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Ikedaetal. A Property of Random Walks on a Cycle Graph Yuki Ikeda1* ,Yasunari Fukai2 andYoshihiro Mizoguchi3 5 Abstract 1 0 WeanalyzetheHuntervs.Rabbitgameonagraph,whichisamodelofcommunicationinadhocmobile 2 networks.LetGbeacyclegraphwithN nodes.Thehuntercanmovefromavertextoavertexalonganedge. Therabbitcanjumpfromanyvertextoanyvertexonthegraph.Weformalizethegameusingtherandomwalk r a framework.ThestrategyoftherabbitisformalizedusingaonedimensionalrandomwalkoverZ.Weclassify M strategiesusingtheorderO(k β 1)oftheirFouriertransformation.Weinvestigatelowerboundsandupper − − boundsoftheprobabilitythatthehuntercatchestherabbit.Wefoundaconstantlowerboundifβ (0,1)which 5 doesnotdependonthesizeN ofthegraph.WeshowtheorderisequivalenttoO(1/logN)ifβ=∈1anda ] lowerboundis1/N(β−1)/β ifβ (1,2].Theseresultshelpustochoosetheparameterβofarabbitstrategy R accordingtothesizeN ofthe∈givengraph.Weintroduceaformalizationofstrategiesusingarandomwalk, P theoreticalestimationofboundsofaprobabilitythatthehuntercatchestherabbit,andalsoshowcomputing h. simulationresults. t a Keywords: Graphtheory;Randomwalk;Combinatorialprobability;AdhocNetwork m [ 1 Introduction Princesscanmoveatanyspeed.Thisgameisplayedona 3 v Weconsideragameplayedbytwoplayers:thehunterand cycle graph as introducedby Isaacs[10]. The Princess vs. 6 the rabbit. This game is described using a graph G(V,E) MonstergamehasbeeninvestigatedbyAlpern[3],Zelikin 6 where V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges. Both [20], and so on. Gal analyzed the Princess-Monster game 0 players may use a randomized strategy. The hunter can onaconvexmultidimensionaldomain[8]. 5 0 move from vertex to vertex along edges. The rabbit can Thenextone isthe Deterministicpursuit-evasiongame. . movetoanyvertexatonce.Thehunter’spurposeistocatch Inthisgameweconsiderarunawayhidedarkspot,forex- 1 therabbitinasfewstepsaspossible.Ontheotherhand,the ample a tunnel.Parsonsinnovatedthe searchnumberof a 0 5 rabbitconsidersastrategythatmaximizesthetimeuntilthe graph[16, 17]. The search number of a graph is the least 1 huntercatchtherabbit.Ifthehuntermovestoavertexthat numberofpeoplethatarerequiredtocatcharunawayhid- : therabbitisat,thegamefinishesandwesaythatthehunter ing darkspot movingat any speed. LaPaugh[12] showed v i catchestherabbit. thatiftherunawayisknownnottobeinedgeeatanypoint X TheHuntervs.Rabbitgamemodelisusedforanalyzing oftime,thentherunawaycannotenteredgeewithoutbe- r transmission procedures in mobile adhoc networks[5, 6]. ingcaughtintheremainderofthegame.Meggidoshowed a Thismodelhelpstosendanelectronicmessagesefficiently thatthecomputationtimeofthesearchnumberofagraph usingmobilephones.Theexpectedvalueoftimeuntilthe is NP-hard[14].If anedgecanbe clearedwithoutmoving huntercatchestherabbitisequaltotheexpectedtime un- along it, but it suffices to ’look into’ an edge from a ver- til the recipient receives the mail. One of our goals is to tex, then the minimum number of guardsneeded to catch improvetheseprocedures. thefugitiveiscalledthenodesearchnumberofgraph[11]. We introduce some games resembling the Hunter vs. Thepursuitevasionproblemintheplanewasintroducedby Rabbit game. The first one is the Princess vs. Monster SuzukiandYamashita[19].Theygavenecessaryandsuffi- game.Inthisgame,theMonstertriestocatchthePrincess cientconditionsforasimplepolygontobesearchablebya in area D. The difference between the Hunter vs. Rabbit singlepursuer.LaterGuibasetal.[9]presentedacomplete gameisthattheMonstercatchesthePrincessifthedistance algorithmandshowedthattheproblemofdeterminingthe between the two players is smaller than a chosen value. minimalnumberofpursuersneededtoclearapolygonalre- Also the Monster moves at a constant speed whereas the gionwithholesisNP-hard.Parketal.[15]gavethreenec- essaryandsufficientconditionsforapolygontobesearch- *Correspondence:y-ikeda(at)math.kyushu-u.ac.jp ableandshowedthatthereisO(n2)timealgorithmforcon- 1GraduateSchoolofMathematics,KyushuUniversity, structinga searchpathforan n-sidedpolygon.Efratetal. Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle †Equalcontributor [7] gave a polynomial time algorithm for the problem of Ikedaetal. Page2of15 clearingasimplepolygonwithachainofkpursuerswhen Let Y ,Y ,... be independent, identically distributed ran- 1 2 thefirstandlastpursuercanonlymoveontheboundaryof domvariablesdefinedonaprobabilityspace(Ω , ,P ) thepolygon. takingvaluesintheintegerlatticeZwith H FH H AfirststudyoftheHuntervs.Rabbitgamecanbefound in [2]. The presented hunter strategy is based on random P Y1 1 =1. H{| |≤ } walkonagraphanditisshownthatthehuntercatchesan unrestricted rabbit within O(nm2) rounds, where n and m Let N Nbefixed.Wedenoteby X(N) arandomvariable denotethenumberofnodesandedges,respectively.Adler defined∈on a probability space (ΩN, 0N,µN) taking values etal.showedthatifthehunterchoosesagoodstrategy,the inVN := 0,1,2,...,N 1 with F { − } upper bound of the expected time that the hunter catches 1 therabbitisO(nlog(diam(G))),wherediam(G)isadiam- µ X(N) =l = (l V ). N{ 0 } N ∈ N eter of a graph G, and if the rabbit chooses a good strat- egy, the lower bound of the expected time that the hunter Forb Z,wedenoteby(b mod N)theremainderofb catchestherabbitisΩ(nlog(diam(G)))[1].Babichenkoet ∈ dividedbyN. al.showedAdler’sstrategiesyieldaKakeyasetconsisting Arabbit’sstrategy (N) isdefinedby of4ntriangleswithminimalarea[4]. {Rn }∞n=0 Inthispaper,weproposethreeassumptionsforthestrat- (N) = X(N) and (N) =(X(N)+S mod N). egyoftherabbit.Wehavethegenerallowerboundformula R0 0 Rn 0 n for the probability that the hunter catches the rabbit. The (N) indicates the position of the rabbit at time n on V . strategyoftherabbitisformalizedusingaonedimensional RHnunter’sstrategy (N) isdefinedby N random walk over Z. We classify strategies using the or- {Hn }∞n=0 derO(k β 1)oftheirFouriertransform.Ifβ= 1,thelower − − n boundofaprobabilitythatthehuntercatchestherabbitis (N) =0 and (N) = Y mod N . b((yc∗tπh)e−1gilvoegnNs+tract2e)g−y1.wIfhβerec(21a,n2d],ct∗hearleowcoenrsbtaonutnsddeofifnthede H0 Hn Xj=1 j  ∈ probabilitythatthehuntercatchestherabbitisc4N−(β−1)/β n(N) indicatesthe positionof the hunterat time n on VN. wherec4 >0isareconstantdefinedbythegivenstrategy. PHut We show experimentalresultsfor three examplesof the P(N) =µ P and P˜(N) = P P(N). rabbitstrategy. N R × H × R 1 (k Z 0 ) Thehuntercatchestherabbitwhenthehunterandtherabbit 1 P X =k = 2a(k +1)(k +2) ∈ \{ } arebothlocatedonthesameplace. { 1 }  1−|21|a | | (k=0) Wewilldiscusstheprobabilitythatthehuntercatchesthe  1 (k Z 0 ) rabbitbytimeN onVN,thatis, 2akβ+1 ∈ \{ } 23 PP{XX11 ==kk}== 131−| 1a| Xk(∞=k1∈kβ{1+−11,0,1(}k) =0) We investigate thP˜e(Na)sy[nmN=1p{tHotni(cN)e=stiRm(naNt)e}o.f this probability { }  0 (k<{−1,0,1}). asN →∞. Wbeehacvainorcoofntfihromseobuorubnodusnbdysthfoerrmesuulalt,saonfdsitmheulaastiyomnsp.totic Definition1 Wedefineconditions(A1),(A2)and(A3)as follows. (A1) Therandomwalk S isstronglyaperiodic,i.e.for 2 Statementsof Results eachy Z,thesm{allne}s∞nt=1subgroupcontainingtheset We considerthe HuntervsRabbitgameona cyclegraph. ∈ ToexplaintheHuntervsRabbitgame,weintroducesome y+k Z P X =k >0 1 notation. Let X ,X ,... be independent, identically dis- { ∈ | { } } 1 2 tributed random variables defined on a probability space isZ. (Ω, ,P) taking values in the integer lattice Z. A one- (A2) P X =k = P X = k (k Z). F 1 1 dimensionalrandomwalk S isdefinedby { } { − } ∈ { n}∞n=1 (A3) Thereexistβ (0,2],c >0andε>0suchthat ∈ ∗ n φ(θ):= eiθkP X =k =1 c θβ+O(θβ+ε). Sn = Xj. Xk Z { 1 } − ∗| | | | Xj=1 ∈ Ikedaetal. Page3of15 Wedenotetheβin(A3)asβ . Remark1 Adler,Ra¨cke,Sivadasan,SohlerandVo¨cking R consideredP˜(N)( N (N) = (N) )inthecaseof ∪n=1{Hn Rn } Theorem1 AssumethatX satisfies(A1) (A3). 1 − 1 (I) Ifβ (0,1),thenthereexistsaconstantc > 0such (k Z 0 ) ythna+t1R|f≤o∈r1N(n∈=N1\,2{,1.}.a.n,Ndy−1,1y)2,,...,yN ∈ Z1with|yn− P{X1 =k}= 221(|k|+1)(|k|+2) (k=∈ 0)\. { } N Inthiscase,X satisfies(A1),(A2)and 1 c P(N) (N) =(y mod N) . (1) 1 ≤  Rn n  π R [n=1n o φ(θ)=1− 2|θ|+O(|θ|3/2) (II) Ifβ =1,thenthereexistconstantsc >0andc >0 suchRthatfor N N 1 andy ,y ,.2..,y Z3with ((A3) with β = 1), and we have (4) in Corollary 1 which yn yn+1 1(n∈=1\,2{,.}..,N 11)2, N ∈ coincideswiththeresultofLemma3in[1]. | − |≤ − Remark2 Forβ (0,2),let N ∈ 1 c1∗πlogN+c2 ≤≤ Plo(RcNg3)N[n.=1nR(nN) =(yn mod N)(o2) P{X1 =k}= 12a−|k11a|β+1∞ kβ1+1 ((kk∈=Z0)\{0}) (III) tIhfaβtRfo∈r(N1,2],Nthen1thaenredeyx1i,syt2s,a..c.o,nysNtantZc4w>ith0syunch withaconstantasatisfyingXk=a1> ∞k=1(1/kβ+1).Thenφ(θ)in yn+1 1(n∈=1\,2{,.}..,N 1), ∈ | − (A3)is P |≤ − π θβ c4 P(N) N (N) =(y mod N) . (3) φ(θ)=1− 2aΓ(β+1)|s|in(βπ/2) +O(|θ|β+(2−β)/2), (5) N(β 1)/β ≤  Rn n  − R [n=1n o whereΓisthegammafunction(seeAppendix(B)).X1sat- isfies(A1),(A2)and(5). ThefollowingboundsareobtainedasacorollaryofThe- If X takes three values 1,0,1 with equal probability, orem1. 1 − thenX satisfies(A1),(A2)and 1 Corollary1 Assume(A1) (A3). 1 − φ(θ)=1 θ2+O(θ4) Ifβ (0,1),thenthereexistsaconstantc1 >0suchthat − 3| | | | forNR ∈N 1 , ∈ \{ } ((A3)withβ=2). N c P˜(N) (N) = (N) . The inequality (3) seems to be sharp, because the pow- 1 ≤  {Hn Rn } ers of upper and lower bound appearing in (3) cannot be [n=1  improved.Indeed,wehavethefollowingestimates. If β = 1, then there exist constantsc > 0 and c > 0 suchtRhatforN N 1 , 2 3 Proposition1 LetHi(N) =0foranyiandassume(A1)− ∈ \{ } (A3). If β (1,2], then there exist constants c ,c > 0 5 6 suchthatfRor∈N N, 1 N ∈ P˜(N) (N) = (N) c1∗πlogN+c2 ≤≤ locg3N[n.=1nHn Rn o (4) N(βc−51)/β ≤P(RN)[nN=1{R(nN) =0}≤ N(βc−61)/β. (6) Proposition 2 Let (N) = i for any i. If X takes three Ifβ (1,2],thenthereexistsaconstantc4 >0suchthat values 1,0,1 with eHqiual probability, then th1ere exists a forNR ∈N 1 , constan−tc >0suchthatforN N, ∈ \{ } 7 ∈ N N c 4 P˜(N) (N) = (N) . c P(N) (N) =(n mod N) . (7) N(β 1)/β ≤  {Hn Rn } 7 ≤  {Rn } − [n=1  R [n=1  Ikedaetal. Page4of15 TheproofsofProposition1andProposition2aregiven where a 1. We note β = 1, c = π and ε = 1/2 in inAppendix(A). Remark 1≥. If2a = 1, then this is t∗he case in [1]. We can defineC andρ forthiscase.Sowehave ∗ ∗ Remark 3 Assume (A1) and (A2). If there exist c > 0 andε>0suchthat ∗ 1 L(N,1)= 1 . (9) N 1p(N) ≥ 2 logN+6.50503 i=−0 i π2 φ(θ)=1 c θ +O(θ1+ε) P − ∗| | | | Theproofof(9)isgiveninAppendix(D). ((A3)withβ=1).Then Figure 1 shows an experimental result of the probabil- ities for all initial positions of the rabbit with N = 100 N and a = 1. The horizontal axis is the initial position of 1 Nl→im∞ c∗πlogN!P(RN)[n=1{R(nN) =0}=1. (8) trthhabeatbrtiahtbeibshictu,anautngedhrtct.ahTtechhveeesrrettidhcealilrnaaebxibinsits.tThheohwefisbglutuhreeeliipsnreaobipsarbothibleiatbyaivlteihtrye- Theproofof(8)isgiveninAppendix(C). age ofprobabilitiesthatthehuntercatchestherabbit.The greenlineisL(N,a).Inthiscase,thehunterdoesnotmove 3 Computer simulation fromthe initialposition0. As youcan see, the averageof In this section, we show some experimental results about theprobabilitythatthehuntercatchestherabbitisbounded theHuntervsRabbitgameonacyclegraph.We compute belowbyL(N,a). P Sn mod N =k by using the gamma function and the Inthiscase,theaverageoftheprobabilitythatthehunter cla{ssdiscrete di}stributioninC++.We canshowthe catchesthe rabbiteach initialpositionof therabbitnearly probability the rabbit is caught and the expected value of equals0.4258,sowehave thetimeuntiltherabbitiscaughtusingthisapplication. Inthissection,weconsideralowerboundL(N,a)ofthe 1 ;7.43823, probabilitythatthehuntercatchestherabbit.Accordingto L(100,1) the Proposition 3 and Proposition 6, we define L(N,a) as follows: and 1 N L(N)= 1+AN +BN + 1−1ρ∗ L(1010,1)P(RN)[n=1{R(nN) =0};3.1672. where Table 1 is the experimental results of Example 1 with a = 1 and N = 100,500 and 1000. This table shows the 22+ε−βπε−βC (β (0,1]), AN = 2N(βc2∗1)/β∗ (β∈(1,2)) asymptoticbehaviorof(8).  − ∈ and  Taa=bl1ea1nTdhNis=ta1b0le0,is50e0xapnedrim10e0n0t.aAlreissuthltesaovfeEraxgaemopfleth1ewith probabilitythatthehuntercatchestherabbit. 21−β (β (0,1)), N 1/L(N,a) A A/L(N,a) πβc(1 β) ∈ 100 7.43823 0.4528 3.1672 B = 1 ∗lo−gN+ 1 (β=1), 500 7.76437 0.39048 3.03183 N  π2c2c∗−∗πβ (cid:16)1+ β−11π(cid:17)c∗N(β−1)/β (β∈(1,2)). 1000 7.90483 0.37555 2.96866 We note β and c are defined by a given P X = k in an t ∗ { } Example2 Weconsiderthecaseofβ (0,2).Weput example.Wechooseappropriateconstantsε,ρ andC for ∈ ∗ ∗ eachexamples. 1 (k Z 0 ) 2akβ+1 ∈ \{ } E[1x].aLmeptle1 Weconsiderthegeneralizationofthecaseof P{Xt =k}= 1−| 1a| ∞ kβ1+1 (k=0) 1 (k Z 0 )  Xk=1 P{Xt =k}= 12a−(|k21|a+1)(|k|+2) (k=∈ 0)\{ } εwh=er2e−2aβ.>TPhe∞kn=,1tkhβ1e+1l.oBwyeRrbemouanrdk2o,fct∗he=p2raoΓb(βa+b1i)πlsiitny(βπth/2a)tatnhde  Ikedaetal. Page5of15 huntercatchestherabbitL(N,a)is (WecanprovethisusinginthesamewayinAppendix(D).) Figure3isanexperimentalresultofExample3.Thegreen L(N,a) lineinFigure3isL(N). ′ 1 = 11++2(π1c−∗β)(−11−(β1)+−l1oπg−Nβc)−∗+12+712/24π−3−1β1//22πc1−∗−13Cβ/∗2+c(−∗11−Cρ∗∗+)(−11−ρ∗(()ββ−1∈=(10),1)) aampWrpoelebcsao.buillidtyhtahvaetathceohnucnretetercloawtcehresbothuenrdaobfbitthfeoarvtheorasgeeeoxf-  1+2N(β−1)/β+22−βc−∗1π−β(1+(β−1)−1)N(β−1)/β+(1−(ρβ∗)−∈1(1,2)) 4 Upper bounds and Lowerbounds whereρ andC areappropriateconstantsforeachexam- Inthissection,wegivearelationbetween ples.Wh∗ena =∗2.5andβ = 1,wesetC ; 0.177245and ρ ;0.694811.Sowehave ∗ N ∗ P(N) (N) =(y mod N) L(N,2.5)= 5 logN+14.65936. R [n=1nRn n o π2 andone-dimensionalrandomwalk S . Figure2 is an experimentalresultwith β = 1, N = 100 { n}∞n=1 and a = 2.5. In this case, the average of the probability Proposition3 ForN N 1 andy ,y ,...,y Zwith that the hunter catches the rabbit nearly equals 0.318, so 1 2 N wehave yn yn+1 1(n=1,2∈,...\,N{ } 1), ∈ | − |≤ − 1 ;6.99237, 1 N L(100,2.5) P(N) (N) =(y mod N) and PiN=−01p(iN) ≤ R 2[n=1nRn n o , (10) ≤ N 1q(N) 1 N i=−0 i P(N) (N) =0 ;2.22357. P L(100,2)  {Rn } R [n=1  where Table2istheexperimentalresultsofExample2withβ= [y] = y+kN k Z , 1, a = 2.5 and N = 100,500and 1000.This table shows N { | ∈ } thatthevalueofA/L(N,a)(>1)isdecreasing. 1 (i=0) βTa=bl1e,2aT=h2is.5taabnldeNis=ex1p0e0r,im50e0natanldre1s0u00lt.sAofisEtxhaemapvleer2agweitohfthe p(iN) = max P Si [y]N (i N) probabilitythatthehuntercatchestherabbit.  |y|≤i,y∈Z { ∈ } ∈ N 1/L(N,a) A A/L(N,a)  100 6.99237 0.318 2.22357 and 500 7.80772 0.25924 2.02407 1000 8.15887 0.24015 1.95935 1 (i=0) q(iN) = min P Si [y]N (i N). Example3 Weput  |y|≤i,y∈Z { ∈ } ∈  Proof. Wenotethat 1 (k 1,0,1 ) P Xt =k = 3 ∈{− } By Rem{ark 2,}β =20, c =(k1<an{−d1ε,0=,12})..In this case, the [nN=1nR(nN) =(yn mod N)o 3 lowerboundoftheprob∗abilitythehuntercatchestherabbit =N−1 N X(N) =l, l+S [y ] L′(N)is [l=0 [n=1n 0 n ∈ n No L′(N)= 1+ π62 N1/12+4.26301. =N[l=−01[nN=1( lX+0(NS) =i <l,[yi]N, 1l+≤Sin≤∈n[y−n]1N, ) (cid:16) (cid:17) Ikedaetal. Page6of15 Figure1 ThisisanexperimentalresultofExample1.Inthiscase,a=1.Thehunterdoesnotmovefromaninitialposition0. Figure2 ThisisanexperimentalresultofExample2.Inthiscase,a=2.5.Thehunterdoesnotmovefromaninitialposition0. Figure3 ThisisanexperimentalresultofExample3.Thehunterdoesnotmovefromaninitialposition0. Ikedaetal. Page7of15 bythedefinitionof (N) ∞ .We noteP(N) = µ P,the 1,2,...,N ,wehave Rn n=0 N × { } aboverelationimpliens o R N 1 N − 1P l+S [y ] n n N N Xl=0 Xn=1 N { ∈ } P(N) (N) =(y mod N) =RXNl=−01[nXn=N=11nRN1nP( ll++nSSin<∈[[yyin]]NN,o 1≤i≤n−1, ). ≤XNl=−01NXj−N=1jpN1(NP) ( ll++SSij<=[[yyi]j]NN, 1≤i≤ j−1, ) (11) × i  Xi=0N  N 1 P(N) (N) =(y mod N) − p(N) .(13) ≤  Rn n  i  poFsoerthle∈e{v0e,n1t,.l.+.,SNn−1[}yna]nNdnac∈co{2rd,i3n,g..to.,tNhe},vwaleudeeocfotmhe- R [n=1n oXi=0  { ∈ } first hitting time for [y ] ,[y ] ,...,[y ] and the hitting Hereweused(11). 1 N 2 N n N placetoobtain Z)B,yPlN=−01P{l+Sn ∈ [y]N} = P{Sn ∈ Z} = 1(n ∈ N, y ∈ P l+S [y ] {= nn ∈ PnN}ll++SSij<=[yyij]N+,mN, 1≤i≤ j−1, . XNl=−01XnN=1 N1P{l+Sn ∈[yn]N}=1. (14) Xj=1Xm Z  yj+mN+Xj+1+ +Xn [yn]N  ∈ ··· ∈   (13)and(14)imply The probability in the double summation on the right- N N 1 handsideaboveisequalto 1≤P(N) R(nN) =(yn mod N)  − p(iN) (15) R [n=1n oXi=0  l+S <[y] , 1 i j 1, thatisthefirstinequalityin(10). P( l+Sij =yijN+mN, ≤ ≤ − ) For the last inequality in (10), let yN+j = yN (j = P y +mN+S [y ] 1,2,...,N). The same argumentas showing (15) (we use × n j n−j ∈ n No q(iN) insteadof p(iN))gives by the Markov property. It is easy to verify that for any N 1 2N m Z, 2 = − 1P l+Sn [yn]N ∈ N { ∈ } Xl=0 Xn=1 N N 1 P y +mN+S [y ] P(N) (N) =(y mod N) − q(N) . =nPjnSn−j ∈[ynn−−jy∈j]Non≤Npo(nN−)j ≥ R [n=1nRn n oXi=0 i  Corollary2 ForN N 1 , ∈ \{ } by y y n j.Therefore n j | − |≤ − N 1 P(N) (N) =0 P{ln+Sn ∈l[+ynS]N}<[y] , 1 i j 1, 1+PiN=−11P{S2i ∈[0]N} ≤. R [n=1nRn o(16) ≤Xj=1P( l+Sij =[iyjN]N ≤ ≤ − )p(nN−)j, ≤ 1+PiN=−11P{Si ∈[0]N} (12) Proof. Put y = y = = y = 0 in the proof of 1 2 2N ··· Proposition 3. Then the same argument as showing (10) gives(16). forl 0,1,...,N 1 andn 1,2,...,N .Bymultiply- ∈ { − } ∈{ } ing(12)by1/Nandsumming(l,n)over 0,1,...,N 1 { − }× Ikedaetal. Page8of15 Corollary3 ForN N 1 , where ∈ \{ } 1 n1/β I(n,l)= φn(θ)e iθldθ, 1+ iN=−11P{Si ∈[i]N} 2π Z|θ|<r − P N n1/β P(N) (N) =(n mod N) J(n,l)= φn(θ)e−iθldθ. ≤ R [n=1nR2n o 2π Zr≤|θ|≤π . (17) Astronglyaperiodicrandomwalk(A1)hastheproperty ≤ 1+ iN=−11P{Si ∈[i]N} that φ(θ) = 1 only when θ is a multiple of 2π (see 7 | | § P Proposition8of[18]).Bythedefinitionofφ(θ), φ(θ) isa Proof. Puty = j(j=1,2,...,2N)intheproofofPropo- | | j continuousfunctionon the boundedclosed set [ π, r] sition 3. Then the same argument as showing (10) gives − − ∪ [r,π], and φ(θ) 1 (θ [ π,π]). Hence, there exists a (17). | | ≤ ∈ − ρ<1,dependingonr (0,π],suchthat ∈ Remark 4 By the same argument as showing (16), we max φ(θ) ρ. (21) obtainthatforǫ˜ >0andN 1/ǫ˜, r θ π| |≤ ≥ ≤| |≤ N 1+ǫ˜ Byusingtheaboveinequality, P(N) (N) =0 . R [n=1nRn o≤ 1+Pǫi˜=N1P{Si ∈[0]N} J(n,l) n1/β φ(θ)ndθ n1/βρn. 5 Fourier transform | |≤ 2π Z | | ≤ r θ π ≤| |≤ Inthissection,weintroducesomeresultsconcerningone- dimensionalrandomwalk. Weperformthechangeofvariablesθ= x/n1/β,sothat Proposition4 Ifaone-dimensionalrandomwalksatisfies I(n,l)= 1 φn x exp i xl dx. (foAr1n)andN(A,3),thenthereexistC1 >0andN1 ∈Nsuchthat 2πZ|x|<rn1/β (cid:18)n1/β(cid:19) − n1/β! 1 ≥ Put + 1 xl sup n1/βP S =l ∞e c xβexp i dx ε 1 l∈ZC(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)n δ, { n }− 2πZ−∞ − ∗| | − n1/β! (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) γ=min(2β(β+ε+1), 2(2β+1)). ≤ (cid:12)1 − (cid:12) WedecomposeI(n,l)asfollows: whereδ=min ε/(2β),1/2 . { } + 1 xl I(n,l) = ∞e c xβexp i dx Proof. Proposition 4 can be proved by the same proce- 2πZ − ∗| | − n1/β! dureasinTheorem1.2.1of[13]. +I (n−,∞l)+I (n,l)+I (n,l), 1 2 3 TheFourierinversionformulaforφn(θ)is where n1/β π n1/βP S =l = φn(θ)e iθldθ. (18) { n } 2π Z − 1 x By (A3), there exist C > −0πand r (0,π) such that for I1(n,l)= 2πZ|x|≤nγ(cid:26)φn(cid:18)n1/β(cid:19)−e−c∗|x|β(cid:27) θ <r, ∗ ∈ | | xl φ(θ) (1 c θβ) C θβ+ε (19) exp i dx, | − − ∗| | |≤ ∗| | × − n1/β! and 1 xl φ(θ) 1 c∗ θβ. (20) I2(n,l)=−2πZnγ<x e−c∗|x|βexp −in1/β! dx | |≤ − 2| | | | and Withr,wedecomposetheright-handsideof(18)toobtain 1 x xl n1/βP{Sn =l}= I(n,l)+J(n,l), I3(n,l)= 2πZnγ<x<rn1/βφn(cid:18)n1/β(cid:19)exp −in1/β! dx. | | Ikedaetal. Page9of15 Therefore, Moreover,ifnislargeenough,then 1 xl 2s (cid:12)(cid:12)n1/βP{Sn =l}− 2πZ ∞e−c∗|x|βexp −in1/β! dx(cid:12)(cid:12) e−c∗|x|β/2 ≤ cs|x|−sβ (|x|>nγ), (cid:12)(cid:12) −∞ (cid:12)(cid:12) ∗ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where s = (1/β)(1+ 1/(2γ)). By replacing the integrand 3 intheright-handsideofthelastinequalityof(23)withthe J(n,l) + I (n,l). k right-handsideoftheaboveinequality,weobtain ≤| | | | Xk=1 Theproofof Proposition4 willbecompleteifwe show 2s+1γ 2s+1γ I (n,l) n 1/2 n δ. (24) thateachtermintheright-handsideoftheaboveinequality | 3 |≤ πcs − ≤ πcs − isboundedbyaconstant(independentofl)multipleofn δ. ∗ ∗ − If n is large enough, then the bound J(n,l) n1/βρn, Thesameargumentasshowing(24)gives | | ≤ whichhasalreadybeenshownabove,yields 1 2s+1γ I (n,l) e c xβ dx n δ. |J(n,l)|≤n−δ. | 2 |≤ 2πZnγ θ − ∗| | ≤ πcs − ≤| | ∗ Withthehelpof Let + |an−bn| = |a−b|(cid:12)(cid:12)n−1an−1−jbj(cid:12)(cid:12) I0(n,l:β,c∗)= 21πZ ∞e−c∗|x|βexp −inx1/lβ! dx (cid:12)(cid:12)Xj=0 (cid:12)(cid:12) −∞ (cid:12) (cid:12) na b(cid:12)(cid:12) (a,b [ (cid:12)(cid:12)1,1]) (22) appearinginProposition4. ≤ | − (cid:12)| ∈ −(cid:12) and φ(θ) 1(θ [ π,π]),(19)impliesthatfor x <rn1/β, Remark5 Whena one-dimensionalrandomwalkis the | |≤ ∈ − | | stronglyaperiodic(A1)withE[X ]=0andE[X 2+ε]< x x 1 | 1| ∞ φn e c xβ n φ e c xβ/n forsomeε (0,1),itisverifiedthat (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:18)n1/β(cid:19)− − ∗| | (cid:12)(cid:12)≤ (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:18)n1/β(cid:19)− − ∗| | (cid:12)(cid:12) ∈ ≤(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) n(cid:12)(cid:12)φ(cid:18)n1x/β(cid:19)− 1−(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) c∗|xn(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)|β!(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) φ(θ)=1− E[2X12]|θ|2+O(|θ|2+ε). (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) xβ (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) +n(cid:12)(cid:12) 1−c∗|n| !−e−(cid:12)c∗|x|β/n(cid:12)(cid:12) In this case, I0(n,l : 2,E[X12]/2) can be computed and (cid:12) (cid:12) Proposition4givesthefollowing. C xβ+εn(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−ε/β+ c2∗ x2βn−1. (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (LocalCentralLimitTheorem)ThereexistC˜1 >0and ≤ ∗| | 2| | N˜ Nsuchthatforn N˜ , 1 1 ∈ ≥ Thus 1 l2 1 x sup(cid:12)n1/2P S =l exp (cid:12) |I1(n,l)| ≤≤ 2π1π βZ|+x|≤Cεn∗γ+(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)φ1n(cid:18)+n12/(β2(cid:19)βc−2∗+e1−)c∗!|xn|β−(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)δd.θ l∈Z (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) { n }− q2E[X12]π −2E[X12]n(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) C˜ n δ, 1 − Itiseasytoverifythatfor x <rn1/β, ≤ | | (25) x c xβ n (cid:12)(cid:12)φn(cid:18)n1/β(cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)≤ 1− 2∗|n| ! ≤e−c∗|x|β/2 w7.h9eirne[δ18=].)min{ε/4,1/2}. (See Remark after Proposition (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) by(20),an(cid:12)dweobta(cid:12)inthat Itiseasytosee |I3(n,l)| ≤ 21πZnγ<|x|<rn1/β(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)φn(cid:18)n1x/β(cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) dx I0(n,l:1,c∗)= π1c2∗+c(∗l/n)2 (n∈N,l∈Z,c∗ >0) 1 (cid:12) (cid:12) ≤ 2πZnγ<x e−c∗|x(cid:12)|β/2dx. (cid:12) (23) andwehavethefollowingcorollaryofProposition4. | | Ikedaetal. Page10of15 Corollary4 If a one-dimensionalrandomwalk satisfies Then, (A1) and (A3) with β = 1, then there exist C > 0 and 2 N2 ∈Nsuchthatforn≥N2, N−1e 2ijπl/Nφn 2jπ =N−1N−1e2ijπ(l˜ l)/NP S [l˜] − − n N N ! ∈ 1 c Xj=0 Xl˜=0 Xj=0 n o sluZp(cid:12)(cid:12)nP{Sn =l}− πc2+(∗l/n)2(cid:12)(cid:12)≤C2n−δ, =NP{Sn ∈[l]N} ∈ (cid:12)(cid:12) ∗ (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) whereδ=m(cid:12)in ε/2,1/2 . (cid:12) since { } Weperformthechangeofvariablest=c xβ ,sothat N−1e2ijπ(l˜ l)/N = N l˜=l . ∗ − ( 0 l˜,l + Xj=0 1 1 1 I (n,0:β,c )= ∞e c xβ dx= Γ . 0 ∗ πZ0 − ∗ βc1/βπ β! Therefore, ∗ Wtheithfotlhloewhienlgpcoofrtohlelaaryb.ovecalculation,Proposition4gives P{Sn ∈[l]N} = N1 N−1φn 2Njπ!e−2jπil/N Xj=0 Corollary5 If a one-dimensionalrandomwalk satisfies N 1 (A1)and(A3),thenthereexistC >0andN Nsuchthat = 1 − φn 2jπ cos 2jπl . 3 3 ∈ N N ! N ! forn N3, Xj=0 ≥ 1 1 Wenotethatφn(θ) Rand n1/βP S =0 Γ C n δ, ∈ (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) { n }− βc1∗/βπ β!(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)≤ 3 − 1 N−1φn 2jπ cos 2jπl R whereδ=(cid:12) min ε/2β,1/2 . (cid:12) N N ! N !∈ { } Xj=0 Proposition5 Ifaone-dimensionalrandomwalksatisfies by(A2).Sowehave (A2),thenforl Zandn 0 N, ∈ ∈{ }∪ 2mπ 2mπl φn cos P S [l] { n ∈ N} N ! N ! 1 2 2jπ 2jπ = N + N φn N !cos N l!+JN(n,l), =φn 2(N−m)π cos 2(N−m)πl . (27) 1 jX(N 1)/2 N ! N ! ≤ ≤ − (26) LetN beanevennumber.Then,by(27), where P S [l] n N { ∈ } 1 = φn(0)cos(0) J (n,l)= (1/N)φn(π)cos(πl) (ifN iseven) N N ( 0 (ifN isodd). 2 2jπ 2jπl + φn cos N N ! N ! Proof. Bythedefinitionofφ(θ), 1 jX(N 1)/2 ≤ ≤ − 1 + φn(π)cos(πl) φn(θ)= eiθkP S =k . N n { } Xk∈Z = 1 + 2 φn 2jπ cos 2jπl N N N ! N ! Thus 1 jX(N 1)/2 ≤ ≤ − 1 2jπ + φn(π)cos(πl). φn = e2ijπk/NP S =k N n N ! { } Xk∈Z Therefore, we have (26) for every even number N. The N 1 = − e2ijπ(l˜+mN)/NP S =l˜+mN proofof(26)foroddnumberissimilarandisomitted. n Xl˜=0 Xm∈Z n o 6 Proof of Theorem1 N 1 = − e2ijπl˜/NP S [l˜] . InthissectionweproveTheorem1.Toproveit,weintro- n N ∈ ducethefollowingProposition. Xl˜=0 n o

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