ=0), we input two different values. the C TABLE IV: Accurate results for Hooke’s atom with k = accuratesimulatedvalueandSeidel’sprediction. There- 1/4 evaluated on the exact densities. sults are shown in table V. The ISI interpolation does not perform exceptionally well with accurate inputs as EX 2ECGL2 EC UC(µ=1) UC(µ=0) UC′(µ=0) already noticed in [11]. For example, the magnitude of PBE -0.493 -0.168 -0.051 -0.087 -0.363 0.561 U (1) is underestimated by 5 mHartrees. This is per- XC Exact -0.515 -0.101 -0.039 -0.068 -0.228 0.235 haps a result of the way the U′(µ =0) limit is included C in the interpolation equation. For this system, incorpo- ′ rating the accurate value for U (µ = 0) in the ISI does C not greatly improve its accuracy. The µ < 1 simulated adiabatic connection curve is In Fig. 5, we see how the PBE and LDA adiabatic shown in Fig. 4. The curve was generated by fitting the connection curves compare to the accurate curve. The simulateddatapointsfromµ=0.5to1andincludingthe PBE curve clearly crosses the accurate curve. Since SCE U (µ = 0) in the point set. We used a third order polynomCial,theorderthatbestreproducedtheadiabatic limµ→0UXLCDA(µ) = 1.964EXLDA = −0.866 < UXC(∞), theLDAcurvemustcrosstheaccurateoneatsomelarger curve for the PBE functional in section III. This curve interaction strength. Since both curves cross the exact shouldbe anexcellentapproximationtothe exactcurve. curve at some λ > 1, the cancellation of errors between From the plot, we see that the derivative dU (µ)/dµ is C exchange and correlation in Eλ will grow smaller be- positive everywhere along the adiabatic curve. This im- XC yond some critical interaction strength and become an pliesthatdU (λ)/dλisnegative,andtheadiabaticcurve C addition of errors. It has been argued that because the isconvex. AllcalculatedU (λ)curvesfor0 λ 1have C ≤ ≤ exchangecorrelationon-tophole growsmorelocalasthe dU (λ)/dλ<0,butthe inequalityhasneverbeen gener- C interaction strength increases [10, 27], local functionals allyproven. Ourresultextendsthisobservationtoλ 1 ≥ for Eλ would work better as λ increases. This is cer- for this system. XC tainly true for our system in the range, 0 λ 1; how- DerivativesofUC(µ)areobtainedfromthe coefficients ever, the adiabatic plots indicate that as≤λ g≤rows, the in the polynomial extrapolation. Two higher derivatives energy depends on the density in an increasingly nonlo- of U (µ) with respect to µ are shown in table II. Seidl’s C ′ cal way. The accuracy of the on-top hole is less relevant model for U (µ = 0) = 0.281 [13] does not agree with C ′ to the total energies in the strongly interacting regionof the accurate U (µ=0). 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