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Preview A Service Creation Environment Based on End to End Composition of Web Services

A Service Creation Environment Based on End to End Composition of Web Services Vikas Agarwal, Koustuv Dasgupta, Neeran Karnik, Arun Kumar Ashish Kundu, Sumit Mittal and Biplav Srivastava favikas,kdasgupta,kneeran,kkarun,kashish,sumittal,[email protected] IBMIndiaResearchLaboratory Block1,IITcampus,HauzKhas NewDelhi110016,India ABSTRACT Keywords The demand for quickly delivering new applications is Semantic Web,Planning, Web Services Composition increasinglybecomingabusinessimperativetoday. Applica- tiondevelopmentisoftendoneinanadhocmanner,without 1. INTRODUCTION standard frameworks or libraries, thus resulting in poor reuse of software assets. Web services have received much The demand for quickly delivering new applications is interest in industry due to their potential in facilitating increasingly becoming a business imperative today. For seamless business-to-businessorenterpriseapplicationinte- example, given the intense competition in the telecom gration. Awebservicescompositiontoolcanhelpautomate sector, mobile telephony service providers need to con- the process, from creating business process functionality, tinually develop compelling applications to attract and to developing executable work(cid:13)ows, to deploying them retain end-users, with quick time-to-market. Often, if a on an execution environment. However, we (cid:12)nd that competitor introduces a new service, the service provider the main approaches taken thus far to standardize and must o(cid:11)er a similar or better service within days/weeks, compose web services are piecemeal and insu(cid:14)cient. The to avoid losing customers. Also, a service provider can business world has adopted a (distributed) programming attract enterprise customers by o(cid:11)ering custom-developed approach in which web service instances are described value-added services that leverage its telecom and IT in- using WSDL, composed into (cid:13)ows with a language like frastructure. Enterprise customers typically o(cid:11)er signi(cid:12)- BPEL and invoked with the SOAP protocol. Academia cantly higher margins than consumers, and are thus more has propounded the AI approach of formally representing attractive. Service providers therefore need tools and web service capabilities in ontologies, and reasoning about standards-based runtime platforms to quickly develop and theircompositionusinggoal-orientedinferencingtechniques deploy interesting applications for their clients. This would from planning. We present the (cid:12)rst integrated work in assist in their transition towards \on demand", responsive composing web services end to end from speci(cid:12)cation to businesses. deployment by synergistically combining the strengths of Muchofthisservice/applicationdevelopmentiscurrently the above approaches. We describe a prototype service done in an ad hoc manner, without standard frameworks creation environment along with a use-case scenario, and or libraries, thus resulting in poor reuse of software assets. demonstrate how it can signi(cid:12)cantly speed up the time-to- When a new service is needed, the desired capability is market for new services. informally speci(cid:12)ed. An application developer must then createthiscapabilityusingcomponentservicesavailablein- CategoriesandSubjectDescriptors house or from known vendors. This process is essentially manual. For example, if a mobile service provider wishes H.3.5 [Information Systems]: Information Storage and to o(cid:11)er a taxi-request service to its users, the developer Retrieval|Web-based services; I.2.8 [Arti(cid:12)cial Intelli- must pick a third-party taxi service (with an advertised gence]: Problem Solving, Control Methods, and Search| networkinterface)apartfromin-houseserviceslikelocation- Planexecution,formation,andgeneration;D.2.m[Software tracking, accounting, etc. and design a work(cid:13)ow that Engineering]: Miscellaneous delivers the required functionality. The dynamic nature of the environment impacts the development process as GeneralTerms well. Forexample, newtaxi services maybecome available, o(cid:11)ering better and/or cheaper services; physical changes in Design, Languages the network or environment may necessitate a redesign of Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference the (cid:13)ow, etc. Committee(IW3C2). Distributionofthesepapersislimitedtoclassroom Web services have received much interest in industry use,andpersonalusebyothers. due to their potential in facilitating seamless business- WWW2005,May10-14,2005,Chiba,Japan. ACM1-59593-046-9/05/0005. to-business or enterprise application integration [22, 27]. Web services o(cid:11)er standardized interface description, dis- describe our approach (Sec. 3) followed by details on its covery and messaging mechanisms. Also, the programming main aspects { logical composition (Sec. 4) and physical tools and runtime environments for web services have now composition (Sec. 5). Section 6 illustrates our solution for matured. A component-oriented software development the use-case scenario. In Sec. 7, we provide a summary of approach where each software is wrapped as a web ser- related work. Finally we conclude with some directions for vice would o(cid:11)er substantial bene(cid:12)ts in the mobile service future work. provider’s scenario. Mobile user applications often rely on several,relativelysimplebuildingblocks{userpro(cid:12)lelook- 2. AMOTIVATINGEXAMPLE ups, address books, location-tracking services, accounting Service providers, like telcos, are increasingly targeting and billing services, etc. Many of these building blocks businesses as customers because of the higher margins are already in place, but they are not easy to reuse and and longer-term relationships. Suppose a telco wants integrate into new applications because they are not built to enable an enterprise customer to use its telecom and using standardized frameworks or component models. This IT infrastructure by creating and deploying services that leads to high development costs, and substantial time-to- automatethecustomer’sbusinessprocesses. Asanexample marketfornewservices. Thiscouldbealleviatedbybuilding the telco is attempting to automate a typical Helpline (or applications using the service-oriented architecture (SOA) call center)for a washing machine manufacturer. paradigm, usingwebservicesastheunderlyingabstraction. Acustomercallsintoreportaproblemwithherwashing We (cid:12)nd that two di(cid:11)erent approaches have been taken machine. This problem needs to be assigned to an agent to standardize and compose web services. The business for resolution. If the problem is such that it could be world hasadopteda distributedsystemsapproachinwhich solvedoverthe phone,adesk-basedagentatthecall center webserviceinstancesaredescribedusingWSDL,composed into (cid:13)ows with a language like BPEL1, and invoked with will be assigned. Otherwise, we need to (cid:12)nd an agent in the (cid:12)eld who can visit the customer and (cid:12)x the washing the SOAP protocol. Academia has propounded the AI machine. The service provider would like to create a set of approachofformallyrepresentingwebservicecapabilitiesin webservicesthatautomatepartsofthisprocesstowhatever ontologies,andreasoningabouttheirfunctionalcomposition extent possible, and keep aggregating these components to using goal-oriented inferencing techniques from planning createhigher-levelcompositeservices. Oncesuchasoftware [16]. These approaches by themselves are piecemeal, and infrastructure is developed, the telco could o(cid:11)er it as a insu(cid:14)cient. Theformerhasfocusedontheexecutionaspects servicetovarious enterprisecustomers(appliancemanufac- of composite web services, without much consideration for turers, software vendors, etc), with minor customization. requirements capture and the development process. The Figure1summarizesthework(cid:13)owinthisHelplinescenario. latter approach has stressed on the feasibility of service composition based on semantic descriptions of service ca- User Input pabilities, butits outputcannotbe directlyhandedo(cid:11) toa Problem runtime environmentfor deployment. Reporting In this paper, we demonstrate how web services compo- Problem Ticket sition can be leveraged for business process integration, by Problem synergistically combining the strengths of both the above Classification approaches. The main contributions are: Expertise Level, Expert Location Expert (cid:15) To the best of our knowledge, we present the (cid:12)rst Lookup Problem Ticket, end to end web services composition methodology List of Field Agents that, givena formally speci(cid:12)ed requirementfor a new LAocgaetnito nS−elbeacstoedr PDreosbkl eAmg eTnitcket, service, stitches together semantically-annotated web Problem Ticket, Field Agent service components in a BPEL (cid:13)ow that delivers the requiredfunction. Message Call Set Up Delivery (cid:15) Weproposeaprincipledtwo-stagewebservicescompo- On Site Help Desk Problem Ticket, Problem Ticket, sition approach leveraging the di(cid:11)erentiation between Problem Resolution Status Problem Resolution Status webservicetypesandinstances. Thishelpsinhandling di(cid:11)erentgoals,di(cid:11)erentdata,di(cid:11)erentratesofchange Figure 1: Helpline Service. of dataateachstage, anddi(cid:11)erentmeanstooptimize them. Itallows us to achievescalability. Hereisasamplingofthecomponentservicesthatmaybe available in the service provider’s infrastructure: Location (cid:15) We describe an end to end working prototype: (a) tracking, SMS, Call Setup, Agent Expertise data, Problem Ontology matching, composition at type level with Classi(cid:12)cation,AgentSelection. Someoftheseprovidetelco- service matchmaking (b) Composition at physical speci(cid:12)c functions such as delivering SMS text messages, level with instance selection (c) Deployment onto a location tracking of mobile phones, etc. Others are speci(cid:12)c decentralized work(cid:13)ow orchestration infrastructure. to the application domain, e.g. problem classi(cid:12)cation. A developer needs to create a set of higher-level services Therestof thispaperisorganizedasfollows. Inthenext using these components. Consider for example a location- section, we describe a business process integration scenario based agent selector service (Fig. 2). Given a customer’s andmotivatetheroleofwebservicescomposition. Wethen location and a list of agents out in the (cid:12)eld, this service 1http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ needstoselect one of the agents, basedonproximitytothe ws-bpel/ customer’sresidence. Thisselectedagentwillthenbeasked PLriosbtl eomf TFiicekledt ,Agents ALogceantti oSne−lebcatoserd PFrioebllde mA gTeinctket, SSppeeSScceeiiffrriivvcciiaacctteeiioonn SSeerrvviiccee CCrreeaattiioonn Problem Ticket (Customer Location) EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt DDoommaaiinn List of Agent Locations, LLooggiiccaall OOnnttoollooggyy List of Agent Mobile Nos List of Agent IDs Location Distance Optimal AgentNearest Agent CCoommppoosseerr Expert DB Tracker Calculator Selector AAbbssttrraacctt List of Agent IDs List of Agent Locations WWoorrkkffllooww ((PPllaann)) PPhhyyssiiccaall SSeerrvviiccee Figure 2: Location-based Agent Selector Service. CCoommppoosseerr RReeggiissttrryy DDeeppllooyyaabbllee to visit the customer and (cid:12)x her washing machine. The WWoorrkkffllooww bottomhalfofFig.2showshowthiscanbedonebycreating a (cid:13)ow linking together several component services, feeding EExxeeccuuttiioonn EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt them the right inputs, etc. Doing this manually takes time (and the developer has to know which components exist, and how to connect them up). Instead, we provide Figure 3: System Overview. atoolthatdiscoverstherelevantservicesfromamongstthe available ones, and creates the control (cid:13)ow between them. composition process rightfrom speci(cid:12)cation of the business Theavailableservicesaresemanticallyannotated,providing process, through creation of desired functionality using meta-informationabouttheirfunctionalityinthecontextof planning techniques, through generation of a deployable a domain model. The developer only needs to (formally) work(cid:13)ow by selection and binding of appropriate service specify the requirements of the service to be created. The instances, to (cid:12)nally deploying and running the composite tool can then generate a (cid:13)ow, and with some developer service. This integrated solution achieves the best of inputs,deploythe(cid:13)owontoaruntimeinfrastructure. This both worlds and provides scalability to the composition shouldleadtoquickerservicecreation,andthusfastertime- process. We have built a service creation environment that to-market for new services. realizes this approach in terms of the following phases of Further,thenewlycreatedLocation-basedAgentSelector composition: (LAS) service itself becomes available as a component. It cannowbereusedincreatingother(cid:13)ows,suchastheonein 1. Logical Composition: This phase provides func- Fig.1. Eachnewservicethusenrichestheinfrastructureand tional composition of service types to create new makesthedeveloper’s taskeasier infuture. Wewill use the functionality thatis currentlynot available. LAS service as a running example to explain the phases in the composition process. Our service creation environment 2. Physical Composition: This phase enables the however includes a domain model and ontology for the selectionofcomponentserviceinstancesbasedonnon- entire Helpline Automation scenario, and we demonstrate functional (e.g. quality of service) requirements, that theautomatedcompositionofthecomplete(cid:13)owofFig.1in wouldthenbeboundtogetherfordeployingthenewly Sec. 6. created composite service. This basic approach to automating the process of service 3. SYSTEMOVERVIEW creation is illustrated in Fig. 3. A Service Registry con- Our service creation methodology, based on web service tains information about services available in-house as well composition techniques,consists of the following steps: as with participating 3rd-party providers. The capabilities of each available service type are described formally, using 1. Service Representation: Representing the available domain-speci(cid:12)c terminology that is de(cid:12)ned in a Domain services andtheir capabilities. Ontology. When a new service needs to be created, the developerprovidesaServiceSpeci(cid:12)cationtotheLogical 2. Requirements Speci(cid:12)cation: Specifying the desired Composer module. Driven by the speci(cid:12)ed requirements, functionality of a new service. the Logical Composer usesgenerative planning-based auto- mated reasoning techniques to create a composition of the 3. Composition: Constructingacompositionofavailable available service types. Its goal is to explore qualitatively services thatprovides the desired functionality. di(cid:11)erent choices and produce an abstract work(cid:13)ow, i.e. 4. Composite Service Representation: Representing the a plan (assuming a feasible plan exists) that meets the new composite service and its capabilities so that speci(cid:12)ed requirements. it can be programmatically deployed, discovered and Inordertoturntheplanintoaconcretework(cid:13)owthatcan invoked. bedeployedandexecuted,speci(cid:12)cinstancesmustbechosen for the component services in the plan. The Physical In previous work a similar process has been applied at Composer uses scheduling and compilation techniques in di(cid:11)erent levels of abstraction, none of which individually selecting the best web service instances to produce an yields a practical solution. Our system takes an end to executable work(cid:13)ow. The focus is now on quantitatively endviewthatsynergisticallycombinestheAIapproachand exploring the available web service instances for work(cid:13)ow the distributed programming approach currently adopted execution. It queries the registry for deployed web service by academia and the industry respectively. It drives the instances, to accomplish thistask. The work(cid:13)ow generated by the service creation environ- stage, the composition process typically involves reasoning ment must thenbe deployedonto a runtime infrastructure, procedures. To enable those, services need to be described and executed in an e(cid:14)cient and scalable manner. This in a high-level and abstract manner [12]. Therefore at this is especially important in environments like that of a stage it su(cid:14)ces to describe the capabilities of the types mobile service provider, where the number of end-users of web services, using semantic annotations. The second is likely to be very high. The state of the art is to level of description becomes important in the physical execute the work(cid:13)ow using a work(cid:13)ow engine such as compositionstagewhereindividualrunningservicesneedto WebSphereProcessChoreographer2,withdata(cid:13)owingback beidenti(cid:12)edfordeployingthework(cid:13)ow. Oncethelanguage and forth from this engine to the component web services. is known, the basic terms used in the language have to be Our Execution Environment instead orchestrates the drawn from a formal domain model. This is required to work(cid:13)ow in a decentralized fashion, with partitions of the allow machine based interpretation while at the same time (cid:13)ow executing concurrently, in network-proximity with the preventingambiguities andinteroperability problems. component services they invoke. These (cid:13)ow partitions are The DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML, now generatedautomaticallybyaDecentralizertool,usingstatic called OWL)4 is the result of an ongoing e(cid:11)ort to de(cid:12)ne analysis of the input BPEL (cid:13)ow. The communication a language that allows creation of domain models or con- amongst these partitions is designed to minimize network cept ontologies. We use it to create the domain model usage, while retaining the original (cid:13)ow semantics. This, in using which services are described. The OWL-S markup conjunction with the added concurrency, results in better language [19] (previously known as DAML-S) is also being scalability and performance. For more details on our de(cid:12)ned as a part of the same e(cid:11)ort, for facilitating the ExecutionEnvironmentpleasereferto[5,18]. Inthispaper, creation of web service ontologies. It speci(cid:12)es an upper wewillfocusontheLogicalandPhysicalcompositionstages. ontology of services that de(cid:12)nes the structure of a service description. Itde(cid:12)nesthataservicepresentsaServicePro(cid:12)le 4. LOGICALCOMPOSITION (i.e. what the service does), is describedBy a ServiceModel (i.e. how it works) and supports a ServiceGrounding (i.e. Figure 4 depicts our system for implementing the four how to access it). stepsofcompositionduringLogicalComposition. Available Currently, OWL-S is designed to describe a single web service types and their capabilities are represented in a service instance [19]. This is easily observed since the ServiceCapabilitiesRegistry. AnOntologycapturesthedo- ServiceModel and ServiceGrounding aspects are speci(cid:12)c to mainmodel. WeuseIBM’sSNOBASE3 asthemanagement an instance of a web service. However, we believe that the systemforourontologyandtheservicecapabilitiesregistry. type of a web service needs to be described independent Speci(cid:12)cation of the desired service is suppliedto a Logical of individual web service instances. This helps in working Composer module that (cid:12)rst gets it veri(cid:12)ed for syntactic with large collections of web services { categorizing them, correctness using a Validator module. The Matchmaker supportingmultipleviews, etc.[12]. Inourpresentsolution moduleallowsqueryingtheserviceregistryforavailableser- prototype, we use the ServicePro(cid:12)le model of OWL-S to vices. Based upon the validated speci(cid:12)cation, Planner4J representwebservicetypede(cid:12)nitions. Thetaskofproviding retrievesthesetofcandidateservicesusingthematchmaker. descriptions for speci(cid:12)c web service instances is deferred to The Filter module helps in pruning the set of candidate the physical composition phase. servicesbeforePlanner4Jusesplanningtechniquestocreate We have also developed a proposal to separate the thecomposite service. Wenextdiscusstheissues thatarise representation of webservice typede(cid:12)nitionsfrom instance in each stepof logical composition. de(cid:12)nitionsbyenhancingtheOWL-Supperontologytohave a ServiceType class hierarchy in addition to the Service Service Domain SNOBASE hierarchy, as described in detail in [11]. Similar approach Information Specs Service of separating type de(cid:12)nitions from instance de(cid:12)nitions has Validator Capabilities beenusedsuccessfullyindatamodelsfordistributedsystems Ontology Registry management [17, 1]. In future, we plan to incorporate the Logical Validated proposal and thereby use the same modeling language for Composer Specs Available representing boththe service typesandinstances. Domain Service Information Types Abstract Planner4J Filter Matchmaker 4.2 Requirements Specification Workflow In order to create a new service, the developer should Candidate Candidate Component Component describetherequiredfunctionalityaswellasnon-functional Services Services constraintssuchasthroughput,responsetime,costetc. We Figure 4: Logical Composition. againuseOWL-SforrepresentingtherequirementsinIOPE terms,becausetheresultofthecompositionisalsoaservice. The developer is presented with a graphical user interface 4.1 Representation ofService Types using which she can specify these requirements. The tool maps these to OWL-Sfor internalprocessing. Toenableautomaticdiscoveryandcompositionofdesired Inkeepingwithourphilosophyofqualitativelycomposing functionality, we need a language to describe the available theplanbeforefocusingonthequantitativeoptimizationis- webservices. Thiscantakeplaceattwolevels{webservice sues,thetoolprocessestherequirementsincrementally. The typesandwebserviceinstances. Atthelogical composition preconditions and e(cid:11)ects are logical terms and sentences, 2http://www.software.ibm.com/wsdd/zones/was/wpc.html 3http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/snobase 4http://www.daml.org theinitialstate(e.g. whetherAgentneedstobedesk- basedorinthe(cid:12)eld)buttheycanbefoundatruntime using sensing actions. Plans of contingent planning problems have branches corresponding to di(cid:11)erent outcomesthatsensingactionsmay(cid:12)nd. However,the user may not be interested in all branches { which are exponential in the number of unknown terms { but only in speci(cid:12)c branches. For the rest (usually unimportantorunlikelycases),theusermaymanually insert a default branch. We have implemented such a contingentplanner inthe Planner4J framework [25]. (cid:15) Filtering is needed to remove irrelevant web services. Sincethenumberofwebserviceinstancesinaregistry could be very large, the number of web service types can also be large. Given a goal speci(cid:12)cation, the Filter(cid:12)ndsservices of potentialrelevanceto thegoal without actually searching for the solution. Relevant services are those that can either contribute to the goals (at least one e(cid:11)ect uni(cid:12)es with a goal) or to the preconditions of anyservice whichcanpotentially Figure 5: Logical Plan for the LAS service. contributeto the goal. (cid:15) Our Matchmaker [7] matches the preconditions of and are used during planning in logical composition5. The a web service with the e(cid:11)ects of another up front. inputs and outputs are expressions involving general data Another approach may be to perform matchmaking types (e.g. integers, strings, algebraic expressions) which as needed during planning [23]. This can support areusedduringinstanceselectionand(cid:13)owconcretizationin more expressive matching (e.g. involving expressions thephysicalcompositionphase. Itispossibletoincorporate of initially unknown terms) but at the cost of slower numeric inputs and outputs during planning as well { this performance duetofrequentreference totheontology approachtoplanningiscalledmetricplanning[6]. Exploring uni(cid:12)er. thefeasibility of metricplanningforendtoendwebservice composition would bean interesting area for futurework. (cid:15) We provide incomplete plans on request. If no com- For the LAS composite service, the precondition (or pletesequenceofactionsispossiblefromtheavailable the initial state of the composition problem) asserts that servicesforagivenrequirement,planningcanstillhelp CustomerLocation is known and the e(cid:11)ect (or the goal the user scope down the composition requestor point state)isto(cid:12)ndtheagent(AgentID)nearesttothecustomer to missing capabilities in the ontology. The planner location. sorts the search space of non-solutions based on a heuristic distance to goal. The plan with the lowest 4.3 Composition through Planning such distance gives us a candidate plan for further AI Planning deals with (cid:12)nding a course of actions that development. This is especially valuable when the can take an agent from the initial state to a goal state, ontology developmenthas not stabilized. given a set of actions (legal state transformation functions) in the domain. Formally, a planning problem [30] P is a Withthesefeaturesplanningisscalable,e(cid:14)cientanduser 3-tuple (cid:30) I;G;A (cid:31) where I is the complete description friendly. We illustrate with some empirical results. On of the initial state, G is the partial description of the goal a contingent problem having a 7-step plan, with the (cid:12)lter state, and A is the set of executable (primitive) actions. enabled,theplannercanreturnasolutionin4secondswhen An action sequence S (a plan) is a solution to P if S can 100,000irrelevantservicetypes/actionsarepresent,whereas be executed from I and the resulting state of the world ittakesanhourwithoutthe(cid:12)lter. Iftheuserchoosesspeci(cid:12)c containsG. Aplanner(cid:12)ndsplansbyevaluatingactionsand branches,theplannercanleverageitforbetterperformance searching in the space of possible world states or the space { in an experiment where 3 branches were speci(cid:12)ed on a of partial plans. Logical composition of webservicescan be contingent problem with 100 sensing actions (2100 possible cast as a planning problem by using the description of web branches),theplannertakes90%lesstimebyleveragingthis services as actions, andforming initial andgoal states from information rather thanexploring the whole search space. the speci(cid:12)cation of the service to be built along with the In Fig. 5, the planner was invoked for the LAS service. domain model [16]. Recall that the initial state asserts that CustomerLocation For our service creation tool, planning for web services isknownandthegoalisto(cid:12)ndtheagent(AgentID)nearest has some uniquecharacteristics (refer to Fig. 4): tothecustomerlocation. Theoutputofthetool isa4-step plan that can accomplish the goal. The created service is (cid:15) Thenatureofplanningislimitedcontingencyplanning. addedto the service capabilities registry bythe user. The value of all logical terms may not be known in 4.4 TheAbstractWorkflow 5Services can be matched using arbitrary sentences as de(cid:12)ned with OWL-S 1.1 but for planning, we use a state Thegeneratedplanisasequenceoftimesteps,whereeach representationconsistentwiththeSTRIPSassumptions[30]. timestepmayhaveconcurrentactions. Sinceplanscanhave brancheswhicharecontingentonspeci(cid:12)cconditions(called entities, and a Data Dictionary tool for de(cid:12)ning the branch context) being met, actions are labeled with their language for the matching process. Matching is performed context. The default context for an unconditional action is betweenserviceinstancesandrequirementsspeci(cid:12)edbythe true, always valid. consumer. In our case, the requirements come from the The plan is translated to the work(cid:13)ow representation of abstractwork(cid:13)owandadditionalmatchingcriteriaspeci(cid:12)ed BPEL, a language for expressing interactions and message bythe developer performing the service composition. exchangesbetweenpartnerentities. Itcanbeautomatically The engine is deployed as a Web service that receives interpreted and executed by a work(cid:13)ow engine. A BPEL queriesandadvertisementsfromthetwopartiesinvolvedin speci(cid:12)cation can be abstract or executable depending on matchmaking. Each partyessentially submits a description whetherbindinginformationhasbeenexcludedorincluded. of itself andthedemandsfromtheotherparty. TheAdver- We render the generated plan as an abstract BPEL tisementissubmittedbytheprovidertoWSMEandislong work(cid:13)ow since web service instance information is not lived, remaining in WSME until it is explicitly withdrawn knownatthisstageofthecompositionprocess. Theactions by the provider or until the application server is stopped. intheplanaremappedtocorrespondinginvokeactivitiesin The advertisement contains the following information: (1) BPELandorganizedintobranchesbyinsertingappropriate MyType - this speci(cid:12)es the advertisement record-type. (2) switch andcase activities. YourType - this speci(cid:12)es the record-type expected to be submitted by the consumer query. (3) Properties - a 5. PHYSICALCOMPOSITION list of the properties de(cid:12)ned as MyType. Some of those properties may be de(cid:12)ned as dynamic properties by the provider evaluated at runtime. (4) Rules (optional) - what WSME Abstract the provider requiresfrom the consumer. Matching Workflow Instance Instances Mlaantgcuhamgaek/riunlge s AQuerysubmissionissentfromtheconsumertoWSME Selector Matchmaker and is transient, terminating after initiating the match- Physical Available making process and bringing it to its conclusion. The Service Composer Selected Instances Data querycontainsthefollowinginformation: (1)MyType-this Instances Dictionary speci(cid:12)esthequeryrecord-type. (2)YourType-thisspeci(cid:12)es Deployable BPEL Service the provider’s advertisement record-type that the query is Instances Workflow Generator Registry lookingfor. (3)Properties-alistofthepropertiesde(cid:12)nedas WSDLs for the MyType. (4) Rules - what the consumer requires from the selected Instances provider. Thedescriptionsanddemandscanbedynamically Figure 6: Physical Composition. created, deleted andmodi(cid:12)edin the form of properties and rules respectively, using a Data Dictionary tool. TheWSMErulesallowbothsidestoselecttheotherparty In this phase, the abstract work(cid:13)ow for the composite they wish to deal with by specifying their eligibility. A service is fed to the Physical Composer, which binds each rule is a WSME script that is evaluated at matchmaking service in the work(cid:13)ow to a concrete service instance. The time, resulting in a Boolean value. A rule can refer to the process of matching each service type to a corresponding propertiesofthetwopartieswhoseadvertisementandquery instance,andthenorchestratingbetweenthesetofinstances areinvolvedinthematchmakingprocess. Exampleofapos- in the resulting work(cid:13)ow is a non-trivial matchmaking sibleconsumerruleisthefollowing: return(my:MaxCost(cid:20) problem. The problem has been addressed extensively for your:cost). A problem arises if a rule refers to a property web services and involves a number of issues related to thatwasnotsupplied. Toavoidsuchasituation,theWSME data (cid:13)ow orchestration, data type and invocation protocol Typesystemde(cid:12)nesthemandatorylistofpropertiesthata matching,QoSmatchingandSLAcomposition. Whilesome submissionmustprovide;thedatadictionarycontainsthose of these issues can be resolved in an automated manner, de(cid:12)nitions. others might require manual intervention from a developer We illustrate the Data Dictionary de(cid:12)nitions used for supervisingthecompositionprocess. Wenextdescribeeach composing the Helpline Service discussed in Fig. 8. Each of the steps involved in the Physical Composition stage, service instance needs to advertise itself to the WSME illustrated inFig. 6. service instance registry using the advertisement de(cid:12)nition. 5.1 Representation of Service Instances and Each advertisement record contains basic information like Requirements the service name, service type, method name and WSDL information,alongwithQoS-speci(cid:12)cmetricslike(expected) AsinLogicalComposition,werequirearepresentationfor responsetime,throughputandcostofinvokingtheparticu- serviceinstancesandcompositionrequirementstofacilitate lar instance. Each query record speci(cid:12)es the method name Composition. Ithasbeenestablishedthatdirectoryservices, andservicetypethatneedstobeboundtoaninstancealong such as UDDI, are important but insu(cid:14)cient for this with additional rules that are speci(cid:12)ed by the developer purpose[9]andneedtobecomplementedwithmatchmaking supervising the composition process. facilities like symmetry of information exchange between services and their consumers, the ability of each party 5.2 MatchmakingandInstanceSelection to describe requirements from the other party, a rich languagetodescribeservices’andconsumerdemands,anda We employ a two-step approach where, in the (cid:12)rst step, methodology to choose e(cid:14)ciently among competing service weusetheWSMEMatchmakertoselectoneormorecan- instances. didate instances that match the requirement speci(cid:12)cations. Tothisend,weusetheWebServicesMatchmakingEngine Sinceaspeci(cid:12)cservicetypecanbematchedwithmorethan (WSME) [9] { an engine capable of matching complex one instance, we next adopt a heuristic-based approach to Data Dictionary Tool <invoke name= "invoke−GetAgentMobileNumbers" partnerLink="link2" Service Provider Service Consumer portType="GetAgentMobileNumbers" operation="GetAgentMobileNumbers" inputVariable="variable1" Service Name SSttrriinngg Service Type String outputVariable="variable2" / > Service Type String Method Name String <invoke name= "invoke−LocationTracker" Method Name String Max Cost Float partnerLink="link3" Max Response Time Float portType="LocationTracker" Cost Float Min Throughput Float operation="LocationTracker" Throughput Float inputVariable="variable2" Response Time Float outputVariable="variable3" / > Query Rules WebService_URL String <invoke name= "invoke−DistanceCalculator" WSDL String partnerLink="link4" portType="DistanceCalculator" Definition of advertisement Definition of query operation="DistanceCalculator" submission record type submission record type inputVariable="variable3" outputVariable="variable4" / > <invoke name= "invoke−OptimalAgentSelector" partnerLink="link5" Figure 7: Advertisement and Query Formats for portType="OptimalAgentSelector" Helpline Service. operation="OptimalAgentSelector" inputVariable="variable4" outputVariable="variable5" / > select one among the con(cid:13)icting instances, to complete the matchmaking process. Figure 8: BPEL code for the LAS service. The WSME matchmaking process is a two-way or sym- metricprocess-itbringstogethermatchingadvertisements and queries by applying the rules of each party to the description of the other, thus allowing both parties to details for each component service are obtained using the ‘select’ each other. A matching advertisement is called an WSDL description for the corresponding instance, present o(cid:11)er. If more than one o(cid:11)er is available, they are collected in the WSME service instance registry. together. Zero, one or more matching o(cid:11)ers are sent to the ThoughBPELandWSDLareXML-based standards,we consumer. For further details on the matchmakingprocess, do not manipulate XML directly. We use an Eclipse Mod- the interestedreader is referred to [9]. eling Framework (EMF) model of BPEL (WSDL) that is Next, we deal with those service types that have more automaticallycreatedfromaBPEL(WSDL)schema6. The than one matching o(cid:11)ers (instances) from WSME. While modelprovidesin-memoryrepresentationof constructsand there are many ways to perform the instance selection, support for persistence to (cid:12)les (serialization) and loading we chose to employ a greedy heuristic approach to solve from(cid:12)les(de-serialization). BPELandWSDLmanipulation the problem. In particular, the Instance Selector (cid:12)nds becomesigni(cid:12)cantlysimpli(cid:12)edwiththecorrespondingEMF instance binding assignments that optimize certain quality models. of service metrics. For the current prototype, we focus on commonly used QoS metrics like cost, response time Note that the BPEL generated might not be readily and throughput. We assume that values of these metrics deployableonawork(cid:13)owengine. Thisisduetothefactthat (as advertised in WSME) are statistically guaranteed. If a the code for messaging between component services needs service typehas multiple matching instances, we choose an to handle issues like (input/output) type matching and instance based on the optimization criteria speci(cid:12)ed bythe transformation, mismatch in invocation protocols that are developer supervising the composition process. used(synchronousvsasynchronous),orderingofparameters etc. While the BPEL work(cid:13)ow acts as the template for the 5.3 BPEL GenerationforCompositeService composite service, it needs to be examined and possibly modi(cid:12)ed by the developer to ensure that the data (cid:13)ow Now that each service type in the abstract (cid:13)ow is bound between component services is handled properly. In the toaninstance,theBPELgeneratorproducesa(concrete) currentprototype,thisisdonebyallowing thedeveloperto BPEL work(cid:13)ow that can be deployed onto a runtime edit the BPEL work(cid:13)ow before it is actually deployed. We infrastructure, to realize the composite service. alsomaketheobservationthatthehandlingofsomeofthese We(cid:12)rstgeneratetheWSDLdescriptionforthecomposite matching problems could bedelegated to the matchmaking service. Itprovidesthenameandinterfaceofthecomposite engine (WSME), and we plan to investigate this approach service and describes the port types for stitching together in the future. the component services. Once the WSDL has been gener- Figure 8 illustrates part of the BPEL code generated by ated, partner link types are de(cid:12)ned, linking the component the Physical Composer for the LAS service. Itis composed services. Thenextstepis the generation of the BPEL (cid:13)ow. ofthefourcomponentservicesdescribedinSec. 2. Further, Components are invoked in the manner described by the oncephysicalcompositionisdone,theWSDLdescriptionof abstract work(cid:13)ow. The composite service accepts inputs thisnewserviceisaddedtotheWSMEinstanceregistry,and from the user thatisfed tothe (cid:12)rstcomponentservice and can belater usedin thecomposition of some other service. sends an output from the last component service back to the user. We introduce variables that capture the output of one service and provide it as input to the next. Speci(cid:12)c 6http://www.eclipse.org/emf (a) (b) Figure 9: (a) Specifying input in the Composition Tool. (b) Logical Plan for Helpline Service. 6. COMPOSINGTHEHELPLINESERVICE consisting of promising results and many challenges [28, Wenowdiscusshowourservicecreationtoolcanbeused 27]. To put it in perspective of this paper, we organize for composing the Helpline service described in Sec. 2. Re- this section around design approaches for end to end callthattheHelplineserviceconsistsofmultiplecomponents composition, logical composition andphysical composition. services like the LAS service, Message Delivery and Call Setupservices. Bywayofrunningexample,weshowedhow 7.1 EndtoEndService Composition anexecutablework(cid:13)owiscreatedforthe LASserviceusing the tool. The user can add the composite service to the In AI planning, the potential advantage of resource service registry so thatit is available for reuse. abstraction whereby causal reasoning is decoupled from For developing the Helpline service, the user may choose resourcereasoningiswell-established[26]. Ourworkcanbe to use the tool to explore basic services available, buildap- seenasapplyingthesameideatowebservicescomposition. propriate composite services, and (cid:12)nally build the Helpline Speci(cid:12)cally, we di(cid:11)erentiate web services at the twin levels service. Alternatively, the user could ask the tool to build of web service types and instances. Our phased approach theHelplineserviceattheoutsetusingtheavailableservices, is easier for the user to work with and limits the impact of and let the tool search through the set of possible plans. frequentdeploymentandruntimechangesonthegoal-driven We expect the user to prefer the former approach, when composition. the scenario is large and the user wants to control the A planning-based phased approach has been used in composition. [2] where an end-to-end system is described to construct We have approximately 100 terms in the ontology and work(cid:13)ows for manipulation of scienti(cid:12)c data, which are 25 service types. Assume that the previously created executed on Grids. The domain involves composition at composite LAS service has been added to the registry. three levels { application domain level where appropriate Now the tool is invoked for the overall Helpline service applicationsare(cid:12)rstselected,thenanabstractplanisbuilt with a precondition of ProblemHTMLForm, and the e(cid:11)ect with a planner, and (cid:12)nally it is detailed based on grid of ProblemResolutionStatus as shown in Fig. 9(a). The execution details. Two main di(cid:11)erences with our work are Logical Composer produces the plan shown in Fig. 9(b). that(a)theydonotuseontologies whiletheyrecognizethe Note that the LAS service is reused. The plan containing need, and (b) the plan/work(cid:13)ow representation is simpler LAS service is selected over alternative plans without it, duringlogicalcomposition{sequential,whilewecanhandle becausetheplan’sheuristiccostisless7. Finally,thePhysi- branches as well. As our output is in BPEL which also calComposertakestheabstractwork(cid:13)owandgeneratesthe has support for loops, exceptions and other behavioral appropriate BPEL (similar to Fig. 9). constructs, the physicalstage can be evenmore expressive. In [29], executable BPELs are automatically composed from goal speci(cid:12)cation by casting the planning problem as 7. DISCUSSIONANDRELATED WORK a model checking problem on the message speci(cid:12)cation of partners. Theapproachispromisingbutpresentlyrestricted The literature on web service composition is extensive, to logical goals and small number of partner services. In 7Designing heuristic functions so that user intent is contrast to our top-down approach, Mandell and McIlraith respected is an active area of research in Hierarchical Task [13] extend a BPEL engine to support runtime service Network planning[8]. selection using a semantic discovery server. 7.2 Logical Composition component services. In [14], the authors consider the Theliteratureoncomposingservicesbasedonannotations problem of service composition as a problem of software (semantically organized in ontologies or otherwise) has synthesis where algorithms for matching and composition taken two paths. One direction is disambiguating similar are based on Structural Synthesis of Programs (SSP) [15]. annotations using domain meta-data, rules, etc. The The SSP language is used as an internal representation other direction is on methods to combine services whose languageforautomatedservicecomposition,whileDAML-S annotations matchbased on some notion of similarity. is used as an external language for describing Web service In [20], matching of web services from a directory is properties. formalized based on various inexactness measures. In [12], the authors have identi(cid:12)ed the information that a Semantic Web Service must expose in order to ful(cid:12)ll the objective of automated discovery, composition, invocation 8. CONCLUSION and interoperation. Wehavedescribedatwo-stepmethodologyforendtoend SWORD [21] was one of the initial attempts to use compositionofwebservicesbysemanticallyannotatingweb planning to compose web services. It does not model service components, as well as a prototype that demon- service capabilities in an ontology but uses rule chaining strates this methodology in a domain-speci(cid:12)c scenario. to composes web services. Service developers can maintain a registry of web services Sirin et al. [24] use contextual information to (cid:12)nd that goes beyond the traditional UDDI by incorporating matchingservicesateachstepofservicecomposition. They semantic descriptions of the components. When a new further(cid:12)lterthesetofmatchingservicesbyusingontological servicerequirementarises,itcanbeexpressedinthecontext reasoningonthesemanticdescriptionoftheservicesaswell ofadomainontology. Ourservicecreationenvironmentcan as by using user input. They attempt to overcome lack then be used to generate potential work(cid:13)ows for achieving of support for service types in OWL-S by creating a class thedesiredfunctionalityreusingexistingwebservices. This hierarchy of Service Pro(cid:12)les. A new sub-class is created for automation of the discovery process results in signi(cid:12)cant each value of an IOPEparameter. reduction inthe time-to-market for the newservice. There are three problems with their approach. First, a There are two key innovations in our solution. First, we large set of values for an attribute of a service would result decouple web service composition into logical and physical in generation of that many classes. Second, to represent composition stages thataddresscomplementaryintegration a functionality with multiple attributes a huge number of issues. The(cid:12)rststagefocusesonthefeasibilityoffunctional services,oneeachforasetofpossiblevaluesofallattributes, composition while the latter deals with e(cid:14)cient execution would have to be represented as derived classes. Third, of the resulting composition. Second, we use scalable new classes need to be added to the ontology every time and optimizing techniques in each stage that can adapt to a new type of service is introduced. A cleaner approach changes in the service creation environment. thatseparatesrepresentation of theservicede(cid:12)nitionsfrom In the future, we plan to integrate the service creation service instances has already beendescribed in Sec. 4. Web Services Modeling Ontology8 (WSMO) is a recent tool with a larger service development and execution in- frastructure. In order to do so, we wish to enable more e(cid:11)ort for modeling semantic web services in a markup interactions with the developer to stitch together message language(WSML)andalsode(cid:12)ningawebserviceexecution (cid:13)owsbetweenthecomponentservicesand,ifrequired,re(cid:12)ne environment (WSMX) for it. Our logical composition theabstract/BPELwork(cid:13)owforthecompositeservice. Fur- approachisnotspeci(cid:12)ctoanyparticularmodelinglanguage ther,inthe currentsolution, iftheservice composition fails and can adapt to newer languages. foranyreason,thecompositionprocesssimplyfailsandthe 7.3 PhysicalComposition developerhasto(cid:12)gureoutthereasonsforfailure. E(cid:11)ortsare ongoingtoenableaproceduretoclassifycompositionfailure Several standardization proposals aimed at providing at di(cid:11)erent stages underdi(cid:11)erentconditions, and thengive infrastructure support to Web service composition have re- a feedback of possible causes and suggests remedies to centlyemergedincludingSOAP,WSDL,UDDI,andBPEL. overcomethefailure. Thiswouldserveasadecision-support There has also beena lot of interest inthe area of dynamic tool that can be used along side a service composition Web service and QoS-based work(cid:13)ow management. Pre- tool. We also plan to transition to OWL 1.1 (currently vious e(cid:11)orts in this area like eFlow [4] have investigated in Beta stage) that provides support for rules. This would dynamicserviceselectionbasedonuserrequirements. Zeng enable us to express richer pre-conditions and e(cid:11)ects while et al. [31] propose that the choice of component services representing service capabilities. For physical composition, in the plan be made at run time for optimality. Instead we will continue investigating di(cid:11)erent instance selection of making local choices at each step of the composition, heuristicsforQoSmatching,notonlyattheserviceinstance the focus is on optimization at a composite level based on level but also at the level of the composite service. Finally, a generic QoS model (based on price, duration, reliability we want to explore a feedback{based approach where the etc.) andestablishedlinearprogrammingtechniques. Other service creation tool interacts with the service execution proposals such as METEOR [3] and CrossFlow [10] have infrastructure, to adapt and optimize based on changes in consideredQoSmodelsforwork(cid:13)owsalong fourdimensions the execution environment. namely time, cost, reliabilty and (cid:12)delity. Finally, there has been aconsiderable e(cid:11)ort inthe Webservice communityin 9. 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